Common mistakes with kisses. After the first kiss, what to say to the guy What to write to the guy after the first kiss

It is proved that a kiss causes a huge surge of happiness, and the hormone of joy is released in the human brain. There are a lot of techniques to give each other pleasure through a kiss, but sometimes a kiss turns into a complete misunderstanding and causes only disgust or the desire to kiss simply disappears. What's the matter? The whole problem is that many errors are not taken into account. So, the most common of them should be known, of course, to everyone.

The very first and one of the most important popular mistakes in a kiss is a conversation. But this does not mean communication during the kiss itself, it is clear that this is practically impossible (although it may bring even more pleasure to someone), but it means talking about the kiss itself before it begins. This includes the fact that in no case should we say that a person is going to kiss. A negotiated kiss in advance will no longer be so spectacular and interesting. After all, its essence lies precisely in spontaneity. This is such an intrigue, a kind of game.

In continuation of the topic of how not to kiss, there is another small nuance that violates great pleasure. This is nervousness. A lot of people are very worried before the first kiss, which creates incomprehensible speech and excessive mobility. Such behavior can completely kill all the romance. Still, a kiss is not an exam or coercion. A kiss is an opportunity to express your feelings without words, so before this moment it is advisable to stretch some pause to create a romantic atmosphere.

Moreover, increased nervousness can be reflected during the kiss itself and then it can be considered a complete failure. With excessive stress, a person’s lips become hard, and a kiss is tenderness, so you should relax as much as possible so that your lips are soft and pleasant.

Indeed, the excitement of a person is always noticeable from the outside and therefore the partner may initially have disgust, realizing that a kiss with him causes so many experiences. How not to kiss? The main advice is in fear and anxiety.

Many are afraid to kiss a second time, but remember that after the first kiss there is an awkward pause. At this moment, two people feel great each other and therefore, if the situation is, it is quite possible to repeat the kiss. This will only enhance emotions.

One of the most common kiss mistakes is gratitude. In no case do you need to thank your partner. A kiss is a mutual affair and no one does a favor to anyone or kisses against his will. The only thing that can be said at the end of the kiss is that he was magnificent and caused a lot of positive emotions.

In this case, the connection is even more established. A selfish kiss is when a person does not pay attention to his chosen one, does not feel his mood, but simply takes and kisses. This can cause a bad response. Before the first kiss there should always be a hint of pause. Then the kiss will be successful.

Do not be afraid to kiss. Everyone always makes mistakes when kissing, but it’s important to practice, work on yourself and feel people. Practice is the path to success. This is not a complete list of errors. You cannot use too much language in the first kiss. It can cause disgust. Partners still do not know each other perfectly and therefore it may turn out that one of them is squeamish.

In general, it is better to leave the first kiss without a tongue. This will help maintain the intrigue and there will be a desire to kiss again. Also, you can not wipe your mouth after a kiss. After all, this will be regarded by the partner as a reluctance to kiss him again. However, it happens that a person can not tolerate moisture on his lips. In this case, you need to try to wipe them so that the partner does not notice this.

Many immediately begin to talk a lot after a kiss and sometimes off topic. This gives the impression that the person is supposedly trying to forget the kiss, overloading himself with information. After the kiss, you should wait a pause, look in the eyes, smile and only then start talking calmly.

Observing some rules and avoiding mistakes when kissing, you can get great pleasure from these gentle touches of the lips. If the partner makes some mistake, then you can talk to him about it or try to fix everything without words.

A kiss is not just a prelude to sexual intercourse, it is also a caress, which gives great pleasure in itself. In all ages, lovers kiss with inspiration, as soon as they are given the opportunity. But many inexperienced girls are very worried because of their ignorance of what to do during a kiss. How should you behave so that affection brings joy to both partners?

The very beginning

Waiting for a kiss, especially the first - an unusually exciting feeling. As a rule, the initiative in such matters traditionally belongs to the guy, and the girl can only wait with bated breath when the lover dares to kiss her. If your loved one is too timid, you can cheer him up. To do this, sit down closer to him and slightly lower his voice. In such a situation, the guy instinctively bends closer to the lips of his beloved and may decide to kiss them.

A bolder gesture is to hug the guy by the neck and bring his face closer to him, looking directly into the eyes. You can gently play with his hair   or pat him on the neck. Finally, you can take the whole initiative on your own: modern etiquette rules completely allow for this. To do this, bring your face closer to the face of your loved one, look seriously into his eyes and fleetingly touch his lips with his lips.

