Synopsis of an open lesson on a theme guess a riddle. "teaching children how to solve riddles." Topic: Journey to the Forest of Mysteries

1. Regulations:

1) Regulation on the organization of transportation of students

2) Road safety data sheet

3)   (september 2019)

4) Order for the organization of transportation of students   (October 2019)

5) Order on the approval of bus timetables

6) INSTRUCTION No. 27 on labor protection for the driver of the school bus

7) Plan transport accident prevention measures

2. Bus traffic patterns:

1) The scheme of the bus on the route Lugovoye-Markov

2) Scheme of movement of the Markov bus - Mill Pad

3) The scheme of movement of the bus on the route Markov - p. Berezovy

3. License

4. Bus schedule:

1) Bus schedules for routes

2) Phones of accompanying educators

Instructions for students on labor protection during transportation by school vehicles.

1. General safety requirements

1.1. Compliance with this instruction is mandatory for all students using bus transport organized by the school.

1.2. Pupils who have passed and safety instruction are allowed to travel.

1.3. Students are allowed to travel only if accompanied by a teacher, teacher, or an appropriate parent who has received appropriate training.

1.4. The number of passengers in the bus should not exceed the number of seats.

2. Safety requirements before starting the trip, during boarding and trip

2.1. Before starting the trip, students must:

- undergo safety training while traveling;

- wait for the bus to approach at a specific collection point;

- calmly, without rushing, observing discipline and order, gather at the landing site;

- do not go towards the approaching bus.

2.2. After the bus stops completely, at the command of the escort, calmly, without rushing or pushing, enter the salon, take a seat. The first to enter the bus are the oldest students. They take places in the furthest part of the passenger compartment.

2.3. During the trip, students are required to observe discipline and order. All deficiencies noted during the trip should be reported to the attendant.

2.4. Students are prohibited from:

- clutter up the aisles with bags, briefcases and other things;

- Jump up from your seat, distract the driver with conversations and screams;

- create a false panic;

- open windows, vents and ventilation hatches without the permission of the driver or accompanying person.

3. Safety requirements in emergency situations

3.1. If you feel unwell, have a sudden illness or if injured, the student is obliged to inform the accompanying person.

3.2. In the event of emergency situations (technical breakdown, fire, etc.), as directed by the driver and accompanying schoolchildren must leave the bus quickly, without panic.

3.3. In the case of terrorists hijacking a bus, students need to be calm and follow all instructions without panic and hysteria.

4. Safety requirements at the end of the trip

4.1. At the end of the trip, the student must:

- after the bus stops completely and with the permission of the escort, calmly, slowly, leaving the vehicle. At the same time, the first students to go out are those taking places at the exit from the salon;

- by order of an accompanying person, roll call the participants of the trip;

- do not leave the place of landing until the departure of the bus.

In the procedure of an educational organization, it is often necessary to transport children in groups on a bus. It may include transportation of children to school, intercity and suburban transportation to various events - competitions, or excursions. Transportation of a group of children can be carried out both by a school bus, and by that vehicle, which is provided under a charter contract (Custom-made), by motor transport enterprises, or by private companies-charterers. In this case, the listed organizations must ensure the safe transportation of children. And if you are concerned about the question of how school transportation should be carried out and what regulatory documents exist here in 2016, then this article is for you. And you should definitely familiarize yourself with this publication.


By a decree of the Russian government dated 12/17/13, under the number 1177, the rules for the organizational transportation of children in groups by bus were approved. This document was prepared by the Ministry of Transport RF, then aimed at increasing the security of these traffic. According to the current legislation of Russia, the main responsibility for the health and life of children in an educational organization lies with the head who, by his order, decides to appoint an official who is responsible for road safety in the company. The rules made the following requirements:

In order to be able to carry out the organizational transportation of children using a bus, the release year of which does not exceed 10 years, and which fully complies in design and design with all technical standards and requirements for the carriage of passengers, it is allowed in a certain order to carry out traffic, as well as equipped with special tachographs and Glonass satellite navigation system.

Only those drivers who have at least one year of work experience in this position, category D rights, and who have not previously been subjected to various administrative penalties in the form of arrest or deprivation of a driver’s license, can drive buses that organize transportation of a group of children.

The opportunity to include in the group of children under the age of 7 years for organizational transportation on the bus, only when they are on the route according to the established route schedule, no more than four hours.

