What contests can be held on Valentine's Day? Games and contests for Valentine's Day for youth Interesting games for February 14

Each couple sometimes wants to go out and have fun with friends. Valentine's Day is a great reason to do it! Organize a holiday at home or go to friends with your loved one. You will not only have a great time together, but strengthen your relationship! The more people, the tasty treats, music and dances, the better. But the key to a great holiday was and remains fun contests! February 14 is no exception to the rule. Romance awaits you before and after going to friends, and a cool party with loved ones fits perfectly in the middle! The main thing is to prepare well for this event and give each other a great mood in the morning!

How to spend the morning and day of lovers?

To begin with, spend some time together in bed or waking up your beloved with a gentle kiss, gentle words, alternating with congratulations and, of course, the main tool for raising your mood is a gift! Then you can go shopping or vice versa do not get out of bed, doing, exclusively with each other.

Going to the cinema, joint cooking for guests, a walk in the park - all this is ideal for raising a romantic mood. And on returning in the evening from friends or seeing them home, you can arrange a romantic photo shoot in the night city.

What to give a man on Valentine's Day?

If your man claims that he does not like to accept gifts, do not believe him - he is just shy. Joking jokes, but still the representatives of the stronger sex are the same people and your attention is very flattering to them. The main thing is to choose the right gift. And for this you need to know well the habits and addictions of a loved one. Let's try to figure out and consider some options.

  • An avid gamer.   If your darling belongs to this category, you don’t even have to fantasize. He probably would like to get some sophisticated “stray” for the computer. For example, a gaming mouse, a new keyboard, a cooler graphics card, and more. It remains only to carefully find out what exactly he needs and which model. And it’s not for us to teach you how to do this.
  • Obsessed with fishing. As in the case of the gamer, here it is immediately clear what kind of gift should be for a loved one. Hooks, fishing line, monofilament, wobblers, inflatable boats, spinning rods and more. Again, you only need to figure out what exactly he needs, which company and where to get it.
  • Collector.   Coins, stamps, orders and even models of cars or tanks. Men collect very much anything, even beetles. You just need to work hard to get another valuable piece for his collection.
  • Beer lover.   And why not treat the man to his own brewery, if finances allow? He will be immensely grateful to you for such a magnificent gift.
  • Handyman.   Many men love to repair and tinker with anything. They have been working in the field of construction and decoration all their lives and feel happy. But, what can please even such a miracle man so much is a new tool. And really high-quality, expensive and durable. You only need to find out which one!
  • A dark horse.   If your man works hard in some office and he has absolutely no time left for any hobby or addiction, you will have to work hard. Gently start conversations with him on the topic you need and catch every word. And the result may be the most unexpected. From a glass with your own photo, to watching cartoons in a quiet environment. And so that the place where you will recline is lined with sweets and tangerines.

Gifts always cheer up! And remember that you need not only to choose the right present, but also to present it with your soul, so that everyone feels your attention and care.

The script for Valentine's Day. Fun contests for February 14

In this holiday program, entertainments are selected that can set everyone in a positive mood, without exception. For carrying out you will need a spacious room and the number of guests from 6 people. No rare or expensive props are required. Games and contests are designed for an adult company. All competitions are matched with an emphasis on Valentine's Day.


Hello, friends! On this holiday, I would like to first of all congratulate everyone here on Valentine's Day and wish success in personal relationships! My gift for you will be the comic strength tests of your couples! I promise no one will be left without prizes!

Competition "You are better"

Several couples are participating. First, the facilitator asks one participant in each pair to take turns identifying a noun (any). It can be a tree, a house, a road, etc. After this, the facilitator explains that now everyone who names the word should explain to their soul mate that he (she) is better than the word that was named. And in turn, they must publicly speak their explanations. It turns out in the end is very funny when they start to say, for example, this: “Darling, you are better than the road, because the road is hard and flat, and you are soft and have magnificent shapes!”

Competition "You are my sweet"

A couple is involved, a man and a woman. They compete with each other. They should take turns complimenting each other in the form of names of sweets. For example: "You are sweet as sweets", "You are sweet as chocolates." The winner is the one who names more options. He receives a set of sweets as a gift.


And now we will raise glasses for this wonderful holiday and for all the ladies present here! Women, you are better that can appear in the life of every man! For you!

