The birth of a girl 1 year. Congratulations on the one-year-old girl: parents, girl, in prose. At a celebration in honor of a little girl, you can say such congratulations

Daughter of our little
Today is the year!
Happy birthday, honey!
May you always be lucky!
Grow up healthy and diligent

And may every new day

Point, stick, cucumber,
Hi, baby man!
A whole year has developed
Cried, cried, smiled.
So it’s grown, a year has passed,
Our baby is very big.
Happy Birthday! Our baby
Created so much commotion
And gathered around him
Those who love you so much.

Overcome the first step in life
And the first year raced.
And recently we wondered
What will the stork bring?
Rattles are outdated, -
There are much more interesting
Lots of other toys
What lead to admiration.
You are like a ray of sun
Lighting up our whole house
And they cherish you, love you
Exalt everything around.
Let everything that surrounds
The sun, heaven and earth
Discovering a huge world,
Only pleases you.

Today the most important member of the family
Meets his first birthday,
Basking in ecstasy and love
And she just loves mom and dad.
Ahead of the discoveries, a million
Warmth, friends and good roads,
And different impressions of the stadium -
The fate of gifts will cook a lot!

You are already a year old, our beauty,
No better than you in this world and more beautiful.
Looks like dad, a little like mom
Our angel is beloved, the only one!
Happy Birthday to you all,
We wish you great health and happiness.
You are our long-awaited and rare flower.
May everything be well with you, daughter!

We congratulate you, our beloved angel,
'Cause you are like a gift from heaven
So dear, so necessary
Appeared, like a miracle of miracles.
We celebrate you exactly one year
We want you, daughter, to wish
Always be smart, grow big
We will protect you all.

Dear darling, I'll kiss you
I’ll give you a beautiful, big doll,
And I’ll wear a fashionable dress
Happy birthday, honey! You are one year old today.
I always wish you to listen to mom and dad,
To learn, without fail, to eat porridge with a spoon,
Walk and run well, speak clearly
Be healthy and happy, my beloved baby doll!

The sun in the sky is golden
My shiny little star.
You are my dear heart
And on the branch is a songbird.
A cloud is floating across the sky
Flowers bloom in the field
Petals the bud dissolves,
My dear daughter is YOU.
You are my cute pink lump
The closest, dearest!
You are my tender scarlet flower
The kindest, smartest and dearest!
You are my love, my hope
Heavenly swallow in the distance.
You are my soul and my tenderness
God bless you!

Your little steps are still small
Only a year ago was given to be born! ..
But eagles grow from eagles,
From a lion cub a lioness grows!
Stronger, wiser in many days
You will come out of the diapers ...
Be happy, because there are no relatives
You, our beloved child !!!

So many years brought events!
We hasten to wish you
Happiness, joy, discovery!
Happy first holiday!

On this bright birthday party
I want to congratulate you son
Always cheerful mood for life
To grow up happy, not to bother.
To be healthy and peppy
And the most soulful
You're the only one so kind
Dad and mom have one son!

One year old baby
Apple twig
I sincerely wish
Joy without an edge
Puffy pink cheeks
Adore Adults
Be happy by myself
To the joy of dad with mom!

With the very first Anniversary:
A year is also an anniversary!
So grow without sickness
And to the delight of all grow up!
Continue exploring the world
Improve your walking!
Every day your world is wider
May he be kind to you!

You make the whole year happy
And you go all bold!
We wish you happiness, a lot of strength!
And grow up soon!

A year old was a sweet girl,
The most wonderful and unique
The sun is bright, our little darling ...
There is no one in the world better and more beautiful!

Daughter of our little
Today is the year!
Happy birthday, honey!
May you always be lucky!
Grow up healthy and diligent
Obedient, smart and tender!
Don't cry over trifles and sleep sweetly
Eat well, be friends with the kids!
And may every new day
Only in a fairy tale opens the door.

Happy first year wonderful!
Wishes baby -
To live interestingly,
To have dolls, books.
Ribbons, bows, outfits,
A lot of tenderness and affection!
If mom and dad are nearby -
So, there will be life, as in a fairy tale!

Exactly a year ago you appeared.
A ray of happiness in our lives.
Every sound is yours, every laugh is
This is our great success.
Mom’s bunny, dad’s cat.
Arms, legs and tummy,
We kiss everything, we are not lazy.
Grow for joy every day.

