Speech delay treatment folk remedies. Causes and signs of delayed speech development in a child. To teach your child to speak, communicate with him correctly

The emergence of problems with speech development is a problem that is most often noticed by the most attentive parents. It is very important to monitor how and when the child begins to talk. If there are signs of a significant lag behind peers, a visit to a pediatrician, speech therapist and pediatric neurologist is necessary. Most often, a complex treatment of problems with massage, psychological work, hardware methods and medications is prescribed. The advisability of using drugs for delayed speech development in children is determined by a neurologist.

  What is the diagnosis of "delayed speech development"

Doctors who are engaged in the development of the child in the first years of life (neonatologist and pediatrician) determine the periods in which the ability to speak is manifested. Cries of joy and discontent are already considered the first attempts to show emotions and desires. As he grows up, the child enriches his vocabulary, adds intonation, and learns to build complex sentences according to all the rules of grammar.

The formation of basic skills occurs up to 3 years - the moment when the child is sent to the team (kindergarten), where the ability to express your emotions, desires is necessary. Group stay in kindergarten is the first experience of child socialization, which is impossible without speech.

Diagnosis of "delayed speech development" is most often carried out at 3 years. Prior to this period, when in doubt, children are registered with a pediatrician and speech therapist. Work with the latter begins with the age of 1.5 years.

Delayed speech development in children (ZRR) is a pathological condition that is characterized by a slow development of communication skills in a child, a late pre-speech period (walking, babbling and first phrases). Violation of the development of speech is manifested in three components: vocabulary (lexical), sound (phonemic) and compliance with the rules (grammar).

The presence of signs of impaired formation of other areas of mental activity (emotions, will, sensations and perceptions, intelligence) indicate a delay in psycho-speech development (ZPRR).

Important! Diagnoses related to impaired development of the child are carried out only upon the conclusion of a commission of doctors

  Methods of treatment of speech development delay

The most effective treatment for delayed formation of speech in children is considered a combined approach.

An unfavorable situation in the family, the presence of conflicts between parents, and the absence of one of the parents are considered to be one of the causes of RR. Therefore, it is important to schedule psychological work with all family members in a timely manner to eliminate the mental “block” of speech development.

Another aspect due to which lag develops is the pathology of the muscular system (lips, tongue, vocal cords), for example, in case of cerebral palsy (cerebral palsy). In this case, the speech therapist conducts classes from the production of articulation. In addition, speech therapy massage is often used, which acts on active points, starts the work of nerve centers and helps to develop sound pronunciation skills.

Physiotherapeutic procedures and hardware methods are widely used to activate the centers of hearing and speech (for example, LOGO +, electrical stimulation), the formation of stable connections and speech reactions.

To correct metabolic processes in the brain, improve blood circulation and the delivery of nutrients, specialized medications are prescribed.

Important! Only a neurologist has the right to prescribe drugs for delayed speech development in children

  Drug therapy for delayed speech development

The processes of assimilation of nutrients in the central nervous system occur through a cascade of reactions with the conversion of glucose (simple carbon, which is part of bread, sweets, fruits and vegetables, cereals) and the release of energy molecules. The latter take part in conducting nerve impulses along the fibers in the tissues, form connections between neurons (cells), form the memory and skills of the baby. ZRR treatment is carried out using nootropics ("noos" - the brain), - drugs that have a stimulating effect on the nervous tissue.

Depending on the active substance, nootropics come with a depressing and stimulating effect. If the child has hyperactivity, which manifests itself in an accelerated stream of thoughts, speed and a lot of motor movements, it is necessary to prescribe drugs of the Picamilon group. Ceraxon is prescribed in the opposite case, when the family has a deficit of attention paid to the child.

  Groups of drugs for the treatment of ZRR

Nootropics - drugs to improve the cognitive abilities of a child (photo: www.yourspeech.ru)

The drugs prescribed by the children's neurologist, depending on the point of application of the action, are divided into groups:

  • Means of gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA): Pantogam, Aminalon, Picamilon, and others. GABA is a mediator (“mediator”) in the nervous tissue, through which the impulses are inhibited during “slipping” through the necessary centers. In addition, the substance improves glucose uptake by the brain and increases the respiratory activity of tissues (oxygen use).

Pantogam with a delay in speech development is prescribed in the form of a syrup (for children under 3 years old) and tablets. The drug also has an anticonvulsant and slight sedative effect, improves sleep and reduces anxiety.

  • Pyritinol-containing agents (Cerebol, Enerbol, Encephabol). Pyritinol has the properties of a nerve cell membrane stabilizer, reduces the concentration of free radicals (substances that irritate the nervous tissue and cause pathological impulses to the peripheral centers). Medicines of this group improve glucose utilization in the brain, increase the resistance of neurons to oxygen starvation.
  • Nootropics with a psychostimulating effect: Ceraxon. The active substance of the drug is citicoline, which increases the regenerative ability of the membrane of nerve cells, increases energy reserves, eliminates edema and congestion in the brain.

Ceraxon is prescribed to increase the level of attention, memory function, improves the cognitive abilities of the child.

  • Vitamin preparations (neuromultivitis, milgamma). Multivitamin complexes have a general stimulating effect on the functional state of the nervous system, improve the synthesis of necessary mediators and contribute to the conduction of the impulse.
  • Preparations based on extracts of animal nerve tissue (Cortexin, Cerebrolysin). Medicines from this group contain active amino acids, which are used to synthesize new cells and repair damaged areas of nerve tissue. In addition, Cortexin is used to improve cognitive abilities after various psychological and traumatic brain injuries.

Treatment of delayed development of speech skills in a child is accompanied by the supervision of a physician. Drug therapy courses are conducted in parallel with visits to and.

  Features of the use of certain drugs

Picamilon is prescribed to children over 3 years in the form of tablets. One tablet contains 20 mg of active substance. According to the instructions for use, children from 3 to 10 years old are recommended to take 1 tablet 3 times a day, seniors 2 tablets 3 times a day. The treatment lasts 3 months.

Ceraxon is available in tablet form, powder sachet, and oral syrup. The drug is prescribed for children older than 3 years. It is recommended to use 1 sachet or tablet per day, divided into 2 doses, or a teaspoon of syrup per day. The duration of treatment is a month, after which a follow-up visit to a neurologist. Clinical studies on the use of ceraxon in children are advised to prescribe the drug only to older children and in the presence of serious developmental problems.

Encephabol for the treatment of delayed speech development is available in the form of a suspension for oral administration. The recommended dose for a child is a teaspoon 3 times a day for 6-8 weeks. After this period, the effectiveness of the drug is evaluated and it is decided which medicine to treat in the future.

Important! The method of application, the dose of the drug and the duration of treatment are selected by the attending physician taking into account the individual characteristics of the child and the severity of the delay

  Undesirable effects of drug use

Increased drowsiness is a side effect of some nootropics (photo: www.hushabyebaby.com.au)

The use of medications to treat cognitive impairment is associated with a risk of side effects. Depending on the active substance, group, dose and duration of administration of the drug, the development of such consequences is possible:

  • In stimulants: increased irritability, sleep disturbance, insomnia, increased appetite, rash, which is accompanied by itching.
  • Braking agents (Aminalon): drowsiness, delayed reaction, tinnitus, headache. All side effects are characterized by short duration.

