How to treat migraine in pregnant women. Effective treatment for migraine during pregnancy. Among the main symptoms of migraine

Any person faced with the manifestations of rudeness and rudeness of other people at least once in a lifetime. Swearing can greatly ruin your mood. It is important to remember that any such situation with rudeness can be beaten so as to remain in the black: you should learn how to be rude correctly. There are certain tips and techniques, united under the general slogan "learn to be rude beautifully."

People who are rude to another person have low self-esteem and an unstable psychological state that causes a decrease in proper energy. Communication helps to fill its level, and the conversation should be emotional, “accusatory”.

Many people notice that rude people are capable of being rude to certain people. For a rude person it is important that the victim could not fight back. Typically, rudeness is addressed to those who have:

  • non-conflict character;
  • heightened guilt;
  • uncertainty in strength;
  • psychological pliability, weakness.

Aggressive people feel such qualities subconsciously, therefore they choose the addressee of insults from this category. Non-conflict people need to understand how to learn to be rude in order to protect themselves from unjustified rudeness.

The answer to rudeness must be beautiful so that the offender could not come up with an answer to it instantly.  This makes him feel stupid and stop attacks, and the defending person does not stoop to rudeness, which automatically puts him morally one step higher.

He will prove himself witty, erudite, cultural, self-confident - this is the basis of how beautiful it is to be rude and to emerge victorious from any verbal skirmish.

How can you respond to rudeness

There are several methods of communicating with rude people to be rude beautifully. These methods can silence the boor by feeling the failure of his judgments:

  • Politeness - you need to calmly communicate with the swearing, showing maximum courtesy and loyalty - offenders do not expect patience in response to a cry that knocks them out of the initial channel.
  • Tediousness works when communicating in a network where rudeness constantly happens. This is how the administration acts - moderators calmly describe each of the participant’s violations, and do not argue (“you have five grammatical errors in this message and three punctuation errors in the previous one — learn to write correctly before writing”).
  • Shock can permanently deceive the offender. Sharp phrases are used that are not directly related to the topic of dialogue, but cause the desired reaction. It is better to prepare some sharp universal remarks in advance. Similar phrases are well suited (these examples of rudeness are common in the methods of "learning to be rude beautifully"):

"What do you think of humanity, being a representative of another species?";

“Probably the only thing that is positive in you is the Rhesus factor”;

“Speak, speak. I always yawn when I'm interested. ”

  • An agreement with the boor helps to quickly end the conflict. Ham expects a quarrel and skirmish after cursing, and if a person agrees with the statement, does not continue the conversation, the offender will mix up and stop the attacks. In such cases, in order to be rude, they say: “Yes, yes, I completely agree with you. Yes, I have a terrible style! ”
  • Decreasing the significance of an event helps almost always. It is important not to consider the offender as sharp and evil, exceeding his real qualities and putting him above himself. It is better to imagine his rudeness as something harmless and small, which should be treated condescendingly: "Do not be discouraged - many do not shine with talents."
  • Ignoring is a universal way to respond to rudeness. It is worth keeping silent if the boor represents a real danger to health. Silence can be beautiful if the boorish attitude is distinguished by obvious inconsistency and stupidity. There are subtleties here - the defender should not then angrily look at the offender: this creates the appearance of rudeness hurt.

How best to answer rudeness

There is a significant difference between the rudeness of well-known people and random oncoming ones - the answers must be adequate. General recommendations for the responder:

  1. keep calm and friendliness;
  2. to be condescending and soft;
  3. respond with a sense of humor, but without anger.

How to respond to the rudeness of strangers and non-close people

When communicating with strangers, it is important to remain polite, as it is sometimes inappropriate for them to be rude, but everything of course depends on the circumstances.

If rudeness is manifested in communication with employees of state, medical and social departments, it is better not to release sharp remarks and ironic phrases. This may have consequences for the person to whom rudeness has been expressed. It is better to write a paper with a complaint addressed to a superior person, organization, or simply threaten the boor: "if you do not stop insulting me, I will write a complaint about your work."

