Lunar calendar of Biosavka May of the Year. Lunar calendar haircuts on May - favorable days. Number: Descending Moon in the constellation Aquarius

Moon calendar They made up in ancient times, with the help of long and thorough observation of the influence of the Moon phases on the growth of human hair and his health in general. Astrologers argue that the lunar calendar hairstyle is an indispensable assistant in all matters related to hair (haircut, painting, chemical curvage, etc.)

Astrologers believe that the moon has a direct impact on all living on Earth. It is known that the moon phases can affect the circulation of fluid in nature. Based on these considerations, root and tubers were planted on a decreasing moon. Plants planted on a growing moon, the value of which is above the ground

For successful hair cuts in April 2018, it is necessary to consider such parameters:

  • the state of the moon (the most successful haircuts for the growing hair in the growing moon);
  • the most successful haircut will be in full moon;
  • it is better to go to the hairdresser at a time when the moon in the signs of a lion, calf, scales or maids

In the event that you have problems with hair, then we manage their condition and appearance Not only expensive cosmetics, homemade hair masks and various vitamins, and and correctly selected for all this time. In this you will help the lunar hair cutting calendar

Especially important on the lunar calendar pick up a day for the first haircut of your baby. In order for a child in the future there were lovely thick and silky hair, his first haircut should be only on the growing moon, and not to the new moon

If you like to change the hairstyle, then it is better to carry out the change of image in accordance with the haircut calendar, because in this case it is desirable that the hair grew quickly. In such a situation, it is best to choose a date on the lunar calendar when the growing moon is in the first (I) or in the second (II) quarter. It happens that people do not want to visit the hairdresser to visit the turnover, in this case, too, the famous hair cutting calendar for 2018, because with his help you can choose the day when the moon agitates. Haircuts at such a time will strengthen your braids and prevent their loss, but the growth will noticeably slow down. It is important to remember that the new moon is best to abandon the haircuts at all, since the haircut is shortening the life of a person at this time.

Lunar Chemical Curlery Calendar for April 2018

Moon calendar chemical curvage It suggests that the hair curling successfully passes with any phase of the moon in the days of the Virgin. Unsuccessful curling will be in the days of cancer, fish, aquarius and scorpion. During the days of Leo, the curling may be too strong, because these days the hair goes on themselves

Lunar hair color calendar for April

It is best to paint with a growing moon, in this case the paint will stay better and longer. If staining falls on a decreasing moon, the paint will wash off much faster

Favorable days for haircuts

In order for your hair to grow faster and become curly, it is necessary to cut into favorable days For haircuts. The most favorable days for the haircut in April 2018 are easily identified by a lunar calendar. Properly selected favorable day will allow in several races to increase the growth rate of your braids

Monday - a great day for haircuts. On this day with hair will leave a large number of Negative energy and unsolvable problems. Monday is also successful for hair coloring

Tuesday - a good day for a haircut, if you lack vitality and perseverance. On Wednesday, the lunar hair cutting calendar advises to make a haircut, if you want to bring new people in your life and new events

Thursday - a great day, haircut on this day will be able to bring changes in the relationship with others, will increase your popularity

Friday How does the lunar hair cutting calendar perfect day for your beauty. Having done a hairstyle on this day, you will become more beautiful!

Saturday - a favorable day for haircuts. In case of haircuts on this day, the hair is healing, karmic debts are removed

Sunday Lunar Haircut Calendar The Haircut advises not to stand at all. On this day you can cut off your possible fate. It is better to make a hair weekend and pamper yourself with various homemade hair masks

Adverse Haircut Days

If you need to slow down hair growth, you can also use the lunar hair clip calendar for 2018. This calendar will help, determine which days it is best to produce hair removal with wax, epilator and other means. The definition of adverse days is useful for a strong half of humanity, because so men will have to shave, which will save a lot of time

Moon Hair Removal Calendar

Before you begin to remove unwanted vegetation, remember that it does not follow the removal of unwanted vegetation on the growing moon, because in this case they grow quite quickly. If you remove vegetation when the growing moon is in a virgin or lion, besides the fact that they will quickly grow up, they will become much thicker. The most favorable period for hair removal is a decreasing moon in Capricorn, and other days of descending except Lion and Virgin.

Calendar of favorable and unfavorable days for beauty and health for August 2016

August 1, Monday, Moon in Cancer
Health - The position of the moon makes vulnerable chest area, chest, stomach, liver and gallbladder. It is not recommended to make operations on the listed organs, as well as on the milk glasses.

