Congratulations to the day of forest workers in verse and prose. Congratulations on the day of forest workers in verse and prose. Contests for Forester's Day

Date in 2019: September 15th, Sunday.

One of the most celebrated professional holidays in Russia is associated with the forest. The day of the forestry worker is celebrated in September. Many people are employed in this area of \u200b\u200bthe economy, so congratulations to him are always relevant. They can be both in verse and in prose.

Forest is the wealth of Russia. For a long time he was a defender and breadwinner for Russian people. Home, food, relaxation - everything you need for life can be found in the forest more often. The work of those who choose a profession related to the forest is hard and honorable.

Forest Workers' Day is one of the most honorable places in the general calendar of significant days. On this day, it is worth congratulating everyone who is engaged in the forest industry. For this, congratulations in poetic form or in prose are suitable.

The forest industry holiday is not tied to a specific date. Therefore, it is important to know what date the day of the forester is celebrated in 2016.

When is celebrated Third Sunday of September
Established On September 18, the Soviet Union adopted a document on the regulation of forestry issues - Forest legislation, and on October 1, 1980, a day was set for the celebration of Forestry Day
Traditions Forester's Day is celebrated in Russia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan and Belarus. On this day, the best employees are awarded, various exhibitions, contests, seminars, fairs are held.
Who notes People whose work takes place in the forest or is related to the forest
Who belongs to this profession People involved in forest protection and the use of forest wealth, forestry workers

Congratulations on the day of forestry workers

Congratulations on the day of the forester should show the great importance of forestry workers for the country's economy and for maintaining equilibrium in nature. People working in this area are constantly faced with difficulties; they are closely connected with nature. They are strong people, and strength of character and difficult working conditions should be emphasized in congratulations.

Congratulations in Prose

Dear forest keepers! Turning to you, I want to say a lot of kind and significant words. Who, if not you, keeps our planet vibrant and flourishing? Who, besides you, can prolong life on Earth? After all, forests are living lungs of the planet, a supplier of oxygen, the abode of animals, birds and man himself!

You by your work increase the wealth of the forest, protect it from diseases and pests. It is impossible to overestimate the importance of your activity for all of humanity! Happy professional holiday to you! We wish you further success in your important and difficult business!

Forest is one of the main treasures of our Motherland. We congratulate you, employees of the timber industry complex, on your professional holiday! You increase and preserve the forest treasures of Russia, in your hands is the health, well-being and pride of our country.

Greetings in verses

The forest is our protector, it is our wealth
  Birds and animals are an indestructible kingdom.
  A forester in this kingdom is both a king and a worker,
  Sower, hard worker, slave and hunter.
  In the morning he comes into the thicket with the dawn,
  And at home it happens with a night star.

In September, we celebrate the day of forestry,
  Forest workers are the stronghold of the state!
  We wish them all excellent health,
  Luck in the affairs of the extraordinary,
  Growth in the profession, smooth paths,
  And understanding of their halves!

On a warm, fine autumn day
  The holiday comes again.
  Every little tree, every little animal
  Every bird and every sprout
  Recognize and remember the steps of the forester
  The sun and clouds see him
  And the wind, and the snow, and the stream, and the river.
  Lots of paths set out by him,
  We say “Thank you” to him for everything!
  Forest ranger protects native forests,
  They are love and beauty for Russia!
  On holiday, we wish him a lot of strength,
  To save more trees!
  Let there be new burs and thickets!
  Forester - our Russian hero is real!

On the day of the forest workers, we wish you happiness,
  So that the sun shines, the weather will not catch.
  So that both birds and beasts are kind,
  So that rains and blizzards would not interfere.
  May the forest always and in everything help you,
  Nature is your friend, let him help out in business!

Yellow flags hung in September,
  May we have a warm summer a little sorry
  But on the third Sunday fine day
  Let's celebrate our holiday, it is not far off.
  Forest workers, our holiday
  Thickets greet the green shadow,
  Leaves in the forest are painted with colors
  We see nature's native beauty.
  A decree has been signed a long time ago,
  On the day of forest workers, we congratulate all of us!

Congratulations for SMS

On Indian summer's day, on a nice morning,
  We congratulate the forest workers on friendly terms,
  Good luck to them today,
Everybody respects their hard work.
  Let their trouble and anxiety go around!
  May all their roads be successful!

