Control tests in the discipline “Psychology of the family and family education. Family, gender tests Psychological tests for a young family

          Often parents ask themselves: “Who is my child? How does a child know the world? The feelings of a small person are from six to eight (some seriously think that“ my child is a telepath ”). However, it is safe to calculate what feeling my child has developed more.

If you can say with confidence: My child 3   years already as the world perceives through sight (touch, hearing), then you do not have to take this test, you can immediately look at the result and then already think about what the child will do in the summer.

So let's see what our children?

Your baby's vision dominates

He is above all viewer   and only then the actor, he absorbs the pictures like a sponge. Likes to watch, draw, paint.

What to do with such a child?

  Such a kid studies the world primarily through external images. If you want to expand his vocabulary, you need to show him pictures, wait for him to comprehend them, and then pronounce the corresponding words. Two values \u200b\u200bfor further perception, sound and figurative, must be communicated separately. This is your trump card training!

Start with a drawing, painting, sculpture, in short, with the arts that will allow you to show its figurative taste. Such a child is able to mentally imagine objects and terrain, he copes well with the game as a tracker, reading maps and plans that make him work with his sense of geometry in space and orientation.

Your baby is dominated by touch

Already in infancy, he wanted to grab everything that came to hand.

  Give him objects, let us touch them, and then ask them to name, count or describe. Also allow him to "cling" to you: communicating in this way, our little "Velcro" will be able to establish good relations with you. Such games for children are useful, of course, only until the age when this will not bother you.

Use it!

Such games for children are useful, of course, while child age lets say to others: "these children are so cute." It is necessary to offer him such situations in which movement and communication would occur simultaneously. If a child is passionate about something, restraining him can cause frustration and even aggression.

Your baby's hearing is dominant

"Auditory"   the child perceives, sometimes with incredible acuity, all the sounds that he hears. While he is growing, it is often easier for him than other children to learn the language.

How to handle such a child?

Since the baby is sensitive to words, it is important for him that you show him objects, specifying their names. You must first name the objects and only then show them. He perfectly learns information through rhythm and dancing. This is your trump card!

Such children rarely remain alone in the yard! Thanks to a well-developed hearing, the kid has a pronounced ability to communicate. Therefore, instead of individual sports, offer him a group in which he will have the opportunity to express himself, or a studio of fairy tales, a circus, a theater.

After living together for some time, many begin to think about the question, and at what stage of development are our relations, is it time to change something in them. helps you sort out your doubts. The test consists of two parts: for the wife and for the husband. For each question, choose one of three possible answers.


For husband

1. Do you spend at least half your free time with your wife?

2. Do you use every opportunity to praise your wife, express your admiration for her?

3. Do you refrain from comparing your wife with your mother or your friend’s wife regarding cooking, housekeeping, if the comparison is not in favor of your wife?

4. Do you show interest in the intellectual life of your wife, the books she reads, her addictions?

5. Do you thank your wife for the services she provides you (laundry, etc.)?

6. Do you allow her to communicate with other men and accept friendly signs of attention from them without making jealous comments?

7. Do you ensure that you do not criticize your wife in the presence of strangers?

8. Do you still continue to care for your wife, presenting her gifts, showing constant signs of attention?

9. Do you allow her to spend part of the money from the general budget at her discretion?

10. Do you try to delve into the problems of your wife and help her in difficult times?

For wife

1. Do you live in the interests of your husband?

2. Do you compare him to other more successful men?

3. Do you make efforts to make your home more comfortable?

4. Do you give your spouse complete freedom in his affairs?

5. Do you consider your husband’s taste and interests when buying certain things?

6. Do you try to spend your free time, taking into account the interests of your husband?

7. If you disagree, do you make concessions?

8. Do you follow the news and other events, facts in order to understand the intellectual interests of your husband?

9. Do you refrain from criticizing your husband’s friends?

10. Do you have a varied menu?

11. Do you make efforts to live in harmony with your husband’s mother and other relatives?

12. Do you complain about how your husband manages his time?

13. Are you able to withstand financial difficulties?


Count the total number of points. The answer “yes” is estimated at 0 points, “occasionally” - at 1 point, “no” - at 2 points.

Test results

0-5 points. Your family life and the relations established between you are quite prosperous. Your marriage partner feels appreciation towards you. Your opinion is of great importance to him. The partner sees in you I am an excellent interlocutor, a reliable and caring friend.

