Happy Birthday February 2nd. Happy birthday to those born in February - a woman, a man, a girl. Happy Birthday Greetings from Grandparents

Congratulations on a birthday of 2 years to a boy should be fun, understandable for the baby and not too long. On his second birthday, the child is already beginning to realize that something special is happening around and dedicated to him alone. You should definitely take care of the congratulations for his parents as well.

Touching congratulations for a boy 2 years from parents

Suitable for 2 years birthday greetings for a boy is usually not easy to pick up. A two-year-old child does not yet fully understand the significance of the holiday, but he is happy to accept all signs of attention from others.

It will be difficult for him to carefully listen to the end of long congratulations in prose or poetry. Therefore, you should try to make them short, but memorable.

It’s a good idea to write down your wish on paper. For example, on a beautiful card with a fabulous / cartoon design. Then, in the future, a birthday boy who has grown up will be able to re-read them and remember how brightly, interestingly his relatives congratulated him several years ago.

But the baby will definitely understand perfectly if the parents tell in their congratulations how much they love the birthday boy, how much they were waiting for his birth and how happy that he is growing next to them and is already celebrating his second birthday. It remains only to hug tightly and kiss the hero of the occasion. It will be interesting to capture the moment of touching congratulations in the photo in order to recall it in the future.

  1. Who is the Most Cheerful in the world? Who does not sit Not a minute in place? Who has been pleasing my mother for two years? Who is masterful, noisy, stubborn? Happy Birthday to the Son. Anything we want, Today we give it!
  2. A delicious cake and two candles, Balloons, gifts - Today's birthday will be very bright. We, son, wish you happiness in life long. May fate lead you Only to its heights. And parents must congratulate. We must, of course. Let your child grow Smart and successful!
  3. The best boy was born that day. How much has changed dramatically in two years! The guy knows how to do so much. Soon even the time will tell by the clock. May our beloved son grow healthy. Well, we are a gift. We will buy not one!

How to congratulate the parents of the child

It is also important to congratulate the parents of the birthday. Usually for moms and dads of babies of the very youngest age, their birthdays are perceived as a personal holiday. Therefore, mom and dad will be very pleased to receive separate congratulations.

In its text, it is relevant to tell what a wonderful, kind and glorious baby appeared in the family, how well his parents raise him.

And also wish them patience, health, tranquility, joy for the future and, possibly, expansion of the family.

For example: “Today your baby is two years old. We wish him to grow up bold healthy, happy, strong, successful. And you would like to wish to continue expanding your family, because you get such wonderful children! ”

Poems in prose and poetry are suitable for parents. They can be common for the birthday man, mom and dad (as an example above) or personal for everyone. If you can’t make a successful congratulation on your own, you just need to choose the best from the ready-made ones written by professionals.

  1. Two years to your hero. Two years of joy, victories. Let him continue tirelessly Through life, he goes without troubles. Let the steps still awkward, Let the meaning is not clear the first words, Already with the character of a boy, Already a man to be ready. Let it grow to the joy of mom, Let it become the pride of his father. To the envy of everyone that you brought up a super-young fellow.
  2. Congratulations to my dad and mom. 2 years ago Turned your child Your life into a blooming garden. I wish him tales, Magic and kindness, Laughter, joy and affection, Fulfillment of a dream!
  3. On the bicentennial of our son, we congratulate you, May your boy be always lucky! Let it be the happiest in the world, And let happiness follow it! Let it be bold and very brave, Let the mountains turn in its path. We wish that luck forever be with him, And sorrows so that they do not interfere with going!

Happy Birthday Greetings from Grandparents

Grandmother and grandfather will probably hurry to congratulate one of the first little birthday boy. Their wishes usually always come out especially warm, sincere, gentle.

Today, in the vastness of the Web, you can find a huge assortment of already written congratulations for the little grandson. Among them, there are those who are tied to a specific holiday - the biennium of the boy. And also personalized, at the same time dedicated to both the child and parents, funny, tender and touching - for every taste.

Often, grandparents give little grandchildren cash presents so that parents can decide on their own the best gift for their baby. In this case, the selected wish can be written on a beautiful envelope. Or just read it in your own words when presenting a gift.

  1. Happy birthday, our granddaughter, dear little bear! Know that for all of us, you are the best child! Let the sun shine In your clear eyes, For you are two years old - You live, like in a fairy tale! Grandmother loves you, More than anyone else in the world, You are the granddaughter of me The best on the planet!
  2. Two years - you are so big, Granddaughter is our unique! We love you with all our souls, Grow healthy and happy! Let everything work out easily, You, our dear angel, Let the sun smile brightly On this holiday day!
  3. 2 years old Already your granddaughter, Today is your birthday, My dear little man. Grow up healthy, strong, Yes, and obedient too, To be capricious and cry A man is not supposed to. I wish you to cope with the porridge brilliantly, So that you grow up strong, courageous, a real man.

