How to choose a quality mink coat. How to choose the right mink fur coat and not regret the purchase: tips and recommendations. How not to make a mistake and choose the right mink coat

In principle, now many people do without a fur coat. This is especially true for young people. A warm and comfortable down jacket helps many people out. But many girls and women want more expensive thing, like a mink coat, and nothing can be done about it! Moreover, now the majority of consumers use such types of payment as installments and credit.

Are all fur coats really Chinese?

The Yakutsk market is filled with mink coats from China. According to experts, the share of Chinese fur coats is Russian market is about 80%! Almost everything that is sold in our fur coat salons today is in one way or another connected with China: it is either sewn there or made from raw materials purchased in the Middle Kingdom. And labels that say “Made in Greece” or in another country are just a distraction. According to statistics, out of 10 fur coats presented on the Russian market, 8-9 fur coats come from China.

We asked sales consultant Anastasia Fedorova to answer how best to choose a fur coat.

- Anastasia, how to learn to choose such an expensive thing?

High quality mink coat Only a specialist can choose. Because this is a very difficult matter. But let's try to figure it out. The cheapest mink is walnut, that is, light brown, followed by dark brown. Then - a variety of red ones, from juicy golden honey to light amber. Even more expensive are black mink, beige, gray and blue - also gray, but with a grayish-blue tint. In the next price category - the so-called “tourmaline”, this is a beige undercoat and brown long hair, which creates an interesting smoky effect and white fur, sometimes with gray hair. The most expensive is the “black diamond” mink, black with a blue or purple tint. It can be difficult for an inexperienced buyer to distinguish it from just black. In addition, skilled furriers have learned to dye cheaper fur so skillfully that at first glance you can’t tell the difference: the fur also sparkles and shimmers.

- So what should we do?

There is only one method: spread the undercoat with your fingers - it should be purely black and check the color of the skin. If the skin has not been subjected to hairdressing procedures, it should remain white. Next, stroke the fur against the grain. Long hairs should not break, and the down should be thick enough.

The easiest way to test the quality of mink fur for strength is to grab a few hairs with your fingers, as if taking a pinch of salt, lift the fur coat and wiggle it a little. If the hairs don't come out, you have a reliable fur coat. You can also shake the fur coat and see how the lint falls off. If the process is clearly not intensive - after the drying procedures any fresh fur coat will “fly”, then everything is fine.

- What else should I pay attention to?

And, of course, the fur must be the same length over the entire area of ​​the fur coat; depressions and, especially, bald spots are unacceptable. If the fur is dyed, pay attention to the color, it should be uniform on all parts. Run your hand over the fur several times - you should not have a greasy feeling in your palm, high-quality fur is always elastic and silky to the touch.

Unscrew the lining and look at the leather fabric. A good fur coat is soft, smooth and elastic. If the leather fabric is hard, rustles or rattles under your hand, then there is a high probability of poor quality and fragility of the fur coat.

- Which mink coats are considered the best?

Of course, mink coats produced in Greece are considered the best and most durable. But their price in Yakutsk is very high, there are fur coats from 200 thousand and above. The most inexpensive are fur coats from China, but you need to choose them very carefully. Because there are fur coats of good quality, but there are also very low-grade ones. Such fur coats will not last you long. And in general, my advice is to buy a fur coat from a well-reputed salon. Such salons value their reputation and, as a rule, will not sell low-grade or poor quality fur coats.

What should you pay attention to?

Examine the fur carefully - it should be shiny, smooth, soft, with a thick undercoat.

How to distinguish quality from fake? Run your hand over the product against the direction of the mink hairs. If after this manipulation the hairs return to their original place and appearance the area of ​​the fur coat has not changed, which means the quality of the fur is good; if the hairs bristle after your action, it means the fur is of poor quality.

