Nourishing face mask at home. Gelatin and ampoule vitamins. Nourishing facial mask at home: for dry skin

Leather. This gentle protection for our face is an invaluable treasure. And without proper care for her, it can be very difficult, almost impossible, for no money to regain her youthful appearance over time. It’s good that there is a real panacea for most skin problems - nourishing face masks.

Beautiful and healthy skin is not an unattainable goal. The main thing is to take care of her and pamper her with home remedies

For home procedures, you can use almost all the products that are in your kitchen

Make a mask of avocado pulp, lemon juice and egg yolks

The mask with avocado gives the face a fresh and rested look, nourishes the skin with vitamins and minerals

Oatmeal for dry skin: mix ground oatmeal with yogurt or kefir. Keep on skin for 20-30 minutes. Rinse with cool water

Nourishing Face Masks

The skin of the face at any time needs care and protection. Cosmetics and home procedures can provide them, including from traditional cosmetology. For example, masks that are performed on the basis of medicinal herbs, vitamin vegetables, absorbent clay, juicy fruits have been known for more than 4 thousand years. Even today, these procedures have not lost their relevance. After all, no other cosmetic product can lead to such quick visible results. They can fully nourish the skin, activate blood circulation, smooth wrinkles. The skin under their influence calms down and freshens. And over the centuries, a tremendous amount of recipes for such nourishing masks for any skin type has accumulated in the treasury of traditional medicine. And most of them are a real panacea. True, before carrying out any cosmetic procedure, including before applying the mask, the skin must be thoroughly cleaned. You can also steam your face over a steam bath based on chamomile or other herbs.

Dry herbs, flowers, essential oils can be added to the steam bath for the face.

Aloe juice is very good to add to any mixture - it moisturizes, nourishes and tones the skin

Try the recipe with strawberries and cucumber. Grind these two products in a blender and add a tablespoon of honey. Keep on face for 20 minutes

After the procedure, refresh the skin with homemade tonic - distilled water (sold in pharmacies), cucumber and lemon juice. Keep refrigerated

The mask must be taken in a horizontal position, because its thick components can pull the skin down, causing the formation of wrinkles. To wash off the mixture from the face, you first need to first with warm water, and at the end - cold. It can also be washed off with contrasting water, changing the temperature about 5 times. But be sure to complete the procedure with cold water. After that, a nourishing cream like skin is applied to the face.

Beauticians are highly regarded and characterized as a very effective nourishing facial mask based on honey. For its implementation, you will need raw yolk (1 pc.), Honey (1 teaspoon) and glycerin (1 teaspoon). All ingredients must be mixed, apply the mixture on the face for 20 minutes, then rinse. As a result, the skin of the face is substantially refreshed, so much so that even fine wrinkles are straightened. The rest of the mixture can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 3 days. The mask can be repeated three times a week.

To give the face skin freshness and nourish the skin, it is good to wipe the face for 2 to 3 minutes with different fruit and vegetable juices, milk, sour cream. The applied product is washed off the face with warm water, and then the skin is rinsed with cold water.

With olive oil

Many have liked the nourishing oil-based skin mask. You need to warm 50 g of olive oil, dip a cotton circle into it and put it on your face, covering it with parchment, a thick ball of cotton wool or a bath towel.

Sea buckthorn

Skin of any type responds very well to applying a sea buckthorn mask. Just a slurry of berries is applied to the face. You can also add egg yolk or fresh sour cream to the pulp.

Sea buckthorn saturates the skin with valuable vitamins, makes it healthy and radiant

Nutritious sesame with honey and lemon

A good effect is given by combining honey and lemon in one mask. In honey (1 table. Spoon) add lemon juice (2 teaspoons) and oatmeal (1 table. Spoon). The mixture is applied to the face for 20 minutes, after which it is washed off with cool water.


For all its simplicity, a recipe for a nourishing face mask from sauerkraut is very useful. First, you need to scroll through the meat grinder. So, the resulting cabbage mass (2 tablespoons), chicken egg protein (1 pc.), Flour or starch (1 tablespoon) are mixed. All ingredients are thoroughly rubbed, the mixture is applied to the skin for 15 minutes, after which it is removed with a moist gauze disk.

