Test whether you need a relationship. What is your relationship with your husband? Test for women! Husband Test Results

This test will help you better know what type of family head the spouse belongs to. Let the husband pass him first, and then the wife. By comparing the answers, the couple can better understand each other, try to find out why there are certain differences of opinion. This may help to solve some family problems. For the answer “agree”, add 2 points, for the answer “sometimes” - 1 point, and for the answer “do not agree” - 0 points.

1 . Spouse gets along better with older children than with babies.

A. I agree.

B. Sometimes.

B. I do not agree.

2 . In the event of a divorce, children should stay with their mother.

A. I agree.

B. Sometimes.

B. I do not agree.

3 . An ideal husband will certainly be an ideal father.

A. I agree.

B. Sometimes.

B. I do not agree.

4 . Only women can show emotions violently. Men should be restrained.

A. I agree.

B. Sometimes.

B. I do not agree.

5 . In matters of parenting, the word of the father is always decisive.

A. I agree.

B. Sometimes.

B. I do not agree.

6 . With the birth of a child, the husband is deprived of the attention of his wife.

A. I agree.

B. Sometimes.

B. I do not agree.

7 . It’s easier to live without a father than to endure a drunkard.

A. I agree.

B. Sometimes.

B. I do not agree.

8 . It is believed that the spouse copes with everything better than her second half, so let her do the upbringing of the children.

A. I agree.

B. Sometimes.

B. I do not agree.

9 . Only mom should help and give advice to the child.

A. I agree.

B. Sometimes.

B. I do not agree.

10 . Strong parental love helps in raising children.

A. I agree.

B. Sometimes.

B. I do not agree.

11 . The father should participate in raising a child only at the request of the spouse.

A. I agree.

B. Sometimes.

B. I do not agree.

12 . If the couple broke up when the child is still very small, he will not notice the absence of the pope.

A. I agree.

B. Sometimes.

B. I do not agree.

13 . Children are most often spoiled by their mother.

A. I agree.

B. Sometimes.

B. I do not agree.

14 . On vacation, a family must travel together.

A. I agree.

B. Sometimes.

B. I do not agree.

15 . Methods of education of boys and girls are significantly different from each other.

A. I agree.

B. Sometimes.

B. I do not agree.

16 . A child (both a boy and a girl) likes to spend time in the company of his father more.

A. I agree.

B. Sometimes.

B. I do not agree.

17 . You periodically feel that there is something more important to your spouse than family.

A. I agree.

B. Sometimes.

B. I do not agree.

18 . In any matter related to parenting, you will safely combine the responsibilities of mother and father.

A. I agree.

B. Sometimes.

B. I do not agree.

19 . Most of the respect should go to the father, not the mother.

A. I agree.

B. Sometimes.

B. I do not agree.

20 . A spouse should always intervene in raising children.

A. I agree.

B. Sometimes.

B. I do not agree.

21 . The spouse will cope with the baby much better.

A. I agree.

B. Sometimes.

B. I do not agree.

22 . For a son, a father is much more important than for a daughter.

A. I agree.

B. Sometimes.

B. I do not agree.

23 . A man cannot be a good educator, since nature assigned him another role.

A. I agree.

B. Sometimes.

B. I do not agree.

24 . Grandmothers greatly facilitate the upbringing of the child.

A. I agree.

B. Sometimes.

B. I do not agree.


Now you need to calculate how many points you scored. Answers are divided into 3 categories. The 1st category includes answers to questions 1, 4, 5, 12, 13, 15, 19 and 22. The 2nd category includes answers to questions 2, 6, 8, 9, 11, 17, 23. 3- I category - answers to questions 3, 7, 10, 14, 16, 18, 20, 21 and 24. It is necessary to calculate which of them scored the most points. Depending on the result, you will find out how he is - the head of your family.

If more points are scored in the 1st category of questions,  father refers to the "traditional" type. It is he who represents the interests of your family in any contact with the outside world. His voice is always decisive, and he has the right to make final decisions. He is moderately strict, and assigns certain duties to the children and expects their strict fulfillment. Such a father realizes the importance of raising children, and pays great attention to this. However, he gives the mother the right to understand the emotional experiences and worries of his offspring. Children, feeling this, respect their father with respect, but they do not have too close relationships.

If more points are scored in the 2nd group of questions,  your spouse is among the fathers who believe that the main thing is material well-being. He believes that his other half can choose any means of raising children, since it is a woman who is called upon by nature itself to be a mother and educator. In addition, a husband of this type is a workaholic, he is completely immersed in work and takes care that the family does not need money. You can leave children under various pretexts in the full care of your father, which will help him understand that they require lively human warmth, communication and love, and not just prosperity.

The 3rd group includes the “modern type” of the father,  who, despite his busyness and workload at work, devotes the greatest possible time to children. He devotes weekends to walks with children, visits to the zoo, circus or attractions, and even tries to spend evenings with them.

Children are very grateful to him for this, in return he receives love, adoration and admiration. All of their children's secrets (and then adults) they will trust him rather than their mother.

