How to kiss passionately with a girl. Kiss sucker - what you need to know about him

Kissing in a hickey  - there are people who think that these are just words, and there are those for whom this is a whole problem, because not everyone knows how to kiss sucking properly.

The main point of a kiss in a hickey is its diversity, it is it that is the main value! Let's get down to business now.

How to kiss in a hickey?

Suppose you are already next to your loved one, stand in an embrace, and want to kiss him, but do not know how to do this? How to kiss in a hickey? It turns out that there is nothing difficult about this. Look into his eyes, then tilt your head to the side and touch your lips to the lips of your lover. But take your time, otherwise you can unpleasantly bite your teeth. If everything worked out, then do not interrupt the process, continue the kiss, start working more intensively with your sponges, you can even bite your beloved lips a little bit.

A kiss in a hickey can not do without a tongue.

So the kiss in the hick was right, with the tip of your tongue, touch the tip of your partner’s tongue. But do not be too persistent in this regard, perhaps your partner does not like such kisses with the tongue or simply does not want at the moment.

First make movements in a circle with your tongue, gradually increasing the pace, but you should not be fixated on it. Start exploring your beloved's mouth with your tongue. Be sure to pay attention to your loved one. You still do not understand how it is, a kiss in a hickey? Then do not relax your tongue, but at the same time do not make it stone!

Gradually, to make the kiss more diverse, change the position of the head, but do not think that you need to turn your head constantly, you should do it slowly, slowly. Carry out the conceived action calmly, do not lose those assigned at the beginning.

Here now you know how to kiss in a hick. The main point is to practice more.

Passionate kiss kiss  - the most popular in the world among various age categories, not counting, of course, the classic kiss. However, despite its prevalence, many are interested in the details of the execution of a kiss sucked. The following tips will help you understand the most important question - how to kiss in a hickey.

Features Kiss Blowjob

The main principle of a kiss kiss is the contact of two languages, and any recommendations about which actions in this case are correct and which are wrong are not applicable. Usually the initiator of the kiss is a man, but it is completely possible that the partner will take on the role of the first violin. More often two languages \u200b\u200bact, but one can also work.

There are many options for the development of events. The simplest is if you have the opportunity to open your mouth and just wait for what will happen next. It is more difficult if you need to act. First, imagine that everything you do in your partner’s mouth happens to you. And then it will be easier for you to guess and satisfy the desires of your partner.

How to kiss passionately?

How to kiss passionately? The best entry will be a variety of kisses on the lips. The mouth should be slightly open. A sensational kiss with open lips should encourage your partner to take a step back - and he will also open his mouth. If, contrary to expectations, this did not happen, then try to easily suck on your partner’s lip, which should relax him. As soon as the partner opens his mouth, boldly begin to act with his tongue.

The main thing is not to worry and be nervous: kissing passionately is very nice. Stick your tongue out to meet your partner's tongue and play with the tip. You will feel that your heart is jumping out of your chest, you want to cry and laugh at the same time. During the kiss, you need to slightly suck on the partner’s tongue, while approaching each other as close as possible. In this case, the language can work as one of the partners, or both at the same time.

Many people care about the question: is it possible to forcefully press the language of a partner. The answer is simple: of course, and you can do this as long as the process gives mutual pleasure. Particularly pleasant sensations can provide a slight resistance to the language of the partner. Do not forget to periodically check the reaction of your partner, which will tell you whether it is worth continuing in the same spirit or is it more advisable to change tactics?

Some tricks with kisses

One way to diversify the kissing process is to rotate the tongue. In this case, it is also extremely important to follow the emotions of your partner during your actions. If your partner is delighted with your innovation and reciprocates, feel free to continue. If you suddenly read negative emotions on his face, postpone the experiment altogether, or try again in the future when you get used to each other more.

How to kiss passionately? Is it worth it to dig into the lips of a partner? And if you don’t like it? Of course, you can try, but not immediately, so as not to frighten the partner. You need to start slowly, smoothly and gently. Then you can add intensity. The main thing in this process is to constantly change the force of influence on the lips of the partner. Make him guess: what will you do in a second?

It remains only to discuss the question of the optimal duration of such a kiss. Some believe that the duration of the kiss should be about a minute. However, a real passionate kiss lasts longer. At the same time, partners breathe through their noses, but it is quite normal if they are excited and begin to suffocate a little.

The main thing when kissing is passionate is sensitivity, tenderness and desire to deliver maximum pleasure to the partner.

The article is the personal opinion of the author and is for informational purposes only. To solve your problem, contact a specialist.

Guys, be more determined. Your insecurity is your first enemy!
  Girls, be humble. Finally, let the guy take the initiative!

Any relationship is developing on an increasing basis. Friendship gradually turns into affection, affection into love, love into family obligations. The intensity of mutual caresses also changes. A light friendly kiss on the cheek develops into a kiss with your lips. And then the time comes for more passionate kisses.

Here, the majority of young people and girls have a question, how to kiss kisses properly. Indeed, this rather serious step requires preparation. An “adult” kiss is a prelude to something more. It helps partners get used to each other, feel the first sensation of mutual closeness.

In fact, you should not think long about how to learn to kiss in a hickey. This is not at all difficult! It is enough to read a few general recommendations and begin to practice. Only daily practical exercises will make you a master of this art. Believe me, over time you will stop racking your brains. You will just do it, give a partner a piece of yourself and get a lot of positive emotions in return.

In order to learn how to kiss sucking properly, select the appropriate time and place, and then proceed with the experiment.

