Illegal requisitions in kindergartens. How to deal with illegal requisitions in kindergartens. “And if it affects my child?”

So my second child went to kindergarten. And, as usual, at the first parental meeting, “we give the money back”. Where to? What for? For what? Do I need to take it at all? What kind of "requisitions"? Parents who have not encountered this before with preschool educational institutions have a lot of questions. This is now about municipal kindergartens. Let's figure it out together, is it necessary to take “for the needs of the group”?

And what do you take?

When my eldest son started going to kindergarten, I decided that I want to take an active part in the life of the group, and I will definitely be in the parent committee. As usual, there were not many people who wanted to go to vacant places, and therefore I was gladly chosen to be on the committee.

At the general parent meeting, the head of the kindergarten said that the kindergarten, although self-sustaining, does provide the necessary groups. In groups, educators shared that they “provide” - these are three boxes of plasticine of 10 colors for the whole group per month, two packs of paints (10 colors each), three albums for drawing, one pack of pencils. About the fact that the administration does not consider it necessary to update the toys even once a year, the teachers tactfully kept silent.

Now let's get it right. When your child draws at home, how long does he have enough colors? How long does one album last for drawing? What about plasticine packaging? To your one child? And imagine that your children are engaged in kindergarten daily, five days a week, all month. And besides compulsory classes there is still free time, and some want to play not toys, but to draw. And educators, as a rule, do not prohibit this. And the album was released for a month not only to your child, but another 20-25 of his classmates. Presented? So we “provide” you. For the needs of the group, we handed over about two thousand rubles annually. We bought office supplies for the whole year, bought gifts for birthday parties, again, for the whole year, updated some toys (wooden constructor, books, toys for role-playing games), and left gifts for teachers (birthdays, pleasant signs of attention on the day of the teacher , March 8, New Year).

And in our group there were “ancient” tables with chairs. The kids scratched their legs, the boys tore shorts, and the girls tights on the edges of the chairs. It was decided to chip in, and purchase new furniture. The price of the issue after all calculations is 1200 rubles. per person. Agree, not so much, if we assume that the furniture was purchased for 4 years (the son went to kindergarten at 3 years old). And if they went to 1.5 - 2 years, then for all five years. There were, of course, those who were dissatisfied, who said - my child does not need a chair, he will sit on the old one. But in the end they passed everything.

For everything that the parent committee acquired, checks were taken, a report on the expenditure of funds always lay in the locker room of the group and was available to anyone. Sometimes I had to report my money, but this is for our children, and therefore it is not a pity.

but on the other hand

But it so happened that I had to transfer the child to another kindergarten a year and a half before graduation. In the new group, everything was completely different. For several years, children were not selected to attend the kindergarten, the permanent composition of the parent committee in the group, the teachers simply begged to bring drafts for drawing, if possible, and timidly complained that there was almost nothing in the group. Half of the parents simply ignored the agreement to donate money to purchase everything they needed. At the request of the educators to bring pencils or an album, they nodded to their child, and brought nothing. As a result, after the next parental meeting, a group of activists was selected and the fight against “defaulters” began. They asked, persuaded, offered options, and although the amount for a year here was half that in another kindergarten, a little more than half of the parents donated money. And thanks for that.

The nightmare began when it was time for graduation. Most of the parents wanted to save money, and cost 1.5 - 2 thousand rubles (as a result, 2.5 thousand). They refused the cafe, took permission from the head of the kindergarten to note in the group. We ordered a cake, bought some sweets, juices, decorated the group with balls, bought graduate ribbons and first-grader sets for children - that’s the whole graduation. The animator was not enough, entertainers entertained. Gifts to teachers and nannies were more than modest. But when the conversation came about what parents would drink, it was suggested that they chip in a thousand rubles for strong drinks for adults. Fortunately, drinking the latter on time was forbidden by the head.

With the youngest daughter, you won’t lure me into the parent committee with any gingerbread, it’s an ungrateful work for which not only they will not say “thank you”, but also express a lot of indignation. We donate money regularly, we support all undertakings and initiatives with both hands, we always fulfill the requests of educators.

What is the moral? Calculate how much time your child is in kindergarten, think about how much he manages to do during this period, what he has time to do. And decide whether you really feel sorry for a varied leisure spending a couple of thousand rubles a year? And also think about it - in private kindergartens the parental fee can be 50 thousand rubles a month, in municipal ones you do not pay even a quarter of this amount.

