Test for checking intuition. Test for checking intuition Test of my intuition

Number of correct answers:

Your rating: 1-

Your rating: 1-

Your rating: 1

If your score is “1”, then you have scored a very small number of correct answers. Either you are just out of luck, or your intuition is still in its infancy, perhaps in life you rely more on logical thinking.

Your rating: 1+

Your rating: 2-

Your rating: 2

  “2” points indicate that you made a lot of mistakes, but this is not a bad result. In life, most likely you are guided more by logic than intuition.

Your rating: 2+

Your rating: 3-

Your rating: 3

It is considered an average result, given the fact that some answers can simply be guessed or known in advance, this is the rating that most people who pass this test get. Your intuition may or may not work in some situations.

Your rating: 3+

Your rating: 4-

Your rating: 4

If you received a rating of “4” then you scored more points than the average person scores. This is a good mark. Most likely, you have a certain flair, and your intuition works well.

Your rating: 4+

Your rating: 5-

Your rating: 5

Obtaining a rating of "5" is not easy. The chances that you are just lucky are diminishing. Most likely, your intuition is well developed, congratulations!

Your rating: 5+

Thank you for participating in the testing, below are the answers to the online test for intuition in pictures:

1 question:

The photo at number 1 shows the serial killer killer Jeffrey Damer. Between 1978 and 1991, he raped, killed and dismembered 17 men and boys. Being a cannibal, he ate the dismembered bodies of the victims, preparing dishes from them in the backyard of his house.

He was caught when one of his victims escaped and reported an attack to the police. In 1992, he was sentenced to 15 life sentences, but two years later he died in prison from heavy beatings committed by his cellmate.

2 question:

As we see the money was in the second box of matches.

3 question:

On the man’s hands sits a small forest squirrel.

4 question:

Girl number one was not born alone. She has a twin sister.

5 question:

The photo shows a girl just released from a concentration camp in Poland. She spent almost her entire conscious life in the horrors of a concentration camp. When she was asked to draw her native HOUSE, her psyche was able to give out just that.

6 question:

The bottle was wearing a red cap.

7 question:

The second photograph shows Indian students who separated from the main group to take a group photo as a keepsake, near the Beas River, flowing in the city of Manali. This photo was the last for them.

Workers at the local hydropower plant plannedly opened the floodgates and released water. However, there were no warning signs on the river bank, nor a warning about the planned discharge of water. More than 20 people washed away with water. The bodies of 5 people were found immediately, the rest are still missing.

8 question:

Photo 3 shows the Dead Sea. Animals are not found in it, in such salt waters only bacteria, fungi and some types of algae live.

9 question:

Number 1 depicts Jensen Ackles as a child. Received the greatest fame for filming in the series "Supernatural." Also known for his roles in the TV series Dark Angel, Days of Our Lives, and Smallville Secrets

10 question:

The first photo shows a deep-sea drop fish that lives only in Australia. Her body is specially adapted for life at low pressure, as a result, if you lift it, it takes on such a bizarre shape.

In the second photo, a photographed mixture of a beaver and a frog. This is the correct answer.

The third photo shows a mouse deer. This squad is artiodactyl, the size of which does not exceed 55 cm. Despite the involvement of artiodactyls in the order, the mouse deer have no horns, but there are small fangs that protrude outward like a boar. These shy animals living in Africa and Asia today belong to an endangered species.


Intuition is a subtle understanding of important things, a flair that leads us through life.

Almost every one of you has intuitive abilities that you cannot use to the full.

However, a little practice and awareness of your natural gift can help you navigate your choices.important things and solving the problems that your life throws up periodically.

These abilities are unique - just like you, and they manifest themselves in different ways.

You probably heard clairvoyance   which is related to visual impressions, but there are other types of sensitivity that include hearing, sensation, or feeling.

So what super power do you have?

