Nice words for parents for the new year. Poems happy new year to parents

The best parents in the world
  We are in a hurry to congratulate you at this hour.
  Our angels, our guardians,
  What could we in life without you ?!
  We wish you boundless happiness,
  Let go away let the past grievances!
  And more health, of course,
  Live for a long time, dear!

You are my most dear people
  You give me happiness every year!
  And if you dream of a miracle -
  May a miracle happen tonight!
  And I wish you a Happy New Year, Happy New Year
  Today I will not tire of congratulating
  May every day become more beautiful
  And it will be brighter than shining yesterday!

I wish you on New Year
  Have a nice holiday hassle
  So that everyone is sitting at the champagne,
  To dance, sing songs.
  So that this New Year feast
  He brought health, happiness, peace!

Let the anxieties leave you
  And illness, and adversity,
  Hopelessness will depart.
  A welcome hope
  You will be led through life.
  Let the business carry you away
  And wealth adds.
  And luck awaits too
  In this good New Year!

I wish my parents on New Year’s Eve,
  To leave in the past difficulties and severity from adversity.
  Forget about all the inclement and remember about love,
  And squeeze the heat and joy of his embrace!
  May this year be filled with bright, bright days,
  And gently-gently moves like a gentle stream.
  May the sky be clear above our heads
  May the radiant sun give us peace!

Waving spruce with shaggy paw,
  snow covered the road
  Congratulations, Dad,
  Happy New Year from the heart!
  May it bring you good luck
  every day and every hour!
  Well, you have one task -
  To see us more often,
  To work worries
  leaving behind
  Hurry home from work
  evenings came!

Melting forehead wrinkles
  Forget any bad weather

  Golden hope and happiness!

Life will go without grief
  And without bitter regrets
  No loss and no loss.
  Will be better than all rewards
  You are in excellent health
  Feelings of beautiful floods.
  You value your happiness,
  Take care and keep -
  Happiness is fragile
  Do not rely on another.
  Live with him for a year -
  And trouble will get around you.

Mom, Dad, congratulations
  Happy New Year to this!
  I wish you happiness
  Friendly holiday to meet!
  May pleasant worries
  Surround the whole year,
  Only favorite work
  Let him call after you!
  I love you, adore you
I wish you only good
  To just get younger
  And hearts sang with happiness !!!

Noisy New Year's Eve
  We have not forgotten about you.
  May the world go crazy
  Not a pointer, it is for us
  Happy New Year,
  I wish happiness, joy.
  And as my husband told me -
  I raise my glass.
  For health, for warmth
  For the warmth in the house.
  Let the frosty glass
  Today on the balcony.
  But in your heart you always-
  Roses bloom
  And from this heat
  My heart melts sweetly !!!

May this wonderful holiday
  May this magic night
  To the clink of crystal glasses
  All adversity will go away.
  You will laugh loudly
  You will joke a lot
  And wonder for yourself
  And close friends make laugh.
  As merry as this evening
  May the coming year be
  All that once wanted
  May this year bring you.
  Let it be good luck
  And health will be strong,
  Any task will be solved,
  And in life it will be easy for you.

On New Year's Eve to all loved ones - longevity!
  May the supply grow stronger!
  Let us smile and shine
  Good shine of relatives, beloved eyes.
  May the year be full of affection,
  Joy, love and beauty,
  Let, as if in a good children's fairy tale,
  Your dreams come true!

Happy New Year
  And we want Santa Claus
  All sorrows and tribulations
  In the kingdom of snow carried away.
  Only joy left for you
  Only happiness, only laughter
  And love, smile, tenderness
  All the good that is!

Happy new year, mom, dad!
  You are the dearest in the world!
  May the grandchildren please you
  We love you - your children!
  May the new year bring you
  Light, youth, happiness.
  Let the horizon wait for you
  Inspiration, lust!
  Happy New Year, with a new life!
  Do not miss you about the summer!
  Purity to you in a relationship
  Like dewdrops at dawn.