As a rule, in such a situation, the guys immediately seize the initiative. If this did not happen, but the beloved does not show signs of discontent, you can proceed to more active actions: to press against his lips, gently suck his upper or lower lip, lick his lips with short and light movements. Typically, girls who talk a lot have very trained lips and a flexible tongue, so performing all these movements is unlikely to be an overwhelming task for anyone.

Should I tell my beloved about my intention to kiss him? Sometimes this information sounds very exciting, but in most cases there is no need for unnecessary words: sign languages \u200b\u200bcan be said much more than verbally. A playful look, a gentle smile and lips that are inevitably close to the lips of a loved one will tell him much more than a thousand words.

While kissing

Of course, not only lips and tongue move during a kiss. Do not freeze in one pose, it is better to move closer to the partner, to press against him with your whole body, hug him by the neck or shoulders, pat him on the back or even in the face.

Most inexperienced girls are very afraid of appearing as such and are struggling to give the impression of being sophisticated. Watching training videos and reading articles on how to kiss correctly is certainly useful, but it’s better to forget about them when you kiss. Otherwise, it could turn out like in the story about the centipede, who wondered which leg to go with, and as a result was so confused that she could not budge.

It is very important to stay natural. There is no need to frantically recall at the time of the kiss all the information about how to kiss correctly. Ancient wisdom says that in love there is no right and wrong - everything is permissible that gives pleasure to both partners. Therefore, it is worth trusting your feelings and behaving the way you want at the moment: to cling closer to your partner or, on the contrary, move slightly away to burn him with a loving look before falling back to his lips.

A big mistake, however, is to immerse yourself in your own feelings in order to forget about your partner.

Still, he also has his own feelings, wishes and preferences, and ignoring them is dishonest and ugly. Therefore, it is necessary to closely monitor the reaction of a lover to certain actions: if he is tensed and tries to move away - this is an unambiguous signal that he did not like something. If, on the contrary, he snuggles closer and moans with pleasure, then you can continue your actions.

After the kiss

Periodically, competitions for the longest kiss are held in different cities of the world. But those who do not participate in such competitions do not have to artificially prolong the process. If one of the partners felt tired, the kiss should be gently finished. How best to do this if the partner intends to kiss further? Do not abruptly step aside - this can offend a lover. It is better to just at some point reduce the intensity of movements and stop showing initiative. As a rule, in this situation, the partner also starts to move slower and softer. This means that you can very gently pull away, be sure to gratefully kiss your lover on the lips for the last time.

How to understand that the partner is tired and wants to complete the kiss? Most likely, he will act in the same way: he will cease to show initiative, reduce the intensity of movements and try to gently pull away. In this case, it is worth listening to him and not insist on continuing.

Often after a kiss, guys are interested in the feelings of a partner. Such a question may signal a certain inexperience of the young man in love affairs or that the girl does not show enough of her feelings. It is also possible that the guy is just a little unsure of himself, and he needs confirmation of the fact that his kisses are excellent. If this is true, it is quite possible to compliment your lover telling about the bliss that affection brings him. If the kisses leave much to be desired, then it is advisable to gently leave the answer.

By the way, the best way to get away from the answer is to kiss.

Thus, you can respond to a variety of uncomfortable questions, which for some reason do not want to be answered. As a rule, men are quite satisfied with such answers.

Do not


  • Use the language in moderation
  • Be gentle during the first kiss
  • Smile after a kiss. Or at least giggle
  • Swallow saliva regularly
  • To be active
  • Make sure you have fresh breath
  • Kissing on a first or at least a second date
  • Kissing the first time you're alone

What to do with hands during a kiss

Kisses will become much more romantic and exciting if your hands will participate in them too! Although, if you overdo it, stroking and feeling the partner, nothing good will come of it. With the help of hands, a kiss can be made delightful, or you can discourage any partner from repeating it. Feel free to touch your head, shoulders and waist, but keep your hands away from some other parts of the body so as not to scare or go further than you would like.

Hands on the back of the head

Palms gently stroking the back of the head, fingers gliding through the hair - great!


It's simple: touch his cheek with an open palm while kissing.


Hug him by the neck, by the waist, put your hands on your shoulders - gently, strongly, in different ways as you like.


