How to understand if a boy likes you a test. How to find out: do you like a guy, man, boy, classmate - signs, test, fortune telling. What question can a guy, a man ask, to find out: does he like me? What if I like a man

Each young lady, having met a handsome young man, at least once thought about how to understand that a guy likes you. After all, if interest arises, I want to know if the potential chosen one is experiencing the same emotions or prefers friendly communication.

How to understand the true feelings of a man if he is silent and, it would seem, does not show his interest in any way? You will need to conduct a test of interest, find the characteristic signs that speak of male sympathy, and, perhaps, just talk to a young man.

To learn about the feelings of an adult man is somewhat easier, since a self-sufficient person is unlikely to hide his sympathy. If you really care about him, he will try to be the first to take a step towards.

To make sure of male sympathy, take a look at the following points:

  1. Courtship is the main component of a love game. Gifts, bouquets, going to cafes and restaurants are unambiguous signs of certain feelings for a girl.
  2. Another characteristic "symptom" is an increased interest in various areas of the life of a young lady. A man is interested in the girl’s study or work, her family problems, offers his help.
  3. Representatives of the stronger sex often try to look at the girls they like, touch them - for example, they give a hand to their companion not only when leaving the vehicle, but also when descending the stairs.

Adult, confident men usually do not spend much time on romantic courtship. If a girl is not indifferent to him, he is necessarily the first.

It is much more difficult to determine the presence of sympathy when it comes to teenagers or guys. Many of them prefer to hide their emotions, continuing to dream about a girl. But there are signs that will help you know the true feelings of a young man.


Glance first gives out the human mood. The guy will always consider the girl he likes. Of course, he can do this in the open, but most often he prefers to admire the sneak.

The first gives tender emotions, a masculine look. You are attractive to a young person familiar or unfamiliar with you, if he:

  • constantly looks in your direction, even when communicating with other interlocutors;
  • considers you when he believes that you do not see it (but this is noticeable by peripheral vision).

Another clear sign of interest is dilated pupils when he looks at you. In some cases, such a "symptom" can speak not only of sympathy, but also of falling in love.


How do I know if a guy likes me if he is silent all the time? Words are not so important if there is an opportunity to observe his gestures, which with no less success can tell about his sympathy. What movements are we talking about?

  1. Talking gesture - forward leg.   Firstly, it speaks of a certain uncertainty experienced by a young man in the presence of a pretty girl (this is how he creates support). Secondly, the toe of the foot is a kind of arrow pointing to the object of sighing.
  2. Each guy strives to appear taller, slimmer and generally more solid next to a pleasant young lady.   This can be expressed in the following: a young man straightens up, straightens his shoulders, pulls in his stomach.
  3. Another reliable signal is the repetition of your movements.   For example, you straightened your hair - he subconsciously touches his hairdo, you take out the phone - he also reaches for the cell phone.
  4.   The general position of the body when talking with you will tell about sympathy. If in the process of communication a young man turns to you, does not cross his arms over his chest, this signals that he is coming off to you and is ready to listen to any information you said. Better yet, if he constantly leans in your direction to say something.

Try to pay more attention to the manner in which he communicates with you. The following symptoms will help determine how he feels for you.

  1. Perform the following “test”. Watch if he holds your gaze. Is eye contact maintained during the conversation, or is he constantly looking around? But do not forget that modest guys can be embarrassed by a direct look, even if he likes the interlocutor.
  2. See if he is easily distracted by others and interrupts the conversation. If he forgets about the conversation when he is asked a question or immediately answers the call, interrupting you half a word, perhaps communication with you is not his priority (the exception is a really important call or a significant interlocutor at the moment).
  3. To determine whether a guy likes or not, pay attention to the content of the conversation. The meaning of phrases, the presence of compliments, personal questions are also an important indicator of sympathy and attitude towards a girl. The following points indicate interest:
    • teasing and cute banter;
    • mention in a conversation about family problems, personal troubles (personal information that is usually not shared with unpleasant people);
    • compliments and nice words;
    • inquiries about your previous relationship.

You can understand that you like a young man, including a stranger, by correspondence. With a girl pleasant to him, the guy tries to joke, to be polite and funny.