Today it is easy to poison, so unfamiliar medicines and alcohol do not need to take.
A favorable day for a visit to the dentist, the treatment of legs, tendons, diseases associated with the metabolic disorder, visits to the manual therapist.
beauty - An unfavorable day for plastic operations, especially on lactic glands.
In order to avoid damage to the hair structure, do not strive, do not paint and do not curly hair.
Today the skin is vulnerable, so peeling, the removal of corns and acne, the tan is better to postpone at another time.
Favorable spa procedures, rejuvenating facial procedures, hair removal, short-term starvation, gymnastics for face muscles.
Good taking baths with marine Solu And herbs. Morning, - with the grass of the Hypericum, evening with Valerian, chamomile.
Good milk and cottage cheese masks for face and body.
August 2, Tuesday, New Moon, Moon in Lev
Health - The day unfavorable for operations, visits to the dentist. Watch your well-being, take the necessary medicines.
Beauty is an unfavorable day for any procedures. Dedote this day to rest, planning. Spend it in the opportunity calmly, not spending energy.

August 3, Wednesday, Moon in Lev
Health - When finding the moon in the zodiac sign, it is necessary to take care of the heart and avoid unnecessary loads and unrest.
An unsuccessful day for operations on the heart, vessels, in the back of the back and sternum.
Can exacerbate radiculitis.
beauty Cosmetic operations in the field of chin and neck, rejuvenating procedures and any efforts aimed at improving their beauty are favorable.
Good time for haircuts, harvested hair roots and their structure. Hair becomes curly and grow faster.
You can paint your hair, the redheads are good. Chemical curling may be too crispy.
Today it is useful to beat egg yolk And after washing the heads to launch into the skin of the head, bite the hair, in 15-20 minutes rinse with warm water. This procedure helps to strengthen hair bulbs and strengthening their growth.
From drying hair, hairdryer should be abstained. Upite the most needed, use the hairdryer not earlier than 15 minutes after the head washed. Try not to dry your hair too hot air.
Unfavorable - epilation, peeling, deep cleaning of the skin, the removal of moles and warts, piercing the ears.
It is not desirable to visit the solarium, sunbathing in the sun - you can get burns.
It is good to make nutritious and moisturizing masks for which you can use products containing salts, clay, minerals.
August 4, Thursday, Moon in Lev, from 10.34 in Virgo
Health - Today, unfavorable day for any procedures on the head, - Hair cuts, dental removal, operations.
The most vulnerable organs of digestion. Operations on the stomach, intestines, liver, spleen, etc. It is better to transfer to a more favorable time.

beauty - An unfavorable day for any procedures on the head, so it is better to refrain from haircuting, staining and chemical curling hair.
You can remove corn, make therapeutic feet for legs peeling, deep cleaning of the skin. You can do plastic operations, just not in the field of waist and not head.

August 5, Friday, Moon in Virgo
It is undesirable to starve, but it is better to refuse an animal of origin.
beauty - Good day for hair cutting, chemical curling and styling, as well as staining.
Especially successful will be the shades of the Brunette and Shatten. The hairstyle will keep the shape for a long time, improved the structure of the hair and they will grow faster.

It is useful to make a mask for skin from salt and honey, it will remove swelling, improve blood circulation.
Good to make a massage of the spine, hands, feet, knees.
August 6, Saturday, Moon in Virgo
Health - Today, the most vulnerable organs of digestion. Operations on the stomach, intestines, liver, spleen, etc. It is better to transfer to a more favorable time.
Useful starvation or simple abstinence from food.
Try not to get out the respiratory authorities.
beauty - One of the most favorable days for hair cutting, chemical curling and styling, as well as staining. Especially successful will be the shades of the Brunette and Shatten. The hairstyle will keep the shape for a long time, improved the structure of the hair and they will grow faster.
You can remove corn, make therapeutic feet for legs peeling, deep cleaning of the skin. You can make plastic surgery, only not in the waist area.
It is useful to make a mask for skin from salt and honey, it will remove swelling, improve blood circulation.
Good to make a massage of the spine, hands, feet, knees.
August 7, Sunday, moon in scales
Health - We pay attention to the kidneys, urinary bubble and ureterals. They are desirable to transfer operations to other days.
A favorable day for a visit to the dentist.
Increased the danger of viral infections.
beauty - One of the most favorable days for holding plastic operations, restoring damaged eyebrows and eyelashes.
An unfavorable day for hair cutting.
You can do peeling, wrapping, manicure.

