DIY greeting cards for February 23. Original applications for Defender of the Fatherland Day. Mega-simple stylish postcard.

On February 23, dad or grandfather will be pleased to receive a handmade postcard from the child. Postcards for February 23, which we offer in this section, are decorated with regular or volume applications of colored paper. There are very simple applications available even for children 2-5 years old. There are more difficult crafts for children of senior preschool and primary school age. For young children, prepare in advance, cut out all the details of the picture, so that they only have to stick them on the card. Adult children can cut out applique parts themselves.

Dad loves technology, so February 23 postcards with her image will be very helpful. Make an application with a typewriter, airplane, rocket. Application can be either simple or voluminous.

Application boat.

Even a three-year-old can make a simple application of paper a boat. On the website you can download a ready-made template for making a simple boat application from paper. See link \u003e\u003e\u003e\u003e

  And here are examples of more complex volume applications with the image of ships. How to make such cards by February 23, you can guess from the photos.
Applique machine.

We offer you to decorate the card for dad on February 23 with an unusual applique in the form of a machine made of candy wrappers. Master class on the manufacture of this postcard February 23, see the link \u003e\u003e\u003e\u003e

Applique airplaneApplication rocket

Finally, from transport, it’s also suitable for decorating postcards for dad or cards for grandfather's application rocket. In the window, the child can paste his own photo or a photograph of his beloved dad / grandfather. You can download a ready-made rocket template.

And here is a three-dimensional postcard by February 23 with a picture of a rocket.

Another interesting version of the postcard for dad with your own hands is an origami shirt card. There are many ways to make cards of this type, we will talk about the basic ones, starting with simple options and ending with more complex origami cards.

The easiest way is to fold a rectangular sheet of paper in half. Cut a strip of paper from the top of the postcard. On the front, make two shallow cuts on the side and bend them to the center to get the “collar” of the shirt. Separately cut the tie, decorate it with pieces of colored paper, and then stick it on the card.

But everything is the same, only the “collar” of the shirt-card is made on the other side (therefore it is double) and decorated with buttons. Detailed instructions (with photos) for the manufacture of this card by February 23, see the link. Ready-made tie template can be downloaded.
The Country of Masters website offers a more interesting version of this voluminous postcard for February 23. Postcard in the photo below with a surprise! An elegant vest can be unfastened and a note or congratulation can be found in the inner pocket. In order to make such an unusual tie, you will need several candy wrappers. The use of "wrapper design" allows you to give the image of the costume a unique festive look. A detailed master class on the manufacture of this postcard on February 23, see the link. Postcard for February 23 do it yourself. Origami greeting card
To make such an original origami card on February 23 as a gift to dad or grandfather is much easier than it might seem at first glance. With a little help from an adult, even a child of a senior preschool age can do it. Detailed master class see below.

1. Fold a sheet of rectangular paper in half.
2. Fold the sides to the center.
3.4. Fold the edges of the sheet as shown in photo No. 3 and No. 4. Now you are making the sleeves of a future shirt.
5. Turn over a sheet of paper and fold up the top edge.
6.7. Turn your workpiece back and bend the upper corners to the center as shown in photo No. 6, No. 7 and No. 7a. Now you are making a collar.
8. You just have to bend the bottom edge and tuck it under the collar. The card is ready for February 23!

You can decorate it with a homemade tie and write a congratulation for dad or grandfather inside the card or directly on it.

Instead of making a card-shirt, you can stick pockets on a greeting card, decorate it and put a congratulation in it. Simple and tasteful!

3. Postcard for dad do it yourself.

You can also make a postcard for dad with your own hands in the form of a suitcase with tools. You can download ready-made tool templates. Print and cut them. Let the child colorize the tools and write on each of them on the reverse side one positive quality of his dad. You will understand how to make a suitcase out of a sheet of colored cardboard if you carefully consider the photos below.

4. Greeting card for grandfather.

If your grandfather or dad is fond of fishing, then the next handmade postcard by February 23 will be appropriate for him. For its manufacture, in addition to colored paper, you will need a thin rope. From it you will make a fishing line for a fishing rod.

One of the favorite men's holidays in my family is February 23, and my children and I always make postcards for February 23 with our own hands to our family and friends. Perhaps someone will say that it is easier to buy ready-made cards, but the children really like to make them, so we do it together.

By the way, I heard a version from several acquaintances that you only need to congratulate those who served in the army, but I do not support this point of view - every man is a defender of the fatherland.