People have a holiday today:
  Lumberjacks, huntsmen,
  Furniture makers, foresters,
  Those who cook firewood.
  A common holiday in this fraternity is
  September day in forestry.
  Congratulations on this date,
  We wish you all success in your work!

Forest workers, I wish you happiness
  So you don’t have to meet with a poacher,
  So that wild animals pass by,
  To walk freely in the forest side!

Our Russia is famous for its forests,
  May more of them appear under heaven.
  They are protected and groomed by a Russian forester,
  He goes straight through the thicket.
  It’s not the easiest job,
  Each leaflet should be taken care of.
  Congratulations on your holiday, friends,
  In your difficult work, good luck!

You go around forest land, forester,
  Rain or wind - you are used to them.
  Congratulations, my good friend,
  Let a bodily affliction go around you!
  May luck always be with you
  Today is your holiday, you are the master of the forest!

You are not a goblin, you are a forester,
  Not a naughty boy, not a mischievous one.
  You keep the forest from evil fires,
  And you work with ardor.
  On the holiday of all, we wish you good,
  Higher nose and wider step!

During the USSR, foresters and forestry workers were deeply respected. Forest resources were among the strategic reserves of the country. Forester's Day was celebrated by the whole society.

Citizens of the new Russia continue this tradition and on the third Sunday of September with pleasure congratulate all people whose professions are associated with the forest.

Forest Workers Day 2016 (September 18) coincides with the date of adoption of the Forestry Law, which regulates environmental protection and the use of forest reserves. This coincidence can be considered symbolic: after all, more and more attention has been paid to the issue of forest protection recently.

   Larisa, September 17, 2016.

Forest conservation is an important task for all forestry workers. Competently preserve, process and realize forest wealth - these are the main goals of specialists. Due to the fact that this professional orientation is held in high esteem, the Forester Day is annually celebrated in Russia.


Since ancient times, worldwide attention has been attracted to the conservation of forests. In Russia, with the aim of increasing, preserving and rational use of forests, the Forest Law was approved. This was the first document that regulated the activities of forestry workers.

Three years later, in 1980, it was decided to approve the holiday - Forest Day. First of all, this was done to rally people who are not indifferent to forestry. To raise the profile of such necessary professions as the huntsman, forester.

This holiday is celebrated by a wide circle of people - these are all workers in the wood processing industry, forest guards and all others whose activities are somehow related to the forest. This day does not go unnoticed among students and teachers of the corresponding specifics of colleges and universities of the country.


On a holiday, colleagues gather in the company and discuss the past year, achievements, problems and ways to solve them. Wishing each other promotion and so on.

At a ceremonial level, workers from all sectors of the forestry are gathered in the halls. Management rewards employees with diplomas and valuable gifts, thanks for their good service and diligent work.

In honor of the day of the forest, it is customary to hold competitions for the best fire forest, for the most intelligent dendrologist. On a holiday celebrate the winners and reward them.

On the air of television and radio broadcasting for a significant day they prepare programs in which emphasis is placed on the value of forests, they talk a lot about the ecology of the regions. People are more widely acquainted with the problems that threaten forests. Once again remind everyone of the need to maintain cleanliness in the forest.

Schools and pre-schools for this day arrange tours to furniture and paper mills, forestry and nature reserves.

The third Sunday of September is a public holiday as the Day of Forest Workers is celebrated. A similar holiday is dedicated to the work of specialists involved in forest protection, as well as increasing forest wealth in Russia. Also, specialists of the woodworking sphere, as well as the sphere of timber harvesting, are congratulated on this holiday.

The story of the holiday

The first worker in the forest can be called Peter the Great, who issued a decree banning the felling of valuable tree species. He also limited the use of forest resources located on the shores of different water bodies. In addition, at the initiative of Peter the Great, the first forest guard was created, as well as a list of special laws that control the activities of the forest service and contribute to the development of a number of sciences related to forests. Similar laws were also taken into account when drafting the Forestry Charter, adopted back in 1859. In the same year, the Forestry Department identified the main tasks of forestry, including the protection of forest resources, making some profit from the use of forests, as well as the main ways to increase the forest's wealth. Similar principles are relevant in our time.

