True life stories about friends. A story about best friends Do you chat with your school friends

It is very difficult to meet a single, but even more difficult for a girl to find a real friend. Someone is convinced that friendship between a man and a woman does not exist at all. But I know that it’s not at all! Because I had such friendship, although this is a sad story. At 16, I was the most lonely girl on the whole planet, at least it seemed to me that way. How can I upset a smart girl, an excellent student, a favorite of my family and teachers? Of course, unrequited first love. He was older, more beautiful, more sociable and very beautiful. Because of my proud character, I did not show suffering and torment, although I was on the verge of despair. Having received the first four in my life for an essay, I realized that here it is, my tragic fall into the abyss. Mom remained in happy ignorance of what was happening with her daughter, her friends shrugged, not knowing how to help, and at this most difficult moment, a friend appeared in my life. Not fictitious, but the real one.

Now I can’t say at what point we began to be truly friends and I realized that I was interested with this person, that he invisibly shifts his shoulder whenever I stumble. He studied at a class younger than me, was reckless and carefree. We talked before, but only that spring I noticed that he was especially special to me, and to my girlfriends differently ... Well, I really hear the whisper-cries-frustrated sighs: “Well, he’s so he was in love ... ”But nothing of the kind! While I was silently suffering from my love, he was caring with might and main for another girl. Soon, their relationship grew into a romance. We were just friends. Dear friends. Chatting about something, discussing, fooling around. The only topic that we have tabooed is our personal relationship with boyfriends / girlfriends. And strictly adhered to this.

Sometimes he accompanied me home after dancing (if his girlfriend stayed home that day), and I treated him with sweets. Sometimes he called late at night and cheerfully asked: "Are you sleeping?" And after hearing an angry rebuke that decent people give other decent people a good night's sleep, hung up the phone with laughter. We often stomped home with him and my classmate after school. When we were in the same company, he came up and asked in a whisper: “Is everything all right?” And once during an excursion in nature, he brought a bunch of some wildflowers unknown to me and handed it with pride. He also brought me my favorite chocolate bar for my birthday - we agreed not to give gifts to each other ... Now we don’t even remember how many little things and amenities he made. To some this all will seem a trifle, but for me then it was saving signs of attention. And it was he who made the most sincere and wonderful compliment, when he saw me in a graduation gown, he simply whistled. But how delightful it sounded ...

We could not see or talk for weeks, but I always knew that it was worth calling him or asking for something - he would be there, he would do everything. And I tried to answer him the same. After eleventh grade, I entered university and left for another city. Then there were no cell phones, and the Internet was far from every home, so our communication was halved. But as soon as I came to visit my parents, we always saw him. Let in fits and starts, albeit occasionally, but the thin thread of friendship did not break and seemed stronger than lasting. After graduating from university, I began to work, and he remained there, for hundreds of kilometers. We almost stopped seeing and talking, but the idea that he is, my reliable best friend, always warmed me.

And then what happened was what I least expected: he got married. Moreover, he married my very close friend, who, literally a year before, for some reason had ceased to communicate with me. I was not invited to the wedding, however, I did not expect this. But I was only perplexed: why none of the two people so close to me even hinted at this relationship? ..

He, already married, I met by chance, in a store. He waved for ninety meters, matured. And when he came up to me with a happy smile and hugged him tightly, I had to stand on tiptoe to kiss on the cheek. He was in a hurry, me too. We quickly told each other about the news, exchanged phone numbers and agreed not to disappear. He called once - two days later. And that’s all ...

Five years have passed since I did not see, did not hear. Now we live in one city, and it seems - in different universes. I know from mutual friends that my former best friend and close friend live together and seem to be quite happy. I'm glad for both of them. That's just bitter because I suddenly became unnecessary, superfluous in the life of my dear people. Why? I dont know. My conscience is absolutely clear: I have never experienced anything romantic for him, and never in all the time have I had the question "what would happen if we got closer?" And I didn’t betray my friend, I didn’t set her up. To my sincere perplexed questions, one wise woman answered: “But you really don’t understand that you were jealous? And just eliminated as a dangerous rival? ” Am I a dangerous rival ?! Are you seriously?! Maybe I don’t understand something, maybe I'm too naive. But does a friend with whom we have known all our life and in my youth went through fire, water and copper pipes, don’t know that I am not capable of such a thing? It turns out, no. And this is even harder.

Once our mutual friend told me that he asked about me: how are my affairs, how I live, what is new with me. He said that he was bored and it would be nice to see each other. And still he didn’t call, didn’t write even once in the endless five years. All our communication comes down to the fact that they write to me a faceless SMS in birthday poems from her phone, and in response I write a congratulation on her birthday. And that’s all. I hesitate to call him - the last thing I want to do is cause discord in their family ...