Hello! My child goes to state kindergarten. The child complains that there is no toilet paper in the toilet and, accordingly, the child suffers. This is bad for health. Carers say that none of the parents bring, so there is nowhere to take. They ask to bring soap, detergents, toilet paper, etc. Are requisitions for household needs legal? The manager says that payment for kindergarten is only for the child’s food.

Answers of lawyers (2)

In practice, situations where the kindergarten staff “informally” tell parents that they need to donate money to maintain or repair the kindergarten are quite common. Parents who are not able or unwilling to donate money are criticized both by staff and other parents. Such “extortions” are illegal. Municipal preschool institutions are financed from the municipal budget, from which all expenses of the kindergarten, both current and capital, must be provided. In practice, municipal authorities often "undersource" funding to kindergartens, forcing staff to "extort" money from their parents. Therefore, claims for insufficient financing of the kindergarten should be presented to the municipal authorities in the person of the Department of Education; the facts of extortion of money by the kindergarten staff should be reported there. However, parents have the right to provide voluntary sponsorship assistance (for example, to equip a games room). The Federal Law “On Charity and Charitable Organizations” provides only voluntary donations for any purpose. The organization of the Board of Trustees is possible, provided for by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of August 31, 19991134 “On additional measures to support educational institutions in the Russian Federation”. Such a council should have a charter, and its goals and objectives should be agreed. The organization can write letters to enterprises asking for help, to raise funds.

At a preschool, on the initiative of parents, a parent committee can be created to deal with financial issues. And in order to transfer money to a preschool institution or school, in any case, there must be a settlement account of the educational institution where parents must transfer the amounts that they voluntarily want to donate to it. And the translation "From Hand to Hand" is illegal! The same question is with the protection of the kindergarten, you can pay, but you are not required to do this.

Hello, requisitions are illegal. Article 65. Fee charged from parents (legal representatives) for the supervision and care of children who are mastering educational programs for preschool education in organizations engaged in educational activities

1. Preschool educational organizations supervise and care for children. Other organizations engaged in educational activities for the implementation of educational programs for pre-school education are entitled to supervise and care for children.
2. For the supervision and care of a child, the founder of an organization engaged in educational activities shall establish a fee levied on parents (legal representatives) (hereinafter referred to as the parental fee) and its amount, unless otherwise provided by this Federal Law. The founder has the right to reduce the amount of the parental fee or not to charge it from certain categories of parents (legal representatives) in the cases and order determined by him. In the event that the founder pays for the supervision and care of the child in the organization carrying out educational activities, the parental fee is not established.
(Part 2 as amended by the Federal Law of June 29, 2015 N 198-ФЗ)

3. For the supervision and care of children with disabilities, orphans and children left without parental care, as well as for children with tuberculous intoxication, students in state and municipal educational institutions implementing the educational program of preschool education, parental fee is not charged.
4. It is not allowed to include expenses for the implementation of the educational program of preschool education, as well as expenses for the maintenance of real estate of state and municipal educational organizations that implement the educational program of preschool education, in the parental fee for the supervision and care of the child in such organizations. The size of the parental fee for childcare and childcare in state and municipal educational institutions cannot be higher than its maximum amount established by the regulatory legal acts of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation for each municipality located on its territory, depending on the conditions of childcare and childcare.
(as amended by the Federal Law of June 29, 2015 N 198-ФЗ)

5. In order to materially support the upbringing and education of children attending educational organizations implementing the educational program of preschool education, compensation is provided to parents (legal representatives). The amount of compensation is established by laws and other regulatory legal acts of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and should not be less than twenty percent of the average parental fee for childcare and childcare in state and municipal educational institutions located in the territory of the corresponding constituent entity of the Russian Federation, for at least one fifty percent of the amount of such payment for the second child, at least seventy percent of the amount of such payment for the third child and subsequent children d. The average amount of parental fees for childcare and childcare in state and municipal educational institutions is established by state authorities of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation. The right to receive compensation has one of the parents (legal representatives) who have paid the parental fee for childcare and childcare in the relevant educational organization. When providing compensation, state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation are entitled by laws and other regulatory legal acts of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation to establish criteria of need.
(Part 5 as amended by Federal Law of December 29, 2015 N 388-ФЗ)

6. The procedure for applying for compensation specified in part 5 of this article, and the procedure for its payment shall be established by state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.
7. Financial support for expenses related to the payment of compensation referred to in paragraph 5 of this article is an expense obligation of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

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Corruption in kindergartens: where to complain and how to counter

Corruption in the highest echelons of power, which has swept the country over the past few years, has attracted the attention of ordinary citizens. Against the backdrop of high-profile scandals, so-called domestic corruption is less noticeable. Meanwhile, it is precisely with it that the majority of Russian citizens are faced.

