How to find out if a girl cheats at a distance. Exact signs of adultery. How to find out if a girl is cheating

You can understand that a girl is cheating on her boyfriend for several obvious reasons: the young lady abruptly changed her lover’s behavior for no apparent reason, she began to stay late at work and left when they called her. In addition, she does not pay attention to the guy and denies him intimacy, referring to excessive employment or fatigue. If a girl suddenly has new friends or old friends have appeared, with whom she does not consider it necessary to introduce her chosen one, or all the time she puts off acquaintance - this means that the young lady is clearly hiding something from the guy and there is reason to doubt her loyalty.

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  Key signs of infidelity

From the point of view of female psychology, adultery is an unacceptable phenomenon in relation to two loving people. If a woman cheated on her lover, being in a state of affect or under the influence of a large amount of alcoholic drinks, she would regret her deed for a long time, fearing that her beloved would learn about her betrayal and would never forgive. The young lady will avoid her chosen one and hide her eyes from him.

The main signs of adultery can be seen by analyzing the behavior of his beloved:

  • The girl does not give her personal things, which the guy used to be free to use: phone, laptop or computer, limited access to social networks and suddenly changed her password. The young lady reacts very violently if she sees her cellphone in the hands of a guy, and sets up a grand scandal about this. If someone calls her or a message arrives, she abruptly leaves for another room and does not want to say who the call was from.
  • The young lady spends all her free time away from home, referring to shopping trips with her friends, a meeting of classmates, a monthly report at work, or finds hundreds of other reasons not to stay with a man. She makes dubious friends, whom she stubbornly does not want to introduce to her young man.
  • The young lady never devoted much time to her appearance and suddenly began to take intensive care of herself, enrolled in a fitness club, dyed her hair and made a new fashionable haircut, went to the beautician, spent hours preening near the mirror.
  • The girl avoids kisses, hugs, behaves coldly and aloof with the guy, and before, she always loved to hug and bask for a long time.
  • A woman observes the man’s shortcomings, which she had not previously paid attention to, and is looking for a reason for another quarrel. A girl can afford harsh remarks about her young man and offends him with strangers.
  • The young lady for a long time does not pick up the phone or even ignores her boyfriend’s calls, stopped ringing first, but before she loved to have intimate conversations on love topics and always sent a lot of romantic SMS messages.
  • A woman constantly compares a young man with other men.
  • The young lady doesn’t react at all to her lover’s flirtation with other women, she doesn’t like jealousy when he comes home late.

You can check the fidelity of your chosen one from a distance with the help of a friend or a good friend who will invite the girl to meet and meet in a cozy restaurant. If a woman agrees, then it is not the first time she has met with strangers behind her lover's back.

How to understand that a guy is cheating

  April 2, 2015, at 19:08

Very often in the life of young people there is such a situation when a guy begins to notice changes in the behavior of his girlfriend. Moreover, these changes are not for the better. If she began to pay less attention to him than before, began to be late more often or not to come at all and to avoid meetings, then it is worth considering whether she has an affair on the side. We will help to understand this issue.

Perhaps you have at least once crept in doubts about whether your girlfriend has anyone else besides you. Have you been alerted by inexplicable behavior, indifference on the part of your soulmate? Then you should read our article. From it you will learn how you can check your girlfriend for loyalty and how to find out if she is cheating.

As you know, if a guy is cheating on a girl, then she doesn’t like him in bed. But if a girl decides to cheat on a guy - this is a clear sign that she is not happy with the relationship. Moreover, she can cheat on a guy without reporting to him at all. No wonder. Why admit to him treason if he does not suit her?

To make sure that the girl walks to the left, we suggest checking her behavior according to the criteria specified by us below:

* She doesn’t want to have sex with you. If you have not done it before - this may not mean anything. But if you had sex with her once a week or twice, and lately never even once - this is an alarming bell. It is worth considering that the girl has already managed to relax with someone else.

* She's trying too hard for you. If she managed to change you, then she will try to make amends. Affectionate words, a special attitude towards you, including in bed - should alert you. If before she did not show such attention, and now she suddenly burst through - it’s not worth it to flatter yourself. The harder she tries, the more intimate sins she has.

* She began to devote more time to herself. Explaining this behavior is quite simple. If she began to spend more time at the mirror and inspire beauty, it means that these efforts are intended for someone else.

* She often receives messages and often calls someone, leaving for another room. The girl’s phone can tell about her most secret hobbies. You can easily recognize them, you just have to read the incoming and outgoing messages, as well as break the calls.

