Gifts for young wedding anniversary 1 year. of the year. Bronze wedding. years - agate wedding. Agate Wedding Gifts

So exactly one year has passed since the day of marriage. Young spouses celebrate their first joint anniversary - a chintz wedding. It is also sometimes called gauze. Before this significant date, the husband and wife were also called "newlyweds." Their marriage went through a probationary period. Now, the union can be called established.

The name of the holiday has come down to our days since ancient times. It contains a certain symbolism and ambiguity.

According to conservative sources , throughout the first year of the spouses' joint life, their relationship is comparable to fragile fabric, namely chintz. Young for a year did not have time to get to know each other well, adapt to living on the same territory. On the other hand, chintz is a fabric of predominantly bright colors with beautiful patterns. So the relationship of the newly minted couple is full of novelty and vivid emotions.

But the fervent rumor of the people ascribed such a name a completely different meaning . It provides a simpler explanation. Previously, quite reasonably, it was believed that in the first year of legal marriage, young people are given the most active actions in the marital bed. This process leads to wear of chintz bedding. It becomes almost transparent and resembles gauze. Accordingly, the guests invited to celebrate the first anniversary of the family sought to make a useful and necessary gift. Many people chose a bedding set.

There is a more “practical” version of the appearance of this name. . It is connected with the customs of peasant life. Most often, by the end of the year of living together in the family, replenishment was planned or a baby was already born. There was a need for diapers, towels and simple pieces of cloth. Therefore, relatives and tried to give diapers and cuts from chintz.

But all this was long ago ...

How now to choose a good gift, what nuances to pay special attention to?

Of course, today it is possible to present a family of chintz or any other textile to the family. But do not limit your imagination to just that. If you have to congratulate your relatives or friends on such a date, it is better to figure out how to do it the most original way.

Say a solid "NO" to stereotypes!

There is no doubt that if a bedding set was chosen as a gift, it will take pride of place on the farthest shelf next door to other copies received on the same day. Of course, he will certainly wait for his day, because this thing in everyday life is simply necessary. But if you want to stand out and present an unforgettable present, templates should be avoided.

bedding set

In such an important matter as choosing a gift, there is no place for haste. You should choose a free day and take a leisurely stroll through the souvenir shops.

Among the many trinkets you can find beautiful and unique things, decorated with elements of chintz. Maybe it will be a photo album in a fabric cover. Spouses will be able to post photos in it, which probably have accumulated a decent amount for a whole year of marriage. Each time they flip through it, they will surely remember who presented it.

Practicality in everything

If you want to help a young family and give a practical gift, this does not mean that you should buy a roll of chintz for diapers (as was customary before).

You can give an original tablecloth or curtains for the kitchen. But at the same time, you should take a closer look at the interior. After all, such things should fit into the general situation. Any woman will be glad to receive a new item for her wardrobe.

By the way, there used to be an interesting tradition - the mother-in-law surely gave the daughter-in-law a chintz dress. As a wish that her family life was just as easy and colorful. If you decide to give something like that, you should prepare in advance and find out whether this or that thing is appropriate. After all, even five bedding sets are much more needed than five curtains in a one-room apartment.

Friends can present an original gift in the form of cotton T-shirts with a funny print. Even if the couple does not dress them right after the gift is presented, you should not be upset. Such things will always be useful in family life. And for a long time they will bring positive emotions to their owners.

For those whose hobby is needlework, the problem of choosing a gift should not appear in life at all. A gift made with your own hands, and even with love, is always appropriate and especially pleasant. For the first anniversary, you can embroider a beautiful pattern on a cotton tablecloth or napkin. These gizmos will long remind the owners of a warm attitude towards them.

What to give to your spouse?

Wedding anniversary is first of all a celebration of the spouses themselves. They, too, must prepare at least symbolic gifts for each other.

By tradition - a beautiful scarf for the wife or personally embroidered for the husband. In this case, chintz can be replaced with a silk version. A wife can give her beloved spouse a thing that she will do with her own hands. For example, a knitted scarf or sweater.