In addition, after using the drug of any group, it is possible to develop allergic reactions in the form of rhinitis, rash, edema.

Doctor's advice. If allergy symptoms appear, stop taking the drug immediately and consult a doctor

  • Symptoms
  • Diagnostics
  • Treatment
  • Consequences of the disease

What is a delay in speech development in children and how it is detected, should be represented by each parent. The sooner the disease is diagnosed, the more successful the treatment will be and the more optimistic the forecasts for the future development of the baby will be.

ZRR is a complex disease, the causes of which often remain unclear. Most often it is determined already up to four years, represents a significant lag for a given age from the speech norm.

Reasons for delayed speech development

Such a serious disease itself does not occur: there are reasons for the delay in speech development, determined by various deviations. It can be:

  • pathology of fetal development;
  • birth injuries;
  • increased intracranial pressure in the child;
  • dyslexia due to genetic predisposition;
  • mental disorders;
  • physical injuries;
  • hearing loss;
  • brain diseases;
  • underdeveloped muscles of the mouth and face.

If the reasons for the delay in speech development remain unclear, this complicates the course of treatment, since the provoking factor continues to work. Therefore, a child with ZRR needs a comprehensive examination. Only in this way can doctors make a clear diagnosis. But how to detect the disease in the early stages?

Symptoms of ZRR

There are certain symptoms and signs of delayed speech development that can be detected at a very early age. For this, parents are encouraged to familiarize themselves with the age-specific standards for speech development:

  • 4 months: active reaction to the treatment of adults - smile, cry, agukanie;
  • 9-12 months: attempts to pronounce simple letter combinations (na-na-na, ba-ba-ba, etc.);
  • 12-18 months: reaction to the names of relatives and words that indicate surrounding objects;
  • 1.5–2 years: independent compilation of simple phrases and sentences (subject + predicate), fulfillment of simple requests (“give the ball”, “bring the bear”, etc.);
  • 3-4 years: self-build mini-sentences, clear, defect-free pronunciation of words.

If deviations from the indicated age norms are found, this is a sure sign of a delay in speech development, with which you must definitely consult a specialist - a psychologist, neurologist, speech therapist. Only they can determine exactly whether to worry, and give professional advice on the treatment and prevention of the disease.


A comprehensive diagnosis of delayed speech development in children involves a variety of examinations:

  • an audiologist evaluates the hearing and identifies its problems;
  • age testing is carried out: a test to identify the level of psychomotor development (Denver), on a scale of early speech development, on a Bailey scale (assessment of the development of newborns);
  • conversation with parents reveals how the child communicates with them;
  • the motility of the muscles of the face is determined, if there is difficulty in breastfeeding and the baby is unable to repeat the language of movement;
  • comparison of reproduction and understanding of speech;
  • it turns out the stimulation of speech development by analyzing information about the child’s home education, his environment, which should help him communicate.

Diagnosis of ZRR involves finding out the causes of the delay, and for this it is necessary to go through such specialists as a neuropathologist, speech therapist, psychiatrist, and child psychologist. In some cases, analyzes of the brain are required - ECG, MRI, ECHO-EG, etc.

Speech retardation treatment

With the timely detection (up to two years), the treatment of delayed speech development with the joint efforts of the parents and the attending physician ends successfully.

  • Drug therapy

With ZRR, medications of various actions are often prescribed to help restore speech. Cortexin, neuromultivitis, actovegin, lecithin act as “active nutrition” for brain neurons. Kogitum is a drug that “spurs” the activity of speech zones. Medications exclude self-medication and are prescribed only by a neurologist or psychiatrist.

  • Healing procedures

Magnetotherapy and electroreflexotherapy selectively restore the work of the centers of the brain, which are responsible for diction, speech activity, vocabulary, and intellectual abilities. However, electroreflexotherapy has many contraindications: convulsive syndrome, epilepsy, mental disorders.

  • Alternative treatment

Individually for each child, dolphin therapy or hippotherapy can be selected.

  • Pedagogical correction

Drug assistance is ineffective in the absence of auxiliary pedagogical impact. The defectologist corrects (corrects and weakens) negative development trends, prevents the occurrence of secondary deviations and difficulties. He uses visual, technical, practical means of rehabilitation for this, regularly holds game classes with children according to an individual plan. There is no general methodology for treatment: only an individual approach can help.

  • Speech Therapy Massage

With a delay in speech development in children, speech therapy massage is a very effective procedure when a specialist acts on certain points of the tongue, lips, cheeks, hands, earlobes. Depending on individual indicators, they can prescribe a probe massage by Novikova, massage by Krause, Dyakova, Prikhodko.

  • Exercises

A defectologist and parents at home should perform game exercises with the child aimed at developing facial muscles, mobility of the tongue, and hearing aid. Songs, onomatopoeia, fairy tale therapy, tongue twisters, articulatory gymnastics for the face, exercises for fine motor skills of the hands - there are a lot of developments, you need to use them, choose them on the advice of specialists and regularly deal with the baby.

At the same time, parents should not stand aside and lay all their hopes on doctors only. With such a child, you need to deal not only daily, but hourly, which requires a lot of time and effort.

Consequences of the disease

The consequences of delayed speech development may be as follows:

  • lagging behind peers in intellectual and mental development;
  • the increase in this difference over the years;
  • difficulties in learning at school: often the question arises of transferring a child to a correctional (auxiliary) school.

It is much easier to prevent a disease than to cure it. Therefore, parents need to communicate as much as possible with the child already from intrauterine development. Talk with him, listen to him, take an interest in his inner world - children who grow up in love and care rarely have difficulty developing speech.

The sooner signs of a delay in psycho-speech development in a child are revealed, the greater the hope for a full recovery.

How can the causes of ZPRR be identified?

To detect abnormalities in the activities of the child's body, a clinical blood test must be taken.

Where can I get an analysis?
In order for the test results to be as reliable as possible, it is necessary to properly prepare for their delivery.

How to prepare?
Make an appointment with your doctor for free. The specialist will consult and decrypt the test results.

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For various reasons, there are more and more children with lag in speech development. But the underdevelopment of speech is not such a terrible problem if it is detected in time and not launched. And the responsibility in this matter lies primarily with the parents, who must notice the ailment, send the child to a full examination and choose the best doctors for him. If the lag in speech development is not corrected in time, with the growth of the child, his psyche will be more and more lagging behind in school and communication with peers it will be extremely difficult for him. Over the past two decades, the statistics of identified deviations in the psycho-emotional development of children has increased tenfold. The delay in speech development (ZRR) inhibits the development of thinking (ZPRR is formed), and, conversely, congenital mental and neurological diseases provoke underdevelopment of speech. Delay in psycho-speech development is diagnosed more often in children over 5 years old, among whom on average 20% have this disease. This situation is understandable: the child begins to actively communicate with others at this age, otherwise the parents notice something is amiss. But 5 years is already a rather late age for starting treatment of ZPRR. If before 6 years the child did not speak at all, then the probability of his cure is 0.2%, and if there is no speech after 7 years, then she will not be there. Of course, the possibility of curing a delay in psycho-speech development depends on its degree, on the methods used. But the sooner the parents reveal the signs of this disease in the child - ideally at 2-3 years old - the greater the hope for a full recovery.

