Which mink coat to choose. How to choose a mink coat correctly: the main criteria for a competent purchase

Mink coat  - the dream of many women. This thing in the wardrobe is not just a standard of chic and an indicator of high status. It has excellent qualities - high wear resistance, good heat-shielding properties and is not afraid of wet weather.

Most modern manufacturers are focused on affordable prices for fur products. But not in all cases the price and quality parameters are comparable. Despite the wide range and popularity, the question of how to choose the mink coat is always open.

You must consider a number of nuances and tips before buying a coveted fur coat. If you take them into account, then she will delight her mistress with beauty and warmth for more than one season.

Consider how to choose the right mink coat and not get caught on the hook of fraudsters.

Any fur product has its own distinctive features and characteristics. Mink is a noble fur and it has special properties, knowing which you can purchase a high-quality fur coat or fur accessory.

How to choose a mink coat

Therein, tohow to choose a mink coat ,   they will help you professional advice.

  • The very first thing you should pay attention to is the fur. If it is of high quality, then it has rich color and luster, it shimmers in the sun.
  • The fur of the animal should not have a pungent smell. Otherwise, the dressing of the skin was wrong. But the fur coat itself was not made in a special factory. A sticky fluff testifies to the same thing.
  • An uneven or faded color indicates the age of the animals used. The presence of rust spots is a nuance of the content of animals in the cells. No dry cleaning will remove them.
  • The lighter the shade and the lighter the weight of the product - the higher its price. A fur coat from good large skins is the best choice. It should not have creases and other defects - protruding threads and glue, small pieces of fur.
  • In any case, the surface of the fur cover should be smooth and even and not have visible defects.

Basically, tips on how to choose a mink coat are reduced to visual inspection of the product and focus on the fur of which it is made. But do not forget about such things as lining and accessories, the style of the fur coat itself.

  • Turn the fur coat inside out and evaluate the evenness of the seams on the lining fabric. The fabric should be dense and the lines even. The lining should not be too tight when trying on.
  • High-quality fittings - buttons and snakes should be firmly and evenly fastened, well unfastened and fastened without effort.
  • And most importantly, size. During the fitting, compare the fur coats of several sizes, even if you clearly know which one is right for you.
  • Give preference to the classic style and length of the coat - so it will always remain in the latest fashion trends. The same applies to the color of the product.

How to identify a mink coat

How to identify a mink coat

How to choose a mink coat - the tips that were given above are good if you buy a product in a company store and you really have a mink product in front of you. Now more than ever, fur coats of different colors are popular. Their price is more attractive and it is not easy to determine the quality and naturalness of the product. There are certain nuances. , how to choose a mink coat, which in this case should be followed.

  • Price - a good mink coat, especially in the autumn-winter season, cannot have a low price. Big discounts are a sign of poor quality of the product or old models, in the worst case - fake fur. Light fur and light weight, large animal skins are the best choice. But the price of such a fur coat is much higher.
  • Fur - a real mink does not fall down, has a dense underfur. Natural mezdra soft to the touch, light color and with a characteristic sheen. It shimmers and shines evenly over the entire surface. Run a wet hand along the fur coat - if there are fibers on it, then you should not choose this product.
  • Color - it can be any. It is best to give preference to the natural shades of skins that are found in nature. But, if you want a bright and effective coat, then resort to a little trick. Check the color fastness - gently rub the fur with a damp cloth or cloth, there should be no traces of paint on it.
  • The mezdra of the dyed product has a dark shade. Regardless of color - the fur coat shimmers and glistens. It also should not crumple and will return to its original position if it is clenched in a fist.

How to distinguish a mink coat from a fake

Consider how to choose a mink coat when buying.

At the time of purchase of a fur coat, many women can act impulsively and forget about the quality of a thing for the sake of a more attractive price or model. But the quality criteria should not be neglected if you do not want to become the owner of a fake.