Surely many to solve their own problems had to give a bribe to the traffic police or a doctor. Corruption in kindergartens and schools stands apart in this series - after all, we are talking about children, and what could be more expensive for each parent than the well-being of their own child.

What to do if you are extorted a bribe, where to go with a complaint? We will try to answer these and other questions in this article.

Closed doors

In Russia, most of the country's small citizens go through kindergarten. Even if parents have the opportunity to leave the baby at home, they do not always do it.

Still, a good kindergarten is a place where a child learns to be in a team, where everything is subordinated to a regime that is healthy for health and development, where there are joint holidays and developing activities.

Unfortunately, parents often encounter a situation where their desire to identify a baby in a child care institution runs into a closed garden door or a nursery. At the same time, it is closed specifically for you, but not for others.

Phrase: “There are no places! Wait your turn! ” - Quite often it is a litmus test for corruption in kindergarten. This is a signal for parents that it is time to give a bribe. An nth amount of money can make a difference: a place is magically located for your child.

Help who than can

Problems in placing a child in kindergarten is the most striking and common manifestation of corruption in this industry. However, far from the only one. What other facts can be attributed to corruption? Often they become:

  • Gifts for educators and management.
  • Fees for the holidays.
  • Transfer of funds for the protection of kindergarten.
  • Money for the purchase of toys, benefits, furniture.
  • Repair funds, detergents, stationery.
  • Voluntary donation to the garden fund upon admission.

The list is not complete, in each preschool institution they can add something of their own - the desire for profit among many leaders knows no bounds.

The realities of the new time

Well aware that the requirements put forward are illegal, the kindergarten management is devising new forms of obtaining material resources, so to speak, in accordance with the realities of the time.

Manipulating the consciousness of parents, pressing on pain points, they are forced to donate money. Many of the mothers and fathers fear that the refusal of donations will not affect the baby in the best way, or even have to part with the kindergarten.

Do not go about it

You have every right not to participate in manifestly corrupt processes.

Firstly, you should have a clear idea that you are not required to give money for gifts, toys, security, paid services and other events listed above. Funds for these purposes are budgeted and do not include parental contributions.

In case of pressure, your right is to contact the appropriate authorities.

Secondly. Only you decide to donate money to the group’s fund, for example, to buy gifts for kids on their birthday or not. Nobody has the right to force you to do this. As a rule, such issues are resolved at parental meetings, the decision made and the course of the meeting are reflected in the minutes. However, you can express your own view of the situation and refuse to deposit funds.

Thirdly, if you agreed to participate in voluntary donations, you have every right to demand a report on how the funds were used.

Catch a hand

Today, kindergarten management is well aware of the responsibility for a bribe. Units are decided to demand money in the open and get it from hand to hand. Nevertheless, the temptation exists, which means there are those who succumb to it.

You can report the extortion of a bribe to law enforcement agencies - it is easy to catch the bribe-taker by the hand. As they say, this is a matter of technology and employees of the internal affairs bodies.

Perhaps it is not your intention to involve ATS or it is not a concrete bribe, but so-called requisitions. Where to complain in this case?

If money is extorted, for example, by a teacher or other kindergarten employee, then you can contact the head. Clearly, this is done in writing.

If the head does not respond or is herself involved in the receipt of illegal funds, you need to write a complaint to the local department (committee, department) of education or directly to the city or district administration. Do not react? There are higher authorities - region, federation.

Another structure whose duty is the supervision of compliance with the law is the prosecutor's office. According to your statement, this body is obliged to conduct an audit and, in case of confirmation of violations, take measures to bring the perpetrator to justice.

Somewhat more complicated is the situation with charitable foundations. But here it is possible to reveal the facts of illegal actions. For example, if the fund’s funds were cashed out and went for additional payment to employees or other purposes not stated in the Charter.

Law and order

In 2008, Russia adopted a law against corruption. On the counteraction to this phenomenon speaks at the highest level. Presidential decrees are issued, national plans are adopted, legal education of the population is carried out, etc. The country has declared a war of corruption.

And although it is far from victory in it, measures to combat are taken both above and in the field. According to the requirements of the law, kindergartens are included in the list of institutions where anti-corruption measures are mandatory.

Among them, the development of various provisions - on anti-corruption policy; conflict of interest prevention; orders to approve the action plan, codes of ethics, even provisions on gifts and business hospitality, etc.