How to identify ZPRR: signs and symptoms of delayed psycho-speech development

ZPRR, if it is due to congenital factors, can begin to manifest itself at a fairly early age of the child. Signs of delayed psycho-speech development:

  • 4 months: the child does not respond to the words and gestures of the parents, does not smile (these are also symptoms of autism);
  • 8–9 months: lack of babble (repetition of identical syllables);
  • 1 year: the child is very quiet, makes almost no sounds;
  • 1,5 years: does not speak simple words (“mother”, “give”) and does not perceive them, does not understand when he is addressed by name or with a request; may also not be able to chew;
  • 2 years: knows and uses a very limited set of words, does not repeat new words after others;
  • 2.5 years: applies no more than 20 words, cannot make a phrase out of two or three words, does not understand the names of body parts, objects;
  • 3 years: cannot make a proposal himself, does not understand simple stories from adults. He speaks too fast, “swallowing” the endings or too slowly, stretching the words. In response to the adult's appeal to him, he can literally repeat what was said.

A child with ZPRD at any age may experience increased salivation, always ajar mouth. Such children are characterized by hyperactivity, increased aggressiveness, inattention, fatigue, weak memory. The child thinks very slowly, has an undeveloped imagination and a narrow set of emotional manifestations, experiences great difficulties in communicating with peers, and therefore eschews them. Physically, such children are also poorly developed, may even have cerebral palsy. Symptoms of ZPRR are manifested in organic changes. When examining using electroencephalography (EEG) or the method of evoked potentials (EP), violations in the left hemisphere are detected (it is it that is responsible for speech development). In general, the longer a child experiences difficulty with speech, the more his mental and mental development is delayed. After all, the older the children, the more information they get from what they are told in dialogues with others. This is another reason to begin treatment of ZPRR as early as possible.

The main causes of delayed speech and mental development

Delayed speech and psycho-speech development are not independent diseases, but consequences of deviations in the development of the brain, central nervous system. Factors provoking ZPRR:

  • Diseases of the mother during pregnancy. Infection, poisoning, and injury can contribute to impaired fetal development.
  • Oxygen starvation (hypoxia) of the fetus in the womb.
  • Severe childbirth (rapid, premature, cord entanglement around the neck), child trauma during childbirth (perinatal encephalopathy, trauma to the central nervous system, cervical spine).
  • The child carries severe infections (causing brain disease) and injuries at an early age.
  • Genetic, chromosomal diseases in which the structure of the brain is disturbed.
  • Improper upbringing: the child grows up under too strong care or, on the contrary, is left to the mercy of fate, the child is mistreated at home. More often, children with ZPRD come from asocial families.
  • Severe mental trauma at an early age.

Diseases that can cause a delay in psycho-speech development:

  • congenital anomalies of the central nervous system and metabolic disorders in it;
  • epilepsy and other mental illnesses;
  • cerebral ischemia;
  • hydrocephalus;
  • increased intracranial pressure;
  • a brain tumor;
  • pathology of the vessels of the brain;
  • leukodystrophy;
  • violation of cerebrospinal fluid dynamics.

We emphasize once again that the delay in speech and mental development occurs due to impaired brain function (under the influence of birth injuries, infections), the presence of some hereditary diseases (ZPRD is aggravated in each subsequent generation), and the unfavorable psychological climate in which the child grows. So it is necessary to treat not only ZPRR, but also, first of all, the causes of its appearance.

ZPRR with elements of autism

As a result of malfunctions of the central nervous system or the effects of severe infections on the child’s body, not only lag in speech and mental development can form: in some cases, the disease is accompanied by signs of autism. Autistic traits in a child’s behavior:

  • Does not enter into emotional contact with people, does not smile, does not reach for parents.
  • He is inclined to frequent attacks of aggression, when he is dissatisfied with something, he can direct this aggression towards himself (bite himself, beat).
  • Stereotypical behavior: it can sway for a long time in one place or walk in a circle, twirl one object in the hand, is inclined to arrange objects in a row, reacts negatively to any changes.
  • He does not know how to play toys, uses them in his own way, can only be attached to one toy or part of it.
  • Avoids society, does not know how to interact with peers.

Lack of understanding of conversations is also one of the signs of autism, as well as delays in speech development. In the presence of the above features, treatment of the child should be carried out with the participation of several specialists, including a psychologist.

How to treat ZPRR

With ZPRR, treatment should be started as early as possible and at the same time comprehensively. The therapy involves parents, a neurologist, speech therapist, psychologist, reflexologist. If the degree of developmental delay is low and treatment is started early, you can count on good results. The later treatment begins, the less likely it is that the child will be able to study in a regular school class and communicate normally with peers.

The main methods of treatment for ZPRR:

Microcurrent reflexology - a method that represents the impact of ultra-small electrical impulses on biologically active points of the brain, neuroreflective zones. Such impulses allow you to restore the central nervous system in those areas where it was broken. With ZPRR, the doctor acts on the apparatus of the brain area associated with speech: its understanding and reproduction, vocabulary. It is proved that this method is highly effective in hydrocephalus. Microcurrent reflexology is allowed for children from 6 months. Classes with a pathologist and speech therapist. Defectologists deal with children of two or more years, their work is aimed at the development of memory, fine motor skills, thinking. Speech therapists, as a rule, begin to work with children who are at least 4-5 years old. The task of these specialists is to teach the child the correct articulation, writing sentences and texts. An additional measure for delaying speech development is a speech therapy massage, aimed at stimulating the facial and chewing muscles of the face and neck, making it easier for the child to pronounce sounds and their combinations. A serious mistake of parents will be to turn to a speech therapist without first working with a child. As mentioned above, 5 years is a rather late time for the start of corrective work with signs of ZPRR. But a good continuation, if this work was started earlier with other specialists. Drug therapy. Medications for delayed psycho-speech development are prescribed by a neurologist or neuropathologist. First of all, he (using computed tomography, EEG and other methods) identifies CNS pathologies in a child, and then develops an individual treatment regimen for these disorders and their consequences. Most often, neurologists prescribe nootropic drugs: Actovegin, Cortexin, Piracetam (and drugs containing the same substance), Encephabol, Neuromultivitis, etc. Unfortunately, in Russia, due to the lack of competence of many doctors, psychotropic funds are not always assigned “to the address”; in some cases, you can do without them, or not “sit” on them constantly.

Additional methods of correction of ZPRR:

  • Work with a child psychologist. It is needed, for example, in cases where the lag in speech development is associated with psychological trauma, a dysfunctional situation in the family, when the child avoids peers.
  • Alternative treatment approaches: hippo and dolphin therapy, art and music therapy, the development of motor skills, large and small, various developmental exercises. Parents can work with the child themselves, for example, collecting jigsaw puzzles, guessing musical instruments by sounds, arranging outdoor games.
  • Osteopathy. This alternative medicine method can also help children with ZPRD. Manually acting on active points on the body, the osteopath tries to balance the work of the nervous system, metabolism, the psyche of the child.

