Swedish beautiful girls. The most beautiful girls from Sweden (23 photos). Scandinavian beauty Elsa Hosk

  Women are typing "find a husband a foreigner", "meet a foreigner." So without any complaints regarding growth, weight, economic situation. But men are more pragmatic. Sometimes they look for women of a certain nationality - "Find a Swedish girl." But most often they are looking for a rich woman "for sex", "for love relationships", but not a foreign woman at all. At least I don’t see this.

So what am I talking about? Yes, about Swedish women, and more specifically about their size. Here not so long ago, many Swedish people were measured and it turned out that the average height of women was 166.8 cm and men 181.5 cm. They weigh respectively 64.7 kg and 80.6 kg on average.

Well, average height and weight is average, but there are quite a lot of large women, above 180. And they weigh accordingly. It’s easy to notice such women, and not all men are also very fond of them, at least from the instinct of self-preservation.

At the same time, there are also small, neat proportionally folded girls / women. There is such a bell down the street, in a blouse-skirt, with large blue innocent eyes, and so you might want to put this bell on your hands. To lull, to rock, to comfort ... To protect and take care .... That is, to show their masculine and chivalrous beginnings. Which is very clear.

And here it can be a bummer, guys. Carrying such a girl can be sooooo difficult, as the flower can turn out to be molten and yes, weigh 65-70 kg put by calculations. You know, muscles weigh more than zirinka.

To your greatest surprise, you may find that the little blue flower is actually a nuclear warhead in a skirt. I would really advise you, before drawing up a credential, to ask what charges she has at home and what she does in the evenings.

These deceitful girls can show, for example, military service. Or long-term classes in oriental martial arts. Some of them spend 2 hours a day in the hall, 4-5-6 days a week. Someone may find a punching bag in an innocent conservatory.

And one of them is a big fan of TRX, which is part of the training of American fighters.

They can’t see the inflated muscles, the modest sizes are 90-60-90, but God forbid you only think about using physical force against them.

  And I meet dozens of such tricks. Daily. This is no exception.

8 commentarer:

I! I! I am one of them :-))) True, I am Russian. I am a big fan of TRX, I look at 55 kg (as they usually estimate), but I weigh 62 because of those very muscles ...)) But
And besides laughter, I am still very impressed that blondes (who in Russia are the constant heroines of jokes) with naive eyes, lips and a bow suddenly suddenly have a very lively mind and a sharp tongue.
  And today I saw an aunt in the gym with solid muscles (which didn’t spoil her a bit) and a steel look, and in her hands there was a carrying case with a tiny, premature little child. It seems that she ran between the Body Pump and the boxing in the hospital and quickly back :)

Svara Radera

Ahhhh, today you are one of these "Swedish" women. And in the zalchik you still have a few dozens of similar ones typed, or how? :-))

Nuuuuu .... here née blonde 99%, yet I can not be stupid :-)))

Yes, yes, there is a group of women who are trying to recover from childbirth as quickly as possible. Or ready-made "addicts" who can’t imagine life without training. I don’t know where, but in SATSe there are babysitters at certain hours for children. While parents are engaged, they entich children entertain.

But do not say, where did you buy TRX? Or do you have it in the hall?

Svara Radera
  • What does the attitude to training during pregnancy and immediately after it differ in Sweden and in Russia! In Russia, unfortunately, many still regard pregnancy as a serious terrible disease :(
    I bought TRX in Moscow, or rather, its non-licensed version. But you can order it online.
      P.S. The other day I will unsubscribe to you about my labor "exploits", when there will be a complete picture, that is. contract (regular, ha ha !!! - in the hands);)

    Svara Radera
  • Well, there is such a benefit, my friend, from the recognition of the natural state of the disease. Well it voluntarily cancels something? :-)))

    Well, they didn’t even tell you that you have such a good toy hanging around the house “idle. :-))) Go and play it quietly yourself, right? :-)))

    YES YES! Feats in the studio. :-))) I really got bored here without optimistic stories. :-)))

    Svara Radera
  • Yes, yes ... Benefit!: - \\ First, old women-gynecologists of pregnant healthy women are “kicked out” of the hall, which causes them to lose pressure, hemoglobin, back and legs ache, the character spoils, that husbands are afraid to go home, and the fetus hypoxia. I am silent about 20 kg or more that I have gained during pregnancy. And then after childbirth they scare with the loss of internal organs (yes !!) and the disappearance of milk, if mommy dares to go to the gym: - \\
    And about TRX .... Well, how quietly! I'm playing in the park! I let others play))) Only those others cry and break out, do not understand their happiness, silly ones))))

    I'll tell you about the exploits! Well, be patient until breakfast, after breakfast!;))

    Svara Radera
  • Here on TRX such gynecologists! And do not let loose ... :-))) Let them feel the pleasure of classes. Well, what a dense way!