In social networks, he evaluates your photos, leaves messages on the wall - that is, monitors your activity on the Internet. But relying only on these signs is still not worth it; it is better to make sure of sympathy in a personal meeting.

Sympathy test

How to understand whether you are cute young man? To understand the feelings and the situation will help the test or, rather, an experiment. Perform the following simple tasks that will open the "veil of secrecy."

Of course, they cannot confirm or refute your assumption of sympathy with a 100% guarantee, but you can think over a strategy of behavior.

Test No. 1. Request for help

To understand the guy’s degree of interest, try breaking, for example, a pencil and asking the young man to sharpen it (you can “accidentally” drop an earring, for example). If a guy agrees to help you without persuasion, you can talk about his sympathy.

Test number 2. Look

This test is associated with such a psychological feature as mirroring the movements of a pretty interlocutor. Catch a man’s eye and look at the watch immediately, then look at the man again. If he also turned his eyes to your watch, and then again began to consider you, this is another sign of interest in your person.

Test number 3. "Provocation"

The next test is a bit like a provocation, but what can you do to find out if you are not indifferent to the young man. Make up a story that you and your girlfriend were going to the cinema, but in the end were left without a companion. If you are handsome, he will offer his company without further ado.

There should not be too many such experiments, otherwise the young man will understand that you are checking him. Who knows how he will react to such “testing”.

The correct conclusion from male behavior

There are many recommendations on how to understand what a guy likes. But it is not always possible to draw conclusions that correspond to reality. This happens because young girls take banal politeness for falling in love, and modest indifference for modesty.

Let's try to consider specific examples:

  1. Suppose a friend you meet greets you and finds out how things are going at the institute or at work. Most likely, this is a sign of good breeding, but nothing more.
  2. Are you sure that the young man does not offer you to meet only because of natural modesty? What if this is simple indifference and lack of interest? Once again, review the signs of sympathy, conduct a short test, make some not too transparent hints. If he doesn’t react at all, you are probably indifferent to him.
  3. Yes, a man regularly gives you compliments, but for now you should not dream about a serious relationship and a wedding dress. Perhaps this is a feature of his character - gallantry. In addition, many young people adore the appearance of pretty girls.

Indeed, the more of the above signs in male behavior you find, the higher the likelihood of sympathy and interest. However, do not forget that observation is usually subjective and interpreted in your favor, especially if you yourself are not indifferent to this young man.

And yet, no test, horoscope or clever reception can replace a normal frank conversation heart to heart. If your relationship is predetermined, then they will begin with this conversation, if not, you can no longer have vain illusions and switch to another guy.

If he loves you, he will rarely turn his back. He will try to lean towards you and look at you often. If next to you, he is slightly hunched over, leans towards you, then he is romantic and wants to listen more carefully to your words. If when he sits, his shoulders and pelvis are turned in your direction, then the guy is probably interested in you. To better understand body language read "How to understand body language"

Start showing him how you feel about touching him on parts of your body that are safe, but suggestive. Try one of the following: Pretend you're bored, and put your head on his shoulder, or just put your hands on his shoulders. Find excuses to touch him. If you have big hands, hold your hand and say something like: “Wow, let's see how comparable they are to mine.”

  • Look into his eyes if he looks at you.
  • When another person provokes you, “press” it gracefully on your shoulder.
  • Most girls do this when the boy provokes them.
  • You can pretend that it bothers you or makes you laugh.
If you are ready to tell them, there are several options.

2. Check how he reacts to eye contact

If a guy likes you, he will either quickly look away or try to hold him back. It may not be too nice if you don't like him. If he holds his gaze for at least a second longer than anyone else, or if he immediately hides his eyes, then definitely there is a feeling involved. If a guy is not far from you and tells something fascinating and funny when everyone starts laughing, his gaze will be shot at you for at least a second to check if you are laughing too.

Learn his body language

In any case, you probably plan to meet with him directly. If you consider yourself brave, tell them. You should pick it up from your friends and talk over time. You must be sure, or better yet, be sure. Start any conversation and wait for a break to tell him.

Check how he reacts to eye contact

If you are worried about what he can say, just invite him. This is a good method to check because you are not asking if you like it. All you ask is if you want to go with you. And if you answered your flirtation and your conversations well, there is no reason for you to say no.

