And why love you quotes. Love. Short statuses, quotes, aphorisms about life and love from Great people

Love conquers fear.

Apostle John

Love cannot be achieved by force; love cannot be begged and prayed for. She comes from heaven, uninvited and unexpected.

Buck Pearl Sidestriker

Love? This is the shortest path from one heart to another: a straight line.


Love overcomes everything.

Virgil Publius Maron

Love is not enough. She has happiness, but wants paradise, has paradise - wants heaven. Oh lovers! All this is in your love. Manage only to find.

Once I met a beggar in love on the street. He was wearing an old hat, his coat was worn on his elbows, his shoes leaked, and stars shone in his soul.

Love always surpasses faith in it. Everyday words: if you knew how I love you! - comprise a deep and endless truth.

Wilhelm Humboldt

Love is a wise invention of nature: he who loves does what he owes with ease.

Wilhelm Schwebel

There is no duty to love. There is only freedom to love, and this freedom can be discovered in yourself again and again.

Vladimir Levy

Just because someone does not love you the way you want does not mean that he does not love you with all his heart.

Gabriel Garcia Marquez

There is only one cure for love: to love even more.

Henry David Thoreau

Love is the only thing that cannot be given too much.

Henry Miller

No earthly music can compare in its sweetness with the beating of a loving heart.

Henry Ward Beecher

Before love, the horror and darkness of death are powerless.

Henryk Ibsen

If love lives in us, we are eternal.

Heinrich Heine

To love is to find one's own happiness in the happiness of another.

Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz

Grace Aquilar

Love is a mutual change of lovers, a change of both towards each other.

Daniil Alexandrovich Granin

Do not act against the deity of lovers: no matter what means you attract, you will lose the battle, be sure.

Dante Alighieri

Love each other, but do not turn love into chains. Better she be an exciting sea between the shores of your souls.

Love does not own anything and does not want anyone to own it .... And do not think that you can rule the ways of love, for if love considers you worthy, it will guide your path.

Darkness can hide trees and flowers from the eyes, but it cannot hide Love from the soul.

It is amazing how little a person feels his poverty when he loves.

John Balver

The most tender love is to forgive each other.

John sheffield

We are religious enough to hate one another, but not religious enough to love one another

Jonathan Swift

There is no such hard work that love would not only make it easy, but even enjoyable.

Giordano Bruno

Love is a fire that kindles a soul.

Giordano Bruno

Love is like mercury: you can hold it in an open palm, but not in a clenched hand.

Dorothy Parker

Love is all that we have, and only through love can we help each other.


Hate cannot be drowned out by hatred. Only love can defeat her; such is ancient wisdom.

To love is to tirelessly struggle with thousands of barriers in ourselves and around us.

Jean Anouil

To love is to live in the heart.

Jean Baptiste Henry Lacorder

Man begins with love; to understand a person, you need to love him.

Jean haver

Love is stronger than death and the fear of death. Only by it, only by love is life held and moving.

Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev

The secrets of human life are great, and love is the most inaccessible of these secrets.

Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev

True chivalry lies in the heart of man: it is capable of love. Chivalrous behavior grows from the depths of the heart.

The first love of unspoiled youth is always directed towards the sublime. It is as if nature wants that one sex sensually perceived the good and the beautiful in the other.

Love is the only thing in nature where even the power of imagination does not find a bottom and does not see a limit!

Johann Friedrich Schiller

Whoever never loved - love tomorrow, and who loves - tomorrow love again.

Claudius Claudian

It always seems that they love us for being good. And we don’t know that they love us because those who love us are good.

True love is not love for one person, but an emotional state of readiness of love for all.

To love is to live the life of the one you love.

Only he is free who no one and nothing can prevent to do what he wants. Such a thing is only one thing - to love.

True love is in misery. Like a light, it shines the brighter, the darker the night haze.

Leonardo da Vinci

Truly great love is the product of truly great knowledge of the thing that they love.

Leonardo da Vinci

True love can be recognized by how much a person is getting better from it, and also by ... how much brighter it is from your soul.

Leonid Nikolaevich Andreev

Love humbles proud hearts, teaches arrogant condescension, but its main property is to elevate and ennoble everything.

Mayne Reid

Love for people - these are the wings on which a person rises above everything.

Maksim Gorky

The consequences of love are always the same - a new person! I’m not talking about a child, but about people who love, because this feeling renews the soul, makes people different, better, more beautiful.