From plums

The next option is a face mask made of plums, which contains many vitamins and fruit acids. The fruits of the plum are peeled and mashed to a state of gruel. Vegetable oil (1 teaspoon) and sour cream (1 teaspoon) are added to the mixture. The mask is applied to the skin for 15 minutes.


A small slice of pumpkin is cut, washed under cool water, peeled, cut into small pieces and boiled. After 5 minutes, after the pumpkin is cooked, moisture is filtered off, and the pulp is kneaded with a pestle. The resulting slurry (2 tablespoons) is laid out in a glass bowl, olive oil (1 tablespoon) is added to it and all this is thoroughly mixed. Moreover, the oil may not necessarily be olive: any vegetable oil is suitable. You can take dill, peach, corn, sunflower or other oil.

Pumpkin is a source of vitamin K, which is known for its ability to fight dark circles under the eyes. Therefore, it is recommended to apply the pumpkin mixture to this tender area

From salad

You need to take a few lettuce leaves, rinse well, cut and squeeze the juice. Juice is poured into a bowl, olive oil (1 table. Spoon), lemon juice (2 teaspoons) are added to it and everything is mixed. Olive oil can be replaced with any other vegetable oil, and lemon juice with another acidic juice (cranberry, grape, plum).

From carrots

Considered very useful from carrots. The carrots are rubbed on a fine grater, whipped protein (1 pc.), Milk powder or starch (1 teaspoon) is added to the mass and the mixture is applied for 15 minutes to the skin of the face. Wash with warm water.

Based on currant

10 currant leaves are poured with 100 grams of boiling water, the infusion is filtered and the juice of currant berries is added to it (1 table. Spoon). Gauze is folded in several layers, moistened in infusion, applied for 15 minutes to the face, after which the face is rinsed with warm water.

Yeast mask

20 g of moist yeast is kneaded and mixed with milk (2 tablespoons) until the cream is full. Sometimes yeast can stand before fermentation begins. For dry skin, olive oil (1 teaspoon) and honey (1 teaspoon) are added. This mass is applied evenly on the skin of the face and neck. After 15 minutes, the mask can be washed off with cool water, and then rinse your face with cold. The skin is well wiped with a towel.

Nourishing mask with cottage cheese

Yolk (1 pc.), Hydrogen peroxide (a few drops) are added to the cottage cheese (2 tablespoons) and the whole mass is well ground. The mixture should be homogeneous, without lumps, but not very thick. The mass is applied to the face, décolleté and neck. After that, after 20 minutes, everything is washed off with warm water. This mask revitalizes the skin, makes the color brighter. Curd mask can be used quite often. Also, the cottage cheese can be grated with honey, beat the mixture to a cream and smeared on the face, including at the eyes and near the mouth, and everything is washed off with cool milk.

Mask recipes


Modern homemade nourishing face masks  suitable for skin of any type, it is only necessary to make some adjustments to the recipe. Such universal remedies include a mask based on honey. So, honey (2 tablespoons) are mixed with flour (2 tablespoons) and protein (1 pc.). The mass is applied with a flat brush and holds on the face until it is completely dry. The mask is washed off first with hot water, and then with cold. Such a mask has a nourishing and tonic effect on the skin of the face. However, a honey mask is contraindicated if a woman has blood vessels dilated on her face. And with wrinkled and dry skin, the honey mask is slightly adjusted. Honey (2 tablespoons) is mixed with very strong tea (1 tablespoon) and oatmeal (2 tablespoons). Water is added and all together it is slightly heated by steam. A warm mass is applied with a thick ball on the face, covered with a paper towel, and terry on top and left for 15 minutes. A flimsy skin invigorates a mask based on honey and yolk. For this, liquid honey (1 teaspoon) is mixed with egg yolk (1 pc.) And glycerin (1 teaspoon), after which it is well rubbed.

Another recipe. You will need honey, applesauce and sour cream (fat content - depending on skin type). Apply the mask for 20-25 minutes and rinse with warm water

Potato mask

Even for problematic skin, a nourishing mask based on potatoes is suitable. Potatoes need to be cooked directly in the peel, peeled and crushed well, adding a little warm milk and one yolk. The resulting mashed potatoes, heated in a water bath, are smeared on the skin of the face and left for 15 minutes. At this time, you need to cover your face with a thick towel in order to keep the heat longer.

