Congratulations to Muslims on the occasion of March 21. Muslim new year of what date. Muslim traditional dishes on New Year

On this day, it is customary to visit each other and richly set tables

On March 21, several republics of the former USSR celebrate the Muslim holiday of Navruz. The customs of celebrating Navruz in different countries have much in common, but each nation has its own characteristics of the celebration of the vernal equinox, the Tajik-based Asia Plus news agency notes.

Nowruz is included by UNESCO in the list of intangible cultural heritage of mankind, and at the end of February 2010. The 64th session of the UN General Assembly declared March 21 as International Navruz Day.

This spring holiday is celebrated as a state holiday in Tajikistan, Iran, Azerbaijan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Turkmenistan, Albania, Afghanistan, Georgia, India, Macedonia, Turkey. Nowruz is also celebrated locally in Tatarstan, Bashkiria and the North Caucasus.

In Tajikistan, the Navruz holiday begins to be celebrated on March 21. On holidays, festivals, games, wrestling competitions, horse races, and other events will be held throughout the republic. According to the ancient custom, before the onset of Navruz, people should clean up houses and around, pay off debts. On the festive tables are cakes, sweets. The traditional ritual in Navruz is the compilation of seven “sins” and “tires” (letters “c” and “w” of the Persian alphabet) - treats, plants, etc., the first letters of which begin with “s” and “ w ". The most famous festive dish is sumalak - a dish of germinated wheat germ.

The holiday of Navruz is also celebrated in neighboring Uzbekistan.

In Kazakhstan, the festive dish is Nauryz Kozhe made of seven ingredients. Among Kazakhs, who live mainly in the western regions and in adjacent regions of Russia, the celebration of Nauryz begins on March 14 and is called “amal” (from the Arabic name for the month of hamal); its traditional element is the ritual, when everyone should greet each other with handshakes with both hands and saying “Zhyl kuts bolsun!” (“Happy year!”). On the Nauryz holiday, the Kazakhs prepare food called "nevruz - kyosho". In addition, a special porridge or soup is cooked for the holiday, which is distributed to its neighbors.

The Nauryz holiday is held in about the same way in Kyrgyzstan.

In Turkmenistan, pilaf is cooked on the day of the holiday. It is believed that the more food prepared for the holiday, the more abundant the year will be. For the Nevruz holiday, they also prepare special food called "seeds." This ritual dish made from flour, water and sugar is cooked by several families together. "Seeds" begin to be prepared the day before the holiday, so that it is ready for the morning of Nevruz, March 21.

In the North Caucasus, abundant refreshments are obligatory in the traditions of Nourouz. On Nouruz's day, even adults are allowed pranks. Boys in costumes dressed up, amusing people, mindful, of course, of decency, flirting with the girls. The villagers in national costumes dance dance winter. After a long sleep, so in the views of the highlanders, nature wakes up.

In Azerbaijan, the festive table on this day is special. In addition to the obligatory seven dishes, the name of which begins with the letter “c”, a mirror, a candle and a painted egg are placed on the table. All of the above has a symbolic meaning: a candle - light or fire, protecting a person from evil spirits; an egg and a mirror are needed to establish the end of the old year and the onset of the first day of the new. Azerbaijanis put a painted egg on the mirror. And as soon as the egg sways, a new year arrives. Everyone at the table begins to congratulate each other. Also on the table there are many sweets, such as baklava, shekerbour, badambur and much more.

In accordance with the customs and traditions in Turkey, what a person sees first of all on the first day of Nauruz Bayram will be with him all year. During the spring celebration in Turkey, people should be surrounded by things symbolizing good intentions and happiness, health and longevity, good luck in all endeavors and prosperity. Such items for the Turks have long been considered barley sprouts or pitas and coins, the place of which in our days was taken by banknotes.

It is believed that the holiday of Navruz began to be celebrated about three thousand years ago in Persian-speaking countries. And it is not surprising that this holiday is especially celebrated in Iran. Navruz is considered the most important holiday rich in various contents. And this is connected not only with historical and cultural aspects, but also with purely calendar properties, because Nowruz is a cyclical beginning of the calendar of years according to the Iranian solar calendar.

On this day, a dastarkhan is served in every family - a tablecloth with all kinds of national dishes, sweets, traditional drinks. And on the eve of Navruz, they tidy up their houses, forgive each other all insults, put up with those who were in a quarrel, and also, as a sign of the abundance of crops, rain, milk, all tanks are filled with grain, spring water and milk.

The main holiday for Muslims is the offering of sacrifice to Allah. Otherwise, this holiday is called Kurban Bayram or Eid al-Adha. The main task of Muslims on this day is to make a sacrifice. Usually a lamb or a cow up to one year old is sacrificed.

