A small message about an unusual family. The most unusual families in the world. a photo. Risking life for the sake of having children

In the old days, parents gave the child unpretentious names that directly reflected the essence of real events. The boy could be called Zhdan, Pervun, the Second. In Soviet times, you could come up with a name in a revolutionary way. In the USSR, Sparks, Oktyabrins, Lenins, could be called Sickle and Hammer.

In addition, one could even find abbreviation names, for example, the courageous Pofistal (Fascism Conqueror Joseph Stalin), the incomprehensible Perkosrak (First Space Rocket), the beautiful Revdit (Child of the Revolution), and even Dazdraperma, known to everyone for sure (Long live May 1).

The name Dazdraperm is not so obsolete.

Modern names that surprised the whole world

Now the fashion is a little different, but the original and interesting names have become no less. Parents who gave their beloved son the name BOCH rVF 260602, “the biological object of a person of the Voronin-Frolov family” were very distinguished, the numbers are simply the date of birth.

It is difficult to imagine how affectionately the parents of the child are called, but it is known that his dad also plans to take such a name soon.

Also in Russia, kids from April, March, Moon, Cosmos, Lunalika, Wind grow and delight those around them - these are kind of fresh natural names.

There are children who bear the names of Fox and Dolphin, Whale, Mercury, Ocean. Some names draw a direct parallel to the divine origin of children; it is not for nothing that many mothers and fathers call their children angels: Angel Mary, Messiah, Jesus, Buddha-Alexander, Christamrirados.

Double and even triple names are no less popular: Polina-Polina, Casper the Beloved, Nikolai-Nikita-Neil, Matvey-Rainbow, Monono Nikita, Summerset Ocean, Luka-Schastye, Zarya-Zaryanitsa, Sofia-Solnyshko, Yaroslav-Lyutobor.

There is a wonderful family in which children try to give monarchical names: Tsar, King, Sovereign, Queen. An exception was made for the youngest daughter, she became the Beloved-Beauty-Clever girl. Older children, also called by common names, also plan to change them so as not to stand out from the rest.

Russia is not original in the matter of choosing a name for children, in some countries children are given a very long name, the longer, the happier the child will be, parents are sure. Such cases are not uncommon in Spain, India. And in France there were four brothers named January and February, April and March. Their surname was also unusual - 1792.

I think each of us at least once called his family the Adams family. Indeed, in each family unique ones are born that can bring its other members to madness. But believe me, in the world there are truly unique families with which it is difficult to compete in non-standard.

Unique Albinos

In Brazil, in the state of Pernambuco, an unusual family lives in truth. Father and mother are very ordinary Brazilians, but three of their five children were born with completely white skin. This is just a unique case, because even the theoretical possibility of having an albino in a Brazilian family is one in seventeen thousand cases.

Albino children in a small town cannot be envied. All their life they hear ridicule, neighbors forbid their children to play with them, and their mother was once arrested on suspicion of abducting white children.

Snow Indians

Another unique albino family lives in India. Unlike their Brazilian “colleagues”, where some members of the family are albinos, in the Indian family all its members have white skin and hair. All 10 family members, and even grandchildren, are 100% albinos. The Pullan family is proud of their skin color and unusualness, although in the hot climate of India it gives them a lot of trouble.

Risking life for the sake of having children

The American Stacy Herald, it would seem, is a "standard" American family - a husband and three children. But Stacy gave birth to all the children, risking her life, because her growth is a little more than 70 centimeters, and Stacy is considered the shortest mother in the world.

Stacy suffers from a rare osteogenesis disease that causes brittle bones and underdeveloped lungs. The difference with the growth of her husband in Stacy becomes more than a meter. Each pregnancy was a risk to her life, because newborn children were almost half the height of their mother, and the small size of Stacy's internal organs simply could not bear the load when carrying children. But this is not the worst. Two out of three children inherited a mother’s disease. But, despite this, parents are not going to stop replenishing in the family. Opinions on this decision, of course, differ - is it worth it to give life to children, knowing that they will be sick all their lives? Probably these parents think they can do it.

For 20 years not a single girl

Another unique family lives in the USA. All its members have standard height, weight and white skin color. But over a 20-year period of the appearance of children in this family, only boys are born. Jay and Kaitieri Schwandt never knew the gender of the unborn child. Mom admits that she does not even imagine what kind of reaction she would have if a girl was born.

