Is it possible to tidy up in the willow. Do's and Don'ts on Palm Sunday. Palm Sunday and baby's christening

I would still like to start the conversation with what needs to be done on Palm Sunday. So, the first duty is to provide yourself with the main attribute of this action - willow or willow branches. In this way, you will honor the memory of how Jesus Christ entered Jerusalem and what it meant to him. By bringing branches into your home, you will thereby protect your home from the evil eye and damage.

Eat a small amount of any fish and drink a glass of red wine in order to emphasize the great church holiday. Regardless of the fact that Great Lent is in the yard, such indulgences are permissible by the church canon.

Attend an all-night service and, after it ends, baptize willow branches, think about how Jesus lived while on earth. About how important the first recognition of his strength by the inhabitants of Jerusalem was for him and, of course, about the events that followed. It is clear that on Palm Sunday you cannot do what you do on another holiday indicated in the church calendar.

Many people are exactly interested in what specifically cannot be done on this day. It is worth considering that this holiday has its own prohibitions related to its history. It is worth once again delving into the question, but what, in fact, is this holiday, what it preceded and what is dedicated to. Following the scripture in the Gospel, it was on this day that Jesus entered Jerusalem as a triumphant, after recognizing his great abilities, even if later in the same place he was betrayed and crucified. But on this very day he was greeted as the Messiah, he was pelted with palm branches. Palm trees never grew in Russia, there was nowhere to take branches from them, so they were successfully replaced by willow and willow branches - they are the first to bloom after winter cold. Since pagan times, willow has been a symbol of health, vital energy and fertility.

Is it possible to clean the house or do something else around the house?

On this serious church holiday, you can’t do anything, pick up knitting needles, a needle, wash, clean, work in the garden. The main task of this day was moral preparation for last week Great post. It is its observance that is especially valuable during Lent. After Holy Week comes the long-awaited Easter.

To decide whether it is possible to go to the cemetery on this day, it is worth understanding what this holiday is like. The date of this event tends to change every year depending on the date on which Easter is assigned. Palm Sunday falls on the last Sunday before Easter, followed only by Holy Week and the most important five days of Lent.

On this day, one should rejoice, start the morning with a trip to the temple and there participate in the ritual of consecrating the willow. Next, the willow is brought home, with it you need to lightly beat all your loved ones whom you wish well, as this, according to legend, will betray their health, strength and love of life. After that, the table is laid for a family celebration, all family members must be present at dinner. For a feast, you can use fish, as well as all kinds of seafood. But, of course, the main emphasis in fasting should be on vegetables and other plant foods, such as cereals and mushrooms. The celebration should take place without hype, fuss, but with a joyful, positive mood.

For the reason that this is an important church holiday, then, accordingly, it must be spent rejoicing. Visit the temple, pray there for the health of all your loved ones. Refuse this day from any work both at home and in the garden. It is possible to go to the cemetery and honor the memory of departed relatives, but it is strictly forbidden to clean up the cemetery. To do this, you can use any other day of Lent, which will not be a holiday.

Important information: in the process of Great Lent on the eve of Easter, every year at the beginning there are three Saturdays of parents that are designed specifically for this purpose in order to clean, paint and generally prepare for the upcoming celebration of Easter.

You should not cry and be sad while at the cemetery, because our loved ones are now in better world, next to God. Perhaps this will seem like blasphemy to someone, but get used to this thought and it will be easier for you to survive the loss. However, never forget your dead while on earth. Pray for them every time you come to the temple, give written messages for the repose at mass, and just buy and light a candle in memory of a loved one.

When to visit the cemetery

If you did not get to the cemetery on specially allotted days during Great Lent, then use the second Easter week. In the church calendar, a day is set aside for these purposes, Tuesday, which has a special name Radonitsa and serves to clean the graves of relatives, talk with them, tell them that the victory of life over death is celebrated again, Easter has come.

It is not forbidden to arrange a commemoration on Palm Sunday. The main purpose of this event will be the remembrance of those who have gone to another world, and not the idle stuffing of one's womb and drinking alcohol. Dishes on the table should not be in abundance, should be in abundance. Please note that there is a post and the table should exclusively consist of lenten dishes.

Grave loved one you can visit any day, for this you do not need to look into church calendar and pick a date. This can be done on Palm Sunday, but it’s still not worth getting out on a holiday. On this day, you need to rest both in body and soul.

Congratulations on Palm Sunday for everyone, video

Palm Sunday is a wonderful bright holiday, which is always celebrated in the spring, exactly one week before Easter. In 2019, we will meet him on April 21st. This means that we still have some time to prepare. And in this regard, one of the most common questions is whether it is possible to clean the house and apartment on Palm Sunday? Let's try to give a detailed answer, taking into account the realities of today.