Let the new year begin for you
  Sparkling slide at the table
  In the circle of family, relatives and friends,
  No regrets about the past.
  May your wishes come true
  And all the cherished dreams.
  Happy New Year to you, happy new year
  We congratulate you from the bottom of our hearts!

Happy New Year, dear!
  There is no sadness at midnight.
  All good things will be
  Only joy for you.
  Happy New Year! With new happiness!
  May your dreams come true
  And you live in power
  Beauty and kindness.

Melting forehead wrinkles
  Make a fate for the holiday.
  Forget any bad weather
  Maybe it's true, not in vain,
  Comes to us at the end of December,
  Golden hope and happiness!

Happy New Year, dear, dear!
  Happiness let it enter your every hour!
  I exist like the days I
  Most beloved, without you?
  Though I don’t accept falsities, flattery,
You are pure, beautiful, good -
  Wishes to be together soon
  Torn constantly from the soul!
  No scandal, no quarrel
  I will only expand the topic, I will deepen:
  We will be together again very soon
  Because only I love you!

Happy New Year! Congratulations!
  I wish you happiness and long years!
  New Year in the fun three,
  Let it keep you past the troubles
  Past grief and disease
  Troubles and tears.
  May a happy baby laugh
  Santa Claus will give you!

My beloved parents,
  Happy New Year today!
  How crazy fast days rush ...
  I always wished and wished again
  To you for many years, health and more
  All that you want,
  Please, parents, I kiss you warmly,
  To the delight of children, live happily!

Beloved parents
  I congratulate you.
  New Year's Eve
  I wish you to be
  The warmth of your beloved hearts
  We are always warmed
  You accept now
  Congratulations to these.
  Be healthy to us
  You keep happiness.
  You are our support
  Take care of each other.

Dear dad mom
  I love you - not to describe.
  And of course Happy New Year!
  I want to scream for you!
  Take, hug you very tightly.
  And although I'm far away
  In my heart you believe me
  It’s so hard for me without you.
  And so I wish
  You have patience on me
  After all, no
  But still we are a family.
  Happy New Year dear!
  May the new year bring
  We have more meetings, dear!
  And the problems will be taken.
  Let the anxieties like fogs
  Disappear without a trace.
  A bright holiday awaiting
  Never be sad!

How to not be surprised in the New Year?
  We rush in a hurry on holiday
  And mom and dad are not sitting,
  And mom and dad are in trouble -
  In the suffering of the holiday shock
  The apartment is turned into a temple! ..
  We are immensely grateful to you
  For the life given to us
  For the fact that our house is full
  Everyone deserves the reputation ...
  Health to you, our family,
  And a lot of happiness in the New Year!

Parents are the dearest people to us. They raised us as we are. Respect and love for parents are endless. Parents love you very much.

New Year 2018 is coming very soon. New Year 2018 is the year of the Yellow Earth Dog. On this day, it is very original to congratulate your beloved parents.

On this page you will find congratulations to the New Year 2018 in prose to parents. These congratulations are perfect for saying a few kind words to the dearest people in the world.

My dear, my beloved, the best parents in the world! On this wonderful, joyful day, I want, firstly, to thank you very much for thanks to you that every year I have this unique opportunity to see off the Old and celebrate the New Year.

Thanks to you, I have this opportunity every year to feel myself on the threshold of a new life. Thanks to you, every year on this day I feel stronger, happier, wiser. Thanks to you, I have the opportunity to dream, it would seem, of pipe dreams. Thanks to you, that day I feel again and again that I am a particle of the cosmos involved in the creation of magic.

I want to heartily congratulate you on this joyous holiday with all my heart and wish that we always meet him together.

I want you to not get sick this New Year, to become even happier, so that sadness, adversity, bad people will bypass you.

I love you.

Happy New Year 2018, my dear!

Dear parents, on New Year's Eve accept my wishes coming from the heart! Be always healthy, live joyfully, and I will try to act so that you are proud of me!

