Do you have a good husband? What kind of husband are you? Do I have a good husband test?

All husbands are like husbands, but you have a misunderstanding. Admit it, at least once, but you caught yourself thinking like that, and if not, you heard it from your mother .. especially conscious husbands can also pass this test, putting themselves in the place of the spouse. If you are unsatisfied with the result, do not be discouraged - the tests do not diagnose, but only make you think about the problem .. For each positive answer, put yourself one point.

1. Does your husband think his mother cooks better than you?

2. Does he like to listen loudly to music that you hate?

3. Does your husband walk around the house in his underpants?

4.Has he left his dirty socks in the wrong places?

5. Is it true that your husband forgot to congratulate you on your last wedding anniversary?

6. Did you hide from him how much your cosmetics cost?

7. On Friday night, he comes home drunk?

8. Is it true that he rarely spends Saturday with his family?

9. Is it true that he does not know how much a kilogram of potatoes costs in a store?

10. Was your mother against this marriage?

11. Is it true that your husband in the family circle allows himself to use foul language?

12. Can he disappear without explanation for several days?

13. Has he raised his hand at least once?

14. If you want to go to the theater, to the exhibition, will it be difficult for you to persuade your husband to join the company?

15. Does he tell you about his ex?

16. Do you have suspicions that he is hiding from you part of his income?

17. Is it true that if you fall ill, he will not be able to fulfill your duties?

18. Do you often find yourself thinking that work or friends are more important for him than family?

19. Is it true that when you learn about his betrayal, you will not be very surprised?

And now we summarize the points obtained and get acquainted with the results:

0-5 points - Subcupule. Your humble and non-conflict husband does not exactly claim to be the head of the family. The initiator of the beginning of relations and the creation of a family was you, and his role is the role of a slave. It’s convenient for him to assign responsibility to you and live under your command .. As in the army, you don’t need to think, life on schedule, overwhelmed by melancholy, you can drink vodka, just secretly or run off to your own will ... If you are comfortable with this state of things, then we can say that your union is happy.

6-10 points - The ideal husband. Seen in marriage you managed to find the perfect middle ground. Your chosen one is aware of all responsibility for his family and does everything possible to make his family and friends feel good. However, he has small flaws, which are features of his character - it is from them that his personality develops. Sometimes it seems to you that you could find a brighter and more successful man, but brighter and more successful, tend to change women like gloves. Your tit in your hand will not leave you in difficult times, you will live happily ever after together.

11-15 points. - Lobotryas. Your spouse is most likely used to solving problems as they arise. Before the wedding, he did not see very clearly how he would build family life. You have a lot of contradictions, a wave of discontent with each other sometimes covers you headlong .. Your husband is not bad at all, he’s just not ready to exchange youthful dreams for a measured life of a layman. Only by joint efforts, you will feel all the charm of things that family life gives.

16-19 points - The fiend of hell. You got married or very naive or you are prone to masochism. Living with your husband is dangerous to your health, both mental and physical. He specifically humiliates you by enforcing the laws of the jungle in the family. Seriously think about whether to live with such a person .. After all, he asserts himself at your expense, plus tyrants as a rule do not make a career and do not achieve success in life. All their energy is spent on hatred of their loved ones ....

You come home from work and see that there is dirty dishes in the sink, and dinner has cooled down a long time ago. What will you do?

Answer Options:

  • I’ll tell my wife that, in fact, it is her duty to maintain cleanliness and feed her husband
  • I’ll wash the dishes and warm up dinner for myself and her, she’s probably tired too
  • I'll make myself a sandwich and play an online game. Wife will probably warm dinner soon and clean up

Your wife has not been sleeping for the third night, she is shaking in the arms of your child, who is tormented by colic. What will you do?

Answer Options:

  • I'm going to sleep in another room. I need to get enough sleep before work
  • I will try not to disturb her. She knows better how to rock children screaming
  • I’ll take the child, send my wife to bed, she is very tired

You had a free day off, how would you like to spend it?

Answer Options:

  • I will gather my family and take him out to the forest for barbecue. Or we go to a restaurant with my wife
  • Garage, beer, have not seen friends for a long time
  • Usually the wife plans our weekend

Your wife complains that again a lot of money was spent on the purchase of children's things. What will you answer?

Answer Options:

  • I scold. You have to be more economical
  • I’ll take an interest in how much children's things cost now. Perhaps I will take their purchase into my own hands or I will take an active part
  • I don’t know what she dresses our children in.

