Regulatory and legal basis for social protection of large families. Legal regulation of social protection of large families in the Russian Federation Responsibilities of social protection against large families

Hello, we have a large family want to buy a house for maternity capital Have we have the right to make a sale agreement for free, if so, then where we turn, and if not, how much will it be worth it.

What housing programs do my family get?

Hello! I am 27 years old, my husband- 29, baby -2,6. We live in St. Petersburg in the 15,9-meter room in a communal apartment, everything is written in it. The room is in our property. 10 years of permanent registration will be: her husband in 2019, at ...

August 02, 2016, 18:41, question №1329973 Guest, St. Petersburg

Free legal assistance for the disabled

I am a disabled person in vision 3 gr. life federal significance. Do I have the right to legal assistance for free in government bodies? In particular, in the Ministry of Justice?

What benefits and benefits are the Father, raising four children from different marriages?

Hello. I am a father of three children, officially. But I also bring up another child not officially. Twice was married. From the first marriage two children, from the second marriage one child. Also, the second wife has another child. All children live with ...

How to get a land plot for the construction of IZhS preferential categories of citizens?

Good evening. My aunt, a child of a blockade Leningrad. Does she have the right to provide a free land plot for the construction of IZhS? Where can I contact? Thank you.

January 5, 2016, 21:04, question # 1090758 Anfisa, St. Petersburg

700 cost

the question is resolved

State Help for Acquisition of Housing

Hello, I have no ownership in the property (nor a share in kV, nothing like this), how can I help state-in in acquiring such?

November 10, 2015, 21:55, question number 1035747 Anastasia, Novosibirsk

How through the court get a certificate of a veteran of hostilities?

I have filed an application to obtain a certificate of war veteran (VBD) of the new Sample 1) The Commission sent a refusal to issue a certificate, on the basis that in the employment record there is discrepancies in the date of dismissal with the data of the archive reference with ...

October 29, 2015, 10:22, question №1023043 Elena, Rostov-on-Don

How and where to get the benefits of a large family for the purchase of school and sports form?

Hello. The name is Oksana, we live in Omsk and are a large family. I heard that we can visit museums and theaters once a month. Also, you should get help in acquiring school uniforms and sports form. Only in my sobes ...

Improving the housing conditions of the large family by the Housing Commission

Can the Housing Commission for setting a queue for the improvement of housing conditions to request a certificate for setting a large, low-income family with the permanent registration of the spouse (spouse) that he (she) is not in the queue to improve ...

Is it possible in court to get the status of a large family?

Hello. My family is denied the status of many children on the basis of the Law of the Astrakhan region, because The first of three children from the first marriage, two others from the second. All children live with us, bring them up together, the first husband does not participate in ...

July 25, 2015, 15:33, question №918320 Sokolova Kristina, Astrakhan

Helping large families for the purchase of housing for large families

Hello! We are a large family and bring up 3 children .. as a large family got a land plot Would like to build a house on the plot under permanent permanent credit. Will we have the right to get a certificate or ...

The status of a large family is established in accordance with regional legislation and is confirmed by the certificate of the established sample. The identity of a large family is issued by the social protection authorities at the place of residence of the family. In most Russian regions, a familiar family is considered a family with three and more minor children.

According to the last census of the population, there were 1 million 250 thousand large families.

Social support and benefits of large families Installed by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of May 5, 1992 N 431 "On measures for social support for large families" (later in the text - Decree No. 431). Other federal and regional regulatory acts provide:

  • Baby benefits

    A list of children's benefits to citizens who have children related to their birth and upbringing is established by the Federal Law of May 19, 1995 N 81-FZ.

  • Monthly payments for children

    The list of monthly payments for children was established by the Federal Law of the N 418-FZ of December 28, 2017 "On the monthly payments of families with children", decree of the President of the Russian Federation of March 202020 No. 1999 "On additional measures of state support for families with children", regional legislation.

  • Free provision of land for large families

    In accordance with paragraph 2.1 of Article 33 of the Land Code of the Russian Federation, the limiting dimensions of land plots provided for free citizens having 3 or more children are established by regional laws.

  • Social support for large families to provide housing
  • One-time monetary promotion to one of the rewarded "Parental Glory" of Parents
  • Subsidation of the mortgage

    Provided by housing (mortgage) loans (loans) issued to citizens of the Russian Federation:

    • at birth, they start from January 1, 2018 and no later than December 31, 2022 of the second child and (or) subsequent children who are citizens of the Russian Federation - at a rate of 6% per annum for the entire loan (loan);
    • residing in the Far Eastern Federal District and acquire a residential premises in the specified territory, at birth, from January 1, 2019, and no later than December 31, 2022, the second child and (or) subsequent children who are citizens of the Russian Federation - at a rate of 5% per annum for the entire loan period (loan),
    And in the case of birth from July 1, 2022 to December 31, 2022, the second child and (or) of subsequent children - on March 1, 2023
  • Social support for large families - mortgage loan borrowers

    Provided in accordance with the Federal Law of 03.07.2019 No. 157-ФЗ "On measures of state support for families with children, in terms of repayment of liabilities for mortgage housing loans (borrowings) and amending Article 13-2 of the Federal Law" On Civil Acts status " repayment of 450 thousand rubles from their mortgage loan.

  • Regional Maternity Capital (RMK)

    It is assigned at the birth of a third or subsequent child at the expense of the budget funds of the region.