    And in which park do you play with him? Maybe we and the readers will catch up to play? :-))))

    I got an idea here. Maybe let's print where you "live" with your tortyrinstrument? And new residents can reach you there, and tourists will drop by ... Suddenly, the latter have withdrawal without training while visiting Stockholm and they do not know where they can treat it.

    Some ask: “how are you girls and boys, why?” I’ll try to briefly tell you.

    I will not venture to consider my opinions as the only true ones, if only because they are limited by the hubby’s circle of friends, that is, subcultures or informals in other ways, not ordinary average inhabitants, well, something like this:

    The Scandinavian girls are seemingly rustic, at least those with whom they communicate - the middle class aged 27 to 40. They are rustic in everything except the inner world - a minimum of makeup, not very feminine, a large figure, cheeky, slightly rough faces, in mostly natural blondes, ingenuous eyes, chest and waist are not very by the standards of the "model business", height and shoulder width are also unsuccessfully large, there are almost no miniature women ...

    At the same time, they are quite sweet, affectionate and touching. What I really liked - they have some kind of inner isolation, some kind of natural melancholy and slight melancholy sadness - the Scandinavians in general are all that I really like. But when they rejoice, it is very sincere.

    By way of life, the vast majority of them are single. This does not mean that they are directly very lonely and in constant search, on the contrary, they are somehow strangely self-sufficient. They also have some strange monogamy in use - they get married, live for a while, then get divorced, and they don’t have more families, they even give birth and raise children alone.
    There are many such cases when people live together two times a week in the evenings, well, maybe on a day off they go half a day to visit a movie, go to a concert, and so on for years, or even decades.

    In general, the Scandinavian connections make, it seemed to me, easy, but only when they want it with their hearts - from idleness and self-interest they will not agree with anyone.

    What about the money? It is also somehow strange here ... you are unlikely to even be able to pay a girl for beer, not to mention everything else, in addition, they are completely indifferent to expensive cars, gifts, extra financial bounties, and expensive bouquets, and even a sporty figure and a smile like Brad Pete's reb ...

    Moreover, with all this, a woman can only be scared away.

    They really appreciate words, attention, and some simple deeds and gestures. Not everyone is good with English, so you are unlikely to be able to show off wit and literature.

    Probably there is no general recipe, but in my opinion the simplest is to drink a little and be open and frank, without pretense, silly gestures and fake facial expressions.
    In fact, the Scandinavian girls are funny, as practice shows, they make good friends without strangeness and cockroaches in my head. Although, they have nothing and will never yield and never bend under you, you will have to adapt - perhaps this is why they are all alone ...

    Another moment, they absolutely do not like to obey, and do not believe in that. that men have a strong gender, and this must be reckoned with. Well, and yet - most of their lives they are still single, and therefore have seen enough of a lot of clowns, especially from among the emigrants, so do not even think to outwit them ...

    With boys, in general, much is exactly the same as with girls, and almost everything that is written about them is true, except, perhaps, for the moment that they are more lethargic, lazy and uninitiated, and besides, they have more aggravated a sense of independence, and the attitude of "I do not need anything." Therefore, wait for their interest in you is not worth it, if something is necessary, then say so.

    The boy may not refuse a free beer, as well as some other benefits you have paid for, while this does not oblige him to anything ...

    Yes, the situation with boys is even worse than with girls, and ambitions are generally zero. If your friend is, for example, a fisherman, a postman, or some locksmith or driver, then starting a relationship with him, you need to understand that Ponty is not a category to the Scandinavians, and he will be a postman, a locksmith, or a driver all his life.
    Scandinavians rarely change anything in life, and if they work in one simple and not very highly paid job, then you will never come up with a motivation, why should your friend change it.