At night (from 23-00 to 6 a.m.), the group can arrange transportation of children to the railway stations, airports and vice versa, as well as end the transportation of children (delivering them to the final destination, which is determined according to the schedule, or to the place of overnight) in case of an unplanned occurrence of deviations from the main traffic schedule (with a delay on the road). In this case, after 23-00, the total distance of this transportation should not be more than 50 km.

When organizing the transportation of children in groups on a bus, the educational enterprise must:

  • To prepare local acts that fully regulate all the actions of officials when transporting a group of children on buses and fully ensure their safety. These include: regulations on the conduct and organization of transportation of children by bus, a memo to an accompanying person, an Instruction on the rules of how to travel on a bus for children, information on introductory instruction for transporting children on a bus.
  • Draw up an order to transport children on a bus, which:
  • Designate a number of persons who will accompany the children on the bus (one accompanying person at each door of the bus). In this case, one of the attendants should be responsible for transporting children in groups on a particular bus. He is also obliged to coordinate all the actions of the driver (or group of drivers), and other people who are accompanying the bus, with a full indication of the name, surname, middle name of each accompanying, contact phone.
  • Designate a senior person responsible for transporting children from an existing group of accompanying persons who coordinate the actions of drivers and all persons accompanying in a convoy if two or more buses are involved in carrying out this transportation of a group of children;
  • Create and approve lists of those children who will be transported on the bus with all personal data: full name, age of all children.
  • Make lists of a set of food products (bottled drinking water and dry rations) according to the assortment established by the Federal Supervisory Authority in the Field of Consumer Rights Protection and Human Health, or by the territorial authority, and if the move lasts more than three hours, provide them with all the children.
  • To approve the route (bus schedule) as the basis, which includes the transportation time with all the places and time for stops for food and rest, as well as the route scheme, if the road takes more than three hours.
  • To approve the appointment of a health worker to accompany a group of children during their transportation along an intercity transport column for 3 hours or more.
  • Provide introductory briefing on the safety of transporting children with accompanying persons.
  • Execute documents in accordance with the Rules of Clause 4. and transfer them to the person responsible for the transportation of children, the driver, or the charterer (if a charter agreement is concluded).

The official (manager), who is fully responsible for road safety, companies:

  • In the prescribed manner must ensure the provision of an application for escorting buses by vehicles provided by the traffic police;
  • It is obliged to notify the parents of the children in advance, as well as the traffic police unit (in case of escort by the traffic police) in case of unplanned changes in road conditions (occurrence of temporary obstacles, traffic restrictions), or any other circumstances that bring about a change in the appointed departure time.
  • Must number the buses and transfer this data to the person responsible for the organizational transportation of children.
  • Must ensure the availability of a certain set of food products (drinking water and dry rations) for each bus, referring to the approved list (when children are on the way according to the timetable for more than 3 hours in each bus).

According to the relevant rules, the senior responsible and medical worker are obliged to be in the bus closing the convoy.

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In accordance with paragraph 7 of the instructions of the First Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation I.I. Shuvalova dated February 21, 2014 No. IS-P9-24pr “On the prevention of child traffic injuries and the training of parents”, the Ministry of Education and Science, together with the Ministry of Transport of Russia and the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, developed and directs “On the organization of transportation of students to educational organizations”.

Application: 24 liters.

“On the organization of transportation of students to educational organizations”

1. General Provisions.

1.1 These guidelines on the organization of transportation of students of educational institutions (hereinafter referred to as recommendations) determine the main measures to improve road safety and ensure the rights and legitimate interests of students and their parents (legal representatives) when transporting students of educational organizations by bus, which is legally located (owned, leased, rented) educational institutions and used for their own needs (hereinafter referred to as revozki students).

1.2. The recommendations provide for the adoption of necessary measures to develop and approve programs (plans) in municipalities to bring the street-road network around educational institutions (including internal courtyards, playgrounds) and along the bus routes for transporting students on municipal roads.

1.3. The transportation of students includes:

delivery of students to educational organizations;

transportation of students at the end of classes (organized events);

organized transportation of groups of children in the organization of tourist-excursion, entertainment, sports and other cultural events.

2. The main measures for determining the routes for transportation of students.

2.1. Routes for transportation of students are determined by orders of the administrations of municipalities, subject to conditions ensuring their safety.

2.2. When developing routes for transporting students, it is necessary to take into account the requirements of the code of rules of joint venture 42.13330.2011 “Urban planning. Planning and development of urban and rural settlements ”, according to which students of rural educational organizations, living at a distance of more than 1 kilometer from the organization, are subject to transport services. At the same time, the maximum walking distance of students to the gathering place at the stop should be no more than 500 meters.

