Birthday greetings song by name. Audio greetings by phone names

It is time to end this tradition of impersonally congratulating family and close friends. Our service is specially created for those who do not want to give the usual gifts, but want, on the contrary, to surprise with an original surprise. Is Svetlana's Birthday approaching? Or the name day of Vasily? In a special section on our website you will find several options for audio greetings on names with happy birthday in various styles and formats, from which you can choose the most suitable.

A very simple search for the desired name is organized on the site, because all the male and female names presented are listed in the corresponding catalogs in alphabetical order. Believe me, even for the most rare and exotic name in our catalog, you can easily pick up a congratulation on the holiday.

Those lucky ones who have a unique chance on their birthday to receive a voice card as a present will be pleasantly surprised by congratulations from famous personalities, for example, actors or singers, who will call them by name. Those who choose such a gift will definitely like the simplicity of placing an order and choosing the appropriate audio recording.

Recently, voice cards have become a real breakthrough in the gift industry. This new trend is firmly established among young people and the older generation. The popularity of such a gift is constantly growing, and this is not at all surprising, because when making an order, you get the opportunity not only to congratulate a person, but also to surprise him, because not every day a person can receive a phone call from his beloved TV star or even a famous politician on his day birth.

Registered greeting voice cards are a great opportunity to cheer up a birthday man. The special charm of such a gift is that it can be given at a distance of hundreds of kilometers from the hero of the occasion. Believe me, such a manifestation of care and love will not go unnoticed. Your solemn present is sure to be remembered, because audio birthday greetings by name is an original decision to give the birthday boy not only pleasant words, but also a great mood for the whole holiday and longer.

A big plus of using our service is a wide variety of audio card options by name. There is no longer any need to spend hours surfing the Internet in search of a suitable audio appeal with the right name and dedicated specifically to Birthday. Our service is the most complete collection of relevant audio recordings, among which you can easily choose the most suitable one by using the search on the site.

Features of ordering a personal greeting

The simplicity of placing an order for a personalized audio card is striking, which is probably why it has become such a popular presentation option lately. Directly the order is made on our website. For its registration, you will not need anything other than your phone number to confirm the order and the phone number of the birthday person, to whom the congratulatory call will be made.

Upon completion of the order, a registered audio card will be sent to the birthday person’s number. If you worry about leaving your phone number on the site, do not worry. The policy of our service does not allow the transfer of personal data of a client to third parties.

Give joy by presenting audio greetings on the phone by name happy birthday to your friends and family. A voice card will be able to show your loved ones how much you love them and want them to feel happy on their special day and be filled with positive emotions.

↓ Below, the most   cool voice greetings  and audio cards: personalized, musical, comic, in verse. Friends, loved ones, relatives.

Send cards from our website or from your phone!

  •   - convenient to use the service from the phone (for iOS, Android)

Unusual birthday greetings for friends and family!

  • It’s simple: surprise, congratulate unusual and give a good mood!

  Funny voice birthday greetings by name

Man will get on a cell phone  funny voice audio postcard from funny characters addressed specifically to him.

  • Enter the name of the recipient and send a personalized gift
  • Original greetings on mobile
  •   to which mawfully add signature when sending  (indicate about whom)

It has long been noticed by psychologists that turning to a person by name evokes positive emotions. And if the congratulation is executed sincerely and with humor?

Audio postcard  - This is a good option for congratulations from many of the already familiar ways for us to express our feelings.

  • Listen and choose a suitable greeting or audio card

  These are comic audio greetings - surprise and give a good mood!

Funny audio greetings  on the phone - this is an original and affordable way for everyone to remind a friend (girlfriend), relative, loved one (beloved) that he is remembered and valued. This is an easy and quick way to congratulate unusual.

  • And the rally, and congratulations "in one bottle"

Why are these unusual congratulations?

Agree, not every day a person receives congratulations in this format. Remember the last time you received something original? After all, these are pleasant moments that are remembered.

Listen to interesting greetings:

Anytime, you can original congratulate a loved one, and give him a good mood for the whole day.

Unusual birthday and jubilee greetings - instead of “poems”

Audio greetings  - This is an original gift for any holiday. On the site, you will find audio congratulations on your birthday and anniversary, on your phone, as well as voice jokes and practical jokes from celebrities.

We invite you to listen and send your favorite birthday. An audio postcard will be delivered to the birthday person as an incoming call to a mobile or landline phone.

Congratulate the hero of the day to a woman and a man in an original way

Good wishes and happy birthday voicemail  for man or woman. Add the signature to the card, and the person will find out from whom it came. The best way to congratulate the hero of the day from a distance and make a pleasant surprise.

  • Send something suitable from the postcards below or see all the wishes at the top of this page (in the category of anniversary cards).
  • Audio congratulation on the phone - can be sent at the specified time
  • This is an unusual way to originally congratulate a loved one on a holiday and happy birthday.

Voice greetings on the phone for relatives and friends

It is amazing how high the value of an ordinary postcard is. It is fraught with many feelings and emotions that a person experiences when thinking about a birthday person. It is customary to present bright and colorful postcards for Birthday in order to awaken a good mood in the birthday person. Just imagine how many positive emotions he will receive if you order for him and choose the appropriate text and musical accompaniment.

It is worth saying that our site has a huge base of personalized congratulations. Do not worry about the fact that the name will not be on the list, we tried to select the original texts of congratulations on the phone happy birthday by name even for the rarest and most unusual male or female names.