August 8, Monday, Moon in the scales
Health - Today is an unfavorable day for operations.
We pay attention to the kidneys, urinary bubble and ureters. Refrain from salted and acute food.
beauty - You can make peeling, wraps, manicure, haircut and chemical curuy hair. Hair dye is most suitable for light tonesBut favorably for everyone else.
Useful body massage using essential oils, Gymnastics for the eyes and aimed at the development of the flexibility of the spine.
In addition, today you can visit the stores to buy perfumes, cosmetics, fashionable and beautiful clothes, Linen, interior items and gifts for your beloved.
August 9, Tuesday, Moon in Scorpio
Health - Today it is very easy to shrank the bladder and childbearing bodies. Sexual contacts and operations in childbearing organs, and chest organs are not recommended.
It is possible to exacerbate intercostal neuralgia, angina region.

August 10, Wednesday, Moon in Scorpio
Health - Today it is very easy to shrank the bladder and childbearing bodies. Sexual contacts and operations in childbearing organs are not recommended.
beauty - today is not suitable for cosmetic procedures. Unsuccessful day for haircut, curling and hair coloring. Chemicals act very strongly, hair can be "moved"
Vulnerable skin. On such a day, even a proven cosmetic can cause allergies.
Try to use soft, gentle facilities in the field of face and bust.
The day is not suitable for peeling, deep cleaning of the skin, the removal of acne and corns.
It is useful to make a contrast shower and alternately hot and cold compresses on the neck and bust area.

Lunar Beauty and Health Calendar for May 2016
Calendar of favorable and unfavorable days for plastic and surgical operations, hair cutting, chemical curling, staining, etc.

May 11, Moon in Cancer, Wednesday
Health - Today the risk of viral infections is exacerbated.
The position of the moon makes vulnerable chest area, chest, stomach, liver and gallbladder. It is not recommended to make operations on the listed organs, as well as on the milk glasses.
Today it is easy to poison, so unfamiliar medicines and alcohol do not need to take.
An unfavorable day for a visit to the dentist.
The treatment of legs, tendons, diseases associated with metabolic disorders, visiting the manual therapist will pass well.
beauty - An unfavorable day for plastic operations, especially on lactic glands.
An unfavorable day for hair cuts, as well as staining and chemical curling. Chemicals aggressively act on the scalp and hair structure and can harm them.
Today the skin is vulnerable, so peeling, the removal of corns and acne, the tan is better to postpone at another time.
Favorable spa procedures, rejuvenating facial procedures, hair removal, short-term starvation, gymnastics for face muscles.
Good taking baths with sea salt and herbs. Morning baths, - with the grass of the Hypericum, evening baths with Valerian, chamomile.
Good milk and cottage cheese masks for face and body.
May 12, Thursday, Moon in Lev
Health - When finding the moon in the zodiac sign, it is necessary to take care of the heart and avoid unnecessary loads and unrest. An unsuccessful day for operations on the heart, vessels, in the back of the back and sternum.
Can exacerbate radiculitis.

You can paint your hair, the redheads are good. Chemical curling can turn out too crispy.

May 13, Friday, Moon in Lev
Health - Today the risk of food poisonings increases, the exacerbation of intercostal neuralgia, angina region.
When finding the moon in the zodiac sign, it is necessary to take care of the heart and avoid unnecessary loads and unrest. An unsuccessful day for operations on the heart, vessels, in the back of the back and sternum.
Can exacerbate radiculitis.
beauty Cosmetic operations in the field of chin and neck, rejuvenating procedures and any efforts aimed at improving their beauty are favorable.
Good time for haircuts, harvested hair roots and their structure. Hair becomes curly and grow faster.
You can paint your hair, the redheads are good. The chemical curling hair can be too crispy.
Today it is useful to beat egg yolk and after washing the heads to launch into the skin of the head, bite your hair, in 15-20 minutes rinse with warm water. This procedure helps to strengthen hair bulbs and strengthening their growth.
From drying hair, hairdryer should be abstained. Upite the most needed, use the hairdryer not earlier than 15 minutes after the head washed. Try not to dry your hair too hot air.
Unfavorable - epilation, peeling, deep cleaning of the skin, the removal of moles and warts, piercing the ears.
It is not desirable to visit the solarium, you can get burns.
It is good to make nutritious and moisturizing masks for which you can use products containing salts, clay, minerals.
May 14, Saturday, Moon in Virgin from 8.52