Human abilities

Clairvoyance (clear vision)

You can see things - images in your mind that are of particular importance, visual impressions associated with other people, colors, auras or visions that come in a dream, or when you are awake.

Clairaudience (clear hearing)

Your special ability is manifested loudly - usually inside your mind. For most people, the messages they receive are telepathic. This means that the spirits will communicate with you through thoughts.

Clear feeling (clear feeling)

Do you feel the emotions and feelings of people, animals, spirits and places? Then you have the gift of clairvoyance. You have a super-sensory perception of information in the form of a spontaneous sensation.

You are characterized by compassion and mercy.

Clarity of knowledge (to know clearly)

The ability to “just know” things is a powerful gift.   You may be wondering where this information came from, but with practice and experience you will learn to trust your “inner knowledge”.

James Van Praagh, a famous medium and psychic, claims that every person has supernormal abilities.

You just need to notice these abilities in time and develop them correctly.

To reveal them, Van Praag offers a kind of simple test with photos.

How to check your intuition

Focus and focus your eyes, try to look deeper into the picture itself. Imagine that you are inside a photograph and see it from the inside.

Do not look at the answers given below until you finish recording your impressions and feelings from the photos.

Check your intuition

So, look at each of the four photographs presented. Describe each of them as detailed as possible.

Then compare your descriptions of sensations with the answers given below.

Photo No. 1:

Photo No. 2:

Photo No. 3:

Photo No. 4:

Your intuition prompted right?

And here is what each of the photographs actually is:

1. Magic and mystery!

This photo was taken by Van Praag last year during a Tahiti cruise. It was a magical morning when people from the deck saw a magnificent rainbow and experienced an extraordinary sense of joy and peace.

The photograph still shows the mystical energy of Tahiti.

2. Danger and warning!

This photo was taken about 4 years ago, during a serious fire in the area.

The source of fire was very close. And although the flame itself is not visible in the picture, if you have the ability, you can feel the oppressive heat and a sense of danger and destruction.

3. Positive.

Van Praag saw this little dog in one of Starbucks cafes literally the day before. According to the psychic, a yellow and red aura is felt around her, meaning that she is an active and very playful dog. Perhaps even too much ...

At the time of shooting, the dog felt a lack of attention to him and showed obvious impatience.

In addition, the dog most likely has some kind of stomach problems. Previously, the dog also had another owner, which he may still miss.

4. Friendship and peace.

This photo was taken 4 years ago.The young man in the photo is charming, but a little impatient, and most likely subjective.

He is on the right path, and in the future he will have a very successful career.

The dog in this Jack Russell Terrier photo was called Eddie. Some time ago, the dog died. He lived a long, happy life.

He had a strong friendship with his master, since they actually grew up together.

Have you managed to guess at least most of everything described? If so, then you definitely have abilities that you might need to develop. This is exactly what the famous American medium, James Van Pra, claims.

From DA

25.06.2017 22:38

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What do you think: “Luck is a gift sent from above, or the result of training intuition?”

Do logical thinking prevail in you? Do you think that exercises for developing intuition are a waste of time?

Are you interested in changing your destiny and spending time with benefit?

Remember, you are the person whom nature endowed with an inquiring mind, a developed system of sensations, a sense of beauty. According to the Eastern religion, a harmoniously developed personality has the following advantages:

  • generosity and willingness to help others;
  • intuition, akin to representatives of the animal world;
  • a flight of fantasy that allows you to think in pictures;
  • striving for a perfect image;
  • courage in the manifestation of creativity;
  • the ability to adapt to another person, team, environment.

At birth, each of us is given at least one level on the path to excellence, the owner of 5 differences is a genius.

Each quality can be developed through conscious effort and internal reserves. By training intuition and improving our experience, each of us makes our world a better place.

Take a few minutes to test your potential online for free. Organize a comfortable space around you, remember pleasant things, focus on feelings. Without analyzing, write in the tests the first answers that come to mind. Let's get started?