Dear parents, Happy New Year! Let your wonderful life be filled with pleasant and fun moments, there will be many interesting and unusual adventures, exotic and fascinating journeys.

My dear parents! Although it’s winter outside, when you are near, in my soul birds sing and roses bloom. If only it were forever! Let the New Year be rich for you with joyful chores, intimate conversations and sonorous songs.

Mom, Dad, Happy New Year! I wish to celebrate with all my heart! And so that the next year will bring only fun, growth of well-being and better health!

Mom and Dad, you are the best parents! And in the New Year I wish you all the best, beautiful and joyful and events and news and deeds! Do not be sick, please me with your optimism!

My dear, mom and dad. I know that I am not a gift, and even more so, not New Year's. But on this day, I promise you will never disappoint. I want to wish you the most important thing - long life! You already have the rest. You are wise, fair, ready to help, even in the most difficult moment, for which I want to say “thank you”! You are the most wonderful parents on Earth! Happy New Year!

Happy New Year, my dear! First, I want to say thank you very much for everything that you gave me, for everything that you taught me, because it was thanks to you that I became what I am now. I want to wish you good health, long and happy years, and that you never need anything. May the New Year bring you all that you have not yet. Be happy, happy new year!

  Dear parents, Happy New Year. We wish you only joy, happiness, good luck and good. Let the new year be filled with exclusively positive emotions and the brightest moments, and your house will always be full of welcome guests, grandchildren and close relatives.

My relatives, the most beloved mom and dad! Happy New Year! I wish you, my good, boundless warmth. Caring and kindness, prosperity and strong family happiness. I want to please you from day to day! You are my inspiration and incentive! I wish you health, family, prosperity and faith in miracles!

New Year is a wonderful holiday, because today I can say how much I love you. You go with me all my life, and it costs a lot. Therefore, I wish you all earthly blessings and long life. Be always surrounded by attention, love, happiness, luck, success. May there always be a lot of strength, hope, energy, ideas, goals. Happy New Year, my beloved!

Dear ones, the New Year is coming. And in the coming year I wish you happiness, success, and most importantly good health. After all, for me there is nothing more important than your well-being. So let everything that you dream of come true in the coming year.

My friend! The New Year is about to cross the threshold ... You know how much I value our friendship, so I want to keep warm, friendly relations between us in the new year and we will remain reliable support and support for each other. I wish the New Year bring you something special, something that you've been dreaming about for so long! Let happiness be sure to visit your home, success will look into every corner, and prosperity to settle there forever! May every member of your family be healthy and successful, and your fate will be filled with unforgettable days

Your shoulder was always nearby, both in joy and in moments of despair, and today, when the last sheet of the calendar has been torn off, I can't wait to say a few words to my real friend. Let it be so that our friendship will never break anything and the New Year will bring you absolute calm, confidence in a brilliant future and the conviction that friends will never let you down. That their shoulder, as well as yours, will always be by your side to support you in all the events of the coming year, and let it be only happy, positive and fabulous moments

Happy New Year, friend, with brand new happiness, let it include a brand new car and a brand new house, with a safe in which there will be a lot of brand new banknotes. But let our strong friendship remain old, let there be a good old cognac on the table, let the old robot be also loved, but interesting in a new way. Let the spectacular mix of the new and the old make fate high-quality and successful, open new notes of the taste of life - unique and sparkling, and fortune be faithful to you, your old friend

You, my good friend, I wish in the New Year to notice your happiness, to catch it and hold it tightly and tightly all my life. Climb with him in a dizzying flight to your highest and brightest dream. You know how to be a real person in friendship, and happiness does not fly away from such people

Friend! If the heart desires to love, surrender to the rush of love. If feelings burn out in a fit of light and good, burn in that fit. If the soul refuses to obey cold reason, release it to freedom. And may your true love come to you this New Year

  My dear friend! As the New Year's snow plays in the sun in rich colors, so let your heart sparkle in the rays of happiness. And just as on the New Year the streets and houses light up with lights, so let hope light up in your amazing soul. I wish you a colorful and vibrant life

My friend, this is not the first time we are letting you leave the outgoing year with you, this is not the first time we are saying greetings to each other at the same table. So let our friendship be a companion on the road for many more years. And may she bring many amazing friends to your life

  Mommy, on this New Year let pleasant surprises and small joys await you at every step! Let your health only become stronger, and those around you give reasons for smiles! I really hope that I will only delight you this year, dear! Happy New Year with a new happiness!