  • Monthly subsidy to parents for the payment of kindergarten
  • Tax benefits for property and land taxes
  • The right to early retirement for large mothers who born and upbring 5 children
  • The right of large parents on the annual paid leave by their desire in a convenient time for them

    Employees who have three or more children under twelve years, annual paid leave are provided by their desire at a convenient time for them. This rule establishes Article 262.2 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

RMK is an important measure of demographic incentives for large families and is appointed in most subjects of the Russian Federation at the birth of a third child. Since the overwhelming majority of large families are burdened with substantial housing problems, such a measure is largely intended to help in their decision. In more detail with the terms of the provision and options for using RMC can be found in our portal "Maternal Capital" In the section "Regional Maternity Capital at the birth of a third child" in the region of his residence.

Also, for solving housing problems, individual regions establish for large families a one-time monetary pay for the purchase of residential premises.

For example, in the Tambov region at the birth of three or more children or when re-born in a three-year period of two or more children in a family, recognized in the prescribed manner in need of improving housing conditions, the law of May 26, 2011 N 11-s Social support for large families in the Tambov region "provides a one-time cash payment for the acquisition or construction of a residential premises, the amount of which is calculated on the basis of the number of family members and 18 m 2 of the total housing area per family member, and the approved average value of 1 m 2.

March 1, 2015 Federal Law of December 29, 2014 N 487-FZ came into force "On Amendments to Article 39.5 of the Land Code of the Russian Federation", the legislatively consolidated the possibility of providing large families in need of improving housing conditions, instead of the allocation of free land plot, alternative state support in improving housing conditions of a large family.

In accordance with the changes subparagraph 6 of Article 39.5 of the Land Code of the Russian Federation, as follows:

"6) the land plot to citizens having three or more children, in the case of both in the manner established by the state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. The state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation may be provided for the requirement that such citizens should be registered as In need of residential premises or such citizens there are grounds for setting them on this accounting, and the possibility of providing such citizens with their consent other measures of social support to provide residential premises instead of providing the land plot to them for free of charge; ".

The main parameters of social support and benefits with large families set by decree N 431:

  • Discount in the amount of not lower than 30% of the established fee for the use of heating, water, sewage, gas and electricity, and for families living in houses that do not have central heating - from the cost of fuel purchased within the norms established for the sale of the population on this territory;
  • Free issuance of drugs purchased by doctors' recipes for children under the age of 6;
  • Free travel on intracity transport (tram, trolleybus, metro and city of urban lines (except taxis), as well as in suburban and intra-line buses for secondary school students;
  • Reception of children in preschool institutions primarily;
  • Free food (breakfasts and lunches) for students of general education and professional educational institutions at the expense of the media and deductions from their production activities and other extrabudgetary deductions;
  • Free provision in accordance with the established standards of the school form or by replacing it with a set of children's clothing to visit school classes, as well as a sports form for the entire period of children in a secondary school at the expense of universities or other extrabudgetary funds;
  • One day per month for free visits to museums, parks of culture and recreation, as well as exhibitions.

In addition, decree No. 431 provides for:

  • help with large parents wishing to organize peasant (farmer) farms, small enterprises and other commercial structures, ensuring allocations for these purposes of land plots, as well as providing benefits to collecting land tax and rental fees in the form of full or partial exemption from tax for a certain period of lowering tax rates; granting gratuitous material assistance or an interest-free loan to reimburse expenses for the development of the peasant (farmer) economy; full or partial exemption from the payment of registration fees with individuals engaged in entrepreneurial activities;
  • priority allocation for large families of gardening sectors;
  • assistance in providing large families of preferential loans, subsidies, interest-free loans for the purchase of building materials and housing construction.

Also by decree N 431, the republic's governments as part of the Russian Federation, the executive authorities of the edges, regions, autonomous formations, the cities of Moscow and St. Petersburg were instructed to determine the categories of families who relate to large families and need additional social support, taking into account national and cultural features in socio-economic and demographic development of the region.

Regional regulations made in accordance with Decree No. 431 can establish other benefits to large families with which you can find in the section "Social support measures of citizens and benefits in the regions" in their own region of residence.

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Constitution of the Russian Federation of 12.12.93 tbsp. 38 "Motherhood and childhood, family are under the protection of the state."

Federal Law of 10.12.95 No. 195 of the Federal Law "On the Fundamentals of Social Services of the Population in the Russian Federation".

Federal Law of 21.12.96 No. 179-FZ "On additional guarantees for the social protection of orphans and children left without parental care" (Ed. 07 07).

Federal Law of 24. 07.98 No. 124-FZ "On Basic Guarantees of the Rights of the Child in the Russian Federation" (Ed. 20.07.00).

Federal Law of 24.06.99 №120-ФЗ "On the basics of the system of prevention of neglect and offenses of minors" (ed. 07.07.03).

Federal Law of 19.05.95 No. 81-FZ "On State Guidelines for Citizens Having Children" (Red.25.07.02). "Systematizes, law enshrines guarantees of direct material support of families in connection with the birth and raising a child. In accordance with the main directions of the family policy, the amount of benefits has repeatedly increased both by changing the rules for the purpose of the benefits and as a result of increasing the minimum wage due to price increases. "

Decree of the President of the Russian Federation "On measures for social support for large families", of May 5, 1992, No. 431. In which, refers to the establishment for large families.

2. The Government of the Russian Federation to conduct regular surveys of the standard of living and incomes of low-income groups of the population, including large families in order to implement activities for providing or necessary social support.

Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated 14.05.96 No. 712 "On the main directions of state family policy." "The goal, state family policy is to provide the state of the necessary conditions for the implementation of its functions and improving the quality of life of the family."

