Introspection on the problem: “The upbringing of patriotic feelings through instilling love for the native land. Self-analysis of the work on self-education “The education of patriotic feelings in preschoolers through project activities

Date of publication: 12/04/15

Occupation self-analysis

on the formation of a holistic picture of the world

"Russia is my homeland"

Introspection of direct educational activity.

Grigorieva Olga Ivanovna, teacher MKDOU Kindergarten "Fairy Tale", Educational area: "Social - communicative development"

8 children attended.

Direction: Moral - patriotic education of children.

Theme of the lesson "My Homeland Russia"

Goal:   to consolidate and summarize children's knowledge of the state symbols of Russia: flag, coat of arms, anthem. To form elementary ideas about the functional purpose of the anthem, coat of arms and flag. To acquaint children with the Anthem of the Russian Federation and the President of the Russian Federation.

Tasks:   to acquaint preschoolers with the main information about our homeland, to give them the knowledge that future first graders need. to cultivate moral and patriotic qualities. Develop a sense of responsibility and pride in your country.

Children age: older group - 5-6 years.

Materials for the lesson: map of the Russian Federation, illustrations depicting state symbols, coat of arms of the Russian Federation; strips of three colors for all children; copies of the birth certificate of children; copy of passport, anthem, presentation "My Motherland Russia".

  The lesson was held in 7 stages.

Stage 1: Organizational:

Stage 2: Acquaintance with the map of the Russian Federation.

Stage 3: Portrait of the President.

Stage 4: Capital - Moscow.

Stage 5: Flag of the Russian Federation.

Stage 6: Coat of arms of Russia.

Stage 7: Anthem of the Russian Federation.

Stage 1. Organizational

The didactic task: to organize children, attract attention, arouse children's interest in the lesson.

Methods: - verbal, visual.

2 stage. Acquaintance with the map of the Russian Federation.

Form of organization: frontal

Verbal (conversation)


Stage III: Acquaintance with the President of the Russian Federation.

Verbal, visual, using ICT.

Stage IV: Capital Moscow.

Methods: verbal, visual and gaming, using ICT.

Stage V: Flag of the Russian Federation.

Methods: verbal, visual with the use of ICT, gaming.

Stage VI: Coat of arms of Russia.

Methods: Verbal. Visual with the use of ICT, artistic - aesthetic (fairy tale).

VII stage: Anthem of the Russian Federation

Methods: verbal, artistic - aesthetic (listening).

In custody:

In the process of engaging with children during the conversation, we consolidated and summarized the knowledge of children about the state symbols of Russia: flag, coat of arms, anthem. Elementary ideas about the functional purpose of the anthem, coat of arms and flag were formed. Acquaintance of children with the Anthem of the Russian Federation. The task is implemented.

All children coped with the tasks.

Thanks for attention!

  Olga Stukalova
  Introspection classes in the senior group "Hero Cities"


To generalize and systematize children's knowledge about the history of their country, about the defenders of the Fatherland;

To teach to honor the memory of fallen soldiers;

Introducing children to hero cities Moscow, Leningrad

To foster love for the motherland.


Continue to instill in children feelings of patriotism, love for the motherland, pride in their people, who won the Great Patriotic War, respect for the defenders of the Fatherland, the formation of interest in the history of their people, the preservation of patriotic traditions older generations. Continue introducing children to hero cities Moscow, Leningrad (Saint Petersburg).

Continue to develop cognitive activity; to replenish knowledge about the history of our country, introducing them to the basic facts and realities of the Great Patriotic War; to cultivate an implacable attitude towards the enemies of peace and freedom of peoples, the desire to be the successors of the best traditions of their people, pride in their country.

Organizational activities, preparation for occupation.

Occupation   carried out in accordance with the synopsis. Abstract compiled independently, in accordance with the objectives of the basic educational program, appropriate for the given age of children. To implement each task, techniques were selected in an interesting and entertaining form.

For every moment classes   there were visual aids that stimulated and activated children to mental activity. Benefits of sufficient size, aesthetically decorated. The material was selected at a level accessible to children, consistent with their psychological characteristics and was rational for solving the goals and objectives. The children were active, attentive, comfortable. All this is confirmed by the results of activities.