One Chain Competition

An unlimited number of players can participate in the competition, the main thing is that the room is spacious enough for them. Everyone who wants to play is divided into pairs according to the man / woman principle, after which they get to the start. The presenter needs to scatter a certain number of small items on the floor in advance, which will not be easy to collect or see (coins, matches, etc.). You will also need several ropes, one for each pair, to tie one of the limbs of each participant together. Thus, the right leg / arm of a man and the left leg / arm of a woman in the same pair will be tied together. You can even give the participants a choice, or connect four limbs at once. As soon as the competition begins, each couple strives to collect as many scattered objects as possible, which are then carefully calculated. The winners are those with the most items.

Game "Hearts and arrows"

This simple game is similar to the famous tic-tac-toe, only hearts and arrows participate in it. The principle of the game is the same: on a piece of paper in a cage, you need to line up your figures in one line, using the right to move in turn. For the competition it is possible to use it as filling cells manually, or you can use blanks - hearts and arrows from colored paper.


It's time to take a break and once again congratulate each other on this wonderful holiday - Valentine's Day! And after we continue our program!

Competition "Treat me, dear"

An unlimited number of people can participate in the competition, but it is important that everyone have enough space. If there are few players, then the game can be held right at the table. The host needs to prepare a sandwich in advance (no matter what), and then choose the participant from which the game will begin. The first participant bites off the sandwich, passing it to the next player, sitting to the left or right of him. The loser is the one on whom the sandwich ended.

Competition "Scheherazade"

Participants are divided into male / female couples. Women are taken to the hotel room to completely cover their faces with scarves, after which the participants go out and stand in a circle. Men are launched one at a time so that they try to recognize their companion. It is forbidden to talk. Selected "Scheherazade" leave with their gentlemen. Losers are those who chose the wrong or could not choose at all.


After all, have you heard of such a thing as energy connection? Do you think this is possible for your couples? Let's check! This is our last competition, which will be the culmination of the evening! I ask those who wish to come to me!

Game "henpecked"

An unlimited number of players can participate in this game, the more the better. Everyone who wants to play is divided into pairs according to the man / woman principle, after which they blindfold them and spread them in different directions so that all participants are mixed among themselves in the crowd. As soon as the game begins, the task of the participants becomes the search for their faithful couple. At the same time, you can touch others with your hands, feet and even lips, but it is forbidden to talk. A certain amount of time is allotted for the search, followed by the presenter. As soon as time is running out, women fasten their supposed pair with a safety pin, after which everyone removes the bandages. The winners are those who managed to find their partner and not make a mistake.


So our wonderful holiday has come to an end! Frankly, I really enjoyed spending time with you. It's always great to watch loving people and see how strong their relationship is! Let this evening be one of the most enjoyable events in your life! See you!

The scenario, where there are such contests for February 14, will turn your holiday into a grand event! Have fun and more love!

Valentine's Day   In recent years, they have been celebrating with pleasure in a variety of groups - among work colleagues, classmates, and even in the school class. This holiday scenario is suitable for any audience - a simple re-enactment is possible even for schoolchildren, and contests can be removed and added as you wish.

Valentine's Day Story

In the III century. n e. in Rome, the cruel emperor Claudius II ruled. He was an evil and warlike man. And so, in order to strengthen his army, he issued a decree according to which men who joined the army could not marry. A cruel ruler believed that family ties make a man sentimental, soft, and this does not help him become a merciless warrior.

But no decree could interfere with love. The only hope of lovers was a young priest, whose name was Valentine. Being a kind man, with a soft heart, he circumvented the imperial decree to crown lovers. Moreover, due to the fact that the church gave Valentine immunity, he helped the lovers exchange letters and meet.

But everything secret becomes apparent, and the emperor found out about the illegal activities of the young priest. Claudius issued a cruel decree, which sentenced Valentine to arrest, and then - to death.

And now, being imprisoned, Valentine fell in love with the jailer's daughter - he was so struck by her beauty and tenderness. The girl, having learned who is in prison, decided to meet with the priest and ... herself fell in love with him.

Before Valentine’s execution, the lovers wrote letters to each other, swore eternal love and made promises to always be together.

The execution of Valentine was scheduled for February 14, 270. On that day, the lover wrote the last letter to his beloved. There were no confessions, no promises, no oaths. And there were only two words “Your Valentine”.

But for farewell, no other words were needed. And this short note became a symbol of eternal love, fidelity and devotion and was called Valentine. And now, the day of the execution of the Christian priest, strangely enough, was the holiday of all lovers.