3. Listen to what he says

If a guy likes you, he will be slightly nervous and will most likely start talking about himself. It’s verified that the guy wants to show himself in the best light, especially if you started chatting with other guys in the company.

4. Pay attention to touch

He can put his hand on yours when he laughs, if your legs touch, he will not take his own, he can hug you because of a joyful little thing - all this is a good sign that this guy likes you. Here you need to exclude the playboy, who is simply used to flirting with many girls. Pay attention to how he behaves with other girls, read the article “How to Touch a Girl” - if he uses such tricks, then this is just flirting, which means nothing to him.

If you want to be less direct, you can use notes to tell them. You can leave notes somewhere to see them yourself or ask a friend for help. Write a wonderful note that says “I love you” and put it in your locker. Write “I love you” on a piece of paper and distribute it without knowing it, but making it clear that you wrote it. If you read this and beware, you can tell him that you wrote it, or let him continue to guess. Pass the paper between friends and get it. . Whatever your answer, you must be confident in yourself.

5. Follow how he communicates with other girls and you will understand whether his attitude to you is different.

Some guys can flirt with other girls to get your attention. This gives him a chance to see your reaction and to understand whether you like him or not. It is easy enough to understand if he is trying to make you jealous: he will flirt with another, but periodically glance at you to catch your reaction. His eyes will come back to you again and again. Another sign is the cessation of flirting when you leave. Of course, it is difficult for you to verify this, but do you have friends who will help in this matter? Sometimes you have to be a little spy to understand what a guy likes.

If he says yes, you must believe that he loves you for what you are and that you are genuinely nice. Do not question her reaction; perhaps you want to pinch her and say: “Is this serious?” If she says that you like her too. You have every reason in the world to trust yourself.

If you don’t like it, say goodbye to him by chance, saying something like: Oh, good. Be sure that your tastes do not define you and that there are many people who can be lucky enough to have you. Remember this!

  • Do not worry. Then continue your life.
  • Remember that a negative answer does not mean that you are terrible.
  • At the moment, your motives may be a little complicated.
Send him a text message: “God, this is so beautiful!” Then send him another one that says: "Sorry, the message is not for you."

6. Nervous behavior

He can be nervous while standing next to you, wanting to impress. He can chuckle nervously, his palms can sweat, he is unable to sit still, looks away.

7. Do not ignore him if he shows genuine interest in you.

He can just smile at you at work, at the institute, just when you meet for a walk. Smile back!

Clarification of the situation through testing

If you like it, you will have good information and you will look to invite you to leave. You have to keep up, do not let the attraction between friends die, because both are afraid to plan a meeting. This should not happen on the same day when you find out that you love each other, you can plan it in a week or two. Having come out, they will know each other much better, and they will realize that they are a perfect romantic couple. A good time to make an appointment is the weekend following the day when they recognized that they love each other. For the first time, try to plan that at least there is a moment at which you can talk. For example, if you want to watch a movie, also head out to dinner. A good first date is random, low pressure, and only you. An appointment should not be extravagant. A great first date can be as simple as doing your homework and having a picnic in the park. If you have problems, here are some ideas for a low budget: a local carnival, a fair, or an amusement park. Skate on wheels or on ice. If one of the two is not good, so much the better. They must hold hands so as not to fall! Go on a trip You can climb to the top of a local hill or mountain, you will find an amazing and romantic view. Schedule a meeting! . Do not think too much!

8. Observe if he does not involuntarily repeat your facial expressions?

Or maybe you moved to another table, and he moved after you? People usually “mirror” the movements and facial expressions of those they like.

9. Test with a clock:

If you see that he is stealthily watching you, look sharply at the clock, and then immediately into his eyes. You will see that his eyes followed yours to the clock, and he is very surprised when his look, returning, reveals yours.

The period between the expression of your attraction and the first date can be terrible for your nerves, do not worry. The first appointment is always an opportunity to get to know someone better. At a minimum, they can remind you that the first dates should not be incredibly stressful.

  • If you are really nervous, talk to your friends.
  • They can tell you stories of early dates that were terribly mistaken.
Keep in touch, but not “too much.” Feel free to send her some flirty messages before your first date, but do not overdo it.


If you look at him for a long time and constantly, he can watch you precisely for this reason, and not because he likes you.