    In terms of everyday life, the same trick is that the Scandinavian can, without noticing any problems, live in the house of his father, grandfather, great-grandfather, etc., etc., without even thinking about inserting a double-glazed window, updating the floor or changing the wallpaper, he sincerely does not understand why spoil the good a good thing that has served many generations before him and will still serve his great-grandchildren ...
    Although they are not tied to property, they easily sell and buy, along with the whole situation, without special sentimentality, this is less developed among the Swedes, and more among the Norwegians.
    And they don’t understand at all why they should change the good old thirty-year-old Saab, Ford or Kawasaki to a new car or motorcycle from the passenger compartment, it also rides so well, and with their climate and approach they will live another thirty years.

    It is not possible to distinguish a gay from a straight person either visually or by communication at all, and in general there is no clear line between them. At least in Sweden and Norway.

    One line about the third field is not for the sake of insult, but simply because I can’t get around this topic for obvious reasons :) Transikov are simply stupidly considered women here, heh local women are generally similar to trances, so the difference is often not visible at all, moreover, this is also true in relationships - local guys simply do not distinguish trances from girls, and they are also interested in pure 100% straight people, which certainly aren’t in Russia ... There are a lot of trances, and they live quite openly, not standing out among local ladies, so be careful by the way, especially in Oslo :)

    Homophobia is not here as a category, therefore you can’t hide your addictions and beliefs at all, while they don’t oblige you to anything.

    Norwegians are more selfish and independent than Swedes and Finns, and begin to live separately early, and they don’t pursue material wealth or comfort, and can be satisfied with a one-story house with a living area of \u200b\u200babout 45 meters ... But the problems of relations with the parents of the girlfriend / boyfriend are not here at all, nor is the housing issue.

    It seemed to me that, in contrast to Moscow, in Norway it is still easier to get along with girls than with guys, but the experience is very subjective, not for everyone.

    The main rule, probably - you want a relationship with a Scandinavian girl / boy - throw away your show-offs, ambitions, bablosy and the desire to dominate a person - all this does not work - frankness, naivety and romanticism will suit much more ...

    According to the mentality, the closest and most understandable Muscovites are likely to be Danes, they are even outwardly similar, Finns are in second place, but they have a language and a “separate opinion”, and then Swedes and Norwegians, in about one place, the difference is probably that the Swedes are simpler and sluggish, and of course worse than that, although this does not bother them at all.

    Sweden is a state in Northern Europe located on the territory of the Scandinavian Peninsula. According to the CIA World Factbook CIA World Factbook, Sweden ranks 21st among the most visited countries in the world. Tourists come here from different parts of the world to get acquainted with the rich culture and historical heritage of this country ...

    The official name of the country is “Kingdom of Sweden”.
    The official language is Swedish.

    The country's form of government is a constitutional monarchy and parliamentary democracy.

    Sweden is located in Northern Europe, the capital of the country is the city of Stockholm. Sweden is washed by the waters of Lake Mälaren in the west and the Baltic Sea in the east.

    Sweden occupies the fifth place in Europe in Europe, after Russia, Ukraine, France and Spain. The area of \u200b\u200bthis country is about 449 964 sq. Km.

    Most of the country's faithful population is Lutherans, in addition, Roman Catholics, Orthodox Christians, Baptists, Jews, Buddhists and Muslims live here.

    In the 9th and 10th centuries, the Swedish Vikings captured and settled some parts of Eastern Europe, up to Constantinople and the Caspian Sea. They founded the first Russian state. The ancestors of all Russian tsars to the last, Nicholas II, were Swedish Vikings.

    Until 1965, the country adopted left-hand traffic. Currently, the country has switched to a right-handed movement.

    On average, Swedish women have their first child at the age of 30. This is the latest age in Europe, along with Ireland and Holland.

    Some of the world famous pop groups are of Swedish origin, for example, Abba, Roxette, Ace of Base, A * Teens, The Cardigans, Robyn, etc.

    The life expectancy of Swedish citizens is the highest (80.51 years according to 2006 data), and the birth rate is the lowest in the world.

    Sweden has the largest number of McDonald restaurants per capita in Europe (although there are twice as many in the USA).

    Sweden has built the largest number of nuclear power plants per capita: 10 reactors per 9 million people.

    Sweden ranks first among all developed countries in the number of working mothers (at least 76%). In addition, the citizens of this country require the greatest amount of time for higher education (a student receives a diploma of higher education on average of 25.5 years).