Family Code of the Russian Federation dated 29.12.95 No. FZ-223 (ed. From 02.01.2000). "In the Family Code, great attention is paid to the protection of the rights of children, including those left without parental care. The responsibility of parents for obtaining a child of basic general education, the norms for the protection of children from cruel treatment in the family.

Decree of the President of the Russian Federation from 06. 09.93. №1338 "On the prevention of neglects hopelessness and offenses, the protection of their rights" (as amended by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated January 14, 20. No. 35).

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 09.04.99 No. 406 "On the procedure for providing benefits to travel in a long-distance message to children in need of sanatorium treatment."

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation04.09.95 №883 "On approval of the Regulation on the procedure for the appointment and payments of state benefits to citizens having children" (ed. 14.02.02).

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of October 26, 00.00 No. 822 "On approval of the Regulation on the implementation and financing of activities related to the transport of minors, unavoidable from families, orphanages, boarding schools, special educational and other children's institutions" (Ed. 07/26/02 ).

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 27.11.00 No. 896 "On approval of exemplary provisions on specialized institutions, for minors in need of social rehabilitation."

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 03.10.02 No. 732 "On the Federal Target Program" Children of Russia "for 2003-2005

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated March 29, 2002 No. 25 "On approval of recommendations on the organization of specialized institutions for minors in need of social rehabilitation" agencies in accordance with its charters carry out measures to prevent the neglect and social rehabilitation of minors that found themselves in a difficult life situation, ensure their temporary Accommodation (content) is assisted in the further device of children remaining without parental care.

Also providing social assistance and support for large families is also at the edge level.

The Law of the Krasnoyarsk Territory of 02.11.00 No. 12-961 "On the Protection of the Rights of the Child" (Ed. 06.26.01) in which: guarantees and rights of the child for rest and rehabilitation, for labor, the protection of moral, physical and spiritual development of a child, guarantees Child's rights to education, health care, social rehabilitation of children suffering from drug addiction, social rehabilitation of minors liberated from seats of imprisonment.

The Law of the Krasnoyarsk Territory of October 31, 2002 No. 4-608 "On the system of prevention of neglect and offenses of minors".

The Law of the Krasnoyarsk Territory of September 18, 01 No. 16-1478 "On social guarantees for specialists of state and municipal institutions of education, health care, social protection of the population, culture, physical culture. Sports and youth affairs. "

Resolution of the mayor of Krasnoyarsk dated November 16, 1992 No. 438 "On measures for social support for large families of Krasnoyarsk".

In connection with this decree it follows:

2. To establish from October 1, 1992 for large families with children under the age of 18 and living together with them the following benefits:

2.1. Free travel on intracity transport of all kinds (except taxis) for students of secondary schools.

2.2. Free food (breakfasts, lunches) for students of general educational institutions;

2.3. Free provision in accordance with the established standards of school form or by replacing it with a set of children's clothing to visit school classes, as well as a physical education form for the entire period of children in a secondary school minus target compensation for the acquisition of a set of school uniforms or children's clothing.

2.4. A discount of 30% with a set payment for the use of utilities (water, heating, gas, electricity, fuel), taking into account family members living together with them. The envisaged benefits are provided to families living in the state, municipal, public, cooperative, social and foreign housing fund, as well as houses or private property apartments.

2.5. Reception of children in the pre-school institution first.

2.6. Free visit to museums, parks of culture and recreation, exhibitions.

2.7. The priority allocation for large families of gardening seats in the amount of at least 0.15 hectares per family (within a radius of up to 40 km from the city).

3. Providing benefits. Provided for by paragraph 2.1, to be made upon presentation of documents issued by schools; PP.2.2 -2.7 - upon presentation of a certificate of a large family.

Decree of the regional administration from 06.01.94 №3-P "On the prevention of neglect and offenses of minors, the protection of their rights"

Decree of the regional administration from 18.11.99 No. 725-P "On measures for the implementation of the Federal Law" On the Basis of the Prevention System for the Next Swelling and Offenses of Minors "(Ed. 07.12.00)

Resolution of the Legislative Assembly of the region of 05.06.01 №14-1343P "On the concept of marital policies, protection of the rights and legitimate interests of children, supporting childhood for 2001-2005."

Resolution of the Region Administration Council of 24.04.03 №113-P "On measures to organize recreation, rehabilitation, employment of children and adolescents in 2003"

Regional target programs:

1. The Law of the Krasnoyarsk Territory dated 04.22.03 No. 6-970 "On the regional target program" Children's disabled 2003-2005 ".

2. The Law of the Krasnoyarsk Territory dated 04.22.03 No. 6-976 "On the regional target program" Prevention of neglect and offenses of minors "for 2003-2005."

3. The Law of the Krasnoyarsk Territory from 17.07.01 No. 15-1441 "On the regional target program" Children's orphans "for 2002-2004." The main purpose of the law is the prevention of social orphanhood. Tasks: 1. Development of family forms of children-orphans and children left without parental care: adoptive family, family educational group. 2. Formation of a system of social support and adaptation to independent life of orphans and children left without parental care.

4. The Law of the Krasnoyarsk Territory of 05.12.00 No. 1026 "On the regional target program" Rest, Health of children and adolescents of the Krasnoyarsk Territory "for 2001-2003." (Ed. 20.12.02).

5. Resolution of the Legislative Assembly of the Krasnoyarsk Territory of June 5, 2001 No. 14-1343P "On the Concept of Family Policy, the Protection of Rights and Legal Interests of Children, supporting childhood for 2001-2005."