This is not really a hug. Palms just lie on your partner’s waist while you kiss

The first kiss is an event in life that you will always remember until your very old age. You need to know some "rules" that will help make this important event unforgettable. Some young boys and girls do not know how to kiss for the first time, what needs to be done in order to remember the kiss for life and to impress the partner for repeating romantic meetings and prolonging relationships.

Is the first kiss a problem?

It often happens that neither a girl nor a guy knows how to kiss. And therefore deliberately delay this moment. It would seem easier for the girl: she follows and repeats the movements of the young man. No special initiative is required. You should not be ashamed of your inability to kiss: if the guy is smart, he will appreciate it and will treat the girl with more tenderness and attention.

According to etiquette, a young man should show initiative and perseverance without shyness and brute force. And the first sign that a girl is ready for a kiss is a long look into the guy's eyes. If a young man looks away or begins a conversation about something irrelevant, then he is not ready for this crucial moment.

In any case, always be natural, and if you feel the desire to kiss your partner and at the same time there is an appropriate romantic atmosphere, then do it and have fun. And you don’t have to worry much if you don’t know how to kiss for the first time.

How to learn to kiss?

Many young boys and girls delay the first kiss because they don’t know how to kiss for the first time. What do we have to do? How to behave? What movements can and do not? The decision to kiss can ripen suddenly, but more often young people prepare for this both mentally and physically.

It should be noted that real and clear advice on how and where to do this does not exist. You yourself will feel that the time has come for this exciting moment. The first kiss should correspond to a romantic atmosphere, and it is important that you like your partner. It is imperative that no one bother you, and it is advisable that no witnesses be present. After all, not only the girl is worried, but also the guy, and unexpected questions or comments from others can ruin the first kiss, and then it will not be easy to decide to do it a second time.

Tips for learning how to kiss for the first time include not only a kissing technique, but also preparation for this event.

You can create a romantic setting yourself. For example, invite a partner to the movies on the last row. And it doesn’t matter who first does this: a guy or a girl. It is a dark room, a film about love that has the first kiss. Only in the cinema can you often see how a young guy and a girl kiss. And you can kiss your lover or lover after a good evening together goodbye. At the same time, the behavior of the partner on a date will show you whether he is ready for the first kiss.

A guy should not ask a girl if she can be kissed: this will put her in a difficult position, make her embarrassed, and a kiss that will be remembered for a lifetime will fail.

Preparation for a kiss

It must be remembered that the pleasant breath from the mouth, as well as the aroma of your body, sets the partner on a romantic wave. Therefore, it is important to take a shower or bath before a date, use a deodorant, perfume or cologne with a mild odor. Do not take on the eve of foods such as onions, garlic, spicy and fatty foods, alcoholic beverages. Smoking is contraindicated. You can use mint tablets or chewing gum. But at the same time, you should not chew her during a date - this can discourage all desire, and advice on how to kiss for the first time may not be needed.

Lips can be greased with sugar for their brightness and softness, moisturized with lipstick (this is an advice for girls).

If you are already ready for the first kiss, you should also set up your partner: you can gently talk with him, naturally smile, hold by the hand or acquire. At the same time, looking into the eyes, you should not quickly look away. A sincere glance can say that you are ready, and with this push your partner to take the first step.

The first kiss should not be too short or long. According to psychologists, the optimal time is 20-30 seconds. In this case, you will feel a big explosion of emotions and get great pleasure. And you do not need to experience complexes about the fact that, they say, I can not kiss. Your feelings and mutual desire will help you.

What should be done at the first kiss?

If the initiator is a guy, then he needs to attract a girl, tilt his head to one side and gently touch her lips with her lips. Then, opening his mouth, with the tip of his tongue, draw along her lips. Then you can kiss the girl with your lips without aggression and pressure.

A girl can also take the initiative in her own hands. This is best done when parting. You need to come close to the guy, thank you for a wonderful evening, gently look into his eyes and touch his lips for a while. The best thing in this case will be the girl’s quick departure without delay in order to wake the hunter’s desire in the guy: he will look forward to the next date.

Do not prolong the kiss: the first time a guy and a girl kiss for no more than a minute. It is this time that is most optimal for an emotional explosion. Do not be alarmed if you have excessive salivation: many people like it. Eyes with a kiss close on their own: this is an indicator that a person is detached from the surrounding reality and immersed in the world of feelings. This also means that people like each other, and the first kiss is the beginning of a new, more vibrant relationship, which subsequently develops into love.

