Wedding preparations. Guest etiquette: seating guests at the table How to seat guests at the table for an anniversary

Preparing a wedding banquet is a big chore, the main part of which is making sure that the newlyweds and guests spend this day cheerfully, joyfully, and remember it as a real holiday. The harmony of a wedding celebration is possible only if all its participants feel comfortable, which largely depends on what kind of people are sitting around. In this article, we will cover the main wedding table arrangements so that you can choose the one that suits you best.

Thoughtful seating guests at tables, made taking into account the characteristics of your guests, whether it be menu preferences or personal qualities, is a guarantee that the entire wedding reception will take place in a friendly, positive atmosphere and will bring only positive emotions to everyone.

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Your desires, preferences and creative approach to organizing a holiday can be key in deciding how settle down tables in the hall and the guests behind them. However, objective circumstances, such as the number of guests, the nature and characteristics of the room, its area, shape, different levels of floor and ceiling, should be taken into account in order to create the most ergonomic space that is convenient in every way for a holiday.

For a wedding reception with not big amount people in Russia and other European countries often use a seating arrangement that involves the presence of one fairly large table.

It can be one rectangular table (for 10-12 people) or several tables connected together in the shape of the letter "T" or the letter "P". The bride and groom sit in the center or at the head of the table, where they can be seen by all the guests, next to them are the parents and witnesses.

Seating in the shape of the letter "T"

This seating arrangement is optimal for accommodating guests of no more than 25 people. In this case, everyone can clearly see and hear each other. Sometimes the general structure of the table is broken up, forming small aisles to make it easier for guests and waiters to move around the hall.

Seating of guests in the form of the letter "T".

Arrangement of tables in the shape of the letter "P"

This arrangement of tables allows you to comfortably seat up to 50 guests. However, if the number of guests is not large, then it is better to place all the guests on the outside of the table. Thanks to this, all guests will sit facing the newlyweds, and no one will be back or sideways.

Seating in the shape of the letter "P".

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Arrangement of tables in the shape of the letter "W"

For receptions of 60 or more people, the arrangement of tables in the shape of the letter "Ш" can be used. This arrangement of tables allows you to accommodate a significant number of guests in a fairly small room.

Seating at the wedding in the shape of the letter "W".

European seating chart

This seating option is different in that instead of one common table, several separate tables of a smaller size are used. This allows you to place guests in such a way as to combine them by age, interests, menu preferences, etc. This is a definite plus of such an arrangement of tables.

However, using European seating arrangement for guests and by dividing your guests into fractional groups, you limit their ability to get to know each other better. Therefore, if your wedding celebration also aims to introduce the relatives of the bride and groom, then give the task to the host of the wedding reception so that he thinks over competitions or other joint events for guests from both sides.

The European table layout varies depending on the prevailing customs in a particular country.

English version of the table arrangement

In England, the arrangement of tables differs in that square and rectangular tables are most often used, at least the newlyweds table usually has rectangular shape. Behind him, in addition to the bride and groom, other guests (parents or witnesses) most often sit.

Care must be taken that guests do not sit with their backs to the young. To do this, the table of the bride and groom is most often placed not in the center of the hall, but near one of the walls, and the tables of the guests are placed in a checkerboard pattern or along the walls.

English seating.

Italian seating at the tables

Another option for European seating arrangements is Italian. According to her, the table of the bride and groom is set in the presidium and, as a rule, on a podium, and the guests are seated at small round tables of 4 people each. This seating arrangement is ideal for a large venue to comfortably accommodate a smaller wedding procession.

Italian table setting.

Seating type "cabaret"

This scheme got its name because the seats at the tables of the guests are arranged in a semicircle, as in a cabaret theater. A smaller number of chairs are placed at each table, so that all guests can clearly see the bride and groom.

Seating type "cabaret".

Arrangement of tables "herringbone"

An intermediate option that combines the advantages of traditional seating at a large table and European seating is a table arrangement called "Herringbone".

With such an arrangement of tables, a fairly large number of guests (50-60) can be comfortably accommodated. Invitees can be grouped at tables by age or interest, while each table will have 10-12 people, enough to make new acquaintances and at the same time feel comfortable, because. There will be familiar people.

The downside is that most guests will sit sideways or a quarter turn towards the newlyweds.