May 15, Sunday, Moon in Virgo
Health - Today, the most vulnerable organs of digestion. Operations on the stomach, intestines, liver, spleen, etc. It is better to transfer to a more favorable time.
Useful starvation or simple abstinence from food.
beauty - An unfavorable day for haircuting hair. You can paint and pump your hair, they will save the form for a long time.
You can remove corn, make therapeutic feet for legs peeling, deep cleaning of the skin. You can make plastic surgery, only not in the waist area.
It is useful to make a mask for skin from salt and honey, it will remove swelling, improve blood circulation.
Good to make a massage of the spine, hands, feet, knees.
May 16, Monday, Moon in Virgo
Health - Today, the most vulnerable organs of digestion. Operations on the stomach, intestines, liver, spleen, etc. It is better to transfer to a more favorable time.
Useful starvation or simple abstinence from food.
beauty - Good day for hair cutting, chemical curling and styling, as well as staining. Especially successful will be the shades of the Brunette and Shatten. The hairstyle will keep the shape for a long time, improved the structure of the hair and they will grow faster.
You can remove corn, make therapeutic feet for legs peeling, deep cleaning of the skin. You can make plastic surgery, only not in the waist area.
It is useful to make a mask for skin from salt and honey, it will remove swelling, improve blood circulation.
Good to make a massage of the spine, hands, feet, knees.
May 17, Tuesday, Moon in the scales
Health - An unfavorable day for any operations. Today you need to devote special attention kidneys, urinary bubble and ureters.

beauty - An unfavorable day for haircuting hair.
You can make peeling, wraps, manicure, pedicure. Hair staining is most suitable for light tones, but favorably and for everyone else.

May 18, Wednesday, Moon in the scales.
Health - You need to pay special attention to the kidneys, bladder and ureterals. They are desirable to transfer operations to other days.
A favorable day for a visit to the dentist.
Refrain from salted and acute food, dress warmer.
beauty - One of the most favorable days for holding plastic operations, restoring damaged eyebrows and eyelashes.
You can make peeling, wraps, manicure, haircut and chemical curuy hair. Hair staining is most suitable for light tones, but favorably and for everyone else.
Common body massage using essential oils, eye gymnastics and aimed at developing the flexibility of the spine.
In addition, today you can visit the shops to buy perfumes, cosmetics, fashionable and beautiful clothes, underwear, interior items and gifts for your beloved.
May 19, Thursday, Moon in Scorpio from 9.29


May 20, Friday, Moon in Scorpio
Health - Today it is very easy to shrank the bladder and childbearing bodies. Sexual contacts are not recommended.
Good day for the treatment of upper respiratory tract, angina.
beauty - Today is not suitable for cosmetic procedures. Unsuccessful day for haircut, curling and hair coloring. Chemicals act very strongly, hair can be "moved"
Vulnerable skin. On such a day, even a proven cosmetic can cause allergies.
Try to use soft, gentle facilities in the field of face and bust.
The day is not suitable for peeling, deep cleaning of the skin, the removal of acne and corns.
It is useful to make a contrast shower and alternately hot and cold compresses on the neck and bust area.
May 21, Saturday, Moon in Scorpio
Health - Today the risk of food poisonings increases, it is easy to shrank the bladder and childbearing organs. Sexual contacts are not recommended.
Good day for the treatment of upper respiratory tract, angina.
beauty - Today is not suitable for cosmetic procedures. Unsuccessful day for haircut, curling and hair coloring. Chemicals act very strongly, hair can be "moved"
Vulnerable skin. On such a day, even a proven cosmetic can cause allergies.
Try to use soft, gentle facilities in the field of face and bust.
The day is not suitable for peeling, deep cleaning of the skin, the removal of acne and corns.
It is useful to make a contrast shower and alternately hot and cold compresses on the neck and bust area.
May 22, Sunday, Moon in Sagittarius, full moon.
Health - An unfavorable day for any operations, visits to the dentist.
beauty - An unfavorable day for any cosmetic procedures.
May 23, Monday, Moon in Sagittarius.
Health - When finding the moon in Sagittarius, become vulnerable hips, liver, veins. These days do operations on these bodies, as well as to do blood transfusion, donate blood - it is not recommended. As usual, we are not talking about urgent cases.
Guard low part Spine, hip body part. Do not make sharp movements.
Food is recommended protein, preferably vegetable origin.
beauty - A good day for hair cutting, chemical curling and staining, especially in redheads.
It is possible to carry out the procedures for rejuvenation, actively struggle with cellulite. Especially favorably make a massage using a cream, which includes caffeine, theophylline, silicon, vitamin A, essential oil.
For face and body should use nutrient masks containing organic products - honey olive oil, egg yolk.
May 24, Tuesday, Moon in Capricorn from 8.34
These days, the risk of fractures increases sharply, the exacerbation of appendix, a large intestine.
A visit to the dentist, a manual therapist, operations on a bustling bubble, pancreas and spleen desirable to transfer to other days.

