All about a kiss in a hickey. How to kiss for the first time

It all starts with a kiss. In childhood, our mothers kissed us, thereby showing their love and care. With friends, we kiss at a meeting, showing that we are glad to see them. In a relationship between a guy and a girl, it is impossible to do without a kiss. After all, a kiss shows how much you like a partner. At the beginning of a relationship, it can be a kiss on the cheek or a light touch on the lips. Then comes the time of passion and real kisses in a hickey. For many, this becomes a huge problem. I want to surprise my partner, and indeed not to get into an absurd situation. And then the question arises: "How to learn to kiss in a hickey?". We will try to answer these questions below.

For the first time, it might seem like you don’t know anything.

Everything is quite simple, it is worth learning about some tips and you can begin to practice. Yes, for the first time it may seem that you do not know how, and indeed that you do not like to kiss. But later on you will realize that there is nothing better for expressing your emotions than a kiss. Following these simple tips, you will no longer have the question: "How to learn to kiss in a hickey?"

The first thing you need to know is about fresh breath.

It is rather unpleasant when the partner smells from the mouth is not very pleasant. Then about kisses and there can be no question. It is worthwhile to deal with the causes of an unpleasant odor. It can be, illnessing the oral cavity, ENT - diseases, problems with the gastrointestinal tract, hunger, or simply non-compliance with hygiene. If the former require a consultation with a doctor, then the latter problems can be dealt with independently. Also in this situation, chewing gum is suitable, with which you will always be ready for kisses.

The second thing that should not be done is to rush.

Pounce on a partner with a passionate kiss. It is worth starting with the gentle touch of the lips, let the partner get used to you. Then tighten the touch a little longer and suck the upper lip. When you see that the partner is ready for a kiss and opens his mouth to meet you, it is worth connecting the language. A man must be confident in himself, even if this is his first time. Take the initiative in your own hands and not be very assertive. As for women, it is worth being supple and gentle, to enable the partner to behave.

It is worth remembering that strong salivation can cause disgust and an unpleasant aftertaste. Therefore, it is best to do without a wet kiss.

A well-groomed face is also an important element in a kiss.

Bitten or rough lips, sores near lips, etc. only reduce your chances of a kiss. You should not forget about it and always watch your face. So that your partner always has a desire to kiss you.

Having learned about these simple tips your first kiss will be remembered for a long time. Over time, it will turn out better and better. Do not dwell only on this, it is worth trying something new, experimenting. And then your kiss will be special and bring only pleasure.

Hello and hello! A little ashamed, right, but really necessary .... Tell me, so be so kind as to hickey. Everything you know about him. I will facilitate your request. I’ll ask some questions. And you tell everything you know, focusing on questions. Good? Agreed, I think? Then…. Here is the list:

  1. How do you feel about hickeys?
  2. How often have they been left to you, and if so, where exactly?
  3. Do not you consider this an insult?
  4. Do you know how to put them right?
  5. Do you know how to get rid of them?
  6. What can symbolize suction?
  7. How to “give” it to the lips (how to kiss)?

Sent stories from the girls:

  1. Zoya: I remember how a guy put such a thing to me. I was only sixteen years old. He put me a hickey in the neck. He said that it all happened out of passion. I believed, not angry, not offended. But it was scary to go home. The bruise was so noticeable that she was frightened of the words and reactions of her mother. Many, I think, will understand me now. I’ll tell you how I got rid of this bruise. It was a pity to get rid, but I had no choice. We went to the guy's house and he began to choose ways. To do this, he called his classmate Arina, (a savior - a classmate) offered to rub with a lemon. But it didn’t help. Then we bought a butiaga at the pharmacy. She also advised. And here…. Feel better! Naturally, the bruise did not completely disappear from the neck, but it became much less noticeable. Well, the very finishing touch I applied with foundation. She saved me, mom didn’t notice.
  2. Margarita: There is nothing shameful in these "sucks"! This is not vulgarity or humiliation of any kind! I treat them normally and neutrally. That is, I would not be upset and not happy if I were given it. I can talk about its symbolism. And you read, if you are interested .... This thing is "many faces." The fact is that it can also mean that you are very - very much wanted in the physical sense .... But this may also mean that you are not at all respected. How do you like this inconsistency? Do not delve into this until I finish the description of symbolism. A suction can “talk” about passionate passion. I also remember that this is “not freedom” to some extent.
  3. Milan: Want to learn how to kiss sucker? Learn for yourself! Spontaneously! I relate to this normally. He does not harm others. And this, you see, is worth a lot! And I got a lot of hickeys where. In those "wearable" places that only allow this! I have never been humble. You can blame me if you want. I won’t be offended. The main thing is that you speak and write the truth.