  • Start by evaluating the fur itself. The fur fabric should be uniform and without visible defects. With a slight tingling of the product, you should not have any fluff or hair in your hand. Otherwise, after a short time, the fur coat will lose all its attractiveness and will crumble like a stagnant Christmas tree.
  • Pay attention to the general appearance of the goods offered to you. Creases and bruises indicate that the fur coat lay for a long time. Adhesive fluff indicates improper storage and violation of technology at the time of manufacture. Mink hair should be soft, shiny and elastic. Slide your hand over the fur coat - natural and high-quality fur will immediately return to its place.
  • Estimate the weight of the goods. A good mink coat weighs more than it seems at first glance. But you should not rely too much on these feelings. The product from high-quality fur of young animals is inferior in weight to those made of old animals.
  • Inspect the item from the inside. Turn the fur coat inside out and pay attention to the back, where the lining easily moves away from the fur. This place is the most vulnerable - it is the most subject to wear. If the seams are even and do not diverge, then everything is in order.

In addition to these nuances when buying a product, it is important to know how to distinguish a mink coat from a fake. They can also be performed at a high level and this is a fairly common practice.

Here are some more tips for avoiding fakes.

  • The surest way is to ask the seller for a certificate and check the labels on the product. The markings applied to them must match. Otherwise, the coat will not only not last a couple of seasons, but it will also harm your health. Fakes or poor-quality mink coats can easily cause allergies and skin rashes.
  • The low cost of a fur coat, which, according to the seller, is made of whole skins, also does not speak in favor of a natural fur coat. Mink fur is highly valued and therefore cannot be cheap.
  • Uneven seams, traces of glue, protruding threads or pieces of fur - all these are not only signs of poor quality, but also not of the original product. Another color of the mezdra or sub-lining that does not match the pile is also very likely a fake.
  • Often they try to replace a mink with a marmot or a rabbit. It should be clearly remembered - the rabbit fur is shorter and softer, the groundhog has coarser mezra and there is no soft fur. The texture of the mink fur is stiffer, while it itself has delicate downs.

Where you should not buy a mink coat

Regardless of all the tips and quality criteria of a fur coat, the place of its acquisition plays a decisive role. If in doubt, how to choose a mink coat - choose the right store where fur products are sold.

Markets with their many tents are not the place to buy quality goods. Mostly there are glued mink coats from pieces. They are not subject to long-term operation and quickly wear out at the joints of gluing.

To buy mink coats is in fur stores, which exist for many years. They monitor their goods and issue a product warranty.

The domestic manufacturer also takes good care of the quality of its products, so buying a fur coat in his company store is justified.

Remember that you can always see reviews on the website of fur salons and read detailed information about fur stores on the Internet.

Other tips on how to choose a mink coat correctly look at the video.

How to choose a mink coat - experts in fur salons tell you what to look for when choosing a mink coat.

A mink fur coat is the dream of many women. And if you have the opportunity to buy a mink coat, be sure to do it, but before that, find out how to choose the right mink coat. This question is not simple - a mink coat is expensive, there are a lot of fakes on the market, therefore it is worth approaching the choice of a mink coat with all responsibility.

The choice of mink coats - quality fur

The most important thing when choosing a mink coat is to evaluate the quality of the fur.   To get started, stroke the fur “against the coat” and see how quickly it will regain its original appearance. If it stands upright and does not want to return to its original position, this indicates a low quality of the mink and one should not choose such a fur coat.

Next, we conduct a visual inspection: near the skin itself, you should see a light fluff covering its entire surface. Mink coat must have it! If you do not observe it, it is better to refuse a dubious purchase.

Another item without which it is impossible to choose the mink coat correctly is to test the fur product. "For strength." Shake it or gently pull on the hairs. If fur fell from a mink coat or a decent bunch of hairs remained in your hand, this indicates the non-observance of the rules for the production or storage of fur products. Such a fur coat will quickly lose its presentation, so why pay so much money for low-quality goods?

By the way, are you sure that the coat you are considering is really made of mink and is not a fake? When choosing a mink coat, pay close attention to the length of the fur: the hairs on the entire surface of the fur coat should be the same length - this is a sign of authenticity of the fur.

And finally, the seams. We tell you absolutely seriously - manufacturers of real mink coats always leave an unstitched piece at the bottom of the lining, so that the buyer can look under the lining and see the quality of the seam. If everything is closed - think about it.

So, we remember the first rules for choosing a mink coat - the fur is the same length, immediately returns to its original position, has a skin down, does not crumble and allows you to see the seam.