Well there is salted food.

May 25, Wednesday, Moon in Capricorn.
Health - Today is an unfavorable day for any operations. You need to protect the bones, spine and skin cover, as well as eyes and upper parts.
These days, the risk of fractures increases sharply, be careful. A visit to the dentist, the manual therapist is desirable to transfer to other days.
Good effect will give the treatment of gastritis, ulcers and other stomach diseases.
Well there is salted food.
beauty - It's good to remove unnecessary hair, since they will not grow long. For the same reason, it should be refrained from haircuting hair.
It is good to hold events aimed at strengthening hair bulbs and hair growth.
Great time to make manicure and pedicure.
The period is not suitable for deep cleaning And skin peeling, but very favorable for the procedures for rejuvenation and improving the structure of the skin.
May 26, Thursday, Moon in Capricorn, from 17.27 in Aquarius.
Health - Today we take care of the bones, spine and skin cover.
These days, the risk of fractures increases sharply, be careful. A visit to the dentist, a manual therapist, operations on a bustling bubble, pancreas and spleen desirable to transfer to other days.
Good effect will give the treatment of gastritis, ulcers and other stomach diseases.
Well there is salted food.
beauty - It's good to remove unnecessary hair, since they will not grow long. For the same reason, it should be refrained from haircuting hair.
It is good to hold events aimed at strengthening hair bulbs and hair growth.
Great time to make manicure and pedicure.
The period is not suitable for deep cleaning and peeling of the skin, but very favorable for the procedures for rejuvenation and improving the structure of the skin.
May 27, Friday, Moon in Aquarius
Health - Special attention is paid to the legs and joints, the lower part of the spine, hip joints.
An unfavorable day for operations on the legs, eyes, the treatment of the nervous system, arthritis.
It is useful to go to the pool.
Hair cut is unfavorable. Curl and hair cutting can disappoint you, so it is recommended to transfer the procedures with hair to more favorable days.

May 28, Saturday, Moon in Aquarius
Health - Special attention is paid to the legs and joints, spine. An unfavorable day for operations on the legs, eyes, the treatment of the nervous system, arthritis.
It is useful to go to the pool.
beauty - Good all procedures aimed at rejuvenation, tan, using anti-stress masks, face balms, citrus masks, moisturizing creams and silicon creams.
Haircut, curling and hair coloring can disappoint you, so it is recommended to transfer the procedures with hair to more favorable days.
Positive manicure, pedicure, hand massage and legs, treat cracks on the skin of the legs.
May 29, Sunday, Moon in Fish


Recommended day sleep.
May 30, Monday, Moon in Fish
Health - Today especially sensitive feet, fingers of legs, leather and liver. Operations on these bodies are unfavorable.
Wear comfortable shoes, go less, refrain from taking alcohol, less drink.
beauty - On this day, you should not plan various plastic operations, try out new cosmetics.
Do not trigger, make a chemical twist or hair coloring.
It is good to use moisturizing masks with echinacea, scarlet, marine extracts, remove hair on the legs and in other places where they are not needed.
To clean the skin, you can use gentle cosmetics, soft gels, cosmetic milk, oatmeal.
Good spend preventive actions on flatfoot I. varicose expansion veins.
Very useful will be a common massage and especially foot massage, feet, which is most useful to spend immediately after taking a bath with a chamomile or valerian while the muscles of the body are relaxed.
Recommended day sleep.
May 31, Tuesday, Moon in Aries
Health - The moon in the Avane causes tension in the head and all organs with it connected.
Conduct operations on the head, face, eyes are extremely undesirable.
Advocate to the dentist, especially in order to remove teeth.
beauty - It is advisable to refrain from painting hair, curling and haircuts, as well as piercing the ears.
Try to be less in the sun, do not go to the solarium.
It is hardly possible to satisfy today's hair styling if you use wax or collagen-containing emulsions.
Do not make peeling, deep skin cleansing.
It's good easy to walk, breathe fresh air, make a lightweight body massage, apply nutritious face masks, moisturize the skin.
You can remove papillomas, warts, ingrown nails.

August 1 - An unfavorable day for haircut, staining and chemical curling. Try to comb your hair carefully and very carefully. It is undesirable to use a hairdryer, an iron, curling tongs.

August 2 - An unfavorable day for haircut, staining and chemical curling. Hair requires careful circulation.

August 3rd - An unfavorable day for any hair manipulations. Treat them as careful as possible. Minimize hair effects high temperatures and chemicals: the negative reaction is likely, allergic is possible.