"Test for the spouse"

For each answer, add the number of points indicated in brackets. As a result, the result will help to find out what kind of wife you really are.

1 . During cooking, you:

A. Guided only by the taste of the spouse (6 points).

B. More with their taste preferences (2 points).

B. According to the established family menu, that is, a week is what your husband likes, a week is what you like (4 points).

2 . Do you periodically have thoughts about the following:

A. You should have married in vain, without a spouse your life would have been much simpler and more enjoyable (1 point).

B. Despite the difficulties, being close to your loved one is a great happiness (5 points).

B. Another day passed without gifts, adventures and passionate declarations of love (2 points).

3 . If one of the "well-wishers" told you a secret that your husband is not so loyal to you, then you:

A. Burn with vengeance and prepare an insidious plan to punish your offender (1 point).

B. Try to immediately find the reasons in yourself (6 points).

B. Inform the "well-wisher" that you have no doubt about your spouse (3 points).

4 . A new restaurant opened, and your husband promised you to go there in the evening. You are in joyful expectation, but the spouse, having come home from work, said that he was very tired and the visit to the restaurant was canceled. You:

A. Pout your lips and stop talking to your husband (2 points).

B. Say that the holiday is not canceled, prepare an original dinner, light candles and have a romantic evening at home (6 points).

B. Inform that you are tired no less than him and also want to stay home (5 points).

5 . As a child, you most liked to dress up in:

A. Boyish shorts and pants (1 point).

B. Elegant dresses, blouses and skirts (5 points).

B. Children's tracksuits (4 points).

6 . As a child, your favorite games were:

A. Adult Games: Sellers, Doctors, or Teachers (4 points).

B. Children's girls games with dolls and toys (5 points).

B. Boyish amusements: “robber Cossacks”, football, etc. (1 point).

7 . You most enjoyed playing with:

A. Toys and dolls (2 points).

B. Boys and girls (5 points).

B. Both with children and with dolls (4 points).

8 . During the games you preferred:

A. At all costs, remain only a leader (2 points).

B. Become a leader during the game, gaining credibility (4 points).

B. Willingly gave the initiative to other children (6 points).

9 . The husband returned from work in a bad mood, you:

A. Make guesses, and do not persistently ask him, believing that, having rested, he himself will share his troubles with you (5 points).

B. Persistently, you begin to find out what really happened to him at work (6 points).

B. Very upset and start to get angry with him because he spends so much time at his work (2 points).

10 . You are going on vacation, but suddenly the spouse reports that he is not allowed to leave work. You:

A. Unpack your suitcases and don't go anywhere (5 points).

B. Stay at home, but in each case reproach your other half for everything (2 points).

B. Do not cancel the trip (4 points).

11 . You agreed to meet with friends, they are waiting, but suddenly the husband says that he has no mood:

A. You call friends, apologize and cancel the meeting (6 points).

B. Go to a meeting without a husband (4 points).

B. Do as your spouse says (3 points).

12 . You argued, and your opinions are radically opposite. You:

A. Persistently do not deviate from your opinion (5 points).

B. Surrender your position, but then strongly reproach yourself and condemn it for being too compliant (2 points).

B. Despite the heated debate threatening to turn into a scandal, you are desperately defending your opinion (1 point).


Less than 25 points.  Your marriage cannot be called the happiest and, for the most part, it is your fault. You do not listen to the opinion of the husband, your desire is the law. Any slightest conflict can develop into a big quarrel because of your intransigence. Remember that your husband is also a person, that once you fell in love with him for numerous virtues that have not disappeared. Try to be more accommodating and soft.

26-50 points.  You are a tactician, moreover, peaceful enough not to aggravate relations for nothing. You can concede when you think that the issue is insignificant, but if you feel that something threatens your family happiness, you know how to “attack” and “bite” (though quite intelligently). You respect your opinion, but the opinion of your other half is not in the last place for you, which always allows your family to come to a common denominator.

More than 50 points.  You are a very determined and even somewhat tough person. However, your tact and exceptional femininity allow you not to notice your attacks. If you are unhappy with your marriage, then you are not thinking about how to divorce, how bad everything is and how poor and unhappy you are, but rather, you are looking for ways to strengthen your marriage, how to make it harmonious and happy.

"Test for the spouse"

This test is similar to the previous one. The only difference is that the husband must pass it. For each answer, add the number of points indicated in brackets.

1 . How do you distribute household duties?

A. In accordance with the interests of everyone, that is, whoever likes what (9 points).

B. It all depends on the job (4 points).

B. Distribution does not occur, because everything is performed by the spouse (2 points).

2 . Do you think that you can and should share your problems with your wife?

A. Always needed (4 points).

B. Sometimes, but not everyone, so as not to upset her (9 points).

B. No, never (2 points).

3 . Are there times when something is bothering your spouse in your behavior (excessive drinking, flirting with other women, rudeness, etc.)?

A. Never (9 points).

B. Alas, sometimes this happens (4 points).

B. Often (2 points).

4 . At crucial moments, do you help her?