Twins for 1 year

Congratulations on a 1 year old girl

Little, wonderful, sweet baby
Let the star shine on you in the sky!
Let a wonderful, very bright flash,
She beautifully illuminates your life!

May you only be one year old today
But so I want you only wish
To a beautiful, bright laugh ringing
Mom and Dad have fun inspiring!

Your daughter was born - and exactly a year has passed,
Parents' dream came true! The table is laid today
After all, the baby has an anniversary, albeit a small one -
But many friends gathered on a special day like this.

We hasten to wish your little daughter better,
Be healthy, be happy, good luck - from the heart!
Let the beauty grow and make her family happy
And in life, joy will be found among all people!

Congratulate, we will not get tired
Your princess girl!
Happy birthday
Oh, how it looks with interest!
Just a little baby
She’s only 1 year old,
But she’s already in earrings,
Very stylish, it suits her!
May it grow healthy, strong,
She needs to learn a lot!
Oh, beauty, oh sweetie,
Will conquer the whole world!

Happy year, dear daughter!
Let the line run after the line
And brings you fun
Happiness, cheerfulness and luck!
We wish you all
Happy Birthday! Congratulations!

Let the cheerful Pinocchio
Gives joy, and Malvina
Will amaze you with a smile
Good, clean, bright, unsteady!
And may faithful Artemon
Will make bold as he is!

Congratulations daughter
Happy anniversary, in general,
Well, mom and dad -
With the first important date!
To laugh joyfully
She fell asleep sweetly.
Well, dad with mom,
Let the little daughter pamper.

Little princess birthday
I would like to wish health
Parents of the rich and healthy,
And learn how to shoot with your eyes.
First birthday is happiness
For the girly parents are cute!
I want your princess to grow
Lovely, smart, gentle and happy!

In a smart dress, in lace socks,
How lovely your miracle daughter is!
Curls are fluffy, eyes glow!
Today she is a year old - to believe, not to believe!
It seems like yesterday she was only crying in a diaper,
And today - what a glorious girl!
Congratulations to mom, dad and baby,
Let it be lucky in life, as in a good book!
Let it grow healthy, smart, beautiful
And, of course, the very, most fortunate!

We are proud of our birthday:
She is one year old today!
While you can ask about age -
Our girl is only growing
But the frontier is so convincing
What we should not hide the joy:
Birthday - happiness! Parents -
Just take a moment to sleep!

Copyright 2010 - 2018. Congratulations in verse and prose on the website Pozdravik
You can copy materials only with an active link to this site.
Copying materials to greeting sites is prohibited!

13 beautiful congratulations in verses for the parents of the girl for 1 year

Beautiful congratulations in verse must be sounded during a festive feast, especially if this is the first birthday in the life of a little girl. Choose the most moving, gentle and memorable words, and give joy to the parents of one-year-old crumbs!


Today your daughter is festively dressed -
After all, exactly the year she was born.
Wondrous creature, bright comet,
What the sky lit up and brought happiness.

And with it burst into your house
Hope, fun, smiles and laughter.
And remember how it all began
How were you afraid that failure was ahead?

Today all fears are left behind
You managed, passed through all the obstacles.
Now it’s clear to us - in vain did you fear
And therefore we are so proud and glad of you!


We remember how it all began
How your child was born.
And now we just have to
Recall the past, joking.

Remember how scared you were
Pick up your own daughter?
Now look how brave
You undertake to help others.

Do you remember how the nights did not sleep
Hold her in your arms and dream
Lie down and sleep for at least an hour?
However, my daughter climbed the first tooth.

Do you remember how the closets closed
And hid fragile china?
And then the whole family searched
Missing cookware set.

So many wonderful memories
About the days of the past left with us!
Your one year old daughter is a reminder
About these events without embellishment.

Keep them carefully. Reliably
Close in your heart to the castle.
Losing value is not so difficult
But not for you. You gave us a vow!


More recently, an angel came down to you,
And now a happy year has passed.
And this angel has already become a princess,
And protects you from all worries!

Now worries are only called joy -
Wash, clothe, somehow feed ...
And every night the angels laugh
When trying to put in a crib.