If someone told me this story, I would not have believed it - it’s too theatrical, in the style of Hollywood melodramas. That's just all this actually happened to me. The same friend of mine, who noticed that there is no friendship between a man and a woman, after listening to my story, sighed heavily: “You are just perverts, I tell you ...” But I’m sure: we were real friends. And the notorious friendship between a man and a woman exists. It’s just that sometimes it turns out to be connected by such a thin thread that someone else can easily break this thread. This happened to us, and in the end I lost both my girlfriend and my friend. As it turned out, such a friendship is too fragile, and women's friendship is insidious and unreliable. However, this is another story, about it another time.

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Best friends are those people who know all our secrets, girlish dreams and small weaknesses. And most importantly, they will always find time to listen, help with advice or just have a good time, having forgotten about all the problems.

websitecollected 10 stories about the best friends, without which life would not have been so fun.

  • I had an accident, nothing serious, only my face was cut strongly by glass. I did not leave the house for the first two days, because there were scratches in the green. A friend came and, drawing herself exactly the same stripes with green, pulled me out.
  • A friend decided that it was time to get ready for summer and that she had to make an appointment. Yesterday I came with packages of food and clothes: " Damn, why do the gym on the 3rd floor!   At the first store with food, and at the second - clothes! When I got to the third, I realized that I no longer have money, and   decided that I was so chic! ”
  • Often I hear the expression that female friendship does not exist.   Today, my friends did not eat cake without me, which they bought to meet and drink tea. At all! They didn’t even open it! Cake If this is not friendship, then I do not know what it is.
  • She called her friend a choleric, who, denying, broke a cup on the wall.
  • My best friend is a surgeon. When I asked why surgery, she replied: "You cut everyone, they also pay for it."
  • This is an awkward feeling when your girlfriend in tears and snot asked you to come and take a pregnancy test with you, and you stand with this test at the checkout counter in the supermarket, and you everyone looks like crazy because you have twins in your stomach.
  • Today on the street I heard a phrase that delighted me. One friend went to get a tattoo, and the second asked about it: “Damn, it probably hurts ?!” And here this brilliant phrase flies in response:   “Sveta, I gave birth to triplets! I no longer feel pain! ”
  • When I was in high school my girlfriend, an athlete, was put under house arrest by my parents.   In no way agreed to release. And we, led by a physical education teacher, had to steal it from the second floor of a private house so as not to miss the competition. There was a difficult operation using rope climbing and acrobatics. Her parents burned us only when we returned her back. There was a scandal but the friend took the second place at competitions!
  • We went with a friend to the bathhouse. We were told where our bath and locker room were, they explained that there was a pool outside the door to plunge hot bodies into cold water. Well, we undressed, made a couple and decided to jump into the pool. We run out of the bathhouse, open the door to the pool and stumble upon the awesome looks of people ... It turned out the pool is common.
  • Riding a bus today. At the bus stop, my grandmother enters and, seeing her old friend, joyfully shouts: “Alive!” And they hug.

I wanted to write about the great female bug - the Navigator.

No, the great female bug is the Great Navigator.

Thanks to this bug, many women do not live in marriage, but in hell, but they well understand that if they throw their hose on the couch, the next one will be even worse. And this is true. While the Great Navigator is with you, women, or rather in you, all men will turn into hoses on sofas. And those who have a fundamentally active life position will run away from you.

I’ll write about this great bug.

But now it's a Friday story. Not really about this bug, or rather not only about it.

Please analyze this story. Tell us what is in it, how and why.

One woman had a girlfriend. From student years. A fragile brunette with narrow wrists who smoked beautifully with her legs crossed.

The woman herself, very young then, Olya, was also pretty, but in her body, with beautiful breasts. And so she looked at this girlfriend, Alya, from whom all the guys were crazy, and thought it was because she was very elegant, so thin, everyone wants to surround her with care.

Olya had a beloved boyfriend, they played a student wedding to get a dorm room, but all life somehow gradually fell on Olya's shoulders. Her husband didn’t really need anything. There is food, he will eat, but no, he will go to someone and eat there, and if there is nowhere to eat, then he will not eat. And Olya couldn’t do that, she was a responsible person, and if there is no food, she got it. I got it in different ways, saved or earned. But Olga saved both her money and her husband’s money. And she earned, and drove him. Well, because he’s a donkey, maybe there’s nothing to eat, but Olya knew for sure that she had to eat. Therefore, from the first year of marriage, she learned to use rolling pins. Nippers almost never helped. The husband quickly mastered the hose and did not notice her tongs. Therefore, only rolling pin, only hardcore.