How to get rid of an inferiority complex?

Many are afraid to kiss due to a lack of experience with the opposite sex and the fear that your kiss will not make a proper impression on your partner. Do not be scared. Even if you are embarrassed and make some awkward movement, then this is not a reason to make fun of you. If a partner likes you, and he feels sincere feelings for you, then he will help you forget about your fears.

Books on the psychology of relationships will tell you how to kiss. A good friend or video can teach you a lesson. There are also many interesting articles about this important event.

What needs to be done to be kissed?

There are some more tips on how to kiss for the first time and what you need to do so that you are desired for your partner. First, you need:

  • regularly visit the dentist to eliminate all problems (sometimes you do not hear bad breath, but it is unpleasant for others);
  • brush your teeth not only in the mornings and evenings, but also before a date;
  • it is necessary to clean the surface of the tongue, as a large number of bacteria accumulate on it, which can cause bad breath;
  • the guy should be shaved smoothly, and the girl should be combed gently and without defiant makeup;
  • the girl should not apply bright lipstick: naturalness attracts more;
  • friendliness and a smile should be your constant companions.

The first kiss is the magic of love

For the first kiss to be remembered for a lifetime, you must:

  • kissing only with a person who you really like, and whom you feel with your soul;
  • do not drink alcohol for courage;
  • do not succumb to provocations and kiss without desire only in order to gain experience;
  • the girl shouldn’t kiss the guy first: it’s important to set him up and show that you are ready for the first kiss (although exceptions are possible).

And you should remember that the first kiss should be with the one or only one to which you feel. And it doesn’t matter if you get a kiss or not. Anyway, he will be remembered for a lifetime, and you can repeat it with your loved one even after several years.

Your first kiss will always be a little strange. No matter how many people you kissed on your life path, a couple of butterflies will still be proportional to your stomach.

You will always be tormented by the thought of whether your partner liked the kiss or not. Being a guy means almost always to initiate the first kiss.

It is difficult to say whether his chosen one wants to kiss him. It is always nerves and experiences.

We've put together a list of what a guy can think about before, during, and after a kiss.

"Oh my God!"

Most often, when meeting a guy, you know when he wants to kiss you. If he showers you with compliments and does not take his eyes off you, he is probably dreaming about it.

Bad breath

Every guy will think that he smells bad from his mouth before kissing a girl. Even if they didn’t eat stinky foods, it would still bother them.

"Does she want to kiss me?"

Sometimes the guys don’t know if you want to kiss them. If they initiate a kiss, and you do not answer, it will disappoint and alarm them.


Food and teeth

Before daring to kiss a girl, the guys think about whether they got stuck between their teeth.


He wants to seem confident during the kiss, but mostly the guys are very nervous.

“Don't be a rag!”

Before the first kiss, the guy’s head is filled with bad thoughts about what could go wrong. He is trying to drive them away and gain calm and confidence.

"What to do with hands? Where to put them? "

They don’t know whether to hold your hands by the waist or still make the process more intimate and put them on your hips.

"Which way to tilt your head?"

Since the guy initiates the kiss, you can easily tilt your head. If he tilts it to the right, you lean to the left. Everything is simple. And he needs to make an important, as it seems to him, decision.

Sexy kiss with tongue

Some guys don't know when language can be included in the process.

“Should eyes be open?”

He wants to know if you like the way he kisses. He wants to look at you, but is afraid to open his eyes.


When he hears something, it seems to him that this is the sound of how your teeth hit.

Kisses badly

When a guy comes off a kiss, he doesn’t want you to think that he doesn’t kiss well. All he wants is to be your best kiss in life!

"What's next?"

After he kissed you, he has no idea what to do next. Most likely, a moment of silence awaits you, because he thinks what to say.

"Now are we a couple?"

Sometimes after a kiss a guy thinks about what he means to you. Does this mean that you are now together, or does it make no sense to you?

Next date

The first kiss is a real test for a guy. They think about whether you want to kiss him, how he smells from his mouth, whether you like the way he kisses ...

After the kiss, he only thinks that on the next date you will kiss much longer.

The usual situation, you really like each other, you begin to meet sooner or later, which was supposed to happen, one fine evening he took you home and, standing at the entrance, your lips closed together in a lowering “kiss”. And here he is - your first, such a welcome innocent kiss, after which the head goes round, and emotions overflow over the edge. And everything would be fine, but there is only one problem - children's shame through which everyone went. You start to hide your eyes, thoughts in your head start slowly? but confidently confused and the question ripens itself: "How to behave at the moment?" Let's try together to determine how to behave with a guy after the first kiss?