* She often turns off the phone. It is one thing if she earns money or studies at the institute. Another is if she turns off the phone or in a conversation with you says that the phone is down, or she is sitting with her younger brother. This is also easy to verify. It is enough to ask to transfer the receiver to the brother. If she doesn’t do this, it means she is hiding something from you.

* She often lingers after studying or working. If you know that study ends at the same time, and she comes to you after a few hours, and does so regularly, it’s worth thinking hard. Ask her where she was. If she says that she was with her friend - for the first time you can forgive. But if such trips to her friend are regular - why does she go to her so often? Maybe she's lying to you? Or is her friend more important than you? Such behavior can hardly be called adequate. It is worth considering a serious conversation with her.

Do not forget the main thing: if a girl is cheating on you - most likely, she will get something from you, and compensate for the shortage on the side. Therefore, you must also think about your behavior. If you have everything in order, you are a normal guy who does everything for her - you should seriously talk to her. In an extreme case - to disperse and try to forget her.

Good luck!

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Instruction manual

Mysterious telephone conversations, correspondence via ICQ and e-mail, which she carefully hides, can talk about female infidelity. Of course, this can be connected with anything from girlfriends to spy games, but in this case it cannot be ruled out.

A woman’s infidelity can also be calculated by the new habits that she has developed. For example, she often began to twist jokes and phrases that she had not used before, or behaves differently. The resistance shown by yours can also speak of betrayal if you offer to meet her from work.

You can suspect a woman's betrayal if your girl began to show increased attention to you, take care more than usual. This behavior may indicate that she feels guilty and is trying to atone for her in this way.

You can blame a woman for treason if she began to treat you more indifferently than before. If your passion changes, then your absence ceases to confuse her, does not care about the appearance and what is happening in your life.

Of course, you can convict a woman of treason if you find direct evidence of this, for example, correspondence on the phone or on the computer, as well as photographs. Or in your absence, unfamiliar men visit her.


If you do not have direct evidence of female adultery, but only indirect signs indicate this, do not rush to get upset. Only by the totality of indirect signs can we make assumptions about treason.

Useful advice

All indirect signs may not indicate that a physical betrayal occurred, but only that another man was interested in the woman. Perhaps there is nothing between them, moreover, the other guy may not even realize that your lady of the heart has views on him.

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There are no perfect marriages, and betrayal can happen at any time. One cannot prepare for such a turn of events, but one can always be on the alert and identify it by some signs.

Instruction manual

To begin with, think about whether you need to know about treason. After all, if your partner does not discover his adventures, then he values \u200b\u200bthe relationship with you and is not going to destroy them. Sometimes it's easier to not know something than to get a shocking truth. But if you still decide, then pay attention to some details.

The man began to actively care for himself. He updated the wardrobe, spends a lot of time in front of the mirror and wonders where to buy perfumes for men - all this suggests that he has someone to show off. If before he was not so addicted to beauty, then it is worth considering.

Delays at work. He is increasingly reporting that he will not come to dinner and you better go to bed alone, as the urgent signing of the contract will force him to sit in the office until night. He stops coming for lunch, and business trips happen twice a month. If your beloved did not previously show zeal for work, then this means only one thing - he chose it as a cover for meetings with.

Changes in intimate life. Needless to say, the detection of a sexually transmitted disease is a clear sign of betrayal. Pay attention to how often you have sex. If your meetings in bed tend to zero, but this does not affect him at all, then he leaves sexual energy behind the threshold of your house.

Finding traces of another woman is the most striking evidence of treason. The smell of perfume from clothes, a trace of lipstick, scratches on the body - this can not be attributed to colleagues and neighbors in the subway.

If you know your man well, then treason  calculating is very simple - you will catch the slightest change in behavior and its habits. They usually occur as a result of relaxing communication.

Useful advice

Do not throw a tantrum due to several delays at work. Everything happens in life, and this does not mean that the man just began to change.


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As a rule, the cause of marital infidelity is love, cooled feelings for the second half, life, dissatisfaction in marriage. If noticeable changes appear in the behavior of the husband or wife, most likely he or she changes.

Instruction manual

Pay attention to the appearance of the partner. About the presence of a mistress or says a sudden careful control over the appearance, perhaps a change in the style of clothing or hairstyle. As shown in the cinema, an almost indisputable fact of betrayal is lipstick on a shirt, “alien” perfume that smells of clothing, as well as spots of “unknown origin” on underwear.