On the occupation   music was used that enhanced emotional perception.

This structure classes are justified. Since every part classes   It is aimed at solving certain pedagogical problems and offers a choice of adequate methods and techniques. Content classes   consistent with the tasks.

Activities on occupation characterized as joint, individual.

On the occupation   I used the following forms work: frontal, individual, group.


1. Verbal (questions for children, clarification, encouragement);

2. Visually - demonstration (image of photos moscow and Leningrad citiesmap "Roads of life"letter from the front).

3. Practical (stacked letters "triangle"mapping "Roads of life");

5. Control methods (analysis of completed tasks, was performed in the form of a map "Roads of life")

Methods include a system of techniques that combine to solve learning problems. Receptions (explanations, directions, showing, teams, playing technique, artistic word, encouragement, helping a child, analysis, introductory conversation) are aimed at optimizing the individual development of each child.

I believe that the form of organization of the direct educational activity of children that I chose was quite effective, dynamic. I tried   comply with the standards of pedagogical ethics and tact. I believe that the tasks set in the educational activities directly were completed!

GCD has reached its goal!

The moral and patriotic education of the younger generation is one of the most urgent tasks of our time.

In modern society, many problems have ripened, which they call nothing more than “echoes of the 90s,” when parents had no time to think about morality, spirituality, patriotism. It was necessary to survive, and the children were left alone with their "friends" - a TV and a computer, from which they received only a lot of information that was not clear to them. They grew up watching around life based entirely on material values. There was a tendency toward a deterioration in the spiritual, moral and patriotic state of the population.

Already at preschool age, children model the behavior of parents surrounding their adults. Russian legislation of the early 90s practically did not reflect the need for spiritual and moral education in society.

Today, in light of the latest events - the 2014 Olympics, events in Ukraine, Russia, a patriotic upsurge was felt. Recently, much attention has been paid to moral and patriotic education by the state within the country. At a meeting on September 12, 2012, with members of the public on the issues of patriotic education of youth V.V. Putin said: « We must build our future on a solid foundation. And such a foundation is patriotism. No matter how long we discuss what can be the foundation, a solid moral foundation for our country, we still won’t come up with anything else. This is respect for our history and traditions, the spiritual values \u200b\u200bof our peoples, our thousand-year-old culture and the unique experience of the coexistence of hundreds of peoples and languages \u200b\u200bin Russia. This is responsibility for their country and its future. ”

But the gap created by eradicating moral values \u200b\u200bin the family still exists. And as an educator, I am obliged to correct the attitude to patriotism in both children and their parents. Fertile ground for this attitude to the small homeland. At one time, I. Ehrenburg wrote: “In order for patriotism to be strong, unshakable, it is necessary that he proceed from the love of his small homeland - his native city, native nature, village, land.”

Based on the foregoing, I set myself the goal: Moral - patriotic education of older preschool children through familiarization with the values \u200b\u200bof a small homeland

Working on the general educational program of the MKDOU “Rodnichok”, the variative part of which is “Local history as a means of introducing preschoolers to the values \u200b\u200bof the small Motherland, as a means of moral and patriotic education”, I considered it necessary to use some calculations of partial programs: “Semitsvetik”, authors: V. I. Ashikov, S. G. Ashikova; "Our house is nature" authors N. A. Ryzhova; "Young Ecologist", author: S. N. Nikolaeva; “Introduction of children to the origins of Russian folk culture”, authors: O. L. Knyazeva, M. D. Makhaneva, “My native home. The program of moral and patriotic education of preschool children. " N.A. Araropova-Piskarev.

To achieve the goal, I decided on tasks:

To form in children a feeling of love for their native land, their small homeland;

To expand and deepen children's knowledge about their village, about a district, region, territory, its history;

To develop moral and patriotic qualities, pride, humanism, a desire to preserve and increase the wealth of the native land, to cultivate respect for the work of people;

To form a careful attitude to nature and all living things;

To form artistic and aesthetic perception;

Involve parents in the educational process to study the homeland.