A. Yes, both in word and deed (9 points).

B. I can give good advice (4 points).

C. I do not help, let her learn to make decisions (2 points).

5 . Do you express your joy from delicious food, your wife’s new hairstyle, or the cleanliness and comfort of the apartment?

A. Of course, I always praise her (9 points).

B. Sometimes, excessive praise is harmful (4 points).

B. No, these are her responsibilities (2 points).

6 . Do you show interest in her aspirations, work and health?

A. Of course (9 points).

B. No, catastrophically short time (4 points).

B. One more thing, it is better to play chess in the courtyard or go to a cafe with friends and drink beer (2 points).

7 . Is there criticism in your attitude to your wife?

A. Yes, it happens that healthy criticism has not bothered anyone (4 points).

B. No, my wife is an ideal (9 points).

B. I am very critical, she does everything wrong (2 points).

8 . Are her wishes and personal opinions important to you?

A. Yes, I always try to listen to her (9 points).

B. If only she insists very much (4 points).

B. No, only a man decides everything in the family (2 points).

9 . How demanding are you in yourself?

A. Very demanding (9 points).

B. Slightly, I'm not so bad (4 points).

B. Not at all demanding (2 points).

10 . Do you bring up your children and take an active part in their life?

A. Necessarily, these are my children (9 points).

B. If you have free time (4 points).

B. No, raising children is a women's duty (2 points).

11 . Do you invite children to help in the household?

A. Undoubtedly, I myself try to help my wife, and I teach children (9 points).

B. Yes, I periodically conduct conversations with children that my mother needs help (4 points).

B. No, I don’t see the point (2 points).

12 . Do you inspire children with the idea that mothers should be cared for?

A. Yes, I myself take care of her (9 points).

B. I explain that children should be attentive to their mother (4 points).

B. No, this mother should take care of me and the children (2 points).

13 . Do you consider it necessary to maintain the spouse's authority in the eyes of children?

A. Of course, it is important that children respect their mother (9 points).

B. Not really (4 points).

B. No, this is not the main thing (2 points).

14 . How do you behave during an argument?

A. Carefully listen to the opinion of the spouse (9 points).

B. Trying to understand it, but not always successfully (4 points).

B. Often a small conflict develops into a scandal (2 points).

15 . In the heat of a very strong dispute, are you able to adequately evaluate your actions and actions?

A. Yes (9 points).

B. Trying (4 points).

B. No, I am right in everything (2 points).

16 . Are you taking any steps to correct your mistakes?

A. Immediately (9 points).

B. Only a good analysis of what happened (4 points).

B. Never, what is done is done (2 points).

17 . Does your wife remind you that a family needs a salary and should it be left?

A. Never reminds (9 points).

B. Occasionally (4 points).

B. No, it doesn’t remind, because my money is my money, let it earn money (2 points).

18 . It is believed that the one who brings home more money is the head of the family and distributes the family budget. Do you agree with this statement?

A. No, leadership does not depend on the amount invested in the family budget (9 points).

B. In my family, monetary issues are resolved jointly (4 points).

B. In the distribution of the family budget there is always a dispute (2 points).

19 . Do you consult with your spouse when you yourself have already made your decision?

A. Of course, children should understand that in a family everything happens by mutual consent and respect (9 points).

B. In exceptional cases (4 points).

B. Never, the wife should make all decisions of the husband (2 points).

20 . Do you think that the intimate side of married life completely suits your spouse?

A. Undoubtedly (9 points).

B. I would like to believe, but ... (4 points).

B. No (2 points).

21 . Are you able to have an affair on the side?

A. No way (9 points).

B. Under a certain set of circumstances, this is possible (4 points).

B. Yes, I do this regularly (2 points).

22 . Do you support your wife in her hobbies?

A. Of course, I am glad that she is a versatile person with a large inner world (9 points).

B. Sometimes, when it does not intersect with my interests (4 points).

B. I do not support, she does stupid things (2 points).

23 . Is it too much time you devote to purely male hobbies (hockey, hunting, etc.):

A. No, I would like even more (9 points).

B. Spouse believes that it would be possible and less (2 points).

B. It all depends on the season and mood (4 points).

24 . The wife asks you for a car. How do you react?

A. Not a question. If you yourself do not need to go anywhere (4 points).

B. Of course, I will, because she won’t ask for nothing (9 points).

B. Only through my corpse (2 points).

25 . Your spouse drives the car, and you are next. How do you behave?

A. I am absolutely calm because she is a wonderful driver (9 points).

B. In difficult traffic situations I can give advice (4 points).

B. Constantly comment and give advice (2 points).

26 . What do you feel when you return home from a long business trip?

A. I’m in a hurry, because I missed you a lot (9 points).

B. Food as usual. Hurry - you make people laugh (4 points).

B. And where to rush something (2 points)?

27 . How often does your wife receive flowers and gifts from you?

A. Constantly, for me this is a trifle, but she is pleased (9 points).

B. On holidays required (4 points).

B. Why (2 points)?

28 . How do you prefer to spend time on vacation?