5-10 points. There is some instability in your relationship. Sometimes there is indifference on your part. But special conflicts do not arise.

10-15 points. Relations in your family are strained. Each spouse feels dissatisfaction. There is a deep misunderstanding between you. The partner is not interested in the reason for your actions and considers you selfish (ohm). All this leads to frequent quarrels and conflicts in the family. Spouse (a) because of this finds other hobbies, not at all connected with family life. The reasons lie in your frivolous and sometimes selfish attitude towards the partner and his feelings. You need to think about it, and as soon as possible.

15-20 points. Your family relationships are on the verge of breaking. Your partner only formally considers himself your spouse. Each of you has your own life, mutual understanding is alien to you. It is possible that your partner has long had other interests that are not related to the family.

“For me there is no better friend in the world”

Surely you have often wondered what actually attracted you to this man? Absolutely not being handsome and not giving out smart speeches, he remains the most beloved person for you. After passing this test, you can answer the question, why did you choose it? Mark those answers that match your feelings.


1. When you compare him to other men, does he seem more attractive to you?

A) he is the most attractive of all men;

B) he is attractive, but this is not the main criterion for me in choosing a life partner;

C) sometimes he is beautiful, and sometimes terrible;

D) he looks good, but there are men who are prettier than him.

2. Who do you think is the strongest in your family?

B) both are equal;

C) it happens differently;

3. Do you feel safe with him?

A) yes, always;

B) a little;

B) rarely;

D) in principle, yes.

4. Does he happen to be aggressive towards you?

A) yes, but he doesn’t think so;

B) never;

B) yes, and it is unpleasant for me;

D) very rarely.

5. Do you know him well?

A) enough;

B) I know a lot about him;

C) I do not cease to be surprised;

D) I know absolutely everything about him.

6. Is he lucky compared to other men?

A) he succeeds;

C) it only creates the appearance of well-being;

D) he complicates everything.

7. Do you criticize each other?

A) he often gives advice, and I undoubtedly accept them;

B) we both try not to criticize each other;

C) constant criticism just annoys me;

D) everything is relative.

8. How do you spend your free time?

A) I would like to rest together, but I have an understanding of his desire to rest alone;

B) spend it together;

C) too often are together;

D) separately.

9. Compared with other men, can he claim the title of the most courageous?

A) he is quite courageous;

B) no, and I would not want this;

C) unlikely, but this is enough for me;

D) yes, sometimes he is just masculinity itself.

10. Which of the two of you more often resorts to the advice of the other?

D) none of us.

11. What is your spouse with your friends?

A) he is always in the spotlight;

B) is on the sidelines;

B) sets the tone;

D) the favorite of the company.

12. Which of you always has the last word in resolving any issue?

A) we always find a common language;

B) we always need a lot of time to solve any issues;

C) we always have heated debates;

D) the decision depends on me.

13. Have you ever thought of getting away from him?

A, b) no;

14. Are there any rivals among your fans for your favor?

A) no, because he does not allow this;

B) no, because I am a faithful spouse;

B) rarely;

D) yes, quite often.

15. How does he evaluate his past relationships?

A) bad, can not understand how this could happen;

B) still offended;

C) speaks about them quite calmly;

C) recalls them with pleasure.

16. What excites you the most when you think about your husband?

A) happy that I am next to him;

B) I feel that I love him very much;

C) it all depends on the moment and circumstances;

D) His love has a very positive effect on me.

17. If your husband returns home in the morning, your actions.

A) just waiting;

B) gently provoke him to be frank;

C) I behave calmly, hoping that he will tell everything;

D) I roll the stage for him.

18. What does he unfairly reproach you with?

A) in helplessness;

B) in omniscience;

B) in sharpness;

D) in hostility.

19. Your attitude to the former fan.

A) I feel close to him;

B) I am on friendly terms;

C) keep a distance;

D) I feel awe at a meeting.

20. Which of the four statements is closest to you?

A) my husband helps me to feel the taste of life, to show my abilities;

B) my husband makes me feel that he needs me;

C) if something doesn’t suit my husband in me, he immediately tells me about it;

D) my husband is trying to follow my advice.


Count the answers under which letter you repeat more often than others.