Preparation for the holiday

Traditional for interior decoration for Valentine's Day is pink. You can also use white, red and its various shades (orange, maroon).

For a youth holiday, by the way, there will be balloons in the shape of hearts, a variety of garlands - long or short, modest or lush, multi-colored, etc. Arrangements in the form of flowers are appropriate - from light fabric, corrugated paper. In general, the design of the room should create a feeling of lightness and tenderness - for this, any jewelry suspended by the principle of mobiles (on a thin thread) and swaying in the air flows is suitable.

Also, when preparing, you need to stock up with prizes for the winners of the contests and various items necessary for their holding.

Holiday script

MODERATOR: Hello, dear guests! Today we all gathered here to celebrate the most beautiful, most romantic, most beloved holiday - Valentine's Day!

MODERATOR: Despite the fact that it’s cold outside, the snow blows, it is warm and comfortable here, because love lives in each of us!

MODERATOR: Do you know why Valentine's Day is celebrated on this very day - February 14th?

MODERATOR: Do not know? Then we will show you!

Comic staging of the story of St. Valentine


  • Valentine (a girl dressed as a man, in a black hoodie, tied with a rope, and with a mustache);
  • the jailer’s daughter (a thin young man dressed in a woman’s dress, in a wig, with bows and bright makeup);
  • jailer (a girl in police uniform);
  • three or four pairs of lovers, in which the role of girls is played by boys, the role of boys is played by girls;
  • emperor: a young man in a white sheet over his shoulder, a laurel wreath on his head;
  • servant: in a colored sheet over his shoulder, with a scroll in his hands.

Scene in the imperial palace. On the stage is the chair in which the emperor sits. A servant enters.

SERVANT (falls to his knees): Oh, great emperor, everything is very bad, very ...

EMPEROR: What happened in my great empire?

EMPEROR (indignantly): What ?! Hazing?

SERVANT (making excuses): Hazing, your Imperial Majesty, is when the senior soldiers make the younger footcloths wind them and wash them!

EMPEROR: So how do our soldiers refuse to serve?

SERVANT: Get married!

EMPEROR: And what are these married people doing?

SERVANT: But with what - look!

Competition "Commanders". Several couples are participating. Bright crumpled pieces of paper and candy wrappers are scattered on the floor. The boys are blindfolded and given brooms and scoops in their hands. Girls get up a little distance. At a signal, they should guide the youths, shouting to them where to go and where revenge. The task is to collect as many pieces of paper as possible until a signal sounds to end the competition. The pair that succeeded best is the winner.

EMPEROR (scratching the back of his head): What they invented is not to serve in the army! Well, nothing, I'll show them how to go against the government! (He takes the paper and writes something.) I order ... Hey, servant! Read it! (feeds the scroll)

SERVANT (reads aloud): In the name of the great emperor Claudius II I order! To ban all weddings from this day, and for each date to appoint a fine. Any romantic letter to burn! And who does not obey, execute him!

Sounds music (for example, The Imperial March from Star Wars), under which the emperor and servant leave. The priest enters the scene.

PRIEST (raising his hands to heaven): O gods, gods! The emperor is completely crazy! Ban weddings, punish lovers! (Turns to the audience): Have you heard weddings are banned ?! What to do?

A couple in love enters.

GUY: Father Valentin, the emperor forbade getting married, but we already set a wedding day!

VALENTINE: My children, how can I help you? (He pauses.) I will marry you secretly!

The girl puts on a veil, the guy straightens his tie, Valentin picks up the icon and begins the ceremony. The lovers leave quickly, and the priest addresses the guests:

VALENTINE: Dear guests! Are there lovers among you who want to receive the blessing of Valentine? Well, I'll marry you all! But you need to complete the task.

Competition "Dance on the newspaper."   3-4 sheets of newspaper are spread out on the floor, a couple gets up on each. A slow dance begins. When the music suddenly breaks, each couple should double the newspaper, and then continue to dance. The next pause - the newspaper collapses again, and so on until the dancing couple can stay on it.

VALENTINE: My children! Accept my blessing! (Crowns couples who approach him in turn.)

The jailer appears on the scene.

PRISON (suspiciously): Father Valentine! What were you doing here now?

VALENTIN (hides the icon): Nothing special!

Jailer: Oh well! And who just married a few couples? I will read your rights (he takes a piece of paper from his pocket and reads it). Father Valentin, you are arrested, you can remain silent, you can not testify against yourself and your relatives, everything you say can be used against you in court.