Remember if your other half has become too secretive lately. Maybe recently the husband or wife prefers not to talk on the phone with you or closes the laptop monitor when you are nearby? In this case, ask who called, or ask him to show what he (she) is hiding. If the answer is too implausible, inconsistent, illogical, etc., then it is likely that there is a fact of adultery. There are also such "instances" in which the answers are prepared in advance, so they know how to lie without visible signs of fraud. Such "professionalism" is inherent only to experienced traitors (s).

Another sign of infidelity may be a "vow of silence." For example, you suddenly noticed that a husband or wife stopped paying attention to you, and everyday conversations came down to your lonely monologue. Of course, this is not the surest criterion, because the second half may simply get tired of daily chatter. But if silence is accompanied by the appearance of secrecy or even irritability, then perhaps the point is the appearance of love on the side. Closure and aggression may not even indicate betrayal itself, but an attempt to change you.

This, as a rule, is evidenced by the inverse attitude to the second half, when a man at some point becomes more tender, caring and sympathetic than before. Such behavior may mean that the person who changed has felt guilty and wants to justify himself and at the same time feel sorry for you.

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Useful advice

One of the surest ways to find out if you are cheating or not is considered detective surveillance. In large cities, there are special agencies for these purposes.


  • identify treason

A new novel always causes a large number of emotions in a woman and greatly affects her behavior. And a man can guess about what happened by so many signs. It is important to try to maintain conspiracy, not to give himself away and not to confess.

Instruction manual

A new lover is an adventure. And in his eyes he wants to be unique. The easiest way to implement this is to take care of yourself. A woman after a long conversation with a man can afford to appear more often without eye makeup or with unshaven legs; her husband will not run away from this. The lover should see her only in perfect form. If a woman suddenly begins to follow herself, attaches great importance to the selection of a wardrobe, actively cares for her face and body, and before that she devoted a little time to this, then it can be suspected that someone has appeared.

With the advent of a lover, the rhythm of life changes. It takes time to cheat, which means the spouse lingers at work or spends a lot of time with friends. Frequent business trips or a second job can also raise doubts. Of course, if she was always home late and constantly attended clubs, gyms and various seminars, then everything is in order. But if a woman sat at home for several years, and then suddenly began to show strong activity in external life, there is reason to think.

The most commonplace way to find out about a wife’s betrayal is to look at her phone or mail. Also often lovers correspond on social networks. Usually there are traces of the presence of another man somewhere, and if you seize the moment and look into her correspondence, everything will become clear. A sign of betrayal may also be her desire to hide some data, for example, before she left many sites open, which made it easy to look there. And now suddenly there was a conspiracy, everything is closed, passwords are deleted. This is also suspicious.

An emotional state is also a sign of female infidelity. Usually it is of two types: love or wine. If the betrayal is conscious, and feelings between partners, then the woman experiences happiness. Her eyes sparkle, her smile never leaves her lips, she sings and laughs more often, she feels great. This is a woman’s natural state, it causes doubts only if before the lady acted more restrained and did not allow herself such sentimentality. Feeling guilty eats a person from the inside. If it manifests itself, then the spouse is very irritable, constantly angry or makes scandals, too picky and gloomy.

The second reason for female adultery is an attempt to avenge her husband for his infidelity. An interesting fact is that the lady does not even try to find out for sure whether she has a rival. If a girl begins to suspect you of treason, she can commit a similar act in response. Think, perhaps, you yourself caused your distrust with some of your behavior. You may have become more likely to stay at work, spend more time outside the home, without your spouse, or start hiding incoming calls and messages from her. All this could well have led her to the idea that you had betrayed your love, and in revenge a woman decides to retaliate in return.

The third reason for wife’s marital betrayal is new love. Guys can start intrigues on the side just to meet their physical needs, even if they love their soul mates. This does not apply to the fairer sex. Treason on their part is most often provoked by new feelings, emotions, new love. If your relationship has become different, colder, and the girl has met someone else, the person with whom she was able to fall in love, she will not be faithful to you, but will plunge headlong into a new stormy romance.

Just do not overdo it with your suspicion. It is possible that your loved one has a difficult period in work, for example, he is busy in a large, labor-intensive project. Then you will surely hear relevant stories about new affairs and be convinced of a big load when your soulmate receives an additional bonus.

