30 08 What holiday Tatarstan. Church holiday for the national calendar

August 30, 2017 - Wednesday, 242 days 2017 in the Gregorian calendar. August 30 corresponds to August 17, Julian calendar (old style).

Holidays August 30, 2017 in Russia

  • Day of Education of the Republic of Tatarstan. On this day in 1990, the Supreme Council of the Republic adopted a declaration on the state sovereignty of the Tatar SSR. The history of the Tatar people is complex and contradictory. At first, the Tatars were part of the State Volga Bulgaria, and the conquering campaigns of the Mongols actively resisted. After the occurrence of the Kazan Khanty in the 15th century, the rivalry continued with the Moscow State. In 1552, Ivan IV won Kazan and included it in the Russian kingdom. As part of Russia, the current Tatarstan was called first by the Kazan kingdom, later - the Kazan province. The territory did not have self-government: the head of the region was the governor who appointed directly the ruler of the state. Until the revolution of 1917, these lands were never named neither Tataria nor Tatarstan. On May 27, 1920, a decree was signed on the formation of the Tatar ASSR as part of the RSFSR. On August 30, 1990, the region received the status of the Tatar Soviet Socialist Republic. After the collapse of the USSR, the Republic of Tatarstan (it received it in 1992) did not come out of the state, but continues to exist as a subject Russian Federation. For the first time, the education festival of the Republic of the Republic was noted in 1991 - they were announced on the eve, on August 29, deciding to consider this day inoperative. It is noteworthy that the celebration of the Day of the Capital of the Republic - Kazan is also timed to this date. Day of the Republic of Tatarstan today is a nationwide holiday in the region. On this day, the President of the Republic traditionally appeals to citizens with congratulations. Cities and villages of the Region acquire a solemn, festive appearance. Residents of Tatarstan, regardless of their nationality, go to street festivities and participate in common events. Celebrations in cities are completed with evening festive salute. National dishes of Tatar cuisine are served in the cafes and restaurants of cuisine, which for a long history has not lost its uniqueness. People carefully keep prescriptions of national dishes, transmitting them from generation to generation.

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Holidays August 30, 2017 in Ukraine

  • Holidays August 30, 2017 in Ukraine - absent.

World and International Holidays August 30, 2017

  • International day of victims of enforced disappearances. For violent disappearances, they are often resorted to as a strategy of planting in the society of the atmosphere of terror. The sense of lack of security is generated by this practice becomes the lot of not only close relatives of the disappeared person, but also imposes an imprint on the communities to which they belong, and society as a whole. The violent disappearances of people turned into a global problem that is not limited to any particular region of the world. The violent disappearances that were once associated only with a military dictatorship regime may currently be committed in difficult situations of internal conflicts, especially as a means of political suppression of opponents. Of particular concern are: the incessant persecution of advocates of human rights, relatives of victims, witnesses and lawyers involved in cases of enforced disappearance; the use of antiterrorist activities as an excuse for violation of their obligations; A still widespread practice of impunity in relation to enforced disappearances. More attention should be paid to such specific groups of particularly vulnerable groups of the population as children and people with disabilities. The General Assembly of its resolution 65/209 of December 21, 2010 expressed serious concern, in particular, an increase in the number of violent or involuntary disappearances in various parts of the world, including arrest, detention and abduction, which are part of enforced disappearances or are equivalent to them, and a growing number of messages About the persecution, ill-treatment and intimidation, which are witnesses of disappearances or relatives of disappeared persons. The Assembly announced on August 30, the international day of victims of enforced disappearances.

Orthodox holidays August 30, 2017

The following memorable dates are installed:

  • Memorial Day of the Sacred Care Mirone Kizic, Presbyter;
  • Day of memory of St. Piman Ugretshsky, Archimandrite;
  • Day of the memory of Rev. Alpiya, the icon painter of Pechersk, in the near caves;
  • Day of Memorial Martyr Paul, Martyrs of Julia and others;
  • Day of Memorial of the Martyrs of Firs, Levkia, Coronate (Cornish) and their squads;
  • The day of memory of the martyr Patrole of Trikassinsky (Troysky);
  • Day of Memorial Martyrs Strathon, Philip, Evtician and Cyprian;
  • Memorial Day of Sacred Martyrs Alexia Breath, Presbyter;
  • Memorial Day of the Sacred Martyrs Dimitri Ostrumov, Presbytera;
  • Armaty; Svenskaya (Pechersk) - Icons of the Mother of God.