On the plane, your children gave up and began to behave badly. Your wife is trying to calm them down, but she's not doing well. Other passengers are already starting to resent about this. What will you do?

Answer Options:

  • I will join the process of calming children, I will protect my wife from the displeased remarks of other passengers
  • I do not know what to do in such a situation. The wife always coped herself
  • I’ll move to another place, I don’t want the cries of children to spoil my rest

  Your wife wants to go to university. Now you have to take on a significant part of everyday problems and problems with children so that she can learn. How do you react?

Answer Options:

  • I’ll tell my mother that she will help her with the children
  • I will be against it. Now her business is the family, not all kinds of universities.
  • I will weigh my strength and together we will come up with a solution. Education is very important

The mother-in-law often visits your home, criticizes your wife and gives a lot of advice. Your wife is angry and asks you to talk with mom. What will you do?

Answer Options:

  • I love my mother very much, but, nevertheless, I’ll ask her to come less often and not criticize my wife, because this is my family and my choice
  • I will put my wife in her place, she must respect my mother and listen to her experience!
  • I am very happy when mom comes, she cooks my favorite pancakes

You noticed that your wife is a little overweight and has stopped monitoring her appearance. What will you do?

Answer Options:

  • I will definitely point it out to her. Let her get in shape, I married a beautiful woman
  • I’ll think about why this happened, maybe I’ll talk to her and we will go in for sports together. My figure is also not the ultimate dream
  • There are many other beautiful women around

A friend of the editorial board, Alexander Tsypkin, found out what men really want.

Alexander Tsypkin

At the end of December, tired of the fields of information wars for bourgeois assets, I decided to think about the eternal. It didn’t work out. Then I thought about what was usually about, and just Cosmo (this time my native St. Petersburg) with the sacramental question “Why so many lonely girls?”.

I sat in a rocking chair, poured kefir and bored, they say, the girls do not know how to properly operate such a simple mechanism as a man. As a result, the mechanism becomes unusable, and it has to be carried to the trash. Expectedly received the question: "And how right?"

I suggested interviewing my friends. It is clear that only a friend or at least a comrade in his right mind would agree to such a "drain" of valuable information. I chose completely different occupations, but most importantly, those who are smarter and more charismatic than me. These turned out to be a complete notebook. Cosmo cut a bit and got 12.

I know someone for 20 years, someone for 1 year, but everyone answered openly, cheerfully and intelligibly. Each has its own theme. Twelve short interviews. Not Newton’s Bean, but There Are Helpful Tips

Giuliano Di Capua

director, actor

If a man has an important presentation ahead of you, how exactly should you wish good luck?

In my case, I need to take a rag, help clean up the stage, put up posters and charm the officials from the Ministry of Culture before the performance.

Should a woman come to her man’s performance?

Sure! Moreover, she should look the most beautiful of all and be sure to make some scandal in the buffet, or better at the entrance, to attract the attention of the whole street.

If a man succeeded, how to congratulate him?

Plump with him in tears of tenderness on the bridge in the rain.

If all else fails, how to properly support it?

Thump in tears of tenderness on the bridge in the rain.

Can good sex relieve the pain of defeat?

And what is bad sex?

If a week before an important day at work, a man does not pay attention to a girl, does this mean that work is most important for him?

This is already a question of her creative approach in attracting attention to her person.

Do men need to be allowed not to answer calls at a time of difficulty at work?

A man has the right to not answer the call at any time, but most importantly, a woman is strictly forbidden to pick up our phone and dig into it.

If a man says his boss is an idiot, do you have to agree right away?

No, not necessarily. I like it when I am “encouraged” by fans of the opponent’s side. Even turns on.

Why is it important for a man to win?The meaning of life is development, and development is always
  victory over the past, old and obsolete.

What can never be said in case of failure?

At this moment, the main thing is not to strain other small claims. For the question “Why didn’t I clean my shoes” we can throw them off the bridge, despite the tears of tenderness.

If a girl sees that a man is going to make, in her opinion, a big professional mistake, how can we say this?

So that we do not notice, but hear.

Victor Shkipin

marketing Director, Alfa Bank; Festival Director Alfa Future people

Is it good when a girl makes money? And if more than a man?

This is just wonderful! Firstly, the man ceases to bother constantly “and she is with me, because I am going in such a configuration, or maybe a good person after all?” Secondly, it is easier for a woman: when she is independent, she reveals herself in a different way. Thirdly, a man can relax and not do work “back to the wall”, for the sake of feeding the family, but find something to his liking. True, the test, when a woman earns twice as much as a man, then here it is necessary for a woman to behave carefully and wisely. Otherwise, you can scatter everyone.

