Beautiful cards with christmas. Beautiful pictures of the Catholic and Orthodox Christmas

On the joyful and long-awaited holiday of the Nativity of Christ from time immemorial, people congratulate each other at a meeting or exchange postcards. Of course, sending wishes and pictures for Christmas 2018 to our friends, relatives and colleagues, we want to surprise the recipient, make sure that he remembers our congratulations for a long time. In order for the gift to be bright and sincere, to have individuality and warmth, you can make a Christmas card yourself. For a more formal greeting, an electronic newsletter is suitable, which allows you to quickly send wishes to business partners. You can draw a congratulation in the form of a charming collage for the Catholic and Orthodox Christmas of Christ, beautifully placing old and modern cool pictures on it with congratulations in verses, which can be downloaded for free. If you are creative and you are tired of the standard Christmas decoration methods, you can print the images and use them to decorate the rooms. And on weekdays, the festive image on the desktop of the computer will definitely cause sunny memories.

Beautiful pictures of the Catholic and Orthodox Christmas 2017-2018

Catholic Christmas is always filled with warm and sincere words, children's fun and the languid expectation of a miracle. In addition to the custom of exchanging gifts and decorating courtyards and rooms, Catholics are very fond of giving cards. This tradition is strictly observed on December 25th, therefore, in all families and offices people send beautiful pictures for the Catholic Christmas with winter images. Let the electronic picture that your friends, relatives and colleagues receive will make them feel solemn and warm at home.

Variants of beautiful pictures for the Catholic Christmas

Beautiful pictures for the Orthodox Nativity of Christ free download

The joyful feast of the Nativity of Christ is shrouded in an atmosphere of light and sincerity, which I so much want to share with loved ones. This is easy to do by downloading a beautiful Orthodox Christmas picture for free and writing some kind words for your friends and relatives. A good tradition of exchanging Christmas cards has long been established. But now people continue to delight each other, sending and presenting beautiful pictures for the Orthodox Christmas, which you can download for free from our selection.

Beautiful old pictures for Christmas (can be downloaded for free)

Christmas cards have an ancient history, so it’s especially nice to get beautiful old pictures with kind and sincere wishes for Christmas. Now we do not stand in the queue at the post office - to send news to loved ones, friends and relatives, it’s enough just to download beautiful old pictures for free and add soulful congratulations to them.

A selection of beautiful vintage Merry Christmas pictures.

Funny pictures for Christmas with congratulations verses

The easiest way to briefly and beautifully express your wishes is to write them in poetic form. And if you add a funny picture of Merry Christmas to the greeting, a wonderful mood will be provided. On our site you can find cool pictures for Christmas with congratulations in verses that are simple enough to send out to please friends.

Variants of funny pictures with the holy holiday Christmas

Let the pictures with Christmas 2018 make your friends, loved ones and colleagues feel the atmosphere and fullness of the holiday. We wish you to be enveloped in good wishes that day. Let your friends be glad to receive beautiful, old and modern cool pictures with congratulations in verses for the Catholic and Orthodox Christmas, which can be downloaded for free. Happy holidays!

Beautiful Christmas greetings 2019 is usually chosen in the format of sincere verses or touching to tears wishes in prose and in your own words.

Popular for these purposes at Christmas and beautiful cards, pictures with inscriptions. Next, we offer you a selection of the most beautiful congratulations on the upcoming Christmas 2019 for relatives, friends and relatives.

The most sincere and beautiful Merry Christmas 2019 poems in verses - the best selection

Traditionally, the most beautiful options for congratulations on Christmas are soulful verses. They are used for personal wishes, designing thematic cards and even as feast speeches. See the best selection of heartfelt congratulations for Christmas in verses below.

A selection of beautiful and sincere congratulations in verses for Christmas 2019

Merry Christmas I want to congratulate

On this brightest day.

I want to wish you happiness

And always have wonderful days.

May Christ Protect

From adversity and fuss.

Angel let you take care

Will give strength and kindness.

May you live beautifully

Let life please loving.

Human happiness

I wish you always.

Merry Christmas!

Open the door to the house

Launch happiness in him

Yes drive away bad weather.

Rejoice and smile

But try to faith

Keep in your heart

Pray for the good of Christ.

You strive for light with your soul,

Glad be not proud

Enjoy the smart word!

In Christmas

In the silence of the night

Happiness enters the house

With the first star.

Snowflakes Angels

Come down from heaven

The time is coming

Tales and wonders.

Let it be in my soul

Clean and bright

All dreams come true

In Christ's Christmas.

Beautiful and touching to tears Christmas greetings 2019 - options in prose and in your own words

As an alternative to beautiful congratulations in verses for Christmas 2019, touching to tears wishes in prose and in your own words are suitable. This option of congratulations is always relevant and easy to remember. You will find examples of wishes in prose below.

Beautiful options for touching to tears congratulations in prose and in your own words for Christmas 2019

Christmas is a bright holiday. And on this day I want to wish the most important thing for life - happiness that you can’t buy for money. Good luck that is hard to catch. And most importantly, health, without which it is impossible. Let this Christmas be another bright moment in life. Congratulations!

Merry Christmas! With all our hearts and souls, we congratulate you on this holy holiday. May God preserve and protect. May your table be full of dishes. Laughter and joy as a river flows, does not dry out, and happiness illuminates your life path. May God drive evil people with black thoughts from your house, and invite kindness and good luck to visit. May your family become stronger and stronger and fill you with warmth every day.

I congratulate you on the bright and joyful feast of the Nativity of Christ. May happiness, peace and kindness live forever in your soul. Let your house be full of love, and loved ones will always be near. I wish that every day be rich in God's blessings, and your heart does not need anything.