In the year 77 of the last century, the first “Forest Legislation” was published in the USSR, which defines ways to resolve the main issues related to forest wealth. Since that time, there has also been a tradition to celebrate Forest Workers Day every third Sunday of the 9th month. Since then, every year, all foresters and people who are somehow connected with the harvesting or processing of wood, celebrate their professional holiday. At this time, colleagues, the government, friends and relatives of such specialists congratulate them on such a holiday, recalling the main merits and achievements.

The importance of forest conservation and conservation

The forest is an unusually large complex of a huge number of different plants that differ in appearance, size, method of reproduction, obtaining nutrients and other characteristics. So, the forest can be called a huge living organism, consisting of the smallest elements, which are plants. Similar elements closely interact with each other, and also have a huge impact on plants, fungi and animals living in the forest. Therefore, the forest is often called specialists phytocenosis or a separate community of plants. In simple words, it is very difficult to fully reveal the essence and significance of the forest, because it has complex internal connections that are distinguished by coherence and interdependence, and also acts as an integrated complex, and not a collection of individual representatives of the flora.

The trees growing in the forest are at a fairly close distance to each other, therefore they have a serious effect on the surrounding trees. Their trunks are significantly lengthened, and the branches begin to grow at a considerable distance from the ground. Since each tree in the forest tries to reach sunlight, and is forced to grow next to other trees that are striving for development, most of them are low-branched branches. More often the branches of forest trees rush up and have the shape of an ellipse.

In addition to plants, various animals and birds inhabit the forest. It is home to smaller organisms: insects, fungi, and so on. Various species of living organisms live in almost all elements of the forest. Even the soil is filled with a variety of rodents, larvae of various insects, worms and moles.

Animals, birds and other organisms that inhabit the forest are closely associated with various vegetation growing within it. Trees and bushes become shelters and dwellers for them, and grass and mushrooms allow them to eat. However, the way of life of animals is in many ways different from the life of the plant, because animals most often enter the food chain of other representatives of the fauna. At this time, plants never absorb their counterparts for survival.

Some species of living organisms in the forest greatly harm trees and shrubs. Some larvae of beetles and caterpillars of certain species of butterflies significantly damage tree leaves, seeds and fruits. One of the trees most affected by such damage is oak. Trees attack not only insects, but also small rodents, earthworms.

Another important function performed by the forest is to humidify the atmosphere. By nourishing moisture and water from rains and groundwater, plants cleanse it and return it to the air with leaves and moist roots not far from the ground. Most of the purified air is produced by the leaves of trees, since their total area significantly exceeds the area allocated for tree growth.

What to give for the Day of Forest Workers?

You can congratulate all employees involved in forest conservation and replenishment of its resources with an individually ordered medal with a thematic inscription, for example, “Honored Arborist”, “Best Defender of the Forest”, “Honored Forester” and others. You can also give a useful gift. Since most of the working time of such specialists takes place in the forest and in the fresh air, you can congratulate them with a high-quality and roomy thermos or a convenient and reliable backpack. An excellent option for a present can also be a forester’s equipment, including a knife, a separate heat source, a thermos, a set of food and a tent.

Every third Sunday of September in Russia, Ukraine and Belarus is celebrated the Day of forest workers. This is a professional holiday for those whose work is associated with reforestation and afforestation, care of forest crops and forests, removal of cutting areas, forest protection and their use.

The day of forest workers is established by Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR dated 01.10.80 N 3018-X "On holidays and memorable days." As early as 1977, on September 18, the Forestry Law was adopted in the Soviet Union, regulating forestry issues. And from that day, simultaneously with the adoption of the "Forest Law", it was decided to officially celebrate the Day of Forest Workers.

Since then, every fall, foresters celebrate their professional holiday, the day when everyone remembers their merits, worship their selfless work for the benefit of society.

History and traditions of the holiday.

Day forester originates in Soviet times. At the official level, the first celebrations took place in 1980, after the signing of the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR.

Date has a symbolic meaning. It was timed to coincide with the release of Forestry Legislation in 1977 and is a tribute to workers in the field. This was the first legal act regulating the treatment of this type of natural resource. The document established the rules for its use, protection and reproduction.