August 4 - A favorable day for haircut and hair coloring. You can make a chemical twist if your goal is not clear neat curls, but free curls.

5th of August - A favorable day for haircuting hair. Staining will also be successful, and natural, and artificial dyes can be used for it.

August 6. - A favorable day for haircut and hair coloring. Nutritional masks Particularly useful.

August 7 - A favorable day for haircut and hair coloring. Careful procedures are effective, the head massage is useful.

August 10 - You can cut the bangs or hair tips, update the shape of the hairstyle. Any aggressive impacts are undesirable.

August 13 - A favorable day for haircut, staining and chemical curling hair. Careful procedures are effective in the sauna and bath.

August 18 - It is advisable to refrain from any serious impact on the hair; They require the most careful relationship. Careful procedures are ineffective, probability allergic reactions high.

August 19 - An unfavorable day for haircut, staining or chemical curling. Hair can be confused and break more than usual.

August 20 - An unfavorable day for haircut, staining or chemical curling hair. Careful procedures are ineffective.

August 21 - An unfavorable day for haircut, staining or chemical curling hair. You can use for washing shampoos for deep cleansing. Massage of the scalp is useful.

August 22 - An unfavorable day for haircuting, staining and chemical curling, it is advisable to avoid any aggressive impact. Wash, dry and comb hair is very careful.

August 23 - An unfavorable day for haircut, staining and chemical curling hair. It is advisable to wash the hair with cool water or cold grain bravery, dry naturally.

24 August - An unfavorable day for haircut, staining and chemical curling hair. Hair can break and be confused, comb their carefully.

In May, we begin to actively prepare for the beach season - we increase the physical exertion, visit the solarium and introduce into the daily care of leather products containing UV filters. However, at the same time, many for some reason forget that hair also needs special care.

This month, hairdressers are recommended to regularly use shampoos and balm protection with ultraviolet protection, more often to make moisturizing masks, rinse the hair with mineral water and spend the shielding procedure in the cabin. All this will make hair more attractive and save them from the negative impact of the external environment.

Well, naturally, before going to the hairdresser and hold any procedures at home, do not forget to look at our lunar cutter of the haircut for May 2016. He will tell the best time for certain manipulations, and if you relate your actions with the movement of the Moon, we will have an invaluable service.

By tradition, explain how to use our calendar. The first thing to pay attention to is the time to which the lunar day lasts (it is indicated in brackets). If it ends, for example, in two or three o'clock in the morning, then immediately see the recommendations for the next date. That is, the number remains the same, and the astrological influence changes.

It happens that the first half of the day is completely not suitable for any manipulations with hair, since any impact on them is fraught with serious problems on both physical and metaphysical levels. But then you can create with your hair all that wanted, and it will benefit her.

For clarity we will analyze May 15, 2016. Until 13:25 (Moscow time) it is better to leave her hair alone, so as not to harm your health, the flow of financial affairs and relationships with relatives. But after 13:25, haircut, staining, salon and home procedures will be extremely successful and will be favorably affected not only on your curls, but also on many aspects of your existence.

Please note that this month, the Moon often goes into another zodiac sign after the start of the next lunar day, in the evening or shortly before midnight, respectively, the recommendations are given to this factor.

As a supplement to our lunar strife calendar, we offer you a small bonus:

Best days for manicure and pedicure: 15 (after 13:25), 16 (until 20:32), 26 (after 17:26), 27, 28.

Best days for hair removal: 5 (after 20:09), 24 (until 22:48), 26 (until 17:26).

The first decade of May

Hair cutting calendar for May 2016

May 1, Sunday, 23rd lunar day (until 2:38, later focus on the 24th lunar day), Moon in fish.

Today is a completely wrong day for a haircut - it will negatively affect the health of your hair and your psychological state. Staining is also not recommended. Home and salon benefit procedures will not bring. The only thing that should be done is - after visiting crowded places to rinse the head with water, infused on silver.

May 2, Monday, 24th Lunar Day (until 3:06, later focus on the 25th lunar day), the moon in the fish.

This day is also not suitable for haircuts, staining and for conducting therapeutic and preventive procedures. Especially you should not use hair masks own cooking.

May 3, Tuesday, 25th lunar day (up to 3:31, later focus on the 26th lunar day), Moon in Aries.

Again an unfavorable day for visiting the hairdressing salon. Haircut is fraught with a deterioration of the condition of hair and confusion in current affairs. From staining, as from home procedures, it is also better to refrain.

May 4, Wednesday, 26th Lunar Day (up to 3:57, later focus on the 27th lunar day), Moon in Aries.