Folk holidays August 30, 2017

  • Miron windhone.The People's Day "Miron Wind" is celebrated on August 30 (according to old style - August 17). On this day, the Orthodox Church honors the memory of St. Miron, who served as the presbyter in Ahai. Another name of the holiday: "Vddius Pretchi". The Day of Mirone Windward Day should not be confused on August 30 with Miron Mironogon (Early), noted in memory of the saint Mirone Cretan on August 21. On August 30, in the villages and villages, it was customary to go to the widow yard and ask if it was not necessary to help. They did not forget about homes where there was no owner. Miron came from a noble kind, but there was a very meek temper. He became famous for his piety and a kind attitude towards people. Once the local Inemon Antipatra entered the Christian Temple to captivate the people who gathered there and bring their torment. Miron looked around him and accused of unclean thoughts. After accepted, the Antipatra ordered to grab the presbyter, to torture, and then throw it into a hot furnace. However, the martyr came out of the fire is unharmed. Then the game was ordered to give it to the confusion of wild beasts, but they did not touch the saint. About this day they talked to Russia: "Miron came, began the winds of Gon." Strong wind winds, tearing leaves from trees. What the weather is in the coming days (windy or windless) was tried in advance - on the day of Tikhon: "Tikhon blows quietly - and the Miron rests." This day was considered the beginning of an active leaf fall. The first tree that concerned the respiration of autumn is birch, they began to lose the leaves of Elm, Lipa, cherry. By August 30, the peasants strongly tried to finish the field work everywhere, since they already lived in anticipation of the autumn Rasoli. On Mirone, the windhone in the villages existed a tradition to arrange a videos. During them, all villagers gathered together in order to help widows and orphans. Women helped to make billets for the winter, retracted in the house, the men sneak the earth, frivally planted, revenge the roof, cutting firewood. Each family on this day brought the disadvantaged something from its own stocks: someone carried cabbage, cucumbers and onions, someone - flour and grain, someone is a cut of wed flax or wool. Our ancestors said: "On the widow yard at least a chips of Kin." In the autumn and spring, Vddii Vecchi in Russia were commonplace, each resident of the village considered his duty to help siema and widow. Usually, the widden robes ended with a shared lunch, which was also going and was preparing to express.

