The last request of his wife before the divorce forever changed his life. The last request of his wife before the divorce forever changed his life (3 photos) Unilateral declaration of divorce, sample

“I came home for dinner, my wife was cooking it that evening. I wanted to talk to her, the conversation was not easy, and I started with the phrase “I need to tell you something” ... She did not answer anything and switched to cooking. Once again I saw the pain in her eyes.

I needed to continue the conversation somehow, and I blurted out that we needed to get a divorce. She only asked: “Why?” I could not answer avoiding this question. Then she got angry, threw a tantrum, started throwing at me everything that came to hand. “You're not a man,” she cried out.

There was nothing more to talk about. I went to bed, could not fall asleep for a long time and heard her cry. It was difficult for me to explain to her what happened with our marriage, I did not know what to answer. How can I tell her that I have not loved her for a long time, only pity has remained of my feelings, and I have given my heart to Jane?

The next day I prepared all the documents for the divorce and the division of property. I left my house, car and 30% of my business as a wife. However, she grinned, tore the documents and said that she did not need anything from me. And then she burst into tears again. I also felt sorry for 10 years of our marriage, but her reaction only strengthened my desire to divorce.

That day I came home late, did not dine, and immediately went to bed. She sat at the table and wrote something. I woke up in the middle of the night - my wife was still writing, sitting at my desk. I didn’t care what she was doing, since I didn’t feel any closer souls with her.

In the morning, she told me that she has her own conditions for divorce. She insisted on maintaining good relations, as long as we had enough. Her argument was very convincing: a month later, our son had exams at school. She believed that such news would excite his nervous system. It was hard to disagree with her. The second condition of my wife seemed stupid to me: she wanted me to carry her out of the bedroom in my arms every morning for a month and carry her to the porch, as a reminder of how I brought her into my house after the wedding.

I did not argue, I did not care. At work, I talked about this request to Jane, to which she noted with sarcasm that it was my wife’s pathetic attempts to manipulate me in order to return me to my family.

When on the first day I took my wife in my arms, I felt awkward. We became strangers to each other. Our son saw us and joyfully jumped around: “Dad carries mom in his arms!” And the wife quietly told me: “Don’t tell him anything ...” Near the front door I put my wife on the floor, from where she went to the bus stop.

On the second day, everything turned out more naturally. I was surprised to note that I had never noticed small wrinkles on her face and some gray hair. She put so much heat into our marriage, how could I thank her?

Very soon, a small spark appeared between us. And every day this sparkle grew. And I was surprised to see that my wife is becoming easier and easier for me. I did not say anything to Jane.

When on the last day I was going to pick up my wife, I found her near the closet. She lamented that she had lost a lot of weight lately. She really lost weight, lost a lot of weight. Is she so worried about our relationship? Our son entered the room and asked when would dad carry his mother in his arms? He took it as a tradition. I took her in my arms, feeling exactly like on the day of our wedding. This is incredible: she gently hugged my neck. The only thing that haunted me was its weight.

Then I put my wife on the floor, grabbed the car keys and flew to work. When I met Jane, I told her that I didn’t want to divorce my wife, that our feelings had cooled off only because we had stopped paying attention to each other. Jane slapped me in the face and ran away in tears.

Nowadays, divorce is not uncommon, and most people perceive it as a normal phenomenon. What begins with a strange request may end unexpectedly. Believe me: after reading this article, you will understand what true love is!

“Once I returned home, took my wife by the hand and told her:“ I want to get a divorce. ” It seems that she was not upset, and only asked: “Why?”. My answer was evasive, and it made her angry. She broke a plate and shouted: "You are not a real man!" She cried all night, probably looking for the reason for my decision. But I did not love her anymore. I just felt sorry for her.

I showed her guilty documents for divorce, in which it was written that I was leaving her a house, a car and a 30% stake in my company. She looked at the papers and tore them apart.

The woman with whom I lived for 10 years seemed to me an absolutely stranger.

When I returned home the next evening, she was sitting at the table and writing something. I was hungry, but there was no food in the house, so I immediately went to bed.

The next morning, she presented me with her divorce conditions. My wife demanded one thing from me: she needed me to be with her for the next month. The reason was that our son had important exams, and she did not want to upset him with sad news.

She asked me if I remember our wedding day, and how I carried it in my arms across the threshold of our house? The conditions included a clause so that every morning I would take her out of the bedroom in my arms. It seemed to me that she was crazy. But I decided to suffer one month.