Remember that if you like someone, you can misinterpret his behavior, in the hope that he also likes. For example, a good-natured banter of a guy might just be his desire to make a group of friends laugh. He does not realize that a storm of feelings from these jokes may arise in your soul.

It is tempting to swim in compliments, especially if you really love each other. Resist the urge to do it. A lot, and very soon it can be quite frightening, especially if the boy has fewer romantic experiences than you. Some sources recommend creating a sense of secrecy until the first date, while maintaining “complete silence”.

Be yourself in the appointment! Once you know that someone loves you, it is quite difficult to maintain your behavior the same way. However, remember that he loves you for what you are, there is no need to take a completely different behavior on your first date! Act as usual when you are close to him. Say the same jokes, scoff the same as before. If you make a good pair, that’s all you need to do.

Beware of guys who say they really like you. They just want to check how far you can go in anything. And then they will have an occasion to brag to friends.

Don't ask your friends to find out if the guy likes you. This will not work in 99.99% of cases.

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If you feel confident, you will feel more relaxed and feel better. If you ask him if you like him, ask him when they are alone. When he is with his friends, he is under pressure, because in front of them he must look gallant, and he replies that even if this is not true. Keep calm around him. The most important thing to remember is that if you spend time with him, you pay attention and make friends, you will not need to tell him that you like him. It will be obvious. Some guys will appreciate your courage, even if they don’t feel the same way. You heard it a thousand times, but you have to be yourself. You have the right to be true to yourself, without changing, to please someone. If you really like him, he will take you for who you really are. The boys also have feelings. If you are nervous or blushing, do not laugh at him. Do not tell him what you like by email or text message. We all value more when another person has the courage to say it in person. Try not to flirt with other guys while you work for him. You will show him what interests you. If you tell him that you like him, tell him slowly. Start by knowing what interests you, and then move in a different direction. If you reject, don’t feel bad, or ask why not ignore them later. Go ahead with your life as if nothing had happened. At least he knows what interests you and will think about you more often. Make friends with friends, but not too much. When you are with friends and with him, you will realize that they have a lot in common and that they get along well. The worst place to tell him is a party. You can ask him to talk privately and tell him, but he can go to his friends to tell him. This can be useful if you invite him to study at home or something like that. It’s good to be in a place where you are alone and calm. Find out when his birthday will come and give him something special. When you go on vacation, do not bring him anything but some of your friends, and make sure he is there when you give the gift. In this way, you will play, being “hard to catch,” so you will be more intrigued when you tell them. There is a difference between the fact that the girl is “good” and says that she is “beautiful”. If you say that you are good, you like them because of your appearance. If you are more focused on your body than on what you are saying, get yourself another one if you do not want to have a problem. Do not send text messages at any time. If he also sends a lot of messages, then you can afford it. Do not act like a lover in front of friends. In order not to be ridiculed in front of your friends, he will not match you. Do not try to make him jealous. You will confuse everything and it won’t work. If you tell him that you like him, you should be prepared for any reaction. You may be surprised or not. Don't let you make him feel weird, and if you don't like him, he will think you are stupid. Try to be more direct. Take your time sometimes can be annoying. If you don’t like it, you are out of luck, and if you like it, it will be useful for you to tell him. If they are friends, find out if you like them as a couple, otherwise you can ruin the friendship that exists between you. Do not worry around him. Be selective with the people you speak, especially if they go to the same school. The best way to keep a secret is to not tell anyone.

  • If you think you like him, try to be closer to him.
  • Sit next to or walk next to him.
  • Boys love funny girls.
  • Make jokes while they talk.
  • Before you say this, swallow it a little, but not obvious.
  • Give him a gift at the festivities, but this is not very often.
From the time we are young, we begin to notice boys and even begin to like us.

Heart affection, love experiences, bring pleasure only when both partners have one common goal. If people are not very familiar, girls often have the question of how to understand that a guy likes you, the test will help to understand his feelings for you. Most guys are silent about their feelings, sometimes even try to hide them from others. The nascent love does not tolerate intensity in actions, but sometimes I want to know what is the relationship of a particular young man to you. Maybe he just communicates out of politeness, and you have already fantasized about the future wedding and are gradually starting to fall in love.