If you apply imagination, you can beautifully and unusually decorate home cotton clothes. If a woman cannot boast of needlework skills, it is perfectly acceptable to find a suitable item in the store. Maybe it will be a shirt, cardigan or a soft bathrobe. Undoubtedly, the wife will enjoy a romantic dinner prepared by his wife.

A husband can please his beloved with beautiful underwear or a shirt. Sweet pajamas will do too. If a man has studied the taste of his lover well and is oriented in size, you can choose a dress from the new collection as a gift.

If a woman belongs to the number of needlewomen, you can write her to a master class that she had long dreamed of or subscribe to her favorite publication, a magazine. A box of chocolates in the original packaging, decorated with a bright calico scarf or ribbon, will not be superfluous.

Or maybe the woman’s cherished desire was a subscription to a fitness club or spa? Now a very suitable occasion for its execution. A must complement to any gift is a beautiful bouquet.

A gift for friends.

In this case, you definitely should not make a choice in favor of chintz. Let it be any other product. A nice blanket or plaid is a good option.

Specialized stores offer a wide range of cute decorative pillows in a wide variety of shapes and colors. You can please the couple with a pair of pajamas made in the same style. Perhaps it will be two funny kitchen aprons.

Hand-drawn picture ...

But in this case (so as not to spoil the impression) it should be ordered only from a professional artist.

In conclusion ...

If you know exactly what a married couple is dreaming of, what gift they would really need, it is worth giving it. It does not matter if it has nothing to do with tissue. Textiles can complement the main gift. For example, it is appropriate to use it as an element of holiday packaging.

We must not forget the rule: “It is not so important what is chosen as a gift - the main thing is that it should be presented from the heart and with sincere wishes!”

Nowadays, not all young couples know the name of the wedding anniversary 1 year. And it’s called chintz. This is the first joint anniversary, and believe me, the couple has something to celebrate! They lived together for a year, discovered new facets in each other, and they looked at themselves in a new way. In some young families, children have appeared during this time. But be that as it may, I want to celebrate the first family celebration with a grand scale, fun and bright. After reading this article, you will learn: how to celebrate the first wedding anniversary, what to give for a wedding anniversary 1 year, you will learn the curious traditions of cotton print, and much more.

How to celebrate a chintz wedding?

In order for the first wedding anniversary to succeed, you need to carefully prepare for its celebration. Guests should consider congratulations and gifts. And for a start, a young couple needs to decide on the venue of the celebration. A great option for the celebration can be a country house or a cozy summer house.

Decorating the venue

As the name of the wedding, decor elements should be made of chintz. You can decorate trees and shrubs with calico ribbons, balloons, and all kinds of accessories from chintz fabric.

If the celebration is planned in the apartment, you can decorate the curtains, chandeliers, door handles with beautiful chintz bows. Instead of the usual tablecloth, you can put a chintz cut decorated with braid and lace on the festive table.

Celebration script

To make the holiday fun and interesting, think over the celebration scenario in advance. You can arrange a variety of competitions using chintz and balloons. In the evening, you can please guests with gatherings around the campfire and excellent barbecue. At the celebration of the anniversary of 1 year there should not be a hint of officialdom, the day should pass in the same breath.

And so that the memories of your first triumph are not lost, it is advisable to invite a photographer who captures you happy and cheerful, surrounded by relatives and friends. Such photos throughout your life will warm you with their warmth.

Traditions of chintz wedding

  • In ancient Russia, wives on the first anniversary of marriage embroidered a cotton cloth, it was she who was to decorate the table with refreshments for guests.
  • The young hostess walked in the chintz dress until sunset.
  • On the day of the anniversary, the young couple presented each other scarves from chintz and tied them together, while the oath of allegiance and eternal love was pronounced.

Festive table

What hostess does not want to show herself and surprise guests with exquisite dishes. But for chintz celebration, the motto of the festive table should be the simplicity and usefulness of the treats.

Chintz Gifts

What to give on a chintz wedding? It has been very simple since ancient times on the first anniversary that chintz fabric cuts were presented for diapers. After all, it was during this period that the first-born was often expected.