A. Together with family (9 points).

B. It all depends on the situation (4 points).

B. Alas, we usually have different opinions about how and where to relax (2 points).

29 . What do you most often focus on?

A. On the positive character traits of my wife (9 points).

B. On the negative (2 points).

B. Trying not to focus (4 points).

30 . If you know that some of your actions can please your wife, what will you do?

A. I do it with great pleasure (9 points).

B. Of course, I will, but without much enthusiasm (4 points).

B. Why do I actually need to do this (2 points)?

31 . What do you think connects you with your wife?

A. Family, mutual respect and love (9 points).

B. Attachment and children (4 points).

B. Only general material interests (2 points).

32 . Imagine that you returned to the past and met your "future" spouse. What will you do?

A. I will marry the same woman again (9 points).

B. I’ll think well before making a decision (4 points).

B. I would never have chosen her again (2 points).


Less than 80 points.  You call your relationship family, but what are you based on? A family means caring for each other, mutual respect, interest in the affairs and problems of one's half, as well as a willingness to come to the rescue at any moment. You most of all think about yourself and your peace of mind. Try to be more self-critical and change the line of your behavior. Perhaps then the long-awaited peace and peace will come in the family.

80–170 points. You are a good father and contribute to the family budget. Your family can be called happy if it were not for one “but” you often forget that your spouse is a person, a woman, that you need to pay attention to her, be interested in her well-being and mood, give flowers and give compliments.

If you take note of this information, your family could well be considered a harmonious, established happy cell in society.

Over 170 points.  Your family relationships are perfect. Love, friendship, peace of mind - all this reigns in your home. You give a lot to your spouse, children, but you get no less in return. Many couples strive for such an alliance. Keep it up!

Test "Weather in the house, or Biofield of your family"

With this test, you will find out what your family’s biofield is and whether you need to change something so that the “weather” in the house improves significantly.

To get the result as reliable as possible, try to honestly respond to the proposed statements.

1 . We have a very friendly and close-knit family.

2 . On weekends and various holidays, we get together at the dinner table and have fun.

3 . The society of some household members, as a rule, pisses me off.

4 . Our house is very cozy, warm and comfortable.

5 . In our family life, sometimes events occur that violate our harmony in the relationship between us.

6 . The best vacation for each of us is to stay in a homely atmosphere.

7 . Sometimes conflicts happen in the family, but they are quickly settled.

8 . The bad habits of any of the households are very annoying.

9 . I completely agree with the saying "My home is my castle."

10 . Our relationship is beneficially influenced by frequent visits to family friends.

11 . There is a very quick-tempered person in our family.

12 . In our family, everyone can count on support and mutual understanding.

13 . Some members of our family are not caring in nature.

14 . Mutual understanding and respect for each other reign in our family.

15 . The arrival of guests in our house often causes minor disputes, conflicts and clarification of relationships.

16 . Long business trips make me homesick and my family members.

17 . A harmonious and friendly atmosphere in our family is noticed even by friends who have visited our home at least once.

18 . Periodically, large scandals break out between our family members.

19 . The atmosphere in the house sometimes affects me not in the best way and can cause depression.

20 . I keenly feel my loneliness and uselessness in my family circle.

21 . In our family there is such a tradition to relax in the summer in nature together.

22 . We are used to doing all household chores together, because it is so much simpler and more interesting.

23 . In our family everyone loves to gather in one room to sing their favorite songs and play musical instruments.

24 . As a rule, an atmosphere of peace and happiness prevails in our family.

25 . Our house is dominated by a painful and heavy atmosphere.

26 . The source of irritation for me is the habit of some family members to speak in raised voices.

27 . It is not customary for our family to talk rudely, and for the inconvenience we apologize to each other.

28 . Family holidays are accompanied by a noisy feast.

29 . After studying or working, I take my time to go home, as nothing good awaits me there.

30 . Family members constantly offend me with or without.

31 . Our house is always in perfect order and cleanliness.

32 . Sometimes I have such a mood when I do not want to see and hear anyone, even members of my family.

33 . There are very strained relations between our family members.

34 . Some members of our family feel uncomfortable in their native walls and tend to appear less often at home.

35 . Our house is always full of guests.


For each affirmative answer to questions 1, 2, 4, 6, 7, 9, 10, 12, 14, 16, 17, 21, 22, 23, 24, 27, 28, 31, 35 and for each answer “no” for questions 3, 5, 8, 11, 13, 15, 18, 19, 20, 25, 26, 29, 30, 32, 33, 34 add 1 point each.

Less than 8 points.  This result should alert you. Your family has a negative biofield. Most likely, it is a matter of divorce, and family life is regarded by you as difficult and unbearable.

9-15 points.  Your family has a variable biofield, that is, at times love and harmony reign in the house, but they are always replaced by scandals and clarification of relationships. During a period of adversity, you are disappointed in your partner, but time passes, life is getting better, and then you forget the old grievances.

16-22 points.  Your family is characterized by positive energy, of course, not everything goes smoothly with you, however, minor troubles, as a rule, drown in a sea of \u200b\u200blove and understanding.