Do not explicitly insult employers or people on whom something significant for a humiliated person can depend on. In these cases, you need to keep your own opinion, gently but convincingly proving it with the use of weighty arguments. Rudeness is inappropriate here: calm and confidence in your opinion will look much more beautiful.

If rudeness is allowed by people working in the service sector, they can make an ironic remark, indicating in response that they behave incorrectly. It is important here not to succumb to provocation. Phrases are good:

  • “You say, speak. Maybe you’ll finally say something clever! ”;
  • “And what about the zoo, they didn’t close it at night?”;
  • “By noise, you try to compensate for the deficit of the mind, right?”;
  • "Alas, I do not have time to amuse your complexes."

How to answer the rudeness of friends and relatives

When quarreling with relatives and friends, the best thing is to try to calmly talk and resolve the conflict without irony or mutual accusation.

Rudeness addressed to close people sounds ugly. But his statement is sometimes impossible to avoid: some people may uncontrollably try to humiliate a loved one by showing superiority, or say rude things out of a feeling of envy.

The best defense would be an attack. It is necessary without anger, but with humor to answer the rudeness of a loved one - "definitely, your intellect can overshadow the light of a lamp."

With friends it is permissible to use more sarcastic and humorous phrases. They will help to reflect the causticity of the boor and at the same time cause recognition and respect among those who heard the conversation. Do not give the appearance that you were hurt by any phrase of the opponent, do not react too emotionally. Speak as if in jest, but at the same time make it clear to the person that you are not going to endure conversations in this tone. Well suited examples are “teeth are not hair, they will not fall out,” “my sun! Remember once before sclerosis! ”

This is the peculiarity of how to learn how to be rude to beautiful close friends, but at the same time not to quarrel with them for the rest of their lives.

In quarrels involving members of the opposite sex, it is always difficult to answer rudeness, since there is a belief that young men should not be rude to women, and girls should not respond to male rudeness. The need for a girl’s sharp answer may arise when a young man offers his company too aggressively or is openly rude. Hamim handsome guys:

  • "It was not you who starred in the movie" Clowns "?";
  • “Honey, you are right - I didn’t have any like you, no more and no need”;
  • Why do you think I want to make an idiot out of you? It's not needed. Everything has been done for a long time! ”

But it is important to understand that if in front of you is an inadequate person posing a threat, it is better to remain silent and pass by. You also need to be able to distinguish, a simple attempt to get to know each other, or you will already look like a rudeness.

The ability to be rude beautifully is the art of owning a word, combined with a sense of humor and tact. To get out of the situation when the offender is rude, one needs to feel what will be appropriate to say and what will not. Rudeness is both an attempt to offend another person, and a powerful weapon that, when used skillfully, helps protect oneself from unreasonable attacks of other people.


After conception, the woman’s body starts biochemical processes that are aimed at preparing her body for bearing the fetus, childbirth. These reactions affect the general condition of the expectant mother, increase her susceptibility to external factors. Migraine during pregnancy can develop even in people who have never suffered from manifestations of a neurological disease. Often the opposite effect is observed, and until delivery, exacerbations cease or their frequency decreases. In many ways, these points depend on the characteristics of the situation, but there are a number of universal points that must be taken into account.

Why does migraine appear during pregnancy

During the period of carrying the baby, the woman's body is subjected to serious stress. In the first half of the term, hormonal changes make this possible. Jumps in the level of female sex hormones affect the state of the vessels. The result is an excessive load on the heart, nervous system.

In the second half of pregnancy, the blood channels suffer from stress, increased emotional perception, weather sensitivity, weight gain. Another irritant is swelling of the tissues. The kidneys do not have time to remove water from the body. Fluid builds up in organs, including in the brain, leading to cephalgia.

Migraine in pregnant women can be triggered by external factors:

  • stressful situations, excitement, experiences;
  • chronic overwork due to maintaining the usual level of activity, despite the physical condition;
  • hypertension, increased intracranial pressure;
  • injuries of the cranium, which caused malfunctioning of blood vessels, the formation of edema, tumors, hematomas;
  • lack of sleep or its excess;
  • adverse environmental conditions - lack of fresh air, inhalation of tobacco smoke, work in noisy production, irregular use of computers or gadgets.