The jailer handcuffs Valentine, sits on a chair and leaves. Comes back with a scroll.

PRISONER: Valentin, His Majesty Emperor Claudius II made a decision: he sentenced you to death on February 14, 270!

VALENTIN: Since I was destined to die for love, I am ready to sacrifice myself.

The jailer leaves. The jailer’s daughter appears.

Daughter of the Prisoner: Valentine! How cruel the emperor that punished you so!

VALENTIN (looks at the girl with love): No more than I punished myself!

OFFICER'S DAUGHTER: Ah, Valentine, how did you punish yourself?

VALENTIN (kisses the girl's hand): On the verge of death, I not only fell in love, but got reciprocity.

Valentine and the jailer's daughter kiss. Then the girl runs away, covering her face with her hands, and sits down at the other end of the stage.

VALENTIN: My beloved, how will we communicate if you are free and I am in prison? Yes, for sure, I will write you a letter!

Competition "Love Letter".   A team of boys and a team of girls are invited to the stage. They are given leaflets with written words.

1st leaf: Love, fry, carrots, gifts, heart, door.

2nd leaf: Love, potatoes, a window, carrots, a stomach, reason.

For a certain time, teams must compose a love poem using the words written on the sheets. Then Valentine takes a piece of paper with a poem composed by young men, and the jailer’s daughter takes a poem composed by girls. Lovers approach each other and gently read messages.

Execution scene. They take out a stool and an ax from plywood. The jailer displays Valentine. In the background are all the characters.

PRISONER: Today, February 14, 270 of the new era, a priest should be executed who violated the order of the emperor and secretly married the lovers, thereby indulging their desire not to serve in the army. Our great emperor sentenced him to death. What can you say in your defense, Valentine?

VALENTIN: And I have nothing to make excuses for. I did a good deed, reunited hearts in love. And now, when cruel people will take my life, I will ascend to heaven and there I will make marriage unions. Remember: now and forever and ever marriages are made in heaven! And what God has united is not given to anyone to disconnect!

EMPEROR (menacingly): Rude emperor! Chop off his head!

The jailer and servant grab Valentine, put on his knees and lay his head on the chopping block, the role of which is played by a stool, they bring an ax. Valentine's body is falling.

The jailer’s daughter runs up to him and takes a note from the priest’s hand.

Daughter of the Prisoner (reading): "Your Valentine!" Just two words, but how much sense! Yes, and why words to understand each other? (Screaming) I love you, Valentine! (The girl picks up an ax, hits herself in the head with a butt and falls).

All characters leave. Leading out.

HOST: A sad story. Unhappy Valentine sacrificed himself so that lovers could be together.

HOST: But this sad story has a sequel. After his death, Valentine was canonized, and the day of his death became Valentine's Day.

MODERATOR: Yes, that’s what morals used to be! Interestingly, and now there are people who can sacrifice themselves for love?

MODERATOR: Of course, there are, these are our guests!

The festive program continues with musical numbers and contests.

Valentine's Day Contests

Hobbled horses.   Participants are divided into pairs and stand shoulder to shoulder. The right leg of one partner and the left of the other are connected. In this position, they must "jump" to the chair, which is at a certain distance from them, take the object that lies there (any), and return back. The winner is the one that will make it faster.

Connected by one chain.   Several couples are invited to participate in the game. On the floor, the facilitator scatters any small objects. It can be sweets, coins, pencils, etc. Before the start of the game, the facilitator ties each pair for their legs and hands. After a signal sounds or music is turned on, couples begin to collect scattered objects. As soon as things are collected, counting takes place. The pair with more items wins.

Famous couples.   Participants are divided into two teams. The task is to recall a famous couple (literary, acting or otherwise) as quickly as possible. The presenter calls only one "half", and the participants - the second. The team that guesses more pairs wins.

A list of characters (literary and historical) must be made in advance. Here is a possible start:

Cleopatra - Anthony
  Lilya Brik - Mayakovsky
  Isolda - Tristan
  Lyudmila - Ruslan
  Akhmatova - Gumilyov
  Juliet - Romeo
  Scarlett - Rhett
  Desdemona - Othello
  Josephine - Napoleon, etc.

"If I were a sultan ...". How many “wives” can each player find for himself? Participants-youths are given colored rubber bands for bills, and each one has the same color. The players' task is to “ring” as many girls as possible by putting on an elastic band of their color to their wrists. It is impossible to put on each more than one elastic band. The one with the most “wives” wins.

