Scenario wedding day: from "A" to "I. Everything you need for the wedding - a complete list to the smallest detail for the bride and groom

Despite the natural desire to celebrate such a significant event, the newlyweds and guests should not abuse alcohol. Especially for people who are aware of their violent reaction to alcohol, it is better to limit themselves to the nominal dose so as not to spoil the day so important for those present.


After the end of the wedding, or upon returning from a honeymoon, the newlyweds should thank all those invited for gifts and participation in the celebration. This can be done both orally immediately after the event, and in the form of letters of thanks. Thus, friends, relatives and all those invited to the wedding will be pleased to once again recall the significant event in which they took part, and to feel their importance for the newlyweds. Letters can be supplemented, for example, with photographs from weddings and vacations.

The bride's bouquet

For all unmarried girls, catching a bridal bouquet at a wedding is a symbol of good luck, not struggle. Therefore, do not jump above your head and push others around with your elbows for the sake of this prize. Neither the “winner” nor the bride will bring happiness.

Wedding Eve Party

Of course, a bachelorette party and a bachelor party cannot be canceled under any circumstances - this is a long-standing and well-established tradition, without which a wedding is simply unthinkable. But a hangover on the wedding day can greatly spoil the impressions and joy of the main holiday. And who wants to suffer a terrible headache under the march of Mendelssohn? In other words: celebrate, have fun, but drink a little and get enough sleep!


It is common practice to greet all invited guests before the official part of the holiday personally by the bride and groom. Friends of the newlyweds are welcomed like all the other guests - you should not distinguish them, you still have time to chat in an informal setting.

Dress code

Dress code is a very important point in organizing a wedding. It is important for girls to remember that only the bride has the right to wear white on this day. Black should also be avoided only if the opposite is not indicated in the invitations, as an outfit for a thematic wedding. If the bride’s dress is short, then the guests should match and do not wear long evening dresses. But the stronger sex had much less restrictions - you can safely go to a wedding in a suit without fear of looking out of place. The only limitation is that the guest's suit should not be more beautiful than that of the groom. But these are just recommendations; as a rule, invitations indicate the form and style of clothing.

Avoid unnecessary worries

Friends of the groom and bridesmaids can significantly make life easier for young people by controlling the general situation at the wedding and avoiding situations that can make people nervous or upset. So, the lion's share of wedding troubles is removed from the shoulders of the main characters, giving way only to joyful anticipation. The same rule applies for guests - do not create chaos where everything can be solved calmly. Therefore, try to control yourself, even if someone stepped on the hem of your dress or accidentally doused with wine. On such a crucial day, many have a hard time.

Informing about plans

The bride and groom must inform in advance in the invitations about the dress code, if any. If the wedding is planned themed, friends and relatives should also be informed about this. In addition, if the schedule of your wedding day is tightly planned, it is worth informing the guests in case they have planned a surprise that could knock you out of the schedule. Mandatory group photographs should also be taken care of in advance so that by the end of the day you don’t look for guests throughout the festival.


At the wedding, of course, music is a very important point. When choosing a musical accompaniment, the owners must make sure that for everyone there is something that matches his / her musical taste. There is nothing worse than guests who do not want to dance.

Responsible approach

Guests must inform in advance whether they have accepted the invitation and whether they will attend the wedding. Newlyweds need to know in advance how many people to count when ordering a hall, banquet, hotel rooms and your understanding of these circumstances greatly simplifies planning.

Guest seating plan

In most cases, the bride and groom know very well how to seat the guests, and, on this basis, secure places for the invitees. Guests should listen to the owners and sit strictly in their designated places, and not wherever they want. In order not to create confusion, you can pre-number places and tell each guest his number. On the wedding day, put a beautiful number plate next to the cutlery.

If a strict layout is not provided, then the guests are seated as follows: the bride sits on the right hand of her husband, next to them is a witness and witness, the bride's parents are next to the groom, the groom's parents are next to the bride. Then grandparents, brothers, sisters, close relatives sit down, and only then friends.


Wedding invitations should be sent as early as possible so that all guests, depending on the date of the event, can plan their work schedule. If the invitation has been issued for a family, it is worthwhile to clarify by a separate paragraph whether it applies to children. But if you want to invite a person who is currently not in a relationship, then, according to the rules of good taste, the invitation is still issued for two people. The following information is included in the invitation:

  • Time
  • place of celebration
  • dress code and wedding theme


There is nothing worse than being late on your wedding day. Guests will likely need a lot of time to get to the church or registry office, and then find a parking place. Plan in advance the route from home to the place of registration and calculate how much time you will need to spend on the road.

