How to buy a mink coat. How to choose a mink coat: expert advice

We are glad to see you, dear readers, on our blog. Get involved in the conversation! Today he will talk about how to choose a mink coat. Some prefer to prepare a fur coat, like a sled, in the summer, taking advantage of seasonal discounts. Others delay to the last, and rush to the store when they already want to warm up. So this question is relevant at any time of the year. Read the article to the end, and we will reveal all the secrets of a successful purchase!

Buying a fur coat is no easy task. How can you foresee everything? It is clear that we do not buy winter clothes every day for lunch or dinner, so we expect to wear them for at least several seasons. Especially since winter days, when you can walk a mink coat without damage, - count on your fingers.

A bit of theory

The Americans were the first to breed mink industrially. At world auctions, the skins of the North American mink are distinguished by a thick, long undercoat, which makes them visually lush and velvety. Soon, the Scandinavians surpassed the Americans in terms of the number of redeemed skins in the 1950s. Their product had a thick undercoat, the length of which highlighted the outer pile. Due to this combination, the fur shimmered beautifully. Russian minks were recognized as the most beautiful in the world. The silver-blue color of the skins made the hearts of fashionistas tremble.

Now a high-quality fur coat is included in the basic women's wardrobe, more about which can be found in. Did you know that mink has about 350 shades? An inexperienced buyer in the store's eyes run wide! Let's go through the main groups:

After we have become experts in theory, we can safely proceed to the “practical exercises” on choosing a fur coat:

The algorithm of actions in the store

The first rule of any purchase, and even more so for the purchase of a long-awaited new thing, is to choose the right seller. Don't want to be deceived? Never buy anything from dubious places. We follow the rule: we avoid crossings, ads, markets, tents, from the hands of acquaintances, strangers and other strange outlets. The amount required to purchase a fur coat is large enough to give it away for a low-quality product.

Only specialized stores, large centers, trusted online stores! We go in, do not succumb to the persuasion of sales consultants. As a rule, their task is to “sell” stale goods, a style that is not fashionable in 2018. We pass the rows with a short-lived rabbit, an old-fashioned raccoon, a sable. Here they are, our minks! The most durable fur. In addition, the least affected by weather quirks. There is a sober choice, an accurate calculation. Listen to the advice of professionals:

  1. Compare the look. A shiny, iridescent mink speaks of good quality skins. But if the surface looks greasy, with sticky pile, the update should remain on the store hanger;
  2. Smell the product. Bad smell rancid fat, sharp, chemical - a reason to abandon this option.
  3. Swipe several times over the pile in different. If you see detached villi, it is better to abandon the fur coat.
  4. Stroke again against the wool. High-quality pile - obedient, lively, it immediately takes its original position.
  5. Let's move on to the inside. The fewer seams, the longer the mink will be worn. A product made of pieces will only last two or three seasons. But remember that minks are naturally small animals. If you are offered a mink coat, fragments of which are more than 70 cm long, you should think about the authenticity of the model.
  6. If there is a lining, ask the seller in the store to cut off the edge. He is obliged to do this, because the quality of the flesh speaks volumes. The smooth, light, without cracks seamy side of a skin testifies to high quality.

More in the video:

Most responsible: fitting

Without this ritual, there is no joy in acquiring a long-awaited thing. No matter how beautiful the fur coat looks on the hanger, be sure to take the time to try it on. Ideally, walk around the salon in it for 5-7 minutes. At the slightest feeling of inconvenience, heaviness, the desire to quickly throw off our shoulders, we refuse this specimen without regret.

Raise, lower your arms, try to sit down, bend over, move around. Even in the photo, a narrow or short furry product looks cheap, as they say, as if from someone else's shoulder. Remember how to distinguish a quality item from a fake? Do you feel any discomfort? Have you chosen a good, your fur coat? Then we go to the checkout.

Wait for the purchase receipt and be sure to save the document. It's one thing to try it on in a store, it's another to take it to your own home. Turn around in front of your mirror, try on a fur coat with dresses, handbags. A fur product is not a down jacket, which has many combinations. By the way, you can read in detail about the topic of what to wear a down jacket with in the article. And remember that within 14 days you have the legal right to return the goods.