In 2015, their family was replenished with the thirteenth son. The number "thirteen" mom considers significant. She herself was the thirteenth child in the family, and her youngest son was born on the 13th and became the 13th child. Do parents want to try their luck and give birth to a baby? Until they said yes, they didn’t say no.

Hairy beauties

Another unusual family lives in India, which consists of seven women - a mother and her six daughters. The father of the family, for whom the mother was married at the age of 12, died. What is special about these women? Three out of six daughters suffer from a rare disease of hypertrichosis - excessive hairiness. Anita Samari Rauz’s mother is convinced that the girl’s werewolf gene was inherited from her father, whom she married “under pain of death”.

But not everything is so sad. After the family was shown on TV, the girls were helped to undergo a laser hair removal procedure, after which they were noticeably prettier.

Wholesale cheaper?

Another family lives in the USA, known all over the world thanks to their mother Nadia Suleiman. Being not married, she brings up 14 children, 8 of which were born on the same day. The Eight was born when a woman already had six children. A multiple pregnancy occurred as a result of artificial insemination, to which she had resorted before. Nadia admits that she did not expect so many children.

The life of Nadi Suleiman causes a lot of controversy in society. After all, she is unemployed, lives on social benefits and money from talk shows, where she is constantly invited. Once she admitted that she wanted to have many children to imitate her idol Angelina Jolie, because Nadia even did plastic surgery to look like a star. She is also accused of filming pornographic videos. Whatever it was, but Nadia claims that she is a happy mother and loves her children.

Involuntarily twins

American married couple Lizi and Adriana Shepard got married in 1994. They dreamed of children, but pregnancy did not occur. Then the couple decided to do IVF. Of the 14 embryos, 12 they froze, and 2 used. They had wonderful twin girls.

A few years later, they wanted another child. The couple went to the same clinic and used one of the frozen embryos. When their third daughter was born, Lizi and Adriana were speechless - the girl was just a copy of her older sisters. It turns out that the twins were born with a difference of 11 years! I wonder if the youngest daughter will look like only externally on older sisters or will she take over their character?

Polygamy is not a hindrance to the family

The USA is really rich in non-standard families, probably because people are not afraid to live the way they want and do not adapt to other people's rules. In this family, everyone has normal height and weight, and their children are born on time. What makes them different from everyone else? Difficult family relationships. This family consists of 8 adults and 3 children. Who are they each other? To be honest, it's hard to figure out.

Spouses Siera and Martin have been married for 9 years, they have two daughters. Spouses Molly and David have been married for 15 years and have a daughter. These couples are in a polyamorous relationship with each other, while having other lovers.

All members of this union are familiar with each other and have excellent relations with them. Are they jealous of their rightful halves? They claim not. They can meet other people openly, not lie and not feel guilty about it. Spouses claim that in such a tandem, their marriages became even stronger, and love only multiplied.

Their children do not lack love. If one of their parents goes to "rest", the other one will definitely stay at home. This is the golden rule. By the way, children are familiar with the partners of their parents, but for children they are “friends” of mom and dad. If parents have unforeseen situations at work, they ask lovers to sit with their children. Everyone is happy and everyone is happy! Are these people doing the right thing? I don’t know, but I have no right to judge them.

Of course, this article does not collect all the amazing families living in the world. But if you know those, you can add to this list.

Imagine a newborn child, small and beautiful, but unable to eat, dress, warm up, defend himself or even move from place to place.

God sends each of us to the earth helpless. We become completely dependent on our family and friends. By nature, we have been given a family to satisfy our needs, to protect us and to prepare for all the difficulties that we will face in our adult lives.

Sometimes you think your family is strange. Yes, every family is unique in its own way. But you will probably change your mind after reading this information.

Here are a few families whose existence is impossible to believe.

Daggar family

James Robert (Jim Bob) Daggar and Michelle Annette Daggar were married July 21, 1984, right after Michelle graduated from high school. The girl chose not to go to college, but to start a family. Initially, the Daggars decided not to rush with the children and used contraceptives in the early years of their marriage.

After giving birth to her first child, Joshua, Michelle decided to take birth control pills again. However, the pills failed to prevent an unwanted pregnancy. Soon she broke, a miscarriage occurred. The couple decided to completely abandon any contraceptives and decided to give birth to as many children as God would allow them. After some time, Michelle became pregnant again, but this time gave birth to the first pair of twins, Jane and John-David. This woman is a real heroine mother. For 22 years, she had 17 pregnancies. The interval between each was approximately 1 year.