Now it will also be no less relevant to give young beautiful pieces of tissue. But progress does not stand still and not only chintz can be presented to a young married couple today. A good gift can be a warm blanket, a beautiful tulle or curtains, bedding, kitchen or bath towel sets, a fine tablecloth, fabric napkins, embroidered pillows, rugs.

At a chintz wedding, a young couple also makes gifts to each other, often this is some kind of clothing. Moreover, wardrobe items can be not only from chintz, but also from any other material.

If you don’t know what to give your husband, present him a beautiful shirt or a stylish T-shirt, it certainly will never hurt.

And if you are puzzled and don’t know what to give to your wife, finding out her size slowly, please your beloved with a beautiful fashionable dress. You may have noticed how she sighs languidly, walking near the window of a boutique.

If you wish, you can create a little creative and give a young family a unique gift made by yourself. If you know how to embroider well, you can give young tablecloths and towels embroidered with your own hand. If you draw well, surprise the couple with their joint portrait.

It happens that young spouses want to receive something specific as a gift, for example, a new teapot or a porcelain set of dishes. If you know about this, then you can step back a little from tradition and make a gift that is really useful for a young family in everyday life.

In this case, you can give everything. The main condition is that the gift should be wrapped in a piece of chintz fabric or decorated with chintz bows.

Interesting video

It seems that recently there were fiery speeches, pronounced oaths about fidelity, respect, love for each other. The first year of marriage goes unnoticed. Lovers go through the most difficult life path of the beginning of a life together, feelings become stronger, sincere, that's why the chintz wedding is given special attention. The celebration should be approached with reverence, but with enthusiasm.

The first anniversary is called - chintz wedding. And this name appeared by chance. The people symbolized 1 year of wedding with chintz - a bright, fragile fabric. The family life of the young is still in its infancy: love, relationships are still vivid, but in the case of a blemish they can break. The main task for young people in a joint way is to find a common language and strengthen their own positions in the confidence to preserve the marriage.

The name "chintz wedding" has its own meaning and history. There is a popular opinion: newlyweds are active in bed after marriage, and carnal joys turn chintz fabric into a gauze state. Therefore, the wedding anniversary 1 year has a second name - a gauze wedding, which today is forgotten and remembered by people of the older generation.

Wedding traditions for 1 year of marriage

Wedding traditions along with the name are forgotten. Today, couples do not betray the importance of the rites performed several decades ago by their ancestors. A gift for 1 year of the wedding does not bear the meaning established over the centuries, necessary to invest in congratulations on the anniversary.

A chintz wedding includes traditions and perpetuated ceremonies required to be observed and performed at the celebration. With their help, they honor the ancestors who laid offspring respect and kinship. Among the many traditions, there are several well-known rituals encountered today:

  1. Spouses should give a gift to their beloved second half. You should choose a regular cotton scarf as a sign of boundless love, devotion. It is necessary to tie knots on the donated shawl, personifying the oath of fidelity and love for the whole life together. A knot for each of the spouses will mean the end of a kind of probationary period, because now they can really swear love to each other.
  2. In order to express their oath, in addition to tying knots, the spouses face each other. Looking into the eyes of a lover, they say together

    “Like the knots we have tied are strong, so are our words. “Like a wind, a reveler in a field will wake a cornfield, so joy and happiness will forever come with us.”

  3. A chintz wedding should be celebrated by the newlyweds and guests present at the wedding. New guests can be invited to the next anniversaries. This custom is not preserved today, but it means the safety of love relationships from prying eyes, since only relatives and close friends have always been invited to the wedding - they wish the newlyweds good.

Observance of traditions is not required today, but it is worth listening and taking a closer look, because in Russia there have always been strong alliances.

How to celebrate the first wedding anniversary

A chintz wedding implies a huge abundance of chintz accessories and jewelry. The newlyweds' house was completely framed with chintz attributes:

  • made a new set of bed linen;
  • set a new tablecloth on the table;
  • hung chintz curtains on the windows;
  • used various decorations and little things to conduct ceremonies at the celebration.

