How to bleach a white down scarf? How to bleach a down scarf at home How to bleach a cobweb scarf at home

Knitted openwork down scarves will retain their beauty and fluffiness for a long time if you care for them properly. In particular, they need to be protected, stored neatly folded separately from other items and washed as rarely as possible. If the need for washing does arise, this must be done extremely carefully, in compliance with all rules and regulations. But we will tell you in this article how to properly wash and bleach a down scarf at home so as not to spoil it.

Basic rules for washing down scarves

To ensure that your down shawl serves you as long as possible, remember the following simple rules:

  1. Only special detergent for woolen items is used.
  2. A down scarf can only be washed by hand and very carefully.
  3. The water temperature should not be higher than 35 0 C.
  4. You should also rinse with lukewarm water and also very carefully.
  5. Do not squeeze or twist.
  6. It can only be dried completely flat.

By following these rules, you can not be afraid of ruining your favorite scarf by washing it yourself at home. And so that the result is always positive, we will tell you how the whole process goes step by step.


Before you put the down scarf in a basin to wash, you need to prepare it. To do this, carefully comb it by hand massage brush, being careful not to touch the loops with the teeth. In this way, they try to fluff the hairs so that when washing they do not roll into lumps.

After combing, start washing. Pour warm water and dissolve wool detergent. Then put the scarf there. After half an hour, when the dirt and dust have soaked a little, gently squeeze it with your hands, trying not to stretch or squeeze it in your palms unnecessarily. The movements should be light, caressing, as if you were touching the fur of a kitten.

You need to rinse with exactly the same movements, changing the water several times. To soften the fluff, you can add 2-3 tablespoons of vinegar or wool conditioner at the end.

Advice! The gossamer scarf has a particularly fine, openwork knit. When washing, you should not squish it, but splash it in the water, making oscillatory movements with your hands.


After you wash the scarf, let the water drain. You cannot squeeze it, crumpling it, much less twist it, otherwise the fabric will stretch and become deformed.

A down shawl absorbs a lot of water, so for better spin it can be laid out on a large fly towel, and then rolled together with it. Excess moisture will thus be quickly absorbed by the fabric, and the fabric of the scarf will not be deformed.

The web scarf requires even more careful handling. It is squeezed out, carefully passing it through your fingers.


The entire washing result depends on how correctly you dry your down scarf. At home, this is best done on a special frame. Its dimensions must completely coincide with the size of the scarf. You will need to nail nails along the edges of the slats in order to pull the shawl over them. Their number should be equal to the number of teeth on the edge of the scarf.

Let us clarify that you cannot stretch the canvas by hanging it on nails. This way you will only break it. To hang a scarf, you need to pass a strong nylon thread through the edges of its teeth before washing. The subsequently washed product is then hooked onto it.

If there is no frame, proceed as follows. Spread a clean sheet on the table or floor, and then lay out the shawl on it. Shake it from time to time to fluff up the fluff.

Advice! To fluff up a down scarf, place it in a bag after washing and then place it on the freezer shelf. Freezing water will expand and add volume to the wool fibers.

How to remove yellow spots?

White down scarves often develop yellow spots over time. You can’t get rid of them when washing, and you can’t use stronger products. What to do in this case and bleach a down scarf without ruining it? At home, this can be done using hydrogen peroxide and ammonia.

Dissolve hydrogen peroxide in water at the rate of 20 ml for every 100 g of product, add ammonia - 1 tbsp. l per liter of water, and then heat the mixture until lukewarm. Then put the scarf there for 6-12 hours. To keep the solution from cooling, place it on a heating pad and periodically change the water as it cools. Once the stains have disappeared, rinse the shawl in warm, clean water.

If you notice that your favorite cobweb has lost its original whiteness and airiness, then do not despair. There are tried and true ways to wash a scarf at home. This knitted miracle will serve its owner faithfully. Take proper care of the cobweb, then it will not lose its attractiveness for a long time.

Goat down is a capricious and delicate material; it should be handled with the utmost care. Therefore, you will have to sequentially perform three stages: prepare, wash and dry a white weightless shawl. If you follow the recommendations correctly and scrupulously, the scarf will not fall off and will retain its color, size and shape.