Holidays on August 30, 2017 in the countries of the world

  • Holiday B. Kazakhstan August 30, 2017 - Day of the Constitution of the Republic.On August 30, there is an annually important state festival for Kazakhstan - the day of the Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan. This holiday is established in honor of the anniversary of the adoption on a national referendum of the Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan in 1995. The 1995 document later contributed changes: in 1998 and 2007. The Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan is the main law of the country, it reflects the will of the Kazakh people and his desire for the formation of a democratic, legal and social state. This constitution determines the list of fundamental rights and freedoms of citizens of the country, enshrines as the highest government values \u200b\u200bof a person and his life. In Kazakhstan on the day of the Constitution, solemn events are usually held, concerts are arranged. artistic amateur. Celebrations are held throughout the country, but the most magnificent day of the Constitution celebrate the North and Southern Capital State.
  • Holiday B. Kyrgyzstan August 30, 2017 - Archivista Day.The professional holiday of the Archivist Day (Kyrgyzstandin Archivaster Kүnү) was established by the Decree of the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic No. 519 of October 26, 1993, taking into account the decision of the board of the State Archival Agency under the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic. On August 30, 1926, the Regional Executive Committee of the Kyrgyz Autonomous Region (KAO) adopted a resolution "On the organization of the archival business of KAO and bringing in order of archival material under establishments". In accordance with this Decree on September 1, 1926, the Archival Bureau was created with the regional executive committee, which was entrusted with the organization of archival business in Kyrgyzstan. This historical decision marked the beginning of the formation and further development of the archival cause of Kyrgyzstan. Currently, the system of institutions of the State Archival Agency under the Government of Kyrgyzstan accounts for 3 central, 8 regional state archives, state archives of Bishkek and Osh, 53 Rieghosarhiva. In the archives on constant storage there are 17 thousand 142 funds of more than 3 million 500 thousand storage units on a paper basis. In addition, more than 16 thousand cinema, more than 85 thousand photos, more than 6 thousand background and more than 200 video units of stored documents. In the archival industry of Kyrgyzstan, more than 5 thousand people work. And in your professional holiday, they receive congratulations from leadership, colleagues and friends.
  • Holiday B.Turkey August 30, 2017 - Victory Day.Every year, on August 30, Turkey celebrates a large public holiday - Victory Day / Zafer Bayrami in honor of the decisive victory over Greek invaders and in memory of those who died in the battle in Dumlupinar, which was completed by the War for Turkey's independence in 1922. The battle of Dumlupinar (Battle of Dumlupinar) was the last in the Greek-Turkish war of 1919-1922, which, in turn, was part of the war of Turkey's independence. The Turkish army was led by Mustafa Kemal (Mustafa Kemal, 1881-1938) - in the future Turkish politician, the first president of the Turkish Republic. On August 26, 1922, Mustafa Kemal ordered the attack of the enemy, and on August 30, the largest four-day battle of Dumlupinar began, in Kütahya's province, in which the Turkish army inflicted a crushing defeat by the Greek troops to retreat to Izmir. Turkish troops entered the city after the Greeks and set fire to him - Izmir was completely destroyed, and the victims among civilians are incommens. Until our days, the Greeks and Turks pin down to each other responsibility for the terrible fire. On October 20, 1922, a peaceful conference was held in Lausanne, which was attended by representatives of Great Britain, France, Italy, Turkey and other countries. The contract signed in Lausanne consolidated Turkey's independence and firmly established its borders. He also regulated the exchange of the population between Greece and Turkey. On the day of victory throughout the country, under the accompaniment of the Yanacharian march, designed to strengthen the connection of times in the mass consciousness, concerts, military parades and militarized ceremonies pass. This day (Zafir Bairam) also celebrate Turkish Cypriots.
  • Holiday in Peru August 30, 2017 - Day of Holy Rose Limskaya.In Peru, on August 30, the day of St. Rose Limskaya is celebrated - this is a public holiday established in honor of the Holy Patron of Peru and all South America. The Holy Rose Limskaya was the first Catholic Holy Latin America, she lived at the end of the XVI - the beginning of the XVII centuries. The holiday dedicated to this holy is important for Peruvians. The Holy Rose Limskaya was the daughter of the Spanish soldier, with baptism received the name Isabel Flores de Oliva. Beauty The young Isabel was constantly admired, but such admiration fell the girl himself. In protest, she saw her head than her parents who were extremely dissatisfied with her daughter at a successful marriage. To prevent it forcibly to marry Isabel, He burned his face with pepper and lying. For his beauty, Isabel received a nickname rose - so they began to be called in the future. Rose constantly prayed and attended church services, she led an ascetic lifestyle, adopted a vow of celibacy and decided to devote themselves to serving God. Rose was engaged in charity, helped sick and poor. At the age of 20, he joined the third Dominican Order. Died Rose Limskaya is very young - aged 31 years. According to legend, the Rosa was predicted his own death date. At her funeral there were all noble people of the city. Rose Lima Catholic Church canonized and the day of honoring her memory appointed a date on August 30 - the date, close to the day of her death (August 24), not occupied by considerable holidays. In Peru, the day of worship of the Holy Rose Limskaya for a long time was considered a weekend. Today also this day is the official weekend in the country.

Today, on August 30, in many countries of the world there is an international day of victims of enforced disappearances, the Day of Education of the Republic of Tatarstan is celebrated in Russia, residents of the Republic of Kazakhstan celebrate the day of the Constitution, and in Ukraine today is a holiday - the day of aviation.