Test results

Most answers are under the letter “a”. You are not just the husband’s beloved wife, but you are his ardent admirer. Many things connect you with him: affection, trust, and understanding. He is for you an object of adoration. Remember: behind every successful man is a successful woman. It was you who brought him to the place of honor. Often you yourself prefer to be in the shade, giving the opportunity to reveal in all your spouse. But do not nevertheless too deify him, there must be a place for criticism.

Most answers are under the letter “b”. You would like not to part with your husband for a minute. You cannot go your own way. You are constantly trying to patronize your spouse. When choosing a partner, you relied mainly on such qualities as loyalty and devotion. For everyday worries, trying to please your husband in everything, you forget about your pleasures and often about the pleasures of your husband. At least try to be selfish.

Answers under the letter “c”. You are one in body and soul. You were looking for an independent and adult partner. Both of you are constantly fighting for power, because independent men are not used to giving in, they are used to being leaders. It would be much easier if you at least sometimes made it clear that you need protection and guardianship. Isn't that why you were looking for such a man?

Answers under the letter "g". You constantly strive to be a leader. No one and nothing can keep you in your pursuit. Your spouse can only meekly accept you for who you are. With flirting, you can quickly melt his heart. He is very attached to you and sometimes feels insecure, you feel it well and sometimes criticize him for it, because in fact you were looking for a stronger partner.

Family budget

Are you planning your family budget efficiently? Do you often argue about this? In fact, it depends on the personality of each person and is laid down in early childhood. This test will help you find answers to many questions. Both spouses must pass the test. Just choose the answer that suits you best.


1. Who in your family used to make financial decisions?

C) both father and mother;

D) others.

2. Did your parents have:

A) total money for all expenses;

B) both individual and total money;

C) another section of money.

3. In your childhood, did your mother work outside the home?

C) sometimes yes.

4. How would you rate your ability to cope with financial problems?

A) excellent;

B) good;

B) medium;

D) bad.

5. If you suddenly received 50 thousand rubles, then:

A) would spend it all on running expenses;

B) would put aside everything;

C) would pay all debts and bills;

D) part would be spent, and part - postponed.

6. How would you describe your attitude to money?

A) they are always in short supply;

B) usually they are enough, but I barely make ends meet;

C) I spend very economically, thinking about what else I can buy.

7. How, in your opinion, should financial issues be resolved in marriage?

A) the spouses should have a common budget, but one of them should deal with the regulation of these issues;

B) the spouses must have a common budget, and they must jointly decide on expenses;

C) the spouses must keep the money separately, and for general expenses there should be a general cash desk.

8. You feel good spending money on:

A) oneself (clothing, entertainment, travel);

B) friends (gifts);

C) other family members;

D) other matters.

9. Do you think that a wife (husband) should work in a specialty?

A) of course, yes;

C) yes, provided that the children no longer require full care and guardianship, or in connection with the financial situation in the family.


For each answer that matches the answer of the spouse, you get 10 points. For each answer that does not match, but is very similar - 5 points. For completely different answers - 0 points.

Test results

80-100 points. You can perfectly solve “financial problems on your own. Each of you does an excellent job with these questions.

60-80 points. Your small abilities in solving financial problems can become a source of certain difficulties, but everything is fixable. 40-60 points. Big financial problems are gradually growing between you. This has become a huge barrier that may prove insurmountable.

Less than 40 points. You are strictly forbidden to make even the slightest expense without consulting a person competent in this field. Your family’s financial situation is on the verge of collapse.

Do you keep your love?

Can you, after living a certain time in marriage, keep your love? Have you lost your feelings yet? If you want to know the answers to these questions, take this simple test, which requires only a definite answer “yes” or “no”. The test is divided into two parts: for the wife and for the husband.