We wish you patience and care
Parents whose hands are so tender.
May there be only Saturdays in your life!
They are important for fun!


It’s been a whole year since
When a miracle happened -
Daughter appeared in the white light
Unknown from where.

And happiness does not see the end
The whole family rejoices
Congratulations, rather, father
Well and, of course, mother!

May life always go forward
Daughter grows to joy
And let her only happiness wait
Sadness - rush away!


The first step is so timid
The first tooth is white-white!
Your first words ...
You are now the head of the family!

They are touched by you -
No one will hide the joy!
Happiness is a little lump
In the heart is a golden lock.

You grow and smile
Feel free to enjoy your life!
Become more beautiful all the time
Daughter - your native happiness!


Today, my daughter is one year old
And in the bath, a steamer floats in the waves,
And after him a flock of yellow ducklings -
As if they want to congratulate the hostess.

How the little sun shines in the sky -
And immediately forgot: fatigue, diapers.
Cares, anxieties and nights without sleep -
The smile alone fully compensated.

And my mother mummy’s spree
She doesn’t want to wear this bow
What music should be included soon
And with a bear and a doll, go dance.

And the door is about to knock on the door
But the baby doesn’t want to dress up in any way,
Running away from my mother’s hands with a laugh ...
So let the whole family be glad for success

The smartest little ones! Let her get lucky!
Healthy, beautiful, let her daughter grow!
May the sun always shine on her path,
And great happiness will help to find!


Your daughter is one year old.
Ah, how fast time flew by!
Surrounded by mother's concerns
I managed to learn a lot.

Grew to the joy of all relatives
Your beloved princess.
She today with her ray
The sun shines from behind the curtains.

For her smiles and words
Good health wishes,
Let life be full of smiles
The cherished dreams will come true!

And then on the cake a candle
Wink with his cheerful eye
And baby, as if by chance
Happiness for years will give immediately

So mom was fun
To make dad proud of his daughter,
To good luck, the star led
And success with the girl made friends!


That tale will be about 12 months.
Her kind wizard wrote,
When on the eve of great happiness
A stork flew over your house.

I saw he was proud and brave,
And in the sky then the sun shone brightly.
He put a white envelope for you,
The one that is called a daughter.

So, parents, that was my story -
May your daughter live happily
May every moment of her and every hour
It will be beautiful, like a stork flying!


Baby mom is such a beauty
Our daughter’s dad is a jeweler!
And in his arms he smiles
The sun is clear, a small world.

A year ago you became happy
The daughter lit up the path with an asterisk.
Yourselves in continuation of it you have created,
That is love and supreme power.

Well, today is the finest hour,
A holiday in the family - happy birthday to you!
I wish you health, joy, a lot of luck,
And it will only be so, it cannot be otherwise!


The house has joy and fun
On the table is a pie -
The very first birthday,
The first candle burns.

A princess is sitting at the table,
The first ball boldly rules.
Nice, sweet, pretty -
Even the sun knows that.

Those who gave rise to the tale
Who cradled, swaddled,
Who gave warmth and affection
The eye didn’t sleep at night -

On this bright birthday
I wish you parents
Strength, health and patience,
I congratulate the princess!


Dear Mom, Dad! We heartily congratulate you.
After all, today is the birthday of your little ones.
We wish peace in the house on a joyful, family holiday,
Your daughter is exactly one year old. This year is anniversary!

Let the cheerful children's laughter pour in songs around the apartment.
Let little daughter let everyone happier in this world.
I want to wish you parents immense love,
They were there to always be gentle, faithful and true.

Let there be less quarrels, so that you are not in trouble alone.
After all, you have a whole family - mom, dad, sun-daughter.
Let the daughter live in the kindness of her relatives and in affection,
For her childhood to be remembered as a bright fairy tale!


Here a year passed, as happiness burst into life.
Daughter is growing - not capricious, good!
And then the family waited for their fruit of love.
May thoughts and soul be beautiful in her!

I will give serious advice to parents
Grow a daughter in affection and love,
May summer pass in joy, a frosty day!
And we will always surprise her with a gift!

May the higher powers endow your child
Talents, luck and intelligence!
And this wondrous world will present all its treasures
Both in different countries, and in the native land!

I wish Mom and Dad health,
And also the daughter’s happiness for many summers!
Today is a holiday - this is good news!
Make a wish - and a dream will come true!