ZPRR most often cannot be eliminated only with the help of tablets or with just one job with a speech therapist. The task of parents is to find a professional who will conduct the correct diagnosis and prescribe the most effective treatment, including various methods. Without finding such a doctor in their country or not seeing noticeable results from therapy, Russians usually turn to foreign specialists for help.

ZPRR treatment abroad

Popular countries in which the inhabitants of Russia take their children for treatment of ZPRR are Israel, China, Germany. Treatment in all cases is not cheap. For example, in relatively inexpensive China, one course of treatment together with accommodation and transfer will cost $ 6-10 thousand, and several such courses may be needed. Russian parents usually resort to the help of foreign specialists in those cases when domestic medicine is already shaking hands. Abroad, such children are given hope for at least a partial recovery. They trust foreign clinics because there are often more professional doctors, the latest techniques, state-of-the-art equipment, attentive and polite attitude to clients. The rehabilitation course abroad can be several months. In Germany, China and Israel, with the help of complex (medicinal, manual, motor, speech) therapy, really high results are achieved. After treatment (if it is not started too late), children are well rehabilitated to study at a comprehensive school, do not experience difficulties in communication, in everyday life. In severe cases (for example, when ZPRR is combined with cerebral palsy or other serious diseases), foreign doctors resort to microsurgery techniques. However, a considerable variety of approaches to treatment, both traditional and alternative, can be seen in Moscow clinics.

Where to treat ZPRR in Moscow

In the Russian capital there are several clinics that offer different methods of correction of ZPRR. Techniques used in Moscow medical centers:

  • Stimulating therapy: effects on the brain with electric and magnetic impulses, stimulation of speech, auditory, visual activity ("Clinic for Restorative Neurology").
  • Psychological assistance to patients: the development of cognitive and behavioral processes, speech and communication skills, preparation for writing, psychotherapy, etc. (“Medicor Plus”).
  • Pathogenetic technology: autoneuritotherapy - activation of the speech centers of the brain, the introduction of nootropics into the brain or lymph under the influence of microcurrents, acupuncture, EEG music therapy, speech therapy ("CORTEX").
  • Minimally invasive microsurgical operation: accession of additional vessels to the speech areas of the brain ("Alexandria").

We mentioned only a few examples of the treatment of ZPRR proposed in Moscow. According to patients' reviews, treatment by metropolitan doctors can also have good results.

In the modern world, the number of babies who have certain deviations from the norm in the development of speech is rapidly increasing. According to statistics, after examinations of preschoolers and primary school children for the purpose of prevention, it was found that every second child has some kind of impairment related to speaking skills. Almost every fifth child is faced with a pathology such as delayed speech development.

According to experts, a lot of modern children suffer from speech abnormalities or do not know how to express their speech by 2–3 years old. Conditions for the normal development of speech activity in a child

In order for the baby to develop conversational skills naturally, without possible violations, first of all, you need:

  • achieving various structures of the brain the necessary degree of maturity;
  • the correct and coordinated functioning of the voice and respiratory systems;
  • a sufficient level of formation of hearing, vision, motor skills and emotions;
  • growing need for communication with others.

Stages of development of speech skills

During the first year of life, the child’s speech progresses rapidly. Newborn children are not yet able to make any sounds, but they are perfectly able to inform others about their needs with the help of crying. Crying is the very first and natural way of communicating crumbs with parents and other people.

Child age Speech skills
2 months The time of the first sounds. The kid begins not only to vocalize, but also to react when they are talking to him - for example, to smile or be happy when he sees his parents.
3-6 months The beginning of a walk, the repetition of the same sounds, squeals and laughter. At this age, the baby carefully monitors the movement of the lips and tries to copy.
6-9 months Syllables and combinations of different sounds that are not meaningful are added to the sounds, however, such babble plays an important role in pre-speech development.
9-10 months An understanding of adult speech is formed, the first words appear. The babble becomes melodic, with different intonations and pitch.
12-14 months Meaningful pronunciation of at least 2 words, the implementation of simple verbal directions and recognition of familiar objects.
1.5-2 years An understanding of the speech of others is developing rapidly, the vocabulary is growing, the first phrases appear. During this period, brain cells are ready to absorb words and combine them into phrases.
3 years Mastering the grammar of the native language. Slowing down the pace of speech formation.

Normally, a three-year-old child is perfectly able to express his thoughts to parents, for others, his speech may be a little slurred

The age of the appearance of the first words ranges from 9 months to a year and 3 months. In boys, this usually happens later than in girls.

When a child turns one and a half years old, it is important that he be provided with a sufficient volume of speech that can be imitated - that is why parents should monitor how correctly and beautifully they speak with the baby. With a sufficient passive base, the baby will soon move to an independent conversation.

Causes and types of delayed speech development

Not always the launch of conversational skills is a natural scenario. Often the time to speak is already right, but the little one remains silent or his statements are so illegible that even parents can find it difficult to understand what he means. For children who have a delay in speech development, there is a characteristic difference between the way they understand what is said and the verbal way they voice their own thoughts.

The behavior of different children with RRD during the examination period is radically different. For example, some behave trustingly and affectionately, while others may cry or scream, run back and forth and not be able to concentrate, some simply remain silent. For this reason, an accurate diagnosis cannot be made at a time. This situation requires monitoring the baby, consulting with specialists and collecting an anamnesis.

Tempo ZRR

In the case of a temporal delay in speech development, the child begins to speak late, although his intellect remains intact, his auditory attention is not impaired, he understands people perfectly. Such a delay in the development of speech is most often caused by:

  • disease;
  • weakened body;
  • improper upbringing;
  • limited communication.

For communication, an inquisitive child uses gestures, intonations, facial expressions and vocalizations. The launch of speech for children with delayed speech development can occur quite unexpectedly, after which it will develop normally. For some preschoolers with a pace of speech delay, a sharp jump from a small vocabulary to a full conversation with phrases is characteristic. Linguists gave this phenomenon the name “language explosion”. Most often, such a transition occurs in the summer - it is in the summer that the child’s body grows stronger, and he himself receives a lot of bright emotions and impressions.

Very often, for children to overcome the delay in speech development, a certain stimulus is required to speak. Such an impetus can be classes in the circle of peers or with a speech therapist.

The abundance of emotions in the summer can be the impetus for the so-called “language explosion” - a sharp jump in the development of the child’s speech

The name alalia received a complete or partial absence of speech. Its occurrence is preceded by damage to areas of the brain that are responsible for speech. A child can receive them while in the womb, or in infancy. Such a delay in speech development is not a consequence of a decrease in intelligence or hearing.

In the case of alalia, children need special training and treatment from a neurologist. Without this, they will not be able to learn to talk before school, and sometimes longer. When communicating, they use babble and some paralinguistic means: facial expressions, intonations and gestures.