How to wear and care for a coat

Having brought a new thing home, determine a place for it in the wardrobe: away from batteries, without direct access to sunlight and, of course, without moths. It is optimal if the fur coat is stored in a special breathable cover. It's one thing when you go to walk a mink under the winter sun, and another thing when the sun will highlight one side of it all day long.

  • do not wet, wash, iron;
  • do not dry at high temperatures;
  • when getting into the car, try to raise the long floors and turn off the seat heating;
  • refuse to wear a handbag on your shoulder, the fur is erased from the strap.

For more hair care tips, see the video:

Well, it seems that everyone has discussed how to choose a mink fur coat. If you have any questions, ask them through the comments. Share your new knowledge with your friends, colleagues by giving them a link to our article. See you soon, girls! Only happy shopping!

It has long been more than a fur coat - it is a kind of symbol of beauty and sophistication, durability and status. But all this is true only in one case: if such women's fur clothing is made of quality materials and sewn with all the important nuances. Therefore, it is very important to correctly evaluate the proposed product! To make it easier for you to navigate in this situation, we have compiled for you the 10 most important recommendations on how to choose the right mink coat when buying.

Carefully study the fur coat step by step

The main advice: be careful and study the coat you like in stages, characteristic by characteristic. If you stick to our list, you should not have any particular difficulties.

Rule number 1: look at the fur in detail

The assessment of this fur clothing should begin with an inspection of the pile. It should be as if flowing, with a characteristic noticeable brilliance. If the fur is dull, then with a high degree of probability we can say that the rules for storing such material were violated - and therefore it is probably less wear-resistant. Also in the question of how to choose a mink coat, expert advice always affects the density of the fur. He needs a uniform density, without bald patches (they form if the animal bites itself) - this is considered a marriage.

Fur is not just about looking at it, it's critically important to touch it. First of all, run your hand over it against the nap. It should immediately return to its original position! Otherwise, you'd be better off not buying. Still shake the fur coat, pull it by the fur: it is unacceptable that individual villi fall out, and even more so bunches: such clothes will quickly lose all their gloss. Plus another tip how to choose a mink coat: smell the fur - a characteristic musky or other unpleasant odor is unacceptable.

Rule number 3: inspect the fluff near the skin

Mink fur has always been valued for its ability to keep warm in cold weather. Almost the main merit is the presence of a thick fluff at the surface of the skin. To make sure of its quality, part the pile on the appraised clothing. Ideally, it should be light and tender, but thick. Sometimes it is acceptable if the fluff is not too dense - this is possible when making a fur coat from “summer” skins, when the mink sheds and gets rid of excess “insulation” (such fur is less warm, but also lighter). But if there is no fluff at all, this is a reason to look for another model.

Rule number 4: make sure the fur is authentic

If you want to know how to buy a mink coat correctly, then you must know how to distinguish such fur from a fake. After all, the market is full of clothes that are sewn from lower quality and cheaper materials, but by dyeing and cutting they try to pass off as a prestigious mink. Most often, a rabbit is used for this: its fur is close in its own way. appearance. But there is still a difference between them. In rabbits, the pile is shorter, and at the same time, the length may differ in different areas, and the fur itself is noticeably softer.

Rule number 5: study the seams from the inside

To make sure how well the fur clothing is sewn, you need to examine its seams. To make it easier for you to figure out how to choose a mink coat, the tips are as follows. First, manufacturers often make these garments unlined—perfect when you want to inspect the inside. If there is a lining, find out if there is a ripped edge. It is left just to check the strength of the seam. Second tip: pay attention to the number of seams - the fewer the better. Third: avoid glued fur coats, they are the least durable.

Rule number 6: check the core

Mezdra is called the underside of dressed leather, or, more simply, the reverse side of the skins from which it is sewn. mink coat. By its condition, you can determine how well the fur was processed and prepared. The correct mezdra should be shiny, but without excess fat, soft and elastic, but strong. Also, it should not have cracks, increased dryness is excluded, otherwise the skin will creak when compressed and twisted. Plus correct color- light. Yellow indicates the excessive old age of the material.