Your little baby
Already a whole, whole year!
Have fun, have fun -
You will please the people!

Great to small
Let them know your secret!
Better than your beauty
The whole world is no more!

I wish you more laughter
Happiness, joy, success
And health and goodness,
And fun until the morning!

So you do not rest
We played all day with a little.
Well, of course I'm joking!
I will rest you!

And I ask you to study,
In order not to spin at all.
Stomp fast, smack deliciously
And chatting a little bit already

Pens wash and have fun,
Dress up to get the hang of it.
Always be happy
Happy holiday to you all, family!

Congratulations on a 1 year old girl

We are proud of our birthday:
She is one year old today!
While you can ask about age -
Our girl is only growing
But the frontier is so convincing
What we should not hide the joy:
Birthday - happiness! Parents -
Just take a moment to sleep!

In a smart dress, in lace socks,
How lovely your miracle daughter is!
Curls are fluffy, eyes glow!
Today she is a year old - to believe, not to believe!
It seems like yesterday she was only crying in a diaper,
And today - what a glorious girl!
Congratulations to mom, dad and baby,
Let it be lucky in life, as in a good book!
Let it grow healthy, smart, beautiful
And, of course, the very, most fortunate!

Congratulations daughter
Happy anniversary, in general,
Well, mom and dad -
With the first important date!
To laugh joyfully
She fell asleep sweetly.
Well, dad with mom,
Let the little daughter pamper.

Happy year, dear daughter!
Let the line run after the line
And brings you fun
Happiness, cheerfulness and luck!
We wish you all
Happy Birthday! Congratulations!

Let the cheerful Pinocchio
Gives joy, and Malvina
Will amaze you with a smile
Good, clean, bright, unsteady!
And may faithful Artemon
Will make bold as he is!

Congratulate, we will not get tired
Your princess girl!
Happy birthday
Oh, how it looks with interest!
Just a little baby
She’s only 1 year old,
But she’s already in earrings,
Very stylish, it suits her!
May it grow healthy, strong,
She needs to learn a lot!
Oh, beauty, oh sweetie,
Will conquer the whole world!

Little, wonderful, sweet baby
Let the star shine on you in the sky!
Let a wonderful, very bright flash,
She beautifully illuminates your life!

May you only be one year old today
But so I want you only wish
To a beautiful, bright laugh ringing
Mom and Dad have fun inspiring!

The baby mischievous
First birthday!
No one sleeps in the morning.
Everyone has set in motion.
She runs around
Waiting for guests.
Feels gifts will be,
All attention is to her.
Let it grow and not get sick,
Not a day sad.
Prettier by the hour
Do not pamper in vain.

Anniversary celebrate,
Our baby is growing up!
Baby already mods
Mother is copying a little bit.
She's dad's joy
Her family is extremely happy!
We wish you all good health
Happy 1 year!

Baby we're proud of you
You managed a lot in a year!
Learned to get along
Without any help.
So stubborn, not capricious
You want everything by yourself.
I wish you a vibrant life
With the best of moms.

Who is celebrating today?
day of jam and cookies?
My dear daughter!
One year old baby! Happy Birthday!

Here’s a holiday - 1 year,
Our girl is growing!
Don't be naughty too.
Lovely baby.
The joy for the family is great
From a lady like that!
Let never get sick
And prettier all the time!

Happy Birthday Baby!
1 year is a long time ...
You are already in pictures in books
You direct your finger.
Do you want to be smart soon
To know everything and understand everything ...
Let you soon
Kiss from the heart!

Today is a holiday, exactly a year,
How a daughter grows in the family!
She is beautiful like a flower
He wants birthday presents!
We wish life always
Gave benefits without labor!
Let it grow very happy
Your most beautiful daughter!

Birthday, exactly one year old!
Guests fill the house ...
Daughter in the latest fashion
In a new dress at the table!
Time flew by quickly
And now she herself
Can do a lot
And accept gifts!
Let the enthusiastic eyes
Will be a joy to shine.
Life will be a wonderful fairy tale
She will be able to give everything in full!

Your lapule daughter is a year old!
So quietly grown ...
Already rulers
Although still small!
She's so groovy -
It’s hard to sit still.
Let it grow up soon
And God forbid her not to be ill ...