The love of a child - a preschooler for his homeland begins with an attitude towards the closest people - father, mother, grandfather, grandmother, with love for his home, for the street on which he lives, for kindergarten, village. Sukhomlinsky says: “You cannot awaken the feeling of the Motherland without perceiving and experiencing the world around us. Let the memories of a small corner of his childhood remain in the baby’s heart for life. Let the image of the great Motherland be associated with this corner. ”

The priority direction of the MKDOU program provides me as a teacher with the following scheme:

Given this scheme, I focused on two areas: the village and the region, the work on which ultimately allowed me to realize the goal and objectives.

Local history is the study of the elements of historical-cultural, ethnographic and natural aspects.

Focusing on the concept of regional studies, she classified the work according to the identified aspects: ethnographic, natural, historical and cultural.

To implement the first direction - the history of the emergence of the village, I developed an educational technology "Introducing older preschool children to the history of the emergence of the village of Lebedevka and its main industries" consisting of two blocks, each of which has an expected result, a list of methodological methods for its achievement and information material. (Appendix No. 1)

Excerpt from educational technology:

Iblock:"The history of the village"

Expected Result:

Familiar with the surroundings of the village, its streets

Location relative to bodies of water, roads, near lying cities (Novosibirsk, Berdsk, Iskitim)

Familiar with the history of the village, the reasons for its formation

They know the location of social objects and their modification over time

They are able to draw up a scheme of the village, a layout of the village of Lebedevka has been drawn up.

II   block:"Industries."

Expected Result:

They know the names of professions of villagers working in agricultural production

Oriented in the main industries

They have an idea of \u200b\u200bthe technological chain (from a chicken to an adult chicken), ideas about the results of the production of the poultry industry (egg, meat, sausage)

They are aware of the changes that have occurred in the content of cattle and the products of this production (milk, sour cream, butter, etc.)

Familiar with the main vegetable and grain crops grown on the farm

They are aware of the improvement of working conditions (from manual to mechanized).

When implementing the first block of educational technology, the children really liked to create a model of the village of Lebedevka. They with great desire recognized the location of the streets, compared them with photographs taken from space, and placed these streets on the layout of the village. The whole group was involved in the process of creating the layout, each child wanted to quickly put their own street on the layout.

Parents also helped a lot in creating the layout by deliberately spending more time outdoors walking with their children in their native village. Together, it was possible to ensure that the children were able not only to navigate well in their native village, but also to love the place where they were born and admire the beauty of their native land.

Attractions identified by excursions, carried them to the layout and began to study their history. To do this, organized a trip to the village library. Librarian Kufeld Valentina Yakovlevna showed a presentation: "How did the village of Lebedevka arise," showed a book about s. Lebedevka, prints from newspaper articles. Children learned with great interest a lot about their native village.

The children were greatly impressed by the trip to the local history museum of Iskitim. I tried to explain to the children that the local history museum is the keeper of genuine monuments;

Material and spiritual culture of our village, district, region;

To introduce children to the life of our ancestors;

To instill a sense of pride in one’s land, love for him, the desire to preserve and increase his story.

Such an opportunity to touch history left a mark in the soul of every child.

When implementing the second block of educational technology, the children really liked the experiments in the field of crop production: germination of cereals at positive and negative temperatures; experiment in the garden. They decided to conduct an experiment with children in order to observe how the plants cope in drought conditions. Conditions were created when the children abundantly watered the ridges, some in moderation, and one did not water at all. The results were compared when harvesting. As a result, it became clear to the children what could happen to the harvest of grain and vegetables on state farm fields. At the same time, not only the skills of examination are fixed, but also a caring attitude to plants is brought up. For clarity, excursions to state farms with wheat, peas, and corn were conducted during the summer. Measurements and observations of plants were carried out.

Human labor is an integral part of human life. My parents who work on the farm helped me introduce children to the main branches of the Lebedevskaya agricultural company. So the meeting of preschoolers and Mogilnaya Lyudmila Alekseevna and Chupin Anton Alexandrovich took place. For the first time, children learned about the technological chain (from a chicken to an adult chicken), got an idea of \u200b\u200bthe results of the production of the poultry industry (egg, meat, sausage). Children were left with very vivid impressions of the meeting.

