Courses for pregnant women. What are the benefits for pregnant women?

The demand for quality medicine and gaining knowledge about the pregnancy process has made it a natural step in preparing for childbirth. If before women passed only mandatory tests, now even in state polyclinics, education is included in the mandatory program. True, such lessons as lectures and take place during working hours look like, and doctors can give information only from officially recognized medicine.

Those who do not want to take a short course at a state institution can go to private companies, having previously studied the information in the help section of the forum of moms. Usually they are distinguished by a more in-depth program and additional exercises on the ball, in the pool or yoga. The convenience of private schools in a flexible schedule and the ability to ask in more detail about narrow areas.

What are taught in courses for pregnant women

In fact, the separation between them is mostly arbitrary, rarely when the centers make a strict separation. The program depends on the duration of pregnancy, if you decide to go for courses for pregnantin the first trimester, you will receive complete information from the moment that life begins to lactation.

In such classes, physical exercises that prepare the body for childbirth are discussed in detail, the earlier the expectant mother starts classes, the more likely it is that the process will go without breaks and easily. If this is a private school, they will tell you how to take care of your body in order to avoid stretch marks and quickly get in shape after childbirth.

You can also rehearse the birth process, in practice, practice breathing correctly. By the way, I advise many to repeat the entire program at home, then in a stressful situation you will remember everything that can make the process easier for you. You can come to classes with a partner, where he will not only be taught massage to reduce pain, but also be prepared for outbreaks of "anger" of the woman in labor.

What you can learn at the school of expectant mothers

In such schools, more emphasis is placed on caring for the child and maintaining lactation. Often, the program includes information on the recovery of mothers themselves in the form of an analysis of possible problems, both psychological and physical. They talk about what kind of massage the child should do, how to teach him to take the breast correctly.

They will sort out popular questions about whether to use diapers and whether a dummy is needed. No less popular is the topic of complementary foods. At first, it seems that everything is clear, but when the first allergy or elevated acetone appears, many parents regret the wrong diet.

Psychological preparation is also important, especially for young mothers, it is they who most often experience severe postpartum depression, which entails the destruction of the family and even attempts to escape from home.

Non-standard schools for future parents

There are situations in which a standard program is not suitable. Imagine how uncomfortable a single mother feels in class, where all her classmates are supported by happy fathers. But there are many such mothers, and most of them were in such a situation not of their own free will.

It’s good if there are relatives who are ready to support her, but there are early orphaned girls or those whom their parents put out the door because of the desire to leave the child. In the end, dad could die and the woman was left alone. In any of these situations, you need a special atmosphere and support. That is why it was opened school for expectant mothersthat will raise the baby on their own, at least for the first time.

There are also women who are not able to give birth in a natural way, but thanks to modern medicine there is now no need to have a cesarean under general anesthesia. Mom can be fully conscious and how to put her baby to her chest in the delivery room.

One parable says: “If you started raising your baby from the first day he was born, then you are 9 months late.” It reveals an important truth: to be parents is a huge responsibility, and you need to prepare for parenthood in advance. It's true.

Indeed, for a child, we become a mom and dad not when we first take him in our arms or hear his first cry, but when a merger of two cells occurs and originates new life. From this moment, without knowing it, we take the responsibility to preserve this new life and cherish it in a lush flower.

Pregnancy has become a time of joy, not vain excitement. To help with this, a Maternity School was created. Moms and dads study at this school, who really want to learn how to correctly express their love to a child and gain confidence in their ability to give a baby happiness.

New Maternity School Program

The program of classes: physical and psychological preparation during pregnancy, for childbirth and for the care of the baby, assistance in establishing contact with doctors and support for childbirth. Classes for the kid himself are also offered, for example.

The school for future parents “I, Mom, Dad” has already established itself as an excellent training center for pregnant women, where you can get the necessary knowledge in an accessible and understandable way, engage in physical development during pregnancy and your baby after birth, get psychological help and support . We invite you to join us! We are waiting for you at our site near the Yugo-Zapadnaya metro and other sites.

Being a mother is such a special position, responsibility and mission that many girls and women are afraid to imagine themselves in this role. And when the fact is recognized, and the treasured two stripes appear on the test - the panic begins: how can I deal with this? I don’t know anything, know almost nothing at all, motherhood is “aerobatics”! What to do?