If you are still late, for some reason beyond your control, try to quietly take your place without making too much noise.

Congratulatory speeches

One way or another, all guests invited to the wedding should say a little talk about young people at the common table. This is a rather embarrassing moment for some, but there is nothing to worry about. The first word is given to the parents of the bride, then to the parents of the groom, after the witness and witness, then close relatives, friends and acquaintances go. Therefore, a congratulatory speech should not take more than 5 minutes.

It goes without saying that there can be no embarrassing and awkward moments in speech, and newlyweds should be presented only in the best light.


To organize the holiday, the couple should adequately assess their financial capabilities and the number of invited guests, and based on this, choose the right room. When choosing a place, the newlyweds should make sure that the accommodation and stay will be within the financial framework of the guests and not too far from the place of residence. If it will be an exit ceremony, or guests from other cities will come to the celebration, then the responsibility of placing the guests rests on the shoulders of the young.


Before leaving, if the couple is still present at the celebration, try to find a moment of free time and express your gratitude and admiration for the well-organized celebration. Note what you especially liked, whether it is the decoration of the hall, music, delicious food or the dress of the bride. It will be very pleasant for young people to hear that the months of planning have not been in vain.


If the newlyweds have compiled a wish list for wedding gifts, then guests should stick to it. But if, as a gift, the newlyweds, wanting to go on a trip, would like to receive money, but you want to add something individual, you can, for example, present some more sky lanterns or a small handmade souvenir. Thus, guests will be able to write all sorts of wishes for the couple, attach to the flashlights and launch them into the night sky. This can be a good end to a bright day.


Be polite guests and do not make the newlyweds entertain you all evening. Also, do not limit your own circle of friends to your companion. Meet other guests and chat with them. However, as in any decent society, you should avoid endless discussions about politics, family troubles or health problems.

This day should be joyful for the newlyweds, so forget, at least for a while, about your feuds with relatives, if any.

On the eve of ...

Wedding gifts

Wedding gifts must be given before the celebration, or during the wedding ceremony. If there is a special place for gifts in the hall, then you should leave them there. There is nothing wrong with the fact that the newlyweds will not be able to immediately see your presents. If the couple expresses a desire to receive money as a gift at the wedding, then it is worth listening to their wishes.

Recently, young people are increasingly compiling a list of desired gifts in different price categories, from which guests choose what they are ready to give. And the guests are not tormented with the choice, and the newlyweds will not have three toasters.

Wedding etiquette

Sometimes the bride and groom leave their own wedding before the guests, because they really deserve a rest after a long day. Many couples leave the next day on their honeymoon, and they need time for training. But here guests should fully enjoy this holiday, because it was for them that everything was arranged.


Even if the bride believes that she cannot dance, it cannot be denied - it is their duty with the groom to open the evening with a joint dance. Then comes the dance of the bride with her father and the groom with her mother. Only after that, guests can join the young dancing on the site.

Honeymoon Tip: To feel confident on the dance floor, take a few dance lessons before the wedding.

Good mood

Newlyweds spend a lot of energy, nerves and energy on organizing a holiday. And less than they can be rewarded for their labors - your good mood and assurances of the impeccability of the preparation of such an important event. Even if you get tired quickly, you should not spoil the holiday with an expression of universal boredom on your face. Take a bit of tact.

Wedding day is one of the most important in the life of a young couple in love. And not only them ... This day is also important for the parents of the couple, for their friends and relatives, who sincerely rejoice in the happiness of loved ones. In order for the holiday to be remembered for a lifetime, so that everything went like clockwork, and not a single detail failed at the most inopportune moment, you should think ahead to consider a list of things, things and little things without which the wedding will not work (or it will succeed, but not enchanting). And each couple is worthy of an enchanting wedding.

Tip. Of course, there is an option to entrust the compilation of the list, as well as the organization of the wedding in general, to professionals - but this is an additional expense. Whether they are appropriate is up to the newlyweds to decide. When you don’t want to spend money on organizers, you can also compile a list of the necessary ones yourself.

Key moments of the celebration

How to make a list of necessary for the wedding ceremony? All actions and acquisitions should be divided into points, and in each of the points indicate what, to whom and at what time to do. And then follow the plan. Such a structure of the list will insure the organizers of the wedding from the nuances that appear during the preparation process, as well as from rash hasty decisions. A special schedule should be devoted to the process of preparing a festive event.

