A life. Death. Love. Love and Death Story Short Stories of Death for Love

Lenka woke up from the fact that the sun was shining right in the face. The feeling is not pleasant. This surprised her a little: Lena loved the bright sun, clear days. And here it hurts the eye. She stretched herself on the bed, wondering if it was time to get up or still to lie.

Kitty Kitty Kitty! she called out to Cannon, who was sitting on a chair nearby and was looking at her somehow oddly.

Lenka tried to touch him with her hand, but the cat arched its back, hissed viciously and hid under the bedside table in the hallway. "Hmm ... does the kid seem angry?" Oh sure! I forgot to buy food for him! Nothing! She won’t die until the evening! ”

And suddenly she remembered everything: and yesterday’s scandal with her older sister Anna, the clarification of relations with her beloved. Night gatherings are unknown with anyone in the bar, a dispute with a taxi driver who did not want to drive in the rain on the way past the quarry ... From the alcohol drunk in the evening, obviously unnecessary, there was a strange feeling that her body did not belong to her, and the mood was not the best . “One way or another, but I’ll have to go to Anka and pick up the little son whom she left at her weekend, and I should call her beloved as soon as possible ...”

Lenka understood that everyone with whom she swore yesterday was right, alas ... She lied to her sister for four years, telling fables that her son's father is a completely different person. And now the truth has surfaced ... And Anka exploded:

How could you contact him? Not only is he married, but also the husband of my best friend! It's outrageous! I am ashamed of you!

Anka, don’t load, you are very correct ... Everyone is fighting for his happiness ...

Have you thought about her? Fight for your own happiness at the expense of someone else's life!

And why should I care about the problems of a stranger? I have enough of my troubles!

Alien? And you did not forget that when my parents were gone, and I went to the hospital, it was Lisa who took you to her? What was your attitude to you as to your younger beloved (note: love my!) Sister? And climbed into bed with her husband? Do you understand that she will not survive if she finds out the truth about your relationship?

Lenka understood. Lisa is very, very good. But ... it happened ... Fate. He and Mitya are not to blame for falling in love.

You know that Lisa is sick ... How much is she left to be in this world? Do you want to shorten the life of the person who treated you so well?

I love him. And I will fight for him to the end!

You cannot build your happiness on someone else’s grief! No matter how beaten this phrase may be, but ...

Lenka jumped out of the apartment, slamming the door: “I'm tired! Everything is sick of me! It's time to talk to him again. Something needs to be decided! Why should I think about her, and not about my son Artem, who needs a father? Although ... I know very well that Mitya will answer ... ”Naturally, a conversation with a loved one did not give anything:

Lena, I told you a hundred times: to divorce Lisa means to kill her: a sick heart cannot stand it!

I hate you and her! - Lenka yelled into the phone, disconnected and cried: - I want to die!

Lenka remembered that then there was a bar, it seems, not even one ...

She went into the kitchen, out of habit made a sandwich and coffee. The food and drink seemed tasteless. I dialed my sister’s phone and started:

Hello? An, let's not raise this topic anymore, okay? It hurts me myself, but, understand, we are not to blame for the fact that we fell in love ... So fate decreed! Hissing in the phone, then Anna's voice from somewhere far away:

Call back, you can not hear!

“Doesn't want to talk to me? Well, okay!"

Then she decided and called Mita:

Mitka, listen ... There is silence in the receiver.

Well, Mitya ...

Not a word in return!

“Angry? Well, let!" Dressed up, left the apartment. On the stairs I ran into a neighbor:

Good morning, Maria Petrovna! But the always talkative and friendly old woman did not even look at her and went up the stairs. In the same way, woman Katya, who was sitting on a bench at the entrance, and the janitor Semyonitch reacted to Lenka: they looked at Lenka as if from scratch. "It's strange ... Did I go wild yesterday?" Okay, it’ll change, the flour will be! ”

There was no one at the stop. Lenka went to a taxi, which seemed to be waiting for her. The car started off, but the driver did not even ask where to go. She called the street and house number, but he chuckled strangely in response. The old man's face seemed familiar to her.