At any time, the prosecutor's office can check the availability of these documents and, if they are absent, hold the management accountable.

How effective these measures are is difficult to judge. Alas, bribery in kindergartens is not over. To consider that this is a problem only in modern Russia will be wrong.

Cases of bribes when placing a child in kindergarten were in the USSR. The difference is in scale. There was no such scale, flowering, dominance of corruption that we see today in Soviet times. As there were no requisitions for the office, detergents, repairs, etc. This is a sign of today and this is a problem that needs to be solved.

Have you had to give bribes in kindergarten? How do you assess the state of corruption in kindergartens? How interesting did you find the current article? We will be glad to hear your opinion.

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Cash fees in kindergarten - legal or not?

Are cash contributions in kindergartens - fees or a vital necessity? Parents often complain about compulsory fees, which have recently become increasingly widespread. We tried to find out whether the actions of the leaders of kindergartens setting these fees from parents are legal?

Kindergarten fee

In accordance with Art. 52 of the Law of the Russian Federation of July 10, 1992 No. 3266-1 "On Education", the founders of educational institutions implementing the basic general educational program of preschool education, entitled to chargecharged by parents for child support. At the same time, the amount of the parental fee for maintaining a child in state and municipal educational institutions cannot exceed 20% of the cost of maintaining a child, and for parents with three or more minor children, 10% of the cost.

At the same time, Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 30, 2006 No. 849 approved a list of costs taken into account when establishing the main parental fee. They include: remuneration and accruals on remuneration of labor, communication services, transportation services, utilities, maintenance services, rent for the use of other people's property, as well as an increase in the cost of inventories needed to support a child.

Thus, by paying a fee for a child attending kindergarten, parents already pay expenses   and for repairs, and for toys, and for office supplies, and everything else.

Voluntary contributions

At the same time, current legislation does not prohibit   schools and kindergartens to raise additional funds. The whole question is how this should be implemented. In accordance with Art. 41 of the Law "On Education", an educational institution (including preschool) is entitled to attract additional financial resources by providing additional paid educational and other services provided for in the charter of the kindergarten, as well as through voluntary donations and targeted contributions from individuals and legal entities. In the instruction letter of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation dated December 15, 1998 No. 57 “On Extrabudgetary Funds of Educational Institutions” it is emphasized that the payment of funds (donations) by individuals and legal entities, including parents of students, is carried out only on a voluntary basis   intended purpose to the settlement account of an educational institution.

However, at present, kindergarten managers prefer to receive cash contributions from parents in cash without any proper accounting and control over their subsequent spending.

Before identifying a child in kindergarten, parents should carefully read the contract that they are asked to sign. For example, in the Kansky district, when checking agreements concluded between municipal kindergartens and parents, the inter-district prosecutor's office found that they provided duty   (it is a duty, not a right) parents to provide kindergarten financial assistance in implementing the statutory tasks and preparing the child for schooling.

As it was established by the prosecutor's office, under such a vague wording, you can summarize any expenses, therefore a similar clause of the contract does not match   current legislation.

Create a committee

Do not forget that in order to control the use of funds that are collected for the needs of the preschool institution, parents have the right to create a parent committee or board of trustees, which will collect and spend finances.

Also, in this situation, the decision of several kindergartens in the region on the creation (in agreement with parents) of a charitable foundation for the support and development of preschool education can help. In it, parents monthly pay the agreed amount on receipts. Funds are distributed according to the statements of managers on the provided accounts (services and materials), employee incentives and the like.

In preparing the article, materials from the official portal of the prosecutor's office of the Krasnoyarsk Territory were used

How to stop requisitions in kindergarten?

Such a situation: the child was transferred to a speech therapy group in the kindergarten (according to the testimony and the basis of the special commission). The state garden. Now they demand 2000 rubles for notebooks in this group, then 2000 rubles for office supplies, and an additional 1000 rubles for various expenses. For a year. I note that in addition, under the contract, we pay 2050 rubles a month for kindergarten.

We have free education. As well as the child’s right to free education. I don’t take into account the fee of 2050 rubles, that’s understandable. But for everything else, stationery, notebooks and other expenses are allocated by the state by law. There are no papers that this money in the amount of 5,000 rubles per year is mandatory and not legal. They argue that the state doesn’t even do anything on stationery and consumables, such as household goods, household accessories, hygiene items (paper, soap, etc.) stand out, but no supporting papers. And it turns out speech therapist There is a children’s group at kindergarten, but parents are obliged to sponsor it, the kindergarten doesn’t provide educational material. How much is legal? How to argue? Where to go? Because there is a violation of the law and violation of the child’s rights to free education. Thank you

Answers from lawyers (1)

Tatyana hello! The financing of the activities of municipal preschool educational institutions is carried out from the funds of municipal budgets.
To obtain information on financing a specific preschool institution, you need to contact the local government body that manages the education sector of that municipal district (city district) in whose territory the preschool institution is located.