We answer - go to study! Learning to learn how to be the best mom ... no, not in the world, but the best mom for this particular baby, for your baby. Maybe this seems inappropriate - she’s already a mother, she needs to teach a child, and then study again ... But studying at a pregnant course is not at all like studying at school!

In 2011 I went to Basik at RD 4, the classes were taught by a wonderful obstetrician-gynecologist Anaa Andreevna (now in Almit), and she gave so many “lectures” during classes! I advise everyone! the best preparation for childbirth! Tatka, come to our course "Preparing for childbirth" - only 4 lessons in 2 weeks And the cost is very loyal. A detailed description is here. With the first re, I did not go to lectures, but I stayed in the hospital for 3 weeks, I recognized all the symptoms of labor activity there, but regretted that I did not go to a lecture on behavior during childbirth. Now I would love to go, but I don’t know if I will have time to find one, since there is only a month left. I never wanted to listen to the full course of lectures. Something like this. I went to the “Droplet” to Saldina Elena Petrovna in 2014. I am very grateful to her. I met there with the girls whom we still meet and chat with, along with the kids.
By the way, they have gymnastics, recovery after childbirth and a swimming pool. In 2011, she completed a full course of lectures at the Natalia Kaipova School on Birth for Two + a month’s gymnastics for pregnant women. I liked everything very much. I’m now re-reading the lectures before the birth of the second one)) As we were taught on the day of childbirth, I counted contractions and arrived at the 6th maternity hospital already in the second stage of childbirth, I don’t remember what opening it was at around 22 pm, but if I listened to the gynecologist that day and went in the early morning, I’m afraid I couldn’t avoid various medical interventions, including to stimulate labor, since they first of all pierce a bubble upon arrival. Also, the atmosphere at this school was very pleasant, communication with other pregnant women + I learned a lot of other useful information, but it is still more relevant for those who give birth for the first time) I did not attend, because was not nearby and worked. When I went on maternity leave, I went to yoga for pregnant women (month 2). In the first pregnancy I went to part of the lectures at the Birth for two, they then taught them at the Academy on Zolotodolinskaya. We bought a course with my husband, but did not have time to listen, because I got into the pathology. Money for unheard lectures was returned to us. Most of the information was provided by Anastasia Gabets, interestingly and with humor. The overall impression is positive. But I was not able to take full advantage of the information received, because my birth went, to put it mildly, through the ass..tsu.
In this pregnancy, she learned that the school has expanded significantly, now it has branches and it is simply called Birth. I saw their offer of a free introductory lecture with an overview of maternity hospitals, and decided to go. Most of the lecture was devoted to a review of the course of their lectures, not maternity hospitals, there were literally a couple of sentences about each of them (And the constant emphasis was on the fact that those who are not preparing for childbirth give birth badly, and those who are preparing ( especially at their school, of course) - it’s just perfect. I exaggerate, of course, but to me, as a person preparing for the first birth, who didn’t go through at all remarkably, it really cut my ears. Plus, the lecture, as I understood, was not a very experienced teacher , something was missing, insensibly a little. two or three times she left the question of where she had given birth. In my opinion, it looks strange in such classes. At one time I did not attend courses, since I was not nearby and worked constantly. But in the future I would like to go to the pool I didn’t go anywhere. I already knew the medical aspects - I just studied obstetrics at the university for the first birth What is a maternity hospital, I knew from the inside - I worked in it until the maternity leave. And I had and still have child care and HB the best adviser is my mom. She is a pediatrician by education and a wonderful mother of 3 children
  The psychological aspects are somehow without outside interference with us. No pregnant and postpartum depression, etc. I had never walked and do not want. To attend or not attend the preparation courses for childbirth is a personal matter.
   Again, what do you want to get / learn in the courses?
  Fitness, gymnastics and yoga are always useful, especially during pregnancy and if there are no contraindications.
  There are many schools and courses in the city, there is plenty to choose from. I did not go anywhere in the full course. At the invitation of her friends, she attended twice a free lesson at Birth for Two and at Mom’s House. I can say that, of course, all courses are useful. But now information can be found on the Internet and literature. I also noticed that each school has its own view on childbirth and its process, and before choosing it is necessary to find out their approach.
  For example, Birth for two positions itself as a school for moms and dads. Partnership delivery is obligatory and desirable. They talk about the pros for mom, dad and baby, if you meet this event together.
  In Mom’s House, on the contrary, dad is not needed at birth.
  I also did not practice breathing techniques. I gave birth well and quickly. But here I was probably lucky

Udjen-siciliana wrote:
My husband and I went to Birth for two, took a full course of lectures. We really liked it! Although it’s possible to attend selective lectures, I won’t say that everything was useful to me personally. About the same dowry - you understand only in practice what is useful and what is not. Well, the lecture was about fears of childbirth - it was also not very useful, because I didn’t win myself too much. Very cool lectures specifically on preparing for childbirth, and theory and especially practice! Still impressed by the training!
  We went to the branch on Shchetinkina to Maya, for me she is the best coach of the school! They went to her gymnastics too.