See if your partner or partner has new things. If suddenly there are expensive gifts, jewelry, watches, new shirts and handbags, and the explanations about when and where they were bought sound rather inconsistent and unconvincing, you have something to think about.

Attitude towards you

Please note if your loved one’s attitude towards you has changed. Perhaps your husband or spouse has recently shown suspicious courtesy and care that was not previously in your relationship. It is possible that in this way a person tries to make amends to you or lull your vigilance.

See if the phone or computer of your chosen one is always in the public domain, as before. If suddenly your other half installed the code on your mobile and leaves your account on a social network before moving away from the monitor, this is suspicious. If earlier your girlfriend or boyfriend answered all the calls and talked without hesitation, and now they are quickly leaving the room and talking in a whisper, someone else may be involved.

Think whether everything is smooth in your intimate life. A person who has started an affair on the side can avoid intimacy with his spouse or partner. Therefore, the lack of sex on the initiative of your soulmate for a long time should alert you.

It happens that a guy begins to notice strange behavior behind his beloved. And his suspicions begin to creep in, does the girl cheat on him. What signs can indicate a girl’s betrayal and from what motives she can do it, now we’ll understand.

The reason for cheating guys in most cases is to get new emotions. The male gender is polygamous in nature, no matter what they say. And when a guy lives for a long time or meets the same girl, a desire for novelty appears. Even if his intimate life with a regular partner suits.

The girls are slightly different. They will not look for something on the “just like that” side, unlike men. If there is intimacy with a regular partner, then in most cases she will not have a desire to look for someone new.

But, this is a topic for a separate article. And now we will analyze the main points by which you can find out if a girl is cheating on you.

How to find out if a girl is cheating?

She began to especially monitor her appearance.

I began to devote more time to applying makeup, preening more, began to wear revealing clothes, constantly doing depilation ... the list goes on. But the meaning is the same: what or who became the incentive for such actions?

Strange phone calls and messages

She makes sure you don’t hear what she is talking on the phone. Or simply drops the call, then to call back in your absence. The same can be messages: SMS or messenger. Many guys just take the girl’s phone without her knowledge and check incoming calls and messages. On the one hand, this is a real way to find out the truth, although not wholly. But honestly, I don’t like this method at all. Everyone has the right to privacy. And the phone is such a thing where very personal information can be stored, and in a variety of ways. Therefore, do not climb without asking to climb other people's phones). The same approach is followed by the girls. How to behave in such situations will be written at the end of the article.

She turns off her phone

To prevent possible unexpected calls and messages, the girl simply turns off her cell phone. If you suspect this, tell her that you don’t know where you put your phone, and let her throw a call on him. If she starts to fuss or explain something out of place, ask why she turned off her cell phone. In general, a telephone is the best resource for finding out a girl’s behavior.

She has a weak desire for intimacy with you

If earlier this happened between you almost every day, and in a short period of time the interval has become much larger, then you should think about it. Perhaps the girl has someone on the side, and attraction to you has fallen sharply. She can come up with excuses about poor health, fatigue, lack of time, etc.

She pays special attention to you

This may be due to the fact that the girl on emotions once changed, and she began to feel guilty. Therefore, in order to prove to herself that you are her only beloved, she subconsciously can do some things unusual for her. For example, to compliment you, to become very tender and the like.

She lingers at work or study

If a girl is dating another guy, then the time spent with him needs to be hidden somehow. Therefore, she says that at work the blockage has to stay longer. Similarly, in the case of studies: preparation of term papers, participation in some events, etc. If this happens regularly, and this is followed by various explanations - an occasion to think.

What to do if there is a suspicion that the girl is cheating

Talk calmly and confidently with her. To say that you have such concerns. Explain where they came from.

Good relations do not rest on scandals and jealousy, but on trust. If it turns out that the partner’s trust has not justified, that they are being destroyed. this is for a girl: if she deceives you, and you find out for sure, she will not see you again.

There is statistics stating that couples in which both partners periodically cheat on each other are stronger and more durable. This does not mean that you need to change your soulmate, but such statistics are available. Scientists explain this by the fact that sometimes it is necessary for a person to change their partner purely physiologically. Well, treason is a short-term option for such a shift. Therefore, marriages in which a husband or wife sometimes cheat can last longer.

There are people who are sure that a negative attitude towards adultery was imposed on people by society. They are convinced that this attitude is contrary to human nature and has no foundation under it. However, opponents of adultery argue that if it were not for social restrictions, the world would have plunged into debauchery. Moreover, they are convinced that by changing their partner, a person is likened to monkeys and other animals.

