How to determine the sex of a child by heartbeat. What should be the fetal heart rate in early pregnancy? Determining the sex of a child by heartbeat

From the first weeks of pregnancy, future parents want to know who will be born to them, so they ask the gynecologist if it is possible to determine the sex of the child by heartbeat. And if some couples are driven by a simple interest, then for others this issue is really important.

Since ancient times, people have tried to establish, by various signs, the gender of the baby, which is in the mother's womb. Pay attention to the shape of the abdomen taste preferences pregnant woman, as well as to change her appearance. One of the ways is also considered to determine the sex of the child by the sound of his heart. How reliable is this technique? Let's try to figure it out.

Between attempts to find out the sex of the baby by outward signs in a pregnant woman and ultrasound, there is a way to determine the sex of the child by. Many, even experienced obstetricians and gynecologists, do not neglect this way of determining who a woman is waiting for: a boy or a girl.

When the male and female gametes merge, they form new life, which begins to grow and develop rapidly. Already on the 20-21st day, the heart is formed in the embryo, and some scientists call an earlier period - 14 days after the fertilization of the egg. However, at this stage it is impossible to hear its contractions.

With the help of ultrasonic sensors, the heart pulsation is determined for the first time at a period of 6-8 weeks, and it is possible to clearly hear the heart beat through the stomach with a stethoscope starting from the 20th week of pregnancy. In the same period, the woman begins to feel the first movements of the fetus.

The reproductive organs are formed in utero, but up to 8 weeks they look exactly the same in female and male fetuses. After a short period of time, it will already be quite clearly defined gender characteristics distinguishing boys and girls.

The contraction of the heart muscle of the unborn child is an important indicator that determines its full development and the normal course of pregnancy, as well as giving an answer to the question of who will be born to a woman.

Methods for determining the sex of a child by heartbeat

Determination of the sex of the unborn child by heartbeat is carried out on the basis of various cardiological indicators, which have slight differences in the male and female fetus:

  • Heart rate - a value that shows how often the work of the heart muscle occurs per minute. In boys, the heart rate is 120-140 beats, the heart of girls beats more rapidly, so this indicator fluctuates between 140-160 beats. Various conflicting opinions are expressed regarding this point: some doctors speak of the reliability of sex determination only for a period not exceeding twenty weeks, others prove the possibility of such a test at any period of pregnancy.
  • Heartbeat . Reflects the sequence of atrial and ventricular systoles and diastole. In future men, the heart beats more evenly, smoothly and rhythmically. Girls are characterized by a chaotic, agitated rhythm. In addition, in the female fetus, the heart muscle works a little quieter.
  • Topography of the heart . You can try to determine the sex of the child by the heartbeat by listening to the heart beat through the abdominal wall. If abbreviations with right side belly of a pregnant woman, then a girl will be born, if on the left - a boy.
  • Connection with maternal pulse . The heart of the male fetus contracts more loudly, clearly and simultaneously with the pulsation in the mother, in girls such a relationship was not revealed.

Method Reliability

Is it really possible precise definition gender of the baby by fetal heart rate? Some couples claim that their assumptions about who will be born to them have been confirmed. Other parents failed to find out the answer to this question, and they refute the theory by the fact that they had children of the opposite gender to the expected results.

Doctors call this technique ordinary entertainment, which helps expectant mother and the father to brighten up the waiting time for the moment when the sex of their baby becomes reliably known. The only accurate medical method for determining the gender of an unborn child is the study of amniotic waters. However, it is performed only according to indications and not in order to find out whether a boy will be born or a girl, because in some situations amniocentesis carries.

One of the most intriguing questions in the life of a pregnant woman is the gender of the future heir. Son or daughter? The answer to this question is also purely applied. Future parents want to start acquiring a dowry as soon as possible. What will it be like? With bows or airplanes? It depends on the gender of the child.

It is believed that it is possible to calculate the sex of the child by heartbeat at 12 weeks of pregnancy. Is this really so and how reliable is such a diagnosis? This will be discussed further.

To find out whether it is realistic to know the sex of a child by heartbeat at 12 weeks, you need to understand how long the heart activity of the fetus is formed.

The first weak knocks can be heard already on the fiftieth day from conception. And the heart system begins to form much earlier. The heart of the future baby begins to form already on the 25-26th day from the moment of conception. And starting from the sixth week, the first contractions already appear.