What to portray

To make a beautiful one with a baby with your own hands, first of all you need to choose the plot of the product. If the man to whom the present is intended served in any troops, then you can choose any suitable symbolism.

A similar option:

And if not, then you can pick up just a courageous character - for example, my grandfather often draws horses, my brother receives cards with a tank because of his addiction to the famous game.

Choose an artistic style of work, and proceed - the production will not take much time, and your loved ones will be happy for such a gift for a long time.

Option with applique

Miscellaneous download labels:

Making the application is quite simple - you can look at the photo of the postcard you like and repeat. But if you want to do everything from scratch, then follow the instructions.

  1. On plain paper (you can also check), first sketch the future postcard - determine in advance the shape and color of all the elements, location and composition, work out the shape.
  2. Make a pattern for each element (especially if you do with the child - it’s easier for them to circle the finished pattern). To do this, draw all the elements on one sheet of thick paper or even cardboard (if you plan to use the pattern repeatedly), mark the front side and cut it with a sharp breadboard knife or good scissors.
  3. Choose the basis for your postcard. It can be a piece of thick cardboard or even an ordinary white Whatman paper, special paper or a piece from a watercolor album.
  4. Give the workpiece the desired shape - cut the corners, cut the edges, make a creasing - the groove along which the card will be folded. To do this, you need to draw a line along the ruler with any non-writing pointed object. The most commonly used old ballpoint pen.
  5. Pick up colored paper for your appliqué and cut out the elements you want. You can use plain colored paper, you can buy shiny or velvet, neon or with sparkles.

    We always have scrapbooking paper at home, and I allow the children to take a few sheets for their cards. And if you really need some kind of color of paper, which was not at hand, then you can always just mix paints and paint the desired sheet.

  6. Sequentially lubricate the elements with glue and stick to the right places, gently smoothing with a dry clean cloth.
  7. Put the application under the press in order to remove excess waves from the glue.
  8. Do not forget to sign the card.

Another option (it is better to make such a postcard from thick cardboard):

Volumetric work techniques

A beautiful handmade DIY greeting card for your beloved dad on February 23 may be voluminous. Think about how exactly you or the child would like to give the card a volume - it can be quilling, volume application, or even a card that becomes voluminous when unfolded.

I sometimes help children make cards using the scrapbooking technique, but much more I like to watch what they invent themselves - therefore, if the child does not mind fantasizing, be sure to listen to his wishes.


In this technique, the easiest way is to create a three-dimensional postcard, especially since you can’t come up with any special plot, the quilling itself is very attractive, so it’s enough to simply depict the date of the holiday in this technique, however, if you want, you can sketch out something .

To make greeting cards using the quilling technique, you will need to purchase or make a blank for a postcard, as well as strips of paper for quilling - you can buy them ready-made. You can choose the colors to your taste - these can be classic shades of khaki, symbolizing the military uniform, or any others that seem appropriate.

Paper cut

Volumetric postcards are always very impressive, and therefore there is nothing surprising in the fact that a child may want to make just such a postcard. A voluminous postcard for February 23 with your own hands can be quite complicated - if you chose this option, then it is better to watch a video tutorial.

And you can use a self-made sketch - especially when you plan to make a clamshell card.

For example, you can draw on paper some plot that is not too complicated to cut out, and make a postcard that can be put on a table or shelf. One more is glued to the carved part - the back, and a beautiful figured congratulation is obtained.

You can try to make a postcard where the three-dimensional structure will be in the middle - for example, it is not too difficult to cut and glue the ship on the waves.

And you can simply make a volumetric application - the cut out elements are not glued to the glue, but to special adhesive pads and springs, and then, the decorative elements are slightly behind the paper.

And a few more ideas for inspiration:

Now you know how to make a card that every father will be happy to receive!

Good afternoon, dear readers! On the eve of Defender of the Fatherland Day, we have prepared original and not complicated ideas for children, today we offer interesting options for greeting cards. They will perfectly express love and respect for a loved one. After all, the postcard is made with your own hands, it is much better than any other purchased in the store.

Some of them the child will be able to make independently. To create others, you need the help of mom. But still, this is a very exciting and interesting activity.

  DIY paper card for dad on February 23

You can make such a simple card from colored paper in just a few minutes.

We will need:

  • scissors;
  • a simple pencil;
  • glue;
  • felt-tip pens (red and black);
  • a4 white paper sheet;
  • a sheet of double-sided black paper A4;
  • a small rectangle of pink paper (for a bow);
  • some green paper (for buttons).