On the first day, we were both clumsy, committing this strange act. But our son was delighted and clapped his hands: "Dad carries mom in his arms!" I transferred my wife through the living room to the front door. She closed her eyes and whispered in a soft voice: "Do not tell our son about divorce."

On the second day, everything was much better. She pressed against my chest, and I could smell her body. Finally, I realized that for many years I had not looked into the face of my wife: it began to become wrinkled, and once smart hair slowly turned gray. It was clear that marriage was not an easy thing for her.

On day 3, I felt a sudden return of intimate passion. I realized that this was exactly the woman I raised in my arms 10 years ago. On days 4 and 5, proximity was felt more strongly. Every day I realized that she was becoming slimmer and lighter.

One fine day, I realized how much bitterness and pain she experienced because of me. I grabbed my head and heard the voice of my son: "Dad, it's time to carry mom!" For him, this phenomenon has become some kind of joyful ritual. I noticed how my wife grabbed her son and pressed him to her chest. I turned away, realizing that this could change everything. I went up to her, lifted her in my arms and felt her gentle with a passionate touch on my neck. I held her as tightly as on the first day of our wedding!

On the last day of the month, when everything was already to be decided, I went to the apartment of my mistress, climbed the stairs and told her: "Sorry, dear, I do not want to part with my wife."

I rushed home and remembered along the way that on the day of our wedding I promised to carry her in my arms until death do us part. I stopped at a flower shop, bought her favorite bouquet, and asked the florist to write on a note: "I will carry you in my arms every morning until death do us part."

With flowers in my hands and with a huge smile on my face, I went into the house and found out: my wife died in a dream. Doctors said she suffered from cancer. I was so passionate about my mistress that I did not notice it. She knew that she would die soon, and wanted to do the very best for me and for our son. And my promise came true ... "

This is a story about feelings, misunderstandings in the family, about how you need to notice any trifle in time, otherwise the situation will become irreparable. She appeared on the network recently, but has already managed to fly around the whole world, because her deep meaning and life lesson teaches us not to make serious mistakes that lead to irreversible consequences.

Talk of divorce

“He came home in the evening. His wife was cooking dinner as usual. For a long time he gathered his thoughts and forces, he needed to seriously talk with her about them, about their relationship. He added that something needs to be said, but she said nothing, quietly set plates of food and began to have dinner. He repeatedly noticed this unbearable pain in his eyes. But could not keep cheating on her, inside some worm gnawed, gnawed a hole until a huge hole formed, and he could not stand it and announced that he wanted to get a divorce.

She was not surprised or even angry, only quietly asked why. How he did not want to hear this question! How he did not want to answer him! And the wife got angry: she began to throw objects at the wall and screamed that he was not a man.

That evening they no longer uttered a word. He headed to the bedroom undressed and went to bed. There was no dream in any eye, but he heard his wife crying. He did not want showdown at night, did not want to rack their brains over why their marriage had fallen apart, why they always wanted to be together and he thought that he would not love anyone else, but ... And the wife was worried about the reason. And what did he need to answer? What has long stopped loving and now in his heart the beautiful Jane? There was no courage. Yes, he is a coward ...

Why did he avoid talking about divorce:

  • a pity;
  • cowardice;
  • fear seems weak.

Section of property and conditions of the wife

The morning began with the filing of documents for divorce and the division of property. He did not need anything: he gave the house, the car and 30% of the shares to his wife. He is a coward, but not a greedy cattle. However, the wife did not accept his emotional gesture, tore the documents to shreds and proudly replied that she did not need anything. Then she began to cry again. God, how he did not like women's tears!

He was sorry for the spent 10 years of family life, their marriage too. But these tantrums and anger instilled in him even greater confidence that he had done everything right. More he did not see anything in her. There was no longer that amazing woman in whom he had once been crazy and was ready to turn mountains for her. She didn't hold him anymore.

He returned home late in the evening. Did not eat dinner: there was no appetite. Entered the bedroom and immediately lay down on the bed. In the light of the night light I could see the silhouette of a wife sitting at a table and writing something. I did not remember how I fell asleep, and when I opened my eyes in the middle of the night, my wife was still sitting and writing something. In general, he did not care about her. No matter what she wrote there. He no longer saw her as a loved one. In the morning they crossed in the living room, and she said that she had written her divorce conditions:

  • The first thing she asked for was keep a good relationship   between them. He did not argue, because they had a son, and a month later he began exams at school. She believed that divorce will affect his psyche, he will not be able to pass exams, he will be depressed. It is necessary to maintain good relations for the sake of the son. At least until he passes the exams. He agreed with her.
  • The second condition surprised me. His wife wanted him to pick her up in the morning in the morning and take her out of the bedroom onto the porch. He remembers how on the day of their wedding he carried her home in his arms.