International day of victims of enforced disappearances

On August 30, 2011, the UN General Assembly in its resolution expressed concern that around the world the number of violent disappearances of people is growing.
Arrests, detentions and abductions have also entered this category. On August 30, this resolution was announced by the International Day of Victims of Enforced Disappearance. Enforced disappearances, according to experts of the UN General Assembly, turned into a global problem, as they entered the atmosphere of terror atmosphere.
Such cases were previously associated only with dictatorial regimes, and today their origin is noted as a means of political suppression of opponents in different situations, but especially in internal conflicts.
Today, Amnesty International organization is tightly engaged in the problem of enforced disappearances and on this day appeals to the governments of all countries demanding to take steps that will be aimed at eradicating such practices.

Education Day of the Republic of Tatarstan

On August 30, the inhabitants of the Republic of Tatarstan are a holiday - the birthday of statehood.
In 1990, it was on this day that the Supreme Council of the Tatar SSR adopted a declaration of its state sovereignty.

Constitution Day in the Republic of Kazakhstan

Kazakhstan on August 30 notes the day of the Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan, which was adopted on August 30, 1995 on a national referendum as the main law of the country. Subsequently, it was changed and supplemented in 1998 and 2007.
The Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan reflects the will of the people, his desire to approve the country "as a democratic, secular, legal and social state, the highest values \u200b\u200bof which are a person, his life, rights and freedoms."
The Constitution gave the people of Kazakhstan the right to choose. Kazakhstan of the first article of the Constitution approved itself as a democratic, legal and social state, the highest values \u200b\u200bof which is the life, rights and freedoms of a person.

Aviation Day in Ukraine

August 30, Ukraine celebrates the professional holiday of aviation transport and industry workers, the holiday of military and civil aviators - the day of aviation.
This day is celebrated in Ukraine every year in the last Saturday of August, and it was established on August 16, 1993 on the basis of the Decree of the President of Ukraine.
In Ukraine, there are many different aviation educational institutions and flight schools, among them: State Flight Academy of Ukraine, National Aerospace University named after Zhukovsky, National Aviation University, International Aviation Center for Preparation (IATC).
The aviation equipment of Ukraine for the tradition of many years every year on August 24, on the occasion of the anniversary of the independence of Ukraine, takes part in the parade of the troops.

Unusual holidays

Today, August 30, you can note 3 unusual holiday: Day of delivered parcels, the feast of the tool and a cool day

Day of delivered parcels

If someone deliver the parcels, then they need someone!
Have you ever received parcels? I did not feel a pleasant sinking of the heart when opening the parcel, which came to you through many dozens, hundreds, and maybe even thousands of kilometers? On this day, someone will certainly get such a parcel and if you find yourself, then this holiday day for you. You can celebrate it. After all, the parcel from relatives and friends is a holiday.

Holiday Dzub

Slicer is fragrant - this is generally a herbaceous plant of the family of cereals. This is also a medicinal plant, which in the people is called Turunch, Lader, or Chapolt. He is collected from May to June, and today is the end of August. Well, that, you can, today, celebrate the tool holiday. After all, there is still a turn - strong alcoholic beveragewhich is produced in Russia, in Belarus and in Poland. It just insists on the grass tool

The day is lung

ABOUT! Today is an interesting and cool holiday - the day was aimed. So everyone who, of course, wants to lie today today? Or maybe it's just a reason to congratulate your friends who have ever selected?

Church holiday for the national calendar

Miron Windrogon.

Many Christians know what is the church holiday today. On August 30, the church holiday - the Miron Windright and on this day the Orthodox Christians honor the memory of St. Mirone, who once served as the presbyter in Ahai.
Miron occurred from a noble family, he was a gloomy lame and became famous for his kind relation to people and piety.
Once, Miron Local Local Schamon Antipatra, who entered the Christian Temple to captivate the people who gathered in the temple and betray their torment. The Antipatra was angry and ordered to grab the presbyter and throw it into a hot oven, subjected to torture. But the martyr from the fire came out alive and unharmed.
Osplie ordered to give Mirone to the confusion of wild beasts. Beasts also did not touch St. Miron. The antipatra was unable to bear his powerlessness and then he killed himself in rabies.
In the church holiday today are usually winds.
Our ancestors about whether the weather will be autumn windy, judged on this day. They also believed if the morning was dew and fog on this day, then it is worth waiting for good weather.
The active leaffall began at this time, it was time to finish field work.
In Russia, this holiday also had another name - Vddiusi Vecchi, because on this day the people were made to help all disadvantaged - widows and orphans.
The peasants together on the "lists" for families where there were no men, mowed the hay and cited bread, chopped firewood and drowned sheep.
Name Day August 30. U: Alexey, Dmitry, Ilya, Mirone, Paul
Also, on August 30, they celebrate:

  • Electric vacuum cleaner
  • Victory Day - Turkey

August 30 in history

1935 - Henri Barbuse died (r. 1873), French writer ("Fire", "Light of the abyss", "Stalin", " Truthful stories»).
1938 - Kurban Khalikovich Akimov (Khakim Kurban), a Lezgin scientist, writer and publicist, author of the Lezgistan encyclopedia, was born.
1943 - the Red Army looked out from the German fascist invaders Taganrog.
1944 - Entry of the Soviet Army to Bucharest.
1954 - Alexander Lukashenko, President of Belarus.
1958 - Anna Politkovskaya (Mind 2006) was born, a journalist and human rights activist.
1963 - to reduce the risk of random nuclear war, between Moscow and Washington installed a "hot line".
1990 - a declaration on the state sovereignty of the Republic of Tatarstan is adopted.
1993 - a 150 million visitor rose on Eiffel Tower.
2001 - Court of San José officially nominated the accusation against the Russian programmer Dmitry Sklyarov and the Moscow company Ellcomoft, accused of removing protection from the commercial products of Adobe.
2002 - Under Khabarovsk, a unique bridge over its extension through the Amur duct is opened. Its length is 750 meters. This is the only similar structure in Russia. The bridge was built in record deadlines - in just a month.

The question of what a holiday is celebrated today in Russia, continues to be relevant among Russians who do not want to lose sight of this or that festive day.

In this regard, today is not somehow large-scale, since on August 30 there are no major public holidays. But today there are still holidays, namely: the Day of the Republic of Tatarstan, as well as the Miron Windrong.

What a holiday in Russia today, 08/30/2017: Day of the Republic of Tatarstan

In the afternoon of his statehood, the inhabitants of Tatarstan are considered to be August 30 - in 1990, a declaration on the state sovereignty of the republic was adopted on this day.

On the history of the Tatar people, some historians say that it is difficult, and is distinguished by an abundance of contradictions, however difficulties and contradictions in it are no more than in Russia's history.

The first known state to us appeared on the current territory of Tatarstan almost at the same time as Rus - about the 9th century - it was the Volga Bulgaria, which the neighbors considered powerful and rich.

Lived on the territory of the state Turkic-speaking tribes, as well as the Ugra and Finns, and in the 10th century, Emirs appeared - local princes; They even had their money - coins were minted, and there was official religion - Islam, and even schools appeared in many villages. All this happened at the time when Rus was still pagan and illiterate: according to historical documents, Islam was adopted in the Volga Bulgaria in 922, 66 years before the baptism of Russia. At the same time, the first major cities appeared on the Volga.

Unified religion accelerated the development of the state: not only crafts and trade, but also science and culture developed. The Bulgarian kingdom was constantly fought, and with Russia, including - in those days of the war, the territory was commonplace, and as a result, the state weakened. And the time was hard: Genghis Khan, who announced himself with the Lord of the world, won China and Central Asia, got to Scythians and Rusich, and then to Bulgar, but the first time his army suffered defeat in Bulgaria.

However, in just a few years, there was even more terrible and ambitious lord - Bati, and the Bulgarian state became part of the Golden Horde. Mongol's domination lasted 200 years, but then an independent Kazan Khanate was formed, in which the development of crafts, trade, science and culture continued. In Kazan, there were many beautiful blonde buildings, mosques and madrasas in Kazan, but in 1522, Ivan Grozny took the city, and joined everything the average Volga region to Russia.