How to get rid of suction? Advice…

  1. Anna: No matter where you get sucked, I help get rid of it! Read what I propose. I will appeal to you on “you”, since we are not familiar: Apply a spoon (any) to suction. First try to squeeze a small one, and then take a large one.
  2. Or: Take ordinary iodine. And lubricate, as it should, the entire bruise with iodine. Just lubricate well and don’t be afraid to touch the “trace”!
  3. Or: Buy any cream or any ointment that will save you from small bruises and large bruises.
  4. Or: Choose a bulb on the market. Cut it into halves. Lubricate with a half the place where it was found.

Even more information - about a kiss:

  1. Irina: Kiss sucking is an individual thing. That is, it is not pleasant to everyone. Let those who love to kiss you at all teach you to kiss like that! Theory is not quite what practice is!
  2. Polina: I don’t know what you found bad in this! There is so much vulgar in the world now .... And vulgar is even worse than a hickey (which, in comparison with vulgarities, can be equated to “flowers” \u200b\u200bin general). But different symbolism happens, in fact, with regard to aspirations. I know a guy who “tagged” a girl with a very noticeable kiss. By this he wanted to say that it belongs only to him. Itself personally saw this "horror", but it can be considered in two ways. Some girls only dream about such a thing .... Although not everyone can admit it.
  3. Angelina: I won’t say anything new when I say that this is an individual thing! Someone considers this vulgarity, someone - rudeness. But there is no crime in this, right? And I'm talking about the same thing now ....
  4. Olga: How do I feel? No way! I have never been given “this,” and somehow I was not eager to do it. I do not consider it offensive and nothing bad comes to mind when I think about it (I did not think before, but now I decided to conduct a small experiment). What can it symbolize about? About nothing! It is just a kiss, but with a little rudeness.
  5. Tina: With an ordinary potato, you can easily get rid of a “bruise of love”. Take the potatoes, of course (raw). Apply to the bruise. And you can somehow reel and grated potatoes to it. And in that, and in this case, the effect will be for sure! If I treated suction normally, then I would not write to you about how to get rid of it. Such deeds!
  6. Olga: Yes! Question ... .. This is a trace of passion. Nothing else, as I think, it does not symbolize. If someone wants to know more, let them “dig around” on the Internet. Because I would be ashamed to go to the library with the question of whether there are books or magazines about hickeys! Why did you start a conversation about the library? Live books I love more than everything virtual!
  7. Tatyana: Everywhere you can put a hickey! Only this "procedure" is full of pain. There is no tenderness in it, no heat at all. I am against such a manifestation of sensuality or passion! And I’m unlikely to change my decision. Therefore, girl, I can not advise you anything, sorry! Kiss your loved one - the coolest kiss in the world!

First you need to figure out what kisses are:




  • "butterfly wings";
  • farewell;
  • kiss with tongue - “French”;
  • kiss in a hickey.

Lips touching the cheeks of friends and relatives is considered a form of greeting and expression of joy. Kissing with friends, relatives at a meeting and goodbye is considered the norm among the loving French and Italians. This tradition also exists among some Slavic peoples.

Kisses between two loving people abound in diversity, forms and feelings. You can kiss “in an adult way” using various techniques, using the tongue and lips.

"Butterfly wings"  represent a gentle touch with a closed mouth of various parts: cheeks, eyes, neck, lips. At this time, you can whisper various tender words in your beloved’s ear.

Goodbye kiss usually occurs at the end of a date or meeting. It is given in gratitude for the given evening. Gentle touches can develop into a passionate impulse, which becomes the harbinger of a stormy night of two lovers.

French kissing  - The most popular and frank expression of the feelings of lovers. His commit with his mouth ajar. Language contact is possible with various improvisation options: stroking, nibbling.

Usually a harbinger of intimacy. Thus, deciding to have sex with a lover, you must be able to kiss correctly. The process should not put a person in a stupor, while making them embarrassed. With a kiss, both partners should enjoy what is happening, be confident and relaxed.