Thus, the content of social assistance is based on the regulatory documents of the Russian Federation. Providing social assistance and support for large families is carried out both on the federal and regional levels. Therefore, a specialist in social work should know all federal laws, regional and urban programs, decrees and orders relating to the support of families with children.

Vladimir (11/15/2013 at 19:39:26)

Do you have an association of large families in the region or large mothers? I am a lawyer of the Association of Large Families of the Kaliningrad Region, you can enter the website of the Association HTTP: there is a lot of interesting things. Including documents and benefits. The actions of officials in your attitude are extremely wrongful. We recommend to submit a written application to the administration at the place of residence or the field of the field, you should give a full response to your region for your issues.

The status of a large family, as well as its social support, is determined by decree of the President of the Russian Federation of 05.05.92 No. 431 "On measures for social support for large families." Benefits for large families

1. Large families are provided with a discount on (heating, water, sewage, gas, electricity) in the amount of no more than 30%. Large families who live in houses without centralized heating, the discount provided is calculated on the basis of the cost of fuel, which is implemented in this area within the consumption standards.

2. If in a large family there are children under 6 years old, then such a family has the right to receive free medical drugs implemented by a doctor's prescription, as well as for maintenance in clinics without a queue and obtaining primarily places in sanatoriums and treatment and recreational camp . For the prescription of the doctor, children from large families are also provided free of free orthopedic products.

3. All members of the large families are provided with free travel on the suburban and intracity public transport, with the exception of route taxis.

6. Free school uniform or a set of clothes, replacing it, as well as a sports form for physical education, - they should be issued for the entire period of study for each child from a large family.

7. Large families are provided with the right to a free visit to museums, parks, exhibitions once a month.

8. A large family can get a loan benefits, which is intended for construction or purchase of housing.

9. Large families have an extraordinary right to receive a garden plot. The target use of the Earth in this case is spelled out by the legislator in this case, the site is issued only for individual housing construction.

10. If a large familiar family is going to organize a farming, then in this case it has the right to preferential taxation, as well as to provide gratuitous material assistance or interest-free loans for reimbursement for the development of the peasant (farmer) economy.

11. For parents of large families engaged in entrepreneurial activities, a complete or partial exemption from the payment of a registration fee from individuals engaged in entrepreneurial activities is provided.

12. Large families in need, it is possible to provide free housing in turn.

13. Parents of large families employers should provide an opportunity with preferential working conditions.

9. Annual payments (benefits) for large families are:

Mama, stretching 5 children and is more relying an early pension, but only on condition that she participated in the upbringing of each of the children up to 8 years of age, its insurance experience is at least 15 years old, and she has been 50 years old. If the mother gave birth and actively brought up to 8 years 2, 3, 4 children, then it is also entitled to demand an early pension. Conditions are as follows: Mom's age - from 50 years, work experience - 12 years in the extreme north or 17 years elsewhere, having identical status, insurance experience - from 20 years.

It should be noted that all benefits and privileges are applied to large citizens who have families with children: a child care allowance, maternity capital when the second baby appears, the benefit on the third child (in those regions where it is paid), etc.

Social work with family is a specially organized activity aimed at small groups of people who need social protection and support from outside. This is one of the species of social protection of the population, the main content of which is to assist, help, in restoring and maintaining the normal functioning of the family.

Social work with the family today is multifunctional activities for social protection and support, social family service at the state level. This activity is carried out by specialists in social work with the family of various profiles. It is implemented in a specific society (federal or territorial) and determined by its specificity. Currently, there are four major forms of social protection for families with children in Russia.

1) cash payments to the family for children in connection with the birth, content and education of children (benefits and pensions).

2) Labor, tax, housing, credit, medical and other benefits to families with children, parents and children.

3) Legal, medical, psychological and pedagogical and economic consulting, parenting universities, scientific practical conferences and congresses.

4) federal, regional target and social programs like "family planning" and "Children of Russia" and others. In social work with a large family, a specialist relies on certain principles that contribute to the formation of the need to make assumption and enhancing the role of the family in solving their own problems: the principle of humanism, the principle of objectivity, the principle of systemism, the principle of tolerance, the principle of a positive family image, the principle of equal responsibility.

For large families, the state provides for assistance. Programs for which support is performed, quite a lot. Their implementation is engaged in both the bodies of social protection and employers.

Supporting them occurs in several ways - in the form of benefits, benefits and payments once a year. For example, in a number of regions, large families, before September 1, transfer funds to school fees. The prerequisite is the upbringing of all children in the family, and not in special children's institutions.

Helping large families in the address manner is at the regional level within the framework of the federal and low-income families adopted in the subjects of the Federation. The right to address assistance has families who have applied to the application for its provision, if they are recognized by poor (that is, the level of income per person is below the subsistence minimum).

Specific types of targeted support are enshrined by regulatory acts of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, at the same time it is possible to name the most typical among them:

1) a lump sum cash payment;

2) providing a grocery set;

3) monthly payments;

4) reimbursement of costs for the passage of children in urban transport.

The amount of payments to multi-fashioned citizens may vary depending on the number of children.

To obtain targeted assistance to the compartment of social protection, you must submit a package of documents:

1) statement;

2) passport;

3) certificate from the place of residence;

4) documents on the income of all family members over the past 3 months;

5) information on property property;

6) Certificates of the birth of children, to conclude a marriage;

7) other documents, depending on the region.

The provision of targeted support is terminated when leaving for permanent residence in the other subject of the federation, the detection of the inaccuracy of the documents filed, exceeding the amount of income over the subsistence minimum. In a number of areas and the republics of our country, as well as in the capital to provide targeted assistance is a social contract.