The initial rhythm of a small heart is repeated by the mother. Therefore, distinguishing these sounds can be incredibly difficult. Throughout the first trimester of pregnancy, heart contractions have a different tone, speed and other indicators. This is due to the fact that the rudiments of the nervous system are formed in the body of the future baby. Only by the end of the third month, the fetal heart sounds are more clear, confident and regular. A clear rhythm is also established. So it becomes quite possible to determine the sex of the child by heartbeat at 12 weeks.

In addition, it is by the heartbeat of a child that doctors determine the condition and correct development of the fetus. For example, a slowdown in heart rate may indicate the presence of any pathologies. The acceleration of this indicator demonstrates the anxiety of the mother or is a sign of a placentation disorder.

How does this happen

Even considering that today there are many modern ways sex determination, many still prefer antiquated methods. Determining the sex of a child by heartbeat at 12 weeks still has its supporters.

To use this diagnostic method, no expensive analyzes or studies are needed. It is enough to have a stethoscope - a small wooden tube with a funnel at the end, more like a pioneer horn. An ordinary phonendoscope, which you have seen a thousand times at a therapist's appointment, will also work.

With the help of one of these instruments, you can hear the sounds of the baby's heart. It is enough to attach it to the anterior abdominal wall of the pregnant woman's abdomen. If all is well, the doctor will hear rhythmic double knocks. In the study, indicators such as:

  • knock frequency;
  • their rhythm;
  • the point on the mother's body where the sound is heard best;
  • tone character.

Such a study is correctly called fetal auscultation.

How to hear the beat of a heart: modern methods

At 12 weeks of gestation, the sex of the child is determined by the heartbeat and with the help of more modern methods diagnostics. The most commonly used are:

  • ultrasound examination of the fetus;
  • echocardiography;
  • cardiotocography.

Ultrasound is the first and most common research method. With its help, the doctor can not only calculate the sex of the child by heartbeat at 12 weeks, but will also examine all internal organs. This is done for the earliest possible detection of various pathologies of the fetus.

An echocardiogram is performed when the doctor has noticed irregularities in the functioning of the baby's heart. The baby should grow up to 18-28 weeks, then such a procedure will become possible. For preventive purposes, echocardiography is prescribed for the following indications:

  • mother over 38;
  • a pregnant woman has diabetes;
  • the family already has children with heart defects;
  • the expectant mother suffered an infectious disease;
  • the doctor suggests a delay in intrauterine development of the fetus.

CTG is prescribed no earlier than 30 weeks. Up to this point, the results of the study are difficult to decipher. Indications for CTG are:

  • scar on the uterus;
  • the presence of late toxicosis (gestosis);
  • suspected fetal growth retardation;
  • various infections;
  • deviations in the amount of amniotic fluid;
  • chronic diseases of the mother;
  • premature aging of the placenta;
  • prolongation of pregnancy.

Is it necessary to go to the doctor

Mom can try to determine the sex of the baby by heartbeat at 12 weeks on her own. To do this, it is enough to have a medical stethoscope at home. Well, or in extreme cases, dad's ear, attached to the tummy in the right place, will do. You also need to stock up on a stopwatch and calculate how many beats your baby's heart gives out per minute.

There is another way to determine the frequency of heart beats at home. You can buy a device called a fetal doppler at medical supply stores. It allows you to hear the heart rate of the future kids and find out the exact number of beats. The device is completely safe and can be successfully used at home.

Who is entitled to

Have you already chosen a way to listen to the fetal heartbeat at 12 weeks? The gender of the baby is determined by how many beats you count in 60 seconds.

This is how the sex of the baby is determined by the heartbeat at 12 weeks. 160 beats per minute, by the way, does not necessarily absolutely predict the birth of a girl. Such indicators can be in a very actively moving boy. Therefore, the doctor can only assume gender, but not assert.

"Music of the Heart"

In addition to the heart rate, the doctor most often pays attention to other indicators. For example, heart rate. Mother nature has laid down that a man's heart is stronger, more powerful, healthier and more resilient than a tender girl's. Therefore, the "music of the heart" in boys is usually rhythmic and clear. The hearts of sensitive and tender girls beat excitedly and a little chaotically.

Experienced doctors and an obstetrician can guess the sex of the child by just one fetal heart sound. According to them, the heart of the boys makes clear, loud and clear sounds. And girlish hearts sound as if embarrassed, quieter and more muffled.

There is one more sign. If the beat of the fetal heart coincides with the rhythm of the mother's heart, a son will be born. If the rhythm does not match and the hearts are knocking, as if competing, who is more beautiful, a daughter will be born.