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About illegal exactions

Attention! The article contains the text of the document!

Question: I heard from friends (South-Western Administrative District) that a decree of the Ministry of Education “On illegal exactions” was issued. In this regard, kindergartens are prohibited from collecting money for photographs, theaters and gifts for children, including New Year's. Has anyone heard of this? Friends say that in their kindergarten, the celebration of the New Year was canceled, parents were not allowed to even bring gifts from home.

Ahead of the New Year, I would like the same gifts in the group of the youngest son, because children at 3 years old are still very vulnerable and painfully react to the “alien and new”. Who knows what on this issue?


On measures to prevent the illegal collection of funds from parents (legal representatives) of students, pupils of state educational institutions of the Moscow Department of Education

The results of inspections of state educational institutions conducted by the Department of Education of the city of Moscow in accordance with the work plan of the Department, as well as in connection with citizens' appeals, indicate insufficient control by the heads of district educational departments of the Department of Education of Moscow, heads of state educational institutions for compliance with the requirements of the Law of the Russian Federation July 10, 1992 No. 3266-1 “On Education”, Federal Law of August 11, 1995 No. 135-ФЗ “On charitable activities and charitable organizations”, Order of the Moscow City Department of Education dated November 7, 2007 No. 07/11 “On measures to prevent the illegal collection of funds from parents (legal representatives) of students.”

In violation of the current legislation on the part of the parental community, facts of coercion of parents to participate in the so-called “charity”, often initiated by pedagogical collectives and heads of state educational institutions, are allowed. Non-compliance with the principle of voluntariness in the provision of financial assistance is evidenced by fixed amounts of donations, a certain frequency of their contributions, decisions of parent committees on the provision of benefits to certain categories of citizens when making funds.

The collection of funds from parents (legal representatives) of students and pupils is mainly directed to the supplement to employees of state educational institutions, to provide household needs, to carry out repairs, as well as to the material and technical equipment of the educational process in state educational institutions.

Failure to comply with legislative and other regulatory legal acts leads to the fact that in state educational institutions payment for the provision of paid additional educational services, targeted contributions of individuals and legal entities continue to be charged in cash, and not by transferring to the personal account of a state educational institution.

The work of district education departments, heads of state educational institutions, carried out with employees of institutions, the parent community to prevent violations of the law when attracting additional financial resources, is often of a one-time and episodic nature.

As a result of the checks, it was found that in a number of state educational institutions annual public reports on attracting and spending additional financial resources are not considered at meetings of parent committees, as well as at meetings of self-government bodies of state educational institutions. Information on the procedure for providing paid additional educational services, attracting targeted contributions and donations, posted on the stands of state educational institutions, as a rule, does not contain operational information on the amount of additional financing, as well as on the expenditure of funds received.

In order to prevent the illegal collection of funds from parents (legal representatives) of students, pupils, as well as observing the principle of voluntariness when attracting funds of citizens

1. The heads of state educational institutions of the Department of Education of the city of Moscow:

1.1. Prevent illegal collection of funds from parents (legal representatives) of students, pupils of state educational institutions, coercion on the part of employees of institutions, self-government bodies and the parent community to collect funds, make charitable contributions.
1.2. To establish that the heads of state educational institutions are personally responsible for the provision of paid additional educational services, the procedure for attracting and spending charity funds (voluntary donations) received to the personal account of state educational institutions, as well as for informing parents (legal representatives) of students and pupils about this issue.
1.3. Strictly comply with the requirements of the Law of the Russian Federation of July 10, 1992 No. 3266-1 “On Education”, the decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 5, 2001 No. 505 “On the approval of the rules for the provision of paid educational services”, and the order of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation of July 10, 2003 No. 2994 “On approval of the model form of the agreement on the provision of paid educational services in the field of general education”, Federal Law of August 11, 1995 No. 135-ФЗ “On Charity and Charitable Organizations”, Law of the Russian Federation of February 7, 1992 No. 2300-1 “On the Protection of Consumer Rights”.
1.4. Submit annually public reports on the attraction and expenditure of additional financial resources in a state educational institution.
1.5. Ensure the placement of complete and objective information on the procedure for providing paid additional educational services, the procedure for attracting targeted contributions and donations, the procedure for appealing against unlawful actions to raise additional financial resources in a state educational institution in an accessible place for parents (legal representatives).
1.6. To inform parents (legal representatives) of the information about the permanent hotline opened by the Moscow City Department of Education on illegal money collection at state educational institutions (Moscow Education Information Portal -