Do not deny it; We all know that this is true. See if he looks at you constantly or turns and looks at you as an excuse to see the clock. See if he usually avoids direct contact with you and smiles or blushes when you talk to him, in case he is shy.

  • See if this guy is looking at you too much.
  • Boys of their age usually do this.
  • Otherwise, it will look deep in your eyes.
See if he bothers you.

Well, persecution is a strong word, but perhaps it usually follows you everywhere. You can take the opportunity to throw something away, empty a folder or have a drink. He will follow you and say: Ah! Be kind if you are shy. See if you usually avoid close contact or close attention. See if he accidentally finds himself in the same place as you, but if you really come up to him, he remains static, looks at his legs and begins to swing around his favorite video game.

There are similar tests for men, they will also help to find out about the girl’s feelings, regarding her actions. In order not to suffer later from unrequited love, it is better to know in advance whether the man considers you as a soul mate, loves or just plays. And perhaps, in this way, a friendly affection manifests itself, and the guy considers you as a sister, talks about his hobbies and love affairs. Or friendship is hiding real feelings.

The exact list of names of guys who will soon be able to claim your heart is in the results of a new test for the name. You will find out who to look for, with whom love can be at first sight, and who has less chances.

What qualities do you value most in your man? What attracts you to it? Why do you need it? Take this test and you will be able to determine for yourself the most important male traits.

Are you in a state of love? What associations do men evoke in you? Would you like to become a man? According to answers to these questions, psychologists judge the emotional readiness of a woman for marriage, friendship, sexual relations. This test will help you understand yourself and understand the motives of your actions.

You are beautiful, slim and looking great, but shyness and timidity spoil everything. You cannot understand how attractive you are, whether men like you. Take this test and drop all your doubts. He will definitely show what is perfected in you, and what else needs to be worked on.

What should be your half? Which of the two should you choose? Who should be the number one in your life? With whom will sex be pleasant and love long? Only 11 questions - and you will get a recipe for your happiness.

Six simple questions will determine the degree of genius and a tendency to laziness. The test is designed for men who are ready to work on themselves, grow and improve.

Do I like the guy - the test will answer your question and determine whether the guy of your dreams sympathizes with you. Perhaps, having learned the results, you will decide on the first step.

The test will reveal the secret of what your boyfriend will be called. A few questions will help determine the name of your fate, and whether you decide whether or not to accept it.

Which guy suits you - there is an answer to this question in this test. He will shed light on your ideal couple, be it a homebody or an athlete, a businessman or a professional gamer, passionate or restrained and so on.

The test will help you find out what kind of guys you are in the eyes, whether they value you or try to ignore you. You may need to change your behavior in the circle of guys.

Which man suits me - there is an answer to this question in this test. He will shed light on your ideal couple, be it a homebody or an athlete, a businessman or a professional gamer, passionate or restrained and so on.

Why I don’t have a boyfriend - the test will solve your question. He will help you find out why you are still single. Perhaps you still have ahead ...

A test for the type of relationship with a man will show how you are in a relationship with the opposite sex: passionate and vulgar or, conversely, meek and sweet. A few questions about your first date will shed some light on this.

Do I like men? This test will answer this question, which will show how attractive the stronger sex considers you. You may be a magnet woman to them.

Check the man for sincerity This test will help you. A few questions will determine if his love for you is true or is it just a game and a pretense. You may need to change your attitude towards your loved one.

A man or woman is a test that will determine your type of thinking. A few questions will help you find out if your head is controlled by the opposite principle, or if your thinking and gender are the same.

Online sympathy test for girls and women: Do I like a guy?

comprises 10 questions   | rating   4.3 out of 5   points

  "Do I like him or not?" - This question torments so many pretty girls. Even being an “officially recognized” couple with their lover, girls often doubt the sincerity of the feelings of the chosen one. The reasons for doubt can be both his strange behavior, and the excessive suspicion of the girl herself. This test will help you figure out the relationship and understand how the guy really treats you. Are you pretty to him?

Psychological test for girls Do I like a guy?   You can go online completely free (without registration and without sending SMS). If possible, leave your review and rate. Have a good test!

Testimonials for sympathy test:

  • Alyona   | Chelyabinsk
    All is well, thanks for prompting everyone

  • kristina   | tutaev
    not enough answers

  • Lika   | Dushanbe
    A good test and everything is true ((. With the help of this test I made a choice. Thanks

  • helena   | Nizhny Novgorod
    thanks! everything is super accurate!

