Chef clothes for children. Cook's cap and apron - how to sew and ideas for a photo shoot. Product Care

A chef's hat is an integral attribute of the uniform of someone who is involved in cooking. This item has a dual function: to prevent accidental hair from entering the dish and to protect the cook’s head from the fumes and smells of everything that is being cooked, fried or baked.

The cap should tightly cover your head, without causing the cook any inconvenience. Ideally, it should be as invisible to the employee as his own hairstyle, and for those around him, he is called to evoke a sense of admiration for the man whose head is decorated with a cook hat.

Having basic skills in handling thread, needle and scissors, it is not difficult to make this product yourself. In this article, we will look at how to sew a cook hat with your own hands according to a simple pattern and instructions, which even a cook can handle.

First you need to stock up on materials. You will need a cotton fabric (one meter with a width of 80 cm is enough), a non-woven tape with an adhesive side (60 cm), paper to build a pattern, thread.

Some tools will also be needed: needle, scissors, tape, pencil, ruler, sewing machine and iron. If there is no sewing machine, all seams can be done manually, there are not so many of them!

Manufacturing sequence

The tailoring of the cap for the cook takes place in   several stages:

  • taking measurements;
  • building patterns;
  • cutting parts;
  • tailoring;
  • preparation of the bottom of the product and its stitching with tulle.

Armed with patience and everything you need, you can get to work.

The circumference of the head is measured with a centimeter tape, which is tightly, but without tension, covered head slightly above eyebrows. The obtained value is the size of the cap; in an adult, it is most often in the range of 55-60 cm.

The height of the tulle, i.e. the cylinder, is chosen arbitrarily, but not less than 7 cm

The pattern for the tulle is a rectangle. For example, the selected sizes of the finished cook cap are 57 cm (head circumference) and 10 cm (body height). 1 cm seam allowance on each side.

In a stitched product, two-layer tulle. In this case, the dimensions of the rectangle are 59X22 cm. Most cutters build a pattern of simple symmetrical details in half size, that is can be limited to a rectangle of 29.5X22 cm.

On the pattern should be written on one of the sides: “fold line”. Then it is enough to put the pattern on the prepared fabric so that the fold line of the pattern coincides with the fold of the material.

A circle for the top of the cap is drawn with a radius of 35-39 cm. The larger the circle, the more magnificent the top. If the indicated size cannot be cut out from the remaining fabric, it is allowed to reduce it. The limit is a radius of 20 cm (flat top).

Confident in her skills, a seamstress can skip the stage of constructing a cook cap pattern on paper and mark it directly on the fabric using colored chalk.

Carved the rectangle folds in half in length. The open side is sewn (you can immediately on the sewing machine) at a distance of 1 cm from the edge. Then the edge strips are tucked 0.5 cm each in its own direction and smoothed with an iron. Also, with the help of an iron, a non-woven tape is mounted, located so that one of its edges passes along the midline of the resulting cylinder.

The tape should be on the part of the body that will cover the head. The part is folded just along the line of the tape so that both the tape and the curved edges are inside. It is advisable to iron immediately and the bends of the edges (1 cm) inward along the top of the hood: the outlined bending lines will facilitate further assembly.

A circle cut out of fabric for the top of the product must first be picked up along the edge to the size of the seat. To facilitate reaching the desired size, you can use a ready-made pattern for a tulle (half), periodically applying a collected edge to it. Depending on the choice of finish option for this part the appearance of the finished cook hat changes significantly.

You can flash a circle long stitches around the circumference 1 cm from the edge of the part and, pulling the thread, evenly distribute the fabric. The same effect can be easily achieved if you sew the machine stitch as long as possible with stitches, and then evenly distribute the fabric, gradually pulling up the bobbin thread.

The finished chef's hat looks more impressive when folds-tucks with a depth of 1.5-3.0 cm are formed around the edge of the circle. The process is a bit more complicated, but the result is worth it.

If you choose this method, you will have to carefully bend and grab a couple of stitches each fold. Perhaps the first time you can’t make all the folds the same. You will have to pull the thread and try again. All folds should look one way. When the top edge is assembled to the desired size, the folds need to be ironed 2-3 cm in height.

The prepared top must first be swept to the top, placing its edge between the two layers of the base of the hood. It is more convenient to perform this operation in two stages.. First connect the top to the outside of the tulle, then bore the inside, introducing the needle about 1 mm below the fold line (inside edge).

As a result the junction of the parts will be five-layerbut all the edges are securely hidden. It remains to sew these layers as close as possible to the connection line and remove the threads of the basting seams (if they look out).

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Product Care

The kitchen is full of surprises, so the cap, like other uniforms, does not manage to retain its pristine splendor for long. Its accounted for wash periodically with regular detergents  or, in special cases, use stain removers. The cotton fabric from which the hats for cooks are sewn allows this.