Maksim Gorky

You can neither love the one you are afraid of, nor the one who is afraid of you.

Mark Tullius Cicero

Let people see the kindness shining in your face, in your eyes and in your friendly greeting. Let us all be one heart, one love.

Mother Teresa

Love destroys any fate.

One who loves must share the fate of the one he loves.

Mikhail Alexandrovich Bulgakov

To love the enemy means to fight his evil obsession, to fight for a person captured by evil.

Mikhail Mikhailovich Prishvin

To love life means to be able to forget all the bad ... and keep all the good.

Mikhail Mikhailovich Prishvin

The person you love in me is, of course, better than me: I'm not like that. But you love, and I will try to be better than myself.

Mikhail Mikhailovich Prishvin

Love is the treasury of happiness: the more it gives, the more it receives.

Muller Wilhelm

Look at whether you love others, and not at whether others love you.

Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol

Love is the strongest, holiest of all, the most unspeakable of all!

Nikolai Mikhailovich Karamzin

In the main thing you need - unity, in the controversial - freedom, in everything - love!

Honore de Balzac

He who loves for high moral virtues remains faithful all his life, because he is attached to something permanent.

Love can change a person beyond recognition.

Publius Terence Afr

Love always comes from the depths of the soul, always unites people and never divides.

Patty sandy

He who does not love does not live.

Raymond Lully

It is possible to give without love, but it is impossible to love without giving.

Sooner or later, everyone in life has such a person, after which you change. And it doesn’t matter at all whether it was unlimited happiness or crazy pain. You just understand that you will never be the same again.

Do not be afraid to lose someone. You will not lose the one you need in life. Those who are sent to you for experience are lost. Those who are sent to you by fate remain.

The man who needs you will always find a way to be with you !! Even if he is on another planet. and he has absolutely no free time.

Never go back in time. It kills your present. Stories do not repeat, and people do not change. Never wait and stand still. Who needs to catch up!

He loves not the one who tirelessly talks about it, but the one who silently makes you happy ...

Happiness is when he sees in the morning her sleepy, not made up, in pajamas and still believes that she has the most beautiful one ...

A loving woman will forgive everything, but will not forget anything.

You can scream, hate ... Do not see each other for a week, month, year ... To think that everything has passed. And then see and just go crazy.

A real woman smiles at everyone, makes friends with the elite and loves the one.

Take care of each other! After all, no one knows what awaits us tomorrow ...
Do not offend each other! What if you never see each other again ...
Love each other! Maybe you will no longer have such a chance ...

If you miss a person, it doesn’t matter how long you know each other, so he has already become your family ...

Be able to appreciate the one who cannot live without you, and do not chase after those who are happy without you!

You need to marry not the one with whom you can live your whole life, but the one you cannot live without !!!

To become a real woman, you must be next to a real man

To offend a loved one, courage is not needed, courage is needed so that later you can apologize ...

A weak person turns away seeing a loved one with another.
Stupid is trying to break up a relationship.
And only a strong person can let go of the one he loves.

It’s not enough to love a person; You have to understand him; It is necessary to live his life; To breathe with him; Sometimes to hear what cannot be said; It is not enough to find him; The main thing is not to lose.

If your friends tell you about your man that he is not what you need, hold on tightly, this is yours.

To become close and dear, one needs time, and to become a stranger just one phrase is enough.

True love does not require reciprocity, and those who wish to receive a reward for their love waste time in vain.

I want a person in life who sometimes just sits next to you, takes over your shoulder ... and listens to how you are silent ...

Here we have collected aphorisms about love, the authors of which are famous and very authoritative philosophers and spiritual writers. Among the many common aphorisms about life and love, not everyone is actually an expression of the deep wisdom and experience of mankind. Sometimes loud aphorisms about love are just a beautiful expression of the author’s errors. But in those aphorisms about love that we bring to your attention - genuine wisdom and understanding.

Love is long-suffering, merciful, love does not envy, love is not exalted, not proud, does not act outrageously, does not seek its own, does not get irritated, does not think evil, does not rejoice in unrighteousness, but rejoices in the truth; covers everything, believes everything, hopes everything, transfers everything. Love will never end…

(1 Cor. 13, 4-8).

Love is from God, and everyone who loves is born of God and knows God.

(1 John 4: 7).

So husbands should love their wives as their bodies: a man who loves his wife loves himself.

(Eph. 5, 28).

Love us in little blacks, and in little whites and everyone will love.