The tradition of a disintegrated country (USSR) is preserved in the Russian Federation. On the third Sunday of September it is customary to organize festive feasts. The participants pronounce congratulations to the heroes of the occasion. Sound wishes for health and success in responsible work, completed by the clinking of glasses. Colleagues discuss the news, share plans for the future, exchange gifts. Among them are postcards, souvenir and thematic products.

Television and radio stations broadcast programs dedicated to the industry. It tells about the role of green spaces in the ecology of the planet, the impact on human health. The main characters are employees of harvesting farms. They talk about the situation, the history of development, difficulties and achievements.

Business leaders and trade union representatives make statements in honor of the memorable date. Awarding of the best employees with diplomas and diplomas are held. The 2018 Forestry and Timber Workers Day in Russia is marked by traditional competitions. The winners in the contest for fire fighting, protection, dendrology (the science of woody plants) are determined, they are awarded valuable gifts.

Russia has the largest forest reserves in the world. In 1993, the forest area of \u200b\u200bthe forest fund amounted to 886.5 million hectares, and the total timber stock - 80.7 billion m3, which makes 21.7 and 25.9% of the world reserves, respectively. The excess of the second figure over the first indicates that Russia has more mature and more productive forests than the rest of the planet as a whole.

The main forest reserves of Russia are concentrated in Siberia and the Far East, as well as in the European North. The maximum percentage of forested area is noted in the Irkutsk region and the Primorsky Territory, they are somewhat lower in the south of the Khabarovsk Territory, the south of Yakutia, in the Yenisei part of the Krasnoyarsk Territory and in the Komi Republic, the Vologda Kostroma and Perm Regions.

In Ukraine, the holiday is celebrated in accordance with the Decree of the President of Ukraine No. 356/93 of 08/28/1993.

Ukraine ranks eighth in Europe in terms of forest area. The total land area of \u200b\u200bthe forest fund is 10.8 million hectares, of which 9.5 million is covered by forest vegetation. The characteristic feature of Ukraine is the uneven distribution of forests, mainly their ecological significance and a high percentage of reserves (13.7%). Every second hectare of forest in Ukraine is created artificially. At present, 649 permanent nurseries and greenhouses operate at forestry enterprises, where over 377 million units are grown annually. standard planting material, 16.3 thousand hectares of permanent forest seed plots.

As of January 1, 2006, Belarus had a total forest fund area of \u200b\u200b9394.3 thousand hectares, or 45.3 percent of the republic’s territory. The increase over the past 5 years amounted to 146.8 thousand hectares.

what day is the forester’s day ??? and got the best answer

Reply from NOSLEPOI [guru]
The holiday "Day of Forest Workers" is celebrated every year on the third Sunday of September.

Answer from Nezabudka[guru]
Every year, every autumn, Sunday, September 3, foresters, huntsmen, and other employees of the forestry and woodworking industries celebrate their holiday Day of the Forest Worker.
A fairly young holiday, established in 1980 by a decree of the Supreme Council of the USSR. A little earlier, in September 18, 1977, forest legislation was adopted and approved, which regulates the main issues of forestry. Residents of Russia, Ukraine, Kyrgyzstan and Belarus congratulate those who plant the young forest, save it, use it rationally and protect it.
Forester, this is not just a necessary, but also a dangerous profession. These selfless people have to deal with annual fires, poachers, illegal logging.
Even under Peter 1, there was a need for specialists able to competently manage forest resources, and by his decree in 1703, forests were first described. And in 1798, by decree of Paul 1, the first Forestry Department in the Russian Empire was established.
The first forest school arose in Tsarskoye Selo in 1804 under the guidance of forester von Stein. Thus began the training of peasants in forestry. Words of gratitude are addressed to the foresters, certificates of honor and well-deserved awards are presented to the heroes of the occasion.
On this day, the results of the outgoing year are summed up. The tasks are set for next year. Sports competitions related to the profession of forester are held. Events of urban and regional scales make it possible to draw public attention to the environmental problems of the forest. Pollution, improper handling of fire, complicates the already difficult work of foresters.
And this holiday is another reason to recall the obligation of society to provide all possible assistance in protecting the forest. And of course, congratulate everyone whose activities are related to the forest, on a holiday.

Answer from 3 answers[guru]

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