The first step is to determine a number of pivotal points:

  • date of event;
  • wedding budget;
  • number of guests;
  • whom to call on the role of witnesses.

After you need to deal with the formalities:

  • choose a registry office, apply;
  • pay the fee (in the registry office);
  • decide whether the bride will change her last name (perhaps the girl decides to take a double, or the bridegroom will change her last name);
  • choose the format of the painting (on-site or on-site);
  • coordinate with the registry office all current issues.


The next stage of preparation for the wedding begins with the fact that future newlyweds should finally decide whether they will organize the wedding on their own, or whether they will contact the agency.

If the first option is chosen, you need to "tailor" the list for yourself, which follows a little lower, or make a similar one for the bride and groom.

So, for the bride:

  1. Dress.
  2. Fata (if you wish).
  3. Shoes (possibly several pairs, and always pre-worn).
  4. Handbag (if necessary).
  5. The bride's bouquet.
  6. Underwear, tights or stockings (two pairs, one spare).
  7. Garter.
  8. Jewelry and accessories (diadem, costume jewelry, umbrella, gloves, bolero or wrap).
  9. Cosmetic procedures.
  10. Wedding make-up, manicure and pedicure.
  11. Hairstyle.
  12. Beautiful underwear for the wedding night.

The bride’s outfit needs to be ordered in advance taking into account the fittings.

The list for the groom is a little shorter:

  1. Costume.
  2. Shirt, tie, possibly a vest.
  3. Shoes (previously worn).
  4. Underwear and socks.
  5. Cufflinks, tie clip, scarf, buttonhole.
  6. Shaving, hairstyle, manicure.

Necessary paraphernalia for a wedding

You also need to purchase paraphernalia for the wedding ceremony.

  • Rings. They can be ordinary or engraved. Whether engraving should be done must be decided in advance in order to give the master time to create unusual symbols of love and fidelity for the newlyweds. You can buy ready-made wedding rings in almost all jewelry stores. If for some reason they do not fit, the rings can be pre-ordered from the masters.
  • Invitations. Having decided who to invite to the wedding, the newlyweds decide what the invitations will be directly, which they will send or give to the desired guests.

  • Ceremonial bottle of champagne. The one that is opened during the registration of marriage.
  • Glasses for the groom and the bride. Here, as in other wedding preparations, you need to determine the color and design of the products. Glasses can be purchased ready-made (in wedding shops or in other stores) or ordered from masters.
  • Baskets with pink petals, coins, sparkles, rice or other interesting friable things to sprinkle on newlyweds. They can be prepared immediately before the ceremony - the main thing is not to forget.
  • Attributes for witnesses (ribbons, buttonholes or something else).
  • Spare bride bouquet. Because at the wedding, anything can happen ...

Attention! Do not ignore the religious views of the newlyweds. Not because it has become fashionable today to observe ancient traditions, but because the wedding day should be perfect and bring absolute happiness to the young. If religiousness is not alien to the bride or groom, consideration should be given to including a wedding or parental blessing in the wedding program. From this, again, depends on the content of the list necessary for the wedding.

What else is important to include in the list?

The main nuances of preparing for the celebration and essentials are already described and distributed in points. Now you should add a few more things to the list:

  1. Choose a room or space for a walk (cafe, banquet hall, restaurant or place in nature), arrange a rental, solve all organizational issues.
  2. Decide on the decor of the hall or another wedding venue, prepare everything you need (balloons, posters, ribbons, flowers and so on).
  3. Make a holiday menu, order a banquet (or decide who will cook, purchase products, start the process).
  4. Hire a host, decide on the music (live or not).
  5. Develop an entertainment program, write a script, purchase everything you need for games and competitions. Buy and install everything you need for a salute, if one is supposed. Perhaps work out the other components of the show.
  6. Order a decorated wedding transport for the newlyweds and a car for guests (option: prepare ribbons, balls and other decorative elements - and decorate your own cars).
  7. Choose a photographer for the celebration, perhaps an operator who will make the video. Solve all organizational issues related to this.

Services for the newlyweds. What can you do without?