Look at the flesh, this can be done by blowing on the surface of the fur. If the flesh is light, it means that the fur has not been dyed or tinted. If the inside is dark, this may mean that either the fur was dyed, or the fur coat, so to speak, was not the first freshness - it was stored for a long time in inappropriate conditions. In this case, the fur coat will not last long.

Check the joints of the skins. From the outside, the seams should not stand out too much. Especially often, poor-quality seams can be noticed on the shoulder section, especially if the fur coat has a hood that covers these joints.

How to choose a new fur coat and distinguish it from the old one? Shake the product off; if hairs fly off it, it means the fur coat is old.

The lining of a fur coat should be made of high-quality, but not “flashy” material. Her patterns are precisely adjusted to the size of the product. A manufacturer of good fur coats always focuses on the fur rather than the lining.

The bottom of the lining should not be sewn to the hem so that you can see the product from the inside out. Usually, if the seller is confident in the quality, he himself will offer you to check the fur coat from the inside. You can look at the color of the skin (light is good, dark is dyed). Check the stitching of the seams - it should be neat, there should be no mink hairs in the seam.

If you do realize that the fur coat is dyed, this is not the worst thing. Some manufacturers tint products, giving them more noble shades. In this case, the quality of the paint is important. It can be determined as follows: take a light handkerchief, slightly moisten it and rub it over the product. If there are traces of paint on it, do not take this fur coat.

The hairs should be the same length (not including the undercoat). If some hairs are different in length from the rest, most likely the mink has been trimmed to give it a neater appearance. This means that initially the fur was not of very high quality.

A little about Black Lama. In a real Black Llama, the undercoat differs in color from the main color of the hairs. It is dark brown in color and very dense. And the main hairs are black. Products made from Black Lama mink look like plush. This fur is considered the highest quality and most durable. If you ever see products made from this type of mink, you will understand what the real quality of mink is and will be able to clearly determine it in the future.

About prices

In Yakutsk, prices for fur coats vary widely. It depends on the fur, the country of origin, how relevant and fashionable the fur coat is.

But fur salons try to keep their pricing policy at approximately the same level. The most expensive mink coats made in Greece. The average price for them is 230 thousand rubles.

Mink coats from Canada and China can be bought for approximately 80-120 thousand and above.

We’ll also reveal a little secret: in some pawn shops in Yakutsk you can buy a new mink coat at a price even lower than in China itself.

By the way, from August 12, 2016, on the basis of a Government resolution Russian Federation dated 08/11/2016 No. 787 on the implementation of a pilot project to introduce marking of goods with control (identification) marks for the product position “Clothing items, clothing accessories and other products made of natural fur”, the sale of fur products without special markings is prohibited.

But if you don’t have the opportunity to buy a new fur coat, don’t despair. You can easily go through the whole winter in a down jacket, which is sometimes warmer than a mink coat. After all, the main thing in our frosts is to be warm and cozy.

Today there are many manufacturers of mink coats, but among all the abundance there are often low-quality furs, and often fakes. Every woman dreams of purchasing a luxurious fur coat, but how to choose a mink coat and remain satisfied?

Mink coats

Global manufacturers of fur products are tirelessly working to improve processing and dyeing technologies. Every year new models with impressive design solutions appear in stores. The goal of any fashionista is to really buy worthwhile thing, do not overpay and get a quality product. Advice: “Fur needs to be properly cared for so that it lasts longer. You should not clean the product at home; it is better to use the services of specialized dry cleaners.”

Main features of mink

A fairly wide range of fur is used in the production of outerwear, but mink has been one of the most popular materials for many years. High-quality mink can be easily identified by touch. We will show you how to choose good, luxurious, unique fur clothing.

When purchasing, the product should be ironed. Natural high-quality fur is very soft and pleasant to the touch. When you try to stroke the fur against the growth of the pile, it quickly returns to its original appearance. If the pile begins to stick out in different directions, this indicates low quality or a fake.

At the very base of the fibers of natural mink there is a soft fluff, this is the main confirmation of the naturalness of the material. If there is no fluffy fluff, you should refuse to purchase.