The mask is washed off with hot, and then cold water. Such a mask smoothes, nourishes and refreshes even wrinkled skin. Dry skin mask gives tenderness and elasticity. Potato juice is used as an anti-inflammatory agent, including in the treatment of burns. Catrophilic juice also nurses eczema, pyoderma, trophic ulcers, acute dermatitis, painful corns and phlegmonous acne.

Potato scrub mask. Take the juice of half a lemon, sea salt ...

... raw potato and vitamin E.

Stir everything in a blender and apply on skin for 15 minutes. At the end, massage your face and rinse.

Winter linen mask

An effective nourishing face mask in winter is necessary for facial skin. At this time, the skin tends to become thin, vulnerable and dry. The skin in the cold is prone to the rapid appearance of inflammation, cracks, tightness. In this situation, masks from nutritious flax seed are simply necessary.

Flax seeds (2 tablespoons) are poured with water (300 grams) and boiled until the seeds are ready, after which they are filtered and mashed. The resulting mass of hot is applied to the face for 20 minutes, after which it is washed off with hot and rinsed with cold water. With regular use of the linen mask, it will serve as a remedy against the appearance of premature folds and wrinkles. The dilated vessels on the face do not allow the mask to be washed off with hot water, but only cool.

Fat based

Useful in this regard is the nourishing mask on the interior pig fat - a universal cosmetic product. It needs to be smeared on the skin and hold the mass for about 20 minutes. Just a few grams of fat is enough to make your skin elastic and soft. This face mask is used as a nourishing and smoothing agent for the skin. Even dry, very irritated skin is suitable for this simple ingredient.

Quite often, camphor oil is also used in home cosmetology, on the basis of which a simple but very useful cream is made. To unsalted interior pork fat (50 grams), steamed, camphor oil (5 grams) is added, the mass is well mixed, cooled and poured into a dark glass container for storage. It is applied before bedtime as a cream on a face previously washed with cold water. The mask is also used as a prophylactic against bags under the eyes and with early withering of the skin.


But, of course, according to most women, the best nourishing face mask is cucumber. It is useful for dry and normal skin, helps lighten freckles and age spots. Fresh green cucumber, grated on a medium grater, is supplemented with the same part of lanolin. But cucumber should be added to lanolin slowly, gradually grinding the mixture. The mass should stand for about 2 hours. Then the liquid is drained, and the settled dense mass is thickly smeared on the face and left for 15 minutes. After that, the mask is removed with a damp towel. The face is wiped with a previously drained liquid. Believe me, after that the skin will just shine!


Depending on the season, the skin needs certain vitamins. If you ignore the basic norms of protecting your face from frost or from sunlight, the skin will become sagging and begin to fade prematurely. To avoid this, it is necessary to make nourishing face masks. These procedures can be easily carried out at home.

Nature does not have bad weather - absolutely everyone heard this phrase. But still there are natural factors that negatively affect the condition of the skin. The epidermis needs special protection in the winter and nutrition in the spring:

  • winter nourishing masks are aimed at moisturizing and getting rid of peeling. As a basis for such cosmetics, oils and glycerin are taken. Often used honey and chicken egg. These products are rich in all the trace elements that the epidermis needs during the freezing winds;
  • in spring, the whole body suffers from a lack of vitamin C, B and A. This lack is reflected in the complexion, dark circles appear under the eyes. The epidermis fatigue is relieved with masks based on fruits and vegetables.

Rules for applying nourishing masks

In order for the effect of masks at home to be noticeable, you need to carry out this procedure correctly:

  1. Facial cleansing. First, all makeup is washed off. After this, the face must be treated with a scrub or hot compresses. From such actions, the pores will open, and the mask will act more deeply.
  2. A home mask is applied along the massage lines. The layer should be plentiful and uniform. As a rule, this procedure lasts from 15 to 35 minutes. It depends on the starting components added to the cosmetic.
  3. If oil was used to prepare the mask, then it is better to remove it with a wet cotton disk. The remaining masks are washed off with a decoction of chamomile. It is very simple to cook. In the pharmacy you can buy grass in bags. In two glasses of boiling water, such a bag is soaked for an entire hour.