Cute bunny, tender cat ...
Our girl is dear!
And today is exactly one year old
Notes with us!
May your fate fulfill
Wishes a million ...
Birthday is special
He can do everything!

Your baby is 1 year old!
Beautiful - do not take my eyes off ...
He walks on his own,
Without stopping pampering ...
She is sometimes so energetic
What drives grandmothers crazy
But so cute and pretty -
Everything is forgiven to her in full!
So let it stay healthy
To the joy of his whole family.
Let laughs with joy
And outwardly everyone will be sweeter!

Happy Birthday Baby
Congratulations accept!
You went out to meet the guests
You can do it yourself now!
To eat with a spoon, drink from a mug,
To say a lot of words ...
Stack your toys
And scatter them again!
I want to say with all my heart:
Be happier all around!
Grow up soon girl
More beautiful than all friends!

You have a whole year today!
And your whole family is happy ...
Walking on your own,
Do not look at you!
You are almost as beautiful as mom
But you will clearly surpass her.
You were born to be the best.
And receive everything from life.

Video has been deleted.

That’s the year of your baby!
Congratulations with all my heart!
Standing firmly on his feet
The way has done a great ...

From the crib to the living room
Where all the guests gathered
They sat gracefully at the table
Talk about life.

Birthday girl as it should -
I sat at the head of the table,
Reached for lemonade
All wait ... matured ...

Let your little daughter soon
It will become more beautiful than all.
And in her garden and at school
Waiting for recognition and success!

Congratulations on joy -
Feast on the doorstep!
There will be guests, sweets
And gifts to the baby.
Your little daughter
The best of princesses
One year old -
Joy to heaven!
May she be happy
The girl is growing.
And her life
The Lord himself leads!

Air balloons, cake and flowers ...
The most beautiful birthday on you!
Just a miracle girl, stamping yourself
The pranks just brought everyone crazy!
As you need in a year, you're curious
And very childish features are beautiful ...
You’ll probably soon outshine everyone,
May mother's love help you!

Congratulations to the Girl on 1 year happy birthday

Our most beautiful and gentle girl
Today is the first birthday,
You alone gifts, wraps and ribbons,
You alone, all our smiles and congratulations.
Today even the sun in the sky used to rise
Because it congratulated our princess,
Threw for the birthday girl in the window his little ray,
Giving her health, joy, love and luck.

You grew up in a year.
Like a flower, bloomed
Has become more beautiful and sweeter
The sun has become brighter!

You grow, for the joy of us
Not by the day, but by the hour.
Be obedient and always
Cheerful, sweetheart!

Happiness, honey, to you
And success only in fate.
Be healthy and beautiful
Be fun and happy!

Like a sweet dream flew the whole year
There was a lot of joy, laughter and various worries,
You got a lot of interesting, vivid impressions,
Colorful and new moments in life.
And today a wonderful and bright time has come,
Dad, mom and their nice and lovely baby
On a very important date, the very first to congratulate,
You grew up, dear - spit out a dummy!

Your baby is only a year old
But you're not that baby anymore
You, albeit still funny, but still walk,
And even if it’s not completely incomprehensible, you say.
For dad and mom, you are the most, the most,
You grow, and always be only yourself
Grow a happy family you are a happy baby
To the joy of everyone will always be beautiful.

Congratulations to the wonderful little girl on her first year. I wish you a clear blue sky above your head and a bright sun, sincere joy and success in your first steps in life. Grow up a good and obedient clever, fun and kind girl, mom's joy and daddy's pride.

A miracle happened a year ago -
The daughter was born in a family.
Life then turned upside down
Glad daughter very much.

And today I wish
Her success and goodness,
Be healthy and obedient
Always be smiling!

Be fun and happy.
Adversity, problems, longing do not know.
To be good, the best
Help mom and dad!

Your princess is one year old.
Hurrah! Hurrah! Hurrah!
We wish you good health
Patience, kindness.

Now for your daughter
I really need an eye and an eye.
Let it be smaller
Vagaries and leprosy.

Let it grow beautiful
Fun, naughty,
With parental love
With support behind.

I wish the baby smiles and laughter,
A clear sun, a sea of \u200b\u200bsuccess,
Lovely, healthy, beautiful to grow,
Obstacles are easy to overcome on the way,
For mom and dad to be the clear sun,
The most fun and the most beautiful!