First, briefly about where the celebration came from. The solemn entry of the Savior into the city of Jerusalem took place 2000 years ago. And since then, in memory of this pleasant occasion, we have been celebrating Palm Sunday. Believers rush after the willows, bless them in the church, bring them home and decorate the apartment. And the traditions are connected with the fact that an enthusiastic crowd spread palm branches all the way to Jesus, who entered the city gates on a donkey.

Of course, in our northern latitudes there is no such possibility, but this is not a reason to refuse the holiday. So people get willows - willow branches, which, by the way, are the first to give spring buds in our area. These willows are a symbol of rebirth, good changes that we wish each other for the whole year.

Get out of the house or not?

The main question that is often asked is related to cleaning the house and apartment: is it possible to clean the house on Palm Sunday, vacuum, wash windows. Of course, in the best case, preparations are made in advance for this pleasant event. It is best to clean the house before Palm Sunday at the end of the week - on Thursday or Friday.

But sometimes it turns out that it is impossible to do this. Then, of course, a little order should be put in the house: decorate the table, wash the floors, it would be nice to flavor the air, and generally create a festive atmosphere.

Therefore, to answer the question of whether it is possible to clean the house on Palm Sunday, you can do this: it is undesirable to do so. If only because you will get tired and will not be able to properly relax, and pay enough attention to your family, children, loved ones. Therefore, it is allowed to restore order only in extreme cases. Although if there is no choice, then cleaning will not be considered a sin: after all, meeting a bright holiday at an untidy table is also not good.


In the old days in Rus', a norm was common when people were forbidden to clean up the house and even cook food. We tried to do all the important things the day before, on Saturday. And from Sunday morning they went to church, lit the willows and spent a good half of the day at worship, right up to lunch. In the evening, the whole family gathered at the table, took pre-cooked food and even some red wine.

Is it possible to clean the house on Saturday the day before

Saturday before Palm Sunday is called because on this day Christ raised Lazarus from the dead - a friend of his friends (Martha and Mary). It is believed that cleaning on this day is also undesirable. Believers remember the miracle performed by the Savior, so it's best to just relax and create a cozy, family atmosphere.

So it turns out that the most the best option- clean up the apartment the day before, i.e. on Friday. You can wash windows, floors, thoroughly vacuum carpets, refresh upholstered furniture. After all, it is much more pleasant to meet the holiday of spring renewal, the solemn entrance of Christ, proclaiming the world, in a neat, clean room. However, if the circumstances are far from ideal, and absolutely nothing depends on us, then we should act accordingly - there is no sin in this.

What else can you do on Palm Sunday

To answer this question, let's try to speculate on a more general topic. In general, what is a holiday? The day we rest? But that's what weekends are for. The day we have fun? But good mood may come at any other time.

The holiday always has its own history and symbols, it does not arise from scratch and is perceived by most people as a wonderful, significant event. But the most important thing is that it is on such a day that we can escape from the usual rhythm and pay attention to our family, loved ones, relatives, dear people.

Think about your friends, whom you may not have called for a long time. Make peace with those with whom there are minor disagreements, trifles that are better to forgive and let go.

What is the best thing to avoid

So, Palm Sunday is a bright, festive day when we remember the solemn entry of Christ into Jerusalem. And at the same time, we believe in good changes, the onset of spring in nature and in our souls. It is on such a day that you can mentally stop and put things in order in your head, gather your thoughts, put everything in order and understand how to proceed.

And in order not to miss the most important thing, it is better to refrain from some vain, difficult classes, which can greatly excite us:

  • moving;
  • work with documents;
  • preparation for an exam, an important meeting;
  • important purchases;
  • serious conversations with a showdown.

Just think about what the main meaning of the holiday is connected with, and you can certainly add many other items to this list. The main idea is that we really need to get away from our usual thoughts and plans. Rest is a change of activity, a pleasant feeling of freedom that we can afford several times a year.

Of course, when circumstances require urgent intervention, we should by no means postpone them. What, for example, should a believer do if his work shift fell exactly on Palm Sunday? But what if you need to move on that day?

Of course, it would be better to do all this on other days. But if nothing depends on us, there will be no sin - after all, you also need to fulfill your duties. And sometimes life can change all our plans.

But even in such situations, you can take a couple of minutes for yourself and mentally relax, acquire willows, decorate your workplace. In a word, there would be a desire - and there will always be an opportunity to celebrate this bright event.

Today, March 31, the Orthodox celebrate Lazarus Saturday, and on April 1 they celebrate Palm Sunday 2018. What do these holidays mean?

What does Lazarus Saturday mean and what can you eat

The day before Easter Sunday 2018, on March 31, Orthodox Christians celebrate Lazarus Saturday, the day when Jesus Christ resurrected his dead friend Lazarus. After what they saw and heard, many people believed that He was the son of God. Lazar lived after the resurrection for another 30 years. But Christ himself, after this miracle, was persecuted by the high priests and the Pharisees.