Shtirlitsy.   This contest will help determine the most observant of the stronger sex. One girl is invited to participate. Young male participants should carefully look at her and remember what she is wearing, in all details. Then the girl goes out and changes one or several details in her appearance, for example, takes off her earrings and pendant, puts on a bracelet, does something with a hairstyle, etc. The youths' task is to determine what has changed.

Hearts.   Several couples are invited to participate in the game. The young man is blindfolded, and the girl attaches hearts cut out of paper. The number of hearts is the same for each pair.

At the command of the presenter, music is turned on, and the young man must blindfolded to find as many hearts as possible and rip them off. The pair wins, which managed to collect as many hearts as possible in the allotted time. The game can be repeated by blindfolding the girl.

Section: Holivar (Valentine's Day). And when is Valentine's Day? Scenario holiday for Valentine's Day. Valentine's Day is one of my favorite holidays.

Contests. Original ideas for celebrating Valentine's Day.

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Valentine's Day. The day before the execution, the priest wrote a farewell letter to the girl, telling about his love, and signed it "Your Games, contests, prizes. And now, the day of the execution of the Christian priest, strangely enough, became the holiday of all VALENTINES (with love ...

Holiday Script Valentine's Day - competition, games, for a party for adults or schoolchildren. Smiles and flowers are everywhere. The last birthday was marked by flowers. All competitions for guests were offered in the form of flowers such as "Daisy" or "Semitsvetik."

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On Valentine's Day, the husband ate the dermantine. It would be better if he drank our brandy and congratulated [would x..k!] (Can be replaced by [after all]). Does my darling love new ones? congratulates them bl.din, Well, I love the saint Valentine comes to me. On the World Wide Web Valentine on Valentine though ...

I would like to organize a real holiday, with games and prizes, maybe someone can find a script with games for dummies, or it won’t come to anything: (maybe you just throw a link, or through search engines only the Holiday Script for Valentine’s Day.

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Valentine's Day: a holiday script for students and adults. Print version. 3.7 5 (412 ratings) Rate this article. Many children on this day prepare postcards for loved ones and prepare for evening gatherings in the family circle in honor of Valentine's Day.

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The competition involves couples in love. Both boys and girls are invited to name any noun. For example, “hare”, “table”, “cherry” - everything that comes to mind. And then the facilitator explains the rules. You need to explain to your soul mate why it is better than what was called. The competition turns into universal fun when others find out that someone is better than a hare, because he has less ears, and someone is better than a table, because the table is solid and so on.

You are my sweetness

A couple is participating - a guy and a girl. The host invites them to exchange original “sweets-compliments”, pronouncing them aloud in turn. For example, “you are my bun, you are my marshmallow, you are my sweetie” and so on. The winner is the one who comes up with more options. Then the winner is awarded a prize in the form of a set of sweets.

I'll give you a star

Competition for guys. Participants are handed a piece of paper and, on the team’s command, they offer without scissors to make it a star for their beloved. You cannot fold the sheet, you can only manually tear off the edges so that in the end you get a figure that is even remotely resembling a five-pointed star. The author of the most beautiful and geometrically correct star wins, but all participants receive incentive prizes.

We are one

The competition involves couples. Each of them needs to turn to face each other and hold hands, and then make a series of movements that the presenter will call. For example, washing and combing, peeling and eating a banana, running to run an object from one part of the room to another. In this case, the palms cannot be separated, any manipulations can only be done with the fingers. The winner is the couple who coped with the task faster.


From the total number of participants choose one - Cupid. This player turns away, and from the back the other participants come up to him in two and ask the question: “A couple and not a couple?”. If Cupid thinks that a couple of lovers is behind him, then he says: “Couple”. If he suspects that people from different couples are behind him, then he says: “Not a couple.” Amur wins, giving more correct answers.

Melt my heart

For this competition, you need to prepare in advance the hearts that will need to be melted (chocolates in the form of a heart or ice in heart shapes). Guests of the holiday are divided into “lovers” couples. Each couple gets a heart and, on a “start” command, begins to melt it. A pair that will melt an icy or chocolate heart faster than others will win and receive a prize.