A gift for 1 year of wedding should be made of cotton fabric. Guests regaled at the table and took part in various competitions. It turned out a fun, provocative feast.

Today it is possible to celebrate a chintz wedding in the same context. Invite relatives, friends, come up with several contests and have fun.

What to give for 1 year of wedding

The main question remains for guests: what is presented for a chintz wedding? Here you will not have to rack your brains while choosing a gift and look for chintz accessories. Fabric products of all types of accessories are suitable. You can present the following gifts:

  1. Bed linen is the most suitable gift for a chintz wedding, which is always useful, because newlyweds turn chintz into gauze quickly. In addition to bedding, give spouses a variety of rugs, towels, curtains, and other fabric products. In the first year of their life together, they have not yet managed to acquire everything necessary.
  2. Jewelery using semiprecious stones is a symbol of brightness, wealth, and luxury. By decorating, guests wish the young to find financial prosperity.
  3. Clothing - shirts, dresses, baby gowns and romper suits for a newborn is an excellent gift that does not require strict execution from chintz. For a newborn child in young people, this gift will come in handy.

Several decades ago, numerous gifts were given only from chintz. Today, tradition has stepped aside a little, so you can choose any quality matter.

Do not bypass the celebration of chintz wedding. Our ancestors were sure that a celebration performed in accordance with established traditions would bring happiness to the young. Try to verify the age-old statement. And suddenly it really works.

What to gift:

A year after marriage at the registry office, young spouses celebrate an important family anniversary - the first anniversary of the marriage. It is customary to invite all friends, relatives, witnesses to it, cheerfully celebrate the holiday. The first anniversary, after a year of living together, is very important for a young family, because this is an occasion to remember the most vivid moments of the wedding and again confess to each other in eternal love.

The first marriage anniversary is called a chintz wedding. It is believed that feelings are still as fragile as chintz, relations can be broken, like this thin fabric. The name hints the spouses to respect each other, symbolizes the brightness of feelings and the diversity of emotions in the first year of marriage.

After receiving the invitation, the guests should think in advance what to present to the chintz wedding to their husband and wife, how to congratulate them. The very name "chintz wedding" already hints at what gifts should be on the anniversary of the wedding. You can buy souvenirs or chintz clothes in the store, but if you have talent and abilities, it is better to sew original toys or gizmos with your own hands.

Gift Ideas for Husband from Wife

On the first anniversary of marriage, the wife is obliged to present her beloved husband with an original chintz souvenir. It will be better if the thing is done by yourself, but in the absence of talent you can buy it. The main thing is to choose a gift with a soul, taking into account the traditions of chintz wedding.

You should choose a present, given the age of your husband - the situations are different. For a young twenty-year-old guy, some souvenirs are suitable, for a man aged - completely different. For a whole year of marriage, you can already learn the habits of the spouse, hobbies, find out what the husband likes. The period of love relationships is not over yet, so it is not forbidden to give products in the form of hearts, intertwined rings, swans.

Here are some ideas you can give your beloved husband:

  • a cotton summer shirt, shorts, a cool T-shirt with the inscription "Beloved husband", "The best guy";
  • a funny apron with the image of a beauty or a pumped up macho so that a loved one helps to do household chores;
  • a set of bright towels in the car;
  • a few sliders, if the family already has a baby, with the inscriptions on them “Daddy's son”, “My daddy is the best”, “I love daddy”;
  • a box or a jar covered in chintz, in which you can put any gift on the anniversary of family life;
  • a soft toy made of fabric, for example, a hare, a teddy bear, a cat, you can give a heart of red material, hinting at the strength of the relationship;
  • beautiful bedding with a bright print, patterns in the shape of hearts, kisses.

Gifts for chintz wedding beloved husband should hint at the tenderness of the relationship, the anniversary of family life. If possible, you can order a T-shirt, pillow or photo frame made of fabric with a beautiful inscription “To my boyfriend”, “Beloved husband”.