Exactly one year to you baby!
Congratulations, accept.
First candle on the cake
Blow out with dad, with mom.

Let them walk confidently
Little legs
Unknown yet
There are paths before you.

Be funny, naughty,
But don't be moody
To the angel behind
Walked through life with you.

Happy first year of birth
Congratulations for the baby.
Be beautiful all the flowers
Mom and Dad are a joy daughter.

Peephole tender radiance
The girl is a charm
Zaynka in bed is sleeping,
A tiny nose sniffles.

Be fun of course
We wish you heartily
To eat well,
She was smart, pretty.

Mom, Dad, you have patience
And love and respect.
May the holy angels
Guard your daughter!

The first year from birth,
Accept congratulations.
The baby learned a lot,
For a lot of fun.

May she sleep soundly at night
Sniffs sweetly with his nose.
The teeth were not hurt,
The daughter was pleased.

Mom and Dad - strength, patience,
And good mood to you.
And let the baby grow
Every year everything blooms!

Here is the little princess
A year is coming true!
Let the scarlet flower
Smiles more often!

May it be healthy
Let her grow beautiful.
Kind people let her
Meet on the way!

There is reason for congratulations -
Year your baby.
Let her become
Every day more and more beautiful.

Stomp let go forward
On my way
Where love and happiness await
Sweet baby.

We all family health
Also wish
Games, fun, strength, good.
Love. Congratulations!

Time rushes forward imperceptibly
So come on baby play and have fun.
You are already a year old, you became such a cutie
I just can’t stop looking at you.
Grow up, sweet girl, smart and studious,
Be smart, healthy, cheerful, tender.
Don’t be upset about trifles and sleep sweetly,
Eat well, and be friends with the kids in the yard.

The most beautiful, girl tender, small,
It's already been a whole year,
Congratulations on this date, you, my sweetie,
Let a wonderful fairy tale come to visit you.
May the fairy fairy give you happiness
Let the magic wand remove all bad weather
So that you smile, and you know the beautiful world,
So that you recognize the most beautiful moments in life.

Congratulations on the year

Happily celebrate your first birthday! Gifts, congratulations - take it soon!

   Our sun - shine!
Be healthy and grow
Kind, smart and happy
Generous, affectionate, beautiful,
Glorious, joyful and sweet
And everyone’s always loved! rating: 36 ↓

Why is it a holiday today?
Why is the cake today?
And the mountain of gifts is different?
And the guests cycle?
You’ve become a year old!
You’ve become smarter for a year!
You jump high
You began to run far.
You began to eat well -
So you grew big!
We congratulate you
All relatives love you! 35 ↓

Very attractive
Our boy is wonderful!
We love you with all our souls
Grow up like dad you are big
Be all better and smarter
Everyone is kinder and more fun!
  32 ↓ - congratulations on a year old child

Sun bunnies
Glistening joyfully
Someone's naughty
Eyes are on fire!
Funny laughter
Cheeks - a sight for sore eyes!
You are a treasure, you are a treasure!
Happy first birthday! 28 ↓

Joy, fun
Lots of toys
Balls, crackers,
Good health,
Tenderness with love
Laughter, entertainment -
And without disappointment! 43 ↓

Today is exactly one year for you!
How fast our bunny is growing!
You become strong, brave
And go straight to the sun!
Be always cheerful
Happy and healthy! 31 ↓

Laugh daughter joyfully
Go to sleep sweetly!
Well, dad with mom -
Let them spoil more! 37 ↓

Your little steps are still small
Just recently you were born
But from eagles - eagles grow,
From a lion cub a lioness grows!
Stronger, smarter and more mature.
You will come out of the diapers!
Be happy, because there are no relatives
You are our beloved child! 41 ↓

Happy first holiday
Congratulations to you today!
As a birthday wish -
To grow beyond years,
And by the day, by the hour.
He slept soundly and ate a lot,
He was healthy, not sick! 36 ↓

We celebrate a year - cheers!
We are already talking a little bit
We demand mom in the morning -
Our little boy will grow up!
Becomes big, big
Everyone is surprising!
You be the happiest
On your first birthday! 39 ↓

   Happy first year! With a bright ray, let the sun always warm you!
Let him give you presents every day! We really, really love you! 40 ↓

On the very first birthday -
Most important wishes:
Happiness, joy, health,
Fulfillment of all desires! 40 ↓

We made birthday invitations, and they were painted by the birthday man himself. Everyone really enjoyed it.