Short wishes and short poems

Short fun poems and wishes are best for the little birthday boy. If they are not too adult and official, then the baby will be able to fully understand and appreciate them.

Such congratulations today will be able to find in the finished form. Among them are options from parents for a small birthday boy, from grandparents, from friends, godparents, uncles / aunts and any relatives, as well as from other guests.

It is convenient to send short wishes in an SMS message to the parents of the hero of the occasion, if the congratulator lives far from the family. Then mom and dad will probably read out warm pleasant words to the baby and tell who he received the congratulation from.

If you want to originalize and surprise all the guests at the celebration, you should prepare a delicious “postcard” for the crumbs. For example, a large cake in the form of a rectangle with cream decorations.

Well, if you can make it on the theme of your favorite cartoon or fairy tale of the child. In the middle of such a cake there will be a short wish chosen for the boy in poetry or prose. It is convenient to write with a culinary bag with a thin nozzle or a special brush. “Paint” will be melted chocolate, any cream (of a contrasting color to cake and decoration), liquid marmalade, condensed milk and other mouth-watering compositions that are convenient to write.

  1. Ah yes boy! Nice bunny. Fidget and smart girl, Two year old pretty girl. So grow in glory, Rejoice dad, mom. You can whimper a little, But then - giggle.
  2. Happy birthday, my boy! Congratulations with all my heart. Gentle angel, sweet bunny, birthday, dear! Be happier than everyone in the world, Do not be sad and do not hurt. With a super date! After all, the biennium is also an anniversary!
  3. The baby is already two years old, And two years is the term! May love and care surround you this year.

Funny and original greetings for the child

Choose a gift for a child a boy for a biennium is not difficult. At this age, the baby will be able to please any interesting trifle, a toy. It will be enough to buy a bright car, a ball with a funny pattern, a set of airplanes or something like that in a children's store.

  1. You still do not know the numbers, But you spoil for two, celebrate your birthday, Two years old is already the bridegroom! More colorful toys And love from all sides, Be cheerful, but obedient. The world is delighted with you!
  2. Happy birthday, baby, Our little Skoda! Today is already two years old for you. Eat a lot of different cereals: Buckwheat, pearl barley, To become a big boy, Smart and healthy.
  3. Who laughs so merrily And makes a noise like a platoon of soldiers ?! Our birthday is rushing, He is in great demand today. Let grows up as an intelligent boy, Will become strong, like a rock, Let him be friends with a good book, And does not hold evil in his heart!

It is important to give a child a large number of balls at the age of 2 years. The brighter they are, the better.

Even simple stickers, candy on a stick or crayons for drawing on the pavement can be a welcome gift for a two-year-old. And sincere joy on the face of the crumbs will confirm the correctness of the choice of the birthday person.

Already at 2 years old, the child begins to gradually become independent and periodically refuse to help his parents, declaring: "I myself".

Therefore, in your congratulations it is worth noting that the boy has already become quite an adult, and to praise all his skills.

Regardless of which gift will be chosen, correctly selected congratulations will help to make its presentation bright and interesting. For a little boy it is worth making it fun and interesting.

Of course, adult jokes for a child at the age in question will be incomprehensible and inappropriate. But he will definitely like small funny poems or wishes in the form of a fairy tale.

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Happy second birthday

Congratulations to our miracle
  Happy second birthday!
  Happiness every minute
  More tales and games!

Cheerful days and bright
  No offense, no bumps, no tears.
  Entertainment, and gifts,
And toys - a whole cart!

Listen to dad and mom
  Touch everyone with beauty
  Laughter, first words.
  Under a happy live star!

Happy birthday boy

The cake is beautiful, a couple of candles,
  And heart-shaped balloons ...
  Who's in charge here?
  Here he is - a nice little baby!
  We are him on the day of celebration
  Wish magic
  Bright different trinkets
  Cars, plush toys!

2 years have already passed

2 years have already passed,
  How the people increased
  Your family is small.
  The dream has gone, and with it - peace!
  But what a blessing,
  What suddenly, overnight,
  It became fun in the house
  And more comfortable and brighter!
  I wish my parents
  Wisdom is great, patience!
  And baby to give you
  A lot of happy moments!