One of the most interesting was a meeting with the Hero of Socialist Labor Dedyaeva Valentina Efimovna, she talked about the formation of the village of Lebedevka, about improving working conditions (from manual to mechanized), shared her rich life experience.

After meeting with parents and veterans, a desire arose to go on a tour of the poultry farm. Thanks to the leadership of the agricultural company for allowing us to visit the production, to the parents who organized this trip for us. Children were able to see the conditions of keeping birds, collecting and sorting eggs. The children were pleasantly surprised at how big the poultry farm is, and how many people work on it.

A trip was also organized to the village of Mayak to a farm where cattle are kept to introduce children to another industry - livestock. The children were very impressed with this trip, some children saw cows for the first time. They saw the conditions of cattle being looked after.

Ultimately, with the implementation of educational technology, the intended results were achieved. At the end of the school year in the senior group, I conducted pedagogical observations of children to establish the level of knowledge of the history of the emergence of the village, in the following positions: (Appendix No. 2)

1. Able to name the neighborhood of the village, its streets

2. able to navigate relative to bodies of water, roads, and nearby cities (Novosibirsk, Berdsk, Iskitim)

3. able to describe the history of the village, the reasons for its formation

4. able to indicate the location of social objects and describe their modification over time

Working in the second direction, first of all, was a long-term planning (Appendix No. 4).

Introducing children to the crafts of Siberia, took into account the age characteristics of preschool children, did it in an accessible, understandable and interesting way for them.

Used the following forms of work with children:

· Conversations;

· Classes based on the integration method;

· Consideration of genuine folk art products, illustrations, albums, postcards, tables;

· Exhibitions in the mini-gallery of arts and crafts;

· Exhibitions of children’s works on arts and crafts in kindergarten;

· View movies;

· Excursions;

· Didactic games;

· Using silhouette modeling

· Experimenting with various art materials;

· Folklore holidays, gatherings.

· Memorization of counters, chants, jokes, fables, nursery rhymes, verses;

· Composing fairy tales. Stories, stories about their work;

· Use of physical notes;

· Creation of books on arts and crafts.

I tried to enrich children's ideas about beauty and how to achieve it with the example of folk art and art of the native land.

I introduced children to such types of Siberian crafts as the Horde painting, the Ural-Siberian painting, and work with birch bark.

The uniqueness of the Horde painting is that it contains elements of the main ornaments of Russia. And added their own, characteristic features inherent in our region. Because the flowers of Lungwort, lingonberry, blueberry, rosehip are memorable since childhood. Magpies, squirrels, moose and log houses - these elements are only in the Horde painting.

Another distinguishing feature of the Horde painting is the introduction by the end of the brush and sticking the brush on the “heel”, which did not work out right away in children.

In addition to the game method, to learn the features of the Horde painting, children were offered didactic material on most folk crafts in the form of puzzles and mosaics, I also actively used Lullia circles (the development of creative thinking of preschool children based on TRIZ). All circles were made by handicrafts of Russia.

Children learned to hold the brush vertically, and let it go to the heel. They know how to use this or that color in painting, due to the plot of the chosen composition, season, the characteristic color of birds or animals of Siberia. They have well-developed technical skills when familiarizing themselves with the Horde painting, imagination.

The work with the Ural-Siberian painting turned out to be very interesting, since its pictorial motifs are very diverse, these are floral ornaments and the image of birds and animals. Children liked working with the Ural-Siberian painting.

After the preliminary size of the motive and composition, they were prescribed underlays, which indicate the main spots of flowers, buds, leaves, then they are modeled with whitewash, dipped in a paint of the desired color and rotating it around its axis, under one movement, undermining turned into a berry or a petal. The painting ended with the application of postscripts and herbs that broke the clear contours of forms and increased the ornamental motifs, linking them together and with the background.

I managed to ensure that the children learned to hold the brush vertically, type two colors on the brush and make undermining for the image of flowers, leaves, etc.