You can give such gifts to your husband on the anniversary of family life:

  • anniversary medal with the inscription "1 year of marriage";
  • a sweet cake decorated with the phrase "Cotton print" or "1 year of marriage";
  • heart-shaped pillow;
  • a souvenir in the form of the newlyweds, a couple in love, hinting at the closeness of the relationship.

If you wish, with your own hands you can make an original craftwork from chintz by stitching a toy, a sofa cushion or a roller under your head. Any gift should be given with words of love, having sealed the anniversary date with a kiss and romantic confessions.

Gift Ideas for Wife from Husband

A gift to a wife from her husband for a cotton print should hint at the closeness of family relationships, strong feelings and the strength of marriage. You can give your favorite boyfriend a heart-shaped toy, a beautiful chemise, and a sexy short dressing gown. A respectable man can buy expensive wife’s bedding, clothes, an original souvenir for his anniversary.

Here are some gift ideas for your wife:

  • beautiful bright bathrobe for the home;
  • summer sundress, shirt;
  • a set of diapers, vests or clothes for a recently born baby;
  • beautiful bedding;
  • tablecloth, curtains, towels.

If the husband came up with the idea to buy a gift not from chintz, for example, a set of dishes, jewelry, household appliances, a phone, you need to ask the sellers to pick up a beautiful box upholstered in fabric in the store. A present or souvenir packaged in this way will remind the wife of the chintz wedding anniversary.

If the gift is wrapped in shiny wrapping paper, you can tie a flirty bow from a strip of chintz fabric on top. In souvenir shops even fabric postcards with the inscriptions “1 year of wedding” or “Year behind are all ahead” are sold.

You can buy a jubilee medal for the wedding year, a playful order, you can print an interesting letter of recognition yourself, what a wonderful and good wife was all year. In general, the ideas of the sea, there would be a desire to please her beloved.

Gift options from guests and relatives

A gift from guests for a cotton print must necessarily be made of cotton print. The first anniversary of marriage implies adherence to this tradition. There are plenty of ideas, because chintz is a simple and inexpensive material used when sewing clothes, towels, bedding.

You just need to responsibly approach the choice of a gift to friends so that the souvenir hints at the last year of marriage. It should symbolize the strength of the relationship between husband and wife, the strength of their love, fidelity. Any seller will gladly offer a lot of chintz gizmos, you just have to buy a suitable one and pack it beautifully.

Here are the possible options for gifts to the husband and wife on the anniversary of the marriage:

  • bedding, beautiful sheets, separate pillowcases of different sizes;
  • curtains on the kitchen window, tablecloths;
  • towels, potholders;
  • aprons, mittens for hot dishes;
  • a dressing gown, shirt, wife’s sundress, husband’s t-shirt or shirt, pajamas;
  • soft toys, souvenirs;
  • fabric photo frames;
  • cloth boxes upholstered
  • calico handkerchiefs for spouses to commemorate the anniversary of family relations,
  • sliders, baby's undershirts, baby's nose.

You can give bright souvenir items from chintz to a young guy, a serious respectable spouse should choose a more suitable present. Spouses of any age are encouraged to give clothes, bedspreads, curtains, fabric cuts for sewing diapers.

DIY souvenirs for chintz wedding

Original gifts for chintz wedding are not necessary to buy in stores - you can successfully make a souvenir for the anniversary of a joint life with your own hands. It will only be necessary to buy fabric, prepare patterns, tools. What kind of toy or craft it will turn out in the end - it doesn’t matter, the main thing is to invest in it a piece of soul, creativity, and skill.

For a year of living together, gifts should not be expensive, it's just a tribute to tradition. You can just make a tack or an apron with your own hands. Even a simple gift for spouses for chintz wedding will not cause complaints, the main thing is that it is useful in the household.