Happy birthday girl

Little baby
  Girl Thumbelina!
  We want leaving things
  Congratulate you on your 2nd birthday,
  With the date "serious" -
  You have become a “very” adult!
  Be obedient and healthy
  Smart, sweet and funny!

Your daughter - exactly two!

Dear Mom and Dad,
  Your daughter - exactly two!
  To this long awaited date
  We have saved you the words:
  Congratulations and wish
  So that the child grows strong!
  No problem and no sadness
  And no reason for tears!
  To your daughter became
  Pride for the whole family,
  For success, love and glory
  Always walked with her!

The sun shines through the sun

The eyes shine with the sun
  Words ring like a stream
  Meets everyone with a smile -
  After all, today there are two little ones!

Let always laugh loudly
  Filling the house with happiness
  The most joyful child
  Remains day after day!

To our little two already

A holiday in home and soul
  Our little one is already narrow.
  Feel free to step forward
  Get smarter in a year.

Let the sun shine in fate
  Every day, always, everywhere.
  Be an example and talent
  And do not use the excitement.

Be another faithful in life
  Don’t forget about the good.

You are exactly two today

You are exactly two today.
  You walk, jump and jump.
  So hard to find the words
  What do you mean to us all in life!

We will give you everything you need:
  Love, kindness, spiritual light.
  And we say together to the whole family:
  “You are no more expensive in the world!”

February is the last month of a cold winter. It is believed that it was at this time, when very little was left before the heat, the human body was at the limit of its capabilities, having spent vitamins and energy reserves during the winter, and people themselves are most prone to depression. It seems unlucky to those who were born this month. However, a birthday is always a holiday, both for the birthday man, and for his relatives, relatives, friends. So, even in a blizzard February there is a place for joy, fun, noisy congratulations and sincere wishes.

One who was born in harsh February,
Not just walking on Mother Earth,
He was born to be strong
To protect all the weak in this world.
Congratulations, congratulations on your birth,
Let the snow fill you with strength and patience
Let your temper temper your temper
Let your heart of fears not know!

We have a February birthday today
Now it’s not fashionable to be sad this holiday,
Happy birthday to you
And I suggest having fun and drinking vodka.
So that you remember this day for a long time,
So that the noise would stand, so that the music for the whole block,
And I consider my sacred duty
You wish that God sent you happiness!

Many years ago, and it seems that recently,
The hour so young spring is at hand
She ascended to the horizon of the most coveted
Charming, bright and tender star.
And at this hour, with love, the whole world lit up
In a parental smile blossomed in an instant
Happy birthday, February bird,
You are congratulations from all your relatives.

The February birthday grew only in affection,
And often he flew on wings in white clouds,
And despite the fact that in the winter was born a fairy tale,
His soul was always in bright colors.
Don’t be sad that years rush irrevocably,
And neither people nor fate will ever blame
After all, you are the master of your life, sovereign
You protect yourself, and from actions of evil keep.

May your birthday be in February, and you bloom
May snow and frost bring you happiness
May life be sweet, like dreams
May all dreams and dreams come true.
With you together, the star of your fate is born
And even though it seems to you that sometimes it doesn’t shine,
Thanks to her alone, spring in your soul
Though you celebrate your birthday in winter.

February gave you a proud character,
Energetic, bold, judicious and peppy,
But in your soul you’re an early spring flower,
The same kind, the same delicate, gentle.
May this year be unique for you,
Let everything that surrounds be pleasant and beautiful,
Let your soul be always in love
And passion, inspiration, as if inspired.

February outside the window means a holiday, let everything come true,
Happy Birthday, may all your dreams come true
May every minute of your life be wonderful
Bright, meaningful, exciting, interesting,
February gave you vigor - no fatigue,
And the snow gave you beauty in your soul and a lot of joy,
So let the February frost bring luck
Happiness, health, inspiration, happy birthday!

I hasten to congratulate you on your birthday
And wish you, well, of course, love,
So that today, under this February sky,
God heard and fulfilled all your dreams.
So that all year round you always have order
So that frost freezes problems and sadness
May your day be bright, bright
Let it attract you like a magnet.

You were born in February, let him be your authority
You will be endowed with strong health and spirit,
And that your earthly happiness be eternal
Let all your dreams come true soon.
Happy Birthday, may a miracle happen in life,
And warms you with its splendor in a wave
Despite the snow, frost and the February cold,
The soul will be filled with harmony and warmth.

In February, you are like spring nascent color,
In the midst of snow, in the midst of frost, came into this world,
With your appearance, you have honored the world of great honor,
And from the first minute of life she “built” everyone.
You grew up a beautiful girl, a family to fame,
And already got the achievements of different teams,
Happy Birthday, albeit in a life leapfrog,
There are no gaps for sadness and misfortune anywhere.