In 2017, Kurban Bayram falls on September 1. On this day, you need to pray, set the table and give food to the poor. However, if something is not eaten during the holiday, then the next day it is no longer possible.

1). Knocked on the door to us
  Our bright Kurban Bayram.
  This holiday is the most important
  And family, and warm.
  Congratulations to all the people
  Let everyone become more fun.
  We all wish happiness
  Only friendship, peace, brotherhood,
  Living alone and without troubles
  Many long, long years!

2). Muslims have a holy holiday -
  Kurban Bayram, and a feast on the mountain!
  All are waiting for friends to visit,
  To enjoy delicious food!

Heat to all! Peace! Understanding!
  May Allah protect you,
  And let the bright holiday leave
  A pleasant twinkle in the hearts!

3). I wish you good,
  Joy, health to you.
  Congratulations on a great day,
  Peace to you in Eid al-Adha.

Feed the poor today
  Pray for relatives:
  About those who have entered the wonderful world
  Pray for the living.

4). The sun will wake up this morning
  And the holiday will burst into your house.
  Allah let everyone smile
  When is Kurban Bayram!

He accepting your sacrifices
  Takes trouble from the threshold!
  And only happiness sends to the house!
  For happiness, you need a little:

So that loved ones are healthy
  So that the children bring joy
  Love and kindness under the roof
  So strong weave networks!

5). Muslim brothers today
  With all my heart I want to congratulate
  Have a great day Kurban Bayram
  Glorify his greatness!
  May Allah hear us!
  From the mountain of great Arafat,
  We ask in our prayers
  Healthy mind, good disposition
  And mercy in the hearts
  God fear, tolerance.
  May Allah protect us all!
  He will show us his mercy.
  For all earthly transgressions
  He will send forth his forgiveness! ...

1). On the holy holiday of Kurban Bayram, may Allah Almighty forgive you all your sins, and in your heart there will be as much joy as you have been able to give people this year. May faith be as strong as that of a great prophet, so that the will of God is law for you.

2). I congratulate you on the great Islamic holiday of Eid al-Adha. Let there always be many guests in your house, but you had something to put on the table. I wish your heart to be filled with love for all your brothers! I wish you health and good luck.

3). So Kurban Bayram came to us. We will go to Mecca to once again recall the unshakable faith of the prophet Ibrahim, who sets out with his example what a real Muslim should be like. Be happy and live in peace with your loved ones!

Kurban Bayram (Eid al-Adha) - one of the main Islamic holidays. Muslims around the world celebrate it on the 10th day of the 12th month of the Muslim lunar calendar - dhul-hijj.

Kurban Bairam is the final part of the Hajj, the annual Muslim pilgrimage to Mecca. Celebrate the holiday in the valley of Mina near Mecca, and it lasts three days. During Kurban Bayram, believers sacrifice a ram or other cattle. Muslims differently interpret the essence of the Eid al-Adha holiday, but it unites everyone that the main thing in it is not the sacrifice process itself, but humility and fulfillment of the will of Allah. The essence of the Eid al-Adha holiday is to approach God, to appeal to him.

Kurban Bayram congratulations (photo \\ pictures)

According to tradition, in the days of Kurban Bayram, a believer should show love and mercy to his neighbors, help those in need. One third of the meat of the sacrificial animal is given to the poor as alms.

Congratulations on the holiday of Kuyran Bayram in Russian:

Muslims have a holy holiday -
Eid al-Adha, and a feast on the mountain!
All are waiting for friends to visit,
To treat them with food!

Heat to all! Peace! Understanding!
May Allah protect you,
And let the bright holiday leave
A pleasant twinkle in the hearts!

I wish you good,
Joy, health to you.
Congratulations on a great day,
Peace to you in Eid al-Adha.

Feed the poor today
Pray for relatives:
About those who have entered the wonderful world
Pray for the living.

Kurban Bayram congratulations (photo \\ pictures)

The sun will wake up this morning
And the holiday will burst into your house.
Allah let everyone smile
When is Kurban Bayram!

He accepting your sacrifices
Takes trouble from the threshold!
And only happiness sends to the house!
For happiness, you need a little:

So that loved ones are healthy
So that the children bring joy
Love and kindness under the roof
So strong weave networks!

Muslim brothers today
With all my heart I want to congratulate
Have a great Eid al-Adha day
Glorify his greatness!
May Allah hear us!
From the mountain of great Arafat,
We ask in our prayers
Healthy mind, good disposition
And mercy in the hearts
God fear, tolerance.
May Allah protect us all!
He will show us his mercy.
For all earthly transgressions
He will send forth his forgiveness! ...