And again there is no time for haircuting, staining, clarification, chemical curling and additional hairdressing procedures. In addition, you should not use a hairdryer and styler and use alcohol-based styling.

Hair cutting calendar for May 2016

May 5, Thursday, 27th lunar day (up to 4:23, later focus on the 28th lunar day), Moon in Taurus.

This day is also not suitable for visiting the hairdresser. In addition, both on the eve, it is better not to use fixtures for hot laying and strong fixing agents. There will be no sense from home procedures.

May 6, Friday, 28th Lunar Day (until 4:51), 29th Lunar Day (until 22:29, later focus on the 1st lunar day), New Moon, Moon in Taurus.

Another opportunity day for any hairdressing procedures. The haircut is fraught with financial losses and problems in home affairs, and staining will negatively affect hair health. Home procedures are also better not to spend.

May 7, Saturday, 1st lunar day (until 5:25, Later, focus on the 2nd lunar day), the moon in the twins.

Today is a failed day for haircut and staining. But it is quite favorable for therapeutic procedures aimed at restoring damaged hair tips.

May 8, Sunday, 2nd Lunar Day (until 6:04, Later, focus on the 3rd lunar day), the moon in the twins.

And again it is not recommended to cut and make staining, but it is worth turning on fantasy and imagine what you would like to see on your head. Fix the invented image - embodying it in reality on May 17, you will get an excellent result. If you have already decided on a haircut and hair color, it makes sense to pick up the coming day for you and on the lunar calendar for a visit to the salon, call and make an appointment to the master.

May 9, Monday, 3rd Moonday (until 6:52, later focus on the 4th lunar day), the moon in cancer.

Today is a great day to visit the hairdresser. Bold experiments and magnificent, air hairstyles are welcome, you can make a creative haircut, fantasy staining, change dramatically image. Home benefit procedures will not bring, but in the cabin it is to conduct hair ionization.

May 10, Tuesday, 4th Lunar Day (until 7:48, later focus on the 5th lunar day), the moon in cancer.

Today it makes sense to cut only if you wore for a long time long hair And suddenly decided to drastically short haircut. Coloring is not rebeling, but from multicolor coloring unnatural shades is better to refrain. From home procedures, the healing masks using blue clay and moisturizing - based on algae will be the most successful.

The second decade of May

Hair cutting calendar for May 2016

May 11, Wednesday, 5th Lunar Day (up to 8:52, Later, focus on the 6th lunar day), the moon in cancer.

This day is not very well suited for a haircut, but it is quite favorable for secondary staining. The primary is better not to do, if only you are not going to paint gray and restore your natural color. From home procedures, the most effective will be the ones that you have already tried and obtained the result fully.

May 12, Thursday, 6th lunar day (up to 9:59, later focus on the 7th lunar day), Moon in Lev.

Today is quite a favorable day for the haircut. However, it is desirable to avoid experiments - a new image is unlikely to have to taste. It is not necessary to make creative staining, and if you collect it for the first time, it is best to give preference to golden, wheat and reddish tones. In addition, the carving will be very successful. From home procedures, honey masks will bring the greatest benefit.

May 13, Friday, 7th Lunar Day (until 11:08, Later, focus on the 8th lunar day), 1st quarter, Moon in Lev.

This day is superbly suitable for visiting the hairdressing salon. If there is a desire to attract attention with an extravagant haircut or original staining, then do not deny yourself in this pleasure. Today it is possible to paint - even the most brave image of the surrounding will perceive quite adequately, and on you it is perfectly "attached."

May 14, Saturday, 8th lunar day (until 12:17, later focus on the 9th lunar day), Moon in Virgin.

Today is a very favorable day for a haircut - it will help to update the energy, save you from the accumulated negative, will bring joy to your life. Staining is not rebeling, but it is better to give preference to natural or gentle dyes and natural shades. From home procedures, those that are directed to the treatment of the scalp and hair restoration will be most effective.

May 15, Sunday, 9th Lunar Day (until 13:25, later focus on the 10th lunar day), Moon in Virgo.

This day is absolutely not suitable for haircut and staining. From home procedures, it is also better to refrain - they will give a diametrically opposite result. In general, if possible, reduce any impact on the hair and do not let the strangers touch them.

Hair cutting calendar for May 2016

May 16, Monday, 10th Lunar Day (until 14:32, later focus on the 11th lunar day), the moon in the scales.

Today is a great day to visit the cabin. The haircut favorably affects the health of the hair and the general condition of the body will attract new material benefits to you and will have a positive effect on all your existence. Coloring will be very successful - the paint will retain its original color for a long time. Any home and salon procedures will bring great benefits.