2. To the heads of district education departments of the Moscow City Education Department, to the heads of structural divisions of the Moscow City Education Department:

2.1. To carry out constant monitoring of the organization of paid additional educational services in state educational institutions.
2.2. To organize the work of a permanent “hot line” on illegal money collection in state educational institutions.
2.3. For all appeals of parents (legal representatives) related to the violation of the procedure for attracting additional financial resources, conduct checks.
2.4. To bring to disciplinary responsibility the leaders who violated the rights of citizens in the provision of paid additional educational services and attract charity funds and apply disciplinary measures up to dismissal in accordance with the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

3. To take into account that for violation of the rules the provision of paid additional educational services provides for administrative liability established by paragraph 1 of Article 19.30 of the Code of Administrative Offenses.

4. State budgetary institution of the city of Moscow "City monitoring service in the field of education of the Department of education of the city of Moscow":

4.1. Monitor incoming appeals and calls of citizens on issues of illegal collection of funds to the “hot line”.
4.2. Daily inform the head of the Department of Education on the monitoring results.

5. Office for Control and Supervision of Education:

5.1. To monitor compliance with legislation in the field of education regarding the provision of paid additional educational services.
5.2. To bring to administrative responsibility those who violate the norm of the Code of the Russian Federation on administrative offenses regarding the provision of paid additional educational services.

6. The control and audit department should pay special attention during routine inspections and audits of state educational institutions to the issues of attracting and spending extra-budgetary funds.

7. Press Secretary of the Department of Education of the city of Moscow A. Gavrilov

7.1. To inform the media about the work of the “hot line” of the Department of Education.
7.2. To assist the media in covering the work of the “hot line” and the measures taken by the Department of Education to prevent illegal collection of funds.

8. Recognize invalid the order of the Department of Education of the city of Moscow of November 7, 2007. No. 07/11 “On measures to prevent the illegal collection of funds from parents (legal representatives) of students and pupils”.

9. The control over the implementation of this order shall be assigned to the heads of district education departments of the Moscow City Education Department, the Office for Education Control and Supervision, the Audit Office, the State Budget Institution of the City of Moscow "City Monitoring Service in the Field of Education of the Moscow City Education Department."

Acting Head
Department of Education of the city of Moscow Larionova.

You do not have time to send the child to kindergarten, as you have to lay out a tidy sum: for curtains, notebooks, gifts for teachers, and sometimes even for additional meals for babies. Are we obligated to donate money and what services are financed from the budget?

Household goods

  Toilet paper, detergents, garbage bags, soap, laundry detergent - according to the Decree “On Normative Financing of DOE Activities” dated 12/30/13 with notes dated 02/08/16, all household chemicals are already included in the parental fee for kindergarten. Hand over money for household goods separately? You rent them twice!


Pencils, plasticine and even colored paper - all stationery has already been paid for ... by the state. They are included in the standards of financing from the budget. Do not believe? Read the law "On Education in the Russian Federation" in 2014 or the Decree of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Tajikistan dated 12/18/07.


Textbooks for preschool children, fascinating aids - in almost every garden, funds are given for this. However, workbooks and other literature included in educational standards are teaching aids and money is allocated from the budget for this. “Education Act”, article No. 8.

The exception is when parents decide that the education standard is not enough for their children to learn. In this case, they can donate money to other literature or contact the head of the kindergarten (the kindergarten administration must resolve such issues).


Provide kindergartens are required by local authorities. Funds from the regional budget are allocated for this. This is confirmed by the same “Education Law”, article No. 8.


Of course, it’s much calmer when you know that a child is guarded by a qualified specialist. But to provide pupils with safety conditions is the task of a preschool. According to the order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development, the preschool educational institution is obliged to have a duty officer on duty. And if the leadership of the garden cannot pay for the protection itself, then it violates the law (Article 28 of the "Law on Education in the Russian Federation").

Exception: in fact, the kindergarten often does not have enough budgetary funds to keep its guard, and the management of the preschool institution seeks help from the security company. In this case, parents may be required to consent, but not money.


But the local authorities are obliged to repair the group, repair the leaking toilet and even change the curtains, or rather, allocate funds for this. In the municipal zone there are also expenses for building maintenance and utilities. Read about this in the Letter of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation No. 08-1408 of 01/10/13.