Does the question “Where are you doing your salary?” Annoying

I do not know, I have never heard. How does that sound?

If you together found a wallet on the street, whose money is it?

Naturally, the owner of the wallet. Find and please. If your lady suggests you to appropriate them - an occasion to think deeply about her moral-volitional qualities. Do you need it?

Is it immoral and inhuman if a girl cheats on a man with a richer male?

If the poor, then everything is clear - charity. It is not taxed. But if with the rich ... but with how much “richer”? Just kidding. Only stupid men think that a woman has cheated on you "with the rich." To create a family with someone who is richer is yes, instinct. And about treason ... Most likely, she was attracted by something else - charisma, confidence, lightness. Actually, the same as the money attracted to him. Nurture these qualities in yourself, and your lady will remain yours. And there, you look, and the money will follow.

Is it true that libido and amount of money are inversely proportional?

Only not “back”, but “directly”, and here we again return to the first question! Of course, when your girlfriend (and especially his wife) makes good money, she becomes more attractive!

Do men love when a woman gives them expensive gifts?

Watching whose account the banquet is. To take and buy for your money an expensive gift - there is not much mind. Even quite the opposite. Smart men love expensive in the sense of "personal" gifts. To the soul. And if a man is wealthy, then you definitely won’t be surprised with money. And do not try.

Should a woman know exactly how much a man earns?

It depends on what. If the wife with the experience is more likely yes, it will help her to look more realistically at things and at her inquiries, and at her husband’s fantasies. Two heads are better. In the meantime, not a wife, it’s better not to bother with your head, but some mystery must remain in a man!

Why are we making money? What is this for us?

Voooot. Good question that you clarify your man. It is clear, if you ask in the forehead, he will bustle and get off with general phrases. You do not listen, you try to understand by his actions. What is there in the history - also look. How did he manage what was already earned or stolen. Just kidding. Of course, earned. And you will understand everything yourself.

Konstantin Krutilnikov

attorney, Senior Partner at S&K Vertical Law Firm

If a man does not make a proposal to a woman, is he just very busy and you need to wait ten years? Or if he didn’t do it in a year, then he’ll never do it? Perhaps he expects a woman to make an offer to him?

Recently, I hear more and more often the stories of creating a family on the initiative of women. But seriously, of course, men understand that marriage is serious and for a long time, where the family begins, it ends there, which then is so pleasant to remember in the men's company.

Many men get married because it's just time?

The true causes of marriage may be different, but in a sober mind and reason you do it because you either love a person, or an understanding of your main male mission has come.

What does a stamp in a passport mean for a man? How much does our attitude towards women change after the speeches of the aunt from the registry office?

Everything finally changes after the speeches of the aunt from the Baby Palace, after the registry office there are still some chances that everything will continue in the near future. It is the birth of a child that makes a family real with all the consequences.

If a woman had more than three husbands, does this cause some wariness in a man?

We need to gather more information and look at these husbands. If they are, of course, alive. It is also important to know how the divorce proceedings went and who ended up in the trough.

If a woman offers to sign a man a marriage contract, do we consider her cynical, prudent and inhuman?

I have a different attitude to this as a lawyer and as a man. In the first case, the advancement of the woman will pleasantly surprise me, and, moreover, I will support such an initiative, in the second, our relations are unlikely to continue.

For a woman, the best way to get a stamp in her passport is to constantly say that she does not want this?

I agree. It is the girls who have chosen such tactics that achieve their cherished goal. We are attracted to something that is not visible or inaccessible, so in everything, and in relationships in the first place.

Vyacheslav Malafeev

Goalkeeper of FC Zenit, owner of M16 Real Estate

Please explain to the woman why we are interested in watching the whole match, and not just know the result?

Because you can discuss with friends why this “crooked-handed” did not catch or this “one-legged” did not score.

How should a woman behave if her husband’s favorite team loses?

Humbly, as if she had messed up that day.

Should a woman go to football if a man goes there with friends?

Well, if a woman wants to see her man that day, it’s better to go.

Does a woman have the right to cheer for the Brazilian national team if her man is a fan of Germany?

Yes, because disputes and clarification of relationships always lead to a pleasant reconciliation.

Is admiration for the beautiful figures of football players adultery by a woman?

Men have their own views on such issues: if he watches adult films, this is normal. But wives, admiring the figures of football players, are practically treason.