So that the top of the signature headgear does not lose shape and looks attractive, after washing the product will have to starch. By the way, starch not only gives rigidity. When washing a starched product, contaminants leave the fabric faster.

You have to iron the cook hat every time after washing, and sometimes without washing if it is unsuccessful.

Keeping this uniform between shifts is recommended. not folded but flattened. It is good if you have a blank or a jar of the right size at hand.

A self-made chef's hat can prove to its owner that he is not only an excellent culinary specialist, but also a versatile person. Of course, you can buy or order a cap for a tailor, but then it will be “like the others”, and the instructions on how to make a cook cap are not so complicated. A do-it-yourself - magical, bringing success!

How to sew a cook hat and an apron? Parents often face the issue of tailoring a costume for their child at a matinee in kindergarten or for school. Sometimes during the holidays it is required to play the role of a cook.

To do this, you need to sew at least two elements of the suit: a cook hat and an apron. To perform this task, it is not necessary to be a professional seamstress and have a sewing machine. This article describes in detail how to sew a cook hat with your own hands for a child. Believe me, you will succeed perfectly.

Taking measurements

Before starting sewing any clothes, you need to take measurements correctly. When creating a cook hat, you need to measure the circumference of the child’s head. Before stitching the cook hat, you also need to think about the closure at the back in advance. It can be Velcro, buttons, elastic, ties. If the rectangle of the cap will be smelled, then a few centimeters for Velcro should be added to the circumference of the head. The same goes for button fasteners. To sew a wide elastic, you can make the bar shorter by 5 cm by stitching it on the back of the product. If you decide to tie the strap on the back, then a cloth the size of the circumference of the head will be enough. The bar can be sealed with an additional lining: inserts made of dense material of the same color.

To understand how you need to carefully consider patterns. For the cap itself, you need to take a circle whose diameter will be equal to the double length of the rim. This will result in a folded cap. If it is smooth, cylindrical, then you can take the same measurements. It is better if folds are still present, forming a small beret on top. It can be beautifully laid on the side of the head.

How to sew a chef's hat for a child in a pattern?

It is best to transfer the measurements first to thick paper, drawing a drawing of both the rim and the circle. The rim is better to do double. So it will be denser, and stitching parts is easier. Once the drawings are ready, they can be transferred to the material. Do not forget to leave 1 cm of fabric on the hem. So that the upper part is sewn beautifully with an even distribution of folds, you need to take the next step.

A thread should be drawn around the circumference of the circle, sewing the fabric along the edge with basting stitches. It is better to take a thread of cotton and thick so that it does not tear when pulled together. When the thread is wrapped around the entire circumference, you need to tighten it to the size of the rim. For uniformity of the fold, it is necessary to spread it by hand, distributing it around the edge.

Before you need to outline the resulting beret in a circle around the rim, applying the wrong side. In this case, the seam will be internal. It remains to fold in half the rectangle of the rim and carefully sew the second part of it so that the seam is not visible. If the hostess has a sewing machine, then the process is accelerated and facilitated. Then the seams can be on the front side. If the typewriter is not at home, it is better to hide the seams on the wrong side for an aesthetic appearance of the product. It remains only to sew on the clasps and try on the product on the child’s head. Such a detailed explanation of how to sew a chef's hat for a child on a pattern will help to easily cope with sewing.

Chef apron

To make a cook’s suit, you need not only to know how to sew a cook hat for a child according to the pattern, and an apron is also necessary. Consider carefully the drawing of the presented apron pattern. It will take quite a bit of material and a hem, which will be sewn around the perimeter of the apron. First you need to draw a drawing on thick paper according to these standards. Depending on the height of the child, they can be adjusted. The notch under the arm can be drawn by eye using patterns or a protractor. Then everything is transferred to the fabric and with sharp scissors is cut along the contour. A canting is sewn around the apron. You can choose any length of the apron, the presence of a pocket is also a personal matter for everyone.

You can also vary the colors. The apron and the circle of the cap can be made of bright material of any color, and the rim should be made white. You can vice versa: the apron and apron are made of white fabric, and the canting and the upper circle of the cap are sewn from colored fabric.

If you want your baby at a matinee to feel comfortable, then do not be afraid to pick up a thread and a needle. In fact, absolutely everyone can learn to sew, there is nothing complicated about this. For one evening, you can sew on the advice of this article. All that remains is to be starched and iron out all the details well, then the cook will look just fine.

The chef's hat is part of the chef's costume that the child needed for a photo session. Sewing such a cap is not at all difficult, we only need to take measurements and follow simple instructions.

Master class on how to sew a cook hat for a child.