Developed the creative abilities of children on the basis of familiarization with the Russian folk culture "Ural-Siberian painting."

I especially want to note the work with birch bark. The children were delighted after working with her. In the course of the work, she introduced children to several types of artistic processing of birch bark weaving, painting, carving, embossing, embossing, scratching, painting, burning.

Children showed interest in birch bark products, tried to understand the language of art. They proposed their own ideas and embodied them in applications, crafts, drawings. Developed an aesthetic taste in working with birch bark.

Our parents helped us a lot when preparing birch bark for crafts. Gradually, not only children but also their parents were involved in the process of creating crafts. In the course of our joint work, we managed to organize the exhibition “Gifts of the Russian Birch” of crafts made by the hands of children and their parents.

With the support of our parents, we were able to complete the folklore room with antique-styled benches, household utensils and Russian folk clothes.

Visiting a folklore room with children, I explained the purpose of certain objects, emphasized the beauty and craftsmanship of human hands, showed historical continuity with modern analogues (for example: a torch - a kerosene lamp - an electric lamp; a roller - a cast iron on coals - an electric iron), introduced with the dependence of the use of objects on the way of life of people, as well as on their place of residence (in woodland, mainly wooden utensils were used, and in places rich in clay - clay), introduced children to Russian folk art sinks. Types of folk art can lead children to a deep understanding of the meaning of folklore and the identity of folk crafts, the connection of folk art in its various manifestations with everyday life.

In the course of continuous direct activity, regimen moments, she acquainted children with natural aspects, on walks, excursions, tried to expand children's knowledge of the flora and fauna of Siberia, and to cultivate a careful attitude to nature. So that children can understand all the greatness of their native land, I introduced the natural resources of the Novosibirsk region. My children know that there are a lot of minerals in the region. Oil and natural gas deposits have been discovered in the Northern region. High-quality coal is mined in Iskitim, Cherepanovsky and Toguchinsky districts. The north of the region is rich in peat. The region has large reserves of brick and ceramic products (KSM). In its eastern part, building stone, granites, limestones, raw materials for cement production and white marble are mined.

It should be noted that children know that there are a lot of forests in the NSO. The northern part of the region is occupied by dense dark coniferous forests and vast areas of impenetrable swamps. Siberian spruce, Siberian pine, Siberian fir are characteristic of it. Along the Ob stretch lighter pine forests. To the south of the taiga, small-leaved forests of birch and aspen begin. The fauna of forests is very diverse. Birds nest in the crowns of trees and shrubs. Common inhabitants of the forest are: elk, squirrel, sable, chipmunk. In the north of the region you can meet reindeer, bear, wolverine.

Steppes occupy only the extreme southwest of our region - the northern part of the Kulundinskaya plain. Fauna of the steppes: rodents.

The main cultivated areas of the NSO are occupied by grain and leguminous crops. A small part is reserved for potatoes and vegetables.

Rivers, lakes are the wealth of our region, Ob \u200b\u200bcarries its waters from South to North through the entire territory of the region. The largest lakes: Chany, Ubinskoe, Karachi. There are so many lakes that our region can be called the "country of blue lakes." As we studied natural resources, we tried to supplement the local history room with new exhibits.

When studying the terrain, forests of the NSO, water bodies, the children and I designed a model of the NSO, it depicted forests and water resources.

I tried to familiarize children with the origins of folk culture through my acquaintance with lifestyle, household items, traditions, and holidays. Now, with the return to our national memory, I want to know more and more about Russian culture, about how our ancestors lived, what they dressed, how holidays were celebrated, what customs and traditions were observed, what they ate and drank. In the search for modern pedagogical techniques, we, unfortunately, forget about folk traditions and their educational value. But children have always been the most active participants in the rites. In all traditional preparations, children helped adults, they had their own chores and secret cares. Our kindergarten also has its own traditions and holidays, such as “Autumn”, “Day of an elderly person”, “Mother's Day”, “New Year”, “Shrovetide”, “Day of Defender of the Fatherland”, “March 8”, “Day” laughter. "

I also introduced children to national holidays. Since ancient times, the beloved holiday “Shrovetide” has come to us - it's seeing off winter and meeting spring. It is customary to play folk games at Shrovetide, drive round dances, bake pancakes and burn a scarecrow. Children always have a lot of impressions after such a holiday. Through conversations, she introduced children to the Easter holiday. In painting classes, children painted Easter eggs with great interest. Then I wondered if there were any traditions in the families of children, for this I conducted a survey with my parents, which showed what traditions exist in the family. Familiarization of children with culture, language, traditions, rites of the Russian people strengthens the connection between generations, develops a sense of belonging and respect for the Russian people , history of the Siberian region.