The following tips will help you learn to kiss for the first time:

  1. Do not eat onions, garlic before a date, and also do not drink alcohol and tobacco. It’s especially unpleasant to kiss a drunk woman smelling of cigarettes.
  2. The lips, hands, hair of the girl should be in perfect and tidy condition. The girl should be like sweetie: smelling and beautiful, so that she would like to eat.
  3. Make a romantic setting: dim lights, candles, rose petals, aroma lamps.
  4. Hygiene of the mouth and body. It's no secret that bad breath can discourage even the most loving person to kiss. If there is no way to brush your teeth, then you can use chewing gum, a spray for fresh breath, as well as eat an apple or chew parsley.
  5. Do not freeze in one position. Stroking through the hair, back, shoulders of a loved one will help to relax yourself and your partner during a kiss.
  6. Do not be shy: concentrate on pleasure, not on the technique itself.
  7. Do not be silent. A “wet” kiss can be combined with gentle words and compliments, whispering them in the beloved’s ear.

Proper kissing for the first time will help exercises with a tomato or peach. Imagining the partner's lips as a ripe juicy fruit, you can bring a sea of \u200b\u200bpleasure to yourself and the girl.

The first kiss is the most exciting event in the life of every couple. Learning how to do it right, you can deliver a lot of pleasure to each other.

For young and chaste girls, a dilemma arises: when can I let a guy kiss himself for the first time? It should be noted immediately that any normal guy appreciates a girl who respects herself and does not pounce on her neck on a first date.

According to statistics, 70% of young people on a first date not only kissed, but even entered into sexual intimacy. It is worth noting that such a relationship was not durable. Therefore, if a girl is really expensive, and the guy has serious plans for her, then he will respect her principles and wait as long as necessary.

Each person decides for himself what kind of relationship he wants to build, as well as what he expects from this relationship.

But there is an unwritten rule according to which a decent girl at the first date does not attack the guy and does not allow him anything extra.

A frivolous man, of course, will cool this fact, but interested and serious - on the contrary: will cause more interest in such a lady.

But there are situations when a girl likes a guy, and he has not given her any attention so far. In this case, the young lady must act subtly and wisely, resorting to her feminine charm and cunning.

You can “conquer” a guy so that he’s the first to take the initiative by starting to study the interests of his beloved. For example, if he is a football player, go to a match with him and sincerely root for his team. Only this must be done naturally, rejoicing with him the victory of your favorite team.

If the guy is romantic - walks under the moon, talking about poetry and music should be her main pastime.

But everything should be sincere and natural. A girl should not step over herself to please her beloved. If the guy is a paratrooper, then jumping with him is not necessary at all, but it will be appropriate to come with him and support him.

It should be remembered that a man feels the sincerity of a woman and will necessarily answer her “efforts”.

Sharing the sphere of interests of her beloved, the girl will very quickly be able to achieve reciprocal feelings, as well as subsequent first kisses.

The first kiss with a guy should be sensual and tender. The girl should seem to give the young man a piece of her youth and freshness. It is not necessary to force events quickly, but to show excessive shyness is also wrong.

How to kiss a guy first

In the manifestation of intimate caresses should give initiative to a man. After all, one should not forget that he is a hunter and conqueror. The girl should not be too assertive. However, what if the guy is shy and indecisive?

If the girl feels that the “moment of truth” has arrived, and the guy still does not dare to kiss her after a week of dating, then in this case you can take the first step.

Proper kissing with a guy should be like this:

  1. View inviting gaze. Eyes are the mirror of the soul, they are really better than any words. The partner should openly and directly look into the guy’s eyes, making it clear that she is ready to kiss.
  2. Gently hug your partner and pull him close to you.
  3. Close his eyes and cling to his lips.
  4. Kiss the partner on the lips, and then slightly open his mouth. By this, the girl makes it clear that she is ready for more bold actions.

A loving guy will answer the girl with a passionate French kiss, hugging her tightly. At the first kisses you should not rush things and demonstrate all your skills at once. Constant practice will help to achieve very good results in this matter.

How to kiss with tongue

The French kiss excludes various displays of timidity and insecurity. Usually this happens in a fit of passion, the intensity of love emotions. You should not start such frank caresses if the woman is not ready. A man should be patient and attentive to the desires of his partner.

With intimate caresses, deep penetration of the tongue should be avoided. It should be remembered that a kiss is not a sporting event.

