The most beautiful words of your beloved wife. Beautiful love sms beloved wife. I confess to love you always want

Women love ears - it is known for a long time. What girl will be unpleasant to hear about himself somewhat nice words. Be sure to talk to girls compliments, it raises them mood and improve relationships.

It will give her to understand that the talking compliments appreciates it and loves and she is not indifferent to him. Good words You need to speak daily, and do it from the soul and sincerely. It is best to speak from yourself, but if it does not work, you can use the phrases below.

In contact with


Compliments of a girl

So, what a girl likes:

  • I love you very much, you are my happiness.
  • If you suddenly become sad, remember always that I am near and I always support you.
  • Good morning, loved, how is your mood? I missed you. You dreamed of me.
  • Good night, my happiness. Better you have no girl on earth.
  • You are a guide asterisk for me, you are all that I need.
  • I need you like air. Without you, I can not live a day.
  • I really miss you, I want to be with you next to every minute.
  • I love you any, sad, funny, serious, capricious. You are my happiness.
  • You are the most native and beloved person. I love you with all the soul and I can not imagine life without you. I am ready to go for you at least on the edge of the world, just only to look in yours beautiful eyes And see your charming smile every day.
  • My baby, you are the best thing in my life.
  • You are the most beautiful girl Of all I know, you are illite the whole world with light.
  • Next to you I forget about everything. You take all my thoughts.
  • T. my love. I will love you forever.
  • I will do everything you are happy, love. None of your tears will be shed while you are next to me.
  • You inspire me to good actions. You make me and the whole world is better.
  • So I want to wake up next to you and tell you how much I love you.
  • You understand me better than everyone in the world. I can talk to you about anything. You are the most kind of girl in the world. I love you, my Zainka.
  • I would like to give you all the flowers of this planet. Only such a bouquet worthy of such a queen as you.
  • You give me confidence in yourself and always support me. You are my hope and love.
  • You are more beautiful than all the stars in the sky. You are the brightest asterisk.
  • You are the real gift of fate. I am very happy that I can stay next to you. I live you and no one is no longer needed. You are the only mine and will always be.
  • I'm crazy about yours blue eye. I am tone in them as in the lake. You are life for me.
  • You are very beautiful, sweet, affectionate. I feel very good to me.
  • You are very smart and beautiful. These two qualities are rarely combined, but you exactly
  • There is no more beautiful than you. You make this world more beautiful.
  • You have a very beautiful smile, and I want to see her every day. Smile more often, and I will try to do everything for this.
  • My goosebumps flew from you.
  • Thanks to your parents that they gave the world such a perfect creation as you.
  • You are a real angel, because women can not be as beautiful as you.
  • You can write pictures as far as you are beautiful.
  • I can't hide my delight when I look at you.
  • No more people like you and even like you. You are the best and most beloved my girl.
  • You make me like a magnet. I can not live without you.
  • Even unwrapped you look just gorgeous.
  • You stole all my thoughts and my heart.
  • You are my real treasure. I love you very much, my favorite.
  • I want to write about you poems and dedicate songs. You inspire me.
  • I need you like air, I am very afraid to lose you.
  • I like everything in you. Your face, your beautiful eyes, your voice, your kind one Heart, your sensitivity and tenderness, your internal and external beauty. I found the one that was looking for so long.
  • You just have a charm, I have not seen such a beauty in my life.
  • You are my goddess, I can't impass you. Stay with me always, and I will make you happy.
  • There is no such word in the world that I could describe my love for you.
  • You are treasure, my treasure, I will do everything so that you are happy.
  • I kine the whole world to your feet, if only you were with me.
  • Your beautiful soft hands Warm me when I'm cold in the shower.
  • I love you forever and ever.
  • I want to wake up with you and fall asleep with you every day. I want to look at you 24 hours a day. You're all I need, and I am very happy that you have me.

Here you will find touching, beautiful, soul words Gratitude addressed to his wife from her husband and intended for both public speech and conversation alone. Words will be useful on the day of birthday celebration, anniversary, weddings, the birth of a son or daughter and to other holidays (both family and - general). You can also sign a postcard or include in the text of the letter.

Texts are written in prose (not in verses) and only those who are waiting for and want to hear any woman from their spouse are selected. Recommendations for use are at the end of the page.