Is it possible after the victory of my native team to ask to buy a new fur coat? If so, for how long after the final whistle?

Yes, if only he is the footballer of the national team that won the world championship. Then you can ask not only a fur coat.

If one day the World Cup finals and the first episode of the new season of “Sex and the City” begin, where should a woman watch the series - with her mother or her friend?

The husband must buy a second TV!

Is it worth giving a man a scarf for his favorite team for the New Year?

Yes, but only with a gift certificate for visiting the bath with friends.

And if a man does not like football? Should you think about its orientation?

Then he must love hockey!

Alexey romeo

one of the best DJs in Russia

Is it true that for a man sex for love is not very different from just sex?

Perhaps for someone it is, but certainly not for me. Sex with the person you love is not even close to comparing with ordinary sex.

What to do if a man does not want to use a condom? How to convince him?

Colorfully describe to him all your seven beautiful children shouting "Dad!"

What do we think of a woman who says she will not have oral sex with us?

Option 1. While in the life of this woman we occupy a very insignificant place, and she does not take seriously what is happening between you at the moment.

Option 2. A woman is not at all a fan of this process, and this is even worse than option number 1 ...

How to explain to a man that he does everything wrong in bed?

To say that he is magnificent and original in bed. And that he is the best that has happened to you in sex, but you want to try it differently.

What can not be said to a man if he “could not”?

What is definitely not worth saying at this moment is “Are you all conspiring today?” But “Baby, you need to relax a bit, let me give you a light relaxing massage” - on the contrary, ideal words in a situation if your chosen one has received serious stress at work or if he liked you so much that he could not cope with his excitement and malfunctioned during sex.

Can a man “have a headache”?

Of course! Contrary to stereotypes, men, just like women, sometimes may not want sex. But, if your man loves you, then the probability of this tends to zero.

Are two terabytes of porn in a man’s computer a sign of his deep inner world or is this normal?

This, of course, is not terrible. But, as it seems to me, this suggests that he is missing something in sex with you, and you should carefully bring him into an honest and open conversation.

How to explain to a man that threesome sex violates your personal space?

To propose a threesome, but with another man, at the same time check how your chosen one treats you. If he doesn’t care, he will gladly invite a friend.

Mikhail Petrov

vice-president of the Group of companies and public organizations of veterans of the Airborne Forces and special forces "Margelov Association"; member of the board of directors of construction

Is it true that men have no fear of loneliness, and we can easily live alone?

You can live alone without any problems, but a man is a man because a woman exists.

Is it true that even the strongest men do not like when their women get into conflict from scratch and then the man has to figure it out?

That's for sure. The best fight is the one that did not happen, so the man should think about the safety of loved ones, and not about who said something to him somewhere. Family safety is the only thing that matters.

What do you think is the biggest myth about men's fears among women?

That all men are afraid to disgrace themselves in bed.

Isn't that the biggest male fear?

What fear is it, if basically everyone believes that they are the best in bed, and all the problems are in a woman who supposedly did not arouse as expected. Self-confident and narcissistic idiots. Here they are really afraid. A normal person, of course, thinks about this issue, but is not afraid.

Is it true that many men are afraid to enter into a relationship, because they are simply afraid of long and hard breakups?

No ... Rather, they are afraid of a long and difficult relationship.

They say there is no greater fear for a man than a dentist. Should a wife hold her husband’s hand when he gets to the dentist or is it better topless nurse?

Two more injections of novocaine are better, and let the dentist do his job.

What do you think men are most afraid of in old age?

Awareness of a meaninglessly spent life, and speaking more mundane, is to be poor and sick.

Can anything be said about the masculine character if he did not pass serious life tests?

Trials make a man better, but harder. But it happens that they can make a bastard out of a man. Nevertheless, not everyone is tested, and you need to look for someone who behaves with dignity in ordinary life, and not wait until the test reaches us.

Alexey Yagudin

olympic figure skating champion

Who chooses which country to go on vacation to?

It should always be a compromise. For example, we recently decided where to go: I wanted to go to Thailand, and my wife to France, and so we came to a compromise and chose France.

If a man wants to sleep, and a woman wants to go on an excursion, how to solve the problem?

I don’t know how in other families, neither my wife nor I are interested in museums on vacation - and this is the key to a good rest. Unfortunately, museums assume the vertical position of visitors, and we prefer the horizontal.

Is there a force that can make a man not look at topless vacationers?

No, it never was and never will be.

And can our companion walk along the beach without the top of a swimsuit?