Kiss Stages

The kiss should go on increasing. Do not immediately attack the partner. If you are a girl, be gentle and compliant; if you are a guy, try to restrain your impatience. A wide-open mouth and a tongue stuck in all the way to the mouth is not the best way to show that you know how to kiss sucking properly. You can just scare your partner with such aggression and never see him again.

Monitor saliva. This applies to both girls and boys. Too wet kiss at first is unacceptable. Let your partner get used to your taste and smell, do not fill his mouth with your saliva, do not lick it, it can cause a simple physical aversion.

How a guy should behave

Guys, be more determined. Your insecurity is your first enemy. Let your girlfriend not guess that you just did not know how to do all this just yesterday. But do not forget: there is an even greater enemy than uncertainty. This is artificiality. No one should ever know that you are trying to follow some rules. Rules kill feelings, they negate intimacy and passion. Surrender to your own feelings and try to guess the feelings experienced by the partner.

How should a girl behave

Over time, you will stop puzzling over how to learn to kiss passionately. You will just do it, give a partner a piece of yourself and get a lot of positive emotions in return!

Girls, be humble. Finally, let the guy take the initiative. Relax and enjoy the process. The time for action will come later, wait a bit. If you feel the partner’s tongue in your mouth, gently stroke it with your tongue, as a rule, most men are completely delighted with this. By the way, you can close your eyes, this will enhance your feelings and make a good impression on your partner. Oddly enough, girls still adorn modesty.

Do not delay the process. You won’t get the Guinness Prize for the longest kiss in the world. So, do it as much time as you want, sometimes remembering to break away from each other to swallow saliva and say a few tender words. If everything has already happened, then you no longer need to think about how and what to do. You can relax and enjoy the process.

Many young ladies at the stage of comprehending relationships with the opposite sex often wonder - ?   In fact, there is nothing complicated in it, and female intuition will tell you what to do in a similar situation.

However, before demonstrating to the chosen one his skill or lack thereof, it is worthwhile to ask, what it is and how to avoid embarrassing situationsthat may arise if you still do not have experience in such matters. Today will teach you several lessons that will help make a lasting impression on a young man.

First lesson. Where to begin?

Having made sure that the guy has no less strong feelings for you and is ready to confirm this with a kiss, don't pounce on him with joyful criesthus expressing your emotions, which will surely overwhelm you at this moment. Look into the eyes of your young man, hug him and gently touch your lips to his lips.

To understand how to kiss a guy sucking try to imagine this scene in advance  and rehearse your gestures and movements. No matter how boring this activity may seem to you, just such a training will subsequently help to avoid stupid situations, as well as enjoy a real kiss.

Before kissing sucker with a guy, understand some of the subtleties of the psychology of men. Do not be too active and take the initiative, since this, as a rule, is alarming and even frightening the representatives of the stronger sex.

At the same time, the manner of behavior of a dead raccoon is also unlikely to please your boyfriend, because kissing a sucker is one of the manifestations of passion. Therefore, everything should be in moderation - and sensuality, and shyness.

Lesson two. Where to put the language?

The tongue plays a very important role when kissing - they can caress the partner’s lips, penetrate his mouth, exploring every secret corner, and even arrange peculiar competitions using the guy’s tongue.

However, a classic kiss does it without a tongue and is limited only to light bites and as if swallowing the lips of a young man.

In the same time french Kiss  allows you to use the language to the mutual pleasure of partners. Before kissing a sucker with a guy, resorting to the help of the tongue, make sure that he will not mind.

If a young man during a kiss he took the initiative  and tried to push your lips with your tongue, you can applaud him mentally - you got a rather experienced partner. If he did not do this during the first minute of the kiss, he will have to take the initiative. True, try not to overdo it on this issue.

Just in case, the site advises you show delicacy  and start with a light touch of your tongue to the guy’s lips while kissing. Follow them with the tip of your tongue, and if the young man reciprocates, continue to develop the offensive. You can try to penetrate the tongue into his mouth and guide him through the sky, which has many nerve endings, being one of the erogenous zones. It is also worth trying to “capture” the language of the partner and try to play with him, clutching his lips and sucking slightly.

We should not forget that before kissing a sucker with a guy, it is necessary find and apply to your own hands.  During the kiss, you can and should hug your partner, gently caress his back, chest and neck, stroke his face and ruffle his hair. All this will enhance the pleasant sensations of a kiss and create an intimate, trusting atmosphere.

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Lesson Three. Breathing technique while kissing sucked

Even the most passionate and welcome kiss will last no longer than one minute, if you used to breathe through your mouth. Urgently get rid of this bad habit, otherwise you will never be able to learn how to kiss a guy and how much this activity can be fun.

Learn to breathe through your nose.  - this will allow you to extend the kiss as much as you both wish, and you will no longer have to frantically gasp for air with your mouth, constantly moving away from your partner.

Besides, the ability to breathe through the nose while kissing perfectly relaxes, and you will be able to fully experience the whole gamut of positive emotions, without worrying about the fact that at any moment there is a risk of dying from suffocation in the arms of a loved one.

Lesson Four. Learn to improvise

No matter how obedient and smart a student you are, the secret of the best kiss is really hard to improvise. Surrender to your feelings and emotions, do not do everything mechanically, as in a physical education lesson, otherwise such a kiss is unlikely to please you and your boyfriend.

Do not forget that during the kiss you and your partner seem to rediscover each other, and sometimes sensual touch of the tongue to the lips can tell him much more about you than any words.

Maria Maslova specially for Site for a modern girl

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