Favorite, native! I can `t talk beautiful words And usually I really express my most intimate thoughts ... But now I can not be silent. Accept my heart sincere thanks For the fact that you are my wife. For diligently and painstaking our family hearth from storms and for bringing to him the light during bad weather.

My progress could not take place without you. And my adversities would probably have a crying end if not your support. Thank you for decorating my life always and independently from anything. I appreciate it, the shore, always thinking about you and everything that I do, I do a guided by the interests of our family and yours - first of all. I love you!

Cute, precious (name)! I want to tell you that you are the best wife in the world. Every man dreams about such a spouse, but not everyone meets in life. I was lucky and I am grateful to fate for our meeting. I envy myself.

And I thank you that I did not refuse to become my wife and that so much time remains worth it. Probably it is not easy. But I try to be you good husband And I hope, at least sometimes I manage it.

I am also grateful to you for:

  • your understanding and care;
  • for your affection and comfort, which you create in our family Mirka.
  • for tenderness, warmth and wisdom;
  • for the fact that you are not a bog, peaceful and quiet - I'm just happy.

Why there ... you are perfect. You have no shortcomings. I just pray that you remained my wife forever and did not change my mind to endure. This is the only thing I want from you, because there is nothing more from the perfect spouse.

My native (name)! Everyone says that the family is a boat and she brings spouses on the waves of life ... If so, then I am happy with you with you. I'm scared even from the thought that I could not meet you, live life without our beautiful family or marry another woman at all.

Thank you for chose me to life satellites, I hope and you do not regret it. I promise that I would try not to disappoint you, to protect, honor and achieve new successes for you, love.

Favorite! He married so many years on you, but it seems as if I met yesterday ... My love for you did not cool at all, I didn't have any kind of granted. She is all the same true, devotee, clean and gentle, like when we first met. I am happy to spend so many years with you and that you were and remain my second half. And - I perfectly approached me half. I really expect that you will continue to stay until the end of my days and I also hope that you will not give you a reason to doubt the correctness of your choice regarding me.

Lenochka! I always tell you this and you know that my love for you is a pathological, incessant and eternal. I don't just love you, but I love to faint. But today I would like to say not about love, but about my gratitude to you.

Say that I grate you, it is not to say anything. Thank you:

  • for what you are;
  • for the fact that you are next to me;
  • for the fact that you are rare beauties and clever;
  • for making my life - an extremely pleasant pastime, I used to know that life is so comfortable, joyful and comfortable;
  • for being stunningly able to find mutual language So evil troll, as I sometimes go. You are a real diplomat and technically managed to avoid war for many years ... I do not have such a talent and I am proud that there is such a special - I study at you;
  • i am also grateful for delicious food and your culinary skill. Thanks to him, I have not yet died from catering and my stomach in great shape. By the way, the rest of my health is also in excellent condition thanks to your efforts. This is an invaluable contribution to the well-being of families.

Your merits and dignity I can enumerate infinitely, there are many of them. I just want me to ever gave me the opportunity to pay you to pay for all the best that you brought to my life. Thank you!

Dear, you are my highest court! And I am grateful to you for it. I am grateful to you not only for our wonderful life and wonderful children, not only for the beauty and light that you bring to our life, not only for a real one, a full-fledged family, which would not be without you ... I want to tell you a lot thank you for:

  • your skeptical view that you give me when I accept the wrong decision.
  • for your severity and the Iron Will, with which you condemn me if I turned it out there.
  • for your solid judgments and inflexibility, when you demand from me to change the decisions, the situation, circumstances and in general - to change the planet, turn the world and do in yours. It is your criticism that helps me make less nonsense and keep the sobriety of the mind, know my place in this world and be pleased with the fact that I have.

Your abilities and features help me climb up and be careful. It is thanks to your discontent that I am still alive, healthy, I feel well and has done much less mistakes than could. Be happy, I wish you never to live to death.

I want to say a few words of gratitude to my spouse! She deserves it.

My beloved and deeplywater (name)! You are the most invaluable treasure, a real diamond and the sun in my life. You mean a lot for me and I will always protect you as the biggest jewel. Because I collected all the valuable and best that only can be in a woman and in man. You have become support for both the other, the adviser and the outstand. You please me with your beauty and charge your optimism. Pleased with caress and care. But most importantly - you became my children's mother. It is more important for me. Thank you for everything and I ask you - you will live forever, there will be no you - I will not be me.