Arrangement of tables "wrong herringbone"

The “wrong Christmas tree” option has advantages in that the far (in the picture - upper) corners of the hall are involved, but the disadvantage is that half of the guests sit with their backs to the young ones.

American seating arrangements

In the USA, either one of the European table arrangements or a specific "American" scheme is most often used. The latter is understood as an arrangement of the “buffet” or “buffet” type.

Seating type "buffet" involves the presence of a table for the newlyweds, two or three long guest tables and a separate table with snacks and drinks. At the same time, guests themselves come to the tables with refreshments and choose the dishes that they like. This seating arrangement allows you to save some money on the cost of the banquet, because you do not have to pay for the work of waiters. However, you should make sure that guests do not have anything against the principle of self-service, and make sure that at the beginning of the event, guests do not form a line around the snack table.

American wedding table setting.

Sometimes there is no time or opportunity to arrange a big banquet, for example, after the official part, the young people are going to immediately leave for their honeymoon. Then the format is perfect. "buffet"

Complete modern encyclopedia of etiquette Yuzhin Vladimir Ivanovich

How to seat guests at the table

No one, probably, will argue that guests are invited not only to eat together. The main thing is human communication. Therefore, consider how to seat friends at the table so that both them and your communication are not disturbed by various inconveniences. True, this is not required in every case - at a youth party it is not at all necessary to force guests to follow all the strict etiquette. But if you organized a dinner party or dinner, which is attended by both parents and friends, representatives of different generations, and not everyone knows each other, then it is better to think in advance how to seat them at the table so that they feel comfortable.

There is a fairly common rule: never seat spouses together and, conversely, never seat lovers separately. But this is just the rule that you can follow, or you can not, at the request of the guests themselves.

In general, international standards of communication at the table allocate places as follows: at the head of the table - the place of the guest of honor, and to the right of him - the hostess of the house; if the guest of honor is a lady, then, accordingly, she is seated at the head of the table, and on the left - the owner of the house.

The rest of the guests are seated so that next to the lady there must be a gentleman who would look after her all evening, offering food and drinks.

To create a pleasant atmosphere of free communication, you should put together those who have many common interests. In order to avoid the so-called rank distribution of seats, which involves seating guests of honor closer to the head of the table, it is better to have a round table, which will eliminate all the difficulties of placing guests.

If you are arranging a buffet for several dozen people, you can place several laid tables and coasters in different places in the room or apartment. This way you will avoid crowds.

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Behavior at the table Inviting guests to the table is the responsibility of the hostess. She should be the first to sit down at the table, but not immediately grab the food, but wait until the guests sit down. First, women sit at the table, then men, and only then young people. If one of the guests

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Etiquette at the table General rules of conduct at the table General rules of conduct or etiquette at the table - this is the minimum that every cultured person should know. Sitting at the table, you should only rest your wrist on its edge. Women are allowed on a small

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§ 4. Location of guests for festive table A certain Roman, having dined alone, said: "Today I ate, but did not dine." Plutarch The organization of the communication space is extremely important factor, which determines the quality of the process - its efficiency and comfort. Any

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§ 7. At the dinner table Manners reveal morals, just as a dress reveals the waist. Francis Bacon Oh, this table setting, cutlery, napkins. We have quite mastered the knife and fork, but still we demonstrate many “punctures” in manners. For example, we cannot "tame"

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Table behavior? If you are called to the table, do not be late, do not keep yourself waiting.? Don't start eating until everyone is at the table.? Don't move too close to the table, but don't sit too far away from it either. Do not lean back in your chair, do not fall apart on it.?

A young couple before their wedding thinks not only about who to invite to their holiday, but also how to seat the guests. How to correctly distribute the guests at the banquet? Usually people at the festive table are grouped, taking into account their interests, preferences, age, marital status, way of thinking. So you will help guests feel comfortable and cozy at the celebration, which will positively affect the overall atmosphere of the wedding. To accommodate those invited to the banquet, guest seating cards are used.