  He decided that he would not argue, because all the same it meant nothing to him: he had cooled down, he did not care. But when at work he shared this information with Jane, she laughed nervously and assured that it was a pitiful attempt by his wife to manipulate, so that he returned to the family. He shrugged, he did not care, but he knew one thing for sure: he would never return to her again.

And then the next day came when he took his wife in his arms. Awkwardness seized him. There was no intimacy for a long time, and sharp snatches of phrases that they threw at each other made them strangers. But their child happily hopped around and shouted that his father was carrying his mother in his arms and that he would also wear his future wife like that. The wife whispered in his ear to say nothing to him. He silently put his wife at the door and she went to the bus stop, and he went to work.

The second time, everything worked out naturally: she laid her head on her shoulder, and he smelled her hair. He caught himself thinkingthat he had never looked at his wife so close, did not know that she had wrinkles around her eyes, and several gray hair gave her a certain charm.

How much strength she gave to their marriage, and he acted like the last cattle! I did not notice her, did not give anything in return. He felt ashamed. On the fourth day, something woke up inside her, her heart began to bounce at the meeting with her eyes. When she passed him, he smelled her body, and he drove him crazy. It was the most coveted and best fragrance for him.

Every day, her husband fell in love with her again and didn’t notice how, after work, he hurried home to taste a hearty dinner prepared by her hands, just to see her and be with her. He also noticed that his wife is getting lighter every day, like a feather. But he thought that this was all due to divorce, worries. To wife getting closerand Jane reminded him of a neighbor: surprisingly, but he didn’t feel anything for her anymore. He looked at her and did not understand what he had found in her. I did not begin to share my thoughts with her, because I knew that this would make her angry.

The last month has come somehow quickly. I did not notice him, although what can I notice: before her eyes was only her - his wife. A man who has always been dear, dearest and only. Just a turning point in their family life. He simply thought that everything, but she did not, she saved both of them. Her faith was enough for both of them.

  So, on the last day of the month in the morning, he had to carry it in his arms again. He went up to the bedroom, and his wife stood near the closet. She chose clothes, quietly and without loud exclamations. He noticed that she was very thin, she had an unhealthy appearance. He felt sorry for her, everything was stabbed inside, and his mind was spinning: “Cattle!” “Bastard!” He was disgusting, he felt like a cruel animal that caused unbearable pain to his beloved wife.

His thoughts were interrupted by his son, who entered the bedroom. He asked when he carried his mother in his arms. For him, this has become a tradition, the beginning of a new day. He picked up his thin wife and carried him to the porch. Pictures flashed before my eyes from the day of their wedding. Just like 10 years ago, he and she, both young and so happy. She gently hugged his neck. How wonderful it was to feel like a boy in love again, whom the beautiful wife adores! But he was worried about her weight. It is abnormal, like her pale skin. He put his wife at the porch and rushed off to work.

The husband informed Jane that he would not divorce his wife. She was shocked, touched his forehead, thought that he had a temperature. But he repeated insistently that he loved his wife, that he was mistaken. They never stopped loving each other, but only stopped paying attention. Jane hit him, burst into tears and ran away. He didn't care. Let be runs and does not return. He caught himself thinking that he wanted to see his wife. Everything was stabbed inside, my heart began to beat painfully, it yearned for my beloved. He did not care about work. He went out, bought her favorite flowers (white orchid) in a flower, signed a card: “I am ready to carry you in my arms until my death!” And went home.

He was fine, he laughed for no reason, but easy on his heart. What a fool he was! He ran home, climbed the stairs, went into the bedroom and froze. She was dead. At that moment, the world collapsed, he stopped breathing, a huge lump came to his throat, tears almost strangled him.

  Later, he found out that she had cancer of the last stage and courageously fought with it. Lord, why didn’t he know ?! Yes, and why, if he was so passionate about the affair with Jane. But his wise wife knew that she would die soon, and made sure so that the son does not know anything   and so that he remains in his eyes an exemplary father and husband. The last request of his wife before the divorce forever changed his life. "

It does not matter whether you are in a relationship or not, it is important to know that even the smallest joy, attention only strengthens the family. And all this will not allow the fire to go out. It is important to be not only a lover and husband, but also a friend and faithful partner in life. Forget everything: money, work, important things. The main thing - this relationshipthat fill life with harmony and love, if surrendered completely without a trace.