In the wedding list, it is necessary to indicate the addresses and phone numbers of the necessary specialists in a separate line:

  1. Visagiste.
  2. Hairdresser (one or separate for the bride and groom).
  3. Toastmaster or presenter for an exit ceremony.
  4. Confectioner, cafe or other organization, which is supposed to be entrusted with the manufacture of a festive cake and (optional) loaf.
  5. Photographer or cameraman (if desired - both at once).
  6. Decorator (if you are not supposed to decorate the hall or venue of the visiting ceremony yourself).
  7. The musical group or DJ who will play at the wedding.
  8. Artists who will take part in some moments of the entertainment show (if necessary).
  9. Dance director for work on the first dance of a newly made husband and wife.

What else should be considered?

It is important to remember that organizing a wedding is a complicated and troublesome business. Therefore, the to-do list should be worked out as much as possible, including even the most insignificant at first glance things. For what? In order not to forget about the important at the most crucial moment ...

The abduction and ransom of the bride has become traditional for modern weddings. If you plan to conduct this ceremony, you need to work out the script ahead of time and stock up on everything you need.

And finally ... What do I need to bring with me to the registry office? Everyone knows that the marriage registration ceremony takes place in the registry office. For the wedding you need to remember passports, rings and a pillow for them, as well as glasses, champagne and other necessary paraphernalia (in accordance with the scenario).

How to start preparing for the wedding: video

  There are a lot of wedding scripts, and they all start with a meal, and we will let you read the wedding script from the very beginning to the very end.
  And so we start with a complete list of what you need for a Wedding:

  1. Bride and groom.
  2. Witnesses.
  3. Rings.
  4. Daddy's wedding certificate.
  5. Ribbons for witnesses and parents.
  6.   for guests.
  7. It will determine the place of celebration.
  8. Decorations for the hall.
  9. Clothes of the bride:

  - stockings;
  - garter;
  - Wedding Dress;
  - shoes;
  - if magnificent, then rings are necessary;
  - gloves;
  - jewelry;
  - veil or diadem;
  - order a stylist at home ();
  - make a manicure in advance;
  - Cape (if the cool season);
  8. Groom:
  - wedding suit;
  - shoes;
  - cufflinks;
  - flower (for pocket);
  9. Jewelry for cars.
  10. Toastmaster.
  11. Order a cake.
12. Prepare redemption kits (wine and sweets).
  13. Prepare a pill box (valerian, validol, analgin and mezim).
  14. Agree with photographers (photo and video).
  15. Buy a wish book for a banquet.
  16. To buy prizes for the competition.
  17. Prepare a set of wines and snacks for a walk after the registry office.
  18. Do not forget about the loaf (they are met by the mother of the young before a meal)

The morning of your wedding is coming.
  The first thing to get up, but not too fast so that the body does not shake, but gradually wakes up. We go to the bathroom, wash ourselves, put ourselves in order.
  According to the rules, the photo shoot starts in the morning, first they go to the groom's house, and then they go to the bride. Before their arrival, you need to have time to do a hairstyle and make-up. You don’t need to dress, as this will all be fixed by the camera.
  So the buyback time is coming.
  For a ransom, you need a leader, for this you can invite witnesses, or you can also host. We will consider the option with the host.
Oh, and how many people are here,
  The groom is at the head
  But I will not give a direct move,
  For this dear guests!
  And so the first task,
  To get to the bride
  You need to come up with a date,
  In which there will be sweetness and passion!
  Groom, I ask you to take this sheet, pencils and make a note of your future date with the bride using a drawing. It should be beautiful and unusual. And most importantly, I will insert it into the frame and give it to you, and then you will definitely have to do it.
  (groom draws, witnesses help)

  They took one step
  And now for the road,
  You gotta drink some wine
  But so that the legs are up
  And below is a head!
  (here the groom and his friends must figure it out, the host gives a glass of wine and a straw, friends hold the groom upside down, and he drinks wine next)

  You are smart and there is no dispute
  But there is one more thing
  To be such a beautiful bridegroom,
  You need to defeat the Gorynych snake!
  (The serpent Gorynych is depicted on the poster and, accordingly, it cannot be defeated, which means that you have to buy wine and sweets)

  Now you have to go
  Don’t step on the ground,
  Put expensive paper under the shoes,
  And 7 steps for happiness in the seventh heaven pass!
  (money is needed here, the groom puts the bill and takes a step on it and so on 7 steps)

  Real well done,
  And in everything you are an outcast
  To the bride, a couple of meters,
  And of course it remains for us
  Give one more task
  Well what can I tell you:
  Drink wine without hands
  And taste the cucumber
  Then saddle your horse,
  And take the bride!
(a glass of wine is placed in front of the groom and a cucumber is hung up, he eats and drinks all this without hands, then saddles his horse (one of his friends) and reaches the bride)
  The knight found his princess
  The secret veil has opened
  Now the bride and groom
  Drink it all with wine!
  (a small meal, light photo session is taking place, and it’s time to gather at the registry office)