Also, excessive salivation should not be allowed. Too hot a kiss can provoke such an unpleasant phenomenon.

Want something interesting?

To kiss the tongue correctly, you need to take into account the following points:

  1. The quality of a kiss directly depends on the feelings of loving people. The kiss of a guy in love will give the girl an unforgettable experience, even if the young man is inexperienced in cupid affairs. Therefore, it is better to learn to kiss with your favorite boyfriend.
  2. Neat appearance and cleanliness of the body. With an intimate kiss, not only fresh breath is important, but also a pleasant body odor, clean hair aroma, neat manicure, neat clothes. All these aspects create an aura of intimacy.
  3. The girl should observe the measure in cosmetics. "Lick" bitter lipstick is unlikely to please any guy. You must also carefully consider the smell of perfume: they should not be harsh and saturated. On a romantic date, a girl should smell like a flower: fresh, natural, tender.
  4. A kiss should occur naturally and naturally. The guy does not have to tell his beloved that he will kiss her now.
  5. It is not worth holding your breath at all - this is not a sports leap. You need to breathe calmly and naturally.
  6. So that the nose does not interfere in the process, the head should be positioned at an angle to the partner's head.
  7. You need to kiss a guy, hugging him. The wrap of arms around the neck and stroking a partner on the back is a demonstration of tenderness, trust and passion.

The right French kiss technique

French technology does not tolerate any complexes! There should not be any taboos here.

Rules for kissing:

  1. The kiss begins with a light touch on the lips of a partner.
  2. Next, you should close your eyes, cling to the lips of your beloved, slightly open your mouth.
  3. To penetrate the tongue into the mouth of a loved one, touch his tongue and gently hold. Language should not be tense and lethargic. You should remember the main rules: naturalness and ease!
  4. The tongues of lovers should touch each other, stroking each other in different directions and places: along the back, along the edges.
  5. Lips should not be indifferent either. They should touch with the lips of a partner with different intensities: it is stronger, then more tender. Throughout the kiss, the mouths of lovers do not open, as a rule.
  6. Before and after a passionate kiss, you can kiss the face of a partner, this adds a certain share of pleasant sensations.
  7. Depth, speed, kissing method can be changed. You can go from a passionate kiss to a tender one and vice versa.

A passionate kiss occurs with a deep penetration of the tongue. Gentleness is characterized by softness and delicacy.

You can kiss fast or slow. You can combine different techniques, or you can repeat only one. The choice depends only on the desire of two persons.

Learning to kiss the tongue is easy. The perfection of this practice comes empirically and gives an incredible storm of emotions!

When young people feel sympathy for each other, a natural attraction occurs between them, which naturally leads to intimacy. A kiss in a hickey is the first step to rough sex.

You can kiss in a hickey with your tongue (as in the previous version), or you can do without penetrations by gently biting your partner’s lips.

In the first version, the partner’s tongue can caress the girl’s tender lips or penetrate her mouth passionately. The language option delivers more sensual pleasure to both partners.

You need to kiss the tongue with a guy in a hickey, following this technique:

  1. Leaning slightly towards the stalls, you should gently touch his lips with a half-open mouth. If the partner is experienced, he will respond with a touch of the partner’s lips. If this does not happen, then the girl should take the initiative in her own hands.
  2. The guy's tongue should be licked in a circular motion. For many men, the tongue is an erogenous zone; such manipulations give them a lot of pleasure. This must be done carefully so as not to accidentally bite the delicate flesh.
  3. Many men enjoy stroking the inside of their lips with a female tongue. To do this, draw the tongue along the inner contour of the mouth.
  4. Hand position is an important part of lovemaking. A woman should gently hug her beloved's neck, caressing her back, chest, shoulders.

You should listen to the desire of the stalls and do what both like. Do not be afraid of experiments and new sensations.

When kissing, a sucker should breathe through the nose, as breathing through the mouth will not work physically.

Kissing for the first time "in an adult way" may not work out correctly. However, constantly practicing with your beloved partner, you can learn this art, expressing each other tenderness, passion, love affection through kisses.

Today we will answer your question about how to kiss properly, that is, a kiss in French Up to a certain level, you do not need to teach correct kisses, but if you focus on intercourse too much, kisses for some reason fall out of focus. Kisses on the lips with the movements of the tongue very much complement the intercourse in all poses facing each other. Kissing in the chest is very important, because otherwise the woman will lose a significant amount of sensations. Genital kisses are a source of tenderness. Kisses can target any part of the body. How to kiss a girl correctly? kisses can be carried out by the lips, tongue, external genitalia of a woman, eyelashes.