I thank you, my dear, what are you going with me in life. For the fact that you enjoy my success and empathize in difficult days. For what I have such a close and native man, not everyone has such happiness. Thank you for you love and what they scold. Thank you for praise and criticize. Thank you for waiting for and worry. And most importantly, thank you for the fact that with you I never felt lonely, I never got cold in the soul and never doubted what I did the most right choice When he married you.

My dear woman. Thank you for never regretted your suggestion and never, never regretted what he married. Despite the fact that we sometimes argue and express our discontent, I still remained a happy man who has reliable support and strong rear. Thank you for our child - he is awesome, I never thought that I could get so wonderful child and did not suspect that the family is so peaceful, a cozy and warm place. In all this - only your merit. And I am grateful to you from the soul.

Preciously mine (name)! Previously, you were just a beloved wife and the center of our personal, family universe. And now you have become the main woman In my life, because he gave me a wonderful son, making me not only the owner in the house, but also the father. Now I have as many as 2 loved ones who love me and whom I love.

I am immensely grateful to you for it and in the non-demand debt in front of you. I always promise to protect you both, to protect from everyday adversity, cover from bad weather all the ways available to me, love, appreciate, respect and raise our child on a par with you, and not to see from parental duties.

Thank you, my favorite, because from now on, I'm not just a wonderful woman's husband, but also - daddy. I could not dream that I would become the father of such a gentle, touching, affectionate and smart creature, like our daughter. You are my favorite girls and I thank the fate every day, for the fact that I gave me both. I did not suspect that I deserve such happiness. I love you, I love, always remember and everything that I do is for the sake of you.

My only, unique (name). Life in which you are much brighter, more beautiful, warmer and happier than that that was without you. Thank you for your optimism that you give me daily. For acceleration and drive that you give me - I am more active with them and confidently go through life. For the warmth and comfort, which you endowed our family nest - they warm my heart. Thank you for ever you will not give up in support and consolation, you do not even doubt you - it gives me a feeling of stability, the reliability of my world. All that you give me is important and valuable to me, I will always be grateful to you for it.

Thanks to my spouse for the fact that she is not only beautiful, bright, spectacular woman, but also - smart. Dear, I always admired your beauty, she enslaved me from the first day of our acquaintance and this is not news for you. I have always been proud and grateful that such a beautiful woman pays time and attention to such a chalop like me. But I did not expect to admire, respect and thank you for wisdom, the tact and flexibility with which you manage our little kingdom.

It is thanks to you, our family flourishes, and does not roll under the slope. A paradise in which I want to return to me and children is your merit. The fabulous, comfortable atmosphere in this place is also your merit. Do not think that I do not notice anything and is not able to appreciate what I have. I see what efforts, will and excerpt you should support the warmth of the home. Thank you for all this miracle and for the fact that you are in my life and our children. No, not so ... You are the most important part of this world, because without you there would be no it.

Thank you, the best of women that took me to my husbands ... I am grateful to you for the fact that throughout so many years you know how to remain a real woman, with a capital letter. You are not only beautiful, charming, tactical and wise ... Most of all admires that you are constantly growing, you are developing, you do not stand in place and do not cease to surprise me. I constantly solve you as a puzzle, and finding out something that needs to be solved again. It is interesting with you, sorry, light and amazing. This your stunning ability always inspires me and helps not stand still. You cannot break up with you, because there is no replacement. With your orbit, it is impossible to leave, changing this reality to fresh, boring and ordinary. You are my world.

You are my eternal engine, dear. My inspiration and sweat. My support and consolation. Eternal reminder to me that in this world there is a warm corner, pure heartThoughtful soul. I am happy that you exist in the world. Thank you.

Good! When I see any beautiful people, my children grew up, then I get happy from what he married to you. Only you could give birth and grow such wonderful descendants. They have everything I wanted:

  • i am proud for them;
  • i admire their life position;
  • i myself need their advice;
  • i am shocked by their successes, abilities and life goals.

They, like you are the most valuable asset from all I have. Such for which you live and enjoy life. And all this is your merit. All, to which your hand is touching - flourishes, grows and develops, pleasantly surprises, inspires and excites imagination. Thank you for your work, for your beauty and femininity, for your mind and reliability, for your maternal talent and the golden heart.