Social protection authority in the field of protection of large families carry out activities aimed at improving the demographic situation, the implementation of family policies and carrying out activities to form an affordable livelihood environment in the area. Implements activities in the field of cooperation with public associations. Organizes work on the provision of social support measures.

Provides social protection and support of the population, including organizes social assistance to citizens, disabled and victims of emergency situations, carries out comprehensive measures to improve the situation of family, women and children, the accrual of benefits and compensation payments, implements established benefits in accordance with applicable law .

Coordinates the work of the department of administration for the development and implementation of social programs.

Interacts with public and charitable organizations providing social assistance to citizens.

It is very important that family legislation is revised in the Russian Federation. And not only at the federal level, but also at the level of the subjects. For example, it is concerned that the lack of a federal law establishes the minimum level of social protection measures with children, including many children, adoptive and incomplete families, guaranteed by the state, and assigning the issue to the conduct of state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, creates a situation In which the law of a citizen for social protection is made dependent on his place of residence, which contradicts the constitutional principle of equality of the rights of citizens, regardless of their place of residence, provided for in Article 19 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation.

Also one of the problems of large families is their status in society, the attitude of citizens to this category of families.

All levels of social protection of large families and the federal, and regional, and the local act as a single system of the coinal authorities. Therefore, the study of the activity of this structure must be carried out from the point of view of the system approach, that is, to investigate the system of social protection as integrity other than the external environment.

Despite the fact that special attention is paid to in large families in the legislation and the Russian Federation, they still do not become less problems. Many of these families are low-income and one-time charity shares do not change their financial situation. And this suggests that they all require immediate and full, not partial, permission.

2.2 Dynamics of largest in the Russian Federation

An increase in the birth rate is one of the important tasks of the state. One of the resources to ensure the improvement of the demographic situation in the country is a large family. Support from the state of large families without exception should be aimed at developing family opportunities to implement its basic functions.

To date, the family is understood as a small social group (association, union of persons), based on marriage, kinship, adoption and other forms of adoption of children for education, related to the community of life, as well as family rights and responsibilities. Having mediating as a substantial sign of the "community life" family, it is proposed to consider the family as a whole set of actions that ensure the existence of a family: this is a joint accommodation and maintenance of common economy, education and care for children, a set of actions of everyday or systematically performed for a long time.

As is known, the fundamental function of the family is a reproductive (continuation of the kind, the birth of children). This is its main meaning. In total, Russia is about 52 million families, of which are large - only 6-9% (software), and for the most part (more than 70% of large families) are families with three children. The families with a large number of children are extremely small.

Most Russian families have only one child, 30% of children in Russia are born in incomplete families (in single mothers).

The birth of a child is the greatest value for parents, as the birth of a child is satisfied with the basic need of a person - the need to become a parent, to raise and grow children. However, everyone belongs to the emergence and education of children in different ways. Not uncommon today creating a family without the birth of children. There are families who are limited to the birth and upbringing of one child. And there is a category of families who consider to give birth to so many children as they can ensure their well-being, thereby improving the demographics of the country. The family in which more than three children grows is considered large. According to the All-Russian Census 2011, the number of the permanent population of the Russian Federation amounted to 142.9 million people. Compared to the transition of the population of 2003, the population has decreased by 2.3 million people, including in urban settlements - by 1.1 million people, in rural areas - by 1.2 million people. The results of the census show that the population in Russia is reduced.

Changes in the demographic situation in the country, namely an increase in fertility should be the primary task of the state. In recent years, the state has become more attention to the attention of social support for families, the result of which was the appearance in 2012 in Russia records for the past 15 years in the number of kids. In 2013, the birth rate grew more than 6 percent. For five months of 2014, 699.9 thousand children were born in Russia, which is 3 percent higher than for the same period last year.

In order to revive traditional family values \u200b\u200bforgotten in Russia and careful relations to the family, public organizations of the country made an initiative of the year of the family. According to President Dmitry Medvedev, the announcement of 2008 by the Year of the family in Russia and the demographic policy carried out to maintain the institution of the family, which was largely destroyed in recent years.

At an expanded meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers, Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev stressed: "We perfectly understand: the well-being of the modern family, the desire and opportunity to have children depend on the availability of work and income of parents, from their housing conditions, from the availability of education and medical care."

Last year, for the first time in recent years, the birth rate in Russia exceeded mortality, several months in a row is recorded population growth. Nevertheless, while in the average Russian family - one or two children. And in order for the population of our country to be preserved at the same level, the expert counted, in each family "should be on average 2.2 - 2.3 kids." But few are solved on the third child. There is hope that this year such families will be more - from January, additional benefits for the third child began.

The fertility rate in 2006 grew from 1.3 child for a family to 1.7 in 2012. Physically in 2006, 1.4 million children appeared, in the past - 1.9 million. These figures called the Deputy Minister of Labor And the social protection of Alexey Voschenko, recalling that a natural population population was recorded in the past year.

Experts and representatives of the authorities bind growth with a fellow age-friendly in the population and undertaken demographic policies. However, in a few years, the situation is likely to deteriorate, since the smallest generations of the 1990s will enter into a degenerate age. birth, and they physically will not be able to give birth to many children. As a result, the question of how to save or multiply the birth rate becomes one for the government.