A serious danger is the rapid weight gain. Doctors do not recommend eating anything you want during pregnancy or abusing portions. The diet should be made taking into account the principles of proper nutrition, individual characteristics of women.

Is migraine dangerous for an unborn child?

Unpleasant sensations caused by a neurological disease lie to the elimination. This is equally true in the early stages of pregnancy and a few weeks before birth. Pain against the background of pathology is very severe. She harms the woman herself, threatens her child. Only by taking the necessary steps for treatment can the possible negative consequences of the disease be minimized.

By themselves, manifestations of migraine during pregnancy do not pose a danger to the fetus. Risks are associated with improper treatment of the condition or its neglect. In the first case, the use of inappropriate drugs can cause side effects, impaired intrauterine development of the child. Refusal of therapy and attempts to endure provoke a change in the hormonal background in the expectant mother. Negative emotions trigger reactions, due to which the functioning of blood vessels is disturbed. The fetus is deficient in oxygen, nutrients, antibodies, and other important substances from the mother. The result can be: miscarriage, premature or complicated birth, malformations in the baby.

Drug treatment for migraine during pregnancy

Any actions related to the use of drugs during pregnancy must be
check with your doctor. If possible, it is recommended to refrain from taking pharmacy drugs, limited to alternative safe approaches. Funds based on analgin or aspirin while carrying a child are prohibited! Products prescribed by a neurologist before pregnancy are also often subject to restrictions.

Effective treatment of migraine in pregnant women is based on such drugs:

  • NSAIDs - ibuprofen-based products are shown in the first two trimesters, and paracetamol in the last trimester;
  • vitamins in combination with minerals - magnesium + B6;
  • antidepressants - “Fitosed” and other herbal preparations are indicated for emotional instability, stress;
  • antispasmodics - "Papaverine" or "No-Shpa" help with cramping, muscle strain;
  • triptans - with the permission of the doctor, one-time use of the Zomig, Relpaks preparations is allowed, if other means do not help;
  • beta-blockers - “Propranolol” and its analogues lower elevated blood pressure.

You will learn more about drugs from this

Doctors warn that medications can only be prescribed if other treatment options do not work, and pain is more intense. Even in this case, one-time medication should be dispensed with, rather than course therapy.

Pill-free treatment

It is impossible to completely cure a migraine before pregnancy or eliminate the risk of symptoms after conception. According to statistics, in most women during this period, exacerbations occur less frequently than usual, or do not differ in particular intensity. To stop the development of an attack, a warm or cool shower, sleep, rubbing lavender water into the whiskey helps. Also, when the first symptoms of the problem appear, it is recommended to drink sweet tea with lemon or an herbal decoction based on lemon balm, mint, chamomile, ginger.

Folk recipes

Moderate pain responds well to the action of techniques from the field of alternative medicine. Before using them, it is also recommended to consult a doctor. The specialist must make sure that the pain is really associated with a migraine, and not other pathological processes.

Effective folk remedies for migraine:

  • apply a cold compress to the place of pulsation, remove it after 15 minutes and repeat the procedure after half an hour if the pain has not disappeared;
  • crushed cabbage leaf or a few pressed to the sore part of the head, fix with a bandage, leave until the pain disappears;
  • drink hot sweet black tea if the pressure is low, or the same drink with lemon for hypertension;
  • rub in the whiskey and the point between the eyebrows balm "Asterisk" or a similar tool with menthol;
  • inhale the choice of a pair of essential oils of any citrus, lavender or lemon balm.

It is not necessary to apply the listed approaches in a complex. Such experiments can cause increased symptoms or additional problems. If one option does not help, after half an hour it is worth trying another.

Relaxation Techniques

With the systematic appearance of symptoms against the background of overstrain or stress, an effective way of relaxation should be found for yourself. It is agreed with the doctor, selected taking into account the general condition, gestational age. It can be manual or foot baths, general water procedures. It is recommended to add essential oils and herbal decoctions (chamomile, lemon balm, citrus, lavender, mint) that are acceptable during the bearing of a child.