But Alya was completely different. She came to visit someone, sat down, crossed her legs, smoked and shook off the ashes, and by some miracle drinks and treats appeared in front of her. When Alya came to visit Olya with her husband, her husband immediately began to fry potatoes, and if there were no potatoes, he fled and took it from someone in the hostel. Olya explained this to herself because Alia is beautiful and feminine. And so fragile that everyone wants to take care of it. And nobody wants to take care of her, Olya, because she is in her body, such a powerful, strong woman. Like a man!

And Olga hated her strength, cursed, and envied Alina for her weaknesses.

After graduation, Olya divorced her husband, lost a lot of weight, didn’t go to work in her specialty, but took up creativity. She wanted to be like Alya, elegant, not from this world. She even started smoking, although for a long time she was disgusted. Olya turned from a blonde into a graceful brunette, her breasts almost completely disappeared, her wrists became narrow. She ate little and lived poorly, waiting for when there is someone who wants to take care of her. But this was not found. Once a musician, with whom Olga fell in love for a short while, told her that she looked like a moth, as lifeless and weak, she had no sex. But Olga decided not to give in to manipulation and remembered well what the role of a strong woman led to. Then she found a man who promised to take care of her, but all the time forgot about her promises. He came and did not pay attention that Olya had no food at all. When Olya showed him an empty refrigerator, he was very sad. Then Olga began to remind him in advance, one day, so that he would not forget to buy her products and other necessary things. He still forgot all the time or didn’t come at all, Olya swore with him and soon the man said goodbye to her, saying that she always hangs on him and whines like a helpless child, but he does not want to be a dad.

At this time, she met Alya. Ala has changed a lot. She recovered, became a brown-haired woman, quit smoking. She had a husband, she worked in her specialty and made plans for her own business. While Olya and Ala chatted in a cafe, her husband called Ale several times and asked what to buy, and then asked where she was and how long she would stay there. In the end, the husband himself claimed for Alea, although she asked not to worry and go home. Olya saw a handsome man who carefully scanned her gaze and not finding anything suspicious, lost all interest in her. It seemed to Ola that she looked more interesting than the plump Ali, but her husband pulled Alya home and kissed her ear and shoulder several times while persuading her to go. “She doesn’t have a rest at all,” he said. “Only work, meetings, work, meetings, and she needs to sleep. Bath, massage, sex and sleep, that’s what we have now according to plan.” The man again took care of Ale, and nobody wanted about Olya.

After analyzing the meeting with Alea, Olya came to the conclusion that she needed to become a businesswoman. It is necessary to work hard, lead an active life, so that men consider every minute spent with them - happiness, so that they save her from work. Not immediately, but Olya managed to become a business woman from a moth, not a business lady, but she gained various jobs and occupied herself tightly. However, men from her life completely disappeared. No one paid attention to her, and she felt like a horse in a harness. She got herself a married lover, but he was completely satisfied with rare meetings, and when Olya tolerated a date, he was not upset or jealous. He was glad that Olga did not ask for meetings more often. Olya went in for sports, visited a beautician, she looked very good and did not understand why in her life there is no prince. Once she almost began an affair with a colleague, they both got drunk on a business trip and kissed. But a colleague suddenly told her that it was better to stop. When asked by Olya that he was scared, he said: "You are so domineering, such a strong woman, I will not pull you, I feel small with you."

Olya called Ale to directly ask her how to become weak, but so weak so that men would not call her a lifeless moth, but would enjoy her weaknesses and protect her. Alya said that she was sitting on maternity leave with her second child and was not working. She called her to her. Olya arrived and saw even more fat Alya, who nevertheless smiled and shone. She said that her husband’s business went uphill and he persuaded her to sit with the children, not work, but when her second child is two years old, she will definitely be engaged in the business she dreamed of. Olya saw that Ali has housekeepers, she has a big house, and she even has a gardener, that is, Ali has a lot of free time, despite her children. Olya scolded Alya that she is not engaged in figure and is overweight, but Alya waved her hand, saying that the cook cooks so tasty, and her husband constantly carries him to restaurants, and it is difficult to lose weight with such a good and calm life. Olya recalled the graceful beauty Alya from her student years and did not recognize her in this new woman. Olya even hinted to Ale that she was not afraid that a rich husband would find a model for herself, but Alya laughed and said that if she did, she would not interfere, she loves too much to interfere.