In addition to the traditional forms of work with parents (parent-teacher meetings, consultations), she used in her practice:

Q&A evenings;

Joint events (exhibitions, competitions, parent seminars-interviews on a dialogical basis, open displays of the educational process);

Excursions with children;

Individual work with children at home (keeping a notebook of the child’s emotional development).

As a result of the work, the child forms a positive attitude towards the world, other people and himself, the need and willingness to show compassion and experience joy, an active attitude to work, responsibility for his actions and deeds. In the course of joint work, we managed to form a sense of pride in the Russian people.

The teaching staff, with the tradition of mutual participation in self-education at MKDOU, helped in the collection of methodological literature and electronic material. I, in turn, held a consultation on the “Crafts of Siberia”. The compiled game card of the peoples of Siberia was offered to colleagues.

At the end of the school year, in the preparatory group, I conducted pedagogical observations of children to establish the level of knowledge of my native land - the Novosibirsk Region in the following positions: (Appendix No. 5)

1. able to name the features of the relief of the NSO;

2. able to list forests, water bodies of the NSO, their inhabitants;

3. able to list the main industries of Siberia;

4. able to name the holidays and customs of the Russian people.

Pedagogical observation was developed on the basis of N.E. Veraksy “Monitoring the child’s achievement of the planned results of the development of the program”, N. V. Vereshchagina “Results of monitoring child development.” According to the processed results, there is a positive trend in all positions.

I think that my work on this topic was successful. I came to the conclusion that the education of patriotic feelings in preschoolers is a complex and lengthy process.

Work on this topic allowed us to achieve the following results: we managed to form a feeling of love for our native land, our small homeland; expand and deepen children's knowledge of their village, district, region, territory, its history; to form a careful attitude to nature and all living things.

I think that the children of my group were able to give birth to the first shoots of patriotism, which in the future will turn into a huge love for their homeland.

Author: Zavyalova Anastasia Vladimirovna
  Position: first category educator
  Place of work: MKDOU kindergarten "Rodnichok"
  Location: Lebedevka village, Iskitim district, Novosibirsk region

  Maria Protopopova
  Introspection of the lesson “Big and Small Homeland”



Performed: Protopopova M.V.

View classes: educational and informative.

Age group: older.

Topic: « Big and small Motherland»

View classes, his structure:

1. In children of this age, visual thinking is visual, that's why everything occupation   held in a playful way. goal classes:

Development of spiritual, moral, patriotic qualities of a child’s personality.

The formation of cultural competence in the process of integrated implementation of the federal standard for the content of education through national - regional and local components.

Effective application of knowledge, skills in life.

2. Tasks:

Education of a child of love and affection for his family, home, kindergarten, street, city.

The formation of a lean attitude towards nature and all living things.

Raising a sense of respect for one’s nation, understanding one’s national characteristics; the formation of self-esteem, a sense of responsibility, pride for your people.

To cultivate respect for the traditions and customs of your Homeland small and large.

4. Time classes   used rationally (there are theoretical and practical parts, theoretical part classes   consists of an organizational moment, questions and discussions on the main topic, the practical part of the game activity, where the children drew a landmark of the city and made a picture of geometric shapes. Time is appropriately allocated to the theoretical part, the physical minute, the practical part. During classes   used a visual and demonstration method (showing a presentation on a chosen topic, a verbal method (talking with children, reading poems, sayings and proverbs, a story, explanation, explanation on slides, practical (drawing in technique "Crumpled Pattern") The activities of children succinctly pass one into another. Organization Receptions classes   for emotional interest during classes used: game questions and answers, slide presentation, proverbs and sayings, citizen rules “A true citizen will not ....”, a surprise moment.