23–35 points.  One can only dream of such a family biofield.

You are an ideal family, friendly and fun.

Test "What kind of teacher are you?"

This is a very unusual test. It is an exercise for parents, thanks to which you can understand how to raise their children.

Carefully read all statements and agree with them or refute them.

1 . Girls, unlike boys, are more obedient and disciplined.

2 . Girls are more careful about animals and nature.

3 . Boys, unlike girls, are able to soberly assess the situation and find a logical solution.

4 . Boys, to a greater extent than girls, always strive to distinguish themselves in something.

5 . Boys in mathematics are more successful than girls.

6 . Girls react more sharply to the atmosphere in which they are, poorly tolerate suffering and pain.

7 . Girls express their thoughts better than boys.

8 . Girls have better auditory memory, while boys have better visual memory.

9 . Boys are perfectly oriented in the surrounding space.

10 . Boys are usually more aggressive than girls.

11 . Girls are more passive.

12 . Girls are sociable and prefer big and noisy companies to a narrow circle of friends.

13 . Girls are softer and more affectionate.

14 . Girls are more prone to other people's influence.

15 . Boys are entrepreneurial and active.

16 . Girls by nature are less courageous than boys.

17 . Girls experience and suffer from an inferiority complex more than boys.

18 . Girls are not prone to rivalry among themselves.

19 . Boys are more likely to need to stand out in society, to demonstrate their capabilities and skills.

20 . Boys are more prone to creativity, and girls do a great job of monotonous work.


Now check your answers with the table and draw conclusions regarding your ideas about the education of girls and boys. You may need to rethink your views.

This test will let you know if good teachers teach your child. To do this, you need to ask him with a “+” sign to mark those items that this or that statement is suitable for, and a “-” sign for those that it doesn't fit.

And the question for the child in this test is only one: "At what lessons does it happen that a teacher ...".

1 . Allows most of the time for checking homework and interviewing, almost without wasting time explaining new material?

A. Mathematics.

B. Russian language.

B. Literature.

G. Music.

D. Drawing.

E. Physics.

G. Geography.

Z. Biology.

I. History.

K. Physical education.

L. Foreign language.

2 . Never asks for a house and asks for something that was not explained in the lesson and there is nowhere to find out on your own?

A. Mathematics.

B. Russian language.

B. Literature.

G. Music.

D. Drawing.

E. Physics.

G. Geography.

Z. Biology.

I. History.

K. Physical education.

L. Foreign language.

3 . Friendly to all students, without exception?

A. Mathematics.

B. Russian language.

B. Literature.

G. Music.

D. Drawing.

E. Physics.

G. Geography.

Z. Biology.

I. History.

K. Physical education.

L. Foreign language.

4 . Always praises and appreciates the one who completed the task in an original way?

A. Mathematics.

B. Russian language.

B. Literature.

G. Music.

D. Drawing.

E. Physics.

G. Geography.

Z. Biology.

I. History.

K. Physical education.

L. Foreign language.

5 . Not in a hurry to leave the class after calling from the lesson and at the break answers the students' questions related to the new topic?

A. Mathematics.

B. Russian language.

B. Literature.

G. Music.

D. Drawing.

E. Physics.

G. Geography.

Z. Biology.

I. History.

K. Physical education.

L. Foreign language.

6 . Explains a new topic in an interesting and understandable way?

A. Mathematics.

B. Russian language.

B. Literature.

G. Music.

D. Drawing.

E. Physics.

G. Geography.

Z. Biology.

I. History.

K. Physical education.

L. Foreign language.

7 . Explains the new material with a bored look, not caring for the students to understand and understand it?

A. Mathematics.

B. Russian language.

B. Literature.

G. Music.

D. Drawing.

E. Physics.

G. Geography.

Z. Biology.

I. History.

K. Physical education.

L. Foreign language.

8 . Loves you as much as all your classmates?

A. Mathematics.

B. Russian language.

B. Literature.

G. Music.

D. Drawing.

E. Physics.

G. Geography.

Z. Biology.

I. History.

K. Physical education.

L. Foreign language.

9 . Is it kindly only to those students who study well and do not violate discipline?

A. Mathematics.

B. Russian language.

B. Literature.

G. Music.

D. Drawing.

E. Physics.

G. Geography.

Z. Biology.

I. History.

K. Physical education.

L. Foreign language.

10 . It scolds and lowers the grade for the student presenting the material in his own words, and not as described in the textbook, or solves problems in an original way?

A. Mathematics.

B. Russian language.

B. Literature.

G. Music.

D. Drawing.

E. Physics.

G. Geography.

Z. Biology.

I. History.

K. Physical education.

L. Foreign language.

11 . Assesses students' responses mostly objectively?

A. Mathematics.

B. Russian language.

B. Literature.

G. Music.

D. Drawing.

E. Physics.

G. Geography.

Z. Biology.

I. History.

K. Physical education.

L. Foreign language.

12 . When explaining a new topic, he seeks to simplify rather than complicate it with unnecessary details?