Today I attended her free lecture. A man with knowledge of his craft !!! RESPECT to her full !! Probably let's go too! In both pregnancies, she was in Mom’s house and in Birth for two. The approaches are different. in Mom’s house, if you listen carefully, there’s a lot of useful things, but you can go too far with the time of guards, with attachment to the child. But if you do as they say, do absenteeism, as they say, then everything will be fine. At birth, for two, they also give a lot of info, but they have a different approach, they think that if you feed the baby after a year, then this is already a dependency. I do not agree. And I was with different groups, so the info on some of the same issues in different groups was different, which surprised me. I liked the rest. This is a whole, but there are still moments, but they should be described for a long time. Now we are simply called "Birth"

Obstetrician-gynecologist, doctor of the highest category ZhK No. 26 Tatyana Anatolievna Trishkina:

“Courses are needed to get to know the hospital, to learn how to breathe correctly and not to get scared at the first bouts, and also to find out what to bring with you to the hospital (composition of an alarming briefcase). Courses help mothers and fathers learn how to properly care for a newborn.

The expectant mother sees a lot of “pussies” in the courses and understands that she is not alone. Also, yoga and exercise therapy help a lot to distract from terrible thoughts about the upcoming hour X and prepare the body for hard work. ”

“In our classes, we were taught to breathe correctly, and each stage of childbirth was spoken and dismantled. Then they watched movies. Psychologically very prepared. If a woman is afraid to give birth, then it’s worth going. If you are calm, you can score. There were classes for caring for a newborn - that was superfluous, everything flew out of my head as soon as I gave birth. In general, nothing helped ... When you come to give birth, you forget about everything. ”

“I have three problem births. I have never attended courses for pregnant women, except for those that are offered in the LCD, but this is too general and about nothing. I am very sorry that I did not bother with the preparation. ”

“It was good for me to attend the courses. In the first pregnancy, I attended 3 different types of courses. In the last place in terms of usefulness, I put courses at the maternity hospital - lectures, breathing, childbirth videos, swaddling dolls, lumbar massage by husbands - I did not like everything. In second place - Elemental courses - classes in the pool, sauna, lunch in a cafe with a lecture. Have a good time. In the pool, an exercise crashed into my memory, where I had to swim underwater in the “corridor” from the feet of standing girls. Imitation of the baby's sensations in the birth canal. Impressed. In the first place I put classes in the pool for pregnant women, entirely focused on breathing and stretching, twice a week for several months. The breathing techniques brought up to automatism helped not to stray in fights, plus, again, imitation of mother’s feelings in childbirth. Secondly, I realized that I need to speak the same language with a midwife and a doctor, otherwise the result is unpredictable. I understood this after one time our coach in the pool was replaced by another, and I did not understand it catastrophically, the lesson went terribly. “I didn’t want this in childbirth, therefore I entered into an agreement with the brigade, with which I found a common language.”

“It makes no sense to go to paid ones. But I advise you for free. ”

“My husband and I attended courses at the 2nd Maternity Hospital. It was very useful for me in the sense that certain fears were gone, confidence appeared when you know and understand what and how. But my husband is in a different situation, on the contrary he had a reason to understand that everything is not so simple, and his help will be very important to me, in general I am very glad that we found the time and the opportunity to go. ”

“I have never gone. The last time, good literature helped me to tune in perfectly. I feel sorry for the time courses. ”

“I think that courses are needed! And it doesn’t matter what kind of birth. They help to tune in to childbirth, parenthood, provide the necessary information to relieve the fear of the unknown, help to develop breathing and behavior skills in childbirth (or remember them), care for the child, HS, just get distracted from work (who is not yet on maternity leave) and communicate with same pregnant. Get emotional support from the teacher! It was very important to me. After training in the courses, I understood what was happening to me during childbirth, which is normal, and when I should call a doctor, I was not afraid and did not panic, I maintained a normal dialogue with doctors, the contractions were quite bearable, and when I got sick, I knew how I felt to help. And when the son was born, I took excellent care of him, was not afraid to take him in my arms, quickly learned to recognize what he wants. That is, she felt quite confident and calm. At least for the sake of it is worth going to courses. "