A lot of people like to kiss sucked properly during the whole intercourse and therefore prefer frontal poses “Deep” to kiss correctly sucked when the tongue of one partner enters the mouth of another, can imitate the rhythm of what is happening at the moment with the genitals. A woman can tell a man the rhythm using the movements of the tongue. Some people like to kiss for hours on end, while a woman can have several pleasures. This is the so-called non-genital sex. If you are alone, you can caress and chest. Another possibility is to turn a woman into a “carpet with flowers” \u200b\u200b- to strew her whole body with short tender kisses. Then the woman can do the same, but applying lipstick on her lips will turn out more spectacularly. You can also create a “carpet with flowers” \u200b\u200bwith the tip of your tongue. Moreover, unlike a man, a woman can “kiss” with her labia as well - some women do it delightfully. Eyelashes can be “kissed” and the nipple of the chest, and lips, and the head of the penis, on the whole body.

If you did not kiss her lips, shoulders, neck, breasts, hands, palms, fingers, navel, genitals and earlobes before intercourse, you did not kiss her at all. But it’s not too late to correct the mistake and learn to kiss correctly.

A true correct and beautiful kiss on the lips should be such as to catch your breath, but this does not mean suffocation. Also, as a rule, few people like when the nose is pressed. Before starting sexual activity, brush your teeth well. As for the unpleasant smell of alcohol, garlic, onions, it is impossible to eliminate it. Either it should come from both partners, or it should not be at all. We hope you understand now and know how to kiss correctly with a tongue.

How to learn to kiss correctly: kiss for the first time, with tongue and suction

Learning to kiss, studying the methods and techniques of kisses

  • "butterfly wings";
  • farewell;
  • kiss with tongue - “French”;
  • kiss in a hickey.

Lips touching the cheeks of friends and relatives is considered a form of greeting and expression of joy. Kissing with friends, relatives at a meeting and goodbye is considered the norm among the loving French and Italians. This tradition also exists among some Slavic peoples.

Kisses between two loving people abound in diversity, forms and feelings. You can kiss “in an adult way” using various techniques, using the tongue and lips.

“Butterfly wings” are gentle touches of the various parts of the closed mouth: cheeks, eyes, neck, lips. At this time, you can whisper various tender words in your beloved’s ear.

A goodbye kiss usually occurs at the end of a date or meeting. It is given in gratitude for the given evening. Gentle touches can develop into a passionate impulse, which becomes the harbinger of a stormy night of two lovers.

Kissing in French is the most popular and frank expression of the feelings of lovers. His commit with his mouth ajar. Language contact is possible with various improvisation options: stroking, nibbling.

An erotic kiss usually serves as a harbinger of intimacy. Thus, deciding to have sex with a lover, you must be able to kiss correctly. The process should not put a person in a stupor, while making them embarrassed. With a kiss, both partners should enjoy what is happening, be confident and relaxed.

The following tips will help you learn to kiss for the first time:

  1. Do not eat onions, garlic before a date, and also do not drink alcohol and tobacco. It’s especially unpleasant to kiss a drunk woman smelling of cigarettes.
  2. The lips, hands, hair of the girl should be in perfect and tidy condition. The girl should be like sweetie: smelling and beautiful, so that she would like to eat.
  3. Make a romantic setting: dim lights, candles, rose petals, aroma lamps.
  4. Hygiene of the mouth and body. It's no secret that bad breath can discourage even the most loving person to kiss. If there is no way to brush your teeth, then you can use chewing gum, a spray for fresh breath, as well as eat an apple or chew parsley.
  5. Do not freeze in one position. Stroking through the hair, back, shoulders of a loved one will help to relax yourself and your partner during a kiss.
  6. Do not be shy: concentrate on pleasure, not on the technique itself.
  7. Do not be silent. A “wet” kiss can be combined with gentle words and compliments, whispering them in the beloved’s ear.

Proper kissing for the first time will help exercises with a tomato or peach. Imagining the partner's lips as a ripe juicy fruit, you can bring a sea of \u200b\u200bpleasure to yourself and the girl.

First Date Kiss

The first kiss is the most exciting event in the life of every couple. Learning how to do it right, you can deliver a lot of pleasure to each other.