The sages say that "the best things are not things." From this we can conclude that the gift does not have to be tangible and tangible. Much more significant are not material presentations, but positive emotions and joyful memories that remain close throughout life. Birthday is a holiday of happiness when the birthday person deserves to receive the maximum of joyful impressions. Do not deprive him of this opportunity, be sure to order personal names with us.

Memorable voice birthday greeting by name

Do not forget that together with our site you can realize the dream of your friend or relative. If, for example, he always dreamed of talking with someone from well-known politicians, when ordering a voice card from the list of proposed characters-congratulators, choose the desired surname of the party leader. Believe me, fulfilling dreams is the most incredible and wonderful thing that can exist.

On our site there are a great many variations of how voice greetings on a birthday can be sounded by names performed by famous artists, actors, singers or politicians.

A wide range of possibilities allows you to compose the original text, choose the voice of the congratulator, as well as choose the appropriate musical accompaniment, for example, your favorite birthday song. Such a card will surely become the most memorable gift that will be mentioned more than once in friendly conversations.

Unique voice-over-the-phone birthday greetings

Fortunately, in order to please your friends or relatives there is no need to do the most complicated manipulations, to call or write long letters somewhere. On our site during the order you need to fill out a simple form.

The most important fields in it are the birthday phone number to which a voice gift will be sent, as well as your phone number with which the order is confirmed. You should not worry about the safety of personal data, as a strict user policy of the site excludes any incidents with the transfer of your phone numbers to third parties.

When ordering a voice message of a happy birthday on the phone by the name of the birthday for loved ones and loved ones, you once again remind you how much you value them. Such a gift will be remembered for a long time, because it brings with it a lot of positive emotions and vivid impressions. Favorite music, beautiful text, unexpected greeter - this is the recipe for the perfect voice card that you can create on our website.

And even if you are at a distance of hundreds of kilometers from the birthday, do not be discouraged, because with our help you are able to give him an unforgettable gift. Yours, created with our help, will surely find a birthday person and give him some truly magical moments on his main day.

  Any birthday person will be pleased if on his birthday a voice greeting from a friend, relative or colleague arrives on the phone. Moreover, making such a gift is as simple as possible - you just need to select a personalized voice card in the catalog of our service and indicate the date / time of departure.

Voice greetings by name is an opportunity to make a personal gift. Only in our catalog contains a complete list of female and male names, where you can probably find the name of the hero of the occasion.

We offer the largest selection of new voice greetings with a name:

  • funny ones, for example, a voice greeting from Putin by name, as well as postcards voiced by the voices of pop and movie stars;
  • musical based on popular melodies, soundtracks for films and children's songs from cartoons;
  • congratulations for relatives with their names - grandmother, grandfather, parents, sisters and brothers, spouse, aunt, nephews;
  • children's greetings - funny rhymes, songs, voice cards, in which the voice of cartoon characters sounds, as well as jokes and practical jokes designed for children;
  • voice, in verses and prose and much more.
  Voice birthday greetings by name will come in handy, if for any reason you cannot personally congratulate the hero of the day or birthday. Determine the date and time when the hero of the occasion should receive a voice message on the phone with congratulatory words and wishes. Just at the indicated time, an incoming call arrives on his phone, and after he picks up the phone, such important words will sound.

Voice congratulations on the phone by name will allow you to choose not just a universal greeting that suits all your friends and relatives, but also choose a unique voice card addressed to a specific person. For ease of search, the list of names is made alphabetically and is also divided into female and male names. The list of names is constantly expanding, so on our site you can find both modern and rarer unique names.

To send personalized voice greetings, select a name from the list, if you wish, listen to the postcard, fill out the form and pay for the order. In the form you need to indicate the telephone number of the recipient of the wishes and the delivery time of your order. We offer instant payment - you can pay for selected musical birthday greetings by name directly from your phone account when confirming an incoming free SMS message.

Unique voice greetings for birthday names is an audio present for all occasions. The hero of the day or birthday will surely like poetic or prosaic works, jokes and comic confessions, musical cards, where the name will sound. And to make your gift even more impressive, birthday greetings by phone by name can be voiced by the voice of a famous person, for example, a singer or actor.

Happy Birthday Voice Greetings by Name  - These are personal congratulations to the birthday man in a voice that gives cordial audio wishes by name with an incoming phone call. And to congratulate by name from celebrities means to give the recipient an excellent mood, which will remain with him throughout the holiday event!

Also, by musical birthday greetings by name, congratulate women and men. The audio gift has a large number of audio birthday greetings on the names of the musical composition of a woman and a man, as well as from celebrities. All registered messages are sent with guaranteed delivery by phone to any country in the world. Book a personal parting word for the celebration in the list of male and female names on this page.

Happy Birthday Voice Greetings by Name

If the name of the birthday man sounds in the festive birthday, it makes it more enjoyable and meaningful. It is much more interesting to receive personal parting words for the holiday. Ordering a voice birthday greeting by name is easy here.

A sound audio gift will be guaranteed to be delivered to the recipient on the specified date and time when sending. You can order them on mobile and regular telephones to any country in the world. If the subscriber is busy at the time of the call, we will call him back 10 times, increasing the time interval between calls.

Preliminary listening to voice greetings on your birthday by name will help you choose the most suitable audio message on your birthday for any, even the most demanding recipient. Personalized gifts for the phone are available for all categories of citizens - mom, dad, daughter, which means that personalized wishes will be found for all birthday parties.

All sound audio birthday greetings by name deliver wonderful holiday wishes and a great mood to the birthday person by phone. After listening to the address message by the birthday person, you will receive a report on its delivery in the form of an SMS message. You can pay for congratulations with a card in the window below.