Additional educational services

Paid services in kindergartens are now fashionable, because this is how preschool institutions make money. Fashionable, but not required. If you don’t have a desire to send your child to vocals, choreography or to the sports section, you can not do this, but just visit a garden group.

Exception: if you yourself want it. At the same time, payment should be made under an agreement, with a payment document, and to the settlement account of the institution, and not a specific person. After the conclusion of the contract, the kindergarten has no right to increase the cost of the lesson.


In some kindergartens, carers complain about not enough large portions for long breaks between feedings, as a result of which, in their opinion, the children go hungry. In this regard, a proposal may be made to donate additional funds. This is a gross violation of the law, and also a danger: food that is not included in the kindergarten menu is not approved by experts and is not tested for quality.

An exception is the group of short stay without food. In this case, with the permission of the teachers, it is better to give the child a non-perishable snack (for example, nuts, a muesli bar or an apple).

Voluntary contribution

If educators require a certain amount from you, and even ask you to confirm payment with a payment document, this is a gross violation of the law (Federal Law No. 135 “On Charity and Charitable Organizations”). A voluntary contribution should be affordable, non-cash and without pressure. And you can safely refuse it if you consider it necessary. Even if he is going to enroll the child in the garden. And also, making a voluntary contribution, you have the right to demand from the head of the garden a report on the expenditure of these funds.

Hello, requisitions are illegal. Article 65. Fee charged from parents (legal representatives) for the supervision and care of children who are mastering educational programs for preschool education in organizations engaged in educational activities

1. Preschool educational organizations supervise and care for children. Other organizations engaged in educational activities for the implementation of educational programs for pre-school education are entitled to supervise and care for children.
2. For the supervision and care of a child, the founder of an organization engaged in educational activities shall establish a fee levied on parents (legal representatives) (hereinafter - parental fee) and its amount, unless otherwise provided by this Federal Law. The founder has the right to reduce the amount of the parental fee or not to charge it from certain categories of parents (legal representatives) in the cases and order determined by him. In the event that the founder pays for the supervision and care of the child in the organization carrying out educational activities, the parental fee is not established.
(Part 2 as amended by the Federal Law of June 29, 2015 N 198-ФЗ)

3. For the supervision and care of children with disabilities, orphans and children left without parental care, as well as for children with tuberculosis intoxication, students in state and municipal educational institutions implementing the educational program of preschool education, parental fee is not charged.
4. It is not allowed to include expenses for the implementation of the educational program of preschool education, as well as expenses for the maintenance of real estate of state and municipal educational organizations that implement the educational program of preschool education, in the parental fee for the supervision and care of the child in such organizations. The size of the parental fee for childcare and childcare in state and municipal educational institutions cannot be higher than its maximum amount established by the regulatory legal acts of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation for each municipality located on its territory, depending on the conditions of childcare and childcare.
(as amended by the Federal Law of June 29, 2015 N 198-ФЗ)

5. In order to materially support the upbringing and education of children attending educational organizations implementing the educational program of preschool education, compensation is provided to parents (legal representatives). The amount of compensation is established by laws and other regulatory legal acts of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and should not be less than twenty percent of the average parental fee for childcare and childcare in state and municipal educational institutions located in the territory of the corresponding constituent entity of the Russian Federation, for at least one fifty percent of the amount of such payment for the second child, at least seventy percent of the amount of such payment for the third child and subsequent children d. The average amount of parental fees for childcare and childcare in state and municipal educational institutions is established by state authorities of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation. The right to receive compensation has one of the parents (legal representatives) who have paid the parental fee for childcare and childcare in the relevant educational organization. When providing compensation, state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation are entitled by laws and other regulatory legal acts of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation to establish criteria of need.
(Part 5 as amended by Federal Law of December 29, 2015 N 388-ФЗ)

6. The procedure for applying for compensation specified in part 5 of this article, and the procedure for its payment shall be established by state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.
7. Financial support for expenses related to the payment of compensation referred to in paragraph 5 of this article is an expense obligation of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

What should I do if voluntary donations at school and kindergarten become compulsory and it starts to seem stubbornly that fees are turning into requisitions? A young but lively mother shares her experience in the struggle for affordable education.

Start: how I paid for myself and for that guy

My daughter went to the garden all of a sudden. This happened in the winter of 2011, in her 3.5 years, when we had already lost all hope of a free space. When meeting the director, she handed me a receipt with the bank details of the garden, where the letters shouted: donations. I transferred 5000 rubles, not assuming that you can refuse.