On this day, in addition to lean dishes, you can also eat fish caviar.

What not to do on Lazarus Saturday

Lazarus Saturday is a special day on which there are a number of prohibitions. On this day, you can not perform hard work. This is a great sin.

On this day, you can not drink alcoholic beverages (with the exception of wine in small quantities).

On Lazarus Saturday, you can’t eat meat, trample on food crumbs that have fallen on the floor.

It is also forbidden to celebrate anything, including weddings and birthdays, to have intimate relationships, to sing or dance.

Any homework must be rescheduled for another day, since on Lazarus Saturday it is forbidden to do needlework, work in the garden, build anything, wash, iron, wash and clean up.

As in many other church holidays, it is strictly forbidden to fight, quarrel and do not refuse people their request.

It is believed that the violation of these rules is a grave sin, which is very difficult to expiate.

What does Palm Sunday mean and what can you eat

On this day, the Orthodox are allowed to eat Lenten dishes, as well as fish.

The twelfth holiday, established in memory of the solemn entry of Jesus into Jerusalem on a donkey, when the Israelites recognized him as a ruler.

According to Scripture, a week before his resurrection, Jesus Christ solemnly entered Jerusalem. He was greeted as the Son of God, as a king, the Israelis saw in him the solution to all problems and wanted to see him on the throne. This holiday is of great importance for all believers and it is very tragic, because on that day Jesus voluntarily, knowing that he would soon have a tragic death, came to the city. It was this moment that served as the beginning of his suffering for human sins.

Jesus entered Jerusalem on a donkey, then it was customary to enter in this way among the conquerors and rulers. According to ancient tradition, he was greeted with joyful cries and waving palm branches, as kings are greeted. But he knew very well what a terrible price he would pay for this.

Palm trees do not grow in our area, and therefore palm branches were replaced with willow and willow branches. Willow is the first blooming spring plant, it blooms before anyone else and symbolizes the awakening of nature. Therefore, she was chosen as a symbol.

The presence of a bouquet of willow in the house of a believer was obligatory. It was collected on Lazarus Saturday, that is, the day before, and on Sunday morning they carried it to the temple for consecration.

Then they brought consecrated willow branches into the house, as a symbol of the fact that they meet Jesus Christ and let him into their home and into their world.

Saved the branches next year. It is important to spend this day with pure thoughts, to fill it with good deeds and be with family. It was believed that if children were touched with willow branches, they would not be subjected to evil thoughts and tempted, and the girls would be able to give birth easily, and their babies would be healthy. Orthodox Christians believe that it is on this day that the house should be filled with children.

This is the last Sunday of Lent. Therefore, in honor of the holiday, it is allowed to eat fish and red wine. And on the day before this holiday, that is, on Lazarus Saturday, the church charter is allowed to take fish caviar. It is forbidden to work on this day.

Lazarus Saturday and Palm Sunday are the last days when a Christian can rest a little in body and soul and gain strength before the main test - Holy Week, which precedes Easter.

Signs on Palm Sunday

Without willow - not spring.

The willow leads the mud, drives the last ice from the river.

Where there is water, there is willow, and where there is willow, there is water.

Frost - spring bread will be good.

The wind that blows on such a day will accompany the whole summer.

If the weather is clear and warm, the fruit harvest will be good.

If many “earrings” of willow appeared before Palm Sunday (buds blossomed), then the whole year will be fruitful, fertile and rich in good events.

Not every believer is familiar with what cannot be done on Palm Sunday. On the one hand, this big celebration, on the other hand, Great Lent imposes some restrictions on it.

Why is the holiday called Palm Sunday?

The inhabitants of Jerusalem always met the kings entering the city with palm branches, which were thrown in front of them. And the kings used to enter the city on donkeys as a sign that they arrived in peace.

When Jesus resurrected Lazarus, the news of this spread and they began to wait for him in Jerusalem. The Savior decided to enter the city on a donkey, and people greeted him with palm branches.

Since palm trees do not grow in the northern countries, willow was chosen for the ceremony of celebrating the Entry of the Lord into Jerusalem, which blooms before many other plants.

Can I work on Palm Sunday or not?

Palm Sunday is celebrated a week before Great Sunday. You can’t work on this day (it’s only allowed to take care of livestock), so it’s advisable to do many things the day before. For example, washing and combing hair, cooking.

In honor of the great holiday on Palm Sunday, a slight relaxation of the fast is allowed. Firstly, food on this day is allowed to be eaten not once, but twice. Secondly, in addition to lean foods, fish and sweets are allowed. For dessert on Palm Sunday, you can cook cookies or honey cakes - the main thing is to use only lean products.