    Sweden ranks second in Europe for the use of the most advanced technologies.

    According to the UN Children's Fund (UNICEF), in 2007 Sweden took first place among the richest countries in the world in terms of the well-being of children, their health and safety. The second place in the world is occupied by the Netherlands.

    In terms of human development (HDI), Sweden ranks second in the European Union (after Ireland) and fifth in the world.

    In 1862, Sweden became the first country to grant (married) women the right to vote in local elections.

    The first ice hotel in the world was built in the Swedish town of Jukkasjärvi, Kiruna County.

    The ancient Germanic tribes - the Goths (Goths), Normans (Norses) and others originated in Sweden (as well as Norway and Denmark), it was this land that became the cradle of their culture.

    In 2006, Sweden ranked second in Europe (after Denmark) in terms of income distribution inequality (Gini coefficient was 25%).

    In the capital of Sweden, Stockholm is the largest hemispherical building in the world - the sports and concert complex "Globe Arena". Its diameter reaches 110 meters, the height of the inside is 85 meters, and the total volume is 600,000 cubic meters. It represents the largest scale model of the solar system in the world.

    The largest shopping arcade in Europe was built in the Swedish city of Gothenburg (Gothenburg), it is called "Nordstan". On its area (about 320,000 sq.m.) there are 180 shops and 150 offices.

    For every resident of Sweden, the highest percentage of personal computers in Europe is about 500 pieces per 1000 people.

    By 2006, Swedish athletes had won 588 medals at the Winter and Summer Olympics, only six of the much more populated countries in the world surpassing this result — the United States, the Russian Federation, Italy, France, Germany and the United Kingdom.

    Until 2006, there were 27 Nobel laureates in Sweden (5 of them received the Nobel Peace Prize), the total number of which the country ranks fifth in the world.

    The Swedes gave the world some famous inventions, such as astronomical lenses, a zipper, a refrigerator, a computer mouse, propellers and an electronic heart stimulator.

    The Nobel Prize was founded by the Swede Alfred Nobel, who in 1866 invented dynamite.

    The most favorite Swedish dish is meatballs with potatoes and lingonberry sauce.

    A popular souvenir in Sweden is the “Elk mating season” road sign. Each year, these signs miraculously disappear from Swedish roads.

    Sweden is widely known not only as the “Viking Country”, but also as the “Country of the Midnight Sun”. Every year on the night of June 21, the country celebrates the Midsommar holiday (Midsummer Day). On this longest day of the year, in many regions of the country, the sun does not set at all.

    In Sweden, the smallest difference between the percentage of working men and women: working men is only 4% more than women.

    The famous Swedish natural scientist Karl Linney for the first time created a successful classification of all plants and animals of the world according to classes, orders, genera and species. In 1735, he wrote the epoch-making work System of Nature, which is used by modern botanists and zoologists.

    The strongest girl in the world - Peppy Long Stocking - hails from Sweden. She is the heroine of one of the most beloved children's books in the world, written by the Swedish writer Astrid Lingren. This book has been translated into 76 languages \u200b\u200bof the world.

    40% of Swedish women and 32% of Swedish men aged 25 to 64 take part in educational programs and trainings. If we compare this indicator with the average for the EU countries, then this ratio looks like this: 10% of women and 9% of men.

    In 2006, Sweden was the most generous country in terms of helping poor countries. This is the only country whose donation amount has exceeded 1% of gross domestic product.

    In 2002, women accounted for 42.7% of the total number of members of the Swedish parliament, the highest rate in the world.

    According to experts, Sweden should become the first country in the world to replace gasoline with biofuels.

    Sweden receives the largest number of patents per capita in Europe, namely 271 per 1 million people.

    The total amount of taxation in Sweden reaches 54.2% of GDP, this is the highest rate on the planet.

    The Swedish company Ericsson is a world leader in mobile telecommunications technology. In addition, this country has the highest number of mobile phones per capita in Europe (after Luxembourg) (108.4%). Now the number of mobile phones exceeds the size of the country.

    Sweden, along with Denmark and Hungary, has the highest VAT level in the world (25%).

    Sweden enjoys an excellent reputation as a manufacturer of Volvo and Saab cars. Scania trucks are also available in Sweden.