A. Mathematics.

B. Russian language.

B. Literature.

G. Music.

D. Drawing.

E. Physics.

G. Geography.

Z. Biology.

I. History.

K. Physical education.

L. Foreign language.

13 . Practically does not require from students even what he should demand from the program?

A. Mathematics.

B. Russian language.

B. Literature.

G. Music.

D. Drawing.

E. Physics.

G. Geography.

Z. Biology.

I. History.

K. Physical education.

L. Foreign language.

14 . Requires students to say only what, in his opinion, is correct?

A. Mathematics.

B. Russian language.

B. Literature.

G. Music.

D. Drawing.

E. Physics.

G. Geography.

Z. Biology.

I. History.

K. Physical education.

L. Foreign language.

15 . Friendly to threesomes?

A. Mathematics.

B. Russian language.

B. Literature.

G. Music.

D. Drawing.

E. Physics.

G. Geography.

Z. Biology.

I. History.

K. Physical education.

L. Foreign language.

16 . Demonstrates illogical behavior: forgives hooliganism, then punishes for trifles?

A. Mathematics.

B. Russian language.

B. Literature.

G. Music.

D. Drawing.

E. Physics.

G. Geography.

Z. Biology.

I. History.

K. Physical education.

L. Foreign language.

17 . Provides an explanation for old textbooks that are not in the hands of students, which makes homework difficult?

A. Mathematics.

B. Russian language.

B. Literature.

G. Music.

D. Drawing.

E. Physics.

G. Geography.

Z. Biology.

I. History.

K. Physical education.

L. Foreign language.

18 . Often declares to students: "Tomorrow I will ask you about new material, and you must answer like this, and not otherwise ... Those who do not obey will blame themselves"?

A. Mathematics.

B. Russian language.

B. Literature.

G. Music.

D. Drawing.

E. Physics.

G. Geography.

Z. Biology.

I. History.

K. Physical education.

L. Foreign language.

19 . Never taunts and insults students?

A. Mathematics.

B. Russian language.

B. Literature.

G. Music.

D. Drawing.

E. Physics.

G. Geography.

Z. Biology.

I. History.

K. Physical education.

L. Foreign language.

20 . He knows his subject well, but doesn’t expose students to complete ignoramuses?

A. Mathematics.

B. Russian language.

B. Literature.

G. Music.

D. Drawing.

E. Physics.

G. Geography.

Z. Biology.

I. History.

K. Physical education.

L. Foreign language.


After your child passes the test, start calculating the results for each subject separately.

For each “+” for statements under numbers 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 11, 12, 15, 19, 20 and for each “-” for statements under numbers 1, 7, 10, 13, 14, 16, 17, 18 earn 1 point.

Your child is lucky if any item scored more than 14 points. And if there are several such items, you can rest assured that your child goes to school for a reason. But even if there are only 2–3 subjects (especially basic ones) with more than 14 points, we do not advise you to transfer your child to another school. Talk with him and his classmates, find out that they are not happy with the teachers, try to find a common language with the teachers and express their wishes and concerns in a soft and correct way.

Who is your husband — son, lover, rival ..? Do you know that your true relationship with your husband directly affects your role in family life ?!

What awaits you in this article?

Read carefully and you will find out:

1. How and why are family relationships formed?
  2. A test for women will help determine the true attitude towards her husband!
  3. The test results will help to rethink and improve a lot!

How and why are family relationships developing?

When getting married, each girl in the imagination paints a picture of a happy family life: love, respect, mutual understanding ... But after the wedding, lovers have to re-build relationships that are already family, and each spouse chooses his role.

Unfortunately, in most cases, women (as, indeed, men) know how to build these same family relationships correctly only by hearsay. And it’s good if there was a good example in front of my eyes when my parents really loved and appreciated each other.

But the culture of family life in the CIS countries in most families leaves much to be desired ...

In a nutshell, you won’t tell what and how to do it ...

After all, relationships are the same work as any other, and to get the fruits, you need to make a lot of effort. Duties and cares dull feelings over time, and you have to think less and less about romance.

“Everything is good, and thank God!” - so many couples think so.

But is it really good?

What role have you played in your family life? Take a special test for women on their attitude to her husband, and you will learn a lot about yourself and your role in the family.

Test for the attitude to her husband!

Just a few words ...

Attitude towards her husband changes over the years, and this is normal. Someone’s relationships are becoming even stronger, and someone over the years of family relations has moved away from each other. But if you are together, then this has the highest meaning!

Perhaps you have repeatedly asked yourself what attracted you to this man? Why did you choose him? Test questions will help you figure this out.

Write down your answer options to calculate the result later.

1. Do you note that your husband is more attractive than other men?

a) he is my most beautiful;

b) he is pretty cute, but for me it does not matter;

c) sometimes he is beautiful, but sometimes just ugly;

d) he is pretty, but some men are much more interesting than him.

2. Who is the leader in the family?

a) my husband;

b) we are equal with him;

c) it happens so and so;

3. Do you feel secure and calm next to him?

a) always;

b) partially;

d) in general, yes.