Russian proverb

What does it mean to love someone? It means to wish him good and do it when possible.

St. Demetrius of Rostov

The more spacious the heart, the more it contains lovers; the more sinful, the closer it is, the less it is able to contain loved ones in itself - to the point that it is limited to love only to oneself and that is false; we love ourselves in objects unworthy of an immortal soul: in silver and gold, in fornication and the like.

If love is in the heart, then it is poured out from the heart on all those around and manifests itself in pity for everyone, in the patience of their shortcomings and sins, in their non-judgment, in prayer for them, and when necessary, in material support.

Hegumen Nikon (Vorobev)

Why should love for our neighbor be selfless to the point that we must be ready, if necessary, to give our lives for our friends? Because only such love excludes from our hearts the vanity from which all evil comes; and only such love for one's neighbor brings us closer, closest to the love of God.

Hieromonk Peter (Seregin)

True love is selfless. She does not have a selfish addiction and is distinguished by prudence.

Elder Paisius Svyatorets

In man lies the eternal, exalting need for love.

Anatole France

Love destroys death and turns it into an empty ghost; it turns life from nonsense to something meaningful and from happiness makes happiness.

Leo Tolstoy

Whoever doesn’t love anyone, it seems to me, nobody loves either.


He who did not know love didn’t live anyway.

Jean Baptiste Moliere

Love is like a sea sparkling with heavenly flowers. Happy is he who comes ashore and, charmed, harmonizes his soul with the greatness of the whole world. Then the boundaries of the soul of the poor person expand to infinity, and the poor person then understands that there is no death and there is not what the poor people call “today” and “tomorrow”. This feature then disappears, dividing all life into "here" and "there." One cannot see “that” shore in the sea, and there is no shore at all with love.

But the other does not come to the sea with a soul, but with a jug, and scooping up, brings only a jug from the whole sea, and the water in the jug is salty and unfit. “Love is a deception of youth,” such a person says, and no longer returns to the sea.

Mikhail Prishvin

Only love love colors a person, starting from the first love for a woman, ending with love for the world and a person - everything else disfigures a person, leads him to death, that is, to power over another person.

Mikhail Prishvin

When you reach the end of your life, the only thing that will make any difference is the love that you have given and received. On your journey to the next world, the only thing you can take with you is love. The only valuable thing you will leave in this world is love. Nothing more. I knew people who easily endured many difficulties in their lives and were happy, but have not yet met a person who could survive a life without love. That is why love is the greatest gift in life. She gives meaning to life. It is thanks to her that it is worth living.

Adam J. Jackson

Put your love in everything you do. If you are in trouble, turn inward: what lesson should be learned from this situation?

Louise Hay

He who has not experienced how all the powers of man excites love does not know true love.

Nikolay Gavrilovich Chernyshevsky

If he wants to embark on the path of love, let him care about himself in relation to all people, whether they are good or bad.

Rev. Isaiah

Love between friends is destroyed if you envy or become an object of envy, if you cause or suffer damage, if you dishonor or suffer dishonor, and finally, if you feed and hold suspicious thoughts on your brother.

Rev. Maxim the Confessor

Do nothing to please yourself, but all to the aid and pleasure of those around you; and you will practice selflessness and love.

Saint Theophanes

Test yourself: One day ask God for love for your brother, and the other - live without love, and then you will see the difference.

The Monk Silouan of Athos (1866-1938).

Love without humility cannot be strong and firm.

Rev. Macarius of Optina

Like a fire that flames easily in a reed, straw or bunny hair, but quickly fades away if it does not find any other food, love is brightly ignited by blossoming youth and bodily attractiveness, but will soon die out if it is not nourished by the spiritual virtues and good nature of young spouses .


Love is a high word, the harmony of creation requires it, without it there is no life and cannot be.

Alexander Ivanovich Herzen.

Better to love and lose love than never to love at all.

Alfred Tennyson


To love is to see a person as God intended him and his parents did not realize it.

Marina Tsvetaeva

Love without respect does not go far and does not rise high: it is an angel with one wing.


Wild love must be feared just like hatred. When love is lasting, it is always clear and calm.


They forgive the beloved that they do not forgive others, and do not forgive that they forgive others.

Shevelev I.N.

Love for the soul of a lover means the same as the soul for the body that it spiritualizes.

Francois de Larochefoucauld

There is no power in the world more powerful than love.