Accurate Cupid

For this contest, you need to prepare a "little man" (cut out the full-length image of a person from the wallpaper) and stick a balloon on the tape in place of the heart or attach a circle from the dart board. Each participant receives 3 darts, respectively, each "Cupid" will have 3 attempts. So, each "cupid" takes turns 3 of his attempts, aiming right in the heart. If the participant immediately managed to pierce the heart, a new ball is hung in place of the heart. For each well-aimed hit, the participant is awarded a point. And the participant with the most points - the finest cupid - will receive a prize.

The strongest hug and the most tender kiss

Each in turn will hug holiday guests and kiss them on the cheek. Before the start of the competition, all guests are blindfolded. The facilitator will take turns selecting one participant from the company and directing him. So, all the guests become in a row, and one participant from the company takes turns hugging each guest as tight as possible. As soon as the first guest hugged everyone, the host takes the next participant, brings to each guest, and he hugs everyone in turn. This continues until all the participants take over each other. After this stage, a vote is held to “weed out” half of the participants. Guests themselves should name the numbers of participants who were the strongest in their arms, for example, if there were 6 participants, guests select only three, naming the numbers (first, fifth and sixth, for example). Then the facilitator announces the participants who go to the next stage. At the same time, the eyes are not untied to the guests. The winners of the first stage will now take turns kissing the guests on the cheek, trying to do it as gently as possible. Again, by voting, guests will now select only one winner. Which of the "kissers" will score more points by voting guests, he will win and get a prize.

What to entertain schoolchildren on this important day - the holiday of Lovers?

Game "Find your soul mate"
  Hearts are cut in 2 ways in different ways. These halves are distributed to children. Music sounds and each child must find his soul mate. The pair that connects the fastest will receive a prize.

Say complement game
  Everyone says a compliment to their "half". Whoever says the most original compliment receives a prize (both a boy and a girl).

Balloon Dance game
  Each pair is given a ball, which they must keep between themselves and not drop during the dance. The pair that drops the ball is eliminated from the game, and the pair that lasts the longest receives a prize.

Game "Valentine's Slipper"
  Each boy should properly wrap his Valentine card. Several girls take off their shoes and sit on chairs. Their shoes are stacked in a common heap center class. Blindfolded boys first select the shoe they want and then put it on their Valentine card.

Valentine's Day game

Game "Funny musicians"
The game involves 15-20 children. Two sets of children's musical instruments are introduced: 2 tambourines, 2 maracas, 2 rattles, 2 bells, 2 noise boxes. Ten participants are given one of these tools. Sounds funny music. Children should pass these tools to each other in a circle; they should not be held in anyone’s hands. Music is interrupted after a while. Children who have paired instruments are left to continue the game, the rest sit down.

Continuation of the game "Funny musicians"
  The game involves all children with instruments that were played in the orchestra. They stand in a circle, but the instruments remain as follows: a tambourine, a maracas, a rattle, a noise box and two bells. Children again to the music pass these instruments to each other, without delay. Music is interrupted, those children who have bells left, and form the first friendly couple. The mice are awarded with souvenir hearts and seated in specially designated places.

The Guess the Musical Guess competition consists of two stages

Stage I
  5-6 children participate. They are given a bell in their hands. 5-6 excerpts from famous children's songs sound. After each passage sounded, the children who recognize this song should ring the bell. Whoever does this first and calls the song correctly gets a “note”. The winner is the one who scored the most “notes”.

II stage
  The terms of the competition are the same. Other 5-6 children are called. Only they guess fairy-tale characters who perform a passage of a song. For example, “Song of Winnie the Pooh”, “Song of the Shapoklyak”, “Song of the Crocodile Genes”, “Song of the Tortilla tortoise”, “Song of the Little Red Riding Hood”. In this part of the competition, the winner is also determined.

Competitions and contests for Valentine's Day

Game-competition "Collect a card"
  For the game you need 10 cards, cut into 4 rectangles. 10 children are participating. Each hand is given one of the parts of one postcard. The rest of the cards are scattered across the floor. The task of the participants is to find the missing 3 fragments of the card, collect it. The two participants who were the first to complete this task become the winners and form the fourth friendly couple

Competition "We all halve"
Each pair is given a skirt. One of the couple puts it on. A dance tune sounds, couples dance. When there is a pause in music, the one on whom the skirt should quickly take it off and put it on his partner. Then the dance continues. For each pause, the couple who last changed the skirt is eliminated from the game. At the end, the winning pair is determined.

