How many days of the weekend on March 8. On the transfer of weekends and holidays in Russia

Spring the most long-awaited and desired holiday for the entire female population is March 8. Holidays and weekends in March 2017 Not much, but on March 8, always causes trepid and tender feelings from any generation. This is the celebration of spring, the beauty of tenderness is celebrated from year to year.

It so happened that on March 8 made a public holiday not only in Russia, but also in other countries. In such an important day for all nations, the day is not customary to work, so the 8th number in the calendar is highlighted in red - non-working day.

Each man knows that in early March women should be surrounded by caring, love and flowers. None of March 8 passes without congratulations from a strong sex, without thematic concerts and without a smile of lovely ladies.

Congratulations to all: mothers, grandmothers, great-grandmothers, girls and even very tiny babies. In March weekend, many families leave for their first spring picnic, where they rest from urban fuss and work.

Additional weekends in March allow people a little relax, forget about all the problems and enjoy communication with close friends.

Calendar on Mart

  • Total number of calendar days: 31
  • Total activities: 22
  • Total number of festive and weekends: 9
  • Festive Weekend: March 8 - International Women's Day
  • Abbreviated working days: March 7

Working time rate (clock)

In March, the following standards are valid:

  • for the 40-hour work week: 175
  • for the 36-hour working week: 157.4
  • for 24-hour work week: 104.6

Martov Vacation

In International Women's Day, all men are necessarily buying flowers, gifts, candy, expensive wine. Relying on the canons of Russian legislation This celebration brings to citizens an additional day off.

Given the fact that in 2017 on March 8, it falls on Wednesday, the transfer of the weekend will not happen. All state enterprises will cease to work for the holiday, and March 7 will make an abbreviated day.

Of course, this weekend cannot be called protracted, but still you can allocate for leisure time. As a rule, in advance in many firms and organizations are held corporate parties, where men's half Congratulates female.

International Women's Day unites all colleagues, relatives and friends in one big cohesive team. The cafes or restaurants are ordered banquet halls, where in the evening toasts, jokes and pours sparkling wine rivers.

Briefly about the holiday

The spring celebration of March 8 has a deep story and is connected, by no means, not with a romantic event. Several ten years ago, on March 8, they were associated with the Day of Women Revolutionaries, which Ryano fought for the equality of floors.

This struggle brought its fruits: now they have the opportunity to learn, work and participate in the political life of the whole state. Today, a woman is not accepted for a person who should only do household and educate children, and trust her many serious affairs.

Other Russian holidays in March

  • March 10 - Archives Day
  • March 12 - Day of employees of the criminal law system of the Ministry of Justice of Russia
  • March 18 - Tax Police Day
  • March 27 - Day of the Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.

Church holidays and posts

All Orthodox people try to look every day in church calendarTo know when one or another Christian holiday comes. By the way, almost every day in such a calendar is a festive character.

Martha has several Orthodox celebrations, including posts. Probably the most important and most important post for the Orthodox Church - the Great Post. It will begin on February 27 and will end on April 15, 2017. As you can see, most of the days of this sacred living life have to be just for the first spring month.

Calendar of church holidays and posts for March 2017

March 9 (Thursday) is the first and second acquisition of John the Forerunner. Under long-time legend, after death, the body of John was divided from his head. The sacred Scripture says that John's head is hidden in a dishonest place.

Even after the shrine found, she could not hold on the "legitimate" place. Only after the second acquisition, this part of the body was transferred to Constantinople.

March 22 (Wednesday) - the day of forty sevastia martyrs. This holiday was introduced to honor the memory of forty people who carried the Christian faith to people. For this, they suffered a serious punishment and were sentenced to an indicative execution.

Posts in Marta

Throughout March, one post will act - but what! It has long been considered the most important and most stringent. It is key in the Orthodox doctrine, so its observance is incredibly important for every Christian.

The adherents of the Orthodox faith are confident that following all the laws of the Great Post, a person will be able to clean his soul, the body and erect spiritually.

Throughout the great post, holidays, weddings, baptism are prohibited. Even the fulfillment of marital duties fall under the ban.

This Orthodox post is aimed at shaping the sensual side of his soul. People must muffle anger, hatred, envy and other negative feelings. During the Great Post, it is better to talk less less, but more praying. As for food restrictions, they also contribute to cleansing, only already bodily.

March is a wonderful time that awakens the most tender and wonderful feelings in people. Throughout the month, the soul of a person wakes up from the winter hibernation and all sorts of feelings are started in it: love, joy, tenderness, bliss.

The beginning of the spring is a wonderful reason to make up with old enemies, ask for forgiveness from loved ones and, of course, relax. Moreover, an additional day off for this has already been allocated by the government.

Holidays in March:

Production calendar for March 2017 for the five-day working week

31 working day

31 Weekends and Festive Days

31 Pre-holiday shortened work day

27 28 1 2 3 4 5
6 7 8 9 10 11 12
13 14 15 16 17 18 19
20 21 22 23 24 25 26
27 28 29 30 31 1 2

Calendar days

Working days22
Weekend and holidays9
Working time rate (clock):
- at the 40-hour week175
- at the 36-hour working week157,4
- at the 24-hour working week104,6

Work on weekends and non-working holidays

By general rule Work on weekends and non-working holidays is prohibited (Article 113 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). However, this rule has exceptions.

So, you can attract an employee to work at the weekend / non-working holiday day if it became necessary to perform unforeseen work, from the urgent fulfillment of which the further normal functioning of the organization depends. In this case, attract an employee can only with his written consent.