We recommend shaking the fur coat and lightly tugging at the fibers; if it is visually visible that it is crumbling and hairs remain on your hands, then such a product will not last long. Most likely, during the manufacture of the product, all necessary standards were not met, or the product itself was stored in improper conditions.

Natural mink clothing should have a uniform length of pile over the entire surface. If there is a visible difference, then the product may be made of cheaper material.

It is impossible to determine the quality of fur from a photo, so when purchasing online, you need to make sure the site is reliable.

You can check the quality of fur dyeing using a damp white napkin. If the napkin becomes colored when passed over the product, it means that low quality dyes were used in the manufacture of the item.

The main feature of manufacturers who are proud of their products is the open seam at the bottom of the fur coat. By doing this, the manufacturer allows the buyer to evaluate the quality of the product. If all the seams are closed, then you should think twice before making a purchase.

Advice: " Nice mink can't be cheap. If you are offered fur at a ridiculous price, you should think twice.”

How to decide on color and length

A fur coat should be chosen not only by the quality of the fur, you also need to decide on the color, style and desired length. A correctly selected mink will look harmonious and highlight created image.

To decide which mink coat is best to choose for your loved one, you need to remember one rule. Price fur product directly depends on the color and length. If used during production natural furs a rare shade, such a fur coat will cost much more than a dyed one. Accordingly, the longer the product, the higher the price.

Value for money:

  • Lowest price - classic mink is the least valued, Brown from light to dark shades.
  • The average cost is slightly more expensive fur, dyed red, blue, gray or beige.
  • High price - fur with a transition of shades is highly valued. One of the varieties, "Tourmaline", has an unusual transition from beige to dark brown along the length of the hair.
  • Very high price– natural is highly valued white mink.
  • Elite, exclusive fur - black shades with unusual cold tints of blue or purple.
Advice: “It is better to buy a fur product in a trusted place and on recommendation. You need to make sure you are paying the real price and not overpaying.”

To know exactly how to choose a mink coat, you should remember that this product comes in different lengths:

  • Short length - suitable for lovers of jeans and trousers, also for women who prefer to drive a car. A short fur coat will be an excellent addition to an evening outfit.
  • Medium length is the optimal length; it goes well with trousers, skirts and dresses; wearing such a fur product will make you feel warm and comfortable. Cross-cut mink coat middle length- one of the most current models.
  • Long - suitable for women who prefer grace in everything.

Fur clothing itself is a luxury item and does not need additional accessories to look even more elegant, but sometimes you still want to add details to the look.

Hats – for a model with a hood, a hat may be superfluous, but beautiful scarf or a shawl would work great. As for models without a hood, in this case you can give preference to a fur beret or a fur hat. A short cross-cut mink fur coat looks great in combination with hats a la gangster 40s.

Bags - in combination with fur, it is better to use two-handled bags, suitcases, briefcases or clutches. But bags with shoulder straps or shoulder straps can ruin the fur, so you should avoid them.

Jewelry - mink looks perfect in addition to precious metals and stones.

Boots – when buying a new pair, it is worth remembering that the shoes should harmoniously complement the image being created. Over the knee boots are perfect for a short model, but ugg boots or ankle boots with tractor soles look perfect in combination with fur vest. For visual perception, you can look at photos in magazines and on the website.

The answer to the main question, how to choose a mink coat, is quite simple. You need to be careful and not rush into purchasing. The best price offer is not always the best, because quality comes first. A cheaper model may turn out to be a fake or will deteriorate by the end of the season.

A mink coat is every woman's dream. Before buying this expensive item, you need to think through absolutely everything: how to choose the right quality item; what size to buy; what color to choose; what fur should be like. This is very important if you don’t want to soon be disappointed in your purchase. Moreover, today in markets and stores they sell a lot of fakes.

How to choose a mink coat?