A good effect on the body has yoga for pregnant women. As an ambulance, Kuznetsov's applicators are useful. A fabric rug with plastic or silicone needles is laid out on a towel rolled up by a roller, and then laid on top of the neck or neck.


Acupressure during pregnancy is allowed only after consultation with a professional. Incorrect stimulation of active points can provoke complications and even lead to miscarriage. It is better to do with light treatment of the head, collar zone, neck. Procedures can be performed independently, using close or special devices.

Headache relieves massage performed with a comb. To do this, comb the hair first on one side, then on the other. Changing direction 3-5 times, you can feel noticeable relief.

Prevention of migraine in pregnant women

The exclusion of the effect of migraine provocateurs on the body at times reduces the likelihood of a future mother having unpleasant sensations. It is also necessary to identify potential triggers of exacerbations and limit their presence in the patient's life.

Prevention of migraine during pregnancy:

  • daily walks in the green area;
  • swimming or yoga;
  • compliance with the drinking regime - at least 2 liters of water per day in the absence of contraindications;
  • refusal of climate change during pregnancy;
  • elimination of stress, physical or emotional overload;
  • 8-hour night sleep, refusal of day rest;
  • healthy nutrition based on the use of natural products, the elimination of overeating. Refusal of hot seasonings, aggressive spices, canned food, smoked meats, carbonated drinks, energy drinks. Restriction on chocolate, hard cheeses, nuts, strawberries;
  • massage course with a professional specialist;
  • prevention of overheating or hypothermia.

A pregnant woman should not treat herself as a sick person. Moderate physical activity, general strengthening of the body, a positive attitude - the best prevention of headaches during child bearing.

The development of migraine during pregnancy can seriously disrupt the course of natural processes, darken the awareness of future motherhood. Experts have developed many safe approaches that can alleviate the condition of a woman with a headache. Do not refuse professional help, because it can also negatively affect the child.

Migraine is a neurological disorder that is characterized by a chronic course and most often has a genetic nature. Some people confuse migraines with headaches, but these are different concepts. Unilateral pain in the frontal zone, occipital and other parts of the head is just a symptom of disturbances in the functioning of the nervous system. The pathology itself is called migraine.

During pregnancy, it can occur in isolation under the influence of environmental factors (for example, overwork) or be a symptom of pathologies, the most common of which is toxicosis. If in ordinary life the list of drugs for eliminating headaches is long, then during pregnancy a woman has to be more careful and make a choice in favor of safe methods.

Why does migraine appear?

Doctors still cannot determine the exact causes of the disease, but most are inclined to believe that heredity becomes a decisive factor, especially along the female side. It has long been noted that if the immediate blood relatives of a woman (mother or grandmother) suffered from migraine, the likelihood of pathology in their descendants is from 30 to 70%.

informationPregnancy usually becomes a provoking factor that affects the hormonal background of a woman and her psycho-emotional state. In 10% of cases, women first encounter a problem precisely during the gestational period. Most often this happens in the early stages, but sometimes severe headaches can occur periodically until the birth.

Adverse factors can contribute to this, which doctors include:

  • lack of long walks in the fresh air;
  • smoking or being in the same room with smokers;
  • long duration of sleep (more than 8-9 hours);
  • stressful situations (quarrels with loved ones, conflicts at work);
  • overwork;
  • long breaks between meals;
  • bad weather (atmospheric pressure drops, squally wind, thunderstorm).

The organism of the expectant mother reacts very sharply to certain foods. Under the influence of hormonal changes, even those dishes and products that previously appeared regularly in the diet of a future mother can provoke a migraine attack. Most often, this reaction occurs with excessive consumption of chocolate and drinks containing caffeine. These include not only coffee, but also strong tea. By the way, in natural green tea, caffeine is 2 times more than in coffee beans.

importantTo reduce the likelihood of an attack, pregnant women are advised to exclude from the menu peanuts, some types of cheese, bananas and citrus fruits. You should not get carried away with sugar substitutes - most of them cause digestive problems and headaches, which you can get rid of falsely.