We are the owners, therefore, most likely, we will object.

Why does a man even go on vacation?

Personally, I only go because my wife is tired and wants to go on vacation.

Does a man sometimes need to leave alone on vacation?

If we remove the word vacation in this question, then this question turns into a statement.

If a man reads a book all vacation, does this mean that the girl is not interesting to him?

This question guarded me! Because it’s just that my wife is reading the whole vacation. I will have to ask her.

Is it true that all men dream about sex on the beach?

On the beach in the Maldives - perhaps I'm not sure about the beaches of the Rybinsk reservoir.

Do men want thousands of vacation photos?

I think it's better to take some good photos, and then their value will immediately increase.

Who should keep track of whether a passport, tickets, etc. are taken.

Woman of course!

What annoys you on vacation?

1. Not quite cultural compatriots.

2. Their number.

3. Meeting with them again on the way home.

How many days from a five-day vacation can a woman spend on shopping?

With me - an hour. As much as you want without me.

What is the best thing for a woman not to take with her on vacation so as not to spoil his man?

A large number of suitcases.

Artem Balaev

general producer of International Fashion Week in St. Petersburg AURORA FASHION WEEK Russia and the largest gastronomic festival in Russia, “ODA! FOOD!"

Who decides whether a woman is well dressed, her man, or herself?

I think that whether a woman is well dressed is decided by other women, therefore it is better for us men to not get involved in this issue.

The woman "all in a leopard" is ...

This is a part of my life. Simple everyday scene in the kitchen.

Why can linen with down or gilding lead to a divorce or decrease in libido?

Fluff and gilding and other vicious wardrobe items are no longer in trend.

Do I need to drag a man with me to a fashion show?

You just need to, before inviting a man to a fashion show, specify whether this is a fashion show for men or women.

Is it true that skinny models are not a sex symbol for 90 percent of men?

It’s hard to say, I was never interested in models in this sense, perhaps because they were always there ...

Do men understand why two pairs of shoes are not enough?

Shoes are the sexiest item in women's wardrobe. Of course, not enough!

Why is it a bad idea to ask if a dress comes after it is already bought?

At least in some ways, a man always wants to be honest and sincere, so we often answer the question “does the dress go” differently than the woman would like.

How important is a woman's taste in clothing for a man?

For me, the taste of a woman in clothes is even more important than her appearance, because sometimes a good frame saves not the most outstanding picture in the interior.

Why are rhinestones on nails a crime?

Rhinestones are a crime on any part of the female body!

Do men like to give women clothes?

I have a dusty note in my iPhone with the dimensions of my girlfriend, but I don’t risk using it. Because it’s better not to.

How exactly should a woman explain that she does not like the way a man is dressed?

There are questions in which men would be happy to evade responsibility, for example, how they are dressed. So feel free to give recommendations.

Vladimir Morev

urologist-andrologist of the highest category, chief physician of the International Center for Reproductive Medicine

Is it true that if a man's temperature rises to 36.9, all households should grieve and prepare for the worst?

If the "patient" is not a complete hypochondriac, he most likely will not notice such a temperature. And in the case when the mercury column climbed above 37, others should be treated with understanding.

How to behave a woman so that the man recovered faster?

There is no other way than to surround the man with care and affection. And it is also necessary to provide the patient with delicious meals, plenty of drinks and a warm bed.

If, after all, the disease is really serious, how can I get a man to go to the doctor, follow his instructions and take everything prescribed?

If the patient has already realized that this is a serious matter, he will run as cute: he will hand over everything that is needed, measure everything that is needed, accept everything that is needed.

What is more harmful - lack of sleep or re-drinking?

Lack of sleep with a binge is perhaps the worst.

Is it true that for health a man should have sex at least two to three times a week?

If a magazine clipping with my answer is hung over the family box as an argument against a headache, then yes, three times a minimum, better often. But seriously, if a man has sex “for health”, I can’t help him in anything, other specialists are engaged in this.

If a man was going to conquer Everest, not being ready to climb the fifth floor, how exactly should he be dissuaded?

No need to dissuade, the main thing for us is to see the goal. And there will be resources, a second wind will open, and any peaks will be submitted.

Which doctors are men most afraid of?

Being a man and a doctor, I fear the incompetent. And the rating, according to my observations, is about this: a dentist, a urologist, an obstetrician in the maternity ward at the very moment when the wife gives birth.

Is it true that practically any problems with potency are curable and it is not worth throwing a man the field of first failure?