Seating cards are used as seat indicators for each guest at the table. Qualitatively, interestingly executed, these details of the wedding will emphasize the special importance of the event and the excellent organization of the holiday. If the celebration is not crowded, the newlyweds can make original ones. But most couples trust this business to professionals. It is advisable to order them at a printing house if a banquet is planned with a large number of guests. When choosing banquet cards, consider the following tips:

  • For a celebration, choose signs for guests in a beautiful design.
  • They should have the same design with other wedding accessories.
  • For themed celebrations, place markers can be designed using items related to the style of the wedding.
  • Print the names of the guests on the cards large.
  • Choose the size of the pointers so that they are noticeable and harmoniously fit into the overall design of the table.
  • The font of the inscription on the seating cards should be legible and noticeable from afar.
  • The color of the card must match the general color scheme weddings.

The seating card with the name of the guest indicated on it is placed on a napkin or next to a plate on the table in a certain place, which is intended for the person invited to the celebration. There are many options for making seat maps. Classic shape cards is a thick sheet of paper folded in half and set by the house with the name of the guest on it.

In this case, everything depends on the imagination, the taste of the newlyweds. Pebbles, shells, fruits, badges, bottle caps are used to design maps of places for invitees. Unusually, seating signs in the form of small jars or chocolates with the names of guests written on them look original. Guest cards can be combined with additional elements that emphasize the sophistication of the celebration. For example, one apple is placed next to them or they are placed on a pot with a flower.

Ideas for seating cards for guests

To make the holiday fun, the bride and groom need to think through all the details of the celebration in advance. The choice of the form of seating cards will help emphasize the originality of the newlyweds and their taste. exquisite, beautiful decoration this accessory will encourage the guest to keep it as a memento of the wedding. Let's take a closer look at three popular forms of seating cards.

In the form of postcards

Postcards are often used as a place indicator at the banquet table. Such seating cards can be made in the form of animals, flowers or any other appropriate and original form. If you write on the inside of postcards good words, wishes personally to each guest, then friends and relatives will definitely keep it as a keepsake of your wedding. This type of cards is convenient to put on the table in the form of a house. Beautifully designed seating cards will create a special festive mood along with other decorations of the banquet hall.

On a stand

If each banquet card will be installed on a stand, Special attention give it to the design of this base. As a holder, fruits can be used, which in color or some of their properties are combined with the theme, style of the celebration. Such an edible stand is slightly incised, and then a pointer with the name of the invitee is fixed in it. A seating card will look beautiful on a stand in the form of a bouquet, a pot with a flower, and plant figurines.

The role of the holder of the sign with the inscription of the name of the guest can be performed by any relevant wedding design items. You can attach a banquet card by a ribbon to a glass or candle. Unexpectedly, but interestingly look in the form of a cone holder. Nice, beautiful way designing a seating card - fixing it on a bonbonniere, which is a small box with a surprise for the guest.

in the form of figurines

Place cards for a banquet in the form of figures are the most difficult to make with your own hands, so it is better to order them from professionals. But such original accessories will perfectly decorate wedding table and your guests are sure to love it. Flowers, sweets can be used as images for figurines. And guest cards look especially fashionable and stylish, looking like a bride's outfit and a groom's suit.

How to make banquet cards with your own hands?

Some couples want to make their own guest cards. It's fascinating creative process which will bring joy to the newlyweds. Do-it-yourself seating cards can be in the form of origami. They are perfect for decorating a celebration in Japanese or Chinese themes. Seating cards can be made in the shape of a butterfly. Such details of table decoration are well suited for a wedding in the summer.

Simply, quickly seating cards are made from a wide satin ribbon. This option is suitable for brides who do not have the opportunity to create banquet accessories for a long time. To make a guest card, take a ribbon and tie it beautiful bow. And on its edges write the name, surname of the guest. Lay out these pointers-bows near each place on the table.

A heart-shaped banquet card will look romantic and beautiful. For its manufacture you need: heart-stencil, red thick paper, glue, pencil, scissors, pen. Work on creating a card begins with tracing a stencil on a colored sheet and cutting out hearts. Further, in the upper right of the card, write the name, surname of the guest and cut it with scissors from the bottom to the center. Glue the left side of the figure to the right overlap to make voluminous heart. Remove any excess paper.

Fresh or dried flowers can be used to create a banquet accessory. This will decorate the table, will cause pleasant emotions in the guests. To make such a seedling card, take a box with the guest's data written on it and put a live flower in it in a small container of water. Or create an arrangement of dry flowers and a pointer card.