How did the family get crazy success?

The Daggar family was quite large and unknown to anyone, lived in Arkansas, but at one point their life changed. The family became interested in television, they were invited to take part in the American reality show 19 Kids and Counting. The family has 19 children - 9 girls and 10 boys, all of whose names begin with the letter J.

It all started with the fact that the producers accidentally stumbled upon a photo of Jim Bob Daggar and his wife Michelle, who came as a family to the election of the United States Senator in 2002. All family members were dressed in red outfits and lined up in a row.

About the family, they published it in a magazine, and then they offered to star in a reality show. The family became famous, began to tour. Nobody, perhaps, has been able to earn a fortune so easily.

The show lasted 10 seasons until the producers closed it due to the fact that the oldest son, Josh Daggar, committed sexual violence against five girls, among his victims were his sisters.

Love between grandmother and grandson

“I'm in love with my grandson, and we are expecting a baby,” said 72-year-old Pearl Carter. This is a story you may not believe in, but it really happened. Gray-haired Pearl Carter and her 26-year-old grandson Phil Bailey are madly in love. Their love is so strong that they decided to have a baby. They decided to spend all their savings to use the services of a surrogate mother.

Bailey found Miss Carter after the death of her mother. When they met, a spark broke out between them, despite the age difference of 46 years. Phil admitted that he was always attracted to women of Balzac age. Since Carter was already physically unable to give birth to children, she spent all her savings of GBP 20,000 (approximately RUB 1,700,000) on the services of a surrogate mother.

Bearded lady and her son

62-year-old Vivian Wheeler was in the Guinness Book of Records as a woman with the longest beard - 11 inches (28 cm). Vivian Wheeler has a son, Richard Lawrence, but they have not seen each other for many years, since the boy was raised by his father. Wheeler was born hermaphrodite and suffered from hypertrichosis, also known as werewolf syndrome. According to doctors, Vivian should not have become a mother, but she managed to get pregnant and give birth to a son. Immediately after birth, the father of the child, who worked in the circus with the girl, took her son from her and gave him to the adoptive family.

At the age of 33, Richard decided to find his biological mother. He asked the state for help. And after six weeks, he found out that his mother was still alive, that she was the most famous bearded woman in the world, Vivian Wheeler. After years of separation, mother and son finally reunited.

Do you still think that your family is strange and somehow different from others? It is unlikely that you are most likely shocked by what you read.

Each zodiac sign has its own weaknesses, and there are wonderful advantages that make it admirable, special and unique. These advantages are especially vivid in love.

What can surprise and please you with a romantic relationship with a representative of each of the signs of the zodiac? What do they feel, how do they express their love, and what romantic qualities compare favorably on the love front from their rivals and competitors?

The good news: each of the zodiac signs in love has at least five advantages, its secret weapon. Choose the person that is right for you, and be truly happy with him!

Advantages of Capricorn

1. Capricorns usually succeed in creating meaningful and perfect relationships.
2. You do not have to worry about the wandering eyes of your partner Capricorn, because they will be directed only at you.
3. The practical nature of Capricorn guarantees a minimum of family quarrels.
4. Capricorn is not afraid to be persistent and take the initiative in bed.
5. Whether you are faced with a tough situation at work or just woke up after a nightmare - you will always find support from your partner Capricorn.

Scale Benefits

1. They love to make their partners happy, at times overly pleasing to them.
2. Libra is full of charm and romance. It doesn't matter how long you have been together, but they will never stop flirting with you.
3. For Libra, a prelude is very important. Libra will not spare time and will surely make sure that their loving partner is completely satisfied.
4. The calm and peaceful nature of Libra allows them to easily get along with everyone, wasting a minimum of effort to resolve conflict situations.
5. Scales love comfort and beauty, therefore they are happy to create them around them.

Scorpio Benefits

1. Passion and strength make a close relationship with Scorpio a completely unusual experience.
2. Scorpions are not afraid of intimacy, on the contrary - they crave it. Your connection with such a person will develop successfully.
3. Scorpio always takes relationships seriously. If you gave him a reason, and then changed your mind - it will be quite difficult to disperse.
4. The mysterious nature of Scorpio is interesting in that, no matter how much you learn about your Scorpio, there will always be secrets that you will want to reveal.
5. Scorpio is a very addicted person. He is interested in everything from cooking or politics, to art and relationships.