People's holiday Miron Windrog is celebrated on August 30, 2017. He is dedicated to the Saint of the same name, the Cretan Wonderworker.

Miron was an agriculture. He was a very kind and responsive man. For this, his compatriots persuaded to become a presbyter, and then chose a bishop. For the righteousness and wisdom, he received the gift from God the lifetime.

The very name of the "Windshoes" was popular for the imperceptibility of winds on this day. They not only blow a lot and often change the direction, but they will fly out anyway and twist the vortices from dust, twigs and leaves. Until Christianity, our ancestors considered the windows grandchildren of the god winds. With the arrival of Orthodoxy, the belief came to Russia that the wind is the breath of the Most High. Therefore, on this day, he often pray, so that he reassured the whirlwinds are restless. In each locality, the wind has its name. If he blows on his usual, his name is opponent.

Our ancestors on this day until noon read the guard from all the troubles.

If water in the reservoirs at noon quiet, it means that the autumn will be calm, and the winter is soft.

Crash in the morning promises a good harvest next year.

Knocking frogs and water in the creek is noise - to the raininess.

Many berries predicts a cold winter.

Rowan burns with fire - to frosty winter.
Based on:

It was so happened with the course of history that it was customary to celebrate in Russia a large number of holidays. They can be divided into several conditional categories, namely: professional, state, church and folk. For the reason that in our country there are a huge number of holidays, the Russians ask a completely relevant question: What is the holiday today? They do not want to miss sight of this or that important event or a holiday. We will try in fresh material to satisfy the interest of the public, noting that today's ...

In Russia, it was necessary to celebrate a large number of holidays. Often, people are lost in the question of which holiday is to some other day. For this reason, they are asked a completely reasonable question: what is the holiday today? In today's material we will satisfy such curiosity, sharpening at the church holiday. As known, orthodox calendar Holidays generous on events. In this regard, on August 28, it is an important day, as it is today that the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary is noted. With this holiday connected ...

Russians are interested in the issue of which holiday for a day or another. After all, in our country, it is customary to celebrate a large number of holidays, which often becomes impossible to follow. Today in this regard is a kind of exception, since on August 21 there are no large state or professional holidays in Russia. However, one, namely, in the folk calendar, it still exists. This is a celebration in honor of Mirone Cretan. What today ...

The question of what a holiday is celebrated today, continues to be relevant among Russians who are accustomed to a large number of festive dates. In this regard, today is not knocked out of the total rut. After all, he has several holidays at once. Too significant holidays today is not noted, but the people's calendar tells us about the next holiday: Avdota Malinovka. It is about him that we will tell in detail below. What is the holiday today, August 17: Avdoty Malinovka Day is dedicated to the memory of the Holy ...

The question continues to be relevant about what a holiday is celebrated today in Russia. It so happens that almost every new day brings with you that or another significant event. Russians are trying not to miss them out of sight. Today in this aspect is no exception. The fact is that today the following holidays are celebrated: the day of notaries in Russia. Day of the specialty. In the church calendar today is remembered by Martin Lesogon. What a holiday today, April 27: Notaries Day in Russia Notaries ... Advertising

Unlike most other Russian regions, on September 1, 2017, in Tatarstan will be a day off. On this number it falls the celebration of Kurban-Bayrama 2017. This religious Muslim holiday is an official non-working day in the region.

Weekend the first day of autumn will also be in students - in schools and other schools and RT on September 1, 2017 are not learn. However, information regarding the festive line (it will take place on September 1, or will be postponed to 2 or 4 September 2017) must be clarified in his school.

In the regions below, 01.09.2017 output:

* Bashkiria.

* Tatarstan.

* Dagestan.

* Kabardino-Balkaria.

* Karachay-Cherkessia.

Production calendar - An important document defining the dates and duration of working time working citizens of the Republic of Tatarstan. Manufacturing Calendar 2017 with holidays contains summary information on the number of working time (in days and hours) for the month, quarter and year. This information is indispensable when calculating wages and other payments to employees of the company.