    The world-famous company IKEA - one of the world's largest retail chains selling furniture and household goods - was founded in Sweden in 1943.

    The Swedish company Electrolux has a 28% stake in the global home appliance market. She owns about 40 brands, including AEG-Electrolux, Zanussi, Eureka and Frigidaire.

    The smorgasbord was invented centuries ago. When guests arrived, all food was served immediately, in large bowls. Thus, the owners saved themselves from unnecessary ceremonies, freeing up time for communication.

    Polar Rose is the first face search engine. It was developed in 2007 by graduates of the University of Malmö in Sweden. An ordinary two-dimensional photo is extrapolated to a 3D model, which allows you to efficiently search regardless of the angle of the source photo.

    In 1924, a method for producing aerated concrete based on cement, lime and various additives using aluminum powder as a gas-forming agent was proposed in Sweden. Somewhat later, foam concrete was invented in Denmark.

    In Stockholm is the world's first national city park - the Royal Ecological Park.

    Woodpecker Hotel (Sweden) - a hotel located on a 130 year old oak at an altitude of 13 m. From the ground in Vasaparken Park. The Woodpecker Hotel is a work by the Swedish artist Michael Genberg. There are all amenities: toilet, kitchen, library, bed and porch.

    In Sweden, in 1857, the first bodybuilding simulators were invented. One of the first importers of "athletic apparatus" was Russia: they were ordered by the imperial family and representatives of the upper world.

    In Sweden, there is a so-called “bonus” of gender equality. It provides for a reduction in taxation of the income of one of the parents after using parental leave, which in this country is 1 year. Similar incentive systems also exist in Norway, Denmark and Finland.

    For the first time, the idea of \u200b\u200bchild car seats appeared in Sweden in the early 1960s. It was proposed to carry small passengers with their backs against the direction of travel.

    For the first time, mobile communications have found commercial use in the Scandinavian countries. In 1981, in Norway and Sweden, the NMT 450 analogue cellular standard was developed and commercial cellular systems were deployed.

    Until now, every year 2-3 million CDs of the legendary Swedish group find their customers - ABBA remains one of the most popular music groups in the world.

    For a long time, negotiations between representatives of the Scandinavian countries were “Scandinavian” (in Swedish, Norwegian or Danish), but in recent years, the Scandinavian languages \u200b\u200bhave become more crowded out by English at the request of representatives of Finland and Iceland

    Winter depression is common in Scandinavian countries. Doctors have found that about 20% of all Swedes are affected, and the disease is believed to be inherited. It was first mentioned in the 6th century by the Gothic historian Jordanes when describing the Scandinavians.

    The matches we used daily were invented in 1844 by the Swedish inventor Gustav Eric Pasch. And since then, for more than 100 years, the world has been using only a swedish match, made not only wisely, but also with truly Swedish practicality.

    The Royal Palace in Stockholm is the largest of the currently used palaces in the world (more than 550 rooms).

    Sweden was the leader in providing citizens with the largest number of weekends (including holidays and vacations) in Europe. Citizens of this country have a rest 42 days a year.

    Battleship "Vase" - the oldest surviving ship in the world of the XVII century. It was built in 1626-28, and was at that time the largest ship built in Sweden. During the first exit to the open sea, he fell into a storm and sank. They raised it only in 1959-61.

    Maritime Museum (Maritime Museum) - is considered the world's largest marine museum, has in its collection a unique exhibit - the only stuffed blue whale in the world. In the aquarium of the museum live marine inhabitants of Swedish coastal waters, exotic fish.

    About 80% of Sweden’s heat supply systems are based on renewable energy, most of which comes from wood fuels and household and industrial waste.

    Utter Inn is located in Sweden. It is notable for being under water - guests are brought there by boat. Room rates per night are approximately $ 350, but worth it.

    The world's first hostel aircraft will appear at the airport in Stockholm. The hostel is housed in a Boeing-747 building, parked in an eternal parking lot near the entrance to Arlanda Airport.

    According to statistics from the European Union, more than 25% of the energy consumed by the Scandinavians is produced from renewable sources. For comparison, we note that for other European countries this figure is, on average, only six percent.

    The Polar Music Prize is awarded annually to musicians who have made the greatest contribution to the development of music. The awards are distributed between pop artists and classical musicians. Each laureate receives $ 147,000 from the hands of the King of Sweden, Carl XVI Gustav.