Let the provocative frost freeze your cheeks, the beautiful radiance of garlands is reflected in your eyes with cheerful lights, and the souls will warm unusually warm wishes! Happy New Year, dear parents! Let it turn out for you a parade of fulfilled plans and a firework of joy!

Precious and beloved my parents! Happy New Year! I wish you the most wonderful holidays, which will result in the happiest year spent in good health, in a positive mood and with a fulfilled dream! I wish to smile as often as possible, charging others with optimism!

New Year brings memories of childhood, funny Christmas toys and a delicious holiday table ... Mom, I congratulate you on the holiday, which brings with it magical moments of joy and hope! Let warmth and comfort reign in the house in any weather, and let the heart “hurt” only from an excess of happiness. Thank you for your concern and kindness! They will come back to you again and again.

Dear Dad! You are the most reliable support in our family, your golden hands and kind heart have supported us more than once in difficult times. With all our hearts, we wish you in the New Year great health and peace of mind. May the New Year give you the joy of meeting with people you love, the pleasure of your favorite activities and the happiness of waiting for a new one!

My parents are priceless, may your life be indescribably happy, like this New Year's holiday, and your native hearts will still be full of love for each other. I wish that the mischievous little spark of enthusiasm would not let you get bored, be young with your soul and walk through life with good hopes!

Dear daddy! With all my heart I wish you a Happy New Year! I wish you to have more positive emotions, joyful events and career achievements this year. Let things go as easy as this New Year's snow and may the joy of this holiday not leave you for a moment in the coming year.

My dear mom and dad! With all my heart I wish you a Happy New Year and wish him to bring more joyful days to your life! May the next year be a hundred times happier than all the previous ones! I wish you good health, and I will always be there, because you are the closest and dearest! I love you very much! Take care of yourself!

Mom, dad, in the New Year,
  I wish a round dance
  The best circumstances in the world
  A dream come true
  The binding of love and affection
  Bright life paint for them!
  Moods, fun,
  From the ills of deliverance!

So that this year will be the most, the most,
  So dad is happy and happy mom
  So that my parents
  They did not know grief and longing,
  I wish them all
What more do they want!
  Happy New Year to you, dear
  Parents, my family!

We were little thoughtless at all,
  And sometimes you got a million problems
  From year to year we grew, gaining strength and mind,
  And with the past Old and the New Year,
  We want to congratulate ourselves:
  “Thank you parents for everything,
  for affection, for love and warmth! ”
  First of all, we wish you a New Year,
  So that your health reserve is inexhaustible,
  To live freely and easily
  We will help you with this, it is decided!

The cock flew up a pole higher
  Or maybe to the very roof,
  He will foreshadow us for a year,
  With that I want to congratulate you!
  Mother and father
  I congratulate you, finally.
  I wish you the best in the new,
  That the shackles did not constrain you
  Finance, misfortune, all that
  It’s probably hard to live with.
  And more joy, love,
  Health, sweet fate to you!

Mother! New Year again
  In the snow cap on the doorstep!
  Slows down time,
  Only one dream on the road.
  Happiness brings us a handful
  That in life did not meet.
  Please forgive me
  Last year's sorrows.
  I'm at twelfth
  In a dress of snow-white
  I’ll bring a holiday to my heart
  Kiss gently !!!