Rule number 7: decide on painting

When discussing how to choose a mink coat when buying, you can not get around the question of the color of such clothes. Color itself is a matter of taste. But it is important to decide for yourself whether you want fur of a natural color or dyed in trendy shade? If the latter, then you need to check the quality of the painting of the fur coat. To do this, you can conduct a small test. Take white handkerchief, wet, and then run it over the fur. If after that the fabric changes its color, then the coloring is of poor quality and will quickly shed and come off.

Rule number 8: try on a fur coat

It is impossible to purchase such fur clothes without trying on - this is an axiom. After all, only in this way you can understand whether it suits you, whether it is convenient for you in it. Therefore, it is important to determine how to choose the size of a mink coat. First of all, it should not be tight, as they say, tight-fitting: a suitable fur coat does not hinder movement. Be sure to walk around in it for at least 3-5 minutes to understand whether it is pressing in the shoulders, collar, whether the clothes are heavy. And try: it's better to spend an hour trying on all the models, but find the best one for yourself.

Rule #9: Consider Design

This advice is more related not to the quality of the fur coat as such, but to the purchase in general. The style of such clothes depends solely on your preferences: it can be long or short, trendy or traditional in its cut. But here it is important to understand how to choose the right mink coat depending on your goals. If you are going to wear these clothes for 5-7 years (and a high-quality fur coat has a “resource” of 10 or more years), then you should stop at the classics - it will not become outdated by the next season.

Rule #10: Choose a seller

We must be honest to the end: without certain experiences and skills, it is very difficult to figure out whether a fur coat and fur are good in front of you, even with such advice. After all, if you set a goal, many shortcomings can be hidden. Therefore, the main answer to the question of how to choose a quality mink coat is simple: choose not so much clothes as a seller. The market and little-known shops are not the best place to purchase such clothes, no matter how attractive their prices. It is better to overpay in a trusted place, but be sure of the quality of your fur coat!

No matter what major changes are taking place in fashion industry, mink fur always remains the standard of femininity and prosperity. In order for the product to be worn for many years, you need to know how to choose the right mink coat. High-quality mink is not afraid of precipitation, it does not lose its original attractiveness for a long time.

The fur of this animal is highly valued, products from it always remain popular and are not cheap, so manufacturers often save on tailoring or even offer non-authentic goods. Unfortunately, with the development modern technologies the probability of meeting a fake has increased even in trusted outlets. In order not to fall for the bait of scammers, study the recommendations of experts on how to choose the right mink coats.

What nuances you need to pay attention to:

  • The high quality of the product will pay off with a vengeance. After all, good furs will be worn for more than 10 years without losing their original attractiveness.
  • Affordable mink products are made of brown shades of fur. The darker the tone, the more expensive the mink.
  • At an average price, furs of a red, blue and gray hue are sold.
  • The high price category includes products made from undyed white furs.
  • Valuable and elite is considered a black mink with a sheen of color, reminiscent of velvet to the touch.
  • High price doesn't always mean quality. Perhaps this shopping center is just a high markup. When buying, focus not only on the cost, but also on the quality of the goods.

How to determine the quality of a mink coat

Carefully inspect the fur coat, feel the fur, if possible, look behind the lining to assess the quality of the mezdra (the reverse side of the skin). It is better to choose not in the market, but in a specialized store. In this case, the chance of running into a fake is minimal. Keep in mind that furs made in our country are not bad, but European manufacturers pay more attention to the quality of material and tailoring.

How to choose quality fur coat:

  • Run your hand against the direction of the villi, a good mink fur will quickly take its original position.
  • Dark and dull furs, as well as uneven color, indicate the old age of the skin.
  • After contact with a fur product, hairs and fluff should not remain on the hand.
  • The fewer seams on the wrong side, the longer the purchase will last.
  • Rub the dyed fur with a light handkerchief, while the surface of the fabric should remain clean.
  • Quality fur should be thick, with a good undercoat.
  • Ask the seller for a certificate. The markings on it and on the label must match.
  • High-quality mezdra is soft, elastic, without cracks, does not make creaking sounds when pressed.

A mink coat is an expensive pleasure. In the market of fur products, it costs at least 40 thousand rubles. Therefore, women choose a fur coat carefully. When choosing, you need to know by what criteria the quality of fur, fur products is evaluated.