    Before all other countries of the world, compulsory sexuality education in schools was introduced in Sweden - since 1955. In this country, it begins with a kindergarten and is carried out without the knowledge of parents.

    The coldest and shortest-lived hotel in the world is the Ice Hotel, located in the village of Jukkasjarvi in \u200b\u200bnorthern Sweden. Every winter it is rebuilt, since in the spring Jukkasjärvi runs in streams to the neighboring Thorn River.

    The Scandinavians are famous not only for their labor efficiency, but also for their ability to relax. The longest vacation in Europe with Finnish employees: 39 days. The following are: Sweden and Denmark - 30-35 days; then Norway - 25 days.

    According to the Tispol organization, which unites the EU traffic police, the most law-abiding motorists live in Finland and Sweden, where only 0.3% of drivers have exceeded the allowable blood alcohol norm.

    The Globen Sports and Concert Hall in Stockholm is considered the world's largest indoor multipurpose arena.

    Stockholm Lane Mörten Trotzigs (Mårten Trotzigs Gränd) is considered one of the narrowest in the world - its width does not exceed 90 cm.

    Supercar Koenigsegg CCXR (made in Sweden) is considered the most powerful environmentally friendly car in the world. The Koenigsegg CCXR is powered by a 1018 horsepower 4.7-liter V8 biofuel engine and can accelerate to 100 km / h in 2.7 seconds.

    Time management - the art of time management, originated in Sweden. It was created specifically for those who want to achieve what they want as soon as possible. There is such a proverb - you will miss an hour, you will lose a year. Time management helps free up time for different things.

    For different nations, the @ symbol is both read and translated in different ways. More often than other animals, a monkey appears. In Denmark and Norway - snabel-a - "snout A". In Sweden - "trunk, elephant."

    Uppsala Cathedral - the largest in Scandinavia, reaches a height of 118.7 m. The construction of the cathedral was started in 1260 and lasted 175 years. This is a national shrine, the oldest church in Sweden.

    Sweden was the first country in the world where a census was carried out in 1749 (1765 thousand people). In 2005, 9 001 774 inhabitants lived in the country.

    About Sweden and Swedes through the eyes of a Russian

    Our reader Alexander writes: I lived here for about 5 years, and now I often go back and forth to work. Below are 30 facts about Sweden and the Swedes through the eyes of Russians.

    It’s not customary for the Swedes to come to visit without a call.

    Sweden is divided into 21 county - flax (län).

    Each district has its own dialect. When I was in college, we had a math teacher who burry and in every possible way distorted the letter "p". Then it seemed to me that it was just a speech impediment, but when I was in the south of Sweden, in the city of Malmö, I realized that this was one of the dialects.

    Swedes do not like to cook at home, so they often arrange a family trip to all kinds of pizzerias, burgenkings and mcdonalds.

    The most favorite dish among Swedes is kebab pizza (dough, cheese, meat and special kebab sauce). There is even one site where pizzerias are revealed that sell the most delicious kebab pizza.

    All pizzerias in Sweden position themselves as exclusively Italian, but I have never met a working Italian in them. As a rule, these are Arabs or Kurds.

    In Sweden you will not find decent sushi bars. Although the Swedes are very fond of Japanese cuisine.

    In social network statuses, for example, on Facebook, Swedes usually write about all kinds of little things, it looks very funny and naive. For example, a certain Kevin Lundell writes: “Tonight there will be pizza with his wife under the transfer of Idol - how cool.” In general, they write everything that happens momentarily in life.

    Sweden has two languages \u200b\u200b- easy and difficult. As a rule, 70% of the population do not use “difficult” words in colloquial speech and often do not even know the meaning of these words. And if you learn a few words and put them into a sentence, then everyone will think that you are a super-erudite person. To the note, the "difficult" words, translating them into Russian, include: "Raid" "objectively", "subjective" ... That is, those words that we use in everyday life.

    Roman L. N. Tolstoy also exists in a difficult and easy translation.

    Once I translated our proverb into Swedish: "Free cheese only in a mousetrap" and I said it to everyone in the company. The effect was overwhelming, everyone began to clap, and someone even wrote down to his phone. After that, I started flaunting sayings everywhere.

    Swedes are a very athletic nation. It often turns out that a person is already over 80, but he will not be given 50.