On Valentine's Day, it is customary to give different gifts to your loved ones, best friends, but schoolchildren can also have a lot of fun. To mark the cool February 14th, it’s enough to come up with a variety of contests. This will help develop a collective spirit. It is possible that one of them already felt the influence of first love. It is not known whether this fragile feeling will pass the test of time, but who knows, it is possible that some of them will subsequently unite their destinies. We bring to your attention contests for February 14 for students in grades 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6. We hope that everyone will like them without exception.

This competition for the holiday, in general, is simple, but it will be interesting to all students. To conduct it, prepare cards in advance. On them you need to write phrases that can be used to describe both girls and boys. For example, the funniest, most patient, the kindest and the like. For boys, write this: the coolest, bravest knight, the smartest, the Jedi candidate, the most prankster, etc.

Preparation for the competition

In general, when compiling phrases for the Samaya and Sam contest, you can turn on fantasy and write a lot of interesting phrases. It is not necessary that the number of cards be the same as the number of students in the class. Next, we lay out the cards as flowers. Such flowers will be 2 pieces. 1 for girls, 2 for boys. Do not forget that the inscriptions should be at the bottom. No one should know what is written there until a certain point.

One of the boys goes to the flower for girls and selects one of the petals (card). After which he chooses a girl who fits this phrase. Then this girl selects a flower from a flower for boys and does the same. Once all the petals are ripped off, the game ends. This competition is very original, and will surely appeal to both young students and sixth graders.

Such a competition will certainly make your children laugh. For him, respectively, need an orange. So, all schoolchildren line up in a chain. In it, after the boy, the girl should go, and after her again the boy. The first student takes an orange and pinches it with his chin. Now he must pass it on to the student who is behind him. Next, the second participant in the contest Pass the orange, must do the same. If a student drops an orange, he must drop out of the competition.

Such funny contests on February 14 for students of the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th grades will amuse your children and yourself. As soon as only 2 people remain, the game ends. So they are the winners. You can come up with some tasty prizes in advance. Believe me, such a fun game will be a reason for laughter for a long time to come.

Game Pass the Orange

Among the various interesting fun events that can be held on Valentine's Day, such contests for February 14 for students in grades 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 will seem very original. By the way, many people have already participated in such competitions. So all you need is chairs.

You should count the participants in advance. Why is this needed? It is precisely because the competition requires that there be 1 less chair than those involved. So, a signal is given. Children run around in a circle, and at the second signal they should occupy these chairs. Naturally, someone does not have time, and drops out of this competition. Then take one of the chairs and put it away. Give the signal again. This is still done until the only winner remains. He is awarded interesting prizes. For example, sweets or original crafts for Valentine's Day.

Original valentines

Way to the heart

These are very original events for kids. So, similar contests for February 14 for students in grades 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 include the participation of girls. We will need tangles number of girls. All these balls must be mixed up in advance, the balls themselves should be given to the girls, and put near the boys at the end. Each of them must find the Way to the heart. To do this, he takes any thread and unravels his path to the girl. Whoever unravels will end in the end.

Name a couple

This contest on February 14th may be a warm-up. All you need is to show your abilities and remember literary heroes. So, the teacher names a hero who has a lover. And the students must answer him. He who answers most of the questions will win. For example, a teacher calls Pierrot, whose lover is, as you know, Malvina. Further, he calls, say, Romeo, respectively, the children should call Juliet. Etc.

Such a competition. Name a couple, it is recommended to select in advance by class. For example, in the younger ones you can use the heroes of fairy tales, for example, Cinderella and the prince, Beauty and the Beast, and so on, and in the older ones you can already choose literary ones.

Give a Gift

For this competition, in advance, you need either some toys, things or pictures with an image. All things are hidden in advance one at a time, they are covered with something so that it is not visible what is there. Three boys and three girls are selected. Each of them who takes part in the Give a Gift contest must carefully listen to the conditions.

So, the boy wants to give the girl a gift, but she is so attractive to him that he is speechless, now he can’t talk. Helping himself with only gestures, he must explain to his girlfriend what exactly he wants to give her. Then he selects a gift, then returns to the girl and tells her the gifts. If she guesses, then the gift goes to her. That is what all boys should do. Whose girl will be the first to guess her gift, this couple will win.


This contest for Valentine's Day is similar to the previous one. However, the difference is that the boys need to invite the girl on a date to a specific place. These places are written on the cards. It can be a circus, a disco, a cinema, a ski trip, an ice rink, an ice cream cafe and so on. Now, using facial expressions and gestures, he must communicate with his chosen one. As soon as the invitation is understood by the girl correctly, the couple wins the competition.