For young and chaste girls, a dilemma arises: when can I let a guy kiss himself for the first time? It should be noted immediately that any normal guy appreciates a girl who respects herself and does not pounce on her neck on a first date.

According to statistics, 70% of young people on a first date not only kissed, but even entered into sexual intimacy. It is worth noting that such a relationship was not lasting. Therefore, if a girl is really expensive, and the guy has serious plans for her, then he will respect her principles and wait as long as necessary.

Each person decides for himself what kind of relationship he wants to build, as well as what he expects from this relationship.

But there is an unwritten rule according to which a decent girl at the first date does not attack the guy and does not allow him anything extra.

A frivolous man, of course, will cool this fact, but interested and serious - on the contrary: will cause more interest in such a lady.

But there are situations when a girl likes a guy, and he has not given her any attention so far. In this case, the young lady must act subtly and wisely, resorting to her feminine charm and cunning.

You can “conquer” a guy so that he’s the first to take the initiative by starting to study the interests of his beloved. For example, if he is a football player, go to a match with him and sincerely root for his team. Only this must be done naturally, rejoicing with him the victory of your favorite team.

If the guy is romantic - walks under the moon, talking about poetry and music should be her main pastime.

But everything should be sincere and natural. A girl should not step over herself to please her beloved. If the guy is a paratrooper, then jumping with him is not necessary at all, but it will be appropriate to come with him and support him.

It should be remembered that a man feels the sincerity of a woman and will necessarily answer her “efforts”.

Sharing the sphere of interests of her beloved, the girl will very quickly be able to achieve reciprocal feelings, as well as subsequent first kisses.

The first kiss with a guy should be sensual and tender. The girl should seem to give the young man a piece of her youth and freshness. It is not necessary to force events quickly, but to show excessive shyness is also wrong.

How to kiss a guy first

In the manifestation of intimate caresses should give initiative to a man. After all, one should not forget that he is a hunter and conqueror. The girl should not be too assertive. However, what if the guy is shy and indecisive?

If the girl feels that the “moment of truth” has arrived, and the guy still does not dare to kiss her after a week of dating, then in this case you can take the first step.

Proper kissing with a guy should be like this:

  1. View inviting gaze. Eyes are the mirror of the soul, they are really better than any words. The partner should openly and directly look into the guy’s eyes, making it clear that she is ready to kiss.
  2. Gently hug your partner and pull him close to you.
  3. Close his eyes and cling to his lips.
  4. Kiss the partner on the lips, and then slightly open his mouth. By this, the girl makes it clear that she is ready for more bold actions.

A loving guy will answer the girl with a passionate French kiss, hugging her tightly. At the first kisses you should not rush things and demonstrate all your skills at once. Constant practice will help to achieve very good results in this matter.

How to kiss with tongue

The French kiss excludes various displays of timidity and insecurity. Usually this happens in a fit of passion, the intensity of love emotions. You should not start such frank caresses if the woman is not ready. A man should be patient and attentive to the desires of his partner.

With intimate caresses, deep penetration of the tongue should be avoided. It should be remembered that a kiss is not a sporting event.

Also, excessive salivation should not be allowed. Too hot a kiss can provoke such an unpleasant phenomenon.

Want something interesting?

To kiss the tongue correctly, you need to take into account the following points:

  1. The quality of a kiss directly depends on the feelings of loving people. The kiss of a guy in love will give the girl an unforgettable experience, even if the young man is inexperienced in cupid affairs. Therefore, it is better to learn to kiss with your favorite boyfriend.
  2. Neat appearance and cleanliness of the body. With an intimate kiss, not only fresh breath is important, but also a pleasant body odor, clean hair aroma, neat manicure, neat clothes. All these aspects create an aura of intimacy.
  3. The girl should observe the measure in cosmetics. "Lick" bitter lipstick is unlikely to please any guy. You must also carefully consider the smell of perfume: they should not be harsh and saturated. On a romantic date, a girl should smell like a flower: fresh, natural, tender.
  4. A kiss should occur naturally and naturally. The guy does not have to tell his beloved that he will kiss her now.
  5. It is not worth holding your breath at all - this is not a sports leap. You need to breathe calmly and naturally.
  6. So that the nose does not interfere in the process, the head should be positioned at an angle to the partner's head.
  7. You need to kiss a guy, hugging him. The wrap of arms around the neck and stroking a partner on the back is a demonstration of tenderness, trust and passion.