Here they are at the sister’s house.

Will you wait a couple of minutes?

There is no point going anywhere ... they will not see you and will not hear you.

I don’t understand ... Why? He sighed heavily.

You do not remember anything?

N-no ...

He sighed again.

I do not want to disappoint you, but you and I died yesterday ...

What?! yelled Lenka.

On a slippery road, they fell into a construction career ...

She began to remember something.

Remember what you screamed when you got drunk in my car? Not? You screamed that you want to die ... I thought about the same thing in just a minute, and I ...

What are you doing?

I have cancer, severe pains, I don’t want to be a burden for my daughter ... We ourselves called an old woman with a scythe, alas ... And she heard us.

Lenka did not believe what she heard.

Are we no more? - She thought for a moment. - So, why no one sees me ...

In the sense of not seeing? the taxi driver asked again.

Well, from the neighbors ... And my cat hissed when I called him ...

What do you want? - the man grunted. - People in this world do not see the dead, and animals are very keenly aware.

They were silent for a while. Each thought of his own. Tears flowed down Lenka's face.

Do you want me to show you something? - the taxi driver suggested and, without waiting for an answer, wiped the foggy windshield of the car. Suddenly, a picture emerged from the fog: a courtyard illuminated by the sun. Her dad and mom are sitting in the gazebo, they are drinking tea, next to her in a rocking chair is a grandmother, as usual, knits something.

Should I go to them? After all, they also died ... Oh, and what kind of two girls wave our hands?

Your children...

I have a son...

These are your unborn daughters. Remember how you terminated a pregnancy five years ago? You had twins. And you killed them then ...

Lenka rushed forward:

I will apologize to them ...

Do not rush. They have forgiven you. But you can’t go to them now.

Why? Are we dead?

We have not yet reached the world of the dead. We are between the worlds ... You and I have not yet been found. Everyone knows that we died, an oncoming car saw us, but the quarry is very deep, more than sixty meters, it is winter now, divers do not agree to sink to the bottom ... Very dangerous ...

But what about Artem? My sister Anka? Mitya? - she cried.

You will dream of them.

Dream is the boundary between two worlds, a personal space where the world of the dead meets the world of the living ...

But then what? Well, when will they bury us?

The man said muffledly:

- “Souls fly away, fly away ...

And everyone knows about relatives. And when trouble knocks on their house, they fly to the windows with a white bird ... "

Beautiful poems ... did you write?

No, this is from the Internet! Lenka somehow looked at him incredulously.

You think I've been taxing all my life? Before, daughter, I was a teacher at school. After the death of his wife, he washed down and ... here is the result: an incurable disease and ... but I was distracted. When you fall into the world of the dead, you will still remain close to your loved ones. You touch your faces with the ray of the sun, you fall in a snowflake, a drop of rain ... You knock on the window with the wind, fly a white bird on the windowsill ...

How do you know that?

I already had a clinical death. Then they saved me ... -I love my loved ones very much and want them to be happy ...

I woke up with a heavy heart, my heart was unbearably painful: Lenka was gone. I will never hear her laugh, I will not see cute dimples on her cheeks. I wanted to howl with despair. And suddenly a phrase arose in my brain: “Dream is a boundary between two worlds, a personal space where the world of the dead meets the world of the living ...”

And it dawned on me. I saw her dream, a mortal dream in which she tried to realize what had happened! "This makes no sense! It doesn’t happen! ” Suddenly, the faces of those little girls, unborn twins, stood in front of their eyes. It became bitter for the abortion made by Lenka. I am the very Mitya ...

The room smelled of cigarette smoke. I crawled out into the kitchen. Near the window, chillingly wrapping herself in a scarf, stood Lisa, my wife.