1. My husband is often angry with me.

2. My husband is happy to share my hobbies.

3. My husband believes that we are different.

4. My husband likes the way I look.

5. My husband understands me.

6. The husband does not approve of my girlfriends.

7. Sometimes it seems to me that I am not suitable for my husband.

8. My husband encourages me all the time.

9. My husband would like me to be more dependent on him.

10. My husband considers me too romantic.

11. My husband likes me for who I am.

12. The husband sometimes chuckles at me.

13. My husband does not always approve of my actions.

14. The husband is quite happy with our personal life.

15. My husband is trying to treat me as an equal.

16. My husband admits that he is not always right.

17. My husband perceives me not only as a wife, but also as a close friend.

18. The husband is not jealous of my male friends.

19. I sometimes get embarrassed by my husband.

20. My husband admits that I can have my own opinion.

21. My husband sometimes talks about my shortcomings to his friends.

22. My husband is jealous of all my friends.

23. My husband believes in me.

24. A husband is pleased with my success at work.

25. My husband appreciates me greatly.

26. My husband respects my desires.

27. My husband likes my independence.

28. My husband often offends me.

29. My husband is unreasonably jealous.

30. Most likely I do not meet his ideas about the ideal wife.


Test results

26-30 points. Your marriage is successful. Your husband loves and respects you, love does not leave your family. You are lucky to meet such a person. You have a long and happy marriage.

21-25 points. You feel that the husband understands and appreciates you, but not everything is smooth in your relationship. Sometimes there is a misunderstanding. But this cannot be an obstacle to your love. You just need to be a little more frank with each other and not be afraid of heart-to-heart talk.

16-20 points. You often doubt your husband’s feelings towards you, and for good reason: sometimes he is really cold with you. Talk to your husband, maybe not everything is as scary as it seems.

Less than 15 points. You are completely uncomfortable with your husband. There are not only mutual understanding, but also feelings. And love is unlikely to survive in such conditions.

For husband

1. My wife understands me.

2. My wife considers me a good father.

3. My wife believes that I am obsessed with work.

4. My wife believes in me.

5. My wife is very jealous.

6. My wife is pleased with the distribution of our responsibilities.

7. My wife treats me as an equal.

8. My wife is too critical of me.

9. My wife is not embarrassed by my business relationship with female colleagues.

10. The wife is often angry with me.

11. I have something to hide from my wife.

12. My wife considers me attractive.

13. My wife believes that I am not emotional enough.

14. The wife does not approve of my meetings with friends.

15. The wife knows how to cope with my attacks of boyhood.

16. If in a company I’m not very confident in the presence of my wife, she is upset.

17. The wife wants me to be more romantic.

18. My wife shares my passions.

19. It seems to me that I do not quite live up to the expectations of my wife.

20. My wife would like to spend more free time with me.

21. My wife often points out my shortcomings.

22. My wife thinks that I will soon be completely dependent on her.

23. My wife is happy with our personal life.

24. My wife knows how to care for me without becoming intrusive.

25. My wife likes me the way I am.

26. My wife gets along well with my parents.

27. My wife believes that marital relations should be strictly controlled.

28. My wife can humiliate me with strangers.

29. My wife is comfortable in the company of my friends.

30. My wife can make me feel guilty.


Calculate the amount of points you have earned.

Test results

26-30 points. You have complete harmony. The wife loves and accepts you as you are. Love will live forever in your home.

21-25 points. Your family happiness is largely based on the care, affection and understanding of your wife. It’s not always perfect for you, but on the whole your marriage can be called happy.

16-20 points. The wife does not trust you enough, sometimes she is critical. The feeling of disapproval may become permanent over time. Think about your behavior, look at its behavior, weigh everything and only then draw any conclusions. Discuss with your wife the moments that concern you. Perhaps your love still has a chance for a long and happy future. The main thing is not to lose time.

15 and less points. It seems to you that tender feelings, love and family are not about your relationship, and this, unfortunately, is true. It's time to raise the question not about how long love will live, but how to revive it.

Final test on the course "Family Psychology"

1. “Communal marriage”, including a group of men and women, is called: A) single marriage B) dyadic marriage C) triadic marriage D) group marriageD) there is no correct answer.

2. Families in which there is only one parent taking care of children are called: A) prosperous B) dysfunctional C) complete

D) incompleteD) mixed.

3. A distinctive feature of the family, from among other small groups, is such a psychological feature as: A) family goals B) a married couple C) a much longer period of close acquaintance between its members D) the versatility and significance of family relations, and their relationship E) all answers are correct.

4. Adoption of a specific family-wide standard, opinion, measure of "submission" to the intra-family pressure of a new family member is called: A) conformismB) group cohesion C) family co-ordination D) psychological compatibility D) there is no right answer

5. The function of the family, which determines the biological reproduction and preservation of offspring, procreation, is called: A) reproductive

B) household and household C) educational D) economic and material D) there is no right answer.