Template and cutting pattern

Making a postcard for seating guests is as easy as shelling pears. The preparation of such cards should begin long before the wedding day. To make them, you will need: cardboard, scissors, tape, a hole punch, a marker. Choose the size of the postcard of your choice. To make a seating card, follow these instructions:

  1. Cut out a 10 x 10 cm square from paper, fold it across in the center. You should get the shape of a sheet in the form of a book.
  2. Make a hole at the top near the fold line with a hole punch. Pull the ribbon through it, make a bow.
  3. Write the guest's name on the card.
  4. Decorate with bright stones or beads.

You can use another interesting and simple master class for the production of seating cards. To make a postcard you will need:

  • colored cardboard or colored paper and white cardboard;
  • glue stick;
  • lace paper napkins;
  • rubber stamps in the form of letters;
  • stamp pad.

Step-by-step instruction:

Seating plan and table numbers

The seating plan will help guests quickly find their place at the table at the festive banquet. Such visual navigation is especially important at weddings with a large number of people. On it, those invited will easily find their place. The diagram shows lists of people who will sit at a particular table. This helps to quickly orient the invitees and avoid confusion. The guest finds himself on the list on the plan, finds out the number of his table and goes to him.

The design of the seating plan should be consistent with the overall style of the decor of the room. Traditionally, wedding table plates are made in the form of a frame, but for original schemes designers suggest using a design like windows, doors, stepladders, garlands. Signs like this help guests find their seat easily. Plates with numbers are made so that they are the decoration of the wedding. Some newlyweds do not use numbers to designate tables, but come up with beautiful, original names for them. For example, instead of “table number 5” they write “flower bed”.

The size and shape of the dining table must comply with the requirements of table etiquette. As you know, tables come in the following shapes: round (oval) and square (rectangular). Why such a variety and what form of table is better to use?

The advantage of round tables is rather psychological: guests feel more comfortable at them than at square ones, where everyone is "separated" by corners. In politics and diplomacy, there is an expression "to meet at a round table", which means a joint discussion of certain issues by several interested parties seeking to come to a common solution. But round tables also have a minus: they cannot be composed, so they are not suitable for banquets.

Square (rectangular) tables, on the contrary, are very convenient to compose. The generally accepted forms of drawing up tables in the form of the letters "T" ("G") and "P" ("E").

The T-shape is best suited for elongated spaces. Tables, if possible, should correspond to a size of 80. 160 cm. The "crossbar", the most honorable place, allows those sitting at the head of the table to see the rest of the guests. Tables arranged in this way are easy to serve from all sides, besides, if unexpected guests arrive, they can simply be placed by adding another table.

U-shaped tables are convenient for both large and small rooms. Guests are seated two or four people at each table so that no one sits in front of the table legs. During the celebration, you can use the inside and outside of the table. Honored guests sit at the head of the table, so chairs are not placed on the inside of the "crossbar". The disadvantage of this form of table is that the guests sitting on the side inner sides sit with their backs to the guests of honor.

The E-shape is offered as an extended extension of the U-shape and is only suitable for very large rooms, otherwise the distance between the tables will be too small.

Now about the size of the table. They should be such that all appliances can be accommodated, while eating, guests feel comfortable and do not push each other with their elbows. Round table should have at least 110-120 cm in diameter, square and rectangular, be at least 90-100 cm wide. Ideally, for each device (plates, glasses, knives, forks, spoons), a place 60-70 cm wide should be allotted on the table. When setting the table, place the dishes so that none of the guests can stumble on the table leg.

The height of the dining table should be about 80 cm.

Tables are arranged so that each guest can freely leave the table without disturbing others. Therefore, in order not to block anything, they are placed at a distance of about 75 cm from the wall and 120 cm from the cabinets.

The height of the corresponding chairs should be approximately 47 cm. Pay attention to a very important detail: the chair must not be pushed under the table. It should stand so that its edge is at the edge of the table, without touching the tablecloth.

How to sit on a chair according to the rules of etiquette at the table? The first necessary condition: the seat of the chair must be occupied completely, so as to sit at the corner of the intersection of the back and seat of the chair. Otherwise, the back will get tired: do not forget that very long feasts are accepted in Russia. Legs under the table cannot be stretched out (you can touch the neighbors opposite), and also, crossing them at the ankles, put them under the chair seat. Old textbooks on table etiquette recommend sitting with your feet together and your knees bent at right angles. But, frankly, such a position is inconvenient, because after a while the knees will diverge "accordion", and constantly controlling them is extremely burdensome.