Homemade nourishing masks: cooking recipes

Some foods may cause an allergic reaction. To avoid unpleasant surprises, check the effect of the mask on a small area of \u200b\u200bthe skin. This may be the area of \u200b\u200bthe wrist or behind the ear. Allergies can manifest as itching, redness, or slight tingling. If there were no strange reactions, then the mask can be used for its intended purpose.

Honey Bee Nourishment

In 3 large tablespoons of olive oil add a teaspoon of juice from a slice of lemon. After mixing these components, two dessert spoons of honey are added. The mixture is beaten until foam, patience is required. After that, in a future mask, you can sleep a little oatmeal to make the mass more dense. The procedure ends in 18-20 minutes.

Nourishing mask for the winter season

In almond oil, a gauze napkin must be lowered for five minutes. A piece of tissue is squeezed quite a bit and placed on the face. Particular attention is paid to the cheeks and nose. The gauze cleans up after fifteen minutes. Excess oil is removed using a cotton disc.

Nutritious Carrot Mask

Heat thirty grams of honey and add a few drops of grape seed oil to it. After mixing, 3 teaspoons of carrot juice is poured into the mixture. The mask will turn out to be liquidish, but it must be applied in a warm form for 12-18 minutes.

Nourishing face mask

Egg yolk is thoroughly mixed with a teaspoon of almond oil. Next, you need to prepare the tincture of St. John's wort. To do this, a tablespoon of grass is poured with a glass of boiling water. After filtering, 3 large spoons of St. John's wort decoction are poured into the initial mixture. The mask in good faith interferes and is applied to the face. The procedure lasts at least 20 minutes.

Strawberry mask to restore skin color

Take 50-60 ml of strawberry juice. Do not use store drinks from bags or bottles. It is better to buy strawberries and get natural juice from it. It is necessary to add oatmeal in small portions. The mask should be thick. It is applied for ten minutes, since strawberries can stain the epidermis.

Nourishing mask for firm skin

Two yolks of quail eggs are mixed with a large spoon of olive oil. A few drops of citrus essential oil and a teaspoon of honey are added to this mixture. The starting components are mixed into a homogeneous mass and applied to the face. The procedure lasts 25 minutes, the effect will be amazing.

Melon freshness for facial skin

Take the grated pulp of plum and melon in the same amount. A few drops of almond oil are added to the fruit slurry. The mixture mixes well and is applied to the skin. The procedure lasts 18 minutes.

Nourishing mask for dry skin

Thirty grams of sour cream are mixed with a tablespoon of olive oil. The future mask is scrupulously whipped and applied to the skin of the face. Rinse off the sour cream mixture after 35 minutes.

All women are well aware that the skin must be moisturized and nourished. Moisturizing and nutrition helps to maintain youth and beauty for many years. But in this case, the most important thing is systematic. Only regular cosmetic care will help a woman after 30 to look young and fresh, get rid of wrinkles and prevent new ones from forming.

But I want to emphasize that not always even the most expensive purchased products show a positive result, because there are a lot of dyes, preservatives and other harmful chemical additives that can not cope with the aging skin of a woman. The best mask, of course, is natural.

In other words, nourishing face masks after 40 years at home can and should be done. Only at home you can cook a very high-quality and truly effective mask, as you will prepare it from the freshest and most natural products.

Nourishing facial masks at home - recipes

Our grandmothers also knew how to slow down aging with the help of nourishing masks. Absolutely all ingredients can be bought at the store. It takes a little time to prepare them, which means we have everything in order to look great at any age.

Nourishing face mask at home for dry skin with oil

What is dry skin? Dry skin is a dermis with peeling and a feeling of tightness. Her professionals call it dehydrated, which means we will actively moisturize it with shea butter, olive or any other nutritious oil.

To do this, heat olive oil, shea butter (or any other) in a water bath and apply with a cotton pad for 20-30 minutes. This mask is especially good in spring, when the whole body is especially in need of vitamins and nutrients. It gives a very quick visible anti-aging effect and instead of flaky skin you get a smooth and delicate skin.

The second way to eliminate dryness is a mask with potatoes, yolk and sour cream. To do this, you need to cook 1 jacket potato, peel and grind in a puree. Next, add 1 egg yolk, a tablespoon of fat sour cream and mix thoroughly. Apply for 20-30 minutes and rinse with warm water. Then apply a moisturizer and enjoy the pleasant sensations.