Igor Stravinsky

Love is a priceless gift. This is the only thing that we can give, and yet it remains with you.

Lev Tolstoy

Love is a lamp that illuminates the universe; without the light of love, the earth would have turned into a barren desert, and man into a handful of dust.

M. Braddon

Love is the beginning and end of our existence. There is no life without love. Therefore, love is that which a wise person worships.


The only thing that matters at the end of our stay on earth is how much we loved, what the quality of our love was.

Richard Bach

If you seek to resolve a problem, do it with love. You will understand that the cause of your problem is a lack of love, for such is the cause of all problems.

Ken Carey

The truth is that there is only one highest value - love.

Helen Hayes

Separation for love is like the wind for fire: it extinguishes a weak one, and inflates a large one.

Roger de Bussy-Rabuten

There is no spectacle in the world more beautiful than the face of a beloved, and no music is sweeter than the sound of a beloved voice.

J. Labruyere

A woman was created in order to love her, and not in order to understand her.

O. Wilde

If every person loved all people, then everyone would possess the universe.

Johann Friedrich Schiller

To love deeply is to forget about oneself.

J. Russo

Love is a joyful acceptance and blessing of all living and existing things, that openness of souls, which opens its arms to any manifestation of being as such, feels its divine meaning.

Semen frank

Love is stronger than death and the fear of death. Only by it, only by love is life held and moving.

Ivan Turgenev

Respect has boundaries, while love does not.

Mikhail Lermontov

To say that it is impossible to love the same woman is just as meaningless as to believe that a famous musician needs different violins to play different melodies.

Honore de Balzac

The mystery of love for a person begins at the moment when we look at him without the desire to possess him, without the desire to rule over him, without the desire to take advantage of his gifts or his personality in any way - we only look and marvel at the beauty that was revealed to us .

Anthony, Metropolitan of Sourozh

Marrying is interesting only for love; to marry a girl just because she is pretty, it’s the same as to buy an unnecessary thing in the market just because she is good.

A.P. Chekhov

To love those who are mistaken and mistaken is a special property of man. Such love is born when you realize that all people are your brothers; that they are mired in ignorance and are mistaken not of their own free will.

Marcus Aurelius

Destroy love - and our earth will turn into a grave.

Robert Browning

In moments of true love you love everyone.

I.I. Lazhechnikov

Great people develop love in themselves, and only a petty soul cherishes the spirit of hatred.

Booker Tagliaferro Washington

He who wants to see the living God, let him seek him not in the empty firmament of his own mind, but in human love.

F.M. Dostoevsky

Someday it is necessary to realize that even between the closest people there is infinity, and the beautiful life of two can go on if they manage to maintain a distance between themselves in love, which gives everyone the opportunity to see the world of another person in all its immense fullness.

Rainer Maria Rilke

Debauchery comes from nothing more than a lack of love.

Saint John Chrysostom

They do not enter the truth except through love.

Blessed Augustine

To fall in love does not mean to love ... You can fall in love even by hating.

F.M. Dostoevsky

Love as a guide to knowledge and to truth is incomprehensible to those who know only the criterion of self-affirmation.

A.A. Ukhtomsky

We all think that we know what love is, and we know how to love. In fact, very often we can only feast on human relationships.

Metropolitan Anthony of Sourozh

While a person is waiting for love and attention from others, living with this, he will never be satisfied, will demand more and more, and everything will be small for him. In the end, he will be at a trough, like the old woman who wanted her to serve a goldfish. Such a person is always internally unfree, depending on how they are treated. This source of love and kindness must be discovered in oneself. And the discovery should not be made in the mind, but in the human heart, not theoretically, but by inner experience.

T.A. Florenskaya

When love blooms between husband and wife, it shines in everything and takes possession of everything ... The subtlety and purity of mutual love not only do not stand outside of bodily rapprochement, but on the contrary, they are fed and there is nothing kinder than the deep tenderness that blooms only in marriage and the meaning of which is a lively sense of mutual complementarity of each other. The feeling of “I” as an individual person disappears ... both husband and wife feel only part of some common whole - one does not want to worry without the other, one wants to see everything together, to do everything together, to be always together in everything.

Vasily Zenkovsky

The meaning and dignity of love as a feeling consists in the fact that it really makes us with our whole being recognize the unconditional central meaning which, due to egoism, we feel only in ourselves. Love is important not as one of our feelings, but as the transfer of our entire vital interest from ourselves to another, as a rearrangement of the very center of our personal lives.