Work Stages:

1. Set up black paper on white. Align and bend in half.

2. Expand and bend again. But now, we bring each edge only to the middle. At this place is the first bend.

3. And again we add. Thus, we get a sheet folded four times.

4. Draw a half heart with a simple pencil. Next, cut out on our drawn line. As a result, we get a card-heart. Outside, it is black, and inside it is white.

On a white background, you can write a holiday wish.

5. We bend the front black side of the heart (top). It turns out the collar of a black jacket.

7. We only need to decorate the card. Two buttons are cut out of green paper. Their diameter is 1-2 cm. We draw holes on them with a black felt-tip pen. And glue on the right side of the jacket.

8. Next, cut out a small pink rectangle. Fold it in half and cut a bow. The edges are slightly wider than the middle. We unfold and glue the bow to one of the front sides of the white shirt.

9. The card is ready. It remains only to write a wish inside.

And you can make a card and put a little daddy for dad

And how do you like such a card, in my opinion it is very original, but on the reverse side you can write a wish for dad, he will be very pleased.

And how do you like this card with a real silk butterfly:

And here’s a great idea with ties:

These gifts for dad from daughter:

And in this version, you can write a message to dad:

In this postcard we draw a shirt and glue a bow from pasta, which we pre-paint with paints

And here's another example, here you need to cut out numbers and stars from paper, paint with felt-tip pens and tie a bow out of fabric, then glue all these elements on colored paper.

  Greeting card for kindergarten and elementary school.

This postcard can be performed with guys who have already learned how to use scissors.

We will need:

  • cardboard: white, green and red;
  • color paper: black and orange;
  • a simple pencil;
  • scissors;
  • ruler;
  • glue stick;
  • multi-colored pens or felt-tip pens.

Work Stages:

  1. We fold green cardboard in half.

2. We unfold and glue a sheet of white cardboard to it.

3. If the sheets of cardboard are of different sizes, cut off the edges of the postcard with scissors.

4. Draw a star at the top of the card. Carefully cut out.

5. On a cardboard (red color) we draw a star. In size, it will be slightly smaller than on a postcard. The red star will be voluminous, so the template is presented below.

6. Cut and bend it along the dashed lines, also fold the gray ears. As a result, we get such a voluminous star.

7. Glue the red star to the inside right side of the card.

8. Now you need to cut three strips of black and two strips of orange colored paper. Each is about 5 mm. the width. Next, glue them to the bottom of the card, in a checkerboard pattern. We cut off the excess edges.

We offer you to cut out the numbers from red cardboard and stick to the card.

Here is a congratulatory card we got. Optionally, you can write a beautiful poem inside it.

Here are some more options for a 3D star card:

And how do you like this performance?

Here are some more interesting examples of pictures for younger kids:

Colored cardboard airplane:

Tank- this card is not difficult to fulfill, and it will be very pleasant for dad or grandfather to receive as a gift

Also a very beautiful article comes out of matches:

Actually, this card is very simple to execute, but it turns out very cool. For matches, matches, a baseboard, glue, scissors and ordinary postcards (or print on a printer) with the theme of February 23 are needed.

  1. Now we need to draw a 14 * 14 cm square on paper and then divide it into 9 equal squares and stick the matches on them, as shown in the picture, when the workpiece dries, you can cover it with varnish. On the base you need about 3 boxes of matches.

2. Then we attach stickers or cards

Here is the beauty obtained:

  An interesting idea in a kindergarten for children 3-4 years old

This card is suitable for small children. It is not difficult to perform. The only thing the educator needs to do is to prepare all the details of the application in advance.

We will need:

  • blue color cardboard;
  • brown rectangle (for rocket body);
  • one red star;
  • two red rectangles;
  • three yellow circles;
  • glue stick.

Work Stages:

Glue the brown rectangle to the blue background.

Place a green triangle above it. This will be the top of the rocket. Now our future rocket resembles a tall house. Next, glue red triangles on both sides of the rocket. In the middle we place two yellow illuminated windows.

And in conclusion, we will decorate our rocket with a red star.

Postcard is ready!

Here are some more examples with applications:

The basis of this postcard is a disposable plate painted with paints, but such a circle can be cut out of plain paper as well, painted with paints, glued the sun and the ship.

And here’s the idea for the crumbs of the younger group:

A beautiful applique made of felt, of course, here we need the help of an adult to cut out the details, and the child needs to glue everything carefully.