Have you lit again? You can’t!

I don’t care anymore, - she threw indifferently and added: - I feel sorry for her ... Bitch, of course, but not a bad woman. She, too, was unlucky in life. Who will your son be with now?

At first I was numb, and then squeezed out of myself:

Did you know everything? About the son?

Yes ... I knew ...

Why was she silent?

What to say? You know, my heart will not last long. The days are already numbered. I can’t give birth, and I cannot make love either - even strong positive emotions are forbidden. What can I give you? What will I leave behind? Nothing. Emptiness.

I went to the sideboard, poured myself half a glass of cognac and drank it in one gulp. I did not know what to talk about with my wife now, how to make excuses, and was it worth it? And then almost fell when Lisa said:

A dream is a boundary between two worlds, a personal space where the world of the dead meets the world of the living ... Lenka dreamed of me today ... I apologized and begged to take care of my son ... You have to take him! After all, according to her, is he officially registered for you? I was silent.

Can you hear me? the wife asked nervously.

What will we do with him? I’m at work all day ... And you ... feel bad ...

We can handle it. I promised Lenka. I must!

Lisa, it was a dream, well, or an obsession inspired by stress. You owe nothing to anyone!

You should! - the wife cried out and grabbed her heart.

You feel bad? I was worried.

Yes, I feel bad that the person I love is actually heartless and cold! Do not you understand? The boy now has nobody! He is all alone!

He has Anna ...

No aunt can replace her father! I think the conversation is over. Start paperwork.

But everything turned out to be not so simple. After all, at that time taxis had not yet been lifted. Yes, some

the guy noticed how Lenka got into this particular car, other people saw: the car flew into the quarry, but no one would give a death certificate until the bodies were identified. Officially, they did not seem to die. I called Anna:

Give me my son!

Not! If not for you, maybe my sister would be alive.

And then Lisa came to the rescue:

I'll talk to her ... She will understand. I don’t know the details of their conversation, but a couple of days later the doorbell rang. At the threshold of Anna and Artemka.

Folder, - the son cried joyfully. - How did I miss you. Do you know that mommy left?

Where to? - I don’t know why, I asked, confused.

On a business trip. For a long time. And Aunt Anya said that I would live with you now. True?

Of course...

And who are you? - the kid turned to Lisa.

I? I'm your dad’s wife. My name is Lisa.

Do you have any kids?

No, it was evident that it was difficult for her to answer.

It's a pity. Maybe later they will appear? So the son settled with us.

On the same day I dreamed of Lenka: “Thank you ... I will be with you. And I’ll start to help ... "And I again remembered:" A dream is a boundary between two worlds, a personal space where the world of the dead meets the world of the living ... "

Artem very quickly became attached to Lisa, and she to him too. And then I heard their conversation, which made me feel uneasy:

Aunt Lisa, will mom come soon? I miss her so much!

No, Temochka, not soon ... But, believe me, she is always with you! She thinks about you constantly ...

But I don’t see her?

She touches your face with a ray of sunshine, falls with a snowflake, a drop of rain ... Knocks on the wind, flies a bird on your window ... - before she had time to say this, her son yelled:

Aunt Lisa, look, there mom! - and pointed to the white dove sitting on the windowsill. “She came to say good morning to me?” - Yes baby...

And I, an adult man who passed, as they say, Crimea and Rome, stood outside the door and barely held back tears. ... The bodies of Lenka and the taxi driver were lifted in the spring. My beloved was buried in a closed coffin. Not to say goodbye, not to see for the last time, not to touch ... I never dreamed about her again. But a day after the funeral, Lisa suddenly said:

A dream is a boundary between two worlds, a personal space where the world of the dead meets the world of the living ... Larisa came to me. She said that for the last time. And there was a strange phrase: "I give you my heart ..." Probably just thanked.

What this phrase meant, we realized a few weeks later, when Lisa was put on a routine examination.