There are several important criteria that are important to check immediately before purchasing such an item:

  • you need to clarify what kind of mink the product is made from (that is, the origin of the fur);
  • it is necessary to choose the right style and color;
  • you will have to evaluate the quality of the fur;
  • It is important to ensure that there are no defects.

Therefore, before going to a fur salon, you will have to seriously prepare and study the advice of experts.

Today there are several options for mink, depending on where the animal was raised.

  • Russian mink is the warmest skin for the harshest winters. Such fur coats are most widely represented in Russian stores. They are also more affordable and have a fairly high underfur. Therefore, such a fur coat has a longer pile, which looks a little shaggy.
  • North American mink is ideal for mild European winters. After all, such fur has a very short pile. However, it does not shine. It looks more like a velvet texture.
  • Wild mink is very rare. Products made from such fur are the most expensive. Its distinctive feature is its natural gray-brown color and high pile.
  • Chinese mink is one of the most popular today. Such fur coats are available, but are not of excellent quality. Very often, Chinese manufacturers stretch fur. This has a bad effect not only on the quality of the product, but also on its durability.
  • Italian mink is fur coats that are sewn in factories in this country. Their main feature is beauty, sophistication and a wide variety of models and styles.
  • Scandinavian mink is the most popular in the world. Fur coats made from it are known as “black diamond”. They look luxurious, have a wonderful shine and a very thick underfur.

The most important criterion for choosing a quality fur coat is the naturalness of the material. Not everyone knows how to correctly assess the condition of mink skins and fur.

  1. To begin with, you should stroke the product against the lint with your hand. Afterwards, you need to observe how much time it took to return the fur to its original state. High-quality mink will immediately smooth out.
  2. Now you can evaluate the undercoat. Mink skins must have it. This is a small fluff that is located directly at the base of the skin.
  3. The fur should not fall off. Therefore, you can shake the fur coat you like, and then try to pull out just a few fibers from it. The fur that falls off is not worth buying. This means that the technology was incorrectly followed during the production of the product.

    Attention! A fur coat can begin to crumble if stored improperly. Therefore, having bought a good product, you should pay close attention to its maintenance and care. Otherwise, the mink will not last long.

  4. It is important to compare the length of the pile throughout the item. If it is different in some places, it is a fake.
  5. Be sure to look under the lining. If everything inside the fur coat is completely hemmed, you need to be wary. It is better to check the quality of all seams.

Assessment of defects when purchasing a fur product

When purchasing a fur coat for yourself, it is important to assess the presence and extent of all defects. What is especially important to pay attention to.

  • Is there any color unevenness on the product? This may mean that it has faded.
  • Are there any abrasions on the product? This indicates the use of old animal skins for sewing.
  • Is the fur stuck together? During production at the factory, some technological rules were violated.
  • Are there any rust spots? This is a common defect indicating that the mink is kept in iron cells. Such stains cannot be removed with anything.
  • The uneven surface of the fur indicates that it has been damaged by the teeth of the animal itself. It is better to refuse to purchase such a product.

The lining of the product must also have good quality and strong seams that do not come apart.

How to choose the right size

Any woman would be graced by this outerwear. But how to choose the right size of a product so that it fits perfectly is a very important question. Before you choose your model that will suit your figure, you will have to try on a lot of fur coats.

In each of them you need to spread your arms at your sides to assess whether something is interfering with the movements. It is worth first assessing what clothes you will have to wear under your fur coat: it will be woolen sweaters or light blouses.

It is very important not to buy a product that will sit close to the body. And the fur coat will have to be put aside for a size smaller. It shouldn't be tight. Such options will look bad on a woman, they will look very dull.

How to choose a style and color

It seems that choosing the style of such a product is a very simple undertaking. However, it is not. If a woman is tall and slender, then any model of mink coat will suit her. Petite ladies will have to give up voluminous, curvy and flared styles. In such a fur coat they risk getting lost.