The best way to do this is to sit on a chair, bend your knees at an angle of about 135 degrees, then cross at the ankles (men remain in this position) and slightly move to the side (the last recommendation, as you understand, applies to women). True, in this case, the knees will diverge a little, but, so to speak, within the "normal".

A few words about the position of the hands. While eating, of course, there are no problems with them - they are busy with appliances. But before meals and in between serving dishes, when hands are free, they cause a lot of trouble. Left without control (all our attention is usually focused on a conversation with neighbors), they, as a rule, “climb” where they shouldn’t: they touch the appliances on the table, roll the ends of the tablecloth into a tube, etc. Women automatically “revise” their jewelry : pulling earrings, taking off and putting on rings, playing with beads and chains. Men play with a lighter, click their knuckles, unfasten and fasten watches on a metal bracelet, etc.

In order to "restrain" the hands without specifically controlling them, the following is suggested: putting your hands on your knees, cross your fingers (except for the big ones), but do not squeeze into a "lock", after which thumb the right hand should be rested in the middle of the palm of the left, and on top of it put the thumb of the left hand.

And now let's talk about how, according to the rules of etiquette at the table, sit down at the dinner table. There is nothing difficult in sitting on a chair yourself: move it a little away from the table (the initial position of the chair - the edge of the seat is at the level of the edge of the table), go into the free space and pull the seat under you. The main condition is to produce as little noise as possible.

But when a man helps a woman sit down - this is a whole art. Raising a chair, the gentleman moves it at an angle to the left (the size of the angle depends, excuse me, on the woman’s build), the lady goes to the table and, having heard a polite “Please” or “Sit down, please” behind her, without turning around, sinks into the substituted chair. Let me remind lovers of wide skirts that when sitting down, you can not lift them. Firstly, you will wrinkle such a skirt even more, "slapping" your back against the back of a chair, and secondly, the figure framed by lush folds visually loses: you will resemble a hen in a nest. Conclusion: when you sit down, you always need to adjust the skirt "for yourself."

How far away from the table should you sit? It should be such that you do not have to lean forward when bringing food to your mouth, and you can comfortably use personal appliances. Tightly connect the five fingers of the hand - this is exactly the distance between your "stomach" and the edge of the dining table.

Serious attention is also required to the order in which the guests will sit at the table. In Russia, important guests are traditionally seated at the head of the table, while the rest sit down as they please. But at official and solemn feasts, subordination is necessary, so this issue must be approached responsibly.

It should be remembered that all places at the dinner table are divided into more honorable and less honorable. By international standards, the male guest of honor is to the right of the hostess, and the guest of honor is to the host's right. Further, according to the degree of honor, the places to the left of the hostess and to the left of the owner follow.

As you move away from the owners, the places become less honorable.

So, when planning how to seat guests at the table, you must adhere to the following rules of etiquette at the table:

Place by right hand more honorable than the seat on the left.

Men take seats to the left of the ladies.

Representatives of the stronger sex are seated on the right and left hands of the hostess of the table, the host, respectively, is surrounded by ladies. Then the places alternate: next to the woman they put men, and vice versa.

A woman is not seated next to another woman and against the ends of the table.

A husband is never seated next to his wife, but newlyweds and those who are engaged cannot be seated separately. A year after the wedding, the spouses can be seated at the table separately.

Guided by the rules of table etiquette, you can easily place any number of guests at any table.

If the holiday is informal (for example, it is a friendly party), places at the table can be played - by the way, this will give the holiday an additional "zest". For example, you can pick up couples at the table as follows: the ladies who come receive a flower as a gift, and the men draw cards with the name of flowers: roses, asters, carnations, etc. Or such famous names as Romeo and Juliet are written on pieces of paper , Adam and Eve, Tristan and Isolde, after which the sheets with female names are pulled out by ladies, and with male ones by gentlemen. A similar game can be arranged with cards, names of colors, words that are opposite in meaning, the names of writers and the names of their books, etc. But this method of seating couples is acceptable only when the hosts (organizers) of the party are sure that all the guests know each other and treat each other well.