Insight development is a consistent process; achieving perfection in express mode will not work. An intuition test online will determine the initial stage of your development for free. Holders of an innate sense of danger adapt in the social environment. If the test for intuition has shown that you are the creator of the beautiful, the next step is perfection.

The development of the sixth sense will be useful in determining priorities in choosing friends, building a career, and improving personal life. An intuition test online will entertain and help to realize internal reserves for free. Daily attention to auto-training before bedtime. An intuition test will give an impetus to the manifestation of your inner energy.

To find out if you have extrasensory abilities, an intuition test will help. 1 out of 5 cards, chosen correctly, will bring the participant a certain amount of points. A telepathy test requires two people.

A luck test helps determine your luck. Is fortune favorable to you, how lucky you are.

An intuition test will help you figure out which is more important for you: a cold calculation or an inner voice, that is, intuition.

Have you ever thought about how strongly developed your sense of intuition? In everyday life, do you often rely on logical and practical reasons, or do you act intuitively?

The test, which was specially designed for our readers, will help determine which behavioral technique is a priority for you and how to find the right balance between intuition and logic.

Levels of intuition

From a psychological point of view, there are 4 degrees of development of intuition. The first level is our internal system, which signals about possible danger. Social intuition is the second level. The third level is creating intuition (creating). And at the highest level, the fourth, is the intuition of high purpose.
Using the test below, you can determine at what stage of development of intuition you are and in what ways you can achieve the maximum level.

After you pass the test, write in the comments the value you got. I got 41. This is a normal indicator, but in any case, you need to develop and work on yourself. Be honest with yourself and don’t worry, there can be no bad result.

Testing algorithm

Take a piece of paper and a pen and write down scores of answers for each question:

  • most often - 3 points;
  • sometimes - 2 points;
  • never - 1 point.

At the end of the passage, calculate the amount of points.


  1. You do not like to make plans and deal with organizational issues. You prefer spontaneity.
  2. When you look for a way to solve a problem, you are guided by primary sensations. As a result, your choice is the right one.
  3. When you first meet a new person, you have a certain opinion about him, which is subsequently confirmed.
  4. Your instinct has helped you win in some sort of lotteries and competitions more than once. And the financial resources invested in any project have paid off well.
  5. You know your own life mission and purpose in this world.
  6. When you do not listen to your inner voice, you end up being wrong and regretting what you did.
  7. During the workflow, you rely on the sixth sense, and your colleagues are perplexed at how you succeed.
  8. You can find a way out of any situation, even if there are few concrete facts on hand.
  9. You are a creative person and generate interesting ideas that lead you to stunning success.
  10. Before a positive or negative event occurs, you feel inner anxiety or agitation.
  11. You have extraordinary ideas that wonderfully translate into reality.
  12. You can feel the emotional state of a person close to you, despite the fact that he is not nearby.
  13. Friends and acquaintances consider you an inventive person.
  14. When you decide a question, you rely on your inner feelings and do not listen to the advice of others. As a result, your sixth sense does not fail you.
  15. You are able to recognize a liar and understand whether a person is sincere or not.
  16. You have repeatedly predicted a catastrophe, death or illness.
  17. When you do not know what to do in any situation, you begin to meditate and wait for the true answer within yourself.
  18. You have an unusual affection for strangers or places you have not been to, but where you want to go incredibly.
  19. You are an extremely empathic person and are able to penetrate the feelings and emotions of other people, regardless of your own desire.
  20. You avoided danger without knowing it yourself.
  21. Having lost your way in any locality, you can intuitively find the way back.

Scoring and level determination

After you have answered all the questions, let's calculate the number of points scored and determine your level of intuition.

  • The first level is from 20 to 30 points.
  • The second level is from 30 to 40 points.
  • The third level is from 40 to 50 points.
  • The fourth level is from 50 to 60 points.