A solemn main ceremony takes place in Zags, as well as a small meal, followed by festivities, trips by car.
  It is necessary to discuss a wedding trip in advance, it is advisable to go around all the memorable and beautiful places. The main action will be the traditional carrying of the bride in her arms across the bridge, and then hanging the locks on this bridge. Do not forget to throw the keys into the river so that nobody will ever open your happiness again. Everything is necessarily recorded on a photo and video camera.
  The trip ends with an entrance to the place where the main feast will take place. From the very beginning, young guests, parents with bread and salt, and, of course, leading this wonderful evening, greeted young guests at the door.
  So young and walked up,
  And we tried to call in,
  For that, we thank you,
  And we will congratulate you!
  Your mothers meet you too
  With bread and salt they are walking forward!
  And so dear bride and groom, show me your left hand ?! And now, at my command, with these hands, break yourself a piece of the loaf, whoever has more will be the head of the house.
  (break off)
  Now take these pieces, remember how much you have done to each other bad, and salt them in the same way.
  Now exchange these pieces, and feed each other. Now you will know what to salt, but you don’t need to do each other badly.
  (young feed each other)
  And now the task for the bride, I give you balloons, and on one of them, you write the name of a girl, but let them go to heaven forever!
  (the bride is given a marker, and a bunch of balloons filled with helium, she writes a maiden name on one of them and releases to applause - to heaven)

  Well done, now you have one last name,
  She was taken from her dear husband!
  And for this I suggest you drink,
  To the bottom of each a glass of champagne!
  (young people are handed a glass filled with champagne, they should be glass and, if possible, not particularly needed, because then they will have to be broken)
  Now drink to the bottom
  And throw yourself back
  That's how many shards there shine
  The bride gives birth to so many kids!
  (drink and throw, everyone applauds)

  And now it's time to the table,
But just like that, I won’t let everyone into the hall,
  Young you stand in the aisle
  And give each piece of loaf,
  To make you happy and love
  For many years and centuries!
  (the bride and groom stand in the aisle and break a small piece of bread for everyone who passes by, all must eat it)
  (all sit down, and the young go away to a more solemn exit)
  We can start the wedding holiday,
  And I hasten to call the young here
  And you help me guests
  Make a round of applause!
  (includes bride and groom)

  Dear you, in this sweet hour
  I suggest you dance the waltz!
  First !
  (beautiful romantic music sounds, young people dance, someone sprinkles rose petals on them from afar)
  It was so easy and so beautiful
  Now you are together and it's very sweet
  I ask you to take your places
  For this we need to drink wine!
  (young sit down at the table)

  To keep your family home always warm:
  I wish you health, love and advice!

  And now I ask attention here
  Where are friends sitting here groom ?!
  Let's go out here 3rd
  And a little young laugh!
  (three friends come out)
  I have this task for you, I have lollipops, and today you have to congratulate the bride and groom, and I want to unite this business. And so take each one caramel and say congratulatory words.
  (friends congratulate, and the winner is the one who can say congratulations on the largest number of lollipops in his mouth)

  Well, friends and fellows,
  Tried from the heart
  Now it's time to tell them a toast,
  And let it be even simple!
  (one of the friends screams shortly and simply: “Bitter!”)
  (musical pause, meal)

  And now I ask the parents of our young people to say the warmest and most dear wishes on this solemn wedding day.
  (parents congratulate their children)
  (the last of those congratulating, says a toast, a musical break, a meal)

  Something stayed with you,
  Already got drunk and ate,
  It’s necessary to hold a competition,
  We will dance in dances!
The competition is called: "Dancing with reincarnation." Take part 5 pairs. Each pair is given two forms of clothing - men’s family underpants and a hat with earflaps, women a bra and a skirt (all this will be prepared by the host herself). And so, everyone stands in pairs in a circle, as soon as the music starts, they are dressed in these things, they dance, as soon as the music calms down, they quickly change clothes, who does not have time in time, he leaves. And so we play to the last, fastest pair, while changing the dressing time each time we reduce. Prize winners: a glass of tea.