Symptoms: how to distinguish a migraine from a headache?

To understand what exactly a woman is tormenting - headache from overwork or migraine - it is necessary to pay attention to some points. Doctors have the term "aura", which means a set of symptoms that occur several minutes before a migraine attack. It is not difficult to diagnose them, since they are characteristic of this pathology. Symptoms that indicate the onset of an attack include:

  • violation of visual and tactile perception;
  • confusion of speech;
  • "Flies" before the eyes.

informationHeadache with migraine is determined only on one side and is characterized by high intensity. The attack can last from 1 hour to 2-3 days. The use of medications during this period is ineffective. Often, migraine is accompanied by vomiting and nausea, which is why some women confuse it with toxicosis. In rare cases, chills may appear.

Treatment of migraine with medicines during pregnancy

One of the easiest and most affordable ways to deal with migraines during pregnancy is pain medication. The list of relatively safe drugs that have minimal effect on the fetus is small. The only medicine that does not affect the course of pregnancy and does not cause pathology in the development of the fetus is Paracetamol.

This is the drug of choice for eliminating pain in pregnant women, the elderly and infants. The medicine is available in tablets and is available in almost every medicine cabinet. If necessary, you can replace it with structural analogues, which are based on the same active substance. These include:

  • "Panadol";
  • Efferalgan;
  • "Panadol Extra."

All these funds are not addictive and do not have a toxic effect on the fetus, therefore, if necessary, can be used even in the early stages, although it is better to try to do without the use of medications for at least 12 weeks. If the expectant mother does not suffer from depressive disorders and increased excitability, it is better to use Panadol Extra, enhanced with caffeine, to relieve headaches. This drug can only be prescribed if the woman has normal or low blood pressure, as caffeine can increase the tonometer.

importantA significant disadvantage of Paracetamol and drugs based on it is low efficiency. It is almost impossible to stop a strong migraine attack with drugs of this group, so sometimes the doctor may prescribe stronger drugs to the woman, for example, "".

It is based on the same paracetamol, as well as caffeine and acetylsalicylic acid. "Citramon" quickly copes with pain, but has many contraindications, so you can take it only in the 2nd and 3rd trimester in the presence of serious indications.

Sometimes the doctor may advise taking antispasmodics ("", ""), but by themselves they are ineffective and act as part of combination therapy. Natural Asterisk balm copes well with pain. It must be applied to whiskey and massaged with light movements.

importantThe use of specialized drugs for the treatment of migraine, as well as "Aspirin" and "" during pregnancy is prohibited. The listed drugs accumulate in the tissues and organs of the fetus and can cause deviations in development and growth, and also increase the risk of bleeding in the postpartum period and during labor.

Folk remedies against migraine in pregnant women

  • Compresses To relieve an attack of severe pain, you can apply a cold compress to the forehead or back of the head. The dressing can be changed several times until the pain disappears.
  • Herbal teas and decoctions. In the fight against migraine, medicinal herbs have proven themselves well. A relaxing and analgesic effect is possessed by chamomile, lemon balm, mint. They can be brewed instead of tea, especially in the evening, when you need to relieve fatigue. A good addition to this tea is a spoonful of honey or some warm milk.
  • Cold and hot shower. This method is suitable only for seasoned women who are not afraid of low temperatures. An unprepared body can respond with a decrease in immunity. You need to start the procedure with a hot shower, end with dousing with cold water. 3-5 minutes is usually enough to eliminate a migraine.
  • Massage. Massage of the head, neck and temporal zone is a great way to combat headaches. You need to do it with rubbing movements for 5-7 minutes.