As previously written, there are four levels of intuition. In most of the population, intuition is developed in the range of the first and second frontiers. But each of us has the ability to make decisions, guided by the highest level. And the main goal of each person is to develop his sixth sense as much as possible throughout his life.


The first level (from 20 to 30 points) is an internal system that signals a possible threat.

At this stage, your sixth sense is able to send you signals that symbolize an imminent danger.

For example, the people who worked in the Manhattan area on September 11 before the terrorist attack of the “twin towers” \u200b\u200bfelt a strange sense of anxiety and anxiety.

About 70% of the world's population have this level of intuition. Having inquired of your friends and acquaintances about their intuition, you will be convinced that everyone at least once was able to avoid danger thanks to a flair.

Each person has a sense of intuition, but not everyone is engaged in the development of this gift. And in vain! Indeed, developed intuition is able to help not only in business, but also to preserve human health and life.

It is never too late to increase the efficiency of your sixth sense. In that case, if you manage to increase the level of intuition, you will be able to open up completely new life perspectives for you.

The second level (from 30 to 40 points) - Social intuition.

You use your inner instinct in order to understand the emotional state of loved ones. You are able to deeply empathize with others and support any person in a difficult moment for him.

A person with this level of intuition completes the thought of other people, is able to warn them from danger.

As a rule, this level of intuition is inherent in social groups in which a close emotional connection is established. If you are at this stage of the development of the sixth sense, then you are able to become a successful manager (feel the motives of behavior and the mood of people).

You need to develop a sense of intuition. In addition to empathy with others, you can influence other areas of your life. If you do not devote time to the development of this ability, then it may eventually “fade out”.

Thanks to systematic training, you will learn to hear your inner voice and will be able to rely on it not only in everyday life, but also in the career field, creative development and family affairs.

The third level (from 40 to 50 points) - Creative intuition.

The famous inventor and entrepreneur of the 19th century Thomas Alva Edison believed that all ideas come from space. And maybe the electric incandescent lamp that he really developed, the phonograph, and other inventions were pulses sent from outside the galaxy.

The presence of a third level of development of intuition is characteristic of scientists and researchers. If we recall the Soviet scientist Dmitry Ivanovich Mendeleev, then the well-known table of chemical elements that he dreamed comes to mind. The scientist conducted a long research work on the creation of a unified system, but could not achieve its integrity. After working for several days without rest and not achieving the desired result, he went to bed. In a dream, a table appeared in front of him, in which all the elements were systematized. Waking up, he immediately wrote down on paper his vision, which became a sensation in the scientific world.

There are many examples when it was creative intuition that helped to create not only profitable business projects, but also masterpieces of art.

If you are characterized by a third level of development of intuitive abilities, then you can easily analyze what is happening around you. The development of the sixth sense can help in the life advancement of you and your loved ones.

Most likely, you rely on an inner voice not only in your personal life, but also be guided by it in working moments, when creating new solutions and concepts.
You are undoubtedly a creative person, there are the makings of a successful entrepreneur and businessman.

The fourth level (from 50 to 60 points) - The highest level of intuition.

This is the most rare and extraordinary degree of development of intuition. Your inner subconscious at this stage constantly helps you in solving vital issues and in achieving successful results.

A person with this kind of intuition is lucky both in his career and in investing in risky projects. You know that your inner voice will never let you down, and you fully trust it. Every day you concentrate on your sixth sense and react to all arising internal sensations. Thanks to your intuition, you have achieved great success both in your career and in love affairs.

For example, British entrepreneur Richard Branson founded the Virgin Group corporation and works with 400 partners around the world. The key to its success is the ability to quickly determine the prospects of potential partnerships with customers.

Thus, after passing our test, you now know your level of intuition, what you should strive for. After all, developing your sixth sense, you can significantly increase your chances of success in all areas of life. You will not only be successful in business, but also be able to protect yourself and your loved ones from danger and make a great contribution to the development of society.

Self-development will also be useful for you in terms of establishing contacts with people and providing them with psychological assistance.