If a child who is diagnosed with speech delay is not treated or corrected after 5 years, the baby may also lag behind in mental development. His knowledge of the world will be much inferior to the knowledge of those guys who are already talking. In addition, with alalia, all speech aspects are violated:

  • limited set of words;
  • expressive speech and its systematic disorder;
  • incorrect pronunciation of sounds;
  • difficulties in mastering the grammatical rules of the native language.

RR due to hearing loss or communication impairment

The most common and quite serious reason leading to a delay in speech development, in fact, is hearing loss. During the first year of life, the humming and babble of the baby, whose hearing is impaired, practically do not differ from the pre-speech reactions in a well-hearing child. However, by the age of one year, babble gradually fades and completely disappears over time. If the degree of hearing loss is high, the child will be able to speak only after special classes with a sign teacher. With an insignificant degree of hearing loss, speech appears a little later than that of peers, plus this affects its quality, namely grammar, voice, prosody and pronunciation of sounds.

Symptoms of commutative disorders in a child that cause a delay in speech development include:

  • lack of a reciprocal smile or turning your head when referring to the baby;
  • selective and short-term attention;
  • unwillingness to contact with loved ones, including mom;
  • awkwardness of motor;
  • monotonous games in solitude.

Such a child is quite capable of pronouncing sounds, sound combinations and words, but he does not use this to communicate. As a result of limited speech contact, the lexico-grammatical structure of speech is poorly developed, the voice is broken and various phonetic disorders occur.

The development of speech in children with hearing impairment is more difficult than in their peers without disturbances in the functioning of the perceptual organs.

In this case, the children are characterized by insufficiently good formation of higher mental functions, including the functions of memory and voluntary attention. Such children can be divided into 2 groups: those who have emotional-volitional deviations and children with a predominance of intellectual deficiency.

Delay in psycho-speech development has its own symptoms. Kids with it tend to:

  • start phrasing in a later period;
  • to have difficulty trying to grammatically and semantically construct a sentence;
  • possession of a small vocabulary.

Sometimes there is a combined pathology. The presence of 2 or more defects adversely affects the acquisition of speaking skills. Such deviations contribute to mutual reinforcement.

ZRR treatment

Delayed speech development in children requires an integrated approach, and it should be started in the early stages. Parents and specialists such as a neurologist, speech therapist, psychologist and reflexologist take part in the therapy. In a situation where the backlog is insignificant, timely treatment will be effective and give an excellent result, otherwise the likelihood that the baby will have to attend a specialized school and he will have difficulties in normal communication with peers will increase.

The main approaches to work on the correction of RR

There are three main directions in the treatment of speech retardation:

  1. Microcurrent reflexology. The essence of the method is that ultra-small electrical impulses act on biologically active and neuroreflective zones of the brain. After this effect, the central nervous system is restored in those areas where violations were observed. Using a special apparatus, impulses exert their effect on the parts of the brain responsible for speech, its understanding, reproduction and vocabulary. There is evidence of the effectiveness of microcurrent reflexology for hydrocephalus. Its use is allowed from six months of age.
  2. Classes with a defectologist and speech therapist. The main goal that the pathologist pursues is the development of memory, fine motor skills and thinking in the baby. Unlike speech therapists, starting work with babies who have reached 4-5 years old, defectologists begin to work already with 2-year-olds. The tasks of the speech therapist are to teach the child to articulate correctly, make sentences and texts. In addition, special massage and gymnastics are an effective means - they stimulate the functioning of the facial and neck muscles, which are responsible for facial expressions and the ability to chew. Due to this, pronunciation of sounds and sound combinations becomes less difficult for the child.
  3. Therapy using drugs. Medications to treat speech retardation are prescribed by a neurologist or neurologist. First you need to determine what kind of CNS pathology the child is dealing with - for this there are computed tomography and EEG, after which a treatment plan for the identified abnormalities and their consequences is drawn up. Nootropic drugs that are most often used by neurologists - Actovegin, Cortexin, Piracetam, Encephabol, Neuromultivitis and others. It is worthwhile to understand that sometimes you can cope with the problem of speech delay without psychotropic drugs.

Auxiliary treatments

The delay in speech development in children of 3 years is amenable to complex treatment, which includes such additional methods as:

  1. Classes with a child psychologist. They are necessary if the delay in the development of speech in a child is provoked by a psychological trauma, an unfavorable situation in the family, or a child’s unwillingness to communicate with other children.
  2. Alternative methods. These are various types of therapy based on interaction with horses and dolphins, including music and drawing. All kinds of developmental exercises with parents are also great, for example, collecting puzzles or outdoor games.
  3. Osteopathy. Osteopaths, using a manual effect on the active points of the child’s body, try to bring the nervous system, metabolism and the psyche to a balanced state.

The result is achieved solely thanks to the correct diagnosis and comprehensive treatment. From the video tutorials of Dr. Komarovsky, it can be concluded that classes with a speech therapist and taking pills alone are not enough to overcome the delay in speech development.

Home therapy for speech retardation

An integral part of the treatment of delayed speech development are speech therapy and developmental exercises at home. The ability to speak directly depends on motor skills, so you should focus on her training - for this, games with designers, puzzles, mosaics and cubes are ideal. Also, crumbs in 2-3 years can already be taught to fasten buttons and handle shoelaces.

Many children with speech impairment have difficulties in switching from movement to movement, they are unusual for dexterity, drawing and modeling are poorly given. It is also very useful to engage in outdoor games and games with speech accompaniment - they teach the child orientation in space, agile and rhythmic movements with a change in their pace. At the age of 3-4 years, crumbs can be taken to one of the many circles.

  • Child Health A to Z

Usually parents are very kind to the way their child speaks. After all, correct speech is one of the most obvious signs of the normal intellectual development of the baby. If the baby begins to speak early, clearly and cleanly, the parents are happy and proud. But a child with a speech delay causes concern and dismay for moms and dads. And this is absolutely correct - because speech disorders are effectively treated only at the age of 2.5 to 7 years. Then it may just be too late.

Normal development of speech in children

How should a child’s speech develop? What is considered the norm?

  • IN year  the baby should be able to speak about ten words. Naturally, these are still “children's” words that are understandable only to him and you - “ma”, “ba”, “ki” (pussy). In this case, the child must know the names of objects and actions familiar to him and respond to them: “give a cube”, “let's go for a walk”, “bed”, “spoon”, “window”.
  • IN two years  the baby begins to speak in short sentences and uses simple adjectives and pronouns (“I went,” “white pussy”). A child’s vocabulary usually consists of 50-100 words.
  • IN 2.5 years  the baby must say more or less correctly about 200-300 words, and also know his name and speak, uses adjectives. At this age, the child begins to ask questions, trying to portray the voices of animals - “meow”, “woof-woof”, etc.
  • TO three years  children should be able to coherently compose a story from several sentences. In speech, pronouns, adverbs, adjectives should be used correctly. A stranger should understand the baby.