“I returned home to the dinner my wife had prepared. I had a difficult conversation with her, which I began with the phrase "I need to tell you something." She did not answer and began to have supper. This is not the first time I have noticed pain in her eyes ...

But I still had to start, and I blurted out that I wanted a divorce. She did not look angry or surprised, only quietly asked a short question: “Why?” But I avoided this question, which made her very angry. My wife started throwing objects and threw a tantrum. “You are not a man!” she threw to me.

That evening we did not talk anymore. I went to the bedroom and went to bed, but I heard my wife crying. In truth, I did not intend to arrange a showdown why our marriage collapsed. But it was precisely this question that worried her. What could I answer? That I do not love her for a long time, but only regret it? And that my heart now belongs to Jane?

In the morning I signed the divorce papers and the property division. I gave my wife a house, a car and thirty percent of my company’s shares. But she only grinned and tore the documents, saying that she did not need anything from me. Then she began to cry again. I felt sorry for her ten years, and I also felt sorry for our marriage, but her reaction, her tantrums and anger strengthened me in my desire to divorce. I no longer saw in this woman that I had once loved and that had once held me by her side.

In the evening I returned very late. Without supper, I went to the bedroom and lay down. My wife sat at the table and wrote something. I quickly fell asleep, and when I woke up in the middle of the night, my wife was still writing, sitting at my desk. I didn’t care what she was doing, I no longer felt a kinship with her.

In the morning, she informed me that she had written her terms of divorce. All she needed was to try to maintain a good relationship as much as we had. Her argument was very convincing: a month later, our son had exams at school, and she believed that it was not worth disturbing his nervous system with such bad news, but we should try to maintain normal relations until he figured out the exams. I agreed, because I was forced to admit that this is the right decision. My second request from my wife seemed stupid - all she wanted was for me to take her out of the bedroom in my arms for a month every month and carry her to the porch, in memory of how, after our wedding, I brought her to the house.

I did not argue, if only because it would still mean nothing to me. But when I told Jane about this request at work, she laughed sarcastically and said that it was my wife’s pathetic attempts to manipulate me in order to return me to my family. I just shrugged, I did not care, and I was sure that this was impossible.

When I took my wife in my arms on the first day, I felt very embarrassed, because we had not had intimacy for a long time, and the conversations that have been conducted between us lately have completely made us strangers. But our son joyfully jumped around us and shouted: “Dad carries mom in his arms!” And the wife quietly told me, “Don’t tell him anything ...” Near the door, I put my wife on the floor and went to the car, she headed to the bus stop.

The second time we behaved more naturally, she bowed her head on my shoulder, and I smelled her. Suddenly, I caught myself thinking that I had not examined my own wife for a long time, did not notice small wrinkles on her face and several gray hair. She gave so much to our marriage, what did I give her in return?

The fourth day gave birth to a tiny spark between us

The next two days made me feel that the spark was growing. And I was surprised to see that my wife is becoming easier and easier for me. I did not speak about my thoughts and feelings to Jane, subconsciously realizing that this would make her angry.

On the last day, when I was to carry my wife, I found her near the closet. She chose what to wear, and lamented that she had lost a lot of weight. And then I noticed, indeed it was, she became very thin, perhaps too thin. I felt bitterness that I had caused her such pain. Our son entered the room and asked when would dad carry his mother in his arms? For him, this was the usual beginning of the day. I easily grabbed my skinny wife and carried her to the front door. I felt exactly the same as on our wedding day. She gently hugged my neck, just like then. And everything was perfect, the only thing that really upset me was the weight of my wife.

When I put my wife on my feet, I rather ran to the car and rushed off to work. There I first met Jane and told her that I had changed my mind about getting divorced. She felt my head, hoping that I had a fever and I was raving. But I repeated my desire, adding that our marriage was falling apart not because we stopped loving each other, but because we stopped paying attention to each other.