Congratulations to my daughter:
One year is just wonderful, a sweet and attentive baby is growing,
So let her continue to please you, let success spoil your little daughter!
After all, years will fly by quickly - swiftly! Time is in such a hurry - amazing!
And our glorious children grow up, and we need to tell them the most important thing!

Congratulations, we will not tire the princess girl!
Happy Birthday, oh, how it looks with interest!
Let her grow healthy, strong, she needs to learn a lot!
Oh, beauty, oh sweetie, will conquer the whole world!

How do you like this congratulation? Any names can be substituted.

Presenter: Whose birthday is today?
All: Katechkin, Katechkin!
Whose jam cake is it?
All: Katechkin, Katechkin!
And whom do we congratulate?
All: Katechka, Katechka!
Who are we hugging?
Katechka, Katechka!
And whom do we love deeply?
Katechka, Katechka!
Let's kiss with a kiss
Katechka, Katechka!
Happy Birthday Katechka!

I wish the kid was cheerful
Never to be sad!
Smiled, somersaulted
Rejoiced and laughed!

The first year is considered the most important in the life of the child, it is during this time that he develops most actively. It seems that more recently it was a screaming little ball, and after 12 months we see a provocative and cheerful baby who has already taken his first steps and said “mom” and “dad”. Congratulations on the birthday of a 1 year old girl should contain not only wishes for joy and goodness, but also sincere admiration for the achievements of the crumbs. And if the baby does not remember this holiday, it is important that it be held in a fun and friendly atmosphere.

Funny birthday greetings

On a children's holiday, the atmosphere and congratulations should be bright and joyful. Just wishing a girl to grow beautiful, happy and healthy is pretty boring.

It is better to give a fervent speech in the form of poems or prose:

“Smiles are like butterflies,

Flock to you.

The best day on earth.

And the guests flock bright

Fly to the light.

Let them be filled with gifts

And so that everyone was good! ”

“We put rattles with walkers in a corner,

The baby grew up, turned one year old.

A lot has been covered in a year, but this is only the beginning,

There are still many discoveries ahead! ”

And also on such an occasion, a warm congratulation in prose, expressed in your own words with tenderness and a bit of humor, would be appropriate:

“A sweet baby who has grown so much this year and become a real beauty!” I congratulate you on the first significant date in your life and wish to start walking as soon as possible in order to check the strength of my father’s mobile phone and examine my mother’s cosmetic bag! ”

How to congratulate the baby on the first holiday in prose

Memorizing verses is not given to everyone, and few are capable of composing them at all. But this is no reason to be upset; words spoken from the heart, sincerely and warmly, are much more valued than the lines rhymed by an unknown author.

At the celebration in honor of the little girl you can say the following congratulations:

“Wonderful, sweet and bright girl!” You have turned a whole year today, and I want to wish you grow up smart and cheerful, kind and joyful so that your parents are always proud of you! May the sky above your head always be clear, and the sun warm and bright, and only good people meet on your way! ”

“So our little princess is one year old!” I wish her a happy and joyful childhood, next to loving people. May this beautiful girl always be accompanied by a guardian angel, capable at any moment to lend a helping hand and disperse the clouds! ”

“Little beauty, here is your birthday! I wish your life was filled with fun, grow strong, healthy and naughty! And, like the sun, shine on all who surround you! ”

On a note. On such a holiday, the wishes of all the best should be addressed not only to the hero of the occasion, it is also necessary to consider congratulations to the girl’s parents.

Congratulations to the parents of the girl for 1 year

The day when the baby turns one year old is a holiday for her parents.

Congratulate mom and dad girls with these words:

“A year ago, you gave the world a beautiful princess! We congratulate you on this holiday and wish you to be an example, support and support for your child! Let love and understanding always live in your family that has already taken place! ”

“Happy birthday to your wonderful daughter! With her appearance, you have a unique chance to live childhood again, along with your child! I want to wish it to be very happy, and pass in an atmosphere of warmth and love! ”

Tip. For this holiday, it is worthwhile to prepare a gift not only for the girl, but also to store souvenirs or pleasant trifles for her parents.