The right French kiss technique

French technology does not tolerate any complexes! There should not be any taboos here.

Rules for kissing:

  1. The kiss begins with a light touch on the lips of a partner.
  2. Next, you should close your eyes, cling to the lips of your beloved, slightly open your mouth.
  3. To penetrate the tongue into the mouth of a loved one, touch his tongue and gently hold. Language should not be tense and lethargic. You should remember the main rules: naturalness and ease!
  4. The tongues of lovers should touch each other, stroking each other in different directions and places: along the back, along the edges.
  5. Lips should not be indifferent either. They should touch with the lips of a partner with different intensities: it is stronger, then more tender. Throughout the kiss, the mouths of lovers do not open, as a rule.
  6. Before and after a passionate kiss, you can kiss the face of a partner, this adds a certain share of pleasant sensations.
  7. Depth, speed, kissing method can be changed. You can go from a passionate kiss to a tender one and vice versa.

A passionate kiss occurs with a deep penetration of the tongue. Gentleness is characterized by softness and delicacy.

You can kiss fast or slow. You can combine different techniques, or you can repeat only one. The choice depends only on the desire of two persons.

Learning to kiss the tongue is easy. The perfection of this practice comes empirically and gives an incredible storm of emotions!

When young people feel sympathy for each other, a natural attraction occurs between them, which naturally leads to intimacy. A kiss in a hickey is the first step to rough sex.

You can kiss in a hickey with your tongue (as in the previous version), or you can do without penetrations by gently biting your partner’s lips.

In the first embodiment, the partner’s tongue can caress the girl’s tender lips or penetrate passionately into her mouth. The language option delivers more sensory pleasure to both partners.

You need to kiss the tongue with a guy in a hickey, following this technique:

  1. Leaning slightly towards the stalls, you should gently touch his lips with a half-open mouth. If the partner is experienced, he will respond with a touch of the partner’s lips. If this does not happen, then the girl should take the initiative in her own hands.
  2. The guy's tongue should be licked in a circular motion. For many men, the tongue is an erogenous zone; such manipulations give them a lot of pleasure. This must be done carefully so as not to accidentally bite the delicate flesh.
  3. Many men enjoy stroking the inside of their lips with a female tongue. To do this, draw the tongue along the inner contour of the mouth.
  4. Hand position is an important part of lovemaking. A woman should gently hug her beloved's neck, caressing her back, chest, shoulders.

You should listen to the desire of the stalls and do what both like. Do not be afraid of experiments and new sensations.

When kissing, a sucker should breathe through the nose, as breathing through the mouth will not work physically.

Kissing for the first time "in an adult way" may not work out correctly. However, constantly practicing with your beloved partner, you can learn this art, expressing each other tenderness, passion, love affection through kisses.

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How to learn to kiss correctly

Many boys and girls do not know how to kiss and do not know how to learn to kiss correctly with or without a partner, for the first time, sucking or tongue with a guy or girl, because they have no practice. You can learn everything if you have a desire and desire, but you do not need to turn a real kiss into something incomprehensible and terrible.

In the article you will learn how to learn to kiss correctly, for the first time, sucking or with the tongue without a partner or with a guy and a girl. Indeed, in fact, all this is much simpler than you think and everyone can learn this in a short time. But in order to learn how to professionally and correctly kiss a girl or a guy, you need practice, not theory.

To learn how to kiss correctly, you need to mentally imagine that person with whom you would like to kiss and mentally start kissing with him for 5-10 minutes. This will allow you to at least have an idea of \u200b\u200bkisses. Watch movies, videos, series, where people kiss correctly and beautifully.

Remember and start scrolling daily again as you kiss the guy or girl of your dreams. Then, when in reality you start kissing with someone for the first time, then you can get it pretty and correctly, and no one will even guess that before that you did not know how to kiss at all.

How to learn to kiss for the first time

In order to learn how to kiss a guy or a girl for the first time, you certainly need to prepare emotionally and have the courage, because without practice you won’t know how well you kiss and what specifically you should correct in kisses. Not everyone today knows how to kiss properly, because they do not look after themselves during a kiss and do not try to somehow improve it.

After all, a guy or a girl may not even tell you how you kiss good or bad, and this is a problem, because of this the majority believes that they kiss perfectly, but in fact it is not.