Mom, New Year is coming,
  He will bring with him
  Joy, happiness, pleasure,
  And the riches of all the additions,
  I believe in this holy
  That everything will be with you!
  I will try to know
  So that you may know heaven on earth,
  To be healthy and beautiful
  So that you live cute!

Today is a winter day, the last of December,
  I want to congratulate dad on the holiday,
  Let the New Year come bring
  Good luck happiness, glory and honor!

Dad’s going to the New Year,
  I wish the best
  In life, the year has come,
  So that he did not dream!
  I didn’t dream not because
  What does not dream of him
  Because all the desires
  Realized in reality!

Dad, you are my dear
  New Year is already with you
  He's already knocking on the door
  To the New without loss,
  Smooth to, well,
  Happiness is still greater
  To love, and love,
  And be healthy in the New!

More on the topic:

Poems for the New Year 2018 for children 5-6 years old on a matinee

Congratulations on the old New Year 2018: funny, short, funny

Poems about the New Year 2018 for children 6-7 years old

In the heart of every person, parents occupy a special place - beloved mom and dad. On the eve of the New Year of 2019, the Yellow Earth Pig (Boar) I want to beautifully congratulate my closest relatives and friends on the upcoming holiday, and wish them good luck, happiness and health. Soulful and touching, funny and funny - we collected the best New Year greetings to parents in verse and prose from little daughters and a son, adult children, kindergarten teachers and school teachers.

New Year is the most sincere, kind and family holiday. By tradition, on New Year's Eve everyone gathers at the festive table, have fun, exchange greetings and best wishes. Beautiful congratulations on the New Year to parents from children in verse and prose from our selection can be memorized or presented in the form of postcards. It will also be pleasant to hear such touching words to mom and dad, grandparents - at the New Year's matinee in kindergarten.

A selection of beautiful congratulations for parents Happy New Year 2019 Pigs from children

Mom, Dad, dear!
  I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart.
  May a wonderful New Year
  Will bring you gifts!

Well, I ask only about one thing -
  Bring health to the house!
  With health will come to us
  And prosperity and comfort,

We will live and have fun
  And from happiness everything shines,
  It will be joyful around
  The house will be a full bowl!

Mom, dear, Happy New Year!

May he be happy for you

May it bring you much health

More happiness and goodness.

To your beautiful smile

Beamed every day of the year

To forgive me for my mistakes

After all, I love you very much!

Happy New Year, my wonderful parents. I wish you a wonderful and happy year in which you will be able to do everything you have in mind. I wish you good health, family comfort and warmth, constant mutual understanding, prosperity and prosperity.

Grandmother and grandfather,
  Lovely, dear,
  On New Year, I wish you
  To be healthy.

Let your life help you
  Humor, joy and enthusiasm
  Let the frost draw you
  Happiness on glass pattern.

Our dear, beloved, irreplaceable grandmother and grandfather! We are sure that the coming year will definitely be happy! And what lies ahead are many more happy years. The first thing we want to wish both of you is health. Be full of strength and optimism! We kiss you deeply and love you the most!

The best congratulations to parents - from adult children with the New Year 2019, video

Childhood flies by, daughters and sons grow up and leave their home. As adults, it is important not to forget about parents - take care, share warmth, congratulate on holidays. The best wishes for parents a happy New Year from adult children will delight and move their beloved mom and dad to tears. The video presents options for beautiful congratulations on the New Year of the Pig (Boar) for parents from a daughter and son - with the upcoming or coming holiday.

Options for the best congratulations in your own words and in verses for the New Year for parents

Health, joy and happiness

We wish you a Happy New Year.

So that neither anxiety nor adversity

Do not guard at the gate.

So that the sun gently shines,

Everything came true that the heart is waiting for

And just to make it gratifying

Your whole life, like this year!

For dads and mothers, the best gift is
  With loved ones always live inseparably!
  In the New Year we will make a wish,
  And you, dear children, congratulations!

Let Santa Claus give you presents under the Christmas tree
  Will leave the night when the embrace is frying!
  And the New Year of Desire will fulfill everything,
  And the heart will fill joy to the brim!