- It can not be! - surprised the doctor spread his hands. - It seems that your wife has a completely healthy heart. Without any signs of illness. Tell me, where were you treated? Abroad?

She gave her her heart to her ... - I muttered in shock.

What? Who has given? - the cardiologist did not understand my phrase.

I didn’t answer anything. Because I believe in this very difficult for myself. Did a dead woman give her unspent health to her living rival? This is from the field of science fiction novels!

Two years have passed since the death of Lenka. Artem calls Lisa mom. My wife has become a completely different person. It used to be timid, painful and quiet. I walked inaudibly, like a shadow. And now her laughter sounds more and more often in the house ... She has become stronger, makes plans for the future and no longer thinks of death. And I know who to mentally thank for this: my beloved Lenka, who gave her heart when she was lost between the two worlds and awaiting release ...

And recently we learned that Lisa and I will have a baby ... girl ... And again in my head are the words brought by angels on white wings from another world: “A dream is a boundary between two worlds, a personal space where the world meets the dead with the living world ... than I can, I will help ”

I do not want to seem crazy, but I often feel Lenka, as if she is somewhere nearby. And then I recall the words of an elderly taxi driver from Lenka’s posthumous dream: “You will always be with them. You touch your faces with the ray of the sun, you fall in a snowflake, a drop of rain ... You knock on the window with the wind, fly a white bird on the windowsill ...

I love them too much and want them to be happy ... And it hurts me so much that I can’t talk to my son, touch him ...

Everything depends only on you!"

And then I think: “Thank you, Lenka. Thanks for the son, for giving Lisa her heart, for my wife becoming completely different ... Thanks for the daughter who will be born soon ... Thank you for your boundless love for all of us ... I love you too . And I know that sooner or later we will meet. ” Souls fly away, fly away ... They cover the beloved with wings, They embrace loved ones with the warm wind. Souls fly away, fly away ...


We parted. It happened.
  What can I say, when it can be equated to death.
  Man has passed away from your life. And he won’t be anymore, he doesn’t want anymore ... imagine he finds a new love,
  and you sit and understand that you made plans, that you loved to the ends of your hair. And he didn’t cry, what happened, and it passed, it happened. It happened.
  And comes..

Vegans can do anything (

Australian vegan climbed Everest to prove that “vegans can do anything” and died
  Vegans, don't climb the mountains!

Two climbers from the Netherlands and Australia conquered the highest mountain in the world Mount Everest and died during the descent due to altitude sickness, the Associated Press reports.

Both climbers were in the same group. 35-year-old Eric A.

He hated his wife

A strong love story that will not leave you indifferent ...

He hated his wife. I hated it! They lived together for 20 years. For 20 years of his life, he saw her every day in the morning, but only in the last year his habits began to wildly irritate him. Especially one of them: to stretch out your arms and, while still in bed, say: "Hello.

Very sad story

A girl (15 years old) bought a horse. She loved her, looked after her, fed her. The horse was trained to jump up to 150 cm. He jumped without a throw and with a margin, which brought great prospects in the sport!
  One day they went to training with their horse. The girl put an obstacle And went to him ...
  The horse jumped perfectly with a huge margin .....

Doctors do not always help ...

  Mom, without stopping, wrapped him in bandages while the baby screamed from torment. Seeing the boy a year later, the world refused to believe.

A year ago, a thirty-five-year-old Stephanie Smith had a son, Isaiah. When the baby was born, her whole life was filled with love. Day and night mother and son spent together, rejoicing in each other. One ..

You never got married

I heard about a man who had avoided marriage all his life, and when he died at the age of ninety, someone asked him:
  “You never got married, but you never said why.” Now, on the verge of death, satisfy our curiosity. If there is any secret, at least now open it - you die, you leave this world. Even..