Vladimir Soloviev

Love is omnipotent! There is no sorrow on the earth - above her punishment, nor happiness - above the pleasure of serving her.


When the satisfaction, security and development of another person becomes as important to you as your own satisfaction, security and development, you can say that this is love.

Harry Sullivan

Love is an active action, not a passive acceptance. It is "standing in ...", not "falling somewhere." In its most general form, the active nature of love can be described by the statement that love means, first of all, giving, not accepting.

Erich Fromm

To be loved for some virtue, because you “deserve” love, always leaves room for doubt. And what if the person I expect love from doesn’t like this or that in me - there is always a fear that love can suddenly disappear. Moreover, “deserved” love always carries a smack of bitterness in me that I do not love myself, that I love only because I give pleasure, that in the end they do not love me at all, but only use me.

Erich Fromm

Love, aroused by something material, is like a stream flooded by rain, whose flow ceases with the impoverishment of its constituent substance. Love, which has the culprit of God, is like a fountain from the earth; its flows are never stopped (for God is the only source of love, and His substance does not become impoverished).

Rev. Isaac the Syrian

Carnal love, not being bound by a spiritual feeling, as soon as a slight occasion appears, it evaporates very easily. Spiritual love is not like that: but, although it happens to suffer some grief, in a God-loving soul, consisting under the influence of God, the union of love is not stopped ...

Blessed Diadochus of Fotickia

Love, wholly directed towards God, connects the loving with God and with each other.

Rev. Falassius (VII century).

It is impossible to get enough of love for one's neighbor in God! On the contrary, one can soon make the way, one can soon get enough and get enough of love for one's neighbor, when the subject of love is only a person. The fire of love requires a lot of food in order to be constant and multiply. When God nourishes it, it constantly strengthens, there is no limit to it; but when it is left to nourish it to a man himself, - soon the food for fire will become scarce, - the fire will fade, die out.

Where there is love, there is God, there is quietness and smoothness, and God's grace.

Russian proverb

To love is bliss; to hate is flour. All law and prophets are concentrated in love for God and neighbor (Matt. 22, 40).

Saint Ignatius (Brianchaninov)

Love rests and pleasantly expands the heart, revitalizes it, and hatred painfully constrains and disturbs it. He who hates others is tormented, tyrannizes himself, he is stupider than all fools, and he who loves is blessed, always calm, cheerful and that wise.

St. righteous John of Kronstadt

Love is the root and peak, the beginning and crown of all virtues, the union of perfection. Love is the source of life and life itself, for without it human life would have long died out. Our heart cannot live and develop without love. Outside of it, it languishes, yearns, freezes spiritually. And vice versa, it lives by love and it attracts the grace of God and cleanses itself of many sins.

Archimandrite Kirill (Pavlov)

Do the deeds of love - and for the deeds of love the Lord will always apply what you need.

St. righteous John of Kronstadt.

Love, of course, is above all. If you find that you do not have love in you, but wish to have it, then do love deeds, although first without love. The Lord will see your desire and diligence and put your love in your heart.

Rev. Ambrose of Optina.

Love does not grow, does not become great and perfect all by itself, but it takes time and constant care.

Passion-bearer Tsarina Alexandra.

You can love your neighbor not otherwise and not before all selfishness, all pride is trampled in our hearts.

St. Righteous Alexy Mechev

Love is acquired through work on oneself, through self-abuse, and through prayer.

St. Righteous Alexy Mechev

He who wants to gain love must reject all evil and non-peaceful thoughts, not to mention actions and words, and must forgive all wrongs that are fair and unjust.

Rev. Nikon of Optina

We must love every person, seeing in him the image of God, despite his vices. You cannot keep people cold from yourself.

Rev. Nikon of Optina

Love is the perfection of virtues.

Monk George (Stratonik)

Love is the summit of all perfections, and in order to ascend to the summit, one must go through all the steps. To acquire love, ardent love for God, love for one's neighbor, it is necessary, first of all, that gross sins become impossible.

Can a loving man, for whom God is gold, can a lusty man, for whom God is a womb, can he gain love? Of course not, he just can’t: he is far, very far from love.

Only those who become impassive, i.e. freed from all passions: from gluttony, fornication, anger, from the passion of lies, from the passion of vanity and pride.

Only they, who become pure, can acquire love.

Saint Luke (War-Yasenetsky)

Contemplate all people in God immensely loving them, and if you love God sincerely, it will be easy for you to love all people, forgiving their shortcomings.