Thank you, my beauty that light your kindness, beauty and patience of our family. You are a real star in our house and we are happy with children that we have such a keeper angel, a talisman and a source of caress, care, love and kindness. We do not get tired of drinking from this source.

Thank you for not refuse to never be in your attention and never cease to shine in our sky. Please continue to do it forever, and we will protect you, help and not upset. Be happy.

Dear, I never suspected that I am alolyub. Especially he did not suspect that I am chronic and hopeless monochrome. I am able to love, eat, holly and cherish only you alone and my heart is so small that it does not accommodate anyone except you and our child. Actually, the love of our little and cozy Mirka, who created by you, and thanks to you, also placed there. I was simply not capable of anything more in this life. Which harp, I turned out to be, who would have thought ... In general, my only one, I am not sad about such a discovery, because absolutely happy with you. And gratefully grateful for what you continue to decorate my life, for becoming the mother of my child and for the fact that I do not want any other destiny.

My beautiful wife! You are my air, my food, my treasure, my love, my planet. Once I thought that the years of marriage would completely discourage my love and bright paints of a beautiful novel will sweep away from time to time. But all this turned out not so. Thanks to your talents of a real woman And my wife is my attitude towards you - the former. And I am grateful to you for it. And for not allowing our everyday life to turn into a swamp, which sucks so that not to get out. I also want to say that I know - behind all this is a huge amount of labor, effort, efforts and wisdom. I see it. Do not think as if I believe that such happiness will fall from the sky just like this, without any effort from your side. Therefore, I will never be tired to admire you and thank you.

I am always grateful to you for everything, my dear. And you know it. But today I want to thank you especially. I realized that I am appreciated not only for the caress and love you give me daily, but also for ever, never allowed you to feel like a rag, a worthless person, weak, useless and stupid. Thanks to you, I am always in Tonus, in my head do not roam destroying thoughts ... they are simply not born there. I feel not only happy, loved, but also self-realized, which is full.

I used to think that this was granted. But recently realized that this is your merit. And that these results are given to you high priceBut in fact, probably, I sometimes be blunt, worthless, unlucky and useless ... Thank you for your iron will, with which you manage to hide my shortcomings even from me. I adore you for it, I admire, bow and appreciate.

  • she does not allow to roll in a dead end;
  • she is the first who will turn their head for the wrong selected direction;
  • she inspires on feats and prepares for change;
  • it makes it plan to count on 3 forward, avoid unnecessary risks, calculate your steps.

Friends! Marry! On high-quality woman! And you are waiting for great changes. And you dear, I never get tired thanks for being a stunning companion and for the fact that you married me. I am forever for it in debt to you.

  • If the sample seems to you too short, you can combine 2 or more texts to get a long solemn speech.
  • Also, you can and cut any of them by choosing the 1-2 most suitable cases of the proposal (simply "pulling out" them from the text ... Try to make sense at the same time it is lost).
  • If the selected (or self-combined) text turned out to be too long for memorization, write it down on paper and read from the leaf, referring to what worry and do not want to forget the words.
  • If it wants (and such a temptation often arises and is difficult to resist him) immediately several texts to merge into one and engage them all on the listeners, remember, it is "renabases." In some texts, there is similar to the sense of the sentence and if they are heated all together, it will turn out that you constantly repeat the same thing. There is no need for this. It will optimally choose 1-2 sample and choose only what is suitable for your situation and correlates with your feelings to the spouse.
  • All names in the samples are used exclusively for the convenience of presentation and visibility, do not forget to change them to the you need.

In a strong half of humanity, a lot of passions and volcanoes, as well as energy and power! They are inspired by many things - this is a creation, this is a job, this is life, it is a writing of wonderful music, as well as poems and novels, and, of course, on just beautiful prose about love. Women in their nature are very romantic and sentimental. The weak floor adores when they are presented to unexpected gifts, or bouquets of flowers with secret notes inside, as well as when men are invited to romantic dates and dinners, and especially, love when they are given magic nights under the stars. And if the girl becomes a legitimate wife, then they often forget to give compliments and express their feelings aloud. But in life there are few opportunities to invite the soul mate into a secluded place and tell her about what is going deep in the soul. But sometimes I really want to write recognition in love wife!