This is a story whose end we will never know ... She was 15. She was in love ... Her love was either reciprocal, or maybe not ... And is there any love at all? If so, why is it needed ?! If not, then it is visible ...
It was a quiet autumn evening. It was raining ... She was going where she herself did not know, and she was wondering why? Why? For what? ... She met with a guy for about six months. Recently, her very often dark thoughts ... More and more often she thought about parting, about death, about what will happen next and whether there is life after death ... And all this is only because they began to seem to move away from each other , or maybe it's just a transition to a new level of their relationship ... Her soul and heart were torn into two. One part repeats everything: he loves you, you fool, he just does not know how to express his feelings. The other, on the contrary, he has not loved you for a long time, and you already understand this yourself ... Don’t torment him and yourself ... But you know, the longer you are with him, the more painful you will be. So why do you need this ?! What for?! Do you like to suffer ?!
She walked along the tip of a knife ... She understands that if she reaches the end, then happiness, joy and love await her ... Well, if she breaks, then perhaps her story will end ... So she goes on her way, but recently going straight all the more difficult ... Of course, her friends always supported her, but ... but this medicine will not help for long ...
A month passed and nothing has changed ... And so she went to the last step. She decided to leave, for a long time preparing for this. On the way to this event, she shed many tears, spent a bunch of nerves, and generally thought to apply the brakes. But no, she had already decided everything, and there was no turning back.
And then the day has come! Winter ... White from the snow in the evening ... She walked ... She went to their last meeting. The last time she kissed his delicate lips, hugged, said ... Their meeting came to an end and she said:
“Honey, I need to talk to you,” she said.
“Yes, I'm listening to you,” he said in response.
- We ... We need to leave ...
- But why?! What happened?
- Do not ask me to explain everything, you and I have talked about this more than once. But you didn’t understand anything ... ”she answered, and in her voice it was heard that she was on the verge of hysteria.
She was about to leave as he grabbed her hand. She turned to him.
- Wait, I understand everything. It’s just ... I just don’t know how to express my feelings, ”he said.
“Sorry, but I have heard this more than once,” she answered and hurried away.
She left, and he all looked after her ...
She walked on ... And tears flowed down her cheeks, she understood that she could not live without him. If he will not, then why not live. She came home, went to bed ... In the morning, she firmly decided to leave. She did not go to school, but went to the nearest high-rise building. I went up to the roof and decided to take a step forward, but I couldn’t decide at all ... For an hour she tried to do it, and so she did it ... She stepped into the void ... And then it was all over ... The pain no longer bothered her ... Concerns left her ... And she regretted only one thing the most, she couldn’t say goodbye to everyone, couldn’t tell her beloved how much she loved him ...

I love you...
-Why are you silent?
-May be enough?
-I came to speak, and not to conduct a monologue.
-All. I understand. You don't love me anymore ... Answer me! It's true?
-Where are you going.
-P away from you and from this whole life.
-Home or what?
- Soon you will find out. I'll go where the nickname comes from ...
She walked away from him with fast speed and the words became illegible ... If he knew where she was going to leave ...
“Hello, mom!” The daughter ran home and kissed her beloved mother on the cheek.
- Um ... Hello ... - my mother was extremely surprised by this behavior of her daughter, since she was eight years old she didn’t communicate with her like that ...
-Mom, cook pliz pancakes! Many! Lots of! I didn’t eat your pancakes so much ... - with these words my daughter ran away to her room.
-Good ... If you want ...- Mom was in a little distraction. Could she not have guessed why her daughter needed pancakes ?! She hates them ... But her mother’s heart warmed from such a request and she did not attach much importance to this ... But in vain ...