When planning a wedding banquet, in addition to the menu and the list of invitees, you need to take care of how to seat the guests. When placing them at the tables, not only age is taken into account, but also the interests, marital status and even the way of thinking of each guest, so that everyone is comfortable throughout the celebration. In order for relatives and friends to take their places at the festive table, seating cards are used.

Individual seating cards are beautifully designed postcards indicating a place at the table for a specific person. They are placed next to the plate or attached to the stem of the glass. Such original accessories have already become an indispensable attribute of any wedding.

Seating cards at a wedding celebration perform several important functions:

  • save time: finding your place at the table with their help is much easier;
  • emphasize care newlyweds about the comfort of guests;
  • complement the festive table setting.

Idea! Name indexes often act as a gift for guests, which they will take home as a keepsake of the celebration.

Handmade postcards will add a unique atmosphere to the holiday. But in the absence of free time for creativity, their preparation is entrusted to professionals. For a large number invitees, it is more expedient to order cards in a printing house.

When choosing cards for seating, they first of all pay attention to style and. If the celebration is decorated in pastel colors, then the pointers are executed in the same shades. For a rainbow wedding, bright contrasting colors are acceptable.

Most often, seating cards are made in the same style as other wedding accessories.

Price finished product depends on the design. Price for more simple options varies between 50-70 rubles. When ordering cards from a calligrapher - from 80 rubles. The price of complex curly products starts from 100 rubles. The cost of products with additional decor is calculated individually.

Design Ideas

Various materials are used to decorate cards. The main thing is that they are combined with the mood and style of the ceremony.

  • For a rustic celebration suitable wooden boards or pots with indoor plants;
  • For popular fruit weddings put apples, oranges, pomegranates, lemons on the table and attach cards to them;
  • For a rainbow wedding postcards are fixed on cupcakes with multi-colored cream or macaroons;
  • For cards with berries will be an excellent option;
  • For the ceremony in romantic style the names of invited guests are written on postcards depicting butterflies, birds or flowers;
  • For use cones coated with gold or silver spray paint;
  • For a stylish wedding you can use imitations of old vinyl records;
  • IN classic version seating card with the name of the guest is designed in the form of a house.

Interesting! Emphasize the originality of the newlyweds will help designer cardboard or fancy paper. The choice is very large: from metallized options to textured patterned leaves. Using the services of a professional calligrapher, you can get exquisite banquet cards self made with beautifully written text.


A classic version of the place indicator at the festive table is a postcard. Such seating cards are decorated with ribbons, braid or applications. Inside, you can write a few warm words for each guest, leave a wish or remember a funny moment from a common past. Beautiful and original postcards give the ceremony a festive mood.

So, for a wedding in country or Provence style, banquet cards are made using unusual fabrics. To give them a rigid shape, thick cardboard is inserted inside. If time permits, the names of the guests are embroidered with thread.

On a stand

Banquet cards can be placed on separate stands with particular attention paid to its design. When choosing a holder, it is important that it fits into the style of the wedding celebration.

The basis is flower arrangements, fruits, pots with indoor plants, figurines. You can also fix the card on a glass or a decorative candle.

The original solution is to fix the banquet card on the bonbonniere. This is a beautifully designed box that the guest will take as a souvenir after the buffet is over. Candies, cookies, cakes or any other sweets are placed in it.


Banquet cards in the form of figures will have to be ordered from a professional. Making them at home is extremely difficult. These original accessories will impress the guests and decorate the place where the buffet is held. You can order cards in the form of dresses for the bride and groom.

Idea! An origami crane sign is perfect for a Japanese-style wedding.

Figured pointers are made not only from paper, but also from wood, glass, and metal. It can be either an openwork paper butterfly, fixed on the edge of the glass, or a cheerful bird made of tree bark.

Other options

And a few more original ideas in the wedding piggy bank:

  • From corrugated paper make cards in the form of medals and hang them on the back of a chair;
  • Banquet cards using photos of guests are one of the most original options. Pre-printed frames are inserted into postcards and an inscription is added to them. In the future, the photo can be pasted into the wish book. So, each guest will be able to leave a wish to the newlyweds under his image;
  • You can fix postcards on miniature copies of furniture in the banquet hall;
  • A very romantic option - cards using fresh or artificial flowers- single buds, miniature compositions, small bouquets.