  • XZ   | Strezhevoy
    Damn, this is for couples already met. What about just the guys you know? I don’t understand why the test is called so, if the guy and the girl are already in a relationship? It is clear that they feel sympathy for each other, if they meet!

Do I like someone? This question was unambiguously raised in the thoughts of many girls, especially those who are not entirely sure of themselves. You must admit that it’s easier for the guys, they practically do not bother with this. For them, everything happens according to the principle: asked - found out the answer - calmed down. And the girls want to be completely unread books, they try to figure everything out on their own, so that the young man does not guess about anything. No wonder they say: female logic is the end of the male psyche. Put aside the jokes and talk seriously, how do you know if the boy likes you? Special tests will help to find out.

Do I like him an online test

Such tests consist of a series of questions that need to be answered honestly, and the quality of the result depends on their veracity. If you are not satisfied with the result of everything that has been done, then do not immediately get upset and give up. Better think about what's wrong with you that needs to be changed so that the guy reaches for you.

Test how to find out if a boy likes you?

Of course, to approach and ask directly - this would be the most correct decision, but not the easiest. Not every girl can do this, tests are being developed for them that will help to understand whether the boy likes you. Yes, and those to whom the guys themselves admit their sympathy may doubt the veracity of the words. The reason for this may be either the behavior of the boy, or the excessive suspicion of the girl. This test will help to understand and understand whether you are cute to him.

Any girl often worries about how a particular guy treats her. Does he have sympathy or is he absolutely not interested in her? If you have the same situation, do not be discouraged, the test will help to figure it out.

Surely you, like all the girls, want to be in the center of male attention? Just remember, absolutely everyone likes it and at the same time it’s unrealistic: someone loves skinny, someone chubby, someone likes modest women, and someone like bold young ladies, and so can be listed indefinitely. And to understand which guys prefer your character, take this test.

Do you prefer bright outfits or formal suits? Do you like daily make-up or is naturalness more important to you? In the evenings, sitting at home or having fun in a nightclub? It doesn’t matter whether you are modest or temperamental, certain men still like you. Do you want to know what it is for, what is your highlight highlighting them? The test will help you with this.

Fell in love with a guy, but not sure if it's mutual? Or maybe you don’t always understand if the guy has looked at you or at the sign that hangs behind your back? In fact, there are some pretty sure ways to understand if a young person is interested in you or not!


    Pay attention to his body language.   During your date, your body language can tell you much more about the other person’s relationship with you than words. An interesting fact - experts believe that women use about 52 gestures, which can be called body language, while men only 10. If you understand this theory, then “reading” people will be a little easier! It is very useful to know what it is worth paying attention to, to understand the attitude towards you, and not to be in an awkward position, mistakenly hoping for mutual sympathy. Here are the elements of body language that you should pay attention to:

    • He looks at you a lot. His eyebrows are raised when looking at you (the eyebrows seem to tremble, even if the look lasts only a split second). Perhaps he himself does not notice that his gaze seems to be fixed.
    • He leans toward you during the conversation. The invasion of another person’s personal space is a sign of great interest.
    • Notice how he folds his arms, legs, fingers, and so on. If they seem to point to you, then this is a subconscious reaction to interest in you.
    • He begins to put himself in order. He straightens his tie or straightens his shirt. Perhaps he smoothes his hair in an attempt to put it in order, or even begins to tie the laces on his boots. This behavior can be compared with the behavior of a peacock or a rooster, which polishes its feathers in front of the chosen one!
    • Pay attention to how he sits. If he does not put his foot on his foot, but rather, courageously throws his knees or even rests his hand on his hip, then he is trying to impress you.
    • If he is fascinated, you will notice that he rarely turns his back on you, often leans towards you, and also does not take his eyes off you. If he is slouching while standing next to you, then this gives him a romantic nature and he really cares what you say. If his whole body is turned in your direction, then his sympathy is obvious.
  1. Pay attention to how. As already noted, a guy who likes you will look at you, even if he tries to do it quietly. He will try to catch your eye, or, if he is shy, he will abruptly look away, meeting his eyes with you. To appreciate his interest, look at him for four seconds, and then look away (if you look too long, it will look unnatural). And then again look at him and his reaction - if he does not look away and tries to maintain eye contact with you, then he is interested. If he looks at your lips, then you are really interesting to him. And if the eye contact lasted even for a split second longer than with all the others, then apparently he has some kind of interest. And conversely, if he does not maintain eye contact with you and begins to look around, then he is not interested in you