Having run into her room, she fell onto the bed ... Tears flowed down her cheeks ... He does not love her. She guessed, but ... In her soul, the hope that he had completely destroyed today was burning up to the last. Love Lived in her heart. Fifteen years. Is that a lot? Maybe not, but she was able to love him. She is already an adult in the shower. She is not like other girls who change guys, like gloves, this is their way of life. And she lived only for them. When she was next to him, something was happening. The whole world was disappearing somewhere. And only he ... Now for the last time she experienced this feeling. She knew she was going to die. That does not die like everyone else. And because of love. She will kill herself. Today. In two hours. Exactly at 00:00 hours. After all, it was at this time that he and she met. It was in this time that the whole world turned over ... But then he turned over from love, and now ... Two hours later he will turn over, but from death ... Her scent of pancakes tickled her nostrils ... Mom ...
“I'm sorry ...” the girl whispered. “I love you, but I love him more ... I'm sorry ...”
Pain. Severe pain burned through the heart of the girl. Soul ... She was scarred. After all, life threw it from side to side. Not wanting to give a piece of happiness. But why? Fate She is cruel. The girl knew that. She knew she would become an angel. And will always see him. His bottomless green eyes ... Ah ... His eyes. 10:30 p.m. One and a half hours ... This air, there is something wrong in it. He feels the approach of death. He is cold. The pillow was wet from her tears. Useless tears, but only they helped her withstand. How often did she cry. How many nights I haven’t slept, only she knows about it ... Now only she knows ... Nobody will know. Sheet of paper touching letter:
-Sorry! Nice! I loved you, but you ... You did not understand me. I am no longer destined to live in this world. Because I feel that it will be life without you. I will free myself from torment. I guess I'm weak, but you don’t understand what pain it is ...
She folded this last manuscript into a neat little square and put it in her jacket pocket. Leave the room.
- Anechka, where are you going? But what about pancakes? -Mom came up with a kind smile on her face ... From this Anya became even more painful, she wanted to cry
-Mom, I need to go, I'm sorry, I’ll definitely eat this yummy ...- She parted kissed her mom on the cheek and quickly slipped out the door ...
“Only not later than twelve home!” My mother shouted after her.
Anya took a deep breath and walked away.

When she went outside, it began to rain heavily ... This is her friend. He always supported her and now did not want her to leave this life.
“Nothing,” she said into the void, I won’t go anywhere, I’ll be there in heaven with you.
But the rain did not understand her and continued to pour and slash her cheeks even harder. She ran there ... There, where he and she met ... It was a beautiful cliff from which the whole city is visible, and under the cliff there was a gap and a river rustled somewhere below. It was here that Anya decided to die. 23:50. Ten minutes. The rain is over. And the air was humid. She sat and listened to the silence, which was occasionally disturbed by the noise of the river ... 23:55. Suddenly, footsteps were heard somewhere in the distance. Someone was coming here. But while it was far away. She knew that. 23:58. Steps were coming. 23:59. Last minute. She stood on the edge of the cliff. The countdown went on for seconds. And suddenly he went into the clearing. She stumbled from surprise and ... Almost flew down. He managed to grab her hand. Her eyes were filled with tears and looked at him with such sadness
“Anya, I hold you, I love you, I'm a fool.” Her hand slipped slowly.
-Now I'll get you out ...
“No ...” Anya shook her head and let go of his hand ... She flew for only three seconds and stared into his eyes. These three seconds lasted like an eternity. The world was torn from love and death. His eyes were full of horror, and her gentle voice dissolved in the darkness of the abyss:
-I love you...
“I love you too ...” he whispered ...
00:30. He was sitting on a cliff and was not thinking about anything. Then he took out a mobile phone. He called someone and ... Nobody saw him again ...

The police and ambulance arrived quickly.
Later, another car came to the cliff and the mother of the battered girl ran out.
-Not! No! .. No ... she screamed and fell in front of her daughter's lifeless and bloodied body on her knees ...
She was buried on this cliff.
And the legend says that if you arrive there at 23:59, you can see two young people. Girl and boy
  sitting on the edge of the cliff, and at exactly 00:00 they will rise and fall into the abyss ... She went to where no one had returned yet, but he disappeared.
He died.
But the body did not find him ...