In addition to work, on Palm Sunday, you should give up TV and the Internet. This day should be devoted to attending church, prayers, reflections on life.

But there are exceptions to every rule. Palm Sunday is to be dedicated to God. And if a person went to church in the morning, meditated on the high and prayed during the day, in the evening he may well be busy with urgent matters.

Why can't you bathe on Palm Sunday?

On Palm Sunday, you can not wash, because on this day it is considered a sin to perform actions aimed at external attractiveness. The same can be said to those who wonder why on Palm Sunday you can’t comb your hair and cut your hair (in general, cut your hair on any Sunday - Bad sign). In addition, it is believed that water on Palm Sunday can “wash away” grace and happiness from a person. The exceptions are cases when a person is very dirty, drenched. You can also wash small children.

Why not knit on Palm Sunday?

Knitting is considered domestic work, which is forbidden on Palm Sunday. There are not many days in the year that are dedicated to God, so you should still try to observe the canons. Moreover, on this festive day there is something to do for the soul and health.

What can you do on Palm Sunday?

On the eve of the holiday, believers should stock up willow branches - for this you need to go to the river and break them. If the spring is cold, willow branches must be brought into the house in advance and placed in water so that they bloom.

So that the child does not get sick, grows strong and beautiful, folk omens they prescribe to “beat” him with consecrated willow branches, lightly, of course. To cure colds, children and adults need to swallow 9 willow earrings. And if you bake willow earrings in bread, it will become healing for many ailments.

The consecrated willow brought from the church must be kept until the next one after the icons. It is believed that they protect the house from the elements and evil spirits.

Today, not everyone knows what to do with the consecrated willow after a year. It cannot be thrown away - the twigs must be burned or let down the river (stagnant water of a pond or lake is not suitable).

The Palm Sunday holiday is celebrated at the end, which brings us closer to -2019. In our material, we will talk about the traditions and signs on Palm Sunday. We will also remind you of what you can do on Palm Sunday and discover the secret of the healing properties of willow.


It's no secret that the editors of I WANT to regularly prepare materials on topical issues for the holidays. Since now everyone is preparing for the brightest day of the year, you can find many articles in our special section "".

Easter 2019 is marked in red in the April holiday calendar. But this event is preceded by other dates that we pay attention to. This week it will be, and we have a new portion of news on this matter.

Palm Sunday: the history of the holiday

Falls on April 24th. The history of the holiday says that it was on this day that Jesus entered Jerusalem. On Palm Sunday, the second name for Palm Sunday, people learned that Christ would arrive in the city. They took palm branches and went out to meet Him, exclaiming: "Hosanna! Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord and the King of Israel!" The inhabitants recognized Jesus as the Messiah, knowing that He had previously resurrected Lazarus four days after the death of the man. Jesus entered Jerusalem riding on a donkey, which was a symbol of peace. Also, his appearance became a prototype of the entry of the Son of Man into Paradise.

Today, on Palm Sunday, before the start of the solemn service, believers and clergy march around the temple, singing the glory of Christ. In their hands they hold willow branches and lighted candles.

Willow on Palm Sunday: Traditions

In countries where palm trees do not grow, this symbol of the Lord's entry into Jerusalem was replaced with willow branches due to the fact that willow blossoms in spring, when the Orthodox celebrate Easter. So in our countries it got its name, which is also known as Palm Sunday.

On Palm Sunday, believers come to the service with willow branches that they have prepared since Saturday, which symbolizes the meeting of Jesus with people during the Lord's entry into Jerusalem. Many believers keep the willow, consecrated on Palm Sunday, until next year. They know that the consecrated willow branches will protect the house from everything evil and negative. They cannot be thrown away, willow branches can only be burned.

How to decorate a willow for Palm Sunday

On Palm Sunday, many people want to decorate palm branches so that they become an element. However, it is better to do this not with willow branches lit in the church, but with those that you did not wear to the service. From them you can weave a willow wreath, and also make beautiful bouquet with the addition of willow branches. It is also important to remember that willow bouquets for Palm Sunday should not decorate all corners of the apartment, so you should not pick a lot of branches, abusing the gifts of nature.

Signs for Palm Sunday

Signs on Palm Sunday, which are orally passed down from generation to generation, indeed often predict events in the future. We have collected the most famous signs for Palm Sunday.

  • If it rains on Palm Sunday, expect a good harvest this year.
  • The wind that blows on Palm Sunday will accompany the whole summer.
  • If you tap a willow branch consecrated in a church on a person, then it can heal him. Therefore, on Palm Sunday, people apply willow to sore spots.
  • There is a sign that says - if you think about your loved one on Palm Sunday, he will soon come to you. Such a sign on Palm Sunday can be taken into account