“If childbirth proceeds as standard, then no courses are needed, and so you will give birth. And if it’s non-standard, then all the more so since horror stories are not covered in the courses. ”

“Before the first birth I went to courses at ZhK No. 5. Then they were in two versions: for those who visit exercise therapy, and for those who are not allowed to exercise therapy. Very sensible doctor led. The lesson was devoted only to childbirth: everything about the case, with practicing breathing, methods of self-pain relief in childbirth, about partner births there were few + answers to questions. I used all this in childbirth, somewhere the doctor suggested what to do, but in general it’s very good that I knew in advance. Well, some information that I received from classes for pregnant women at the Russian Museum helped, the doctor there covered some points from an interesting perspective. Before the second birth, I thought about the courses, but looked at how much it costs, decided that I did not need it for that kind of money. When I was at the sanatorium in Sestroretsk, there was a lesson about childbirth. The leader was Aistenka. This lesson, dedicated only to childbirth and childbirth, was enough for my eyes and ears. Well, I immediately bought a practical training book for childbirth. In general, they posted it on their website for free, but it was more convenient for me to have a printed version. I remembered everything, even the information from the courses in the LCD, then I applied everything in childbirth. My opinion is that you need to prepare for childbirth. If there is no money for paid courses, then you can go to classes in the LCD. There are free classes for pregnant women in different organizations. In the end, you can read something and watch the video. Exactly will not be. But there will be an understanding of what is happening. "

Good day to all! Today I want to talk about the need to attend specialized courses for pregnant women. When I realized that I was pregnant, the question arose in front of me: “Do I need to go to pregnancy courses?” And if necessary, then, in fact, why.

Every expectant mother asks herself a lot of questions, she is tormented by doubts about whether she can become a good mother, whether she will be able to give birth correctly and prepare for the birth of a child.

The advice of loved ones, books and the Internet can answer many questions and reassure, but the opinion and knowledge of specialists in this field will surely convince. When a knowledgeable person communicates with you one on one and takes into account the peculiarities of your specific case - this can not be compared with anything.

Course advantages

Here are a few reasons to attend maternity courses:

New information. In the courses you can not only ask questions that torment and interest, but also get answers to questions that even ...

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The birth of a baby is a long-awaited, exciting and very pleasant event. Women prepare for it in advance: they buy things, think through to the smallest detail where, how and what the baby will sleep on, try to take into account all the important aspects of care, and, of course, re-read many articles on how to behave during childbirth.

Despite the fact that childbirth is a natural process, and a woman’s body is genetically programmed to have a positive outcome, it often happens that fear and unknowing overcome the expectant mother. One of the best ways to get rid of all unpleasant thoughts and thoroughly prepare for the first meeting with the baby is to go to specialized courses.

Valuable knowledge

During pregnancy, you receive a lot of new information about how your baby develops in the womb, what he already knows how to do, how he feels, and when he will be born around. But often the girls in position are under heavy pressure from ...

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I go now for free at the maternity hospital, the instructor leads (obstetrician for the first education, psychologist for the second), a lesson for more than three hours - the first hour is gymnastics with elements of meditation, the second - exercises with breathing (relaxation on discomfort, learning to try, etc.) .), the third - a lecture + learn how to properly take / hold / bathe / swaddle / change pumps, etc.

I know the theory very well from the network, but I am absolutely delighted with the classes - I realized that if I had not worked out these skills in practice, no theory would have been remembered in the hospital (it turns out to be quite difficult to relax in the presence of other people around you, not to pay attention to extraneous sounds, etc.), plus physical preparation for childbirth - after the first gymnastics I creaked all as if I didn’t know about physical education now everything is easy, I feel my body, I can relax it and not pay attention at all what's around. In short, I am definitely in favor! ...

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During antenatal clinics, often free courses for pregnant women are created, classes at which are conducted by obstetrician-gynecologists. At these courses, expectant mothers are provided with the necessary medical information about pregnancy, periods of childbirth, about the newborn and its care, etc. Usually, there are no practical exercises at such courses, but, of course, they are a source of useful information, provide an opportunity to ask a specialist questions you are interested in, and serve as an addition to visits to a female doctor.