Where to look for a heartbeat

Determining gender by heartbeat is a very popular, and most importantly, completely safe method.

There is an opinion that future sons and daughters are placed in the mother's belly in completely different ways. Boys most often prefer the left side. And if the beat of the fetal heart is heard on the right side of the mother's abdomen, there is reason to think that there is a daughter.

Of course, most of these theories can be attributed to fortune-telling on coffee grounds, but some of them often work. The reliability of such a diagnosis is significantly influenced by many factors. Here are some of them:

  • the degree of formation of the fetal heart;
  • gestational age (during its duration, the fetal heart rate changes many times);
  • a period of sleep or activity (if the child does not sleep, the heart beats more often);
  • indicators of the health of the mother (in the presence of a lack of oxygen, the fetal heart beats more often);
  • mental and emotional state of the expectant mother;
  • the location of the body of the expectant mother at the time of the research;
  • other factors.

Method validity

How reliable is it possible to calculate the sex of a child by heartbeat at 12 weeks? Reviews of those who have already conducted such a "fortune-telling" suggest that the method can be trusted by 70 percent. As we have already found out, the characteristics of the heart rate depend on a large number of factors.

Modern medicine still prefers to determine the sex of the fetus by ultrasound. Moreover, it is best to conduct such a study when the genitals are already formed. But even in this case, the probability of error is 3-4%.


Given all of the above, it can be argued that it is possible to find out the sex of an unborn baby by heartbeat. However, you should not trust this method too much. As much as you'd like to figure this out early, don't over-rely on grandma's methods. After all, even modern high-precision medical equipment can sometimes make a mistake.

Try to perceive attempts to "declassify" the sex of the baby as interesting game. After all, in the end, it's not so important. You will love your child regardless of whether it will be a daughter or a son, right?

Every pregnant woman wants to know floor future child. For this, the so-called folk methods are used. Among those, there is also a way to determine the sex of the baby by his heartbeat.

First, it is believed that the number of beats per minute differs significantly among different sexes. Boys score below 140, while girls score higher. However official medicine does not say anything about this, so you should not trust this method, especially since the heartbeat of the fetus varies depending on the week of pregnancy.

Secondly, pay attention to the nature of the heart rhythm. It is believed that in boys the rhythm is measured, while in girls it is chaotic and more agitated. But there is an opinion that in boys the heart beats louder and coincides with the pulse of the mother, while in girls it is vice versa.

The location of the fetus also matters. If the heartbeat is heard on the left - a boy, on the right - a girl.

In practice, folk diagnostics coincide with real results only in half of the cases. In addition, many more factors affect the heart rate, which we will list below.

When does an audible fetal heartbeat begin?

Approximately 20-25 days after conception, the heart is formed. When conducting a transvaginal ultrasound at 5-6 weeks, you can see the first contracting movements. A conventional transabdominal ultrasound will only show these contractions at 6-7 weeks.

In the first trimester, the baby's heartbeat is constantly changing. For example, after the pulsations begin, the rhythm ranges from 110 to 130 beats per minute. This heart rate in the fetus is observed up to 8 weeks of pregnancy. Then it increases to 170-190. Starting from 11-12 weeks, the heart rate decreases slightly and is 140-160. Such indicators will last until the birth itself.

In the early stages of pregnancy, these jumps are quite normal and indicate the establishment of the function of the nervous system, which is responsible for the activity of internal organs.

The heart rate is an important indicator that indicates the viability of the child. For example, if the rhythm becomes more rare, drops to 85-100 beats, or vice versa, faster, rising to 200, this indicates the presence of a pathology. In such situations, immediate diagnosis of the cause of the violation is required.

If the embryo has reached a size of 8 mm, but no heartbeats are observed, then in medicine this phenomenon is called a frozen pregnancy. To confirm the diagnosis, another ultrasound is performed after 5-7 days.

So future mothers who want to determine the possible sex by the fetal heartbeat should be based on the above data. Concerning folk methods, then their results should be guided only after 21 weeks of pregnancy, when rhythm drops will no longer be observed.


EchoCG is a subtype of ultrasound. This method is used for a comprehensive study of the heart in the fetus. The device includes three scanners, each of which operates in a certain mode (one-dimensional, two-dimensional, Doppler). Carrying out the EchoCG procedure allows you to consider whether the structure of the cardiovascular system is in order or to detect violations.