    Swedes are long-livers. This is often associated with a measured, stress-free lifestyle and ecology.

    If you decide to quickly organize a business and rent a room, then this is not so simple. Everything is done here slowly. With our pace of life (when you need everything at once) it will not be easy to get used to it.

    The Swedes are obsessed with ecology.

    Swedes are also very protective of animals. There was a case when someone killed a sparrow in the woods with an air rifle and this was noticed by one of the passersby - a man was given 6 months in a penal colony and a fine.

    In Sweden, it is not customary to immediately enter a university after graduation. As a rule, at first they go to work, and then at the age of 20–25 they go to university.

    In general, 25-30 years for Sweden is not age. Often you can meet students of all ages at a university desk.

    At the age of 18, young people try to separate from their parents and live separately, since almost everyone can afford it here.

    Swedes prefer snus instead of cigarettes. Snus is a type of tobacco product. It is a crushed moistened tobacco, which is placed between the upper (less often - lower) lip and gum.

    Films in cinemas are watched in the original with subtitles.

    Most Swedes are afraid to go to Russia because of the mafia.

    If you have passed the probationary period and entered into an employment contract with the employer, it is almost impossible to dismiss you from work, even if you have done something out of the ordinary - the Swedish trade union is so strong.

    Swedes are a very kind and helpful people. If you have a disaster, and at work they found out about it, then this becomes a problem for the whole team.

    Up to twenty years, teeth can be treated for free. The most interesting thing is that you can make an appointment almost every week, for all sorts of reasons - whether it is to remove a stone or just to whiten your teeth.

    Swedish, Norwegian and Danish are very similar.

    Swedes are avid fishermen. But fish are caught, as a rule, not for catch, but for sporting interest. Therefore, instead of going home and melting the smokehouse, they calmly let the fish back into the water, after taking a picture with it. By the way, they do not attribute pike to edible fish at all, disdain. Therefore, I always left with a wonderful catch.

    From Monday to Friday you will not meet drunk people on the street. And even if you meet, it will be some kind of alcoholic (of which there are few in Sweden). But from Friday to Sunday, 80 percent drunk on the street.

    In Sweden, alcohol is controlled and sold exclusively by the state. Alcohol is not sold to persons under the age of 20. Also, if you come the third time in a day, you will most likely be refused a purchase, motivating it by saying that “you are too frequent” - this is how the state controls alcohol consumption. Note, one liquor store is designed for 20 thousand inhabitants, while here, one tent with a swill is designed for 200-400 people. And let us, then they don’t prove that it’s not genocide ...

    In apartment buildings, it is not customary to have your own washing machine. This is due to the fact that in the houses of the HOA there is a special washing room in which, by appointment, you can wash, dry and iron clothes. This is done to save energy.

    Swedish women are beautiful by nature. They don’t need makeup to stand out from others. They may look naturally beautiful, because they live in a country with good ecology, where free dental treatment is available, where a substantial amount of financial assistance is paid for each child. Most lovely ladies dress modestly.

    Swedish women are self-confident, they achieve their goals, they are successful at work and loved in the family. They are modest, but at the same time they can stand up for themselves. They not only dress with dignity, but also behave with dignity both at work and at home. However, if desired, a woman from Sweden can stand out by dyeing her hair black. Since blondes predominate in this country.

    It can also be noted that Swedish girls have a good sense of humor. They are beautiful in every way. Many of them like to keep cats at home, because in some ways they themselves are similar to cats. Cats, like Swedes, walk on their own, but when circumstances so require, they can be gentle and faithful.

    At all times, the most “famous Swede” was considered Peppy Long Stocking.

    Swedes are the main population of Sweden, where there are about 8 million ethnic Swedes. 4.3 million Americans and 300 thousand Canadians have Swedish roots.

    Swedish belongs to the Scandinavian subgroup of the Germanic group of Indo-European languages. The peoples related to the Swedes are Danes, Norwegians, Icelanders, Faroese.

    22 place. Elsa Hosk   (born November 7, 1988, Stockholm, Sweden) is a Swedish top model, one of Victoria’s Secret angels. Height 175.5 cm, body parameters: chest 79 cm, waist 56 cm, hips 89 cm.