Unlike courses at antenatal clinics, paid courses usually include in their program practical exercises in physical education, swimming, water aerobics for expectant mothers. Classes can be taught by medical specialists (obstetrician-gynecologists, obstetricians), psychologists, teachers, sports instructors specializing in working with pregnant women. As a rule, such courses are a kind of "clubs" where future parents have the opportunity not only to get everything they need ...

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Katya, who was planning to have a baby, asked with interest the address where the courses were being held, Inna, the mother of two twins, only gave a skeptical laugh, and Polina, who had recently returned from maternity leave, laughed out loud. “But do not be surprised when theory and practice begin to diverge, moreover, in the process itself. I also listened to all this, knew and visited. I even agreed with a special psychologist who may be present at the birth. An hour after the start of the contractions, I threw all the lectures out of my head, and a half later the psychologist was kicked out and began to demand anesthesia. And of all the classes I attended that were devoted to caring for the baby, I emphasized for myself only a couple of phrases: "It is better to consult a neonatologist", and "Everything is purely individual." But the herbal tea that was given to pregnant women was delicious, ”she concluded.

What are these pregnant courses so popular today - a vital necessity, a successful marketing move or a way to stay in the company ...

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What do I learn by completing courses? What will I learn?

Courses provide complete and varied information on how to live in a new situation for you. You will learn all or almost everything about pregnancy and childbirth, about healthy eating and a healthy lifestyle, about the principles of breastfeeding and caring for children of the first year of life. Get rid of the fears associated with pregnancy and childbirth. You will find a psychological balance, learn the methods of relaxation and drug-free pain relief in childbirth. Complexes of special gymnastic exercises for pregnant women and exercises in the pool will help to maintain good physical shape, and voice and breathing techniques will facilitate childbirth. But most importantly, the courses will help to form a more conscious attitude to parenthood, strengthen your connection with the child, and give you more opportunities in making decisions.

Can I get all this information from books and the Internet? What things cannot be comprehended independently?

Information now, fortunately, ...

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Do expectant mothers need courses for pregnant women and what they will be told about them - a Shakespearean question for every woman.

Our opinion on whether to use the services of specialists or to prefer self-training is in today's article.

Why are pregnant courses needed?

Every expectant mother worries before giving birth, especially if this test is before her for the first time in her life. Numerous “horror stories” from the Internet and burning stories of those who have already given birth and friends add up to a picture far from iridescent. And hour X is getting closer and closer ...

If in ordinary life we \u200b\u200breally want to learn something, then we go for information to a person who is a professional in his field. If you choose good courses for pregnant women, then there you will find just such people.

Unlike the Internet, they have reliable information, they will tell you everything, down to the nuances, and will not forget to mention that pregnancy and childbirth are a process ...

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Pregnant courses can be attended with her husband. © Thinkstock

Not so long ago, preparation for childbirth included conversations with my mother, who remembered how it was with her and her friends. Well, a couple of articles from magazines that accidentally fell into the hands of and a few tips from the doctor from the antenatal clinic.

Now everything is different. Women are seriously taught to give birth at special courses for pregnant women!

What is attracted to pregnant courses

At the courses for pregnant women promise to make pregnancy happy, and childbirth soft. A child of a mother who attended courses will be born completely healthy and painless. You should not take all promises literally, but some methods can really help.

Courses for pregnant women are not only preparation for childbirth during practical classes, but also seminars on obstetrics and psychology. Also often courses for pregnant women include gymnastics, music and art therapy, a swimming pool, yoga. And even aikido and self-defense lessons.

More courses for pregnant women ...

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Probably any pregnant woman at least once wondered: does it make sense to enroll in specialized courses for expectant mothers? And there are objective reasons for this: I want to prepare for childbirth in the best possible way, find answers to exciting questions with the help of specialists. Or maybe you are facing a dilemma: to prefer a "pregnant" school or self-preparation for childbirth. Let's find out what information you can get from the school of motherhood and what are the advantages of attending it. Who knows, maybe this information will be decisive in the question "Do I need courses for pregnant women?"

Go for knowledge

Traditional courses imply the presence of both theory and practice. As for the theoretical part, the standard knowledge that you can get here looks like this:

Physiological changes in the body of a pregnant woman;
  how the baby develops in the womb for months;

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