Olya complained to Ale about the failures in her personal life, she said that she tried to be both weak and strong, and business, but there was no use, she was not glued to the men. Alya sympathized with Ole, said that she looks great, but too tense, as if she is in a very active search and she needs sex badly. Olya was offended, thinking that a well-fed hungry man did not understand. Then Alya said that she has an excellent neighbor, his house is even better than that of Ali and her husband, he is divorced, handsome, businessman and athlete. Alia offered to introduce Olya, she called a neighbor, saying that she would like to come to him for tea with her friend and the neighbor said that he would be home in an hour and was waiting for them.

Olya and Ala went to a neighbor. The neighbor really turned out to be what Ala described. But already in the middle of the tea party, Olya realized that he was in love with Alya. He looked at her, not taking his eyes off, like all the boys in their student dormitory. So, like Ali’s husband then in a cafe. Olya's mood deteriorated, she became gloomy and unhappy. And Ala behaved meanly, in her opinion. She allegedly praised Olya all the time, but the man joked back, and she was filled with such a seductive laugh that Olya understood that she glued this neighbor, and maybe even slept with him. That is, she used Olya as an occasion to see her neighbor in love.

After this meeting, Olya felt so humiliated that she wrote to her husband Ali from an anonymous account, finding him on social networks. She wrote that she works as a servant in his house, cannot give herself away, but she wants to warn that a neighbor is his wife’s lover. The husband did not answer, blocked her. Olya followed Ali's page for some time, trying to find signs of family quarrels or divorce, but she did not find it. Maybe there were some showdowns, or maybe her husband didn’t say anything to Ale at all.

31 have chosen

This story began in the distant school years, we studied in different classes, she is two years older than me, but this did not prevent us from being best friends. At breaks, we always had a lot of important things to do, we carried out a number of school reforms, organized a charity concert for single pensioners, and presented useful gifts, and we did a lot of useful things. Well, no pranks could not do. What are the school years without this? And how many grades were falsified in school diaries! All the teachers knew that if one of us is not in the classroom, then we can safely call the parents of both. Despite the difference in the school curriculum, we did our homework together, learned the basics of cooking, dreamed of princes and white dresses in whom we would marry, what beautiful children would appear, and they would definitely study together!

The time came, Polina received a certificate and entered the institute, I was still at school and had already started attending preparatory courses in order to enter her faculty. Nothing has changed, we were still friends, doing homework, and everything was as before. Two years later, I received my certificate and the coveted student ID. I am ashamed to admit, but I began to devote less and less time to my best friend, I was so overwhelmed by the new “adult” life that I couldn’t even find a minute to drink coffee from Fields. I made new friends, with one of them - with Nastya, I became close, we began to spend more and more time with her, I moved away from my school friend more and more, not realizing that I was hurting her with this ... Soon I came to myself from the euphoria of a freshman, I was tired of endless holidays with new friends, I wanted to become a little girl again and chat at a break with Polina about our important matters - this did not hide from Nastya’s attention, she realized that I wouldn’t have endless fun, and we gradually reduced our communication to zero. And with Polina, it seemed, the connection was irretrievably lost.

Four years have passed. During this time, many changes took place in my life: I transferred to another university, met a loved one, he made me a marriage proposal, the date of our wedding was already set. But I still couldn’t forgive myself for losing the best school friend and forgetting our dreams on the school windowsill that we would be witnesses at each other’s weddings.

And so, before the wedding was four days. I nervously twist a cell phone in my hands ... Finally I decided - I wrote a message: “The sun, I have 7 marriages, I really want to see you. Inna, ”clicked the“ send ”button. Two minutes later, the bell rang, and a flurry of questions from Polina hit me:
  - Who is he? Where is the banquet? What time? Will I come with my beloved? Did you miss I am very!!! I will definitely be! In general, let's see you tomorrow? I have so much news!
  And I was thrilled with happiness and realized that I could lose such a wonderful person ... And I realized that I missed you very much !!!

We saw each other the next day, you won’t believe it, but we chatted, interrupting each other and didn’t notice the years that passed, it was so easy for us to communicate that it seemed that there were no omissions between us, everything fell into place. I asked for forgiveness for my act, it really was very difficult for me to do this, because I was afraid to hear reproaches against me, but Paul did not let me finish:
  - We are all people, we have the right to make mistakes. The main thing is to recognize them in time and take the first step. Let's close this topic? Let everything be as before!

I think you can guess who caught my bridal bouquet and whose wedding is being prepared ?! Yes, Pauline is getting married soon!

Do you communicate with your school friends?

Photos from the personal archive