We will need:

the cloth

Threads in color

For sewing the cap we need only one measure - exhaust gas (head volume)

Building a pattern of a cook hat for a child

Cook's cap consists of 2 parts.

1. To build a circle, you need to calculate the radius of the head. The radius of the head is calculated by the formula r \u003d L / 2π (where π \u003d 3.14), those radius is \u003d ОГ / 6.28

The radius of the circle should be 2 times the radius of the prepared child. If you want a very lush cap, then multiply the radius by 3. Do not forget to add 1 cm to the seams

2. The length of the rectangle is equal to the girth of the head +1 cm at the seams. The height of the rectangle is 2 times the height of the hood +1 cm to the seams

Fold the rectangle in half and sew on the side

Then bend it along the fold line. This is done so that the edge of the cap looks neater and so as not to bend along the contour. As a result, we get a double ring of fabric. on the one hand there is a fold, and on the other there are 2 untreated layers.

The upper part of the cap can be sewn with folds or you can just pick it up. If you decide to do the assembly, then sew a circle with a large stitch, backing 0.5 cm from the edge.

After that, tighten the thread and evenly distribute the assemblies throughout the cap.

Check that the width of the assembled hood matches the width of the bottom of the hood.

So the finished cap looks from the inside. Sew to him also

Incredible beauty you can take photos in themed costumes. For example, in a cook suit. Let's get inspired by the little cooks and figure out how to sew a suit - a hat (cap) and an apron with your own hands.

A master class on its manufacture is given below. And also themes and ideas about costumes here:

Caps for the cook, photo gallery

Cap pattern

So, for the costume we need measurements:

OG - head circumference

OT - Waist

B - the height of the chest of the apron

B - hem length

G - the width of the chest of the apron

Let's start sewing with a cook hat. It consists of 2 parts. The length of the base strip is equal to the girth of the head + 1 cm allowance and a couple of cm to fit, a height of 2 times the cap height, and the diameter of the round billet depends on how voluminous you need the top. Depending on this, we multiply the exhaust gas by 2 or 3. Add 1 cm to the seam. So that you can make a beautiful voluminous top, adding the edge of the bottom when connecting with the top. To make the cap stand, you need to take a denser fabric or glue it with non-woven fabric.

For example, in Fig. A, the cap of a little cook has a bottom of a very large diameter, about 3 times larger than the diameter of the head.

In Fig. B, the diameter of the bottom is larger than the diameter of the head by about 2 times.

We fold the rectangle in half and stitch it on the side. Then bend it along the fold line. This is done so that the edge of the cap looks neater and so as not to bend along the contour. As a result, we get a double ring of fabric, on one side of which is a fold, and on the other, 2 untreated layers.

  Oksana Stepanova

The master  - the class will tell you how to sew apron and cap on duty.

For this you need:

Paper for a pattern;

Satin 80cm with a width of 1.5m;

Satin braid 4m;

The meter is given for 2 aprons and 2 caps. If you need to sew one set, then the fabric consumption should be reduced by half.

I pattern made on a regular newspaper.

The cap is made of a circle D \u003d 30cm. and rim, length \u003d

head circumference (54cm.)  + 2cm for seams and + 1cm for loose fitting \u003d 57cm.

Width 10cm + 2cm. at the seams \u003d 12cm.

Cut out the ties for tying at the waist: 40-45cm long;

3.5 cm wide.

Ties for tying on the neck: 25-30cm long; 3.5 cm wide.

You also need to cut a pocket: width 15cm + 2cm. at the seams \u003d 17cm. ;

20cm long + 2 at the seams \u003d 22cm.

Two small stripes in the photo are loops for cap and apron.

Two small squares are amplifiers for a pocket.

Two pockets in the photo because I sew 2 apron and 2 caps.

A strip of fabric in the photo \u003d pocket length and a width of 5-6cm. is the top

pocket, you can do without it.

Side cuts and bottom apron  hem and hem.

Upper section from the neck and armhole apron  hem and hem.

At the end of the line we insert a loop under the seam for apron.

From the front side on the sides and bottom apron  we sew satin braid.

We process the pocket, on the front side we grind the braid, during the grind, through 2-3cm. lay the fold.

We have a ready pocket on apron in the middle, from the wrong side we apply amplifiers to the upper parts of the pockets. Stitch the pocket.

Stitch the braid to the top apron  and immediately sew the ties, also sew the ties for tying at the waist.

Getting down to cap making. We take a circle, along the edge of the circle we lay a line without fasteners. Stitch the rim sections in width. We tighten the circle to the length of the rim. Fold the parts face to each other, connecting the slices. Stitching.

We bend the second slice of the trim on the inner side of the circle, bend and hem the rim, closing the slices. Stitch the tape to the finished cap.

That's ready aprons and caps on duty.

These are my students at work. I wish you all good luck. Thanks for attention.

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