2.3. Assessment of the current state of the road network around educational organizations (including intra-courtyard roads, playgrounds) in municipalities and along the bus routes for transporting students on highways.

Assessment of the condition of roads and access roads to traffic safety requirements is carried out on the basis of a survey conducted by a commission formed by the decision of the administration of the corresponding territory as part of employees of organizations engaged in transportation of students, workers of roads, utilities and other organizations in charge of roads, streets , level crossings, as well as employees of the State Inspectorate for Road Safety (hereinafter - the traffic police), Department of State Road Supervision.

Commission inspection of road conditions on the route is carried out at least twice a year (spring-summer and autumn-winter surveys).

2.4. Based on the results of a survey of road conditions, an act is drawn up that lists the identified deficiencies that threaten traffic safety. The acts are subject to transfer to the bodies authorized to correct the identified deficiencies and monitor the results of this work.

2.5. In preparation for the transportation of students, rational places for the collection, landing and landing of students are determined. The space reserved for stopping points for children waiting for the bus should be large enough to accommodate them, not allowing access to the carriageway, cleared of dirt, ice and snow.

The stopping points of the bus routes for children are equipped with signs indicating the stopping place of the vehicle for boarding (disembarking) children. On the signs is the symbol of the bus and the identification sign "Transportation of Children", the inscription "School Route" indicating the travel time of buses carrying children.

2.6. The decision to open the “School Route” is taken after the violations have been eliminated.

a) unregulated railway crossings;

3. The main activities for the organization of transportation of students.

3.1. Educational organizations organize transportation of students on their own under the following conditions:

3.1.1. The presence of the necessary production, technical, personnel and regulatory and methodological framework to ensure road safety during transportation of students.

3.1.2. Buses used for transporting groups of students must comply with:

GOST R 51160-98 "Buses for the transport of children";

the requirements of paragraph 3 of the Rules for the organized transportation of groups of children approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 17, 2013 No. 1177 "On the approval of the rules for the organized transportation of a group of children by buses", in accordance with which a bus is used to carry out organized transportation of a group of children from the year of manufacture no more than 10 years have passed, which meets the purpose and design of the technical requirements for the carriage of passengers, is allowed in the established manner to participate in road traffic and and is equipped in the prescribed manner with a tachograph, as well as satellite navigation equipment GLONASS or GLONASS / GPS.

3.1.3. The technical condition of the bus must meet the requirements of the basic provisions for the admission of vehicles to use (Decree of the Council of Ministers - Government of the Russian Federation of October 23, 1993 No. 1090 “On the rules of the road”),

3.1.4. Timely technical inspection, maintenance and repair of buses for the transportation of students in the manner and terms determined by applicable regulations.

3.1.5. Conducting daily pre-trip monitoring of the technical condition of buses with the corresponding marks in the waybill.

3.1.6. Organization of internships for drivers.

3.1.7. Carrying out a medical examination of drivers on time. (Federal Law of December 10, 1995 No. 196-ФЗ On Road Safety).

3.1.8. Regular pre-trip and post-trip medical examinations of drivers.

3.1.9. Compliance with the requirements established by the legislation of the Russian Federation, including the observance of the regimes of work and rest of drivers, as well as compliance with the requirements of Article 20 of the Federal Law of the Russian Federation dated December 10, 1995 No. 196-ФЗ On Road Traffic Safety, Rules for Organized Transportation groups of children approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 17, 2013 No. 1177 "On approval of the rules for the organized transportation of a group of children by buses", the decree of the Government of the Russian Federation on December 17, 2013. No. 1176 “On Amending the Rules of the Road of the Russian Federation”, as well as the Rules for ensuring the safety of passengers and goods by road and urban land electric transport and a list of measures for the training of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs, transporting by road and urban land electric transport, to safe operation and vehicles to safe operation, approved by order m of the Ministry of Transport of Russia dated January 15, 2014 No. 7.

3.1.10. Regular provision of drivers with the necessary operational information on the conditions of movement and work on the route.

3.1.11. Providing parking and guarding buses for transporting students to exclude the possibility of unauthorized use by the organization’s drivers, as well as by unauthorized persons or causing any damage to the buses.

3.1.12. The use of buses to transport students solely for the purpose of transporting students.

3.2. Educational organizations that do not have the necessary conditions to ensure the safety of students' transportation conclude municipal contracts for the storage of vehicles (organization of transportation of students with passenger motor transport organizations) that have the necessary conditions listed in Section 3 of the "Requirements for the organization of transportation of students" of these Recommendations.