You were born in February, do not persuade you, not even for a moment,
All that you wanted from life, has long been achieved,
But, already managed to set new goals for himself,
What a character! Happy Birthday.
Live beautifully, easily, do not worry about trifles,
And always stay the same kind and open
We wish you money in your affairs of success,
And next to a beloved and caring person.

In harsh February you found your life
And it became like winter, so bright and beautiful,
And I want, most of all, that you always be,
The most coveted, most beloved, most happy!
May all your dreams come true
Let plans and ideas always come true,
May heaven hear all my wishes
Happy birthday to you, my dear beauty!

The boy stomps his feet confidently
Here mom and dad runs to hug!
Claps joyfully, loudly with his hands,
Well, what else can you dream of?

He’s not already small, he’s big,
The second birthday boy meets!
So let him grow like a hero
And let him get everything he wants!

You are two years old, baby! Relatives celebrate!
You fuss, you run, knowing everything in the world.
You grow inquisitive, warm yourself with your smile!
Kohl looking for what - you will always find, you will be able to achieve!

I want you to be always happy,
Do not offend your relatives, to be a beloved boy.
Still - rather grow up, just achieve everything!
And never lose heart, your wishes come true!

You are two years old, you can immediately see:
Your age is solid.
You stand firmly on your feet.
Happy Birthday Baby!

Already bursting a child in all,
And she likes to listen to the reading of folk tales.
Everything will be able, just show it.
Today we are two years old!

Your son is hope and support
In the future, but he will grow soon,
Time will fly by
In the meantime, the baby sleeps so sweetly!

Soon he will wake up, laugh,
And he will come back to entertain the guests!
With mom blow out the candles on the cake
And gently kiss with love!

His birthday, 2 years,
The weather is clear in the house:
Sea of \u200b\u200bcongratulations, beautiful toast,
Let the bright path wait for the son, happy!

Baby, you're already two years old
You can do a lot yourself
So here it is, nature,
You grow by the day and by the hour.

Let it be cake and sweets,
Your friends will come to you
Smartly, festively dressed
They’ll bring you presents.

Your best holiday, birthday,
Meet with a smile every year
Accept, baby, congratulations
Grow happy without worries!

You smile all wider, you go all bold.
All the happiest songs in this world you sing!
May all fairy tales come true, dreams come true,
After all, you are already two years old - you are the birthday boy!

Your life will be sweeter, like a hundred candies,
I sincerely wish you good peaceful years.

Everything in the house is already upside down
Happiness settled in him.
For two long years now
We all take care of you.

You are beautiful and sweet
All our relatives know.
Very much we all appreciate you.
Here are such things.

Congratulations from the heart,
We are writing verses to you,
To always be healthy.
And do not rush to grow.

Two years is a lot!
It is a railway
Sweets, sweets, halva
And in life the first words!

Let a merry, good holiday
Our prankster will give you
Luck mountain, sea of \u200b\u200bhappiness,
So that in life you do not know bad weather!

We wish old Hottabych
Fulfilled the main thing at least:
Brought you a bag of smiles
And more goldfish!

Two years old turned
Growing, growing baby
After all, I remember, yesterday,
I looked from the diapers.

Happy life joyful
We wish the baby.
May the city be fabulous
The wizard is recognizable.

Let the fairies bring good to the house
All bad weather is averted.
And joy comes by the hand
With great bright happiness.

You are the most tender child
The most intelligent and crazy
Don't sit still now
You're quite big already.

You are only two today
And you know how much
And to sing a song, and jump and jump,
And eat yourself, collect toys,

And you know how to run.
Be healthy and not be sad,
And evil and flattery are not in place here.
Dear, boldly go,

And discover our wonderful world.

Only a couple of years have passed
And he’s running around, chatting.
And in the house, like the sun is light,
It gives warmth and joy to people.

Accept my sincere greetings
And happy birthday greetings.
May your little son be many years old
It gives you laughter and inspiration!

You crossed the line beautiful,
Two years is also a term.
Do you still know all the strengths
From life, taking more than once a lesson.

Today, this birthday
I just want to wish you happiness
And the rest is all luck:
Have time to make a wish!

Congratulations on your sweet little peanut!
Today you are two years old.
When did you grow up like that, boy?
With it, your life is filled with new meaning.

I wish you a happy sweet share,
To grow the baby smart and happy.
May the wonderful holiday be his birthday
It will be fun, bright and beautiful.

Another year has passed,
Your baby is already big.
Naughty and chatting
Such a smart grows up.