Many girls, due to the fact that they are starting to get really nervous, cannot even understand “was it a kiss?” Very often, this is due to fear of the process itself and its consequences. The very fear of the first kiss can be explained by comparing it with a fear of changing something, learning something new, previously unknown. But the state after the kiss is comparable to the subconscious feeling that you did something wrong, something unusual for you, to some extent even shameful, wrong. Fear that your partner will sue you. This, of course, is a normal fear for almost everyone to be afraid of. And it is precisely because of this that different thoughts begin to circle randomly in the head, causing shame and fear that are evident on the face.

First of all, stop getting nervous, in the end, you haven’t done anything criminal, this is all a natural process that was supposed to happen, because our mother likes it so much (let's say thanks to her for this unforgettable moment). As soon as you pull yourself together and put your nerves to hell, you will immediately begin to think more rationally and more clearly. You will immediately perceive the situation much more calmly and adequately. Look at it from the other side - now you have something to brag about to your friends, and you finally kissed for the first time, even if he (your boyfriend), as it seemed to you and does not know how to do it (by the way, you are talking about this then remember with laughter more than once), but it happened. Therefore, "nerves out!" will be our first principle to avoid "after the kiss syndrome."

Shame - well, as I said above, this is a natural process, by the way, the kiss itself is already behind, which is already embarrassing, everything is done and everyone is alive. The worst thing you and the guy have already experienced, why is there a panic. So stop constantly hiding your eyes, dropping them into the ground, your boyfriend is not there - he is in front of you. You, in the end, who are embarrassed, is it something? Stop, believe me, he is also ashamed, support him with your gaze.

We figured it out with ourselves, and now as for the guy. Immediately after the kiss, try to restrain laughter. Wait until you find yourself at home there and give free rein to your emotions, you will, by the way, have this whole night for this (believe you can hardly fall asleep). So the laughter is to set aside, count how your boy will feel, when you start to laugh hysterically, I think you will not envy him. Put yourself in his place. It’s better to joke something, discharge the atmosphere and smile, so together you will relax your tense atmosphere. And also, it would be nice to say some beautiful romantic words like: “this is our first kiss - I will remember it” or something else of such a plan, you are a girl, and as you know, we shine with fantasy in any situation. I forgot to say, yes, finally stop hurrying home, he will think that you are running away from him, and not at all from a kiss. Guys, in spite of the fact that their first kiss or the second is much calmer about it and because of your zeal to hide from him outside the walls of his home, he might think something completely different (that you run away from him, for example, because that he, well, just, kisses very badly).

By the way, if if your boyfriend already has experience and immediately after your kiss I made a remark to you on the topic that you are doing this badly. Don't be shy, guys always like to show that they are better than us girls in everything. Therefore, confidently and boldly answer him something like this: "nothing, with a teacher like you, I still have time to learn ... so, everything is ahead." The guy will take this as a positive compliment and at the same time here's a joke to you. If the guy did not say anything, do not try to tell him yourself that he does not kiss well (well, unless of course you did not like how he does it). I hope you understand at least a little dumb how to behave with a guy after the first kiss. Remember, the first kiss is the best kiss. He happens in life once and do not spoil this moment, with all sorts of prejudices and breaking his head, whether you did it right, and if he didn’t like it, I probably don’t know how to kiss. As they say, more than one day Moscow was built. If you don’t know how now, you will learn later.

In a word, after a kiss, behave calmly, measuredly. Never be nervous. First of all, I think it will not be amiss to recall that there is nothing wrong with that. Forget the shame, keep doing everything you did five minutes ago, until the moment you kissed. Smile at your partner, try to talk on some other topic, thereby relaxing both of you and relieving stress. Move away completely from what happened, do not “hang” at the moment on this. Stop thinking about your boyfriend from the point of view that he didn’t like something or condemns you in some way, and even worse changed his opinion about you. After what happened, he got even more interest in you, related to the fact that you became even closer to each other, and your relationship took on a completely different color, going into a serious phase. Therefore, do not bother your head with stupid thoughts, but rather, before you go home, kiss him again, so as to be sure that everything is good and nothing has changed radically in your life. Relax, let everything go as it goes.