Before any washing or cleaning, you should carefully comb the down product, preferably with a massage brush, without touching the knitted base.

Preparation begins with threading a strong thread or fishing line through all the teeth of the scarf sequentially, without missing a single one (the length of the thread should be 40 cm greater than the perimeter of the scarf), after which a knot is tied. A weightless shawl gathered in such a bun will no longer lose its shape.

Traditionally, after washing, the webs are pulled onto a frame, which has the size of the product plus one centimeter for tension. Carnations or push pins are secured according to the number of teeth on the edge of the shawl. Make sure that the metal is stainless steel so that the white scarf is not damaged by rust. If there is no place to take the frame, then prepare a place on a flat surface for drying away from heating devices.

How to wash cobwebs

You can wash a scarf only by hand; this is a simple and easy procedure that takes very little time. Use warm water; you cannot use hot water when washing down. As a detergent you need high-quality washing powder for wool and silk, shavings baby soap or shampoo. First, the drug is placed in a basin of water and stirred until the contents are even.

Then the sequence of actions is performed:

  • the web scarf is placed in a basin and washed with slow, gentle movements, without twisting;
  • if there is significant contamination, leave the cobwebs soaked for 20 minutes;
  • prepare a new solution and wash the product again with light movements;
  • You will need to rinse in several waters, you can add a little vinegar (a tablespoon per five liters of water);
  • Rinse the product with conditioner one last time and take it out, gathering it into a ball;
  • You can squeeze out the cobwebs by wrapping them in a towel.

To finally figure out how to erase cobwebs, you should first resolve the issue with detergents. Should not be used regular powder for washing machine or hand washing, this can ruin the scarf. Buy a small delicate hand wash bag and keep it in stock for caring for down items. This will guarantee that washing will be beneficial and will not cause significant harm.

Drying the cobweb scarf

If you have purchased or made your own hoops in the form of a frame, then stretch the scarf lightly wrung out in a towel over them. The cloves should be touched with thread or fishing line, but not with the cloves themselves. You will get a uniformly stretched scarf, which will not get dirty with rust. First, pull the item in the corners, then along the sides, without missing a single tooth. This work is the most painstaking, but necessary to preserve the external attractiveness of the web.

If there is no frame, then the shawl is laid out on a horizontal surface, straightening out all the bends and irregularities. It is better to choose white fabric for the bedding to avoid accidental coloring. The outline of the scarf is outlined on the fabric, and a fishing line threaded through the teeth is connected with pins. Try to place the scarf with slight tension, but evenly on all sides. Start fastening from the corners, as when pulling on a frame.

The web dries for 10 hours.

You should not comb the scarf when wet; the fluff becomes more elastic and easily comes out of the loops of the base.

After drying, remove the scarf from the fastenings and carefully remove the fishing line from the teeth. You can slightly lift the fur with a brush, giving it airiness and direction.

There are many tips on how to wash and dry a down item correctly. They all come down to accuracy and patience. Since this procedure is quite rare, there is no need to rush and you should perform the delicate task carefully and carefully.

If you slightly stain an item with blood or wine, dissolve aspirin in warm water or apply it to the area with a swab. After 15 minutes, rinse the affected part of the down product. If you wash the web in winter, then after drying you can take the shawl out into the cold and roll it in the snow. Pooh loves such baths and responds with an excellent appearance.

You can leave the scarf in the cold, for example, on a balcony or loggia. Then just shake in a warm place without combing. How to wash hand-knitted down items if they are too dirty? Return White color Those bleaches that do not contain chlorine help. From folk remedies Hydrogen peroxide in a ratio of 100g/500ml of water refreshes the product well. The scarf is carefully soaked in the solution for several hours; it is recommended to carry out the procedure after washing.

Downy knitted items should be stored clean, wrapped in linen without folds or creases. In such a tube you can put a natural fragrance made from dried flowers and herbs for the summer.

As you can see, there is nothing complicated in caring for cobwebs. You just shouldn’t wear such a snow-white thing and wash it good remedy according to pollution and according to the rules.

Down scarves have long been considered a sign of good taste and femininity. But over time, even the highest quality things lose their original freshness and require restoration. Therefore, it is important to know how to bleach a white down scarf.

If the dullness of the product is the result of light natural contamination, the usual one will help you.