  And now it's time
  Pour it into a glass of wine again
  For our young, we drink
  Congratulations on your Wedding Day!
  (musical pause, meal)

  Now it's time for the witnesses,
  Congratulate the young with a bang!
  (witnesses come out and everyone gives his congratulatory speech)
  But that's the witnesses, not everything, you have to dance the dance.
  (music sounds, they dance)
  And we’ll complicate the process for you,
  Let's give a magic bullseye!
  One holds his teeth
  Another piece bites off faster!
  Eat gentlemen,
  You need to eat a bullseye to the end!
  (Witnesses delight all guests with this spectacle, although of course they still can’t eat an apple until the very end)

  Prizes for that,
  Lipstick for a girl
  And the cowards to the witness!
  (to applause they receive prizes and go to their places)
  Now you can eat,
  Newlyweds toast and honor!
  (musical pause, meal)

  And now it's time to play fun for us all:
  Team of the bride and groom, I invite you here!
  The competition is called: "Household chores." Two teams are taking part: a bride and a woman, and a groom and a man. Everyone is given the task of speed to do the following: women must peel and cut potatoes, draw a bride on the easel, and swaddle two dolls. Men should plant two flowers (plant, pot, earth and water) and draw a house (build). Who will make it faster that team and wins. Prize: each chocolate or souvenir in the form of a keychain.
  For such a game
  I invite to the table,
  We drink for the young,
  May happiness be day after day!
  (musical pause, meal)

  And now I invite everyone to a wonderful study,
  In honor of the wedding of our newlyweds there will be a grandiose salute!
  (everyone goes out to see the fireworks)

  And now I think you need to congratulate
  I will invite all guests to the microphone!
  (everyone comes up and congratulates the young give presents)

  Thank you for warm words,
  Dear ladies and gentlemen,
  We drink for all of you who came now,
  And then let's go dance!
  (drink and dance begins)

  And who will dance best of all,
  I will hand over the diploma of the best dancer!
(such a diploma can be bought at any gift store)

  And now the time has come
  Holy rite of love
  The bride and groom ask you to come to me!
  (young go out to the bride, she gives them a candle and sets them on fire, the main light turns off, you can leave a couple of lights, romantic music sounds)
  And in my hand is another candle
  And so your love is hot
  To be always joyful
  To make the heavens shine nobly
  I ask you to light this candle,
  Combine your love into one!
  (set fire and extinguish their candles)

  Well now she is alone,
  Love will be with you forever!
  Light this candle in the evenings, and your house will be filled with the brightest and kindest feelings. And of course, bitter!
  (young kiss and go to their place)

  We drink a lot for love
  And the word "bitterly" toast is headed!
  (kiss, musical pause, meal)

  And now it's time to feast on the sweet, in the studio, please!
  (they make a cake, everyone has a cake)

  And the bride and groom,
  It is time,
  Say them bitterly and bye!
  (the young kiss and leave the celebration to applause)

Do not forget in advance to prepare for the first wedding night. It is necessary to buy new bedding, preferably in white or pink. You can also decorate the bed with rose petals. The bride needs an easy, new peignoir. And this night will be the sweetest.
  Have a happy family life!

A wedding from “A” to “Z” - many of the components of a wedding that we don’t even think about can dramatically change its course, and it is desirable that this be for the better!

Where does the wedding begin? If you make a survey of people with what, in their opinion, the wedding begins, the majority will answer: with ransom or matchmaking, a much smaller number will say that with the distribution of invitations or invitations, and only a small percentage of people will remember directing, staging, thought out to the smallest detail wedding scripts. Before all that is to come, the newlyweds tête-à-tête make plans, look through the options, and only then, more or less having decided on the date, time of the year, the specifics of the celebration and the number of guests, does the wedding drama begin. This section of the magazine most widely and comprehensively examines all the components of the wedding, its features, traditions of our people and their neighbors.

You will be able to find information for yourself on the organizational plan - from church traditions and canons, to the work of the host, musicians, and photographers. We bring to your attention options for creating a wedding bouquet, dress, cow and other essential components; also get acquainted with the documentation necessary for the registration of marriage in our country; options for the celebration of the engagement, bachelorette party, bachelor party and the wedding itself.

We posted a lot of information for the wedding guest - there are many tips on how to make you the best! You will read all this and much more on the pages of FindPrince magazine.


Wedding invitations occupy an important role in its preparation. They are important for both young and guests. After all, the person’s first impression of the upcoming triumph comes from how he was invited. Try even making invitation cards yourself. Allow more time for your attention to relatives and friends to be appropriate. The main types of invitations to [...]