6. A marriage in which each spouse takes the same position as he had with respect to brothers or sisters in a parental family is called: A) complementary marriageB) partially complementary marriage; C) non-complementary marriage; D) meta-complementary marriage; D) there is no correct answer.

7. Problem families that make mutual concessions and compromises are called: A) problematicB) conflict; C) crisis; D) dysfunctional; D) there is no right answer.

8. The last option of disturbed parenting (behavior) is:

A) maternal care

B) maternal deprivation

C) affiliation

D) empathy

D) alienation

9. The form of marriage and family relations, which is not an alternative marriage, is called: A) intimate friendship B) homosexual marriage C) group marriage D) residential communities D) legal marriage.

10. The professional and educational growth of a woman, the high mortality rate of the male population are prerequisites for the occurrence of: A) open marriage B) deliberately childless marriage C) loneliness D) unregistered cohabitation E) extramarital sex.

11. The principle of open marriage is not: A) a trend of respect for the personal life of a partnerB) openness of communication C) the tendency of mobility and flexibility of role-based communication D) closed partnership: to have common interests, circle of common friends E) trust: a combination of “statistical” trust with “dynamic” trust.

12. The presence of parents allows us to classify families into: A) monogamous and polygamous B) incomplete and completeC) registered marriages and actual marriages D) endogamous and exogamous D) patriarchal and matriarchal.

13. Depending on the number of children, families are divided into: A) monogamous and polygamous B) incomplete and complete C) small children, medium children, large childrenD) endogamous, exogamous D) patriarchal and matriarchal.

14. The system of actions and relationships that mediate the satisfaction of sexual desire, sexual need, is called: A) sexual behaviorB) premarital behavior; C) marital behavior; D) reproductive behavior; D) there is no correct answer.

15. The parenting style, which is characteristic of indulging all the desires of the child, excessive adoration and protection, resulting in a high level of claims of the child, an unbridled desire for leadership and superiority, combined with insufficient perseverance and reliance on one’s own resources, is called:

A) emotional rejection

B) hypo-care

C) "the idol of the family"

D) hyperprotection

D) there is no correct answer

16. The trap of love, into which an insecure person falls when showing attention and care to him, is called: A) the inferiority trapB) the trap of pity; C) the trap of sexual comfort; D) the trap of common interests; D) there is no right answer.

17. The compatibility of value orientations, personal and psychophysiological characteristics of partners, is called: A) psychologicalB) social; C) biological; D) economic; D) legal.

18. Adaptation of a person in the sphere of marriage and family relations implies adaptation: A) to temperament, the nature of the partner B) to new responsibilities, rights C) to the needs, habits of the partner D) to the values \u200b\u200bof the partner E) all answers are correct.

19. The cause of marital conflicts is dissatisfaction: A) sexual needs B) hypertrophic needs C) physiological needs D) mutual assistance, mutual support E) all answers are correct.

20. The system or the totality of the parental emotional attitude towards the child, the child’s perception by the parent and ways of dealing with him, is called:

A) parenting style

B) control method

C) family relationships

D) behavior strategy

D) there is no correct answer

21. The choice of a marriage partner, the unconscious transfer of love for parents of the opposite sex to their potential spouses, involves: A) psychoanalytic theory of Z. FreudB) the theory of complementary needs of R. Winch; C) the instrumental theory of selection of spouses of R. Centerers; D) the theory of “stimulus-value-role” of B. Murstein; D) the theory of “filters” of A. Kerkhoff and K. Davis

22. The need that arises when experiencing difficulties in their personal self-realization without the presence of children and an appropriate number is called: A) reproductive behavior B) reproductive attitude C) reproductive norm D) the need for childrenD) there is no correct answer.

23. The component of the parental attitude, including a system of knowledge and ideas for building strategies and tactics of education, is called: A) evaluative B) cognitiveB) behavioral; D) emotional; D) there is no right answer.

24. The role of the child in the family, reflecting the mutual discontent of the spouses, is called: A) "scapegoat",B) “favorite” C) “conciliator” D) “baby” D) “tyrant”.

25. The role of the child in the family (according to VN Druzhinin), which determines the feeling of loneliness, uselessness, futility, is called: A) "child burden"B) “child-slave” C) “child-lover” D) “child-weapon” D) “child-deputy”.