How to properly wash a down scarf?

When performing this procedure, it is important to follow the basic rules:

  1. For such a delicate product as a down scarf, it is exclusively acceptable handwash. The use of washing machines, even in the most gentle modes, is strictly prohibited.
  2. The water temperature should be between 30-40°C.
  3. It is not recommended to use regular washing powders and bleaching liquids. Instead, it is better to use special products for the care of down products, baby liquid soap or shampoo.
  4. When washing, do not stretch or twist the product, but smoothly rotate it with light forward movements.
  5. After washing, rinse thoroughly first with warm and then cool water with a water softener or vinegar.

If the contamination is significant and washing does not bring the expected results, you need to know how to bleach a down scarf.

Bleaching of down scarves

The easiest way to bleach down scarves is to use special means for such purposes. Their instructions clearly describe the proportions, rules and procedures.

Down scarves, soft and warm, warm and decorate their owners for decades. There is a tradition of transmitting soul-satisfying knitted products by inheritance. But shawls require proper handling. They must be worn carefully, not wrinkled, not pressed down during storage, and washed and dried properly. That's why it's so important to know how to wash a down scarf at home.

Product care rules

The most popular are Orenburg shawls knitted from the thin undercoat of a special breed of goats. Openwork webs are intended for special occasions, the products are so exquisite and expensive. For everyday wear, shawls are knitted thicker and warmer, complemented by openwork trim at the edges.

Such products should be washed as rarely as possible. This does not mean that such things are recommended to be worn until the last minute. You just need to try not to get the shawl dirty. Care rules:

Ways to restore an attractive look

Removing dirt from capricious and delicate material is carried out in stages. Solving the problem of how to wash a shawl at home, start with preparation, then wash directly, and drying completes the process.

Preparatory actions

Careful adherence to the rules and consistency at every step is mandatory. Then you won’t have to look for ways to solve such unpleasant consequences as shrinkage, deformation or change in color of the product.

To prepare a shawl for washing, carefully comb the item to prevent the fluff from matting. Use wooden combs and combs with rounded ends for work. They start by carefully combing the products with a brush, then take a comb and act so as not to touch the loops.

Hand wash shawl

A real high-quality Orenburg scarf will not survive even the most modern washing machine. Even gentle programs for washing down items are unacceptable: it is impossible to compare the most delicate scarves with down jackets. During washing, do not twist, rub or stretch shawls:

To solve the problem of how to wash a down scarf by hand, use gel for colored laundry. The product is diluted in heated water, and a scarf is carefully immersed in it. The product is left in the liquid. Then wash with careful light movements, rinse with the same movements in four or five waters.

Spinning and drying the scarf

Wring out the stole in the same way as you washed it: as if making a “snowball”, with light, gentle movements. After the last rinse, the product is placed in a net and hung to drain.

After this they spread terry towel, a scarf is placed on top of it. Change the towel to a new and dry one every hour and do this until the item is completely dry:

  • The scarf must be straightened completely without stretching. The item is shaken each time it is transferred to better fluff the shawl.
  • Drying on a frame will help fluff up the product.

After the water has drained from the mesh shawl, the scarf is transferred to a bag and placed in the freezer for six hours. Take out the product and lay it out in the sun. Sub-zero temperatures cause water to expand, and the sudden heat causes its ice to melt quickly. As a result, the yarn will fluff up without any extra effort.

The nuances of washing Orenburg scarves

When washing a scarf made of goat down, experienced housewives use gels. Their aroma overpowers the specific smell of the product:

Features of washing white shawls

Over time, the white fluff may turn yellow. This product looks unpresentable. To solve the problem of how to bleach a downy white scarf, use the recommendations of experienced housewives. Using their secrets during washing will return the shawl to its former beauty.

Neither chlorine, nor powder, nor gel bleach is suitable for down products. It is necessary to restore the original whiteness using hydroperite or hydrogen peroxide:

You can use hydrosulfite. A couple of tablespoons of the substance are taken per ten liters of heated liquid and left to dissolve. Place a scarf in the container for half an hour, turning the shawl from time to time to ensure uniform exposure to the solution. Washing rules:

Having taken out the scarf, shake it and lay it out to dry in a warm place.