Preventive measures for migraine during pregnancy

It is impossible to prevent migraine, as the disease is most often caused by genetic causes, but all factors that can adversely affect the well-being of the future mother and provoke an exacerbation can be eliminated. To reduce the likelihood of pathology, a pregnant woman needs to:

  • include more fresh fruits, herbs, berries and vegetables in the diet;
  • avoid stress and emotional upheaval;
  • engage in sports authorized by the supervisor (special gymnastics);
  • avoid being in the same room with smokers;
  • ventilate the apartment several times a day;
  • go to bed no later than 22 hours (the recommended duration of night sleep is 8-9 hours).

informationOf great importance are daily walks. For longer periods, when it becomes difficult to move around, you can quietly walk around the ohm or just sit on the bench at the entrance, but you need to go out every day.

Migraine can deliver a lot of discomfort and ruin the joyful period of bearing a baby. To reduce the risks of an exacerbation of the disease, it is important to plan a pregnancy, treat all chronic diseases on time, and follow dietary and dietary guidelines. The well-being and condition of the baby depends on the lifestyle of the future mother, and how responsibly she relates to her own health, so any ailment should be treated after consultation with a specialist.

Migraine is called severe pain on one side of the head caused by vascular spasms. The attack is accompanied by nausea, photophobia, dizziness, weakness, and the pain is localized either in the temporal part, or in the frontal lobe, occiput.

A characteristic feature is a powerful pulsating unilateral pain, which ordinary painkillers will not help get rid of.

It is during pregnancy, women are more likely to encounter, and the cause may be overwork, hormonal changes in the body, vascular pathologies, stress.

What causes seizures in pregnant women, how and with what to treat migraine during pregnancy? About it further.

Migraine is a hereditary chronic disease, often first manifested during pregnancy.

This happens due to natural hormonal and physiological changes, and several factors can provoke an attack. These include:

  • lack of walks in the fresh air;
  • trauma and vascular dystonia;
  • active or passive smoking;
  • irregular and malnutrition;
  • hypertension;
  • prolonged stressful situations;
  • sleep more than 8-9 hours a day or insomnia.

In addition, even such familiar foods as chocolate, strong tea or coffee, roasted peanuts, bananas, oranges and lemons can cause a migraine attack in pregnant women.

It is important to be able to distinguish a migraine attack from an ordinary headache. Doctors advise paying attention to several signs preceding paroxysm. All of them have the common name "aura" and are expressed in a sharp violation of auditory and visual perception, impaired speech, the appearance of black dots in front of the eyes.

Ordinary headache always starts suddenly, without previous signals, it covers the entire head.

With migraines, pain is localized strictly at one point, the attack lasts a long time, from a couple of hours to 2-3 days, accompanied by severe nausea and excruciating vomiting. Exactly because of this reason women often confuse migraine with toxicosis, especially in the early stages.

The appearance of such symptoms requires immediate medical attention, because the usual remedies for headaches in this case will not help.

What is the danger?

Attacks of throbbing pain during pregnancy represent a particular woman and child.

The main problem is ignoring symptoms or improper treatment. The poor health of the future mother affects the childHe suffers from the negative manifestations of pain in the same way.

In addition, pregnancy is an occasion to refuse to take all kinds of medications that can have a negative effect on the fetus. And almost all drugs for migraine can cause malformations.

What can be mixed up?

Symptoms and signs in pregnant women

Most migraine attacks accompany a woman during the first trimester, but there are cases when the pathology appeared later.

If migraine was observed before pregnancy, then with a high degree of probability it will manifest itself with renewed vigor from the first months, gradually weakening. In the later stages, migraine is rare, only with concomitant pathologies, gestosis.

The development of an attack goes through three main phases:

  1. Half an hour or an hour before the onset of paroxysm, a woman experiences inexplicable weakness, lethargy and drowsiness. The mood spoils, the temple or nape gradually begins to hurt.
  2. Then there is a sharp surge of throbbing pain, sweating, pallor of the skin, nausea, intolerance to bright light and noise.

    Swelling of the face, numbness of the extremities, impaired hearing and vision, and vomiting may develop.

  3. An attack can end abruptly, leaving a feeling of weakness, exhaustion. A long course is fraught with the development of hypoxia, the appearance of seizures and dehydration.