As you can see, there are many ways to relate to cheating. But not all people are ready to accept the fact that their beloved person is cheating on them. This is especially true for guys for whom cheating on a girl is a real blow to their self-esteem.

Physical and emotional betrayal of a girl

There are several types of cheating that are radically different from each other. There are physiological and emotional betrayals. And if in the first case the hormones push the person for treason, then in the case of emotional treason, the person is guided by other motives.

Most often, men change purely physically. That is, they are attached to the partner with whom they changed their soulmate. And although the action of hormones does not justify physical betrayal, but after it you can maintain a relationship. Although the man betrayed his soulmate, but this does not mean that his feelings have cooled or changed for the worse. Therefore, after a purely physical betrayal without an emotional connotation, many couples retain their relationship. Moreover, after that they can become even stronger.

As for the girls, they most often change it emotionally. That is, the ladies become attached to the person with whom they are cheating on their boyfriend. Such a betrayal is much worse, because after it is impossible to maintain a relationship. Moreover, if a girl betrayed her young man emotionally, then after this relationship you do not even need to try to maintain the relationship, since they can not be returned to the previous level. Over time, they will only get worse. Indeed, if a woman betrayed her man not only physically, but also emotionally, it means that her feelings for her lover have changed for the worse.

Is it worth checking a girl for treason

Most people are convinced that in any relationship, trust is paramount. Well, jealousy and suspicions of infidelity completely cross out all the principle of trust. Therefore, many guys doubt whether it is necessary to check the girl for treason at all. These doubts are understandable, because if for no reason you start to doubt the fidelity of the girl, then this can negatively affect the relationship. These doubts are fully justified, because if a girl finds out that the guy does not trust her and checks her for loyalty, this can greatly offend the lady. That is why girls do not like jealous guys who do not trust them.

No need to check the girl for treason, if there is no reason for this. Trust your beloved if he gives no reason to doubt his loyalty and love. Be confident in your lady and do not wind yourself up with thoughts that she is cheating on you. After all, with a greater degree of probability it is true to you.

Checks for “lice” for your girlfriend should be carried out only if there are clear signs that she is cheating on you. Well, these signs will surely be. After all, no matter how well the girl hides her betrayal, she can give herself away at any moment with any trifle. Therefore, learn to recognize the signs of a girl’s infidelity.

Signs of a possible female adultery

1. The girl has become more restrictive of personal space. Any person needs to have personal space. Therefore, even the strongest couples in love can not spend all the time together. They need to rest from each other periodically. After all, if you do not do this, then relationships can quickly get bored and love will turn into hatred. So, giving a girl personal space is a must.

However, if the girl sharply fenced off from you, then this should be alarming. In that case, if a lady for no reason began to declare that she needed more personal space and you began to see each other much less often, then you will probably think about how and with whom she spends her free time. Well, if she answers your questions that it is completely unimportant, because this is her personal space, then it's time to think about how to check the girl for treason.

2. The girl began to care more about her appearance. Most women at any age care about their beauty and appearance. Moreover, for many girls this task is one of the main.

However, if your sweetheart abruptly began to zealously take care of her appearance, putting on revealing outfits and applying holiday makeup daily, then it’s time to think about who she does it for.

3. The girl began to appear new things (perfumes, jewelry, accessories). If a girl doesn’t work anywhere, but new outfits, cosmetics, underwear, perfumes and other things began to appear, then it would be logical to ask her where all this comes from. But even if the girl works, then it is worth paying attention to the sharp increase in the number of such things.

4. Silent mode on the phone. If you notice that your lady began to put the phone on silent mode, so that it was not noticeable who was calling her, be sure to pay attention to this. After all, perhaps the girl wants to hide from you that another man is calling her.

5. The girl began to linger more often at school or work. If for no reason your beloved began to linger at work or study, then this should alert you. You do not need to immediately blame the girl for betrayal, as situations at work can be completely different. Perhaps the girl really needs to linger in order to complete the project. The same applies to study. But you need to pay attention to this.

6. The lady began to chat with her ex-boyfriend. Most guys are extremely jealous of their lover's communication with her ex-boyfriend. And this is understandable, because sometimes such communication can develop into something big. Therefore, if you notice that your girlfriend began to communicate with an ex-boyfriend, then do not lose sight of this communication.

