Online tests for free: for girls and women. Tests for girls Psychological tests for girls 18 years old

P.S. — is it just me or is my comment bigger than the entire test?
Let's start with the test itself and then move on to the questions.
— Number of questions
- Result
- Some questions are very stupid
— Picture as a result
— The result changes depending on one answer option
- Bugs
+ Option “other”
The result for criticism of the test: 3+1-6= -2.
Now we’ve moved on to the questions and the result in more detail, let’s get started.
1. What do you like to do?
I don’t understand why if you cook, it must be delicious food, as the author indicated in parentheses? If a person likes to surf the Internet, is he lazy? Great. What if by the age of 18 a person begins to be active at his full capacity? Stupid question that doesn't solve anything (-)

2. Favorite snack?
Great, even better. How this question help you choose your character or appearance? No, well, that certainly killed me the most. If you answer with the option “other” - I’m a little strange, if you answer with the option “chips” - I’m cute, cheerful, etc.. Author, if you love chips, this does not mean that a person automatically becomes a person with all the most wonderful character traits. Huge stupidity. (-)

3. How do you study?
This question again does not solve anything, because any 10-13 summer girls on this site during this period of time they will study excellently, and some by the age of 15-17 will slide down to C grades, so I even became interested in how this option would affect the result, so I went to check. I returned to the original result, a little strange, and moved on. By changing the “Drgoy” option to the “Excellent” option, I again turned into a cute little girl. By answering “not bad,” I turned into a daring person. What kind of nonsense is this? (-)

4. Favorite color?
Moreover, nothing here solves this issue. If the author approached it psychologically, then it was in vain, because blue is the color of calm, and wow, what a restless person I am. What did I do next? That's right, I came up with the original version - a little strange, let's go, oh. I chose the answer option “Red, yellow” - it didn’t change, I chose the option “Pink, gold” - I’m daring and arrogant. Since when has the color of all the cuties in the world (pink) been a symbol of arrogance? Very interesting, well, as you understand - again nonsense. (-)

5. How do you feel about studying?
I see this question relatively as semantic. But this question makes sense for 25-30 percent out of 100. Let's get started. Perhaps, according to the author’s logic, which is not certain, hatred of learning is expressed by anger, insolence, and love is expressed by mercy and beauty, which I absolutely disagree with. I don't like studying, and yes, I'm quite arrogant and angry. But my classmate loves to study, but at the same time she is far from cute, charming, etc. Let’s move on to an equally important part - rearranging the option (I’ve already moved back to the strange one). I choose the answer option “Excellent” - oh, how I guessed it, I’m sweet and charming, hmm, and now my choice fell on the option “Not bad” - oh, and I’m strange, no wonder! (-)

6. What is your hair color?
I don’t even want to describe this question because of its stupidity, but I have to, let’s get started. I won’t even say anything about his logic, I’ll just go straight to changing the answer option (yes, yes, I’ve already switched back to the strange one). It was very funny, really, guys. LOOK HERE!!! Choosing all the answer options, the result did not change, but when I chose the answer option “blonde” - EVERYTHING! I'm impudent, hahahaha. (- -) (I hope there is no need to explain why there is 1 minus everywhere, but here there are 2

Total for questions: 3+0-7= -4.
Let's move on to the result.
Personality: “You’ll be a little weird, a little cool, and a little bit of everything.”
Appearance: some kind of chan, with wavy pink hair.
Firstly (character): I can’t be a little strange, because the word a little here needs to be removed altogether. I can’t be cool, especially not even a little bit, because in my social circle there are 2 people and I’m not going to communicate with anyone else. And how stupid it is, my God. A little bit of everything. I can also write like this, it will suit anyone. (-)
Secondly (appearance): my hair is straight, not wavy. I would never dye my hair pink in my life, because I hate this color with all my soul (-)
Result: 3+0-2=1.
The result for the whole whole, that is, for the test: -2+-4+1= -5; good luck to the author.

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Tests for girls, girls and women

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