Cross-cut fur coats are considered ideal. They suit women with different body shapes. At the same time, they look quite impressive. Such models have long been classified as classic. Therefore, they remain in fashion for more than one season. How to choose the right thing? You need to pay attention to all the same criteria. At the same time, it is important to pay Special attention seam defects.

Advice! Be sure to try it on before buying a fur coat. Even if you have to do this 3-4 times, you shouldn’t be embarrassed about it. It should be comfortable. Well, you should focus on the reflection in the mirror.

Classic is always in fashion. Therefore, expert advice agrees on classic colors and styles. However, its cost largely depends on the shade of a mink coat.

  1. Black mink with a blue or blue tint is the most elite. Externally, this material resembles a velvet surface. Products made from such fur are quite expensive.
  2. Unpainted white mink is also one of the most expensive. It should not have any color defects.
  3. Smoky and tourmaline shades are also highly valued.
  4. Red, blue, gray and beige colors minks are included in the middle price category.
  5. Dyed mink coats are available.
  6. Finally, the most popular and inexpensive are fur coats in brown shades (from light to very dark).

Where is the best place to buy a mink coat?

It is recommended to buy mink coats only from a trusted store. It must have an excellent reputation and have been in the fur market for a long time. It is best to go to Europe for such a purchase, where you can definitely find the most beautiful and durable option.

Attention! You cannot buy mink at the market. In this case, the fur coat will be made from a dyed rabbit, but ten times more expensive.

Even in good stores Sometimes there are fakes. It's better to choose good boutiques. And you shouldn't save money. Only high-quality products will last more than 10 years.

Many experts claim that without some important rules It is simply impossible to buy a good mink coat.

  1. The presentation of a fur product must be at its best. And no bunches should come out of it. Otherwise, why pay a lot of money for disgusting quality?
  2. It is important to check that the fur coat is actually made from mink fur!
  3. The manufacturer of really high-quality fur coats always “allows” you to look under the lining. The seams there should be even and neat, and the threads should be of high quality.
  4. The fur of a mink coat should be shiny over the entire surface. And it doesn’t matter whether the product is painted or not.
  5. When buying a painted item, you need to make sure that the color over the entire surface is uniform and beautiful.

Having chosen the ideal fur coat, you don’t need to buy it right away. It’s better to wait a while, weigh your decision, and consult with your family and friends. And only then make a purchase.

Buying a high-quality and good fur coat that will last a long time is not an easy task. The video will show the moments of choice more clearly.

It has long been more than a fur coat - it is a unique symbol of beauty and sophistication, durability and status. But all this is true only in one case: if such women's fur clothing is made of high-quality materials and sewn taking into account all the important nuances. Therefore, it is very important to correctly evaluate the proposed product! To make it easier for you to navigate this situation, we have collected for you the 10 most important recommendations on how to choose the right mink coat when purchasing.

Carefully study the fur coat step by step

The main advice: be careful and study the fur coat you like step by step, characteristic by characteristic. If you stick to our list, you shouldn't have any particular difficulties.

Rule #1: Look at the fur in detail

The assessment of this fur clothing should begin with an inspection of the pile. It should look like flowing, with a characteristic noticeable shine. If the fur is dull, then with a high degree of probability we can say that the rules for storing such material were violated - and therefore it is probably less wear-resistant. Also, on the question of how to choose a mink coat, expert advice always concerns the thickness of the fur. It needs uniform density, without bald patches (they form if the animal bites itself) - this is considered a defect.

You don't just have to look at the fur - it's critically important to touch it. First of all, run your hand over it against the lint. It should immediately return to its starting position! Otherwise, you'd better refuse the purchase. Also shake the fur coat, tug at its fur: it is unacceptable for individual fibers to fall out, much less tufts: such clothes will quickly lose all their luster. Plus another tip, how to choose a mink coat: smell the fur - a characteristic musky or other unpleasant odor is unacceptable.