Naturally, the above norms are very relative - after all, all children have a different character, temperament, heredity, and the environment in which they grow is different. In addition, as a rule, boys begin to speak later than girls by 4-5 months. However, these guidelines will help attentive parents to assess whether the baby’s speech is appropriate for his age. If the backlog is significant, then it may be time to consult a specialist.

Signs of a clear delay in the development of speech in children

Parents should start to worry if the child:

  • IN 4 months  Does not respond to mother’s appeal, does not smile at her.
  • IN 9 months  doesn't babble.
  • IN 1,5 years: does not pronounce simple words; Does not know the name of surrounding objects and his name; cannot execute a simple command, for example, “give a hand” or “come to me”.
  • IN 2.5 years: knows few words; does not remember the names of objects; can't speak sentences, at least in two words.
  • IN 3 years:speaks incomprehensibly even to you; cannot make a sentence of three words, but speaks in phrases from fairy tales, poems and "cartoons" or repeats the phrases of adults uttered at him; does not understand your explanations; speaks very slowly or, conversely, too quickly, swallowing endings; the baby has difficulty chewing and can choke on even a small piece; walks with a constantly half-open mouth; he has increased salivation for no apparent reason.

If you notice any of these signs in your baby, you should immediately contact a pediatrician. The doctor will prescribe an examination and refer you to the appropriate specialist. The earlier treatment for a child’s delay in speech development is started, the more likely it is that he will not differ from his peers by school.

What are the speech delays in children

Delayed Speech Development (ZRR)  - this is when the baby does not speak as it should at his age. Distinguish:

  • Speech Articulation Disorder  - the child speaks very vaguely, even relatives can not understand him, but at the same time he understands everything, has no mental deviations and is otherwise completely healthy.
  • Expressive Delay  - the baby’s speech is significantly behind his age norm / the child speaks very little or is generally silent.
  • Receptive speech disorder  - the child does not understand what they are told, although his hearing is fine.
  • Combinationsprevious disorders.

Causes of speech delay in children

Specialists share the causes of speech disorders on social and physiological, that is, those related to health. TO social factors  usually include improper upbringing, depriving children of the desire to speak.

  • This may be insufficient attention to the child - he simply has no one to talk to. Or parents speak so quickly that the baby does not have time to single out individual words and, in the end, stops trying to understand the adult.
  • Sometimes the environment that is unsuitable for the baby can lead to speech problems - the child grows up in an environment where speech loses its value. For example, the TV is constantly on, adults communicate loudly with each other, a lot of extraneous sounds. The kid gets used to not listening to the speech and begins to speak with quotes from the "cartoons", without attaching importance to the words.
  • Strange as it may seem, hyper-custody can also lead to a delay in the development of speech - in families with super-careful parents, children can also lose their motivation to develop speech - because they are understood!
  • Very often there are difficulties with speech in children in bilingual families.
  • Well, and, of course, "demand" to talk off can be exaggerated requirements for the child. Parents force the baby to repeat the same words and phrases, causing him to have a negative attitude to speech.

Speech Delayassociated with a lack of motivation to communicate is most easily corrected. Of course, with timely access to a doctor. The best results are obtained by treatment started up to 3-4 years. If you start to engage with your child on time, then by the age of six he can catch up with his peers and even surpass them. However, you can start correcting speech later, even at 5 or 7 years old. The main thing is not to ignore the problem. TO physiological factors  Speech development delays include the following:

  • hearing impairment;
  • underdevelopment of articulation organs: lips, tongue, facial muscles, soft palate;
  • visual impairment;
  • brain lesions, neurological diseases (intrauterine injuries, hypoxia, difficult or premature births, injuries in the first year of life, severe illness at an early age);
  • psychological trauma (fear, parental quarrels);
  • parental alcoholism;
  • heredity (if at the parents in the family someone started to speak late, then this is an occasion for close monitoring of the baby and early contact with a specialist);
  • congenital diseases: cerebral palsy, Down syndrome, autism, hyperactivity syndrome.

The delay in the development of speech in children associated with the listed reasons is treated much more complicated and longer. In these cases, the help of a doctor is required, and sometimes the combined efforts of different specialists.

What kind of specialists deal with speech disorders

Many parents believe that speech therapists are involved in the treatment of speech formation disorders. In fact, speech therapists only "put" the correct pronunciation of sounds. They begin to work with children from the age of four to five. Only very few speech therapists work with younger children. But you can’t wait for so long if the child clearly speaks differently from what should be his age. Delayed speech in a child requires, first of all, finding out the reasons. Only after that the necessary specialist will be able to do the correction of the baby’s development - a defectologist, psychologist, neuropathologist, speech therapist or even a psychiatrist. A neurologist can begin treatment for an already one-year-old child if he is diagnosed with any neurological disease. With 2-year-old children, defectologists and corrective educators work, they are engaged in improving memory, thinking, attention, motor skills. At the age of 4–5, speech therapists are connected who teach children to speak clearly and competently, to build a story.

How to treat ZRR

Delayed speech in children can be treated - the main thing is to start it on time, be patient and show some perseverance.
The treatment of speech disorders usually consists of the following components.

  • Drug therapy

Medicines will be prescribed by your doctor, as a rule, these are means for “nourishing” brain neurons and for stimulating speech zones.

  • Magnetotherapy, electroreflexotherapy, dolphin therapy and hippotherapy

These methods of therapy allow you to affect the areas of the brain responsible for diction, memory, intelligence. Magnetotherapy has no contraindications, but electroreflexotherapy cannot be used to treat children with epilepsy, convulsive syndrome and mental illness. Dolphin therapy, hippotherapy and similar alternative methods are practiced by some specialists. These treatment methods are selected individually.

  • Work with thecorrective teacher

No drug therapy, unless the work of a corrective educator, psychologist or defectologist is applied to it, is able to eliminate the pace of speech delay. The task of teachers includes the mental development of children, their social adaptation, correction of past upbringing errors, improvement of intellectual abilities, memory and attention. Each child is unique, therefore, with each baby, specialists are engaged individually.

  • Daily work with parents

And, of course, parents should not hope that doctors will do all the work. The successful outcome of treatment largely depends on the persistence, consistency and patience of mothers and fathers. It is very important that parents engage with the baby in a play environment, without causing him negative emotions.

What methods are used by corrective educators

The main methods for correcting speech delays are:

  • Muses and art therapy.  Musical therapy improves memory and attention. Art therapy improves visual memory.
  • Subject-sensory  therapy, the development of large and fine motor skills of hands, massage.For example, all finger games are very useful - modeling from plasticine, drawing with your fingers, picking up puzzles, designers, pyramids, playing cubes, buttoning, stringing beads on a thread. This is understandable - in the brain, speech centers are located near the centers of fine motor skills of the hands, therefore, developing the motor centers, the child automatically improves his speech.
  • Outdoor games.Teachers can recommend outdoor games that form the ability to orientate in space, the ability to move rhythmically or special games with speech accompaniment.

In general, it is quite possible to deal with the problem of speech delay in a child if you approach it seriously and responsibly. Just do not let this go "hoping" hoping that over time everything will pass by itself. The future psychological development, his ability to communicate with peers and adults, his ability to learn at school, largely depend on how well and correctly the baby speaks at the age of six. The main thing is not to miss the moment - the sooner you start treatment for speech delay, the more likely it will be successful.