Cool beautiful Christmas greetings 2019 in verses and prose - a selection of options

For lovers of funny greetings for Christmas 2019, the ideal options are beautiful poems and wishes in prose with funny wishes. This format is perfect for friends and family. You will find some cool examples below.

A selection of fun and beautiful options in verses and prose for congratulations for Christmas 2019

Christmas day, frosty

I want to seriously wish:

1 Fortresses, health, strength,

So that the cold does not "squint";

Good thoughts and hopes

Fashion brand new clothes,

In replenishment finance,

Anyway, luck!

The tree squinted hard -

She is drugged

It was like beating with a storm

Or drank some wine!

Yes, everyone has such Christmas trees

After drunk on Christmas!

Tinsel lies, needles ...

So there was a triumph!

So every day is wonderful

Received my congratulations.

Sip a beer is useful

At Christmas, though once!

On Christmas, we are waiting for Happiness

Let it come to the house

Slowly, at dawn,

In a snowy, quiet January.

Let it go without keys

Find us like children

And luck is like white

Mushroom in a basket so that I wanted!

Let's go out to the winter park for a walk,

To find Health.

Sit down for a family dinner

And Love would discover

The money will find us

Our career simple route:

Become a director of miracles

Five, four, three, two, one ...

Merry Christmas you guys!

Short beautiful merry christmas 2019 for sms - verses options

For beautiful Christmas greetings 2019 via SMS short verses are great. Usually these are quatrains wishes. The following selection contains short and beautiful verses for SMS for Christmas.

Short verses for beautiful merry Christmas 2019 in sms format

Merry Christmas to you

Prosperity in the house and good,

May the Lord bless

And save from adversity!

Good luck, joy, kindness,

Heat, love, luck in the house.

So that life is happy,

All the best to you in the family. Merry Christmas!

p\u003e Congratulations on Christmas!

Happiness may come to your home.

From love let the hearts melt

Mischievously eyes sparkle.

May God grant luck

Will give you strength and inspiration.

Christmas Story 2019

From the very conception of Christ, Mary knew that her child would be the Messiah who would bring happiness to all believers and place faith in the souls of the Gentiles. Despite the fact that Mary was married, until the end of her life she remained immaculate and was able to conceive from the holy spirit. The Immaculate Conception marked the advent of a new era - an era in which believers can calmly worship the Lord without fear of Herod.

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According to the prophets, Christ was born in the city of Bethlehem in 5508 from the creation of the world during the reign of Emperor Augustus (Octavius). The events of the Nativity of Christ are reflected in the Gospels of Luke and Matthew. According to legend, Mary and her husband Joseph lived in Nazareth, but were forced to go to Bethlehem to appear for the census. At that time, the emperor decided to conduct a complete population census on all of his lands, which included Palestine.

This census was conducted according to each clan who lived in a particular city. Since Bethlehem was the hometowns of Mary and Joseph, they were forced to immediately set out on the road, despite Mary’s position. In Bethlehem at that time, all the hotels were occupied, as many came to the census. Mary and Joseph could not find an overnight stay, so they decided to sleep in a cave of limestone. However, the couple did not have time to settle down, as Mary began childbirth.

It was there, in the midst of the straw, a baby called Jesus was born. Immediately after the birth of the child, shepherds began to come to Mary in the cave, who learned about the birth of the Messiah thanks to the angels. Matthew also mentions a wonderful star, which led to the baby Jesus the Magi who offered gifts - gold, frankincense and myrrh. These gifts carried a deep meaning, because they bring gold to the king, incense to God, and the dead to the dead. Thus the magi recognized Jesus at the same time as a king, and as the Son of God, and as an ordinary mortal.

News of the birth of the Messiah also came to King Herod, who was afraid that Jesus would overthrow him from the throne. To prevent this from happening, Herod ordered his soldiers to go to Bethlehem and destroy all the newborns. However, Joseph received a warning in a dream and managed to lead Mary and her newborn to Egypt, where they lived until the death of Herod.

Beautiful Merry Christmas 2019 Greeting Card

Merry Christmas Animated Greeting Card 2019

A collection of the most beautiful Christmas greetings cards for Christmas

Below is a beautiful collection of Christmas greetings in verse and simply with best wishes. Choose any animation card you like, download it to your computer or phone, and then send it to a friend or loved one by email or SMS on your mobile, social network on a page or in a personal message. From the cards you can also find congratulations for children - more child-related images.

(right-click and in the menu that opens select “save as”, “send” or “download”)

Our life is unthinkable without a holiday, and especially without Christmas. This ringing of bells, kind smiles around, faith in the best and love in the air - all this is always expected with all my heart.

Christmas is the brightest event in our lives. It is a hope for salvation, for the best and bright. Congratulations on Christmas in postcards, poems, cute pictures can really please those who are not near you on this great day.

Christmas has its own traditions. First of all, this is the gathering of the whole family together at a common table. It is important to congratulate all those whom you cherish and love so much. But if suddenly someone dear to your heart is now far away, you can give him a little joy by simply sending a beautiful Christmas card with good wishes.

It is important to make peace with those with whom they were in a quarrel. Do not leave negativity in your life, get rid of it, open your heart and soul to good and love. Greeting card to help you. This is the easiest and most touching way to remind yourself and your feelings. And you can download a card with Christmas greetings on our website.

With the right word, you can pour out your soul, confess your love, beg forgiveness. But happiness, as you know, is in the details. You should not give pompous gifts for a great holiday, your attention is the best present on this day. Those same correct words can be found on Christmas cards.

Sincere congratulations are pouring from the heart. This moment is important for any person who wants to reflect in his wish all devotion, love, respect and attention. To these pleasant words you can attach postcards in verses with Christmas greetings. We offer you an amazing selection of vivid pictures for free.