17 working days and 14 days off

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18 working days and 10 days off

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22 working days and 9 weekends

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Kurban-Bayram. great holiday For Muslims. On this day, all believers go to the festive prayer in the mosque, after which the rite of sacrifice is performed. As a sacrificial animal, you can choose a camel, goat, but better ram.
The President of the Republic of Tatarstan Rustam Minnikhanov signed a decree according to which she was announced on September 1. However, schoolchildren did not touch. All schools without exception will work as usual.

The winner of the competition "Teacher of the Year of the Republic of Tatarstan" Nikolay Tokrane, in an interview for MK Kazan, said that he did not see anything terrible in that schools would work on September 1.

"Already by noon, and students, and their parents will be free," said the teacher.

According to Rustama Batrov, Islam has always been a supporter of enlightenment.

"It's wrong to raise a question as if" thrust for knowledge defeated faith. "Islam always walked hand in hand with knowledge, I am sure that the interests of all parties were taken into account, given that Kurban-Bayram celebrates three days, and not alone," said the deputy Mufti RT since 2013 - 2017 Rustam Batter.

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Return to labor weekdays after prolonged new Year's holidays, Agree, not easy. Over the ten weekends, we are accustomed to a calm rhythm of life: it is too late to go to bed and wake up late, long walk in the fresh air, watch your favorite movies and read books. How to quickly return to the working station? Very simple - you need to tune in to positive way and wait for regular holidays. In addition, we have good news - in 2018 weekend will be more than in 2017.

According to the manufacturing calendar for 2017, weekends and holidays last year in Tatarstan was 120, and working days - 245. Weekend calendar in 2018 approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation on October 14, the document was signed by Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev. The production calendar of Tatarstan is drawn up by the federal and republican holidays. From a document published by the Ministry of Labor, Employment and social protection RT, it follows that in the new year we are waiting for 122 festive and weekends and 243 working days. And this means that we will rest for two days longer.

What holidays celebrate

In accordance with Article 112 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and Article 1 of the RT Law "On holidays and memorable dates of the Republic of Tatarstan" festive days In Tatarstan are:

1, 2nd, 3, 4, 5, January 6 and 8 - New Year holidays;
January 7 - Christmas of Christ;
February 23 - the Day of Defender of the Fatherland;
March 8 - International Women's Day;
May 1 - Spring and Labor holiday;
May 9 - Victory Day;
June 12 - Day of Russia;
August 30 - Day of the Republic of Tatarstan;
November 4 - the Day of People's Unity;
November 6 - the day of the Constitution of the Republic of Tatarstan;
June 15 - Uraza Bayram;
August 21 - Kurban Bayram.

Days for which in accordance with lunar calendar And the existing traditions are the beginning of the holidays of Uraza Bayram and Kurban-Bayram, are determined by the decree of the President of the Republic of Tajikistan. According to the spiritual administration of Muslims of Tatarstan, the preliminary date of the celebration of religious muslim holidays Uraza-Bayram and Kurban Bayram in 2018 are June 15 and August 21, respectively, "explained in the press service of the Ministry of Labor, Employment and Social Protection of the Republic of Tajikistan.

When festive and weekends coincide

Article 112 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation provides that with the coincidence of the weekend and non-working festive days The day off is transferred to the next day after a festive working day (except for weekends coinciding with non-working holidays of January). In addition, the Russian government can transfer the weekend, including two weekends from among the weekend days coinciding with non-working holidays in January, on other days in the next calendar year.

So, in 2018 the following weekends were postponed:
from Saturday, January 6, on Friday, March 9;
from Sunday, January 7, on Wednesday, May 2;
from Saturday, April 28, on Monday, April 30;
from Saturday, June 9, on Monday, June 11;
From Saturday, December 29, on Monday, December 31.

When we rest a few days in a row

January: Residents of Tatarstan held a ten-day rest from December 30, 2017 to January 8, 2018.

Total residents of Tatarstan in the new year will be resting 122 days, which is comparable to four months in total. From the total number of weekends 18 will be non-working holidays and 2 additional days recreation. With a five-day work week with two weekends, the number of working days will be 243 days, including 9 abbreviated per hour of working days (February 22, March 28, April 28, May 9 and 14, August 20, 29, December 29, December 29, December 29 ).