Rule #3: Inspect the fuzz near the skin

Mink fur has always been valued for its ability to provide warmth in cold weather. Perhaps the main merit is the presence of thick fluff near the surface of the skin. To ensure its quality, spread the lint on the clothing being assessed. Ideally, it should be light and tender, but thick. Sometimes it is acceptable if the fluff is not too dense - this is possible when producing a fur coat from “summer” skins, when the mink sheds and gets rid of excess “insulation” (this fur is less warm, but also lighter). But if there is no fluff at all, this is a reason to look for another model.

Rule #4: Make sure the fur is authentic

If you want to know how to buy a mink coat correctly, then you must know how to distinguish such fur from a fake. After all, the market is full of clothes that are made from lower quality and cheaper materials, but through dyeing and cutting they try to pass off as prestigious mink. Most often, a rabbit is used for this: its fur is similar in appearance. But there is still a difference between them. Rabbits have shorter fur, and the length may vary in different areas, and the fur itself is noticeably softer.

Rule #5: Examine the seams from the inside out

To make sure how well a fur garment is sewn, you need to inspect its seams. To make it easier for you to figure out how to choose a mink coat, the tips are as follows. First, manufacturers often make these garments unlined, which is ideal when you want to see the inside out. If there is a lining, find out if there is a ripped edge. It is left just to check the strength of the seam. Second tip: pay attention to the number of seams - the fewer, the better. Third: avoid glued fur coats, they are the least durable.

Rule #6: Check the flesh

The underside is the underside of tanned leather, or, more simply, reverse side from the skins from which it is made mink coat. By its condition you can determine how well the fur was processed and prepared. The correct flesh should be shiny, but without excess fat, soft and elastic, but strong. Also, it should not have cracks, excessive dryness is excluded, otherwise the skin will creak when squeezed and twisted. Plus correct color- light. Yellow indicates that the material is too old.

Rule #7: Decide on paint

When discussing how to choose a mink coat when purchasing, you cannot ignore the issue of the color of such clothing. The color itself is a matter of taste. But it is important to decide for yourself whether you want fur of a natural color or dyed in fashionable shade? If the latter, then you need to check the quality of the coat’s dyeing. To do this, you can conduct a small test. Take white scarf, wet it, and then run it through the fur. If after this the fabric changes its color, then the coloring is of poor quality and will quickly fade and come off.

Rule #8: Try on your fur coat

You cannot purchase such fur clothes without trying them on - this is an axiom. After all, this is the only way you can understand whether it suits you, whether you are comfortable in it. Therefore, it is important to determine how to choose the size of a mink coat. First of all, it should not be tight, as they say, tight: a suitable fur coat does not hinder movement. Be sure to walk around in it for at least 3-5 minutes to understand whether there is pressure on your shoulders, collar, or whether the clothes are heavy. And try: it’s better to spend an hour trying on all the models, but find the optimal one for yourself.

Rule #9: Think about the design

This advice applies less to the quality of the fur coat as such, but to the purchase in general. The style of such clothing depends solely on your preferences: it can be a long or short model, trendy or traditional in its cut. But here it is important to understand how to choose the right mink coat depending on your goals. If you are going to wear these clothes for 5-7 years (and a high-quality fur coat has a service life of 10 years or more), then you should stick to the classics - they will not become outdated by the next season.

Rule #10: Choose a Seller

We must be completely honest: without certain experience and skills, it is very difficult to figure out whether the fur coat and fur in front of you is good, even with such advice. After all, if you set a goal, many shortcomings can be hidden. Therefore, the main answer to the question of how to choose a high-quality mink coat is simple: choose not so much the clothing as the seller. The market and little-known shops are not the best place to purchase such clothes, no matter how attractive their prices. It’s better to overpay in a trusted place, but be sure of the quality of your fur coat!

Any girl dreams of a fur coat and, of course, it is from mink that she is able to attract the admiring glances of men and the envious glances of girls. Any girl expects this kind of attention when purchasing a mink coat. But unfortunately, not every fur coat can make the right impression on others and bring you a sea of ​​emotions. To make your purchase worthwhile, we will tell you the secrets of professionals in choosing fur coats.