  Original gift in the form of a shirt with a tie for dad and grandfather

An unusual, albeit very common, origami shirt card. If, you have not yet made such a card. We advise you to try.

We will need:

  • colored paper (yellow and blue);
  • double-sided tape or glue;
  • ruler;
  • blue cardboard.

Work Stages:

We bend a sheet of blue paper in half (along the longer side). We unfold and re-smooth each edge to the middle, as was done in the first version of the card of the heart. Next, bend the two edges in the form of a collar.

We turn it over to the other side and we get the sleeves of the shirt.

On the opposite side, bend the edge, about 5 mm.

We turn it over to the other side and bend the corner with the tip to the middle. We also do it with the second angle.

Bend the card in half. We get such a small blue shirt.

Now we glue all the parts with glue or tape.

Let's start making a tie. Cut a yellow square 7 by 7 cm. Place the square on the table, in the form of a rhombus. In the middle we draw a vertical line. Bend the upper corners to the middle.

We turn the tie and bend the upper corner, about 1 cm. And now we again raise the small corner up.

We turn it over again and make such a fastener, bend the top of the tie a little. Bend the vertical halves. All is well glued.

Now we decorate the shirt with a tie, using tape or glue. The top of the tie should go a little under the collar.

We bend the blue cardboard in half. Glue the shirt to the front side of the card.

Our holiday shirt card is ready.

Inside we enter a festive congratulation. Such a card is suitable not only for February 23, but also for the birthday of dad, brother or grandfather.

Here is the diagram clearly:

And this is how the tie looks on paper:

Shirt scheme:

Now repeat on paper:

And now I want to show you what beautiful variations can be made:

It all depends on the availability of colored paper and your imagination, variations of this card can be made thousands from the brightest and most fun to official business, look here:

But what a tuxedo can be done with wishes on a shirt

Here are some examples of ties:

It’s very easy to make such beauty - it’s interesting for children and dad’s pleasure!

  A detailed master class of beautiful design using quilling technique for students

Quilling is a very interesting and fascinating activity for those who like to make all kinds of paper crafts. In the people it received the name - paper rolling. And this is justified, because all the crafts (using this technique) are made of twisted strips of paper.

Compositions made using the quilling technique are voluminous and flat. This is not a very difficult task that can be performed in conjunction with children. But to achieve beauty in crafts, you need to show a lot of patience and perseverance.

Let's start making cards for the Defender of the Fatherland Day.

We will need:

  • quilling paper in two shades;
  • a sheet of green cardboard;
  • special tool for quilling;
  • small cutting pictures (for wishes);
  • pVA glue and glue stick;
  • brush (for applying glue);
  • yellow colored paper;
  • scissors.

Work Stages:

We fold a sheet of green cardboard in half. Glue inward half a yellow sheet of colored paper.

And now let's start decorating postcards using quilling technique. We insert a strip of yellow paper into the hole of the core of the quilling tool and carefully wrap paper on it.

Make sure that the paper roll does not fly off the bar.

Thus, we wind the strip until it is completely on the rod. Now carefully remove it and give the shape of a sheet. Glue the end of the strip with glue-pencil so that the roll does not unwind back.

As a result, we should get nine yellow leaves. Next, we make one brown, flatter. From burgundy paper we twist six circles. All this is disordered in the form of a tank.

From a yellow, burgundy and brown strip we make a gun.

Now let's proceed to the number 23. We slightly roll up the yellow strip and bend in the form of a two. Do not forget to wrap its lower tip. We also make the number 3.

It remains for us to make curls to decorate the holiday card. Here it is worth showing imagination. For example, if you bend half of the strip in one direction, and the second half in the opposite. You get such a beautiful decorative element.

Using a brush and transparent glue, we attach all the details to the main card. On a yellow background we paste the cut-out pictures and write wishes.

A quilling postcard is ready!

  How to make a 3D 3D postcard do-it-yourself boat + templates and schemes

We will need:

  • a4 white sheet of paper;
  • a simple pencil;
  • colored paper of red color;
  • scissors;
  • blue felt-tip pen;
  • a sheet of blue cardboard;
  • glue stick.

Work Stages:

We bend the white sheet in half and draw a steamer, clouds and gulls.

We bend the internal ledges of the ship.

We arrange cardboard in half. Straighten the ship, colorize. Glue the top and sides to the middle of the postcard. Using a pencil, we bend the middle of the ship out.