Super nourishing mask for oily skin with honey, egg white and flour

If you are concerned about oily sheen, try one that tightens pores and removes unhealthy shine.

It is prepared as follows: we take 2 tablespoons of honey, wholemeal flour, 1 egg white and mix thoroughly until a homogeneous mass is obtained. Apply to a cleaned dermis and hold until dry. After washing off with warm water and applying, if necessary, a cream that is suitable for the type.

Honey-Banana mask for normal skin

This mask is considered universal nutritional, so it can be tried by all women (by the way, it is suitable even for men). The flesh of one banana is mixed with 2 tablespoons of honey (you can add a couple of drops of African tree oil). We apply on the face, neck and décolleté.

Honey nourishes and tones, and banana moisturizes and saturates with useful vitamins. If you please yourself this way once a week, you can increase the elasticity and firmness of the epidermis.

Nourishing green mask for combination skin with glycerin and cucumber

Masks with glycerin are especially good, since glycerin helps maintain the moisture balance in the epidermis, which means it helps to reduce wrinkles. Suitable for a young lady, helping to stay fresh and spotless longer.

A green mask will help return the beauty and radiance to your skin, and for this you need to peel 1 cucumber from the peel and grind it to a mushy consistency, add a teaspoon of glycerin,

We put slices of cucumber over our eyes (an unrivaled classic of the genre) and enjoy about 40 minutes. After that, wash off with warm water and apply cream with a snail enzyme (cosmetologists highly recommend it).

Purifying Nourishing Mask for Fruit-Based Problem Skin

If you need cleansing and nutrition, take 2 tablespoons of lemon juice, 1 tablespoon of ground oatmeal, gruel from 3 grated strawberries and one banana. Apply with massage movements and leave to dry completely.

Toning nourishing face masks at home after 30 years

After 30 years, a lady must begin to make various effective tightening masks that help care for sensitive mature skin. This beautiful age begins with the appearance of wrinkles, which means it's time to use the gifts of nature, which can slow down the aging process.

Nutritious yeast mask at home

Ingredients: 10 g of yeast, 1 tbsp of yogurt, 1 spoon of juice of any berry or plantain leaves.

Mix everything and apply with a special soft brush. After complete drying, rinse with contrasting water.

  Useful soothing mask with cottage cheese for nourishing mature skin

Ingredients: 25 grams of kefir, 20 grams of cottage cheese, 1 teaspoon of olive oil, 1 teaspoon of carrot juice, 1 tbsp. l honey. Mix everything and apply in a thick layer for 20-30 minutes. Rinse with warm water, after a walk with a piece of ice.

Very nutritious tightening mask with gelatin

4 tbsp aloe juice and 2 tbsp. Stir in table gelatin and heat in a water bath. Apply on face and neck for 45 minutes. Rinse with warm water and apply a nourishing cream.

Mud pharmacy - lifting clay nourishing masks

Clay has always been an excellent base for tightening masks. It contains a large amount of mineral nutrients that helps to tighten the oval of the face and remove wrinkles.

You can use any clay (pink, green, blue, white, black) - 2 tbsp.spoons diluted in warm goat milk (if not, take plain water or cow's milk). It should turn out a slurry that looks like thick sour cream. Apply with a soft brush and rinse with warm water after drying completely. Be sure to moisturize with a nourishing cream afterwards.

Remember to wash your face thoroughly before applying the mask. You can use foam or tonic for better cleansing.

In winter, the skin suffers from wind, frost, dry indoor air and other factors, which leads to dehydration, gray complexion, peeling and premature aging. Correct the situation will help timely assistance in the form of a properly selected seasonal cream, proper care and regular regenerating and nourishing face masks.

It is not necessary to make masks exclusively in the salon or buy expensive cosmetics for home procedures, because you can make an effective mask yourself - from herbs, oils, food. We have compiled a list of nourishing face mask recipes that can be easily prepared and used at home.

Sour cream, cottage cheese, salt.  This mask can be prepared directly from ordinary products that are stored in the refrigerator. Take 1 tablespoon of sour cream, 1 tablespoon of cottage cheese and 1 teaspoon of sea salt. Mix the resulting mass and apply for 15 minutes, then wash first with warm water, and then cold.