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Speech is a way of communication between people, in which one side is the formation of thoughts into a linguistic expression, and the second is the perception of structures created using words.

Speech: how it works

We need speech in order to correctly express the thoughts and images created in the head in order to successfully communicate with other people. And it has the following characteristic properties:

  • content - how much speech is full of meaning;
  • comprehensibility: whether sentences are correctly constructed, whether successful words are selected and whether they are pronounced correctly;
  • expressiveness - emotional richness, the ability to use epithets, metaphors and other means;
  • effectiveness - whether we are able by speech to influence the actions and thoughts of other people.

The process of speech is carried out thanks to two hemispheres of the brain. But the perception of someone else's speech is carried out only by the left.

The process of pronouncing words and sentences for us is automatic and simple. However, it is worth knowing that in fact this is a complex action in which many of our bodies take part. First of all, the voice is sound vibrations. The vocal apparatus creates obstacles for the air leaving the body, which is why different sounds appear.

Speech problems

Speech problems arise very often in childhood, when the child does not yet fully possess speech abilities. Often these defects are treatable and correctable. But sometimes they remain for life. Classification of speech problems such as dyslalia (not pronunciation of certain sounds, tongue-tied):

  1. Simple form - one or several sounds from the same group are poorly pronounced, for example: s, s or p, l.
  2. Complex - poorly given several groups of sounds.
  3. Physiological - up to a certain age (5 years), some sounds are poorly pronounced due to an unformed speech apparatus. She is also called age.
  4. Functional - violation of pronounced sounds, in which there are no deviations.
  5. Mechanical - characteristic of anatomical defects due to heredity, congenitality. It may also be an acquired disease.

The reasons for these types of defects can be different, for example, a functional one may appear due to unprincipled parenting, if there is an incorrect speech pattern or bilingualism, changes in speech with frequent illnesses, the use of incorrect articulation, or underdevelopment of hearing are also possible.

The causes of the mechanical type of speech problems can be:

  • structural features of organs: tongue, teeth, etc .;
  • hereditary characteristics of the body;
  • birth defects - abnormalities in the fetal development;
  • acquired arise during life for various reasons.

Alalia - this is the absence of speech mainly in children, while they can have excellent hearing. With this disease, the child hears speech, but cannot understand it, as, for example, we cannot understand the speech of foreigners. The child cannot learn to speak.

Dysarthria is a nervous disease in which a person does not pronounce all sounds well, they are blurry and incomprehensible.

Stuttering is a very common disease in which the rhythm of speech is lost, the pace, spasms appear in the speech apparatus.

Each type is treated in certain ways. Of course, there are cases when it is impossible to cure a person.

Treatment methods

Not all types of diseases can help with medications and other treatments. Most often, gymnastics for the speech apparatus is prescribed. However, there are times when herbs can help.

If, for example, the speech muscles are very tense, because of which words and whole phrases are poorly given, then some recipes can help relax the speech apparatus:

  • Pour 1.5 cups of pine nut shell with vodka (half a liter) and let it brew in a warm and dark place for about 10 days. You need to drink tincture one spoon three times a day;
  • one spoonful of dill seeds should be poured with boiling water and let it brew for 10 minutes, drink this infusion fifteen minutes before eating;
  • you can pour one spoon of calendula flowers with boiling water and let it brew for half an hour. Drink this glass in three doses per day.

Also good for muscle relaxation are herbs such as sweet clover, St. John's wort, lingonberry leaf, clover, yarrow, chamomile, etc.

  1. Mix two tablespoons of flowers of cornflower and medicinal dawns, one - St. John's wort and four - oregano. Pour water according to the scheme: for one tablespoon of this composition - one glass of water, boil and leave for 10 minutes. Drink this medicinal decoction before meals.
  2. Mix one spoonful: black root, sweet clover, cyanosis root, open backache and two spoons: mint, primrose and Chernobyl. As in the previous recipe, pour water using the same scheme, boil and leave for 10 minutes. Drink before eating.

Clinic services in this area

Speech defects often go away by themselves in childhood - up to 5 years. But some cases deserve a certain approach and long-term treatment by specialists.

Speech therapist services are provided by many clinics and private doctors. It is important to choose not only an expensive and promising doctor, but also a pleasant one for the child. So that the baby does not become isolated, but, on the contrary, opens up, an individual approach is needed, joint classes are often held with parents or other similar children.

The situation is much worse with adults who have serious speech impairments that are not treated on time. Over time, their speech apparatus was fully formed, and what could be easily fixed at 5 or 7 years old is now very difficult to change. But even with such patients, work is carried out successfully and even certain results are achieved.

Treatment of delayed speech development is the conduct of a comprehensive correctional and developmental work aimed at normalizing speech function in a child. With this diagnosis, it is important to start treatment as early as possible, this increases the chances of a complete resolution of the problem. ZRR is a complex pathology in which the process of speech formation lags far behind age norms. Best disease can be corrected with.

Mostly such a diagnosis of "delayed speech development" is given to children in 3-4 years. With this pathology, the child is slowly learning the norms of his native language in comparison with his peers.

When speech is delayed, all its components suffer, from sounds and vocabulary to phrases. More often this disease is detected in boys than in girls. This and leaves a certain imprint on the mental processes in children.

Given this peculiarity of the pathology, such disorders as ZRR and ZPR most often occur simultaneously, and the diagnosis is “delayed psycho-speech development”. Speech disorders in childhood is a medical and pedagogical problem, the solution of which is carried out with the participation of various specialists.

Types of treatment and features

When diagnosing a violation such as how to treat a pathology, the specialist determines.

Important: parents should remember that the sooner the violation is detected, the higher the chances of a full recovery. Experts say that you should start working immediately as soon as suspicions of the disease arose.

At 3-4 years old, specialists who are involved in the correction of speech disorders already work with children. The fight against RRD in children is usually carried out using the following methods:

  1.   . After a thorough examination of the baby, a neurologist prescribes him to take certain medications, the action of which is aimed at enhancing the activity of speech centers and nourishing brain neurons. Parents are strictly forbidden to independently give such drugs to the child, since only a specialist should prescribe them, taking into account the neglect of the disease and the individual characteristics of the body.
  2. Physiotherapeutic treatment. Physiotherapy for delayed speech development in children includes magnetotherapy and electroreflexotherapy. Thanks to them, it is possible to normalize the work of individual parts of the brain that are responsible for speech. Such procedures are allowed from 2 years old, but mental disorders, convulsions and epilepsy are contraindications.
  3. Classes with a teacher-defectologist. Taking medications and physiotherapeutic treatment should be accompanied by work with speech correction specialists. Thanks to daily activities, it is possible to eliminate developmental defects and prevent the possible occurrence of speech inhibition. In addition, experts teach the child to overcome difficulties in the treatment process, and all work is carried out according to an individual plan,.

According to the prescription of a neurologist, an EEG can be performed with a delay in speech development, due to which it is possible to assess the brain's biopotentials and identify foci of functional and pathological activity.