St. righteous John of Kronstadt

When encountering and dealing with people, keep the word “love” in your heart and, listening to it, talk with everyone with love and goodwill of your heart. Never let this word out of your heart when confronting your neighbor: it greatly promotes the affirmation of the heart in love.

St. righteous John of Kronstadt

To love your neighbor as yourself, to sympathize with him in joy and sorrow, to nourish, to dress him, if he needs food and clothing, to breathe with him, so to speak, in the same air - consider it as commonplace as to nourish and warm yourself, and do not think as a virtue.

St. righteous John of Kronstadt

If we love people without thinking about Christ, then our love will be lustful (with a bias towards animals), selfish (expecting reciprocity or repayment), and such love will inevitably end in disappointment or even hostility and anger.

Hieromonk Peter (Seregin)

Love for each other makes us blameless. When I once explained this to a certain person ... then one of my acquaintances, who came up to me, said: “so what is fornication? After all, you can love and fornication? " ... I said that love can cut it off. He who loves a slutty woman will try to remove her from other men, and he himself will be kept from sin with her. Therefore, it is only for those who hate the harlot quite that it is common for fornication to do with her, and for a true lover to reject her from this shameful affair. And no, there is absolutely no sin that could not, like fire, be destroyed by the power of love.

Saint John Chrysostom

Original sin has damaged everything in us, it has spoiled everything; he and love - this is a divine property in us - earth, distorted, violated its harmony. Love in itself is a pleasant attraction of one person to another, and since our soul, our heart is enclosed in a sinful body, the property of which is also to be attracted to similar beings, here our spiritual sense of love is constantly in danger of being suppressed, full of our carnal attraction. Hence, there may be such a phenomenon in us: love begins pure, spiritual, and ends with a carnal connotation, and even directly - a carnal, base. Therefore, we need to be very vigilant, very circumspect, very subtle in distinguishing the love movements of our hearts.

Holy Martyr Arseny (Zhadanovsky)

The originality, the whole power of the vision of love lies in the fact that we, as it were, touch through the love of beauty in man, hidden and unexpressed; we can’t tear ourselves away from her — we would always and in everything be with my loved one. When love breaks out, everything else becomes second only one thing and it is important then, one is only cute and expensive to be with your beloved, and everything that separates or separates from him irritates us. In these feelings of love, of course, there is still no entry into real infinity (how many times it happened that the fire of love soon dies away in the soul of a person!), But the prospect of infinity opens up in them; we are, as it were, entering the realm of an eternal, full of light and life of being - and outside of this, everything seems dull and unnecessary. The soul, at least once clinging to this cup, forever retains this experience of spiritual uplift, the experience of its transforming, creative force.

Vasily Zenkovsky

Love for us is a source of bliss, a ray of Divine light, a stream of life and joy. But, loving our neighbor, we should not consider him the primary cause (source) of our joy. Everything created only reflects in itself the glory of God, as a mirror - light ...

Love in fulfillment of the commandment is love in fulfillment of the will of God, for God. Therefore, it must be absolutely self-sacrificing, that is, with the rejection in the heart of the desires of the old man smoldering in lusts ...

Love has been given to us (commanded) for personal salvation and for the building up of the Kingdom of God, for only in the Church of God we are saved. But lusty love, untrue, is selfishness that corrupts us and enslaves the enemy and destroys the Kingdom of God. therefore for the multiplication of lawlessness, the love of many will dry up  (Matthew 24, 12), for sinfully we love an object as long as it gives us sinful pleasure ...

Hieromonk Peter (Seregin)

Preparing for family life is a must: distance (online) course

Moments far from a loved one are measured for hours. The hours spent with your soulmate fly by, as if in an instant ...

Lord, send me wisdom to understand the beloved man, love for forgiveness, patience to enhance the endurance of his complex temper. And do not be surprised that I am not asking for strength, because I am afraid that I will destroy him to hell!

To tell your loved one about past boyfriends is an unacceptable mistake, which will become a huge obstacle in the future ...

If your lover says that he loves, we advise you to arrange a check ... most likely, he believes so.

To understand whether you need to start a relationship with a man, a woman wants to visit restaurants. A man, on the contrary, first wants to build a relationship in order to understand whether this woman should be invited to restaurants ...