    Listen to what he says.   If he is in love, then he is nervous in your presence and, most likely, speaks more about himself. Guys consider it necessary to prove themselves, especially if there are more guys in the company, and even more if you start talking about other guys

    • You can determine his interest by the reaction to your words and manner of speech. In fact, what matters is not so much what you say, but how you say it. Try the following: lean against his shoulder and say something in a whisper. To enhance the impact, lightly touch his back at this moment. If he turns his head to you or even touches in response and catches your gaze - he is definitely interested in you. And if he does not care, then most likely he will take a step back or will not react to your actions in any way. The guy will involuntarily do everything possible to prevent you from entering the zone of personal space if you are not interested in him.
  2. Pay attention to his touch. They are an important sign of interest in your person - observe how he touches you, as well as how he reacts to your touch. If he is interested in you, then perhaps he accidentally touches your hand when he laughs, or he casually touches your foot if you are sitting next to him, or even seeks to acquire you during the greeting, demonstrating how pleased he is to see you see. Pay attention to his reaction to your touch - gently touch the neck, shoulder or even run your fingers over his hand during a joke. If he is interested in you, he will respond to your touch and will certainly not move your hand or foot away from you after accidentally touching.

    • Often shy guys startle from unexpected touches. And this does not necessarily mean that he is not pleased. To better understand, follow his actions further.
    • Many experienced machos are not averse to acquiring or supporting the hand of all the girls around - try to make sure that he distinguishes you from others, be more careful.
    • Does he touch you more often than other girls? Perhaps he is interested in you.
  3. Watch him to make sure he treats you especially.   Boys who are interested in girls often behave as “defenders”, as if patronizing them, or as gentlemen (at least, they demonstrate this as they can). Observe if he is pushing his chair closer to yours, whether he is hugging the back of the chair you are sitting on, or maybe even offering you his jacket to keep you warm.

    • Keep in mind that some guys flirt with other girls just to get your attention. This gives them the opportunity to see your reaction, and helps to understand whether you are interested in it (it seems counterintuitive, especially since such behavior can offend or push you away from it!) However, as a rule, find out the true reasons for flirting with others girls can be on some grounds. If during conversation with another girl he continues to glance at you, then this is one of the important signs that he is interested in your reaction. You can also try to find a place where he cannot see you, and continue to watch from there. If right after you disappeared from his sight, he stopped talking with a girl - he is interested in you, not in that girl. Also, ask a friend to watch his behavior in your absence.
  4. He becomes interested in your hobbies. For example, you like a certain genre of music that he did not listen to before, and then suddenly he asks you to recommend a group or artists to him. Perhaps he will even find out that your favorite band is giving a concert in your city and will invite you to perform. Another option is possible: you talked about your favorite television series, the name of which he did not even know, but now does not miss a single series - this is a sure sign that he likes you, especially if he discusses the latest events of the series with you.

    Notice if he is worried.   Nervous laughter, wet palms, deep breaths, twitching - all this can be signs of interest in you. If he worries about what impression he makes on you, it means that he is trying, and is probably preparing for the next step, to make your relationship closer.

    Pay attention to his friends.   If they know that he likes you, then perhaps they began to make fun of him in your presence or to hint at his interest in another way. His friends may even try to find out if you like their friend. Watch how his friends react to your appearance. Look at him? They smile cunningly as if they know something that you don’t know?

    • Be careful if his friends say that the guy is in love with you, but all the signs suggest otherwise. Sometimes friends, on the contrary, for some reason try to do everything to set you and a young man against each other, including exposing you intentionally in a disadvantageous light.
  5. It “reflects” you.   Copying your actions is a sign of sympathy at the subconscious level. If you notice that he copies your movements, then most likely he is fascinated by you. Copy him too - touch the hair if he is pulling his hair, take the same pose as him, take a sip from the glass after him, and so on. Then the signals aimed at his subconscious will literally shout: “I like you too!”