Twins Benefits

1. Twins are very attractive, which allows them to quickly make friends and lovers. Your relationship will be filled with fun and coquetry for many years.
2. Gemini's sharp mind and sense of humor will often make you laugh.
3. You will never have to worry about lack of communication, because Gemini is always ready to talk about everything honestly.
4. Twins love to travel and have fun, with them you will never be bored.
5. With regard to conversations on the most explicit topics, the Twins will be able to very quickly switch to the level of confidence in communication, even if your relationship has not yet reached bed.

Cancer Benefits

1. Cancer's favorite pastime is spending time with a loved one.
2. The Cancer partner should be prepared for his constant, sincere care and guardianship.
3. Cancer knows how to experience deep feelings and, unlike many other signs, is not afraid to show them.
4. Cancer knows how to make intimate relationships with him passionate, meaningful and meaningful.
5. Cancer invests a lot of time and energy in making its home cozy and welcoming.

Leo's Benefits

1. Leo’s confidence and strength are very sexual in themselves and act on the opposite sex no worse than an aphrodisiac.
2. You will never feel a lack of kisses, hugs, love and signs of attention and admiration for your Leo.
3. The most important hobby of Leo in life is love. Therefore, he will never accept your relationship as a kind of routine.
4. Energetic, passionate and creative nature makes Lviv amazing lovers.
5. A strong and ferocious Leo will always protect you.

Aquarius Benefits

1. In relations with Aquarius, you will always feel that your partner is your best friend.
2. Aquarius lives in a world of ideas, so he always has enough topics for conversation.
3. Aquarius's love of justice means that he strives for an equal partnership, where both people are happy and surrounded by care.
4. Acquaintance with Aquarius will certainly guarantee you to expand the circle of communication. He always has many friends and he will be pleased to introduce you to them.
5. The ingenuity of Aquarius suggests that he is not against experiments in bed.

Virgo Benefits

1. Virgo will always try to support you at the very moment when it is needed.
2. Virgo values \u200b\u200bcommunication and a variety of interests.
3. Virgo are distinguished by a romantic and caring nature, which is perfectly realized in love relationships.
4. Virgo is very neat and looks good.
5. Virgo have a desire for excellence in all areas of life. This quality often translates into a wonderful pastime in bed.

Aries Benefits

1. Sex with Aries will never be boring. And since Aries is also very hardy, it will not be fast.
2. Aries is quick-tempered, but quick-witted, so any of your disputes will be resolved very soon and will be forgotten soon.
3. Aries loves spontaneity and will often surprise you with random gifts, love letters and adventures.
4. Aries is a fighter. You can always expect Aries to fight for you.
5. There is no need to worry about stagnation in your relationship - life with Aries is always filled with excitement and adventure.

Fish Benefits

1. The fish are romantic and extremely sexy. A close relationship with a Fish partner will provide you with an amazing experience.
2. Congenital intuition allows Pisces to easily anticipate your needs and capture the meaning of conversation even with light hints.
3. Pisces are able to express their love and adoration in a beautiful poetic form.
4. Pisces are not afraid to sacrifice something for the sake of relations, therefore they are not very prone to adultery.
5. Fish are tender and romantic, so your union will always be full of pleasant surprises.

Taurus Benefits

1. Taurus is the most faithful people on earth you have ever met. After Taurus paid attention to you, he will not back down.
2. The deeply sensual nature of Taurus will maximize itself in the bedroom. He will effectively take advantage of the time available to give you pleasure.
3. Taurus will pamper you with expensive things, extravagant dinners and fine wine.
4. The question of the “true” motives or intentions of your Taurus partner will never occur to you, because Taurus is simple and true to yourself. Their intentions and motives are always in full view.
5. In a difficult situation, Taurus will always be there and take care of you.

Sagittarius Benefits

1. An optimistic Sagittarius approach every relationship with an open mind and the best of intentions.
2. Regardless of whether they want to leave or spend the rest of their lives with you, Sagittarius is always honest.
3. With his independent disposition, Sagittarius demonstrates confidence in the reliability of your relationship, even if you are separated.
4. An idealistic attitude towards the life of Sagittarius allows him to see only the best sides in his partner.
5. Being in bed with Sagittarius means becoming a participant in an energetic and incendiary process that cannot be forgotten.