After a couple of days, the teacher told the story that in the autumn the parent committee put plastic windows in the group, and I am allowed to chip in not 1,500 like the rest, but 1,100, because "you didn’t come from September." I paid immediately as soon as I heard a promise: "In this room, children will be engaged until graduation."

The next fall, our group was transferred to another room, and plastic windows were also urgently needed there. I said: “You cheated. I won’t pay. ” Then I did not know that my first refusal would be the beginning of a long road of struggle against requisitions. I didn’t know that I would look for allies in the person of my parents for a long time.

“This is for your child!”

Surprisingly, most requisitions in Russian kindergartens and schools cannot be called requisitions. Parents themselves, as if under the hypnosis of the educators, decide that “cosmetic repairs are needed, let's throw off 4000, we won’t lose us.” The reason for the discount is considered a regular A4 sheet, where each parent notes whether he agrees to donate a certain amount.

Even if there are 3-4 daredevils in the class who have expressed their protest, an entry appears in the “protocol” of the parent committee: “Parents decided by a majority of votes ...”. The minority, which will request a document for payment, at best will receive nothing. At worst, it will become the owner of the invisible tablet “I am an outcast. Beat here. ” Although, according to lawyers, each voluntary charity contribution for the needs of the school should be made out by a statement indicating the amount and purpose of the payment. Everything else is legally a bribe or extortion (as the case may be).

However, parents sacredly believe that kindergartens and schools are in perpetual crisis, therefore, without any questions they provide them with stationery, teaching aids, household chemicals, bed linen, towels, dishes, toys. Perhaps they are not aware that our Ryazan region, for example, in 2015 won first place among the constituent entities of the Russian Federation for the successful implementation of the federal project “Modernization of Regional Preschool Education Systems”. This is not discussed at parent meetings.

To the same teachers and educators, who, like a lively advertiser, continue to put pressure on mother’s pain and say: “This is all for your child!”, I calmly reply: “For my child - at home”. Sometimes parents are so keen on repairing the school “second home” of the child that excesses appear in it that were not met in the “first house”. Our people love to seem rich, but it’s a shame to pass for the poor, who don’t have “only 4,000 for repairs”. It’s better to take a loan and collect a school student in first grade than to google a couple of hours, what a first-grader really needs and what a teacher’s whim.

“And if it affects my child?”

I am sure that there would be an order of magnitude more people who disagree with school requisitions if it were not for the skillful, clearly thought out system of intimidation of parents. Even if you get up and say firmly: “I am against”, it is not a fact that you will not pay in the end.

Knowing your rights is important, even if no one infringes them.

Suppose you are lucky, and no one has ever asked for repairs, security, or something else. But there are other areas where you need to know the rights, again "for the child."

In the first grade, I had to donate money to workbooks. I did not have any knowledge of what was useful to children and what was not. I honestly asked the teacher: “Are all work aids needed for basic subjects, or is there something for additional ones?” The answer was: "Everything for the compulsory." 2 months passed, the second quarter came: we have a new schedule with new lessons, and the subject “World of Activity” is highlighted in gray - an additional subject.

Of course, I wrote a statement addressed to the director that, according to the "Law on Education in the Russian Federation" No. 273-ФЗ dated December 29, 2012, article 43, paragraph 1, attending extracurricular activities is not mandatory, and the child has the right not to walk on additional items. The application was accepted, the request was granted. Nobody suggested returning money for a set of workbooks on an “excess” subject (which is 559 rubles out of a total of 2389).

Do not be absurd

At times, they ask me questions from mom in social networks. In one of the local schools, close-knit parents “defeated” the system: there are no extortions there. But there is another problem: some parents don’t even give in principle a New Year’s present for their child, but they are waiting for the present. The Parents' Committee is lost what to do, because it is afraid that someone will complain to them at the prosecutor's office: the law on such a case is strict.

My results

Two years of struggle with school requisitions paid off. Security fees were canceled, the subject “World of Activity” was excluded from the program, the compulsory school uniform was changed to “business dress”, parents now form the list of workbooks, they don’t collect money for overhaul, but they are always happy with “donations”.

Useful rules for those who are going to refuse to pay school fees

  • Do not raise your voice for teachers and other parents.
  • Try to find allies (in your own class, in parallel, in social networks).
  • When communicating with teachers and the parent committee, refer to laws.
  • Write letters: to the school principal, to the Ministry of Education, to the prosecutor's office (as a last resort).
  • Do not be afraid of anything (our opponents are often afraid more).