Mink Coat Selection - Color

How to choose the color of the mink coat is an amateur's question, because each of us likes his own, and colored mink coats are in fashion today.  But there are moments that will tell you a lot about the quality of the mink and can affect your choice. So, if the fur is too dark, then the fur coat was either dyed or made of old fur. The first assumption is easy to verify. In its natural form, high-quality Mezdra is soft and has a light color and a characteristic luster. The skin of a colored coat will also be dark, and you can immediately find out about it if you carefully examine the skin under the undercoat.

In principle, the color of the mink in itself is by no means a sign of a poor-quality product. After all, fashion is constantly changing and depending on the trends of the season, various shades become relevant. Another thing is when sellers give out colored mink coats for some rare species, for example, the "black mink" that does not exist in nature, respectively, raising the price. But the quality of the coloring must be checked: lightly rub the fur with a light cloth and make sure that the paint and hairs do not remain on it.

Another point when choosing a mink coat is the question of how much you will wear it. A good mink coat can look great for 5, 7, and 10 years. If you do not plan to wear it for a long time, you can choose a mink coat of any color, but if this thing is for years, it is better to prefer natural shades of nature, that is, choose a classic. This, incidentally, applies to the style.

Another factor that you need to consider when choosing a mink coat is shine.  If the fur over the entire surface of the fur coat shimmers beautifully, such a product will not only attract envious glances, but also retain its original appearance for a long time. Dyed or natural mink coat - it doesn’t matter, the fur should shine.

The next points that you should definitely pay attention to those who want to correctly choose a mink coat are whether the mink coat is dyed, whether the paint is good and the mink coat is shiny.

How to choose a mink coat - fitting

A mink coat is not an expensive pleasure, so you need to slowly approach the choice of a fur coat.   For this case mistakes in the fitting are typical - to buy a mink coat once having measured it in a store is wrong, for sellers you will always look amazing, and is it really so? Firstly, each of the products in question should not only be measured, but also walk in it for at least a few minutes. This will help you not to make a mistake with the size, you can make sure that you feel comfortable in the mink coat of this style, and, of course, you can intuitively evaluate the quality of the product.

Secondly,   even if it seems to you that you have chosen the perfect mink coat, do not buy it right away. Return to the store with a “support group” - girlfriends, colleagues, a man, and listen to the opinions of people whose taste you trust. And here it is especially important to listen just to criticism, and not to rave reviews. Still, mink coats are usually bought less often and it is better to be 100% confident in the purchase, the site believes, than then try to get rid of it in order to get something better.

Hence the good advice - when choosing a mink coat, be sure to show it to your family or friends, asking them to be extremely sincere.

  Victoria Krasnova All rights reserved

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No matter how dramatic changes occur in the fashion industry, mink fur always remains the standard of femininity and affluence. So that the product can be worn for many years, you need to know how to choose the mink coat. A high-quality mink is not afraid of precipitation; for a long time, it does not lose its original attractiveness.

Fur of this animal is highly valued, products from it always remain popular and are not cheap, so manufacturers often save on tailoring or even offer unauthentic goods. Unfortunately, with the development of modern technologies, the likelihood of encountering a fake has increased, even in trusted retail outlets. In order not to fall for the bait of scammers, study the recommendations of experts on how to choose the right mink coat.

What nuances you need to pay attention to:

  • High quality products will pay off with interest. After all, good furs will be worn for more than 10 years, without losing their original attractiveness.
  • Available in financial terms, mink products are made of brown fur. The darker the tone, the more expensive the mink.
  • Furs of red, blue and gray colors are sold at an average price.
  • The high price category includes products from unpainted white furs.
  • Valuable and elite is considered to be a black mink with a shimmer of color, to the touch resembling velvet.
  • The high price does not always mean quality. Perhaps in this shopping center just a high wrap. When buying, focus not only on the cost, but also on the quality of the goods.

How to determine the quality of a mink coat

Carefully inspect the fur coat, feel the fur, if possible, look behind the lining to assess the quality of the mezra (the back of the skin). It is better to choose not in the market, but in a specialized store. In this case, the chance to run into a fake is minimal. Keep in mind that the furs made in our country are not bad, but European manufacturers pay more attention to the quality of the material and tailoring.