And when I'm married, will you stop calling me? - No, I’ll yell at you from another room: “My beloved, in my opinion, it’s time for our son to buy a bainka”

Fatum is a bridge built by you to overcome obstacles on the way to your loved one.

I want to feel with you uncertainty, tender love and affection for eternity.

All the best, love, I'm leaving! Look for another ... a little more beautiful in appearance, a bitch and a dumbass!

Continuation of the best aphorisms and quotes read on the pages:

Sometimes there is not enough rudeness from you ... the one from whom I ran in the past ...

Girls, stop looking for the perfect man! He is already with me ... :)

No matter how bad a man thinks about a woman, she thinks about him even worse ...

No matter how happy a married woman is, she always notes with pleasure that there are men in the world who would like to see her unmarried

I want him to call at 00:00 on New Year’s and say: “Happy Holidays, my love, I love you and miss you, by the way, open the door”

Favorite teacher phrases: “Do not argue with the teacher! Tell everyone, we will laugh too. Get out of class and get in fine! I repeat for the gifted - the call is not for you, but for the teacher. A forest of hands, then, according to the magazine ... Am I disturbing you? ”

God loves the Trinity ... The Holy Trinity is love for the woman he loves, his own children, as well as his parents ...

What will you do? - I'll be at home with the girl. - What, drink champagne and somersault in bed? - No, watch photos and play chess - What, scary? “No, love ...”

Women are ready to love at first sight, and men - at the first opportunity.

A man and a woman are lying on the bed and looking at the ceiling. Thoughts of a woman: “Silent. She doesn’t want to talk. Surely, he has already stopped loving me, he has another. The relationship is over. ” Thoughts of a man: “A fly, a fly on the ceiling. How does she hold on? ”

I know that you are not exactly the one I need, but it doesn’t bother me because I love you

On the street, with the boys, he smokes, vulgar, beats evenly, cruelly ... And only with you he is tender, worried, kisses your neck to trembling, calls “small”, and his eyes are so sad and happy at the same time ... It’s so real the man!

i want to bury your nose in the neck and sleep ... for a long, long time ...

Alcohol is good - millions of men can't be wrong.

No, you’re not so straightforward “uhh”, but look at “look at that how do you like it?” get off

According to statistics, the most commonly used male SMS is “I, too.”

Eye to eye, I smiled with happiness.

A woman is always ready to help a man close his eyes to her shortcomings

I take this opportunity to express my deep gratitude to all my former men for those crazy, unforgettable, filled with joy and happiness days that I was lucky to live after our breakups

Indulgence is the main weapon of a man in his merciless and eternal struggle with a woman who, by definition, is always right.

All women have only one thing on their mind, as if all men have only one thing on their mind!

A woman should belong to that man who will solve all problems, and not create new ones

Men are so arranged that the purest beings cause them the dirtiest thoughts

There is nothing uglier than a man who imagines himself handsome

I’ve been dreaming about you all day and it’s not a hoax ... Hurry to you, hurry to you ... my favorite sofa !!!

A woman is the weakest when she loves someone, and most of all when she is loved by someone.

After each regular Bitch you fall in love with me ... and I leave every beloved for you ...

You need to love a loved one, just love. And if you want to raise someone - buy a dog!

So strange, he is like a child: naive, sweet. And I love him. Only now I can’t understand: as a brother, as a son or as a loved one ... It’s hard to give up a good guy ...

A man plays love for sex, and a woman plays sex for love ...

Pants are given to a man in order to hide his thoughts))))

There are 1,000,000 men, but why is he needed alone? Because it is 1, and all the rest are 000000 !!!

Have you ever had the idea that you come home, and it smells of your loved one from you?

Nothing decorates a woman like a well-chosen man.

Memo for women: "Never argue with a man - cry right away." Memo for men: “Never argue with a woman - kiss right away”

Manipulating a man is not difficult - the main thing is to take up the manipulator correctly ...

Every married man wants at least once in his life to hear from his wife the phrase “Darling, hit me on the head, otherwise I was fucking something **

You know, But I won’t get tired of it. I know that I will not be with you, but of course it hurts me and all that. But then I know that you, unlike me, are not deceiving me ...

There are no men who want only sex from girls. There are women who can offer nothing more than sex

The most erotic part of the body in a man is his brains, as their women have more than anything else !!!

I want a man ... kind, beautiful, strong, sexy, loyal, athletic, with a sense of humor, honest ... Just to see !!!

All that men do is done for women. And only idleness - for yourself!