I will answer seriously: modern medicine is able to solve almost any problems with potency.

Does a nurse suit work better than Viagra?

But this question is worthy of a clinical study!

Alexander Belkovich

ginza Project Brand Chef

Is it true that in a woman, men are primarily looking for a cook, and only then a lover?

Of course, yes, especially some time after the relationship. But in my case the opposite is true!

Can men eat the same thing all year long if they like it?

They can! But sometimes it's better to alternate potatoes with pasta.

How to make a man wash the dishes?

To say that after washing the dishes there will be dessert, and even better sex.

If you send a man to the store for groceries, then he will definitely buy the wrong one?

I do not agree. The main thing is to give input data correctly.

The best lover is a hungry lover. So?

Absolutely not. But still better not overeating.

Is it true that if a man does not like fried potatoes, is he either a serial killer or a rag?

That's for sure! A normal man should love fried potatoes. If you do not like, either a bore or an abnormal one!

How to ask him not to cook this his favorite salad anymore, because even the dog refuses to eat it?

I am cynical in this matter. I must say bluntly.

If a man gave you a frying pan, does this mean that he has a lover?

This is a good sign. So, he expects something more than sex, and certainly does not mean that he got a mistress.

Should a woman drinking beer from a bottle on the street be burned at the stake?

If at the metro station, it is ugly, and it is unlikely for attractive people like me. And if drinking wine from a bottle in a beautiful dress and high heels is cool.

Watching cooking shows equates to a trip to mother-in-law?

In my case, this is great! I like to watch cooking shows, and my mother-in-law is cool.

Alexander Malich

tV presenter, radio host, journalist, TEFI laureate

Should a woman love a man’s mother more than all her relatives combined?

Of course not, but: if the husband’s family has a big business, built on the principle of matriarchy, then it should. For sure, nothing is shining on the faithful, and she invests in her own leadership position!

If a man’s mother behaves in the apartment of a young couple, like Obama in Libya, how should a woman protect her rights?

Consider alliance with other “oppressed” leaders (for example, the wife of a husband’s brother). It is possible to connect lobbyists in the form of a husband, as well as the organization of the “fifth column”. The father-in-law is recruited as a leader. Depending on the specific conditions, the father-in-law and the husband can change roles. It is important not to bring to sanctions.

Should a woman complain to a man’s mother about a man and report all his misconduct?

Such tactics can lead to short-term successes, but there will certainly be a sudden and sharp rebound.

Does getting to know my mother mean a woman’s right to jointly acquired property?

There is no property, but there’s a chance that after meeting her mother she will not see any property or groom anymore.

How to tell a man that getting to know his mother is not the limit of women's dreams?

Better at all. If only this evening, it is not planned to get acquainted with the mother of another man.

What should a woman do if the man’s mother doesn’t really love her?

Rejoicing that a man loves her. Now, if he doesn’t really like, then you can start asking yourself the question: “Why am I such a fool, didn’t I get the wrong one again?”

If a man does not want to introduce a woman to his mother, whom is he most likely afraid of upsetting - a woman or mother?

He is afraid to upset himself. Their friendship can put an end to football and the bathhouse.

If a man’s mother asks for something in this very man, should I listen to her?

Listen - yes, touch up - no. It may turn out ideal, but it is difficult for him to make claims.

The phrase "husband out of him is worthless," said by the man’s mother, always means "I think you’re a worthless wife to my son"?

No, it means "Let's have a drink."

Dmitry Filatov

founder and CEO of the international dating service TOPFACE

What does a man pay attention to when acquaintance in the first place: how is she dressed, what size of her breasts, is a manicure done, does she correctly speak how old she is?

Actually, it doesn’t matter what a certain average man pays attention to when meeting them. One of my friends paid attention exclusively to the shape of the teeth, for example. It is important that you need those men who are of interest to you. Need an intellectual - pay attention to intelligence.

If a man met a woman in a club and did not call the next day, does this mean that she is an ugly loser?

If this is a one-time story, then most likely you came across an idiot who lost your (or yours!) Phone, forgot your name, etc.

At what second of acquaintance should a woman report that she is looking for a man for marriage and a serious relationship?

Purely from the point of view of saving resources, the most correct tactic is to declare your intentions immediately after the exchange of basic information.

If a man called for a coffee, do you need to immediately go to his house?

A noticeable number of attractive men are found solely for the sake of sex, and the easiest way to verify this is to go to their house and have sex. But they will disappear after that.

Should a woman in a relationship necessarily establish the status of "in a relationship"?