4. Obligations of officials to organize and implement the safety of transportation of students of educational institutions.

4.1. The obligations of officials to organize and implement the safety of transportation of students are set out in the appendices to this Regulation and are an integral part of it.

4.2. Persons organizing and (or) carrying out transportation of students are liable in the manner prescribed by the legislation of the Russian Federation for the life and health of students of the educational organization transported by bus, as well as for violation of their rights and freedoms.

2.10. It is not allowed to allow passengers standing in the aisles between the bus seats.

2.11. It is forbidden to go on a flight without accompanying persons specially designated by order of the educational organization.

3. Safety measures during transportation.

3.1. The movement of the bus should be carried out without sharp shocks, with smooth acceleration, and when stopping, sharp braking is not allowed, except in cases of emergency stop.

3.2. On the way it is forbidden:

deviate from the schedule and the specified route of movement;

distract from driving a bus;

smoke, eat, talk;

carry passengers not wearing seat belts;

use a cell phone without a special headset;

allow unauthorized persons into the bus.

3.3. The speed of the bus when transporting children is selected in accordance with the requirements of the rules of the road (hereinafter - traffic rules) and should not exceed 60 km / h.

3.4. It is not allowed to transport students in the dark, in icy conditions and in conditions of limited visibility.

3.5. Before an unguarded railway crossing, you should stop the bus and, making sure that the passage through the railway lines is safe, continue driving.

3.6. In order to avoid carbon monoxide poisoning, long bus stops with a running engine are prohibited.

4. Safety measures in emergency situations.

4.1. If a bus malfunction occurs, you should take it to the right, drive to the side of the road, stop the bus in a safe place, drop off the students, not allowing them to enter the carriageway, and, in accordance with the requirements of the SDA, set up safety warning signs. Continue driving only after the fault has been rectified.

4.2. Students are not allowed to be in a towed bus.

4.3. In the event of a traffic accident with injuring children, take measures to provide emergency first aid to the injured and, from the nearest point of contact, a cell phone or using passing drivers, report the incident to the administration of the educational organization, the traffic police and call an ambulance.

5. Safety measures at the end of transportation.

5.1. Upon arrival from the flight, the driver must:

inform the head of the educational organization about the results of the trip;

in the established order to undergo a post-trip medical examination;

carry out maintenance of the bus and eliminate all identified malfunctions;

inform the head of the educational organization about the readiness for the next flight.

5.2. When servicing the bus, the driver must be guided by the requirement of Clause 4.5.23 of GOST R 51160-98 on the double reduction of the frequency of inspection, adjustments and maintenance of mechanisms, components and parts that determine the safe operation of the bus (steering, brake system, tires, fire extinguishers, mechanisms emergency exit control, etc.), compared with the bus on the basis of which the bus for transportation of students was made.

Appendix 6

Memo for the escort on the bus when transporting students

1. Before the trip, the accompanying person is instructed on the safety of transportation of students, the marks of which are recorded in the book of instruction records.

2. During the movement of the bus, the escort must be on the front platform of the passenger compartment.

3. The escort must know where the fire extinguishing items are in the passenger compartment of the bus, be able to use them, and must also be aware of rescue measures in case of accidents.

4. Boarding and disembarking of students is carried out after the bus stops completely under the guidance of an escort.

5. Before starting the movement, the escort must make sure that the number of students does not exceed the number of seats, all passengers are fastened with seat belts, the windows on the left side are closed, and give a command to close the doors.

6. During the movement, the attendant ensures order in the cabin, does not allow students to rise from their seats and walk around the cabin.

7. When disembarking, the escort comes out first and directs the students to the right in the direction of travel outside the carriageway.

  Document Overview

We are talking about delivery to the place of employment, delivery at the end of the trip, transportation within the framework of tourist-excursion, entertainment, sports and other cultural events.

Transport services are also required for students of rural educational organizations living at a distance of more than 1 km from them. The maximum pedestrian approach to the gathering place is not more than 500 m.

Established routes should not pass through unregulated railway crossings, ice crossings. Stopping points for waiting for the bus must be chosen rationally. Large areas are needed to prevent access to the roadway.

Vehicles used during transportation must be in good condition and regularly inspected.

Persons involved in the transportation of students are responsible for their life and health, for violation of their rights and freedoms.

The responsibilities of the director of an educational organization to ensure transportation safety are listed.

It is useful for students to familiarize themselves with the attached safety rules when traveling. The bus driver and accompanying persons - with the relevant notes.