When planning a wedding, newlyweds often have a question about gifts for guests. Of course, this is not necessary, it all depends solely on the desire of the couple. But recently, many want to express their gratitude to all relatives, relatives and friends for sharing such a joyful event with them as a wedding. Gifts for the newlyweds for a long time no longer cause questions, [...]

For newlyweds, the decision to legalize relations is a crucial step. They carefully prepare, try and worry so that no one spoils the holiday. Modern youth are increasingly refusing classic scripts. Funny weddings became much more popular. They allow the couple to create an original script full of fun contests. Jokes at the wedding will not leave anyone indifferent. Choosing an extraordinary scenario so that your celebration will produce a pleasant [...]

From childhood, every girl imagines the wedding of her dreams. Of course, everyone wants this day to be perfect, because the holiday should not only be well planned and organized. He must tastefully convey the atmosphere of happiness and love. Well, you can’t do without a handsome groom in a tuxedo who looks at his future wife in a chic dress [...]

To create a breathtaking image of the bride is not enough to choose a luxurious dress and shoes. In this matter, details play a very important role. Everything should be harmonious and elegant. That the image was truly royal, you should consider the manicure of the bride. Stage of preparation Undoubtedly, preparing for a wedding takes a lot of time. Not always enough strength to do your own manicure. If you notice that the nails [...]

Recently, interethnic marriages have become very popular in Russia. This was facilitated by open borders, giving the opportunity to visit any country, as well as technological progress. Using social networks, you can meet a representative of other nationalities. Dry statistics show that women are several times more likely to marry foreigners than men. Despite the fact that such families [...]

One of the most interesting, let alone hide, and also beloved wedding traditions is the redemption of a newly-made bride. The main goal of the tradition is to entertain those present, as well as proof that the groom is worthy of his chosen one. However, the ransom itself is preceded by even more interesting actions. These are the barriers that the groom must overcome before he gets to his beloved and sees [...]

To exchange rings during a marriage ceremony is a real tradition, without which no wedding can take place. The distant ninth century introduced this tradition, which is relevant in our days. Many obligations are assigned to the spouses' rings; many beliefs are associated with them. Classic wedding rings should be chosen very carefully, because they will remain your amulets for life, [...]

Almost all long-lasting romantic relationships eventually end with a wedding. People understand that they finally found the person with whom they are ready to live their whole lives. But before leading his girlfriend to the registry office, a young man must make a real proposal for her to marry him. Recently, quite often young people refuse their beloved in this happy moment, and the proposal [...]

To look magnificent, perfect, stunning on a wedding day is the dream of every bride. Dress, make-up on the house and shoes - everything must comply with ideals. One of the most important components of a gentle image of the bride is styling and make-up at home. Unfortunately, not everyone can afford to use the services of famous stylists or professionals of expensive salons. What to do in this [...]

So, the most important decision was made - you decided to get married. Remaining trifles remained - to decide where the wedding will take place, how much the wedding ceremony is necessary, whether an orchestra, live music, video filming, toastmaster, formalities and so on are needed.

It is unlikely that you will be addressed by all your fathers and mothers about all these issues; most likely they will follow you on the heels and ask: “Well, so what have you decided?” In order to facilitate your joint choice, I decided, in addition to identifying general recommendations, to analyze all the "pluses and minuses" of related services.

Let's start with the things that have the lowest priority. Toastmaster... I caught myself thinking that, uttering this word, in my head arise, as it were softer ... not quite flattering associations.

Perhaps because in our middle lane there is a huge shortage of people in this "profession" who would be ennobled by a sense of proportion and tact, literacy and education, and most importantly an appropriate and subtle sense of humor. Toastmaster, in most cases, can significantly spoil the overall impression of the celebration: the toastmaster may not have charisma and oratory; get drunk and turn everything into a circus; sprinkle with vulgarities and platitudes from which the jaw reduces (however, the human factor exists in almost any area of \u200b\u200bour lives).

But on the other hand, the presence of a toastmaster at a wedding is a guarantee that guests will not be divided into “heaps of interests” and the feast throughout the celebration will be common; in addition, guests will certainly not be bored. And if the choice of toastmaster is taken seriously, with all responsibility, the advantages of its presence will have significant advantages over the disadvantages.

Music at the wedding   - the variational range is very wide: a live orchestra, a DJ, a popular performer (group), the notorious karaoke, coupled with the usual music center. I would advise you to make a choice based not on personal preferences, but on the basis of the level of culture of the greater mass of invited guests.