Of course! This is the fastest way to convey to all the envious bitch that you finally found a man! Aerobatics, of course, is for him to do this on his page.

How should a woman behave if she finds her husband’s profile on a dating site for the sake of casual sex?

Create a profile with depraved photos from the Internet and chat with her husband. If you have enough patience and faith in his future correction, you can get a lot of pleasure and discourage your husband from the desire to seek love on the side for many years.

Secret sexual fantasies of men

We learned from men what thoughts they have in their heads: the most seductive places for sex, exciting games and unexpected roles. It seems that we have a reason to be smart and take part in the hottest adventure that will lift your man to heaven and back. Perhaps even a few times.

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Sexiest Santas on Instagram

There is very little time left until the New Year, and you still have no festive mood? See our selection of the sexiest men in the image of Santa Claus on Instagram.

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Insta-sexy: Peter Ferro

Every week we find the hottest guy in the “subscriptions” of our editorial office and share our find with you. Meet the hottest guy of the week according to Cosmo.

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A man said: what does your beloved call you?

In the heat of passion, he called you sweet bubuleh? One can wonder for a long time what has come over him, but it is better to give the floor to Anton Zorkin. He seems to understand why men in bed sometimes say something strange.

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The bare truth: revealing a good lover

You have not seen each other, but in correspondence he has already appeared as the god of sex. Is a virtual acquaintance really good, how is he painting himself? Anton Makarenko - about the main signs of a skilled lover.

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Insta-sexy: Andrey Baida

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Insta-sexy: Lesha Polikarpov

Cosmo's hottest guy of the week.

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Nerves, nerves! How to calm a man

Your beloved lost their nerves, he is in a rage! What can calm him down? Our author Evgeny Schepin chose a safe moment and asked the men themselves about this.

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What words excite him?

Seven men told us which words of the partner excite them during, before and after sex, and which lead to confusion.

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How to understand what a man wants?

Men say women are hard to understand. Themselves are good! Journalist Igor Malinin clarifies the true meaning of the “nice guy” excuses.

Having become acquainted with signs of an ideal husband, it’s easy to decide how much your husband meets your expectations. According to surveys conducted by sociologists among women aged 20-50, an ideal husband should have the following qualities of character:

Responsibility, if he promised something, he will surely fulfill it;
- determination, he does not go with the flow, but always tries to achieve more than what he has;
- he is kind and caring, respects his wife and never forgets to give her gifts for the holidays;
- knows how to control himself, is not lost in difficulties;
- he is not greedy, does not ask his wife to report where she spends money;

He loves his children and believes in them, is ready to invest in their hobbies with money;
- he is smart, knows the answers to all questions and gives the right advice;
- he does not change or upset his wife with bad behavior;

It is always interesting with him; he knows how to defuse the situation with an appropriate joke;
- he avoids quarrels and scandals, does not scream to prove his innocence;
- he never refuses to help his wife, if her requests are appropriate;
- he is able to cook, wash, wash dishes and maintain order in the house on his own, but does not take on all women's responsibilities at home, but only helps her if necessary.

Having general idea of \u200b\u200ban ideal husband   it’s easy to determine what kind of husband you have and how much it matches an ideal that does not exist, but which all women dream of. In order to determine whether your husband is good or not, answer the questions below and calculate the number of points next to the answers you have chosen:

1. Your husband promised you that on vacation you will eat with your whole family to relax in Turkey., summer has come and soon you have to go on vacation, and at this time:
- you have no doubt that you will go to Turkey - 3 points;
- you think that you will not go to Turkey, most likely, you will have to relax where tickets are cheaper - 2 points;
- you are sure that the husband will change his plans, and you will not go anywhere - 0 points.

2. The husband usually gives you:
- souvenirs, perfumes, manicure and other pleasant things - 0 points;
- jewelry and clothes - 3 points;
- flowers - 1 point.

3. During a quarrel husband:
- threatens with divorce - 1 point;
- reproaches you and calls you a lazy person, a spender and a parasite - 0 points;
- silent or advised not to start again - 3 points.

4. Saying goodbye to you, before going to work or somewhere else, husband:
- kisses you - 3 points;
- picks up the bin - 0 points;
- Reminds you what you need to do and says “Bye” - 2 points.

5. As a screensaver on the screen of his phone is:
- nature landscape or beautiful drawing - 0 points;
- your photo or photo of the son (daughter) - 2 points;
- a snapshot of a cool car that he wants to buy - 2 points.