The portal may show men and guys - we have collected and posted a lot of concern about my wife, which will help in any vital cases and in a variety of interpretations. There are frank male recognition in the original verses and in a wonderful prose. It is only sincere, wounded statements that will not leave indifferent your choices. Any girl, reading this poem, will definitely answer you the same, because women are very romantic, and they also love ears, in the sense of words. And this we just have plenty! Our texts are unmatched, affectionate and gentle, bright and clean. The strong floor should not be shy, because the ladies are waiting for these words. And we will help you with this!

Prose Zhenya

I love you very much, soul, heart, body and every cell. You are the most desirable in the world. Thank my fate, God and your parents for giving me you. You are my angel, the sun, life, all words will not be enough to describe or compare you one - such a single and unique. I love you, my beloved!

My favorite my spouse, how I am grateful to you for what you know and understand, and forgive, and support, and encourage, and just be there. But it is so important for me that you are always there to always be my life with your smile so that I can always hug you and press to your chest - and you heard my heart beats in unison with yours!

Cute, gentle, my beloved! When I see you, then it gets easy for me and warm in the soul. I want to sing and dance, give you the most beautiful flowers in the world. Without you, the world becomes gray, and there is no joy in it. I very love you! I ask you - be with me forever together!

The word "wife" means a woman who chose himself for many years his life. I chose you, and did not regret my choice for a minute. You are my only woman all over the planet, you are my sun, my happiness, mother of my children, keeper family focus. When I wake up in the morning and see you near, every day is doomed for me for good luck. Be with me always, my favorite!

My native, my sun, my queen, the most beautiful, charming, shiny, dazzling, sexy, spectacular, magical, precious, affectionate, kind, sweet, energetic, vigorous, cheerful, open, funny and caring wife in the world! I love you!

You are like the sweetest nectar of exotic fruits, like a gentle fragrance of southern shores, like a gentle breeze of the tropical sea, as a sweet-haired paradise bird. You will be drunk and many, like a summer meadow at noon. I love you to madness, my favorite wife

It is possible that after the wedding, I became less likely to tell you about love. Men do not like extra words. After all, why talk when and so everything is clear? My love in every look and action. She is wishes to take care of you and protect. You are my treasure, my favorite wife and the most beautiful woman on the planet, I love you very much!

Love for his wife is a special love. Now you are the road to me not just like a girl, but as my wife, the mother of my children, the hostess in the house, the creator of comfort. You are part of my life, part of me yourself, and I love you for it and appreciate you. I am proud that I have such a wonderful wife, and you are worthy of my love and respect. I dream to live all my life with you, until the last day.

You are my sweet, gentle and most beautiful woman in the world. Every time I fall in love with you stronger when beautiful eyes, I hear your ringing laughter, you kiss your sweet, like honey, lips. You are always so good and cozy to me. I love you, I love sincere and pure love. I want to always be with you next and promise to make you, my sun, the happiest in the world. For you, I am ready for any tests. My bright flame of love will not fade ever. I am grateful to fate for such a wonderful gift. I love you, my desired.

The most beautiful woman in the world is you, my favorite. My love with you is always like a shadow. She is big, beautiful, she has no end, neither the edge. I just can't keep my feelings secret, and I confess you, my good, in love. You are for me as the radiance of the day, and how the light is in the night. I love you most of all in the world. You alone found the key to my heart, you alone give me tenderness, affection and care. I promise you to make the happiest woman in the world, believe me. I live and breathe, my charm.

I am very happy man on the ground. And in this your merit, my favorite woman. They are like the light in my window, like a warm sunshine, which always warms me. I will tell you the three most important words in the world. I love you. You lit love in my heart, and it flared up every day more stronger. You are my second half, the most kind, lacquer and gentle. When you are next to me, the world becomes brighter and kind. My love will be like a wubble for you. Be always with me, my happiness.

The most important thing in the world is love. Exactly this strong feeling. Each of us experienced excitement, embarrassment when meeting with your beloved. I am a little worried today, because I want to confess to love to you, my only woman. I'm just covered with love for you. Every minute my thoughts are engaged only by you. I so want to be with you together all my life. We approach each other so, and, you can see the fate helped us to meet without in vain. I love you gently, tremble and strong. Only with you I will be happy.