Here are some ideas for DIY souvenirs:

  • a guy and a girl aged about 20 years old will like hand-sewn diapers or panties for the future baby, especially if the couple is already expecting a baby;
  • gloves and aprons, hot coasters, curtains, towels will not interfere with the household;
  • spouses will definitely like a funny gift in the form of a soft toy for chintz wedding; you can fill it with cotton wool, gauze, pieces of unnecessary material;
  • often, on the anniversary of a joint life, experienced craftswomen make beautiful photo frames, photo albums, boxes for little things with their own hands - it is worth borrowing this idea and putting it into practice;
  • you can sew bright bedding from multi-colored chintz for spouses or a baby, decorate with a patterned fabric pillows, rollers, hooks for curtains;
  • it is recommended to make pillows for beauty in the shape of a heart, flower, animal shape, decorating them with lace, ribbons, braid;
  • if opportunities allow, you can even sew a fluffy quilt or a multi-colored bedspread on a matrimonial bed with your own hands.

Any gift for spouses on the first anniversary of marriage will be pleasant, the main thing is to give it with the wishes of strong family relationships, love and mutual fidelity. It does not matter if he is useful on the farm or in the closet - the memory of this anniversary will remain for many years.

What else to please each other.

A year after the wedding, the newlyweds celebrate a chintz wedding. During this time, the couple got used to each other, got used to, but the love that bound their hearts continues to burn with a bright flame of passion. With the approaching significant date, relatives and friends of the young couple are increasingly wondering what to give to their spouses on their wedding anniversary.

Why is the wedding called chintz?

"Calico simplicity" - in Russia they often use this epithet, which characterizes the first wedding anniversary. It is believed that the relationship of the spouses during this period is crystal clear, since they have not yet been overshadowed by any worries.

However, family life of one year is not very strong, as is chintz fabric, which is very easy to tear. Therefore, if the newlyweds love each other, they should make every effort to preserve and strengthen the marriage, and slowly but surely move towards the anniversary of the golden wedding, the symbol of which is precious metal.

Why give chintz?

The memories of a magnificent celebration are still fresh when the guests shouted to the young couple: "Bitter!" A carefully dressed wedding dress is hanging in the closet, and a bottle of champagne, tied with a beautiful ribbon, is waiting for the couple to open it on the first anniversary of their wedding.

Celebrating or not celebrating the year of living together is a personal matter for the husband and wife. However, most newlyweds still prefer to arrange a celebration dedicated to the birthday of the family. By the way, few people know that in Sanskrit the word "sitras" (it was in India that chintz was invented and began to produce it at the beginning of the XI century) means "colorful", so the wedding day should be fun and with a twinkle.

   The task of relatives and friends invited to the event is to prepare a worthy gift for 1 year of wedding.

From ancient times, on this significant day, it was customary to present chintz for diapers to a husband and wife, because by this time the young family was already expecting the birth of the firstborn.

Today, this custom is a thing of the past, and chintz is no longer considered a valuable gift, since it quickly fades and loses its presentation. Today, on the first wedding anniversary, any textile is presented: fabric curtains, tablecloths, rugs, towels, bedspreads, that is, items that will not only be useful to young people, but will also greatly decorate the interior of the apartment.

Traditional chintz wedding gifts

On the first wedding anniversary, you can give clothes. So, two bathrobes will become a practical and pleasant gift.

If guests decide to give bedding to young spouses, then it is quite reasonable to find out the size of the bed in advance. Agree, it will not be very pleasant to find out that their gift is unclaimed for one simple reason - you presented a half bed set, while the spouses use larger linen because of the presence of a double bed.

As for the fabric, calico should be preferred - a comfortable and practical material that does not lose its aesthetic appearance like chintz, and inexpensive, unlike satin and satin.

The low cost of coarse calico allows you to purchase several sets for a gift for the newlyweds, which they can change depending on their mood. But you should not give linen from silk; it is better to do this during the celebration of a pearl wedding, the second name of which is “silk”.

Useful gifts for the first wedding anniversary

Guests who are of the opinion that practical gifts are more suitable for young spouses can move away from the prevailing traditions and give them a gift of household appliances that they have not yet managed to acquire in a year of marriage. If the newlyweds do not yet have a crock-pot, microwave, food processor, blender, kitchen scale or high-quality iron, then they will be especially pleased to receive them as a gift.