26. The stage of the process of family counseling, tracking the dynamics of the development of the family, accumulating information about it, is called: A) preparatory B) tuning B) diagnosticG) recommendatory D) control.

27. What is the stage of family counseling at which the psychologist uses procedures such as meeting with the client, general, emotionally-positive attitude of the client, removing psychological barriers to communication: A) preparatoryB) tuning C) diagnostic D) recommendatory D) control

28. Verbal support of statements and actions of the client at the time of consultation is called: A) “mirroring” B) verbal support C) “periphrase” D) “generalization” D) there is no right answer.

29. To study family relationships using:

A) the method of "human Figure"

B) the technique of "Drawing a nonexistent animal"

C) the technique of "Family Drawing"

D) the technique of "Draw a tree"

D) the technique of "geometric shapes"

30. The diagnosis of married couples involves: A) a diagnosis of their relationship B) a diagnosis of the individuality of spouses C) a diagnosis of family values \u200b\u200bD) a diagnosis of family leisure E) all answers are correct.

31. A negative factor in family upbringing is: A) lack of desire for spiritual development of children B) lack of a normal psychological climate in the family C) inconsistency in the application of methods of education D) inflicting severe moral suffering on children E) all answers are correct.

32. Parental love (according to A.S. Spivakovskaya) according to the formula: “Look, what a wonderful child I have, it’s a pity that I don’t have much time to communicate with him,” is called: A) effective love B) estranged love C ) persecution D) contempt D) refusal.

33. The type of parenting of children (according to G. Craig), which determines warm relations, a high level of control, is called: A) authoritative B) authoritarian C) democratic D) liberal D) indifferent.

34. The type of mother, the standard of motherhood, care, benevolence and kindness, is called (according to A.Ya. Varga): A) calm balancedB) anxious C) dreary D) confident domineering D) there is no right answer.

35. For the harmonious development of the child in the family, it is necessary: \u200b\u200bA) to preserve and strengthen his physical health B) to preserve and strengthen his mental health C) to preserve and strengthen his social health D) to harmonize the influence of the family on raising the child E) all answers are correct.

Family relationships differ from romantic love as a real football game from watching a match on TV. Almost all families face crises and many are not ready to overcome them. Difficulties are not the end of a relationship, but the transition to a new level.

For women, the meaning of life is in love - this is old news. Male psychology is different from female psychology, and because of this, disagreements arise in the relationship. You can become a director and the main character of your story of happiness, write your own life script yourself.

The image of a romantic man was somewhat faded, but somewhere deep down every woman would like her chosen one to be gallant, devoted, attentive and helpful. These and other positive qualities add up the character of romance.

Sexologists say that sexual life is full of drama, since disharmony is laid down by nature itself - a man and a woman fulfill their needs for bodily contact in slightly different ways. Good psychological contact helps erase differences.

It is hardly possible to talk about the readiness for marriage, if the motivation is that she wants to leave her parental home, and he is tired of running on dates. It seems to lovers that together they can easily overcome everyday and other problems, I would like this confidence not to leave even after 50 years of marriage.

Surprisingly, mature, sane, smart and good people manage to marry those who are completely unsuitable for them. Life turns into hell, if love becomes the decisive factor in choosing a partner, with a conscious approach, failures are less common.

Relations between people depend on many factors. Psychologists claim that there are clear signs that a person intends to end the relationship and, having found such signs, you can try to prevent such a development of events or prepare yourself for the inevitable.

When a man is in love, he gives out non-verbal signals with sexual overtones against his will. These include, for example, copying the movements, breathing, volume and speech speed of a desired woman. Clearer signs include third-level contacts — touch.

To convict a husband of treason, you do not need to follow him on his heels and put bugs. It is enough to observe him, compare facts and catch all the changes in his behavior. But even obvious evidence is not a reason for scandal, keep your composure.

An association of people that is based on marriage or a kinship is called a family. People in the family are connected by common life, responsibility, and the obligation of mutual assistance. In social development, the family as a social institution of society plays a very important role. Generations of people succeed each other, continuing into the race - in the family the child first acquires knowledge of society., Family members support disabled members.

The family is based on a marriage union concluded by a man and a woman and registered by the state. The reason for the emergence, existence and development of the family are social needs and norms that require family members to take care of each other and of the offspring. The family lives in society and depends on it. In the process of development of society, the family develops with it and yet remains an independent entity.