An indicator of the quality of a fur coat is its fur. First of all, you should pay your attention to him. The fur should under no circumstances be dull or faded. The peculiarity of mink is its healthy shimmering shine.

The pile should be elastic. This can be checked by placing your hand on the product and pressing the lint. If you remove your hand and shake the product, the fur should return to its previous shape. Also, he should not shed. This will also not be difficult to check. Tug the skin in several places. There should be no lint left in your hand.
The color of the fur should be uniform, without spots or streaks. If you choose a painted mink, then the paint should not remain on your hands or other materials.
The reverse side of the skin should be light color, soft to the touch, without cracks. Under no circumstances should there be any green or yellow shades and divorces.

  1. Russian. Her distinctive feature is high underfur and high guard hair. Because of this feature, a fur coat made from such a mink will be very warm, but it will look very fluffy and voluminous. In terms of cost, products made from Russian mink are much cheaper than those made from Scandinavian or North American mink.
  2. North American. This type of mink is remembered for its velvety skin. Its underfur and guard hair are equally short, due to which North American mink coats are very light and have a very expensive appearance. Skins are purchased at elite auctions, due to which the price is quite high.
  3. Scandinavian mink is the most common type of fur for the production of fur products. It is distinguished by thick, padded underfur and medium-length guard hair. Due to their color, fur coats made from such mink look expensive. The underfur of the Scandinavian mink is lighter, and the guard hair is dark; this color shimmers beautifully on sunlight. Products made from Scandinavian mink are warm enough, even for winter in northern Russia. Because due to the nature of the skin, it retains heat very well.

What to consider when choosing

Choosing a mink coat is not an easy task. When choosing it, it is necessary to take into account the height and characteristics of the figure. For example, tall, slender girls have room to roam when choosing a fur coat because it will decorate such girls in any style and length of the product.

For girls with curvy figures, you should choose more dark shades minks with a contrasting voluminous collar; if height allows, it is advisable to choose elongated fur coats that flare downwards. Such fur coats will visually hide a couple of extra pounds. In addition, fur coats with a herringbone pattern will look great on girls with large figures; it will also elongate the silhouette and give the figure even greater grace.

Having decided on the choice of fur coat, you should not rush into buying it; there are too many scammers on the fur market who want to make money from you. When purchasing a quality fur coat, it is better to study it carefully so as not to discover unpleasant surprises over time.

It is worth noting that if you decide to take a dyed mink, you need to take a white napkin and run it along the fur along and against the pile. If pigment remains on the napkin, it is better not to take such a fur coat. After the first contact with moisture, the paint will begin to peel off unevenly and leave streaks.

How to choose and not be deceived

Often they try to deceive buyers and instead of mink they try to sell cheaper fur, for example, rabbit or marmot. Remember, rabbit fur. Unlike mink, it is soft, while marmot's hair is more prickly and has different lengths.

Another common method of deception is brand counterfeiting. Expensive fur products must have a mark on the skins or a stamp indicating that the skins were purchased at auction. If there are none, you have the right to request certificates of conformity from store employees. If they refuse to provide them to you, it means that the products in this store poor quality and they definitely won’t last you long.

It is also important to pay attention to the presence of a chip. Such a chip, or as it is also called KiZ, is a guarantee of the quality of the fur product. Using the barcode of the chip, the buyer can track the stages of fur production, from the purchase of skins to the receipt of goods in the store.

This method appeared relatively recently and helps to prevent buyers from purchasing a low-quality product.

It is also very important where you buy your fur coat. It is safest to buy such things in time-tested places, not at markets, fairs and fur exhibitions, but in fur salons and stores that have been operating for several years and definitely will not disappear anywhere. This way you will have 100% confidence that you will not be deceived with the product warranty, which, by the way, must be at least 2 years.