5. Effectively used visual equipment, involved the work of the main system analyzers (auditory, visual)   to increase the efficiency and effectiveness of work.

6. I believe that the goals classes were implemented. No wonder on occupation   information and computer technologies were used, as one of the main means of expanding children's performances was presentations, slide shows, multimedia photo albums. This is a visualization that allows the teacher to build an explanation on the lessons are logical, scientifically, using video clips. With this organization of the material, three types of memory are included. children: visual, auditory, motor. The presentation provides an opportunity to consider complex material in stages, turn not only to the current material, but also repeat the previous topic. You can also dwell in more detail on issues that cause difficulties.

The use of ICT allows to overcome the intellectual passivity of children on classes, makes it possible to increase the effectiveness of the educational activities of the teacher DOE.

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Introspection of extracurricular activities “We are patriots”

Extracurricular event "We are patriots" was held in the form of a class hour in the framework of the concept of civic-patriotic development in the direction "Education of moral feelings and ethical consciousness" of pupils (in the educational system of my educational plan) 3 classes.

This form of the lesson helps to reveal the personal qualities of children, helps to create an atmosphere of mutual understanding, creativity, and the manifestation of emotionality. The content of the lesson is based on the life experience of the pupils, on the characteristic features of primary school age, where communication is one of the leading activities.

The choice of the classroom theme is very relevant, as today this feeling is undergoing serious tests. The Fatherland has changed, its past is being revised, the present is alarmed, and the future is seriously alarming with its uncertainty. The feeling of patriotism is multifaceted in its content: it is love for one’s native places, and pride in one’s people, and a sense of continuity with others, and a desire to preserve and increase the wealth of one’s country.

Goal:   expand knowledge about the historical past of our country;

Planning and spending this classroom hour, I set myself the following tasks:


1. To consolidate knowledge of the state symbols of the Russian Federation;

2. Develop the ability to obtain information from different sources in accordance with a given topic, set goals and achieve them;

3. To instill feelings of patriotism, love for the motherland.

To achieve the goal, the following logic of the lesson was built:

The organizational beginning of the lesson. The main goal, which was the psychological preparation of students for communication in the classroom

At the second stage, the task was set to “Uncover the theme of the classroom hours by the children themselves” At this stage, I used the proverb. Subsequent discussions helped the children identify the classroom theme. This point can also be distinguished as intersubject communication.

In the third stage, the task was set

    consolidate knowledge of state symbols of the Russian Federation

    To develop the ability to obtain information from various sources in accordance with a given topic

    To instill feelings of patriotism, love for the motherland.

To achieve these goals, I used the presentation “Symbols of the Russian Federation”, the video “Memory”, the students worked in groups to find information about their hometown, and introduced the children to it.

In the fourth stage, the task:

    Introspection of the emotional state, one’s activity. Where did the guys answer the question "Where can they use the knowledge gained?"

Throughout the lesson, various forms of work were used to intensify cognitive activity: frontal, group, steam room; methods: verbal (conversation, concepts,), visual (video, presentation), practical problem-search, reflection. They contributed to the development of children's communication skills, joint activities, the manifestation of their personal qualities. At the class hour, computer hardware, handouts, and visual aids were used. The following technologies were applied: a personality-oriented, activity-based approach,

In the lesson, the main emphasis was placed on life examples. Proverbs and family trees sounded here, which gave the occupation an emotional mood and concreteness.

The psychological atmosphere was trusting, emotional, and friendly. The guys worked with pleasure.

During the class hour, the methodological principle - communication was observed.

I believe that the goal of the classroom hour has been achieved, but I believe that this work should be continued because only a systematic approach gives the result.

The preparation and selection of material was carried out taking into account the interests of children, I took into account the capabilities of the class.

Thus, comparing the desired result with the real one, I conclude that the goals set, the selection of content, the choice of forms, methods, techniques and forms of training worked for a real result, which showed that all aspects of the classroom goal were realized.