How to choose a quality fur coat:

  • Swipe your hand against the direction of the villi, a good mink fur will quickly assume its original position.
  • Dark and dull furs, as well as uneven colors, indicate the age of the skin.
  • After contact with a fur product, hair and fluff should not remain on the hand.
  • The fewer seams on the wrong side, the longer the purchase will last.
  • Rub the dyed fur with a light handkerchief, while keeping the surface of the fabric clean.
  • Quality fur should be thick, with good undercoat.
  • Ask the seller for a certificate. The markings on it and on the label must match.
  • High-quality mezdra is soft, elastic, without cracks, when pressed, it does not make creaking sounds.

One of the most desired New Year gifts for any woman is, of course, a fur coat. Take any opinion poll. And of course, it would be a shame, having found a considerable amount, to buy a low-quality thing or to spoil it in the process of wearing. For advice on how to choose and care for exquisite, capricious material, we turned to an expert in furs, a fur production technologist Svetlana Titova.

Question: We have come to the store. What we should first of all pay attention to so that bitter disappointment does not fall upon us at home.

Expert: First of all, of course, you need to draw on the fur fabric from which the fur coat is assembled. You can touch the fur, stroke it from bottom to top, top to bottom. It is important how you will stroke the fur, if you hold your hand against the pile, it should return to its original position. If the fur smells, it has some extraneous odors like musk, rancid fat, then you can immediately refuse this coat and leave it in the store. By the way, the fur coat can be felt and pulled in different places. And if you have some kind of villi left in your fingers, then this fur is most likely immature and not of good quality.

Question: How to check the quality of tailoring?

Expert: The manufacturer responsible for their quality never earn a lining deafly. There is always a place where you can see the inside of the fur coat, if you turn the fur coat out we will see that the back of the skin is light in color. The correct color, if the mezdra is yellow, then this fur is old. And it sweeps with you for a very short time. To the touch, it should be soft, elastic.

Question: We checked everything, the most pleasant part comes, this is a fitting. How to choose the right size of fur products?

Expert: There is a basic rule: when choosing a fur coat, the main thing is that it should not be small. First of all, you need to determine whether this coat is comfortable or not, try living in this coat. At least 5 minutes in front of the mirror in the fitting room. Many of us are faced with sensations when we buy outerwear, when we want to either move the fur coat forward, or vice versa push it back. When the collar pulls or presses on the neck. Or, on the contrary, he is far behind the neck.

Question: What is the difference between a fur coat from a normal mink and a fur coat from a sheared mink?

Expert: The disadvantage of such fur coats is that they practically do not heat, they have heat, the protective properties are very low.

Expert: The modern technology of dyeing and dye, which are used in this area, is now of such good quality, they do not affect the properties and quality of the fur.

Question: What do you say about dyed fur?

Expert: If suddenly you liked a bright red mink, and you want to buy it and can not imagine further life without it, I will advise you to check whether dyeing is persistent, because manufacturers are different. It is better to protect yourself immediately, without having bought this fur coat. To do this, arm with a wet handkerchief. Take and rub this handkerchief over the fur, if your handkerchief remains white, feel free to buy this fur coat.

Question: The level of modern technology is now quite high. An ignorant buyer can easily be offered nutria instead of a mink. And instead of a silver fox fox. Can we somehow insure ourselves against a fake?

Expert: You have to understand that silver fox hair has a three-color structure. It is gray at the base, then goes white. And at the tips it is black. Sometimes cheaper nutria is given as a more expensive beaver. Here you need to remember that beaver fur is more fluffy.

Run your hand over the fur, as they say, against the fur. The hairs should return to their original position, and nothing should remain on the palm.

A good fur coat shines, does not have bald patches or, conversely, tufts of too long villi, and does not exude unpleasant odors.

If the manufacturer has nothing to hide, he leaves a small unfinished area so that you can look at the skins from the inside. The back side should be smooth, not prickly and light, and not saturated yellow.

If caught in wet snow, in no case do not hang a fur coat on the battery. Let it dry at room temperature. In winter, fur products should be carefully combed every week.