Main parameters for determining quality outerwear professional fur businessmen:

Before buying, learn about the methods for determining the quality of mink fur. Do not trust sellers, as their main task is to sell goods.

Exist simple ways determining the quality of the fur yourself:

  1. Swipe the fur with your hand against the growth of hairs, it will immediately restore its previous position. Here it should be noted that the pile does not stick out in different directions.
  2. Take a look at the fur. Under the outer pile, there should be fluff, shorter hairs. The reliability of a fur coat in severe frosts depends on them.
  3. Examine the fur coat with your hands. If villi stick to the hands, the fur is of poor quality. Also, the seller must allow the fur to be pulled, which will also help determine the quality of the fur.

The pile should not fall out. Otherwise, your fur coat will constantly shed and lose its presentation after the first months of wearing.

  • Another way is to smell. Smell the future fur coat. Extraneous chemical odors should not come from it, only natural ones.
  • Examine the fur coat from the inside. The lining fabric, the quality of tailoring, the size and evenness of the stitches, the durability of the socks will depend on this.
  • If the mink is dyed, we check the quality of the application. To do this, take a piece of light fabric, rub the pile. If traces remain on the fabric, the toning is of poor quality.
  • Check that there are no traces of rust, faded areas of wool on the wool.
  • When choosing a fur coat, choose the right size, model. Please note that the mink product is for winter, you will have to wear warm clothes under it. When worn, it should be comfortable, not constrain, fit current trends fashion.

    Consider what types of mink are used to make expensive fur coats:

    • Living in North America, Canada. Black mink blackglama is especially appreciated. Its fur is velvety and durable. Blackglam mink is sold at auctions and has a very high cost.
    • Scandinavian. Lives in North America, Denmark, Finland. Cheaper than the North American, but comes in a variety of colors. From blue, gray, to brown and black.
    • Living in Russia. Bred new breeds of North American mink, but with warmer fur and a long pile.

    When buying a fur product, find out information about the manufacturer, this is also very important. Manufacturers must be well-known in the fur market, in proven fur salons. In the salon, the seller must present a quality certificate to convince you of the authenticity of the mink product.

    Many couturiers will sew a fur coat from another animal so that a simple housewife cannot distinguish a mink from a groundhog or a rabbit. Here you need to know the structure of the fur. Mink fur is stiffer, rougher to the touch than rabbit fur, and marmot hairs are generally prickly.

    To achieve a unique resemblance of a rabbit with a mink, its fur is plucked in a special way. But when viewed personally, it is noticeable that the undercoat has different length or it is the same length with the outer pile. So - in front of you is a rabbit.

    To distinguish a mink from a marmot, you need to take the pile in a fist and slowly release it. If the fur flows one-dimensionally, quickly takes its former position - a mink, and if it leaves stripes that separate the lines of the pile from each other, and when it returns to its previous state it has a feeling of wrinkling, this is a marmot.

    After the purchase, all methods can be carried out at home again to make sure that the fur is 100% natural.

    When auctioning Blackglam mink skins, they are checked for naturalness. A label is sewn to each skin indicating the type of mink. The label must be white with a black inscription, and when viewing it under ultraviolet rays, you can see an invisible word.

    Each label has a number printed on it. The serial number can be used to determine the authenticity of the skin. Each number can be found in the skins register on Blackglam's website.

    Today, it is customary to chip fur coats. Chipping will reveal counterfeit goods. The barcode is applied to outerwear in the event that the lining of the product or the product itself is made of fur. But if there is only fur trim (collar, sleeve, pocket), then the chip is not applied.

    A KiZ chip is attached to each fur coat. The country of origin is determined by the chip. If the chip is green - Russia, red - the fur coat was brought from European countries. The marking can be sewn into the seam of the product, sewn onto the main label.

    If an outerwear store sells goods that are not labeled, then this is fraught with penalties, up to and including confiscation.

    What fur to choose a fur coat? Of course, mink! This luxurious, delicate, shiny fur is today considered almost the main accessory of a real lady. A high-quality mink coat will faithfully serve you for many years. But how to choose a mink coat is a serious question, because you can rarely afford such an expensive purchase. Therefore, before you go for the fur coat of your dreams, find out the main criteria for the right choice!