Does not question the validity of the approval that one of the resources today, ensuring the improvement of the demographic situation, in Russia is a large family. At the moment, in Russia, the status of a large family, as well as legal, organizational and economic foundations of its social support, is determined by the decree of the President of the Russian Federation of May 5, 1992 N 431 "On measures for social support for large families." In this presidential decree, the subjects of the Federation are entrusted to independently determine what categories of large families should provide material support. The following main benefits are provided for large families in all regions of the Russian Federation:

Discount in the amount of not lower than 30% of the established fee for the use of heating, water, sewage, gas and electricity, and for families living in houses that do not have central heating - from the cost of fuel purchased within the norms established for the sale of the population on this territory;

Free issuance of drugs purchased by doctors' recipes for children under the age of 6;

Free travel on intracity transport (tram, trolleybus, metro and city lines bus (except taxis)), as well as in suburban and intra-line buses for students of secondary schools;

Reception of children in preschool institutions primarily;

Free food (breakfasts and lunches) for students of general education and professional educational institutions at the expense of the media and deductions from their production activities and other extrabudgetary deductions;

Free provision in accordance with the established standards of the school form or by replacing it with a set of children's clothing to visit school classes, as well as a sports form for the entire period of children in a secondary school at the expense of universities or other extrabudgetary funds;

One day per month for free visits to museums, parks of culture and recreation, as well as exhibitions;

Help those who want to organize peasant (farmer) farms, small enterprises and other commercial structures, ensuring allocations for these purposes of land plots, as well as the provision of privileges for the collection of land tax and rent in the form of full or partial exemption from tax for a certain period of or lowering tax rates ; provision of gratuitous material assistance or interest-free loans for reimbursement of expenses for the development of the peasant (farmer) economy; Providing full or partial liberation from the payment of registration fee from individuals engaged in entrepreneurial activities;

Providing preferential loans, subsidies, interest-free loans for the purchase of building materials and housing construction;

Allocation of land for large families of land for agricultural needs (garden, garden, cottage) and individual housing construction.

This list of the basic benefits provided for large families at the federal level, however, local authorities can establish additional benefits for this category of citizens living in the territory subordinate.

At the federal level, it was determined that the benefit would receive families in which a third or subsequent child was born, starting from January 1, 2013, but not everything is in a row, but only "in need." The right to determine which particular families, with what income will be recognized as "in need" in a particular region, was provided to local authorities. According to the Ministry of Labor and Social Development of the region, in the first half of 2012 this value amounted to 14,362.7 rubles. In other words, if the overall monthly official income of the family, divided by the number of its members, will be less than this amount, you can apply to the appointment of payments.

In the first half of 2014, the number of families raising three or more children increased by 2.4% compared with the first half of the previous year.

Recordsmen - Karelia, Chuvashia, Permian and Krasnodar Territory, Magadan, Samara and Tula region. They beat all records, here the indicator has changed by 10% in the most side.

At the birth of a third child, parents in 66 regions have the right to receive a monthly benefit. The size of children's benefits is established on the basis of the size of the regional subsistence minimum for children. With each year of regions in which parents receive additional material support from the state at the birth of the third and subsequent children, becomes more. The total amount allocated by the state for payments to large parents has increased - from 3 to 10.1 billion rubles.

Thus, large-scale regional in Russia is wearing a pronounced regional character - only a few national republics with a traditionally high level of large levels are allocated, and in the rest of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation - it is rather a "non-pheniac" phenomenon, rarely found and falling out of the general context of the development of the family of the family in this area. Consequently, the social policy of the regions and federal social programs for supporting large families should take into account the current picture of the largest and its regional differentiation.

In conclusion, I would like to note that today is a prosperous, happy large familiar family is one of the resources of changes in the demographic situation in Russia. Therefore, it is necessary to continue to develop priority directions for fertility support in the country. In addition, the state should create conditions aimed at social support for large families, increasing their authority in society and improving the situation in them.

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The state policy of the Russian Federation in the field of social support of citizens is formed in accordance with the provisions of the Constitution of the Russian Federation.

According to Art. 7 of the Constitution "The Russian Federation is a social state, whose policy is aimed at creating conditions ensuring a decent life and free human development (Art. 7., paragraph 1). And also in the Russian Federation, the work and health of people is protected, the guaranteed minimum wage is established, state support for family, motherhood, paternity and childhood, disabled people and senior citizens is provided, social services system develops, state pensions, benefits and other guarantees of social protection ( Art. 7.p.2.).

The Constitution of the Russian Federation also established that coordination of issues of protecting family, motherhood, paternity and childhood; Social protection, including social security, is in joint management of the Russian Federation and constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

Thus, all the above guarantees are implemented through a system of social protection of the population.

The demographic problem is one of the most sharp in Russia. And large families, large parents, being the only solution to this problem, need increased attention of federal and regional power.

The policy of the state caring for the future of Russia should have a long-term plan for the withdrawal of families from the crisis state. And this plan should have a clearly traceful social character. Family with children need to ensure decent conditions for life and work. It is precisely for this purpose that a social guarantee system has been created and functions. Under the social guarantee system means the provision of socially significant goods and services to all citizens without taking into account their labor contribution and verification of the need. It implements the principle of distribution in need, taking into account the resource opportunities of society, which determines the measure of these guarantees. The minimum set and level of these guarantees is mobile depending on the particular historical conditions of each country. This form of social protection of citizens is based on the principles of general taxation and budget financing of social spending. Social benefits are adjusted to the social guarantee system, which are social guarantees to certain categories of the population.

The family in modern Russian society is the most important social institution, so the existing problems determine the need to assist it from society. Social protection is possible through organized social work, since the family very quickly and sensibly responds to all positive and negative changes occurring in society, revealing the humane and antigumenny meaning of the processes of occurring processes, evaluating the destroyers and creating processes for the family.