When the pregnancy is equal to 28 weeks, then this study is not carried out, since for more later dates it is difficult to obtain an accurate result due to a decrease in amniotic fluid and an increase in the size of the child.


To determine the sex, a woman can listen to her heartbeat with a special device - an obstetric stethoscope. However, only one of the family members can use it, and not the pregnant woman herself. The stethoscope is a tube with a wide funnel. This side is applied to the stomach, and on the other they listen.

Auscultation is carried out at each visit to the observing gynecologist. With this method, the fetal heartbeat is heard at 21 weeks of pregnancy and until the very process of childbirth. As the baby develops in the womb, the heart sounds become more distinct.

This is the easiest and most affordable method that allows you to hear the heartbeat at home. However, the difficulty lies in the fact that there are other sounds, such as intestinal noises, that interfere with hearing the heartbeat.

An experienced doctor, listening to the heartbeat, pays attention to the following parameters:

  • The aforementioned bowel sounds. They are characterized by irregularity, transfusion and gurgling;
  • Blowing noises due to contraction of the aorta and uterine vessels (coincide with the pulse of the pregnant woman);
  • The point of the best listening is determined. Its position depends on the placement of the fetus in the uterus. For example, if the child lies head down, then it is best to listen below the navel, with a transverse presentation - at the same level as the navel, with a pelvic - above. However, with multiple pregnancies, tones can be clearly heard anywhere the stethoscope is applied;
  • Rhythm. The heartbeat of the fetus during pregnancy should be rhythmic (beats at regular intervals). Arrhythmic tones indicate congenital heart defects or oxygen starvation fetus (hypoxia);
  • The nature of the heartbeat. Clearly audible tones indicate a normal pregnancy, deaf tones indicate hypoxia. But in the latter case, the placenta located on the anterior wall of the uterus, polyhydramnios or oligohydramnios, obesity of the pregnant woman, multiple pregnancy and increased activity of the baby can serve as the cause.


In the later stages (from about 32 weeks), if necessary, use the method of cardiotocography, or KGT. Special sensors are attached to the pregnant woman's stomach and left for 1 hour. In this way, a record of the baby's heartbeats and uterine contractions is obtained. As a result, the doctor can evaluate the heart rate, as well as determine changes in the rhythm in response to contractions.

KGT is mandatory in such cases:

  • Much or little water;
  • Fetal growth retardation;
  • Violation of arterial blood flow;
  • Premature aging of the placenta;
  • Change in heart rate detected during auscultation;
  • Severe form of preeclampsia;
  • A scar on the tissues of the uterus;
  • The temperature of the pregnant woman is over 38;
  • Chronic pathologies, for example, hypertension, diabetes;
  • Induction of childbirth or their stimulation with weak labor activity;
  • Childbirth during premature or post-term pregnancy.

KGT allows not only to assess heart rate (normal - 120-160), but also rhythm variability (permissible fluctuations - 5-25 beats per minute), as well as changes in frequency due to contractions or fetal movements. In addition, this method allows you to detect an increase in heart rate or, conversely, a drop in pace.

For example, an increase in contractions is a positive sign, while the decrease is vice versa. A significant weakening of the rhythm is manifested due to fetal-placental insufficiency or oxygen starvation, but it is the norm with breech presentation fetus. A very bad indicator is a decrease in the rhythm to 70 beats per minute.

How to hear the fetal heartbeat at home

The expectant mother, like all family members, can listen to the baby's heartbeat in the womb while at home. A special device, a fetal doppler, will help her with this. It is a compact and easy to use device that you can even carry around with you. With its help, a woman can independently monitor the condition of the baby from the 12th week of pregnancy.

Now that there is an ultrasound, every expectant mother knows in advance who will be born to her - a boy or a girl. This is the most reliable method to date, which is available to everyone and can be used starting from the 18th week of pregnancy. In fairness, it should be noted that doctors do not have the task of finding out the sex of the child during the planned ultrasound examination, their goal is quite different - to find out if the fetus develops normally.

In addition to ultrasound, there are other methods, ancient and more modern. One of them is determining the sex of the child by heartbeat.

There is an opinion that in future boys and girls, the heart rate and the frequency of its contractions are not the same. It is also believed that they are located in different ways in the womb, and their heartbeat is heard from different directions.

How to determine the sex of a child by heartbeat?