How to wash a spider web shawl

In amazing weightlessness, the webs are very warm. Such products require careful treatment. To solve the problem of how to wash cobwebs at home, use a simple algorithm:

  1. The process begins by combing the cobwebs.
  2. Place the selected detergent in warm water, dip a handkerchief into the solution and leave for half an hour. The water is periodically stirred so that the cobwebs in the liquid barely move.
  3. The solution is drained, the scarf is thrown onto the net for a quarter of an hour so that the liquid drains as much as possible from the product.
  4. The stole is placed in heated water with a drop of vinegar and rinsed carefully.
  5. Change the water and repeat rinsing again.
  6. Add rinse aid for down items to the liquid and rinse the item one last time.
  7. Place the scarf on the net again and allow the moisture to drain for half an hour.
  8. Place the cobweb in a bag and put it in the freezer. Leave the scarf in it for six hours.
  9. Take out the product and lay it out to dry in a well-ventilated place on a terry towel.
  10. Shake, smooth out the cobwebs on the surface and leave until completely dry.

The product dries quickly, so there is no need to change the towel.

The nuances of drying shawls

It is important not only to wash the scarf correctly, but also to dry it without harming it. appearance. To maintain the beauty of the form:

At proper care A down shawl will remain in excellent condition for a long time.

Beautiful airy scarves made of fluff, made by the hands of craftswomen, can be pulled through wedding ring. And the entire web scarf is placed in a goose egg. Such products are considered valuable gifts. It is not surprising that few people decide to wash them themselves, sending their shawls to the dry cleaner . But you can comprehend the complex science of purity on your own, the main thing is not to forget to follow the rules.

Attention, TODAY only!

Delicate, like a gossamer, a snow-white down scarf made of goat down, sadly, begins to turn yellow over time. Don’t be upset and don’t rush to get rid of it, but rather ask how to bleach a down scarf. This will not be difficult to do even at home.

Bleaching goat down products

Before you begin bleaching your shawl or scarf, inspect it carefully. If your web product is only slightly faded, then it may help simple wash, just remember to follow all the recommendations. In the event that washing is not able to return the scarf to its previous appearance, you can use one of the special chemicals for whitening, fortunately, there is enough in stores big choice similar means. Just be sure to read the instructions for use carefully and under no circumstances exceed the dose. If you don’t like to abuse chemicals, then you can use one of the traditional methods:

  • Take a container with a capacity of at least 10 liters, pour in warm water, the temperature of which should not exceed +50°C and add hydrosulfate (2 tbsp) into it. Soak your product in the resulting solution for 30 minutes, turning it over regularly. The scarf should be handled very carefully, being careful not to stretch it. After time has passed, it must be rinsed several times. The final rinse should be done in cool water. To make the product even softer, make a vinegar solution by adding two tablespoons of vinegar per 10 liters of liquid.
  • Dissolve five hydroperite tablets in water, adding ammonia(a teaspoon per liter). It is best to take a small container so that the shawl does not stretch. Yes, and it is necessary to soak in a metal container. The solution should be constantly warm, so you will need to reheat it periodically. Just be careful, the water should never be hotter than 50°C. Soak the scarf in the solution for at least 10 hours.
  • At home, without hydrogen peroxide, it is almost impossible to bring the shawl into proper shape. Dissolve the drug (20 g) in warm water and immerse the spider web in it for 6 hours. As in the previous advice, the liquid should not cool down, so you will have to maintain temperature regime, periodically heating the solution. At the end of the procedure, the product should be rinsed several times, gradually making the water cooler.
  • For greater effectiveness, it is advisable to use this method on a very hot day. Hydroperite should be dissolved in 7 liters of liquid - 5 tablets and 20 grams of hydrogen peroxide. The product must be completely covered with the solution. Place the basin in the sun for at least 30 minutes. After the time has passed, rinse the shawl in a vinegar solution two or three times.

Do not forget that snow-white goat down does not exist in nature. It is usually a slightly pastel beige shade. But if you decide to bleach it, remember that it is very easy to ruin the product. To be on the safe side, try bleaching a small section of the shawl.

Now, knowing how to properly bleach and handle a scarf, during this procedure you will be sure that the exquisite product will not be damaged. By keeping this accessory in order, you will look elegant yourself.