Jane slapped me in the face and ran away in tears. I really wanted to return home to my wife. I jumped out of the office and first went to the flower shop. There I bought the most beautiful bouquet, and when the seller asked what to write on the card, I replied, “It will be a pleasure for me to carry you in my arms until my death!” With a light heart, a bouquet in my hands and a smile on my lips, I flew up the stairs and ran into the bedroom. My wife was lying on the bed. She was dead

Later, I found out that my wife had courageously fought cancer for the past few months. She did not tell me anything, and I myself did not notice, since I was busy with an affair with Jane. But my wise and kind wife, knowing that she did not have long, made sure that our divorce and my new romance did not make me a monster in the eyes of my son. Seeing how I carried my mother in my arms, he will now always consider me an exemplary husband. It doesn’t matter whether you are in a relationship now or not, remember that any small joys, signs of attention, touches to your love will only strengthen and decorate the marriage. And they will not allow the spark to go out ... Be not only a lover to your soul mate, be a friend and partner in life, faithful and faithful. Forget everything - money, work, business. The main thing is relationships that will forever fill your life if they are harmonious and full of love.
  I hope my story will help someone save the family ... Many people gave up, not knowing that they are just a step away from victory! ”

It does not matter at all whether you are in a relationship now or not. We advise you to read this story about how important it is to value your loved ones. While they are near you.

  “I came home for dinner; it was mine that prepared it.” I wanted to talk to her, the conversation was not easy, and I started with the phrase “I need to tell you something” ... She did not answer anything and switched to cooking. Once again I saw the pain in her eyes. I needed to continue the conversation somehow, and I blurted out that we needed to get a divorce. She only asked: “Why?” I could not answer avoiding this question. Then she got angry, threw a tantrum, started throwing at me everything that came to hand. “You're not a man,” she cried out. There was nothing more to talk about. I went to bed, could not fall asleep for a long time and heard her cry. It was difficult for me to explain to her what happened to ours, I did not know what to answer. How can I tell her that I have not loved her for a long time, only pity has remained of my feelings, and I have given my heart to Alena?
The next day I prepared all the documents for the divorce and the division of property. I left my house, car and 30% of my business as a wife. However, she grinned, tore the documents and said that she did not need anything from me. And then she burst into tears again. I also felt sorry for 10 years of our marriage, but her reaction only strengthened my desire to divorce. That day I came home late, did not dine, and immediately went to bed. She sat at the table and wrote something. I woke up in the middle of the night - still writing, sitting at my desk. I didn’t care what she was doing, since I didn’t feel any closer souls with her. In the morning, she told me that she has her own conditions for divorce. She insisted on maintaining good relations, as long as we had enough. Her argument was very convincing: a month later, our son had exams at school. She believed that such news would excite his nervous system. It was hard to disagree with her. The second condition of my wife seemed stupid to me: she wanted me to carry her out of the bedroom in my arms every morning for a month and carry her to the porch, as a reminder of how I brought her into my house after the wedding. I did not argue, I did not care.

At work, I told Alena about this request, to which she noted with sarcasm that it was my wife’s pathetic attempts to manipulate me in order to return me to my family. When on the first day I took my wife in my arms, I felt awkward. We became strangers to each other. Our son saw us and joyfully jumped around: “Dad carries mom in his arms!” And she quietly told me: “Don’t tell him anything ...” Near the front door I put my wife on the floor, from where she went to the bus stop. On the second day, everything turned out more naturally. I was surprised to note that I had never noticed small wrinkles on her face and some gray hair. She put so much heat into ours, how could I thank her? Very soon, a small spark appeared between us. And every day this sparkle grew. And I was surprised to see that my wife is becoming easier and easier for me. When on the last day I was going to pick up my wife, I found her near the closet. She lamented that she had lost a lot of weight lately. She really lost weight, lost a lot of weight. Is she so worried about our relationship? Our son entered the room and asked when would dad carry his mother in his arms? He took it as a tradition. I took her in my arms, feeling exactly like on the day of our wedding. This is incredible: she gently hugged my neck. The only thing that haunted me was its weight. Then I put my wife on the floor, grabbed the car keys and flew to work.
  When I met Alena, I told her that I did not want to divorce my wife, that our feelings had cooled off only because we had stopped paying attention to each other. Alena slapped me in the face and ran away in tears. And I realized that I rather want to see my wife. I jumped out of the office, bought the most beautiful bouquet in the nearest flower shop, and when the seller asked what to write on the card, I replied: “It will be a pleasure for me to carry you in my arms until my death!” I arrived home, with a light heart and a smile, I climbed the stairs and ran into the bedroom. My wife was lying on the bed. She was dead ... Later, I found out that she had courageously fought cancer for the past few months. But she did not say anything to me, and I did not see anything, because I was busy with my relationship with Alena. My wife was an amazingly wise woman: so that I would not become a monster in the eyes of my son because of a divorce, she came up with all these “divorce conditions”. I hope my story helps someone save the family ... "