  • By heart rate. It is said that girls' hearts beat faster than boys. In early pregnancy (6-7 weeks), you can count the number of strokes during ultrasound. If the heart rate is more than 140 beats per minute, a girl will be born, if less, a boy. They say that this method is reliable only for up to 20 weeks.
  • According to the rhythm of the heart. It is believed that in girls the heart beats chaotically, in boys it is calm and rhythmic. In addition, in boys, his blows are louder.
  • According to the location of the fetus. If, when listening, the heart beats on the left, then, most likely, one should expect the birth of a son, if on the right, then a daughter will be born.
  • By the heartbeat of a pregnant woman. According to this theory, to determine the sex of a child, you need to listen to her heart rate. The future boy has the same rhythm as the mother, and if the rhythms do not match, then a girl will be born.

How about really?

Medical science has not confirmed this theory, and it is officially believed that the heartbeat of an unborn baby has nothing to do with its gender.

Heart rate

Heart rate does not depend on gender, but on the period of gestation of the fetus and how its heart works.

By the heart rate, the doctor determines whether the child is developing normally. On different terms heart rate values ​​are different:

  • 6 weeks - from 90 to 110 beats / minute;
  • from 6th to 8th - from 120 to 170;
  • from the 8th to the 12th - from 160 to 190;
  • from the 12th week - from 140 to 180.

If, when listening, the baby's heart rate corresponds to the presented values, then this means that he is developing normally. Deviations from the norm most often indicate pathological conditions, such as:

  • fetal hypoxia;
  • malformations of blood vessels and heart;
  • intrauterine infection;
  • illness of a pregnant woman.

Another reason for the discrepancy between the heart rate and the norm is the intake by the mother of some medicines.

In late pregnancy (from the 34th week), deviations in the development of the unborn baby can be detected by heart rate using cardiotocography.

Heart rhythm

The heart rate of the unborn child is completely dependent on the functioning of the main organ, and has nothing to do with gender. If the fetus develops normally, then the heart will beat evenly and calmly, regardless of whether it is a boy or a girl. If the rhythm goes astray, then the reason is more likely in malformations of the heart, and not in the fact that the mother is carrying a daughter.

baby position

In the first and second trimester, the fetus is actively moving in amniotic fluid and can take any position. Starting from the 32nd week, he has less and less such opportunities, he clings to the right or left side, but this choice of place by the fetus is in no way connected with gender.

The heartbeat of the expectant mother

The heart rate and heart rate of a pregnant woman can change for various reasons. This usually happens against the background of some diseases that she suffers from. But there is no connection between the baby's heartbeat and the mother's heartbeat, and the sex of the child does not affect changes in the heart rate and heart rate in a woman.

You can't tell the sex of a baby by listening to the mother's heartbeat.

In addition, the heart rate of an unborn child cannot be the same as that of an adult. In a healthy woman, it ranges from 60 to 80 beats per minute. In a normally developing fetus, the heart beats much more often, and with such a rare pulse, we can talk about severe pathology and the risk of abortion.


So, we can conclude that the method of determining sex by heartbeat is very doubtful. Any coincidences can be considered just an accident. This method is not confirmed by medical scientists and cannot be taken seriously.

The most reliable way to find out the sex with an accuracy of 95-97% is an ultrasound (starting from the 18th week of pregnancy). But even in this case, errors and inconsistencies are possible. You can find out for sure who will be born only after the baby is born.

The heart of a new man begins to beat as one of the first organs after 1 month of pregnancy, when other organs and limbs are in their infancy. The heartbeat of the fetus by weeks of gestation differs in the frequency of beats, rhythm and other indicators. Listening to the contractions of the heart of the embryo allows obstetricians to judge the health of the unborn baby. Experienced midwives can be found at early dates who will be born in 9 months - a boy or a girl.

Medicine cannot explain why a certain group of cells in a fetus at one moment begins to contract and a heartbeat appears. The heartbeat is the only indicator for a period of 4-12 weeks, by which it can be determined that a new life is developing inside a woman. Well-perceived fetal movements, tremors, bumps begin after 16-20 weeks of gestation.

At different times, the heartbeat of the embryo can be determined by methods:

  • Ultrasound - from 4 to 20 weeks;
  • listening through a phonendoscope - from 20 weeks. before giving birth;
  • listening through the tube - from 20 weeks. before giving birth;
  • echocardiograph - in the last stages of pregnancy;
  • cardiotocograph - used during childbirth.