4. Is your spouse aggressive towards you?

a) manifests, however, he thinks otherwise;

b) never;

c) it happens, and I'm not happy with it;

d) occasionally.

5. How well do you know your husband?

a) pretty good;

b) I know a lot;

c) he still knows how to surprise me;

d) I know everything about him.

6. Is he more successful than many men from your environment?

a) he is successful;

b) there are more successful ones;

c) he wants him to think so;

d) he interferes with his success.

7. Does criticism take place in your family life?

a) he advises - I agree;

b) try to do without it;

c) as a rule, he is critical of me;

d) it happens.

8. How do you usually spend your leisure time?

a) I want to spend time with him, but I reckon with his need to be alone;

b) always with him;

c) often spend time together, even too much;

d) everyone has their own hobbies.

9. Can your spouse be called the most courageous of all the men you know?

a) rather, yes, it has this quality;

b) no, but I do not need;

c) I doubt it very much, but it suits me;

d) definitely, yes.

10. Who needs advice more often, you or your partner?

c) the same;

d) we have not accepted it.

11. How does he behave with friends?

a) usually he draws attention to himself;

b) does not stand out, sits modestly;

d) everyone loves him very much.

12. If a dispute arises, whose word will be decisive?

a) we find a compromise;

b) it always takes a lot of time and energy to make a decision;

c) we are always very emotional in disputes, we are not inferior to each other;

d) I decide everything.

13. Have you ever wanted to leave him?

a) no, never;

b) no, but ...;

d) yes, maybe.

14. Do you have fans trying to care for you?

a) no, the husband will not allow this;

b) I remain faithful to my husband, and stop any attempts;

c) sometimes;

d) often.

15. What does your spouse say about past relationships?

a) they evoke negative memories;

b) a feeling of resentment remains;

c) can calmly discuss them;

d) there were pleasant memories.

16. What do you think of your relationship with your husband?

a) I am very happy;

b) I love him with all my heart;

c) my opinion depends on the circumstances and mood;

d) it is pleasant that he treats me tenderly.

17. What do you do when he returns deep after midnight?

a) I wait when it comes;

b) unobtrusively trying to find out where I was;

c) if he wants, he will tell;

d) I start to make a scandal.

18. What does he usually reproach you with?

a) my inability and helplessness;

b) my omniscience;

c) says I am cutting;

19. What do you feel about your former fan?

a) he is still close to me;

b) we are good friends;

c) we do not intersect;

d) I tremble when meeting with him.

20. Which of the following applies to you?

a) it creates opportunities for me to prove myself and feel the fullness of existence;

b) I feel that he needs me;

c) he always says when something does not suit him in me;

d) the spouse listens to my opinion and follows my instructions.

The results of the test for the attitude to her husband!

Which answer option is more common for you - a, b, c or d?

If you have more options a) ...

It can be argued that you not only love your husband, you worship, adore and adore him. Your relationship is based on understanding, trust and tenderness. You are ready to stay in the shade and create all the conditions for it to be realized in life, to fully reveal your talents.

In many ways, you are an ideal wife, do not forget about yourself. Only on equal terms will both of you truly appreciate each other and will be able to achieve real unity, as well as reveal your full potential.

If more answers b) ...

You just disappeared into your husband. You are ready to be with him day and night, to take care of him and to fulfill various whims. Daily pleasing your spouse, you completely forgot about yourself, about your interests, needs and pleasures. Such family relationships are not the best option. And the spouse, most likely, perceives you as a caring mother, and not as a woman. Remember about yourself, you deserve no less attention.

If your answers are predominant under the letter c) ...

You have an “adult” and independent partner, and you are very similar to your husband. An independent man strives to be a leader, but you are constantly competing with him. What do you want to prove by wasting so much effort in the struggle for leadership? Did you really want this when you were spinning in a wedding dance? Let him know that you need his care and support. You should again tender and feminine, so that your relationship began to sparkle with new colors.

If more answers d) ...

You are a clear leader in your family, and that suits you. Your husband has resigned himself to his position, and loves you with all your inquiries and aspirations. Over the years of family life, the husband has become very attached to you, but he is very uncomfortable and painful when you suppress him with his criticism. And you know that! You express your disappointment on him, because you always wanted to see a stronger person nearby. Perhaps you should be less strong yourself? Then, according to the law of compensation, your husband will begin to show this power.

How to improve relationships with aromas?

Yes Yes! You heard right! Fragrances very strongly affect men and can cause love, tenderness, passion or other bright feelings in them. The main thing is to choose the right bouquet of aromas and choose real, high-quality perfumes for the right mood. However, everything is ready for you. You just have to decide on the mood! All

They say that Eastern women do not complain at all about their fate and even disdain Western customs. They fully recognize the superiority of men, in return having full support and elimination of the need to decide their own fate. It would seem awful.

What determines the sociability of a person? Is it associated with a high level of intelligence, well-read, the number of higher education received? Of course not! No dependence can be traced here, because the ability to communicate has been inculcated since childhood.