7. The girl closes the phone screen when she receives a message. Foreign messages, like letters, are indecent to read. But if your girlfriend began to close the phone’s display at any notification, then this suggests that she has her secrets.

8. The girl began to communicate less with your friends. If a lady communicated well with your friends, but now has limited communication with them, then pay attention to this.

9. Beloved is estranged from your family. If your girlfriend used to communicate well with your family, but stopped doing it, this can also be a sign of her betrayal. If a beloved betrayed you, then she will be ashamed to look into the eyes of your family. In addition, this behavior can be a signal that the girl wants to leave you, so she tries to limit communication with your family.

10. Dramatic changes in behavior. Every girl’s mood can change once a month and a man can’t tell her anything about this. But if for a long period of time a lady changes her mood every day, and her behavior is difficult to explain, then this cannot be closed. Perhaps she is cheating on you, so she is so nervous.

11. A girl often turns off the phone. If you call a girl, but instead of her voice, you often hear an operator who says that the phone is turned off, this should also alert. Surely the woman explains this by the fact that her battery is running out, but maybe she turns off the phone when she sees another guy so that no one bothers her.

12. You began to spend less time in bed. It has long been proven that girls want sex no less than men who are forced to seek it in many ways. Therefore, if your beloved refuses you this pleasure, then there is a possibility that she lacks this on the side.

13. She stopped paying attention to your mistakes. Many girls try to correct their guys by pointing out to them all their mistakes and shortcomings. But if your lady stopped doing this, then this may be a signal that she wants to leave you.

14. Password on the phone and computer. If your girlfriend suddenly has a password on her phone or laptop, this should alert you. This may mean that she has information on her phone that she needs to hide. Otherwise, she would not set passwords.

15. New password on the social network. Many couples do not hide passwords from their pages on social networks from each other. And if earlier you knew the password from your girlfriend’s page, but she changed it, then it means she started talking to someone you don’t need to know about. If your question about changing the password, the girl starts to say something about personal space, do not believe it.

16. The girl has a new acquaintance with whom she often communicates. Nowadays, girls can easily be friends with men, even without a hint of love relationships. The poem does not need to be jealous of a lady for every man from her friends list. But if she has a new acquaintance with whom she often communicates, then do not close your eyes to this communication.

17. Trips to nightclubs with friends. Any girl needs to relax with her friends. But if your beloved often travels with friends to nightclubs, then sooner or later it may end up waking up in bed with another man in the morning. So be careful of such trips.

18. A girl often leaves the room when talking on the phone. If at every call the girl leaves the rooms or leaves you, then she doesn’t want you to hear who she is talking to.

19. Periodic bouts of tenderness. If your girlfriend periodically shows you excessive tenderness and care, then perhaps she feels guilty before you and wants to atone for her.

20. The phone is constantly busy. If you call a girl, but her phone is constantly busy, be sure to find out from her with whom she speaks so often. If she says that she is constantly talking with friends, then you may doubt her honesty.

Ways to expose a girl

If you notice one or more signs of a possible betrayal by the girl, then you can check her without remorse. Your doubts may turn out to be unfounded, but you will be confident in your beloved.

1. Check her phone or computer. Discreetly check the messages that come to the girl on the phone. If the lady managed to set a password for him, then try to find out him. Take a look at the girl’s phone when he will enter the password.

2. Follow her. If a girl leaves for a walk with her friends or goes to a meeting, then you can follow her to see if she went where she spoke.

3. Ask your friend to write to her on the social network “I know everything!”. You can ask your friend to check the girl by writing her a message that he knows everything. If the girl is to blame for something, then she may start asking your friend, not telling her anything. If she is innocent, then a friend’s message can be translated as a joke.

4. Go to her earlier than you agreed. If you have agreed that you will come to the girl's home at a certain time, then visit her earlier. Thus, you can catch a girl with another man.

5. Catch her on the contradictions in the "testimony". If a girl is confused about what she tells you, then probably she is lying to you. You can catch her on this.

6. Check with whom and where she spends her time. If the girl said that she was going to drink coffee with her friends, then ask where exactly they would do it. Visit the place where your girlfriend and friends should be and see who she is actually sitting with.

7. Meet her after work or study. Perhaps you are not alone in coming to meet her.

8. Lie to her about your schedule. Tell the girl that you work all day, when you will have a day off and visit her without warning.

9. Ask her if she is cheating on you. The easiest way. But you must be prepared for the fact that the girl can lie to you.

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