Ergotherapy for children with delayed speech development involves corrective work in comfortable conditions. This means that to achieve positive results, a good mood of the child and interest in combination with other treatment and rehabilitation measures are necessary.

Another method of treatment is transcranial micropolarization of the brain with delayed speech development, the effectiveness of which has been confirmed by numerous studies. The methodology is based on the effect of an electric current on the brain, and its strength is much less than that used in electrophoresis.

Important: after the course of treatment for RRT, there is a decrease in impulsivity, restoration of attention, perseverance and memory. In addition, new words, phrases appear and motor functions are actively developing.

Despite the many positive reviews of specialists about such a procedure as transcranial micropolarization with delayed speech development, it will not be possible to achieve an effect if the violation is caused by a severe psychiatric illness.

Doctors say that it is the complex treatment of delayed speech development in children that is considered the most effective. In addition, an important place in the fight against the disease is given to the parents of the child.

The use of massage to treat

An important part of the lessons is logomassage, which is used to stage speech sounds and form the articulation apparatus. Most often, this procedure is done for children of preschool age, whose speech level falls below the norm when they enter school.

Usually, massage with a delay in speech development is done by specialists, and it is important that it is performed accurately, professionally and painlessly. After a course of treatment, the child normalizes the tone of muscle and facial muscles, and the functioning of the articulation apparatus is restored.

Logomassage of the mouth is carried out using special devices or toothbrushes. At home, logomassage with a delay in speech development can be replaced by eating solid food, which also helps to develop an articulation apparatus.

In order for the treatment of speech pathology to be effective, parents need to take an active part in this process. At home, you can perform some exercises and tasks with your child:

  • Musical games. They help to focus the child’s attention, teach him to be focused and notice changes in rhythm. It should be suggested that the baby play various musical instruments or guess the voices of pets.
  • Finger games. It is proved that the development of hand motility affects the work of the articulation apparatus. The kid can be invited to play with the designer, beans, buttons, lacing or put puzzles.
  • Outdoor games. The dictionary is stimulated by games that require the skill of orientation in the surrounding space and the ability to change the speed of movements.
  • Improving visual attention. Particularly effective in the formation of a child’s speech are games with various figures, special cards and colored objects.

At home, parents need to communicate with their child as often as possible and stimulate their desire to imitate them. In speech, it is best to use simple sentences and be sure to voice all your actions.

It is recommended to limit the viewing of television programs or completely abandon it, and read fairy tales and stories accessible to the child's age. To develop the respiratory system, you can teach the baby to play the pipe, harmonica or inflate soap bubbles. In addition, you can massage your child’s hands and fingers with special devices or use ordinary bumps. In no case should you focus on the speech defect and be embarrassed by it, but be sure to encourage any of its achievements and successes.


Even the most struggle with a delay in speech development can be ineffective if the baby grows in an unfavorable environment. Parents should remember that the sooner corrective work is started, the higher the chances of a positive result.

Especially effective is the treatment of delayed speech development in Israel, which is carried out in several clinics and practices an integrated approach.

One of the most exciting questions for parents is the development of speech in the child. It is believed that the development of speech is an indicator of the mental development of the child. This is not always true. And it has, rather, the opposite tendency: with a delay in speech, the child's communication and learning skills slow down.

Most children celebrate their second birthday or a few months later, there is a real "explosion" of speech development. During the first two years of life, the child, as it were, contemplates the world and accumulates information. By the age of two, he is ready to participate more actively in the surrounding life. In addition, by this time the brain cells and muscles of the speech apparatus are already sufficiently developed so that the child begins to express himself with the help of words. But sometimes it happens that the development of speech in a child is late. There may be several reasons for this.

1. Undeveloped muscles of the mouth or weak muscle tone of the face. If a child prefers soft food to solid, often drops food from his mouth while eating, breathes through his mouth, speaks little and slurred, or has excessive salivation, this may mean that the child has insufficiently developed muscles of the mouth and lips. Very often this happens when the baby is weaned early. Muscles of the mouth can be strengthened with simple game exercises:

  · Blow and whistle. Any exercises in which you need to bring your lips together with tension are very effective. You can blow soap bubbles and blow on a feather, trying to keep it in the air. Toys that need to be blown are very useful - pipes, whistles, etc.

  · Suck. More often, invite your baby to drink juice through a straw, pulling his cheeks as hard as possible. This is a very useful exercise.

  · Simulate sounds. The kid will like to imitate the sounds of various animals and birds, as well as objects - trains, cars, bells and sirens.

2. Inadequate concentration of auditory attention. Such a child does not understand long phrases well or does not hear background noises (background noises). Try to draw your child’s attention to every sound and word. Read your child aloud more often, choosing books that your child knows well. Sometimes replace in a text a familiar word with another, funny, unexpected for a child, and draw the child’s attention to a joke. Show your child the things around him and name them. Explain to the child what exactly you are doing at the moment. Pronounce the words clearly and repeat the phrases several times.

3. Hearing problems. Insufficiently good hearing can significantly slow down a child’s mental development. And if insufficient hearing is diagnosed late, a critical time may be missed to stimulate the ear canals leading to the auditory centers of the brain. The child may experience a delay in speech development, which will lead to a slowdown in communication and learning skills. Unfortunately, most hearing problems are detected rather late. A considerable amount of time can pass from the onset of hearing impairment to the time that you can see the obvious signs of hearing loss in your child. There are several signs, depending on the age of the child, by which you can understand whether everything is okay with hearing:

Newborn: should startle when clapping his hands 1-2 meters from him and calm down at the sound of your voice.
  A 3-4 month old baby should respond to your smile and gestures.
A 7-month-old baby should pop and repeat simple sounds after you.
  From 7 to 12 months: must turn his head, hearing familiar sounds, and give a voice in response to human speech addressed to him.

When to start worrying?

Pediatricians identify the following signs of delayed speech development in a two-year-old child:
  · The child has less than 20 words in stock and does not combine them with each other. The term "words" in this case does not mean complete intelligible words, but rather the belonging of the same sound to the same object, for example, the sounds "Ba" should always mean "grandmother".
  · Pronounces words so slurred that you understand only half of them.
  · Does not play or interact with other children.
  · Does not understand or cannot answer simple questions.
  · Cannot recognize or name simple objects from his surroundings.
  · Cannot name any member of the family.

If you find one or more of these symptoms in your two-year-old, you should contact your pediatrician. The first thing a doctor will do is check your child’s hearing. Minor hearing impairment, for example, after an ear infection, can significantly inhibit the development of speech.

If everything is normal with hearing, the doctor may suggest a slight developmental delay. In this case, most likely, he will offer you to wait and observe the child for 6-12 months to see if further treatment will be necessary. But you should not sit back during this period. Your task is to help your child develop speech skills. Even if the child attends a speech therapist, home exercises can do wonders.

Take into account the fact that the speech development of the boy may be slightly delayed compared with the speech development of girls. It is believed that boys begin to speak later than girls. True, boys with delayed speech development are twice as likely to be diagnosed with hearing problems or with speech recognition.