Men have the same exaggerated ideas about their merits as women have about their shortcomings.

The ideal man is a combination of a vibrator and an ATM

If a man raised a hand against you, then let him spend all the remaining nights with this hand

Do you know why I got you sick? Yes, because you yourself are sick!

Next to each man is the woman he deserves ... so if you are traded for a fool, do not be discouraged ...

And I don’t need tracks for me, flowers, gifts, and so on. I need you .. and that's enough.

Ask the girl: what should a man have? And she, keeping silent about the apartment and a good car, will say - a sense of humor

Better to love a loved one than to be loved, but with an unlover

If a man looks into your eyes for a long, long time, you can be sure that he has already examined everything else.

Love exists as long as fear is alive, to lose a loved one

You say to yourself after you moron, passed.

Feel your breath, how to breathe

Men as children: naughty - give a breast.

The path from a woman to a bitch lies through a man

Sometimes one wants to say so to men: study, little boys, in love with us being big!

10 guys were leaning in front of her legs, ready to give everything to be near her, but she chose 11 ... who didn’t even look in her direction.

When the girls ask the question “Where did the real men go?”, I usually answer - “They went to real women”.

Grandmother! I'm sorry, granny! I smashed your favorite vase again! - Well, hurt yourself! The third hookah in a week!

Men are like shoes! I want to buy stilettos ... but some boots come across!

Every woman should remember that the man in the first place does not go to someone, but from someone ...

May I look into your eyes? I’m completely lost ... From the love of you. Perhaps your eyes will help me find me? After all, I am not without you. I am only your shadow. I'm a reflection in your eyes Such relatives and loved ones

A man who is able to constantly pleasantly surprise a woman will never lose her interest in herself

Love? This is the shortest path from one heart to another: a straight line.
Bedel 11

I miss you very much - a phrase that warms the soul even on the coldest day. 12

Even after 100 unsuccessful attempts, do not despair, because 101 can change your life. 9

Love is not enough. She has happiness, but wants paradise, has paradise - wants heaven. Oh lovers! All this is in your love. Manage only to find. Victor Marie Hugo 11

Love is a wise invention of nature: he who loves does what he owes with ease. Wilhelm Schwebel 8

Love conquers everything, we will submit to it and we to its power. Virgil 9

Love each other, but do not turn love into chains. Better she be an exciting sea between the shores of your souls. Gibran Khalil 10

Before devoting himself to love, a person must make sure that he possesses wisdom, patience and the ability to forgive, otherwise jealousy, pettiness and touchiness will destroy all nascent feelings. 11

Love is born with a smile, grows with a kiss and dies with a tear. 19

Age cannot protect us from love, but love, to some extent, protects us from age. 10

Love is life. Losing love, we lose life. 11

I fell in love with him as people fall asleep. First slowly, and then immediately. John green 17

Sex can only be truly amazing when combined with falling in love or love. Everything else is fitness. 14

Love has a special taste and smell. This feeling cannot be confused with anything. From him sweetly dizzy, freely breathing deeply, and everything seems exceptional. 13

Perhaps the whole point of this life comes down to being needed by at least someone. After all, if no one thinks about you, then it means you are not there ... 12

You need to have something in common to understand each other, and something different to love each other. Paul Geraldi 9

Better to yearn for the one you love than to live with the one you hate. 19

What is love? - asked the little boy.
  “Yesterday I gave my jacket to a girl, she dressed her, and it was warm to me,” he answered. 10

Where love reigns, the impossible becomes possible. 19

If the fire does not go out, the tree will burn. Therefore, the fire, loving the tree, must go. Even if you leave for the fire means to lose food and die. I leave you because I love. Where do you live? 13

Love is not a light bulb; it cannot be turned off. Castle 10

You took a step, and I took a step. Osho (Bhagwan Sri Rajneesh). Love. Liberty. Loneliness 11

I wanted him to experience what I felt next to him - this is an amazing combination of calm, depravity and miracle. I wanted him to know: just once having tried it, I was hopelessly addicted. Jody Pickolt. Fragile soul 11

Love is something worth fighting for, fighting and biting. And after that, having received pleasure and joy for the fact that you won it, just really appreciate this feeling. 11

The human heart is a musical instrument, it contains great music. She is sleeping, but she is here, waiting for the right moment to be ignited, to be expressed, to be sung, to be danced. And this moment arises through love. Without love, a person will never know what kind of music he wore in his heart. What do i do? (Déchiré) 9