May 17, Tuesday, 11th Lunar Day (until 15:38, later focus on the 12th lunar day), the moon in the scales.

Another very suitable day for a hairdresser's visit. You can implement our bold plans into reality, change the image, make a haircut, like a favorite movie star. Successful will fantasy staining. However, it is recommended to refrain from asymmetric hairstyles, and additional procedures, both salon and homemade, will be useless.

May 18, Wednesday, 12th Lunar Day (until 16:44, later focus on the 13th lunar day), the moon in the scales.

Today, a magnificent day for a haircut - she will attract positive attention to you, they will attract some very generous gifts of people and fate, will help to find a mental balance and can even lure love. True, as on the eve, it is worth refraining from asymmetric hairstyles, as well as from sharp contrasts when painting. In the cabin it is recommended to make lamination or shielding, and at home - to arrange a long-term combing session with the methodical ventilation of strands.

May 19, Thursday, 13th lunar day (until 17:49, later focus on the 14th lunar day), Moon in Scorpio.

This day is suitable for the haircut only, provided that you have no stress, depression and any neuroses, otherwise your condition will deteriorate. Staining is not reborn, but should not be returned to the color that you had some time ago: along with him and old problems will be returned; It is better to just update the shade that you have now. Home benefit procedures will not bring.

May 20, Friday, 14th Lunar Day (until 18:54, later focus on the 15th lunar day), Moon in Scorpio.

Today, as on the day before, it is standing only if there are no problems with the nervous system. But if you are completely healthy, the haircut will benefit to affect your sexual attractiveness and even perhaps will attract some erotic adventure to you. If you are going to make primary staining, then avoid gloomy shades, especially black. Home procedures Choose intuitive.

Third decade of May

Hair cutting calendar for May 2016

May 21, Saturday, 15th Lunar Day (until 19:58, later focus on the 16th lunar day), Moon in Sagittarius.

This day is categorically not suitable for a haircut - it will aggravate all the problems available and provokes new ones, and in almost all spheres of your existence. Staining is also not recommended, as fraught chemical burn and the emergence of allergies. Home procedures will not help, but will harm. In general, leave your hair alone and if possible, do not leave the house without a headdress.

May 22, Sunday, 16th lunar day (until 21:00, later focus on the 17th lunar day), full moon, moon in Sagittarius.

Another unfavorable day for haircuts and staining - they are unlikely to give the result that you expected. But very effective will be therapeutic procedures aimed at improving the scalp, and any intensive combing.

Until 17:26, it is recommended extremely staining in natural colors and head massages. After this time - a magnificent moment for a haircut: it will not only make you more attractive, but also help to find the original way out of some difficult situation. Pay attention to the insights that will visit you when you stay in a hairdresser's chair. In addition, it is possible to choose a new extravagant image by the Nativity, to radically change the image, try some innovative salon procedures.

May 27, Friday, the 20th lunar day continues (up to 0:10, later orient on the 21st lunar day), the moon in aquare.

Dedicate those 10 minutes that remained from 20 lunar days, thoughtful and thorough comb. Do not forget to lift and venture strands.

May 28, Saturday, 21st Lunar Day (up 0:43, later focus on the 22nd lunar day), Moon in Aquarius.

Today is an excellent day for a hairdresser's visit. Bold experiments are welcome, you can drastically change the hairstyle and the color of the hair, bring bright strands, decorate the hair to be ladder. We will be successful cascade haircuts And staining in the Sombrov technique, the light curls are good. Home procedures are not recommended, and in the cabin it is worth making ionization.

May 29, Sunday, 22nd Lunar Day (up to 1:11, later focus on the 23rd lunar day), 4th quarter, Moon in fish.

This day is completely not suitable for haircut, dyeing, home and salon procedures. The only thing that should be done is to rinse the hair with infusion of Celebre, Hypericum or silver water.

May 30, Monday, 23rd lunar day (up to 1:36, later focus on the 24th lunar day), the moon in the fish.

Another unfavorable day for any hair manipulations, besides rinsing their decoction of nettle or water, infused on silver. In addition, it is not recommended to do tight tails, braids and beams - headaches are not excluded.

May 31, Tuesday, 24th lunar day (until 2:00, later focus on the 25th lunar day), Moon in Aries.

And again you should not cut, do staining and carry out home procedures. Give the hair to relax, if possible, do not use varnish and mousse for laying, your own cooking, new (unfamiliar) shampoo and balsam, do not experiment with everyday hairstyle.

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