The position of the family, the level of its well-being and stability is essential social indicators that determine the viability of the nation, society and the state. The peculiarities of the socio-economic transformations of the last decades have negatively affected the standard of living of the population, imposed their mark on the processes of family life. Along with the fall in fertility, an increase in the number of divorces, an increase in child care and hopelessness, the danger of social degradation of the family is growing in general, which over the centuries of one of the dominant forms of relations between the floors, the powerful harmonizing regulator of society.

The social nature of the state is one of the basic prerequisites that determine the conditions of human life. The nature of the relationship between the authorities and the people determines the focus of state policy - the goal of economic and social policy, the content of the protection of property rights. Social policies combines measures to create to every capable citizen of conditions that allow him to work, enterprising to maintain its own well-being, and the strengthening of targeted social support by the state, primarily the weakly precipitated groups of the population.

Under social help as a form of social protection of the population means providing social benefits and services to socially vulnerable groups of the population based on the need to verify the need. In a traditional understanding, the object of social assistance is the low-income layers of the population, the incomes of which are lower than the features of the poverty or subsistence minimum. Annually the subsistence minimum is indexed, in 2016, for each region has been established. You can find it in the administration of your area or in the social protection department. The average value of Russia in Russia this year is 8,200 rubles.

Social service is the activities of social services for social support, the provision of social and domestic, socio-medical, psychological and pedagogical, socio-legal services and material assistance, the social adaptation and rehabilitation of citizens in a difficult life situation.

In Russia, the status of a large family is very strongly understated. In the eyes of most Russians, the words "large family" are associated with drunkenness and poorness. Society with disregard and even humiliation refers to such families.

Therefore, it is no coincidence that statistical data and modern experience are shown: most Russians do not even think about creating a large family, preferring to restrict ourselves to one child. And they have objective reasons for it.

According to sociological polls, in the age group of 18-25 years, the proportion of citizens who do not have children are 78%, among 26-35-year-old children there are only 24%, about 10% of citizens over 36 years old also do not have children. Moreover, the majority of Russians prefer to restrict ourselves to one, as a last resort - two heirs; Only 1% have three or more children.

Social assistance provided to citizens raising 3 or more children is quite varied. It can be divided into species in several grounds:

  • 1) in budget level, at the expense of which support measures are being taken, it is possible to allocate federal, regional and municipal assistance.
  • 2) in the form of granting is distinguished by material and utilities.
  • 3) For purpose, assistance is divided into targeted and provided to all persons a specific category. It is also possible to allocate assistance that all large families receive, and which is provided with additional conditions (5 or more children, the disability of one of the children, etc.).
  • 4) The specific types of state support include: -post, various payments, benefits, subsidies; - provision of property (clothing, products, drugs, etc.); - Provision of free services (legal advice, treatment in state clinics, etc.).

In the Russian Federation, childbirth benefits are beginning to be issued from the moment of the birth of the Third Child (in some regions - fourth or fifth). Large parents, along with all families in which a child appears, can count on the following payments:

One-time allowance.

In 2016, this amount equals approximately 15 500 rubles.

In some regions, the authorities establish additional surcharges for one-time benefit. Get money can like mom and father of the child. Documents are easiest to submit on the place of work. For the absence of such an opportunity, it is necessary to contact social space. In addition to the birth certificate, certificates from the registry office and passport Mom or Pope need to provide a certificate from the work of the second parent, which is confirmed by the fact that he did not receive a one-time allowance.

Baby care allowance.

It is paid monthly while the baby does not turn 1.5 years. He receives that parent, which makes holidays to care for the child. If parents are not officially employed, they need to contact the organs of social protection, pre-collected all the necessary documents. How many exactly they will receive every month depends on whether the elder children are in the family.

For families in which the second and subsequent child was born, the amount of benefits up to 1.5 years in 2016 equals 5,800 rubles.

Parents, having three or more children, are interested in the question of which benefits are laid in large families besides those mentioned above. By law, they are guaranteed additional social benefits compensating for products, housing and utility services:

Compensation payment associated with an increase in accommodation in the country.

Each child aged up to sixteen or to eighteen years, provided that he is listed in the students of any educational institution, receives 600 rubles from the state. per month.

These children's benefits are preserved until the family has at least three children who have not reached the specified age.

If such children are more than four, the payment is 750 rubles.

Compensation payment, compensation for rent for rent and housing and utilities services.

For parents of three or four children - 522 rubles. For families raising, at least five children - 1044 rubles.

Compensation payment, compensation for the use of the phone.

230 rubles. Per month have the right to receive all large families while the younger child will not be 1 (or 18) years.

Compensation of rising food prices.

It is put on each child in a large family, which has not yet achieved a three-year-old age. The amount of payment is equal to 675 rubles.

Additional material support is to families with 10 or more children:

Annual allowance for the Day of Knowledge. It is issued to parents who have at least 10 children and equals 15,000 rubles.

Annual allowance issued on International Family Day - 10,000 rubles.

Compensation payments to mothers who at the time of retirement gave birth to at least 10 children. It is set at the time of the prescription of the pension and is equal to 10,000 rubles.

In addition, the parents of seven and more children receive a special reward - the Order of Parental Glory. The award is accompanied by material assistance in the amount of 100,000 rubles.

Since 2013, in some regions of the Russian Federation, an additional benefit on the third child was introduced. It is paid until the toddler achieves three years. For registration it is necessary to contact the organs of social protection no longer than six months after the birth of the child. The new allowance was introduced in the regions where demographic growth is lower than the average in Russia, as well as in areas where poor families make up a rather large percentage of the population.