From grandparents

Grandparents will never miss an important holiday in the life of their granddaughter.

It can be extremely difficult to find words to express all overwhelming joy and tenderness, and you can use one of these examples of congratulations:

“Our little sun, happy birthday to you! We all looked forward to your birth and rejoiced at the successes achieved no less than your parents! Grow up healthy and obedient, please mom and dad! ”

“Our gentle fluffy bunny, here's a year! We want to wish the sun to illuminate your path, and every day begins with a smile! Go through life confidently and know that close to you are close people who will always support you! ”

“Today is the most joyful and wonderful day, our granddaughter is one year old. We congratulate her on this holiday! Be a good girl, mom's joy and daddy’s pride! ”

Happy birthday to 1 year old girl from the godparents

According to the clergy, the godparents bear the same responsibility for the child as the parents, and should take part in his upbringing.

Therefore, you should not miss the first birthday of your godmother, and you can congratulate the baby with these words:

“A year ago, we also became parents, we had a beautiful daughter! And we wish her to grow the most beautiful, healthiest and happiest, and every day to please us with new successes and achievements! ”

“Sweet baby, you are a very happy child, because you have two mothers and two fathers! And this means that you get double love! On this holiday, we want to wish you to always be happy, and may every day be filled with light and joy! ”

“A year ago a small ray of light appeared in our life, our godmother was born! And on this wonderful holiday, we want to wish her mischievous smiles, true friends and happy adventures! May there always be a place in your life for magic and miracles! ”

Many mistakenly believe that the one-year-old child is still too small and the holiday will leave him indifferent. However, this is not so, the birthday girl may not understand the meaning of the words addressed to her, but she will definitely feel love and warmth.

Copyright 2010 - 2018. Congratulations in verse and prose on the website Pozdravik
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Congratulations on your birthday and other holidays, wishes, poems. Scripts, contests, toasts.

Home Birthday greetings for 1 year old girl


Happy birthday to 1 year old girl

That flew for a whole year
From the moment you are born!
Go baby just ahead
You are waiting for joy and luck!

Grow healthy, beloved
To the joy and fun to us!
Like a fairy tale, miracles!

Thank you, dear daughter,
For what you are in the world!
We wish you happiness
And a dream come true!

The year passed like a dream.
Birthday it's him
I knocked on you today
A year, like a day, one raced.

Celebrate mom celebrate grandfather
First year. But many years
Ahead girl awaits
Let her grow healthy.

Today is a whole year for you,
Accounts right turnover.

Like a dream, a year has passed -
A lot of joys, worries,
Unusual impressions
Bright, sweet moments.

And now it's time
Mom, dad and baby
Congratulations on the first date
Throw away the dummy.

Listen to our wishes:
Strong, joyful to grow,
Beauty, brilliant mind!
Gather more strength!

The first year ever
Bright, interesting,
Full of new affairs, hassle,
But so wonderful!

In the whole world can not be found
Best baby!
In happiness, in joy grow
Laugh baby, loudly!

Happy first year wonderful!
Wishes baby -
To live interestingly,
To have dolls, books.

Ribbons, bows, outfits,
A lot of tenderness and affection!
If mom and dad are nearby -
So, there will be life, as in a fairy tale!















You are waiting for joy and luck!

Like a fairy tale, miracles!

And a dream come true!
















So that you recognize the most beautiful moments in life.






Mom and Dad are a joy daughter.

A tiny nose sniffles.

She was smart, pretty.

Guard your daughter!

Smiles more often!

Meet on the way!


Sweet baby.

Love. Congratulations!







The sun has become brighter!

Cheerful, sweetheart!

And success only in fate.
Be fun and happy!






The most fun and the most beautiful!





Happy 1 year!

Your daughter was born - and exactly a year has passed,
Parents' dream came true! The table is laid today
After all, the baby has an anniversary, albeit a small one -
But many friends gathered on a special day like this.

We hasten to wish your little daughter better,
Be healthy, be happy, good luck - from the heart!
Let the beauty grow and make her family happy
And in life, joy will be found among all people!








Patience, kindness.

Vagaries and leprosy.

With support behind.

Blow out with dad, with mom.