I'm just fabulously lucky, because I have the most beautiful woman on the entire planet. You are my goddess, my fade and my reward. I want to be with you always together, protect you and love you. Let this captibility of love in which I am, will remain with me for life. With you I fly, like a bird, my joy is simply no end. Such a woman like you are the ideal, it's a dream of everyone. But the most we were lucky. You filled my life. My love for you is limitless. I always lit, my brightest and most beautiful woman.

My favorite woman, to you filled my whole life. My love is the strongest and most devoted. For you, I am ready for everything, I can fulfill your cherished desire, if only you have always been with me. Your angelic character pleasantly surprises me, your kind soul gives me hope that we will be with you all your life. Just next to you I will be happy. I am dear to your voice voice and your silence, your joyful laughter and your charm. I am you more than life, my desired and only woman.

Woman beloved and the most beautiful in the world, I'm so glad you call you my own. You are all in my life, you just my angel is a keeper. How is I good with you, how can I cozy. I am the happiest man in the world. I love you devoted, sincerely and gently. You are my dream woman, everything connected with you is my life. I always feel your breath, and the soul is always full of only you. I am ready to wear you all my life in my arms, love like no one else has loved. Whether my second half forever.

I am so grateful to the fate for giving me you. You are the dream of my life. Every minute spent with you is a holiday for me. You are my light in the cat, my ray of heat, my charm. More beautiful and kind you, no on the whole earth. I will do everything so you are happy, you will swim all your life in the ocean of my love. I was so lucky with you, my favorite, gentle, kind. I will fulfill all your cherished desires, only be always with me, my only one. Love for you inspires me, and helps to live.

I often ask myself a question, what would I do if I hadn't met you, my beloved? And Zrazu answer, this would simply be not. After all, you are designed to me fate, and the fate, as you know, can not get around. Today I confess you in love, my desired, more feelings to hide simply makes no sense. You are all in my life for me, you are my second half. I love you sincerely, gently and hotly, and so I hope to reciprocate. I love you and I want to be always only with you, my only and unique.

I was fabulously lucky in my life, I met my love that I was looking for so long. This love is you - my only and unique. The most beautiful flower will not compare with your beauty. You are the most important little man in my life. I will refuse all the former hobbies and habits, if only you were near, my love. My whole life now depends on you, my sun. You are the only one with which I want to live all my life love you, my charm. You are my angel - the keeper, my favorite and unique.

You are beautiful, no dispute. I fell in love with you the first time, and now I lost peace and sleep. When you're near, my heart is filled with joy and warmth. I want to always be with you next to you, look in your beautiful eyes, listen to your ringing laughter, kiss your sweet mouth, and talk about your love. You are the gentle, the most beautiful is the best in the world. I love you and idol. Let my love always be faithful to you. Favorite - you are my life. Without you, I just can not imagine myself.

You are the most native and most important person for me. Only with you I learned what happiness is. You inspire me all good, only with you, my beloved, I am happy. Every minute spent with you is already a holiday. I love you sincerely, gently, I just can't live without you. My love is ready to overcome all the obstacles, if only you were next, my desired. I am sure that we are two halves of one big, loving heart. I adore you and idol, and in my feelings I am confident a hundred percent.

How many songs are spito about love, how much read poems. And everyone has absolutely different recognition in love. But each recognition comes from the depths of the heart. So my feelings can no longer sit locked up, I am them like a bird, I release to the will. Let my wings of love bear us throughout life. You are the most tender me, the most kind, most beautiful, and just mine. I value our relationship and make you the happiest woman all over the planet. You are my dream, my ideal, my inspiration. I love you, my joy.

You are the most beautiful, the cutest woman in the world. You have always an open soul and just angelic character. You are inherent only positive features. I am all expensive in you: and a voice voice, and silence and your gentle kiss. I love you, my good and I want to be all my life with you. You lit the lashiness in my heart Love, which flashes all the strongest. You are the most favorite and most important mistress of my heart. You're just my favorite woman, just with you I will always be happy.

Fate gave me the most beautiful woman in the world. I'm so happy, native, with you. Your love warms like a sun, always burns with a guide. Only about you, my charm, I dream, and the code you are with me, from happiness Tay. Every day I start with the thought of you, I, my sun, just adore. You are my second half, without which I do not think my life. You are my angel - keeper, my happiness, my love. I love you and want to be all my life with you, my treasure.