We decorate the clouds with a blue felt-tip pen. Postcard ship is ready.

What about the idea of \u200b\u200ba ship with waves?

And I really liked this postcard, is it really super?

A ship with sails is also very beautiful:

Choose with your child the option that is most liked and create for the joy of your men!

Various templates will be presented below. They can be used to decorate and decorate your works dedicated to February 23:

Here is the template for postcard airplane with a pilot:

Step-by-step video on how to make a gift using the scrapbooking technique

Do-it-yourself postcards in this technique are simply amazing. Before that they are beautiful, unusual and original! And they can even serve as decoration of the interior and harmoniously fit into the design of the apartment, such a gift just will not gather dust on the shelf, it will find a place of honor.

Therefore, I propose to watch a video of MK, where the author gradually demonstrates the creation of such a super postcard.

I wish you success in creating holiday cards for the Defender of the Fatherland Day!

On this my article came to an end, I hope that you liked the postcards and you will take ideas and create your own for your men, and in order not to lose the article, do not forget to add it to your bookmarks and press the buttons of social networks!

Take care of your defenders!

Until new posts!

Congratulate your beloved men, grandfathers and dads on the Defender of the Fatherland Day in a special way. Love and respect will perfectly express a handmade card. Some of them will require laborious work of mother, others will be able to make even a child. Choose to your taste!

A postcard in the form of a man’s suit, shirt, tie is a classic version that is suitable for congratulating the father of the family not only on February 23, but also on his birthday and any other holiday.

You can make a sophisticated postcard with many details that your fantasy will tell you. And you can limit yourself to a simple scheme, which children can fully cope with under the guidance of an adult. So, stock up on colored paper - and for the job!

Inside the card, you can put a congratulation on a separate sheet, or write it on the card itself.

The shirt, made using the origami technique, can be glued to a regular postcard.

The simplest option for making shirt cards: make cuts on the sides and bend the edges of the "collar" to the middle.

It is somewhat more difficult to make a card in the form of a man's jacket. Below is a paper folding pattern.

Another folding scheme - this time you get an envelope in the form of a shirt. Inside you can put your own baking cookies.

A real man looks great in a tie. Here is a diagram for folding a colored paper tie.

The tie can be fastened under the collar of a paper shirt.

A green shirt suggests a military uniform. Still, the holiday is dedicated to the Defender of the Fatherland!

The symbolism of the holiday of February 23 assumes a military theme. Therefore, stars, ribbons, weapons and military equipment will be appropriate. Khaki color and colorful camouflage complement the look.

Using the proposed scan to make this spectacular postcard will be easier.

Interesting cards look, gaining volume when opened. Inside this postcard was a ship hiding in the waves directly at the viewer. The main difficulty in manufacturing is to correctly stick volumetric elements so that the card can be folded and opened; therefore, before sticking, check the performance of the elements. Rubber glue is good for this purpose, as It allows you to adjust the position of the parts to be glued without spoiling the paper.

Invite the child to decorate the card with the sun, clouds, flying gulls. A ship will be useful to provide an anchor and a life buoy!

This postcard using the through cutting technique () can be done by more experienced needlewomen, but it is very effective and will decorate my father's desk!

Below is a template for cutting postcards with a sailboat.

Vytynanka look very good against a contrasting background. Such a postcard can be made together with the child: the mother will cut out delicate details, and let the baby stick letters and numbers.

The white backing sheet is glued so that the protruded holes are perceived on a smooth contrasting background. And on the next page you can place a congratulation.

A popular quilling technique can also become the basis of a postcard. See how fun the congratulation looks like on the background of the fireworks!

Silhouettes cut out of paper (color or white) can be pasted onto a contrasting background and get an original postcard.

Cutting patterns can be selected according to your mood. For example, in a serious style.

Or in a humorous way.

Or even historical.

You can also use military equipment.

If these drawings seem to you too complicated as templates for cutting, then simply print them (most of the pictures when saved will be larger than on the screen), and offer the child as a coloring. Painted drawings can be pasted on a card and presented to dad or grandfather.

Defender of the Fatherland Day has long ceased to be associated in Russia only with those people who served in the army or connected their careers with the military and other law enforcement agencies. On this holiday, congratulate all members of the stronger sex, young and old: fathers, brothers, husbands, friends. And any of them will be pleased with such a sign of attention as a handmade card for February 23.

The first thing is airplanes!