    • For example, if in a cafe, dining room or bar, he tries to sit at the same table with you, or at least next to him, then he is obviously trying to be closer to you. Just make sure that you are not mistaken in the conclusions - perhaps his choice of table is due to the lack of other empty seats!
  6. Pay attention to his teasing. If a guy teases you in a friendly and cheerful manner, this may indicate his interest in you, especially if he is very young. Of course, if bantering on everyone around him is not his distinguishing feature, and he jokes only on you, then this sign can be regarded as an attempt by a young man to draw your attention to him. If his jokes are evil or insulting for you, then immediately tell about it - let him immediately understand that you are not ready to tolerate his behavior, whatever his motives.

    “Beats” means love.   Perhaps the guy as if gently hits you on the arm, if he wants to touch you, but he wants to hide it. If he notices that you are not stepping aside in response to such an action, then it will be easier for him to find courage in himself in order to proceed to more pleasant touches. Of course, this does not mean that you should endure if his blows are really too strong - do not be afraid to say that it hurts you! You can seriously hurt him if you ask him not to touch you anymore, so try to be considerate! And if you are one of those girls who are ready to support the game, then feel free to give change.

    • Joking poddevki can be ambiguous. They can only mean that he treats you as one of his friends. Notice if he also behaves with other girls. It is also important how often he resorts to this method of bodily contact, and if he pushes you in the shoulder for a long time and often, then he is probably not going to stop these immature manifestations of attention.
    • If you don’t like it, tell me directly. You have the right to declare that you stop being touched, even if it is done for the best of intentions.
  7. Pay attention to the compliments addressed to you.   If you have a new hairstyle and the guy notices it, then this clearly indicates that he likes you. Most guys, of course, do not pay attention to changes in the hairstyle in principle, and even if they notice something new, they do not consider it necessary to say so. And if you heard from his mouth something about your hairstyle, then this is a clear sign of interest in you. “You look good today”, “I like this dress”, or even “This hairstyle suits you very much” - all this suggests that the young man likes you.

    • If this guy is your old friend, then compliments will not necessarily be indications of his love interest.
    • Not all guys can compliment, so don't be discouraged if you don’t hear them.
  8. Observe how he responds to “male footprints” on you.   For example, try leaving a little dad's shaving cream on your cheek. Most likely, your boyfriend will be puzzled where you got the shaving cream on your cheek. It can also lead the young man to the idea that he has a competitor (of course, at this moment he will not remember the presence in your life of such a man as dad!). You can also experiment with wearing men's things - shirts or shirts.

  9. He seeks to communicate with you on social networks.   When he is online, then on the Internet he will find many things that need attention - mail, games, updates of friends and news sites, which of course are very interesting to him, but not as interesting as communicating with you ... Of course, he can be just very talkative and friendly, or maybe he’s just bored, so don’t regard his frequent posts on social networks or instant messengers unambiguously. However, they still remain an important indicator of his interest.

    • If he puts “)” at the end of every sentence, that doesn’t mean that he likes you. This may mean that he shares his good mood or simply puts this sign without hesitation, out of habit.
    • If he says: “I know something that you don’t know,” then this may mean that he likes you and flirts with you like that. But it can be just the news from the newsletter about the discovery of a new planet or a cure for cancer and the like. Pay attention to the context of the message to understand its motivation.
  • Does he look at you without looking away? For example, you are walking along the corridor with your friends, he is standing on the other end and chatting with friends. And suddenly, you catch his eye - he seems to be talking to friends, but all his attention is paid to you. You answer him in the same way, and at this moment, as if the earth is leaving under your feet. However, be careful - a close look does not always mean sympathy.
  • Pay attention to how he behaves in private with you and in the presence of his friends. Do you see the difference?
  • Does he bully you playfully? How often? This can be both a sign that he likes you, and that he is still quite immature.


  • Be careful - the signals of sympathy are not always unambiguous. For example, he makes good jokes at you only because he is a fan of joking about women in general. Perhaps he does not even think about how you perceive these jokes, and lets them go to amuse others!
  • Be careful with taciturn guys. If he offers you something that could potentially be considered an invitation to a date, but you are not quite sure, then find out before agreeing. It might be awkward if one of you thinks it's a date, and the other thinks it's not.