For this Valentine's Day contest, we will need various items. It can be chairs, ropes, bottles, books and so on. From this, a labyrinth should be formed from one end of the room to the other. Each pair must go through this maze. However, boys should have their eyes closed, and it all depends on the girl. Whoever passes the first maze, he won accordingly.

Maze game

Dance competition

To conduct this funny dance with primary children, you will need balloons. 6 people are selected, three boys and three girls. They should pin the ball between the foreheads. Now fast music turns on and the children have to dance. In this case, the hands should be behind them. Who will perform the dance competition without dropping the ball is declared the winner.

Bird Market

This is a very fun and funny contest. To conduct it, you need to choose two people: 1 is the buyer, and the second seller. Everyone else should squat down and grab their knees with their hands. They will represent chickens.

So, the buyer comes to the bird market, after which he asks the seller if he has chickens. The seller answers that all the chickens are in front of him and the buyer can select them. The buyer should go behind any chicken, touch it and say: this old one is skinny, this one has only skin and bones and so on. Then he selects one and says: what a good chicken, I will buy it. However, we must weigh it. For this, the seller and the buyer must raise the selected chicken by the elbows, then swing it. In the case when the chick will laugh or open his hands, then he leaves the game. Which chicken remains in the game, he won.

Shot put

All the children in turn are blindfolded, put near the table with their backs to it. On the table lies a balloon. The participant must take 5 steps forward, turn three times in place, and then go back and try to inflate the ball so that it falls to the floor. Shot put competition will be very funny, because usually the direction is lost.


A quatrain is taken for this contest, which everyone knows very well. For example, a Christmas tree was born in the forest, our Tanya cries loudly and so on. Each participant who participates in the performance submission must tell this quatrain, but not just like that, but under some circumstances. He must imagine what is written in advance on the sheet. Suppose a tooth ached a lot, a man froze in the rain, a heavy box fell on his leg, a terrible beast was chased, friends and parents offended him very much, his trousers fell, he didn’t want to be behind the wasp, his hands were very itchy, and the like.

New planet

Also a pretty funny contest. Participants must open it first. To do this, they inflate balloons, then they are obliged to populate it, so they take felt-tip pens and draw little people. The new planet will be ready as soon as a lot of people inhabit it. But that's not all! At the second stage, with a felt-tip pen of a different color, draw hearts! After all, all "residents" should be half! However, hearts can only be drawn between pairs of “residents”! It’s already impossible to paint new ones! Who does not have lonely men, he will win!


This contest will also be quite funny. Children are given sheets of paper on which two people are painted in advance. Children should take a pencil or felt-tip pen of red color, after which, blindfolding, draw a nice heart between these little men. The best artist is the one who will draw the heart as neatly, beautifully as possible.

Collect gifts

For this, the contestants will need some items, for example, toys, books, sweets. They are all scattered across the floor. Each participant is given a basket, and then blindfolded. Now the participants of the competition, collect gifts must walk across the field and collect accordingly. Whoever gets the most gifts will win.

Declaration of love

For this contest, participants must break into boys and girls. Every boy should confess his love to the girl opposite. However, for this he should use only the language of some animal. He will recognize exactly who he will be from the card he will take out. For example, it can be a frog, a cat, a dog, a crow, a rooster, and so on. It turns out a very unusual declaration of love, funny and fun.


This competition is attended by boys. They are divided into teams of three to four people. They are given empty valentines, in which they must write a poem. But they must compose it themselves. Which poet will write faster and better, he will win.

Gather the word

Balloons are bought, letters are prepared, then letters are thrust into balloons, after which the balloons are inflated. Participants of the competition, collect a word must, according to a certain sign, burst their balls, get sheets of letters out of them, and then make words out of them. Which team will make it faster, that will win.

Find a Valentine

In advance, as many valentines as possible hide in some place. Boys and girls are paired. Each participant of the competition Find a Valentine should find hearts as soon as possible and bring to his girl. Whoever brings faster and more will win.


For this competition you will need a Whatman paper, on which a huge heart is drawn. In addition, you need to buy pistols or bows with suction cups. Now each participant must shoot at the heart at a certain distance. Which Cupid will get faster and more accurately, that will be the best.

In the end

Now your celebration of Valentine's Day will be very funny, interesting and positive for students. You can come up with your own ideas.