Strong pain can not be tolerated, and if necessary, it is urgent to seek medical help. This condition is dangerous for failures in the work of the child's cardiovascular system, leading to hypoxia and impaired blood supply to the brain.

What medications should not be taken and why?

In no case should you take such familiar medications as Analgin, Tempalgin, Spazmalgon, Citramon, Baralgin and Askofen. They penetrate the placenta and have a toxic effect on the fetus at any stage of pregnancy.

Some non-steroid drugs (Aspirin, Naproxen, Ibufen) are approved for use strictly in the second trimester. At the beginning of the term, they cause fetal pathology, and at the end - the development of bleeding.

It is strictly forbidden to take specially designed anti-migraine agents during pregnancy.

All these drugs are conditionally divided into 2 groups: made from ergot (Digidergot) and.

By the way, the last drug can be prescribed at any stage of pregnancy, but only in case of urgent need, for a single removal of a severe attack. In addition, effective anticonvulsants, antidepressants are strictly prohibited at any stage of gestation.

How to relieve pain?

The safest remedy for migraine that can relieve pain at any stage of pregnancy is Paracetamol, which does not adversely affect the fetus. This also includes drugs based on it, for example, Panadol Extra, Efferalgan.

Unfortunately, they all have poor efficiency and will not help with a strong attack. If necessary, the doctor may advise Citramon, but drinking it at the beginning of gestation is prohibited.

Features of treatment in the early and late stages

MAO inhibitors are absolutely contraindicated in pregnant womenBut antidepressants such as amitriptyline can be used for health reasons, but only under the supervision of a doctor.

As for beta-blockers, only Atenolol or Metoprolol are considered permitted. Verapamil, Amlodipine (calcium channel blockers) can be taken only in the second trimester.

Some doctors recommend Aspirin in the minimum dosage, but only if it is effective, and only in the 1-2 trimester.

It is often advised to take proven antiemetics, such as Metoclopramide and Chlorpromazine and antispasmodics (No-Shpa), but also up to 3 trimesters.

Doxylomin and Pyridoxine for migraine can only be used periodically  during pregnancy due to frequent adverse reactions.

How to get rid without medication?

A good alternative to medicines is considered safe.

They do not have a negative effect on the fetus, are allowed for use at any time, but you should always consult your doctor before use so as not to provoke allergies and other negative effects on the pregnant woman's body.

What drink?

You can try to drink aromatic peppermint teabrewed from a glass of boiling water and 1 tsp. dry mint leaves. The mixture is placed in a thermos, allowed to infuse for about an hour and drunk three times a day for half a glass, before meals.

An excellent drink that relieves an attack is prepared from a glass of dogwood and a liter of water. It is enough to cook ordinary compote and drink it throughout the day.

Compresses Recipes

The wormwood compress, which is prepared as a regular infusion, has the same effect. In a liter of boiling water, a couple of spoons of dry wormwood are brewed, insisted, filtered, moistened with a towel in the infusion and applied to the forehead.

Another proven way to relieve pain is to apply lemon slices to your temples., dampen a towel in hot water and tightly drag his head around him, pressing lemon slices to his head.

When choosing folk methods, it is important to observe precautions so as not to harm the body. Someone may be allergic to citrus or wormwood, and cabbage leaves can cause irritation and a skin rash. Before using such funds, it is better to consult a doctor.

Aromatherapy with essential oils

A compress with essential oil of eucalyptus will help in the fight against migraine. It is enough to drip 4 drops of oil per liter of water, moisten a towel in it and put on your forehead.

Do not forget that a sharp aroma is not suitable for everyone, and instead of relieving symptoms, you can only aggravate the situation.

Some experts advise breathing in vapors of a mixture prepared from equal parts of ammonia and camphor alcohol, but this is also individual.

A pillow stuffed with dry leaves of cherries, myrrh, eucalyptus and laurel removes the attack well. It is enough just to lie down and cuddle the sore part of the head against it.

What to do to prevent seizures?

It is impossible to completely prevent migraine attacks, but you can reduce their occurrence and facilitate the course.