Natural oils. You can nourish the skin with pure natural oils that penetrate deeply, rejuvenate the cells of the deepest layers and do not leave any harmful film on the skin. It is not difficult to prepare oil-based mask masks, for this you will need essential oils that are mixed with base oils. As the base oil, you can use grape seed oil, apricot kernel, jojoba oil, corn, linseed, pumpkin and sesame oil, as well as the usual olive oil. It is better to prepare the mixture in a dark glass vial, and at a time use no more than a couple of drops that are applied to the moist skin of the face and neck. To prepare a nutrient mixture:

- for dry skin  - you need 2 tablespoons of sesame oil, 10 drops of geranium oil, 5 drops of neroli oil and 5 drops of lemon oil;

- for sensitive skin- 2 tablespoons of almond oil, 10 drops of pink and 10 drops of sandalwood oil;

- for oily skin- 2 tablespoons of sunflower oil, 10 drops of lavender oil, 5 drops of bergamot oil and 5 drops of sage oil.

The secret of the effectiveness of any maxi for the face is not only in the correctness of its preparation or miraculous ingredients, but also in the ability to relax. If you applied the mask for 10 or more minutes, it means you should devote all this time to rest, you can lie down, leaf through a magazine, watch TV, but in no case should you be nervous, do household chores, talk.

Honey. Mix a tablespoon of kefir, a teaspoon of honey and egg yolk. Apply to clean skin and leave for 20 minutes, then rinse with warm water.

Camomile based. For the mask, you need dry chamomile flowers for a pharmacy, 1 tablespoon of which is poured with 100 ml of warm milk. The mixture should be infused for about 20 minutes, after which it needs to be heated over high heat, adding half a teaspoon of honey and a tablespoon of bran. Mix well and apply on face for 20 minutes.

Cabbage. Take a few cabbage leaves, scald with a little boiling water to make them soft. After removing the leaves from the water, moisten them with vegetable oil and cover them with the face and neck. After 20 minutes, remove the mask.

Melt chocolate! In a water bath or in a microwave, melt 50 g of dark chocolate, where the content of cocoa beans is at least 50%. Add there 1 teaspoon of olive oil, mix and let the mixture cool to room temperature, then apply to cleansed face, décolleté and neck for 5-10 minutes. The main thing when applying the mask is to avoid the mouth and around the eyes.

Gelatin. In the kitchen, most women will find a bag of gelatin, which can compete in effectiveness with popular collagen. Gelatin has a smaller molecule size, so it is more likely to penetrate deep into the skin. In addition, gelatin is 87% protein, which helps soften the skin, it contains up to 11% of organic acids, which cause peeling and whitening effects. The gelatin mask also has plasticizing properties - while solidifying on the face, it tightens the skin, narrows the pores, and forms a clear, regular oval of the face. The recipe for cooking is quite simple - before preparing the mask, gelatin must be soaked in cold water (1 part gelatin, 6-9 parts water), wait about an hour until it swells, and then warm on low heat for 1-2 minutes, stirring constantly and watching. so that it does not burn. To prepare one mask, 1 teaspoon of powder or 2-3 plates of gelatin is enough. You can add components to the mask according to the type of skin. For oily skin, juice of lemon, orange, grapefruit is suitable, and for normal and combination skin, pulp of pear, plum, apple, kiwi, apricot, milk, low-fat sour cream, raspberry.

Apple and cottage cheese. The task of a face mask is not only to nourish the skin with useful substances, but also visually refresh it, eliminating signs of fatigue. Easy-to-prepare masks are suitable for these purposes. For example, apple. To cook it, you need to grate the peeled small apple on a fine grater, add 2 tablespoons of low-fat cottage cheese, mix and apply on the face. After 20 minutes, rinse off the mask with warm water.

Sour cream and fruits. There is an even simpler recipe - take a tablespoon of sour cream, mix it with a tablespoon of any grated fruit, apply the mixture on your face and rinse after 15-20 minutes.

Winter mask based on banana. Mash a quarter of the banana, add 0.5 tablespoons of your nutritious cream, 3 drops of lemon and 3 drops of olive oil. After mixing well, apply the mask for 15 minutes.

Carrot. Grate the carrots on a fine grater, mix with egg white, add 1 teaspoon of olive or peach oil, a little starch and apply the whole mixture to the face and neck.