This psychological test touches on a completely unexpected subject, because we are used to analyze more global problems. Recalling the numerous situations associated with bargaining between spouses about the order of washing the dishes, I would like to doubt: is this question really so simple? Indeed, it is from such everyday moments that our life, our marriage, our family well-being consists.

At the stage of newly emerging relationships, the whole world is seen in pink. Romantic ardor and emerging passion erase all the flaws. Sobering comes a little later, when partners begin to show their true nature. One of the most undesirable features of the chosen one is egoism, the identification of the makings of which is the main task of the proposed test.

A very indicative test, which even by the number of points approximate or remote from the maximum result of 200 points, will help assess the instinct of the owner of your chosen one. The main task of the psychological test is to indicate the severity of the problem.

When evaluating the next applicant, one must remember that excessive pickiness and selectivity can cause loneliness. The proposed psychological test also considers such a flip side of the lack of relationships. There are ladies who reject a man on a first date if he does not correspond to some fictional ideals.

The proposed test touches on one of the most painful topics that at times comes to mind for absolutely every woman. Even if the question of trust between a pair of lovers is in the foreground and no cause for alarm was raised, no, no, the thought of possible acting talents of the chosen one flickers in my head.

Many couples prefer to live together for some time without formalizing a relationship, in a civilian way. Such a practice a few years ago was regarded by society as shamelessness and profligacy. But now even many old-believing parents recognize the benefits of living together, the main purpose of which is to test feelings and relationships on the “foulbrood”.

This test does not concern the problem of the distribution of household chores, there is no discussion on the topic “Who is right, who is to blame?”. Assessment of a man’s predisposition to escape from family or civil ties is strictly based on the behavior of the woman herself.

The test proposed by the eternal relevance of the question should attract the attention of everyone who loves sincerely, truly and wants to know about the real relationship of the chosen one to his person. Perhaps the most important issue that concerns the beautiful half of humanity is raised in this psychological test.

They say that true friendship between a man and a woman does not exist. Just someone from this couple carefully hides their feelings and thoughts, preferring to have a tit in their hands. The proposed test will help determine how desired you are for your chosen one.

The proposed psychological test for seven simple questions will help determine why our relationship with men is so difficult. And most importantly: what is the fault?

Family relationships differ from romantic love as a real football game from watching a match on TV. Almost all families face crises and many are not ready to overcome them. Difficulties are not the end of a relationship, but the transition to a new level.

For women, the meaning of life is in love - this is old news. Male psychology is different from female psychology, and because of this, disagreements arise in the relationship. You can become a director and the main character of your story of happiness, write your own life script yourself.

It's nice to understand that the boys like you. Have you noticed that the most popular among them is not the beauties, but the sociable, funny and clever girls? But the creative and passionate about sports, dancing, music or other interesting things, the guys have no end.

It’s hard to say whether it’s good to spend time together, but common interests are a magic button that gives a start to relationships. It’s great to find films and books that both like, or to discuss understandable topics. But it is more important that the couple have common goals, then the interests become the same.

It turns out that too active girls scare away young people - the guys themselves want to take the initiative and take care of the defenseless young lady. Hunters and victims are two extremes that you should not fall into, it is better to determine the middle ground and behave naturally.

Confidence in the relationship must be necessary, otherwise communication turns into spy games or constant flashes of jealousy. But doubts from time to time can disturb the girl's soul, and only a cold-blooded analysis will help dispel them.

Mutual understanding may arise from the first hours of communication or may not appear after many years of acquaintance. It’s not easy to understand the complex ways of forming similar personalities, but it’s important to understand that they are not found every day.

The image of a romantic man was somewhat faded, but somewhere deep down every woman would like her chosen one to be gallant, devoted, attentive and helpful. These and other positive qualities add up the character of romance.

There are several legends about the emergence of Valentine's Day. According to one of them, a young priest Valentin secretly married lovers, for which he was sentenced to death. In prison, he fell in love with the jailer’s daughter and before her death wrote her a confession with the signature “Your Valentine”.

In times of knightly tournaments, girlish happiness depended on the whims of the stronger sex. Girls could only respond to men's tokens. A modern girl has two behaviors - ignore a shy young man or gain courage and take the first step herself.

The topic of relations between a man and a woman has always been and will be relevant. Despite this, understanding not only on what principles a relationship should be based on, not only among young people, but also among quite mature people. We adopt the model of relationships from our parents, observing how they communicate and solve problems. If it is customary in the family to speak in elevated tones or assault is allowed, the style will probably be perceived by the children as acceptable - a bad example is contagious.

It is impossible to talk about harmonious relationships without the ability to compromise, understand another person, take into account his desires and characteristics. In adulthood, the stereotype of relationships continues to take shape under the influence of contacts with members of the opposite sex. Having experienced a negative experience, a person is inclined to look for negative traits in a new partner. On the one hand, this is a defensive reaction against the repetition of mistakes, but on the other hand, no one likes it when they try to make out, for example, a tantrum, an alcoholic, a lout or a slut. To build a good relationship, you will have to rethink previous experience and try to perceive the new person as a person.