How to learn to kiss passionately

To learn how to kiss sucking properly, you only need practice, because without it you will never learn to kiss, even in suction. Everyone can learn to kiss passionately if they want, but only your partner or partner will appreciate whether this will be the right kiss.

Therefore, it is advisable to find a guy or girl with whom you can learn to kiss and after a kiss, do not forget to argue how you liked or not, the guy or girl is your kiss. The most important thing to learn to kiss passionately is to develop the habit of closing your eyes during a kiss. It looks romantic and the kiss seems more correct and pleasant.

How to learn to kiss without a partner

Also, many are afraid to kiss with a partner and therefore want to know how to learn to kiss without a partner, for example, using tomatoes. Learning to kiss a tomato is not difficult or even funny, but don’t get carried away too much and start real kisses with a real person.

A kiss can be gentle, affectionate, careful, light, like the wings of a butterfly. And it can be passionate, hot, burning. Or imperious, conquering, all-consuming, forcing to forget about everything. How to kiss a girl in a particular case?

French kiss, or kiss passionately - the most romantic and erotic kind of intimate caresses. The best way to learn how to kiss passionately is to try all possible methods and techniques in practice. If a girl constantly kisses the guy’s upper lip with a kiss, it means her leadership is very developed, she likes to rule in relationships. One needs to kiss this skillfully and imperiously, dragging his tongue through her sky and sucking her lips tightly in turn. The main thing is to feel the measure in everything.

There is nothing worse than a too wet or a deep kiss. If a girl tries to pull away a little, then it should slow down. If she breathes noisily, lifting her breasts, then the excitement is at the limit, and it's time to use the tongue to the fullest. Naturally, do not immediately invade her mouth. You need to start with delicate touches, a slow play of lips and tongues. An excellent technique is to take her chin (not rudely, but firmly) and, turning her face to herself, lean toward her and begin to kiss.

This is a classic from old Hollywood films, it always works. In the modern version, you can start a kiss in this position with the provocative licking of her lips with the tongue. Then you need to slowly stick your tongue between her lips and examine the entire inner part of the mouth, playfully fight her tongue, gently stroke it with your tongue. You can gently bite the girl’s lips, and also suck on her tongue, clutching her lips. Her hands should not be inactive - they will find something to do in the most sensitive to touch corners of her body.

There is a general rule - sensations from kisses are most often mutual. That is, if you liked it, then both partners liked it. In the opposite direction, this principle works the same way. Therefore, for a successful kiss, you should listen to your feelings.

If the first kiss, it is better to start slowly, to understand what rhythm and what intensity will suit both. If the girl does not have time to respond to the movements of the lips and tongue of her partner, it is better to slow down and move on to quieter and gentle movements. If the partner is trying to move away a little, then you should slow down. If, on the contrary, she breathes heavily and noisily, and her breasts heaves, then the girl is excited to the limit, and it's time to put the tongue in use. Kisses on the lips can be alternated with caresses of the neck, shoulders, fingers.

Sometimes assertiveness is also good - the effect of surprise is very exciting. For example, during an evening walk along the alley, you can suddenly grab a girl and hold him tightly against you, digging into her lips with a juicy, fiery kiss. It is guaranteed that the young lady does not have time to come to her senses and does not begin to resist, and does not want to do this. You can try the teenage version of the kiss sucked - with wide open mouths, tightly pressed to each other. In the resulting space two playful languages \u200b\u200bare smartly and impudently wielding.

In general, the main secret of a wonderful kiss is diversity. It is necessary to alternate awe and passion, enthusiasm and shyness, tenderness and self-will. You need to try to learn all the ways to express your love and give the girl as many pleasant feelings as possible. You can start kissing passionately with a playful exchange of sweets, berries, sweets and other goodies - put them in your mouth and offer your partner to treat herself, passing her taste with her tongue and lips.

During the kiss, there is not only an increase in the level of endorphins in the blood, but also the prevention of cardiovascular diseases, as well as the strengthening of immunity. How to kiss passionately, nature will tell you, instinct, but, most importantly - the heart.

A kiss is not just an exchange of saliva, it is an act of intimacy and trust, and in psychological terms there is such a pattern - the more a couple kisses without the intention to complete this lesson in bed, the stronger their relationship and deeper feelings. It is better not to interrupt the kiss for conversations, this can disrupt the atmosphere of intimacy and romance. It is better to speak in low tones, ideally in a whisper, in your ear.