Celebrate, good Muslim, you are Kurban Bayram.
May bathing give light to your deeds.
Know what clean clothes you should wear
Yes, go to prayer as soon as possible to the mosque.
Rejoice your heart: poor treats,
And in the following days to bring close.
Praise the Almighty and may Allah
It reveals the truth, gives success in business.
Everyone may bring a feasible sacrifice.
Let him rejoice now, on holiday, only that
Who has a pure soul, who lives with goodness.

Kurban Bayram congratulations (photo \\ pictures)

Congratulations on the holiday of Kuyran Bayram in Turkish:

Bayramlar berekettir, umuttur, özlemdir. Kestiğiniz kurban ve dualarınız kabul olsun, sevdikleriniz hep sizinle olsun ... Kurban Bayramınız mübarek olsun.

transfer:   May the holiday be generous, long-awaited and happy. May your sacrifice be accepted and prayers answered. May your loved ones be always with you. The Eid al-Adha holiday will be blessed.

Bugün sevinç günü, kederleri bir yana bırakıp mutlu olalım. Kurban Bayramını doya doya yaşayalım. Her şeye kadir olan Yüce Allah, bizleri, doğru yoldan ve sevdiklerimizden ayırmasın!

transfer:   Today is a day of joy. Leaving sorrows, let us rejoice and celebrate Kurban Bayram. May Almighty Allah not part with our loved ones and keep him on the right track!

The President of the Republic of Tatarstan Rustam Minnikhanov congratulated on the occasion of Uraza Bairam.

“Dear Tatarstan people! Dear compatriots! With all my heart I congratulate you on the end of the post and the blessed holiday of Eid al-Fitr - Uraza-bairam! ”, The congratulation says.

“In our republic, where equal conditions have been created for the development of representatives of all faiths, Muslims invariably demonstrate a commitment to traditional spiritual values, actively participating in public life, strengthening inter-religious and state-religious cooperation,” the President of Tajikistan said in a congratulation.

According to Minnikhanov, events of recent months became a significant confirmation of the loyalty of the course: the VII Congress of Muslims of the Republic of Tatarstan, the VIII All-Russian Forum of Tatar Religious Figures "National Identity and Religion" and "Izge Bolgar Kyyen". In addition, the construction of the complex of buildings of the Bulgarian Islamic Academy, which in September will accept the first students, has been completed.

“I sincerely wish you all happiness, peace, kindness and prosperity! May the Almighty fill our hearts with faith, mercy and love! ”, Concluded Minnikhanov.

The great festival of Ramadan,
It is holy to Muslims
Live praying without sinning
May the soul be bright!

May there be happiness and peace
Let joy pour into the house like a river
May Allah protect from troubles,
And strengthen faith in the heart!

4 SMS - 220 characters

The holy month of Ramadan is a special time for believers, a time of purification and a test of fortitude. Let the Almighty protect you and hear all the prayers addressed to him! I wish you trust, prosperity in the family, strong faith and only good deeds!

4 SMS - 250 characters

Ramadan Mubarak! I wish you good health and radiant joy of the soul, sincere prayers and good hopes, mercy and generosity, unquenchable strength of faith and love for loved ones, mercy of Allah and good deeds at the call of the heart.

4 SMS - 212 characters

Congratulations on the holy month of Ramadan! I wish your faith to be strengthened, prayer be sincere and answered by Allah. May spiritual enlightenment, joy and harmony come!

3 SMS - 176 characters

Holy Ramadan
Muslim world notes
We are sincerely of all Muslims
Congratulations on this important day.
We wish good, victory, good,
Humility, peace, happiness,
May prayer help them
May Allah keep from adversity!

4 SMS - 224 characters

On this great and sacred holiday of Ramadan, I sincerely wish a righteous, happy life and prosperity! May happiness always come to the house and Allah protect from troubles, strengthen faith and give all prayers an answer!

4 SMS - 208 characters

A special holiday is this day.
Your eye will not touch the shadow
After all, this bright post gives
Peace, warmth, spiritual growth.

I wish you well, live honestly,
To be friends with beautiful people
In life, do not meet with deception.
Congratulations on Ramadan!

4 SMS - 234 characters

The great festival of Ramadan -
He is from above given to us by Allah.
Refusal of food and food -
To purify the soul.

Let there be much strength, patience,
Let the road be right.
Great month, important post -
May fortunately everyone build a bridge.

4 SMS - 222 characters

Congratulations on the onset of Ramadan. May there be strong faith, pure love and lasting happiness in life. I wish to preserve everything that we value and value. Successful days, good people on the journey of life and respect for others.

4 SMS - 225 characters

The fast came holy
There are no released.
Putting cares aside
The soul keeps a vow.
Repent of our deeds
Allah will forgive us all.
All people will get better.
Purify, enlighten
Koran. A great post
Heaven will give us
Ramadan will save you from sin.

4 SMS - 240 characters