In addition, such a moment should be thought out: during the feast, it is necessary that the unobtrusive musical background should sound; when the tides of boredom begin, the background should be replaced by dance music, which, again, is somewhat universal in nature (so that young people can dance to it, and not so much).

Video recording weddings   definitely needed, only the skill of the operator should be at an acceptable level. The operator will have to conduct a small briefing:

In view of the fact that the celebration to which he was invited is a wedding, most of the time the newlyweds and key interesting events of the feast and dances should flicker in the frame.

The operator should not “tail” to go after the lady he liked and take pictures of all her movements and movements in space.

The operator’s love for cats, dogs, children is his own business; no need to take pictures of how a child is playing with a kitten for half an hour, even if the game is insanely interesting.

The operator is not a guest, he is at work, and therefore he should let the camera out of his hands in extreme cases (leaving for a smoke break, going to the toilet, having a snack, but not drinking).

In general, this way you can draw up a whole set of rules for a person who will shoot the most significant and important moments of your life. And this must be done so as not to regret the unrecorded, and therefore lost, valuable moments.

Decisions on minor decorations and attributes that, by the way, cost money should be carefully considered. Let the pigeons fly into the sky - well, let the cloud of butterflies out of the box (each of which is at least 20 bucks) - great, everyone bathed in champagne - well done! And it will simply be incomparable if such a merging of money was recorded (only high-quality professional shooting). Although, this is one of those issues, which is exclusively a women's privilege.

Dear bride, if you want to flutter around you on this wonderful day butterflies, pigeons, bats and other animals- it should be so! Men are thick-skinned, and all the same they will not be able to comprehend all the romance and secret symbolism of such actions, so I want to do it. And if the wedding budget is not limited, do it even if you don’t want to ... Because the main goal of this day is to leave as many pleasant and exciting memories as possible, to create the sensations of a fairy tale.

Decisions about all contests, foreclosures and other toys, in theory, the bride should accept. That's just often takes their groom. In this matter, I’m not an adviser to you, this is a personal matter for everyone, a lot depends on the affiliation of those entering into a particular social group, on temperaments, age and other similar factors. But if you are young and cheerful, why not fool around a bit, especially since the occasion is one of the most suitable ?!

Now about the most important thing - choosing a room for a wedding party. The first and foremost moment - the choice of premises should be carried out taking into account two factors: arranging tables in such a way that the movement of the sitting was free; there should be enough room for dancing. I recommend setting tables with the letter “G” (“P” - very commonplace). The letter "G" has been tested in practice more than once and has proven itself very well (besides the "G" there are other letters, if you want to make it original, choose it).

When renting a room, it is necessary to clarify all points: beating glasses and utensils, sprinkling young petals and confetti, who will clean, etc. It is necessary to clarify strictly, since there are not a few cases when before receiving money - everything is possible, after receiving it - “you misunderstood us ...” Waiters - number of 2-3 people for 50 guests. A larger number of waiters are irrational - there will be no sense from them, but they will take money for them. Another option - they promise 3, but there will be 1 or 2, I will take the money for all three. Therefore, you need to conclude an agreement with the institution - you don’t need to be shy, this is a normal, civilized phenomenon. By the way, the administration of the institution itself must offer to conclude a contract.

The moment is the following - you need to know in advance what is included in the payment (usually it is maintenance and rental, but what does it include?): How much does it cost to rent an hour, how long will the banquet hall and staff work, how much must be paid to continue walking, which includes maintenance whether the work of the waiters is included in the price of this service (it also happens that it is not included).

It is advisable to highlight the person who will control the grasping reflexes of the waiters. So that it wouldn’t turn out that out of 50 bottles of good expensive wine - “a smart boy in an apron” took 3 bottles with him, 300 g of black caviar (which is not 3 kopeks) will be eaten by a young child of a barmaid and the like. These, of course, are trifles, but you are not obliged to feed strangers, especially since you pay for their work.

In addition to all other cheats, the restaurant of your choice can try to get your musicians involved by setting the condition: either you take our musicians, or pay a forfeit, because people are left without work, or even free ...

Such a restaurant, no matter how wonderful it may be, is not worth your attention; there are enough restaurants and cafes in your city. Do not settle for such provocations. Yielding to this issue, you will no longer get off the hook of restaurant mongers and they will turn you around as they want.

These, of course, are not very pleasant moments, but it is better to know where to lay the straw, so that later, along with joyful memories, the sticky feeling that you are “completely shod” did not slip through.