In the early stages of pregnancy, the heartbeat of the embryo is shown by an ultrasound machine. The study is safe for the fetus, allows you to identify possible deviations from the norm. Ultrasound is performed as planned:

  • 10-13 weeks - the first (transvaginal ultrasound);
  • 20-22 weeks - the second (transabdominal);
  • 32-34 (7-8 months) - the third.

From the 20th week, a regular examination by a gynecologist is accompanied by listening through an obstetric tube or a phonendoscope - auscultation.

To do this, the doctor determines the position of the child, attaches the tube to the pregnant woman's stomach and listens to the baby's heartbeats. Such a study for experienced gynecologists gives a complete picture of the development of the fetus by months.

During childbirth or in cases of diagnosing abnormalities in a future toddler, a carditocograph or echocardiograph is used. A special belt with sensors is attached to the belly of a pregnant woman during contractions. The obstetrician listens to the knocks and determines how the uterus is contracting, how the baby is undergoing childbirth, whether he is experiencing oxygen starvation.

Heart rate

The first contractions of the embryo's heart appear already at 4-6 weeks of gestation. Some doctors claim that heart cells begin to beat in the fetus 12-14 days after conception. With the help of sensitive equipment during an external examination, contractions can be calculated at 2 months.

By beating in the first months, an experienced obstetrician can easily determine the gestation period and even the sex of the child. Up to 12-13 weeks, a small motor works differently, depending on the period, changing the rhythm and frequency of contractions. A professional gynecologist will be able to tell with great certainty whether the mother will have a boy or a girl by the heart rate of the embryo. A more accurate forecast can be given after 20 weeks. gestation.

So, up to 6-8 weeks, the main organ of the child gives out 110-130 beats / min. 9-10 weeks - contractions increase to 170-190 beats. From 11 to 13 - contractions decrease, amount to 140-160 beats / min. From 12-13 weeks. the rhythm and frequency are normalized, set within 140-160 beats until the very birth. From week 13, the obstetrician-gynecologist switches to the auscultation form of research.

The rate of fetal development is determined by the heart rate:

  • 7 weeks - should be 110-130 contractions per minute;
  • 12-13 weeks - from 140 to 160 beats per minute.

Embryo heart rate table

Pregnancy period, weeks Embryo heart rate
4-6 80-85
6 100-130
7 130-150
8 150-170
9 155-195
10 160-180
11 150-180
12 150-175
13 150-170
14-40 145-165

In case of deviation from the norm to a greater or lesser extent, it is necessary to give Special attention supply of oxygen to the fetus, as an indication of concomitant diseases of the pregnant woman. Deviations from the norm may be the result of developing pathologies of the embryo, but it is difficult to judge this without additional research.

Deaf tones that can be heard during the examination may be the result of:

  • polyhydramnios;
  • the presence of excess weight in a pregnant woman;
  • attachment of a child's place on the anterior wall of the uterus.

The absence of cardiac tremors indicates the death of the fetus and requires surgical intervention, artificial stimulation of labor.

Sex determination in the early stages

Official medicine denies the possibility of determining the sex of a child by heartbeat. Numerous experiments have been carried out all over the world, according to the results of which it is possible to predict with a certainty of 60-70% who will be born - a boy or a girl. In boys, the heart beats more often, in girls, the contraction rate is slightly lower than 140. The heartbeat of future boys after 12 weeks is more than 140 beats / min.

Gender prediction is made more difficult by other factors that determine heart rate. A boy or girl can actively move while listening, or vice versa, relax.

The lack of oxygen significantly affects the performance - it reduces the frequency, makes the tones deaf. Abnormalities can also cause a rapid or slow heartbeat.

As an alternative or in addition to the heart rate calculation method, there are folk omens helping to determine the sex of the future peanut. If there is a boy, the woman has severe toxicosis, an acute stomach, if the mother prefers to eat sweets, then there will be a girl. There are a lot of such signs and, despite centuries of practice, there are also misfires here.

The method of calculating the heart rate in the embryo is relevant after 12-13 weeks, when the genitals are formed. In the early stages, sex determination is difficult due to the unstable rhythm. But after 20 weeks, it is possible to determine with 100% probability whether a boy or a girl lives in her mother's tummy using ultrasound.

Hearing the first heartbeats of your unborn baby is the dream of any woman. By and large, it doesn’t matter to a future mother whether a boy or a girl is born, the main thing is that the baby is healthy and full. And yet, the method of determining the sex of a child by heartbeat remains terribly interesting for young parents. Although with any forecast for a period of 9 months it will become clear whether a boy or a girl develops in the mother's stomach.