My kind, gentle and most beautiful woman in the world. My life with you, as if a song, like a mountain stream; Clean and rapid. If you are near, everything around in the brightest paints. Most beautiful flower It does not compare with your beauty, my favorite. In my heart you are only alone. I am ready to fulfill your most cherished desire, if only you were happy. You are perfection itself, you gave me a shine of the day and night night. I want to give you a key from my heart, and I want you to keep it all my life.

My favorite woman, from the first meeting, I fell in love with you like a boy. Your beautiful eyes are playing, your deecenary smile, your gentle voice. You're just my fate, my second half. I'm so happy with you, and life seems fabulous. I promise to make you the happiest woman in the world, for you, my love, I am ready for everything. Your love, as a worker, keeps me. I will rush you, I live you, breathe you and I am idle, my only woman. Be with me all my life, my joy

Woman my favorite, as well, that you have me. I was fabulously lucky that you were with me. You like spring, light and good. I dry without you like a flower without water. I love you and want to be row all my life. You are my treasure, you are my joy, my dream. Only with you, I realized what happiness is. I madly love you with all the soul, all with my heart. You are the most important person for me. I will do everything so that you are happy. My life has changed completely when I met you. I love you, rushing you and thank the fate that next to me, such a miracle like you.

With good morning wife good night wife missing wife apologies beloved for mood love girl love wife

Sweet, I know, sometimes it is hard to be my wife, but you are not just a spouse for me, you are the sun for our family system, without which there is no such charming, filled with light and sparks, life! The main thing is that your warmth makes our family alive and blooming! Thank you incredible for it!

Honey, the only one, native! You are my life, fate, my angel. Only in one you consist of universal happiness. You are half that suits me perfectly. I am grateful to fate for such a wife.

From the very day, when you reciprocate my feelings, life flowed across another bed. It did not become a naughty bachelor of freedom, but there was confidence in a close beloved person and a special meaning in every day.

Dear and incomparable my half! Since we met, I think only about you. The ideal of charm and an example of tenderness is you, my dear. I promise all my life to wear you in your hands and madly love!

My biggest and unforgettable luck in life - meeting with you, and our happy, full caress and love living together - A stunning gift of fate! Thank you for me, my divinely beautiful, unusually good, the most tender wife in the world!

Favorite wife! You are my key of happiness, my pass to the paradise family idyll. Without you, I seemed to be lost a lone traveler in the night, as if Dolphin, thrown into the beach by waves. I dream to make you truly happy!

Your hands are insanely tender, your figure is the most sophisticated, the hair is the most magnificent, the character is kind, gentle. You are truly perfect wife! Favorite, the only one, native!

My dear spouse, you didn't just manage to become a woman's ideal for me, you've advocated me to work on myself so that I could match you. And therefore, all my achievements I rightfully consider our. I am grateful to fate that she gave me you.

Favorite wife! You lit up my life with the light of love, which over the years flashes everything brighter. For me, you became a guide asterisk and a warm sunlight. I am happy that you are near - so gentle and beautiful!

Realizing that you feel about me with the same amazing tenderness and passionate lovelike me to you, I learned that happiness is an incredible, beautiful and comprehensive, still exists! Adore you!

You, like a bright and warm sun, warm my soul daily, like a light and pleasant breeze, bewitch and give strength, because you support me in all, my favorite wife!

Cutting into silk curls, I love to inhale the smell of your hair, sort out your fingers, feeling the warmth and tenderness of the hands, I love to kiss you, enjoying the native and sweet kiss, for then I know what happiness is. Happiness is you, my wife.

Let it be noticeable often your hard work, let your gentle care I perceive how properly, let your patience quarrels the sparks of a quarrel. But if I take it all this, my happiness will split into fragments. After all, you are my happiness.

Favorite, I just pretend that I was not jealous and not notice of delighted views in your direction. Even becoming your husband, I worry as a student who fears not to pass the main offset! I want to delight you every day and be worthy of you all my life!

My dear wife, my queen! This is an unearthly happiness - to be with you, kiss you, inhale the aroma of wonderful hair! I dream all my life to feel how our hearts are fighting!

Alina Ogonek