Moisturizing paraffin

In winter, paraffin masks are also recommended, they tone and moisturize the skin well, improve its elasticity. Such a mask helps to smooth out fine wrinkles, so it is especially recommended for aging and sagging skin. In addition, the paraffin mask has a good cleansing effect: under its action, the pores open, and sebaceous plugs come out of them.

Our beauty requires constant attention and care. We want to look our best, but we are often lazy, neglecting even basic cleansing procedures. Let us now give ourselves the word that we will respect ourselves, love ourselves, cherish our appearance.

Since 25 years, facial skin needs additional procedures such as nourishing masks, moisturizing, applications and compresses. Making nutritious masks at home is a snap. Seeing a positive result, you will redouble your efforts. Be sure, the mirror will soon reflect a dazzling woman who is confident in herself and in her attractiveness. If you are healthy and brilliant, then life will shine with new colors, give a lot of joy and pleasant surprises.

Caring for your skin at home

It is not necessary to follow the recipes offered to your attention. You can create your own masks to suit your skin. Who else but you know all your secrets? Become a fairy, a witch for one hour. You will enjoy your role. One has only to open the refrigerator.

  • Mask with red wine. One yolk, 1 tablespoon cream or sour cream, 1 tbsp. l red wine, 1 tsp lemon juice. Mix all ingredients thoroughly. Apply the mask to cleansed face and neck. Wash with cool water after 15 minutes. Such a composition not only nourishes the skin, but also moisturizes and tones.
  • Yeast face mask. In warm milk, dilute the yeast to the consistency of thick sour cream. Apply to cleansed face and neck. Wash off the mask after 15-20 minutes with cool water. If your skin has blackheads (black dots), then dilute the yeast in a 3% hydrogen peroxide solution. On the cheeks, apply yeast with milk, and on problem areas - the nose, forehead, chin - yeast with peroxide.
  • Nourishing face mask with honey. 1 tbsp. l honey, 1 yolk, 1h. l olive or almond oil (for dry skin). If the honey is sugared, then heat it in a water bath. Apply to cleansed face and neck. Wash off the mask after 20 minutes with warm water. Rinse skin cool. Instead of yolk, cream, milk, sour cream can be used to prepare the mask.
  • Bread mask. In the infusion of herbs (mint, linden, lemon balm, rose water, thyme, plantain, basil, rosemary) soak the crumb of rye bread. Drain the excess liquid, and evenly spread the slurry from the bread on the skin of the face and neck. Wash off the mask after 20 minutes with cool water.
  • Fruit masks. Mix apple, strawberry, quince, kiwi, watermelon, melon with a small amount of cream or sour cream. You can also add a little honey. Apply to cleansed face and neck. Wash off the mask after 15-20 minutes with cool water.
  • Mask with herbs. Grind the dry leaves of mint or lemon balm in a coffee grinder. Pour olive oil in a ratio of 1: 2. Let it brew in a dark place for 10 days. When applying the mask, do a light massage of the face and neck, rubbing oil with herbs into the skin. Remove the mask with a hot compress. Rinse your face and neck with cool water.
  • Mask with aloe juice. Add a teaspoon of aloe juice to the nourishing cream. Before the course of these masks, cut off the leaves of the plant, whose age is at least 3 years. Soak the leaves for a week in a cool dark place for biostimulation. Cream with juice in a thick layer, apply to cleansed face and neck. Wash off the mask after 25 minutes with warm water. Wipe the skin with a tonic.
  • Nourishing mask with mayonnaise. In mayonnaise (2 tbsp.) Add 1 tbsp. l a strong brew of green tea. Apply to cleansed face and neck. Wash off the mask after 20 minutes with warm water.
  • Mask with cottage cheese. 2 tbsp. l tablespoons of cottage cheese mix with 1 st. l cream, sour cream or honey. Rub the cottage cheese until smooth. Apply to cleansed face and neck. Wash off the mask after 15-20 minutes with cool water.
  • Sea buckthorn mask. 2 yolks mix with 1 tsp. sea \u200b\u200bbuckthorn oil. Apply to cleansed face and neck. Wash off the mask after 25 minutes with warm water.

So, you keep your promise to yourself and look after your face regularly. Nourishing face masks will bring you no less benefits than the most expensive cosmetics. After all, they are endowed with power by nature itself. This fact is the greatest advantage of home masks.