And on my birthday I wish
Smiles to the sea, good health.
Of course, happiness and crazy good luck,
Undoubtedly, giving back to all troubles to everyone!

2 year happy birthday greetings

  A birthday usually bodes a lot of joy, surprises, surprises ... Usually it is much easier to congratulate children on a birthday than adults. But nevertheless, congratulations for the little ones also need to be carefully thought out - after all, remember: parents, all guests, also hear your congratulations.

What to say in your birthday greetings for 2 years? First of all, wish your baby good health, joy, success, so that he grows up happy, smart, successful. You can dream about who he will become - this will cause a lot of positive emotions for all the guests present at the holiday.

As for the gift for the baby - remember that, in addition to clothes or something else, practical, you must definitely buy the child what he will be happy with and will be happy for - it should be remembered for a long time!

What to give for 2 years? A birthday greetings of 2 years can be made simply delicious and sweet: give a birthday man a huge cake in the form of a typewriter, a doll, or on a favorite cartoon, or with a photo of the hero of the occasion, printed on a wafer sheet and mounted on a cake.

Today there are many options for happy birthday 2 years! One of bright, original and unforgettable is a congratulation by means of balloons. Just prepare a bunch of balls yourself, or order in the appropriate store. You can also come up with beautiful bouquets of sweets and corrugated paper, fresh flowers.

Winds blow in February?
It's not a problem.
For you, we have now
Here is the theme:

Happy Birthday! All good things
Living in love and peace.
Happiness, loyal friends,
So as not to fail.

Respect, victories,
In life - chocolate
And the opportunity to buy
All that will be needed.

Cheerful sonorous drop
Spring is already knocking on the door
To bring you a birthday
A lot of laughter, mood,
So that things can be resolved with ease,
So that speed plans come true
What did you live on positive
Richly, happily, beautifully!

On this good and wonderful day of February, I wish you a happy birthday. I wish that the blizzards and blizzards were only outside the window, that the soul was always bright and joyful, that your heart was always warmed by the warmth of your beloved people, that your strong character and perseverance would allow you to achieve even the impossible.

In the cold snow sparkles
Blowing snow on the ground ...
Managed to be born
You in fierce February.

Cold, snow, and cold.
You are visiting in the dark.
Even the one you need
You will not always find a flower ...

But the character is solid,
Like ice on a winter river.
Beauty as proud
Hardly anyone will find where.

So that she was so
Like yours, with fire inside
With the feminine warmth of the earth.
Just look at it.

I want to wish you
A lot of light and heat
To the Snow Queen
You have never been.

To give joy, happiness,
Getting them in return.
To prevent misfortunes
And unnecessary changes.

To make your life sparkle
Walked on the ground in spring
At least once appeared
You are in cold February ...

Who was born in February
He was doubly lucky -
Everything is white, beautiful,
But already the end of winter.

Holiday! So it's time for us
Have fun until the morning.
Happy Birthday
From the bottom of you Hurrah!

I give you spring!
May February
The sun is shining in the sky
Contrary to the calendar!

February is a wonderful month.
Fearless and harsh.
Bold people give us
Beautiful and healthy.

Today's birthday
I wish you success.
Luck protects
Better than all armor.

And no matter what happens -
Rain, hoarfrost, snowfalls -
May happiness be long-awaited
You will be a reward.

Born to the song of the February blizzard
They will never accept "no" from life.
There is a goal, and so soon their hands
Press the desired item to the chest ...

So let there be many bright goals,
The desire to possess them is growing
Luck is always in a hurry to help,
Not long to wait for a new victory,

And most importantly - in love to hear all the time
You heady-sweet Yes! Yes!",
So that even when the snow is on the roofs,
The whole soul was flooded with warmth!

Happy Birthday,
May February bring you
Kindness, smiles and luck,
Strong as steel!

I wish you live in abundance
And despite the cold
Let the soul warm and sweet
You will always be!

February outside the window -
And you have a holiday
A little older
You have become now.

But your smile
Shines stronger
Forgotten mistakes
Days gone by.

So you want to believe
So you want to know
That fortunately there are doors
You can recognize them.

Be lucky
And you will find them,
And happiness will come
Fulfilling dreams.

February draws paints again
Happy Birthday.
So wish, as if in a fairy tale,
Only good luck and luck.

So much happiness as snowflakes
Joy, love, fun.
To be beautiful and loved
Like today - on your birthday!

In the coldest month of winter
In the February crackling frost,
We all heartily congratulate you,
So that every word comes true!

Let all the peaks obey you
Good luck, luck won't leave you
February frosts
After all, the main thing is warmth in the soul!