If your congratulatory craft will be intended for a person associated with aviation, then use drawings, applications in the form of airplanes, parachutes, clouds, etc. in your work.

  1. To make a three-dimensional postcard on February 23, take two sheets with your own hands, one of which should be blue or blue (like the sky), and the other that goes well with it, for example, yellow or orange. Glue the sheets together and fold the resulting blank in half so that the background for the sky is inside.
  2. Now take care of the cover: in the center you need to stick a paper rectangle of blue or blue color (the same as the inside). Align its edges with white paper applications: airplane, clouds and birds. In each figure, before gluing, you can cut through some element (window, wing contour, etc.) so that the details look more interesting. Finish the cover with an inscription made of paper letters, placing it in the center: “dad”, “brother”, etc.
  3. For the inside, cut a plane out of cardboard and paint it (or stick a colored film / paper). To make it seem voluminous, glue it to the opening half of the card with thick double-sided tape. Around the plane stick the clouds.
  4. The last element remained - a trace from the plane. Make it out of a paper circle with wavy edges. Draw a spiral on it and cut it. Glue the narrow part of the spiral below the tail of the aircraft, and the wide part with a wavy end on the opposite side.

Daytime “decorations” can be replaced with nightly ones by making stars out of foil or metallized adhesive tape on a dark blue or black sky.

Sea Captain

Greeting card on February 23 with your own hands from dad’s son should be not only beautiful, but also quite simple to execute. It's no secret that boys are less diligent and neat than girls. Therefore, invite the child to create a ship sailing along the waves as a gift to his father!

   Leave the lower tier for congratulations. Print out a wish like “Always a fair wind for you, dad!” and glue a strip of text down the postcard.

If your ladder tries to part, then fasten the parts of the accordion together at the bottom with strips of cardboard of the desired length.

Tanks rumbled on the field ...

You can try to make a greeting card on February 23 with your own hands from your daughter using the quilling technique. Surely your girl will like some "openwork" crafts.

The basis is cardboard bent in half. Color can be absolutely any, rely entirely on your taste. On top of the cover, glue a white sheet of thick paper, the edges of which are previously figuredly trimmed. If you have a special hole punch, this greatly simplifies the task. On the printer, print the phrase "Happy Fatherland Defender's Day" or the like in small print and attach it to the cover.

  1. To make a tank using the quilling technique, prepare special paper or cut colored strips 3 mm wide. You need to start making a tank with a caterpillar: twist two large (each of two glued strips) and two small (each of one strips) wheels. Place the large ones in the center, the small ones along the edges. Glue to each other and paper. Wrap the wheels as if with another strip - the caterpillar is ready.
  2. Twist the cab from three stripes, giving it an oval shape. Glue the flattened “tower” twisted from one strip on top.
  3. For a muzzle use a toothpick: break off a small piece, wrap it with paper and stick it to the tank.

You can adjust the degree of curl of the paper at your discretion, thereby making the appliqué larger or smaller in size.

Beloved soldier

How to make a postcard on February 23 with your own hands a young man? After all, it is one thing to give a home-made card to relatives, and quite another to a loved one. I want her to look like from a store and without any hints of needlework. Then you should try to cut out your congratulations!

It remains to place the letters on the cover as you like, and glue them with foam tape.

You can withstand crafts in this subject, or you can depict in each box an “attribute” of different Russian armed forces: an airplane, a ship and a tank.


Creating a greeting card on February 23 with your own hands to dad or someone else, it is not necessary to focus on the army component of the holiday. Since February 23rd has almost become an unofficial men's day, we can emphasize the fact that you value the skills and mastery of your man (dad):

  1. Fold thick paper in half. Mow the corners on the bend side with scissors. On the cover, above the center, cut a rectangle with the same beveled corners at the top. The tool box is almost ready.
  2. Attach two cardboard triangles at the bottom corners of the drawer. Glue on top three circles of a lighter shade, imitating a hat of nails. “Strengthen” the cardboard strip and the handle of the box.
  3. Now you need to equip the postcard box with tools: a hammer, a hacksaw, a screwdriver, a nail clipper, and so on. Draw the “metal” parts on silver or blue paper, and the pens on white. Glue the parts together.
  4. Glue one end of the tool to the inside of the cover and the other to the handle of the box on the outside. Below you can stick a plate with the name of the holiday or the name of the addressee.

Do not forget to write warm and sincere wishes for your man, father or brother that will make your valuable and expensive gift!