Having decided to make banquet cards with your own hands, remember two points:

  • start production in advance in order to have time to prepare all the signs for the ceremony;
  • be sure to make a few spare postcards to enter the guest's name manually, if necessary, already at the banquet.

The easiest option is classic paper postcards. Using scissors, cut out a rectangle of the desired size. Then they bend it in half and decorate it with prepared decorations, fixing them with glue, double-sided tape or a stapler. A hole is made with a hole punch and the name of the guest is fixed on the ribbon.


Decorations for banquet cards are selected individually. Ribbons, rhinestones, sequins or beads are perfect for a classic wedding. If the celebration is decorated in nautical style, then pebbles, shells, corals are used for decoration. Decorations in the form of flowers, bows or applications will be appropriate at any wedding.

To make a do-it-yourself index, you will need:

  • paper or cardboard;
  • ordinary scissors;
  • glue;
  • Double-sided tape;
  • curly scissors;
  • decorative ornaments;
  • hole puncher.

Template selection

When choosing a template, pay attention to the stylistic and color design of the ceremony.

Pointers can be made in the form of birds, animals, favorite serial characters of the bride and groom, or have any other shape. Choice suitable option depends on the imagination, needlework skills and sense of taste of the newlyweds.

Download ready-made templates

You can view seating cards online. The selected option is printed on the printer. Ready-made layouts for printing usually do not require additional decoration. However, if you wish, you can decorate them yourself.

With a limited budget, give preference to ready-made layouts that are presented on the network. Design pointers will cost much more.

Below are a few options beautiful templates which can be downloaded for free from our website:


When developing a design, several important points are taken into account:

  • Banquet cards should be combined with other wedding accessories;
  • If the wedding is decorated in a certain color style, it is also used when making postcards;
  • The names of the guests are written legibly. If the text is printed on a computer, large print must be used;
  • The size of the pointers should be in harmony with the overall design of the table;
  • On the table, cards should not interfere and restrict access to treats.

Advice! Cards are fixed with double-sided tape, glue, decorative clothespins or stickers.

Types of table arrangements at a wedding

In the European and American version of the wedding buffet, it is assumed that guests will be assigned to their places in advance. For table numbering, not only numbers are used, but also the names of favorite groups, TV shows, films or cities. This option is especially relevant for.

Having decided on the number of guests and the room, choose the type of table arrangement:

  • The classic version is good for a small wedding. Guests sit at one long table. If more than 20-25 people are expected, it will be inconvenient for them to communicate with each other;
  • P-shaped- one of the most popular options when the newlyweds are at the head in the company of witnesses. Ideal for a large number of guests in a small room;
  • In the form of the letter T or G- suitable for a wedding with the number of guests from 30 to 40 people;
  • To accommodate guests at a large noisy wedding of 50 people or more, Tables are arranged in the shape of the letter W. Nearby it is best to plant closely familiar guests or group them according to their interests;
  • Buffet tables. They will allow the bride and groom to communicate with each guest closer. To make the newlyweds visible from any corner, their table is placed in the center of the hall;
  • Banquet in European style. Tables are arranged in a checkerboard pattern. A separate podium is created for the table of the heroes of the occasion.

Some tips for seating guests:

  1. The parents of the bride and groom, as well as witnesses, should sit next to the newlyweds;
  2. The table at which the newlyweds sit is set in the most prominent place;
  3. Men and women are planted alternately;
  4. Colleagues at the table are arranged according to age and interests;
  5. No more than ten people should sit at a separate table;
  6. If there are many children at the wedding, they are given a separate table;
  7. In addition to seating cards, there should be a large general seating plan for guests at the tables;
  8. People who come together cannot be seated at separate tables;
  9. Former spouses should be put away from each other.

As a rule, guests at the wedding are met by the manager. They turn to him for help if there are difficulties in finding the right place.

Useful video

Wedding seating cards are another full-fledged element of decorating the hall, so you should carefully consider both their design and optimal distribution, and the video will help with this:


Thanks to beautifully designed accessories, there is a general impression of the holiday. Seating cards can be presented at the end of the holiday to guests as a souvenir. To make the gift a pleasant surprise, you need to follow the suggested recommendations and approach the design of the signs with all your heart.