    Today, mink coats are classified as elite fur products. The history of their mass creation began in the 18th century in Europe from a local mink. In the 19th century, the skins of larger American animals began to be used. And it was during this period that American manufacturers laid the foundations for high-quality dressing of high-quality furs. Therefore, now it is American ones that are quoted higher, and not, for example, Chinese mink coats. Although European products are also quite good.

    Buy natural fur coat no problem. The main thing is to know a few tips. The nuances are different. Inspect the product carefully. The quality indicators of a good fur coat are as follows.

    1. Shiny, flowing, iridescent fur. If the coat looks faded and dull, the fur has been improperly processed or stored in inappropriate conditions.
    2. Elastic villi. Between the pile of mink fur there is a large volume of air, which makes the fur coat look so fluffy. When smoothing, the villi should quickly return to their original position. A good pile is elastic, obedient, equal in length and density, does not fall out when you try to pinch off a piece. If the pile sticks together in places or looks greasy, it was made of poor quality. By the way, it is thanks to the presence of an air gap under the pile that the fur coat will be warm in the most severe frost. Therefore, when asked what is warmer - a fur coat or a sheepskin coat, experts will answer you: of course, a fur coat! In a sheepskin coat, the ability to retain heat is much lower.
    3. Long lasting color dyed fur. If you are planning to buy a dyed mink coat, swipe over the product with a damp light cloth. It shouldn't change color.
    4. High-quality dressing of the mezdra (back side of the skin). It is distinguished by softness, elasticity, the absence of cracks and squeaks when pressed. Usually recognized manufacturers do not use lining in their products - this indicates that they have nothing to hide from the buyer. If there is a lining, ask the seller to cut off its edge to get acquainted with the quality of the mezdra. This request will not be denied to you in any self-respecting salon.
    5. Minimum seams. The fewer seams reverse side product, the longer it will look like new. If you notice that the fur coat is sewn from many small pieces, it is better to refuse the purchase, as it will “spread out” after a couple of seasons.

    How to choose a mink coat: color, length, style

    What is the price of a mink coat. The cost of a mink coat depends not only on the quality of the fur, but also on its color:

    • most affordable coat- from light to dark brown tones (the darker, the more expensive);
    • mid-range coat- from dyed fur of red, beige, gray, blue colors;
    • high price fur coat- "tourmaline", it is distinguished by a smoky color, the effect of which is formed as a result of the transition of the beige tone of the undercoat to the dark outer fur;
    • expensive mink coat- from white undyed fur;
    • exclusive, elite mink- black, with a shimmer of blue or purple tones, reminiscent of velvet. These products are made from North American mink.

    When choosing the length of a fur coat, be guided by your preferences in clothing. If you are used to wearing skirts and dresses, in winter it will be warmer in a floor-length fur coat. If you often wear trousers, a sheepskin coat is also suitable.

    The styles of mink fur coats can be different, and the choice should not be guided by fashion trends. After all, you buy a fur coat for more than one year (a quality product will look like new even after 5 years of wear). Therefore, the main thing is that it suits you. Put on a fur coat, raise and lower your hands, take a walk. Are you comfortable and do not restrict movement? Then this is your option!

    Mink coat accessories

    A mink coat is an absolutely self-sufficient product that does not need additional decorations. No ways of tying scarves or the most stylish belts her nobility and charm will not be emphasized. You can wear a mink coat:

    • with gold jewelry. Mink and gold are classic luxury styles. Put on a pair of gold rings, one large ring or precious metal bracelet. And do not combine gold and silver in your image, as you will look tasteless;
    • with boots and ankle boots of your choice. Shoes can be leather or suede, its color should be in harmony with the fur coat. So, brown boots are suitable for a red mink, and white boots for a blue one;
    • with a handbag to match the boots;
    • with a mink hat, hat or stylish beret. If you choose a mink hat, its color does not have to match the color of the fur coat, but be combined with it in tone. Other hats should be plain, you can choose them in the color of the handbag and boots.

    Use our tips on how to choose a mink fur coat. And admire your magnificence of acquaintances and girlfriends!