Issued on the birth of a child. Its size is not varied depending on the number of children in the family.

Families raising 3 or more children have the right to receive support from the state subject to a number of conditions:

  • 1) The family is recognized as many children under the legislation of the subject of the subject (in each region its criteria for recognition of multi-way).
  • 2) Children can be both relatives and adopted.
  • 3) Parents are not deprived of parental rights, are not limited in such rights, do not shy away from raising children.
  • 4) other conditions may be provided for by regional regulatory acts.

Mama, stretching 5 children and is more relying an early pension, but only on condition that she participated in the upbringing of each of the children up to 8 years of age, its insurance experience is at least 15 years old, and she has been 50 years old. If the mother gave birth and actively brought up to 8 years 2, 3, 4 children, then it is also entitled to demand an early pension. Conditions are as follows: Mom's age - from 50 years, work experience - 12 years in the extreme north or 17 years elsewhere, having identical status, insurance experience - from 20 years.

It should be noted that all benefits and privileges are applied to large citizens who have families with children: a child care allowance, maternity capital when the second baby appears, the benefit on the third child (in those regions where it is paid), etc.

Social work with family is a specially organized activity aimed at small groups of people who need social protection and support from outside. This is one of the species of social protection of the population, the main content of which is to assist, help, in restoring and maintaining the normal functioning of the family.

Social work with the family today is multifunctional activities for social protection and support, social family service at the state level. This activity is carried out by specialists in social work with the family of various profiles. It is implemented in a specific society (federal or territorial) and determined by its specificity. Currently, there are four major forms of social protection for families with children in Russia.

  • 1) cash payments to the family for children in connection with the birth, content and education of children (benefits and pensions).
  • 2) Labor, tax, housing, credit, medical and other benefits to families with children, parents and children.
  • 3) Legal, medical, psychological and pedagogical and economic consulting, parenting universities, scientific practical conferences and congresses.
  • 4) federal, regional target and social programs like "family planning" and "Children of Russia" and others. In social work with a large family, a specialist relies on certain principles that contribute to the formation of the need to make assumption and enhancing the role of the family in solving their own problems: the principle of humanism, the principle of objectivity, the principle of systemism, the principle of tolerance, the principle of a positive family image, the principle of equal responsibility.

For large families, the state provides for assistance. Programs for which support is performed, quite a lot. Their implementation is engaged in both the bodies of social protection and employers.

Supporting them occurs in several ways - in the form of benefits, benefits and payments once a year. For example, in a number of regions, large families, before September 1, transfer funds to school fees. The prerequisite is the upbringing of all children in the family, and not in special children's institutions.

Helping large families in the address manner is at the regional level within the framework of the federal and low-income families adopted in the subjects of the Federation. The right to address assistance has families who have applied to the application for its provision, if they are recognized by poor (that is, the level of income per person is below the subsistence minimum).

Specific types of targeted support are enshrined by regulatory acts of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, at the same time it is possible to name the most typical among them:

  • 1) a lump sum cash payment;
  • 2) providing a grocery set;
  • 3) monthly payments;
  • 4) reimbursement of costs for the passage of children in urban transport.

The amount of payments to multi-fashioned citizens may vary depending on the number of children.

To obtain targeted assistance to the compartment of social protection, you must submit a package of documents:

  • 1) statement;
  • 2) passport;
  • 3) certificate from the place of residence;
  • 4) documents on the income of all family members over the past 3 months;
  • 5) information on property property;
  • 6) Certificates of the birth of children, to conclude a marriage;
  • 7) other documents, depending on the region.

The provision of targeted support is terminated when leaving for permanent residence in the other subject of the federation, the detection of the inaccuracy of the documents filed, exceeding the amount of income over the subsistence minimum. In a number of areas and the republics of our country, as well as in the capital to provide targeted assistance is a social contract.

Social protection authority in the field of protection of large families carry out activities aimed at improving the demographic situation, the implementation of family policies and carrying out activities to form an affordable livelihood environment in the area. Implements activities in the field of cooperation with public associations. Organizes work on the provision of social support measures.

Provides social protection and support of the population, including organizes social assistance to citizens, disabled and victims of emergency situations, carries out comprehensive measures to improve the situation of family, women and children, the accrual of benefits and compensation payments, implements established benefits in accordance with applicable law .

Coordinates the work of the department of administration for the development and implementation of social programs.

Interacts with public and charitable organizations providing social assistance to citizens.

It is very important that family legislation is revised in the Russian Federation. And not only at the federal level, but also at the level of the subjects. For example, it is concerned that the lack of a federal law establishes the minimum level of social protection measures with children, including many children, adoptive and incomplete families, guaranteed by the state, and assigning the issue to the conduct of state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, creates a situation In which the law of a citizen for social protection is made dependent on his place of residence, which contradicts the constitutional principle of equality of the rights of citizens, regardless of their place of residence, provided for in Article 19 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation.

Also one of the problems of large families is their status in society, the attitude of citizens to this category of families.

All levels of social protection of large families and the federal, and regional, and the local act as a single system of the coinal authorities. Therefore, the study of the activity of this structure must be carried out from the point of view of the system approach, that is, to investigate the system of social protection as integrity other than the external environment.

Despite the fact that special attention is paid to in large families in the legislation and the Russian Federation, they still do not become less problems. Many of these families are low-income and one-time charity shares do not change their financial situation. And this suggests that they all require immediate and full, not partial, permission.