    21 place. Ann-Margret Ulsson   (born April 28, 1941, Stockholm) is an American actress, singer and dancer of Swedish descent. Parents moved the girl to the United States when she was 5 years old.

    20th place. Mod Adamas / Maud Adams   (born February 12, 1945, Luleå, Sweden) is a Swedish actress known for playing the role of James Bond girl twice: in the films The Man with the Golden Gun (1974) and Octopus (1983). Adams is the name of the actress in her first husband. Maiden Name Maud - Wikström.

    19th place. Martha Torén   (May 21, 1926, Stockholm - February 19, 1957) - Swedish actress. Died at the age of 30 from intracerebral hemorrhage.

    18th place. Irene Ware / Irene Ware   (November 6, 1910, New York, USA - March 11, 1993) - American actress, Miss USA 1929. She took second place in the Miss Universe 1929. Her father was born in Sweden, and her mother had Austrian roots. Real name Irene - Alberg / Ahlberg.

    17th place. Helena Mattsson   (born March 30, 1984, Stockholm) is a Swedish actress. At the age of 19, she moved to Hollywood, where her name is pronounced in the American manner - Mattsson.

    16th place. Marika Green   (born June 21, 1943, Stockholm) - French actress. Her father is a Swede, her mother is. Marika moved from Sweden to France at the age of 10. Marika Green is the sister of Walter Green, who is the father of a famous French actress, which I did not include in this rating, because she is only 1/4 Swedish, besides she considers herself (by mother).

    15th place. Mona Johannesson / Mona Johannesson (born September 18, 1986, Jönköping, Sweden) is a Swedish model who is often compared to the famous British top model Kate Moss from the outward similarity of the girls.

    14th place. Frida Gustavsson / Frida Gustavsson   (born June 6, 1993, Stockholm) is a Swedish top model. Height 184 cm, the parameters of the figure 78-59-89.

    13th place. Susanna Andén   (born June 7, 1978, Stockholm), better known as Mini Andén, - Swedish model and actress. Height 178 cm, parameters 86-61-90.

    The previous photo, although beautiful, does not quite reflect the appearance of the Mini Anden, so one more photo of her:

    11th place. Sigrid Agren / Sigrid Agren   (born April 24, 1991, Martinique) is a French top model. Her father is a Swede, her mother is French. Height 176 cm, parameters 80-58.5-86.5.

    10th place. Britt Ekland   (born October 6, 1942, Stockholm) is a Swedish actress and fashion model who has gained recognition in the UK. Most of all I remember as a Bond girl in the ninth film about the English superspy "Man with a Golden Gun" (1974). It is noteworthy that another Swede played another Bond girl in this film - Maud Adamas.

    9th place.   Tippi Hedren   (born January 19, 1930, New Ulm, USA) is an American actress best known for her roles in the films Birds (1963) and Marnie (1964). The real name of the actress is Natalie / Nathalie. On her paternal side, she has Swedish roots (grandfather and grandmother moved to the USA from Sweden), on her maternal side, German and Norwegian. Tippy Hedren is the mother of actress Melanie Griffith.

    8th place.   Viveca Lindfors   (December 29, 1920, Uppsala, Sweden - October 25, 1995) - Swedish and American actress.

    7th place. Alicia Vikander   (born October 3, 1988, Gothenburg, Sweden) - Swedish actress and dancer.

    6th place. Rebecca Ferguson / Rebecca Ferguson   (born October 19, 1983, Stockholm) is a Swedish actress, best known for her role as Queen of England Elizabeth Woodville (1437 - 1492) in the TV series The White Queen (2013). Rebecca's father is a Swede, mother is.

    5th place. (born February 28, 1993, Randers, Denmark) is a Danish singer, winner of the Eurovision Song Contest 2013, with the song "Only Teardrops". Her father is a Swede, her mother is a Danish. Emmily spent a significant part of her life in Sweden, speaks fluent Swedish.

    4th place. Eva Aulin   (born February 13, 1950, Landskrona, Sweden) is a Swedish actress, winner of the Miss Teen International 1966 beauty pageant. At the age of 24, she got married and left the cinema.

    1st place. Camilla Sparv   (born June 3, 1943, Stockholm, Sweden) is a Swedish actress. In the countries of the former USSR, she is known for the film "McKenna's Gold" (1969), which became the fourth highest-grossing box office in Soviet film distribution from foreign films.