By the way, there are situations where the attraction of an employee on weekends / non-working holidays is possible without obtaining consent from him. For example, such situations include attracting an employee to prevent catastrophe / production accident or eliminating the consequences of a catastrophe / industrial accident / natural disaster (Article 113 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

How paid work on weekends and non-working holidays

Work on the weekend, as well as non-working holidays are subject to no less than double (Article 153 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

The specific dimensions of the wage for work on weekends / non-working holidays can be prescribed in a collective agreement, LNA, labor contract.

Replacing payment in double-size

An employee who worked in the weekend / non-working festive day can be given another day of rest. But this should be the will of the worker himself, and not an employer initiative.

In this case, work in the weekend / non-working holiday day is paid in a single amount, and the employee chosen by the employee is not paid (

The residents of the post-Soviet space on March 8 belongs to the category of the most beloved holidays. It is on this day that the men gladly give up and congratulate the most important women in their lives - a beloved mother, a caring grandmother, the most tender wife, an expensive sister and an adorable daughter. So what day is March 8 in 2017, and is it possible to count on an additional weekend?

Celebration March 8.

Few people remember that the history of this duty is associated with honoring not just a woman, and a combat friend and a comrade of a revolutionary man - women revolutionary. The very name of the holiday earlier sounded weight, significantly and strictly, completely without configuring on a playful way. In the "day of the female working international", some light and idle thoughts on vacation and fun could arise.

Time passed, and the history of the holiday went back to the past, leaving the spring women's day to us. Now this holiday fills our hearts with joy and fun, and the air - bright flower flavors, marking this end and cold winter. Mood March 8 is always raised! In gratitude for this, representatives of the strong half of humanity surround women special attention, warm and care.

In 2017, the celebration of March 8 falls on the middle of the week - Wednesday, so you can not count on a long weekend. The only concession of labor legislation of Russia and Ukraine is that preceding Tuesday (03/07/2017) will be a reduced working day.

International Women's Day in 2017 will be celebrated in many countries. And especially he loves in the post-Soviet states, in which a wonderful tradition arose to celebrate this adorable female holiday fun and with love, and often, to this day there are several weekends and festive daysAnd how many will be in 2017 in Russia, we will tell you about it below.

All men in honor of March 8, 2017 will try on these holidays, to demonstrate their attention, care and affection to all your beloved women: an expensive mother, a caring grandmother, loving wife, cute sister and adorable daughter.

Do not remain without congratulations from men, this beautiful holiday and colleagues for work. All beautiful sex representatives will feel themselves in these festive March weekends - special and loved ones.

Festive and weekends on March 8, 2017

To congratulate their favorite women seek all men in International Women's Day. And according to Russian legislation, this holiday is considered state and is officially announced. Weepen. In 2017, March 8 drops on Wednesday (see Calendar of Festive Days below), because weekend transfer In March 2017 - not expected. On this day, all state enterprises will not work, and the 7th (Tuesday) will be declared an abbreviated working day.

Weekend calendar on March 8, 2017

Such a routine of work and leisure will help everyone to celebrate this day beautifully and festively plan their holidays in the society of favorite women in advance, because, as a rule, International Women's Day, it causes a considerable marriage in many cafes, restaurants and other places where caring men are sent to honor the expensive representatives of the beautiful sex. You can also learn about what else and holidays will be.

history of the holiday

The holiday itself has not such a romantic history. Previously, March 8 was the Day of Women revolutionary, fighting for equality with men: permission to work, receive education, participate in the political life of the state, etc. It is thanks to the efforts of courageous women of the past, modern young ladies have the opportunity to study in schools, receive higher education, choose a profession, at the same time raising children and leading the economy.

Congratulations on March 8, 2017

We hope that the original music greeting With the wishes for the 8th of March, will please everyone without exception of fair sex representatives.

The woman of our generation is not afraid of being himself, has all the possibilities for its own development, to quality work and education, and most importantly, all this has become available for modern beauties along with their main vocation - the role of mother and wife.

Despite such a limited number of holiday weekends, we still wish you, cute women, festive mood And a good rest! Happy holiday you!

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How to rest on March 8, 2017? And did they not cancel on March 8 in Ukraine? Answer will tell you a female online resource .

Surely you are interested in this question now, because official state weekends are not so much, and therefore each of them is the weight of gold. And everyone wants to spend pleasant and happily, fully rested and adequately celebrate. Moreover, such a wonderful, spring and truly female holiday, like!

Recently, the news often raises the question that March 8 was canceled in Ukraine. This is caused by the draft law in the Verkhovna Rada proposed by the Institute of National Memory, about the "decamsmunization" of this holiday. But so far this law has not entered into force, so on March 8 in 2017 - the official day off.

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So, International Women's Day March 8, 2017 falls on Wednesday - the middle of the labor week. And this means that the transfer of other days to unite this holiday with the weekend Saturday and Sunday, not foreseen or in any direction. And it is impossible to warm up with the festival, no matter how much it wanted!

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But you should not be sad. After all, the long labor week will interrupt such a wonderful weekend as March 8, giving reason to relax at least for a while, and you do not have time to get tired, as usual. And in this case, you have a great opportunity to grandly celebrate this holiday on the eve, on March 7, in the women's labor team, among colleagues, employees or, possibly, classmates and classmates. After all, the day preceding official holiday, traditionally make shortened so that people manage to be at work, and at home as it should be prepared for the celebration.

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And things really a lot: have time to buy gifts to your favorite grandmothers and mom, aunt and sister, girlfriends and teachers, colleagues and classmates. Think out your outfit, makeup and hairstyle. Be sure to cook something delicious and original so that guests notice your culinary talents, women asked for a recipe, and men applauded. And certainly plan to plan an interesting event for yourself. Favorite: cinema, theater, restaurant, guests or a romantic date with a loved one. So we advise you to be prepared in advance in order to have fun and healthy to relax on March 8.

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