6. You without the permission of your husband spent a large amount of money from the family budget, having learned about this husband:
- keep silent, pretending that nothing happened - 3 points;
- reminds you that you agreed that you will not spend total money secretly from each other - 2 points;
- will throw a scandal and take the total money away from you - 0 points.

7. You told your husband about your problems at work, to which he said:
- why tell me this, I can’t help you anyway - 0 points;
- Do not be upset, everything will be fine, you just need to pay less attention to the antics of some employees - 2 points;
- advises to quit and offers help finding a calmer job - 3 points.

8. When you come to visit friends or relatives who have children, your husband:
- always plays with them - 3 points;
- does not pay any attention to children - 0 points;
- says that they are very cute - 1 point.

9. Imagine your husband won one million rubles in the lottery, when he finds out about this, he immediately calls:
- and offers you to think about where you spend them - 2 points;
- Mom, whom he always helps - 2 points;
- to a friend, to boast - 1 point.

10. In your opinion, your husband loves most:
- go in for sports - 1 point;
- their children - 2 points;
- beautiful girls, he is a real womanizer - 0 points.

If your amount is:

0 - 10 pointsthen you are lucky with your husband. He is a charming, purposeful and successful man. Its only drawback is that it rarely helps you around the house, confident that a man should provide for his family, and preparing, washing and putting things in order in the house is not a man’s business.

11 - 18 points, then your husband is an ordinary family man. You can talk with him on any topic, he will always understand and support you. And what a good father he is, you can leave children with him at any time and for any period. True, he does not earn much and is offended when you complain about a lack of money.

19 - 30 points, then you and your husband are never bored and scared. Beside him, you always feel weak and confident that he will always protect you and will never leave you alone in trouble. There is only one thing that upsets you about him - he works hard to provide you with a luxurious life and is rarely at home, but you really want to watch TV with him or just lie down, feeling a strong shoulder nearby.

Husbands are truly great people. What a pity that good spouses do not grow on trees. If your soulmate does these 13 things, then you can consider yourself the happiest woman who got the best husband in the world.

He conquers your heart regularly

Such a gentleman takes care of his wife: gives her flowers, invites to dates, arranges romantic surprises. The ideal husband understands that a woman is not enough to conquer once. And he shows her his love day after day.

Spouses should be for each other not only cohabitants and lovers, but also faithful advisers. If the husband really trusts the opinion of his wife, then the choice in his favor is made correctly. No, it’s not about keeping the lover “under the heel”. But making important decisions together is a valuable opportunity in the family.

He praises you in front of his friends.

Has your spouse ever told his comrades how lucky he was with his wife? Perhaps you just have not heard. After all, the ideal husband will not necessarily say such things for show. But you can be sure that something like this will fall from his mouth.

He lowers the toilet lid

There is nothing worse than commonplace household problems. Therefore, it is not difficult for a good spouse to remember some simple rules so as not to upset you. After all, in order to lower the lid of the toilet, it will take only a couple of seconds.

He holds your hand

It doesn’t matter where you are going - to visit your parents, to a restaurant or just to a store, a truly loving man will firmly squeeze your palm. In this way, he shows his concern.

He is not into pornography

For a better husband, you will be the only attractive woman. So forget about the dreams of an ideal wife if he regularly reviews erotic magazines.

He puts up with your character once a month

Whatever your loving wife, you periodically turn into an evil beast. After all, no one has canceled the hormonal explosions. A good husband understands this.

He helps you with household chores.

If a man appreciates and respects his woman, then he will not make her a housekeeper. He realizes that you, too, get tired at work, and therefore will always help with cleaning, washing or other things. Moreover, with common efforts, homework will be completed faster, and perhaps there will even be time for a romantic evening.

He laughs with you

What could be better than sharing fun? It's so great when you both laugh at the same things. This brings together and makes even more appreciate your partner. And let the whole world not understand you - the main thing is that you feel good together.

He is a support for his family

It is hard for an ideal spouse to give all the best to 100 at work, but he does it for those who are waiting for him at home. Such a man never ceases to make every effort to any business.

He always eats what you cooked.

Even if you are far from a chef, a loving husband will eat the dinner offered to him with a smile on his face. He would never show that the food was tasteless.

He develops his relationship with God

No, you do not have to marry a priest. But for a good spouse it will only be a plus if he recognizes the power of the Almighty.

He's trying to get better for you.

Even if your husband is far from perfect, this is no reason not to consider him the best in the world. If a man is constantly working on himself to become better for his woman, then he deserves this title.