At first   A year of family life, a young wife comprehends the basics of culinary excellence, and maybe a new husband also loves to cook. You can solemnly hand them a book for recording recipes, which eliminates the need to look for the ones you need on the Internet. A useful gift will take its rightful place in the kitchen of the newlyweds.

If the young people have a small living space, then it is quite appropriate to present them with vacuum bags on the first anniversary in order to compactly place things that do not fit in the closet. It is possible that a plastic universal chest of drawers will fit perfectly into the interior of the apartment, where subsequently young mom and dad will pack their baby's things.

Practical gifts include: an exquisite tablecloth with do-it-yourself napkins, tableware, sofa cushions in cotton pillowcases, something for serving, a tea set, crystal glasses, interior items that will decorate the room and will serve as a sweet and touching reminder of a significant date.

Friends who were not present at the wedding are not forbidden to give an envelope with money for the first anniversary, which the newlyweds will choose at their discretion.

The mother-in-law and mother-in-law, as home-made housewives with great experience, can agree among themselves and arrange the home of a young couple in the style of chintz: hang new curtains, lay out tablecloths, napkins, hang towels.

And of course, a magnificent and most necessary gift for a young couple will be a separate house or their own car, which parents can give to their beloved children.

The category “practical gifts” is quite extensive. If the guests know exactly what the newlyweds need, they can safely give them a welcome gift, regardless of whether it conforms to the traditions of the chintz wedding or not. It will be enough to pack the present beautifully and prepare a congratulatory speech that will accompany the moment of presenting the gift. By the way, a chintz fabric decorated with embroidery can serve as the original packaging material.

   But to give things to the anniversary, directly or indirectly hinting at the appearance of children, is considered a bad manners, because not all couples plan to procreate in the near future.

Therefore, it is not worth solemnly handing spouses diapers, vests and bonnets. However, if young people are ready for the birth of children, then a much more desirable and practical gift for them will be an electric heater, a small blanket, an air ionizer.

It is also not customary to give friends intimate gifts, for example, underwear.

Gifts for the soul

However, presents for newlyweds do not have to be practical. It is quite appropriate to give them not material values \u200b\u200bon their anniversary, but gifts that will cheer them up and be remembered for a long time:

Well, if the plans of young people do not include the celebration of chintz wedding, then an excellent gift for them can be a party organized by friends, in which the spouses will take part as guests. And the place and form of the celebration is absolutely unimportant - a banquet in a restaurant or cozy home gatherings, because the main thing is a cheerful company and a good mood!

Original chintz wedding gifts

If those invited to the wedding want their gift to be remembered for a long time, it was not only necessary, but also unusual, they just need to show a little imagination and imagination, and their present will not leave the newlyweds indifferent.

What else is given for one year of wedding? Over the period lived together, the newlyweds probably accumulated a lot of beautiful photos, some of which are stored in electronic version, which is not very convenient if they need to be shown to a large number of people. For this purpose, a beautiful box is very useful to them.

It can be purchased at the store or made with your own hands. To do this, you need a tin or cardboard box, which is made using the decoupage technique.

Gifts of spouses to each other

Following a long tradition, on the first wedding anniversary, the husband and wife give each other gifts from chintz, for example, a shirt and a sundress. Chintz items can now be replaced with items made from other materials, such as satin or satin.

It is not forbidden to give intimate gifts, for example, a set of exquisite underwear for the wife and pajamas for the husband. If the spouses plan to give each other gifts of a different plan, then they should still exchange chintz handkerchiefs and seal the gift with a passionate kiss.

In addition to textiles, young people can buy paired jewelry that will always remind them of a memorable day.

To her husband

So, what can you give your husband for a chintz wedding. A win-win option - when choosing a gift to build on the interests of the spouse, which over the year of marriage, the young wife has already managed to study well enough:


On the first wedding anniversary, the young wife wants romance, so the husband must make every effort to fulfill her desire. By the way, representatives of the strong half of humanity in this regard are much simpler. It is enough to go with your other half to a boutique with clothes or to a jewelry salon and choose her a present, which she had long dreamed of receiving. Choosing a gift should take into account the fact that the husband is the closest person and he is allowed to give everything.