Daddy! Wonderful my man!
  On a magical New Year holiday,
  I wish to be successful for a century,
  The routes of happiness knowing ahead!

Let the smile on your face shine -
  Bypassing all difficulties, adversities!
  And every day we are uplifted!
  Happy New Year, Dad!

Happy new year, mommy!
  Happy new year, honey!
  The most beautiful,
  The most favorite!

Happiness to you, mommy!
  New Year's Eve,
  Fireworks crashing,
  Oranges sweets!

They will certainly come true
  Let your desires!
  No long delay,
  No reminder!

New Year to your door
  Quietly picking up
  For you darling
  Mommy, trying!

New Year is a wonderful holiday, because today I can say how much I love you. You go with me all my life, and it costs a lot. Therefore, I wish you all earthly blessings and long life. Be always surrounded by attention, love, happiness, luck, success. May there always be a lot of strength, hope, energy, ideas, goals. Happy New Year, my beloved!

Video with sincere congratulations to parents for the New Year 2019 from adult children

Funny congratulations Happy New Year to parents - from kindergarten teachers

Each year, a traditional New Year's party is held in kindergartens with the invitation of parents, grandparents. Smart guys recite poems, sing, dance, demonstrate their acting talents in holiday productions. According to the scenario, from the kindergarten teachers funny funny greetings on the New Year sound to the parents of young children. We offer you to learn some funny funny greetings in poetry and prose, which will give the atmosphere of a children's holiday a special note of humor.

How fun to congratulate parents from kindergarten teachers Happy New Year of the Pig

Happy New Year, dear parents of our beloved pranksters. We wish you brave strength, good health, family good and vivid imagination, like your children. Be successful and happy, and our pupils, your wonderful children, will give you heart joy.

Parents, Happy New Year!
  Let it be for you, the children will have everything okay.
  Let them grow rapidly,
  And every moment becomes brighter.

As educators, we are pleased to tell you
  That your children are the best in the world.
  So what else to add, wish?
  So that your world will be magically bright.

Thank you for your kids,
  For this super useful stress!
  You do not spare them sweets,
  And let diathesis fury:
  With wonderful little people
  Our kindergarten is invincible!
  And Mom and Dad, we are happy New Year
  We sincerely want to congratulate!

From educators accept
  On a magical holiday of congratulations,
  May your children give you
  Only positive and inspiration.

We wish you good health in the body,
  And strong nerves like a rope
  Great happiness and love
  Let the eyes of the children burn.

Santa Claus came to us
  Instructions brought:
  So that they don’t offend the children,
  And loved, spoiled!

Not sick, not bored,
  Yes, all the troubles did not notice.
  Carers in response
  They promised, no doubt:

Give all the care
  Children sincerely love
  Put the whole soul into the matter,
  And teach them everything!

New Year Greetings
  He is still transmitting.
  To all parents of success,
  Happiness, joy and laughter!

Sincere congratulations Happy New Year Pigs to parents of students - from teachers

On New Year's Eve of Pig, many schools will visit Santa Claus and Snow Maiden to have fun with the children on a traditional matinee. We have collected the most sincere New Year's congratulations to the parents of the students - on behalf of all school teachers.

Examples of New Year's greetings from teachers for parents of students

Dear parents of our wonderful students, our hopes and talents, we wish you a Happy New Year. We wish the new year to be kind and calm, happy and successful. May your children please you with their victories and achievements, may none of us have problems either in school or in life. And may the new year bring with it good health and well-being.

Great parental team,
  Happy New Year to all of you!
  Let happiness, goodness, positive surround,
  Let the love of your children warm.

All your students are very, very good,
  Let them relax during the holidays.
  I congratulate you sincerely and sincerely!
  I respect you infinitely.

Parents, happy new year to you,
  Peace and patience
May our class be friendly
  Have a good mood!

May the children be obedient
  And more often pleasing with success,
  Be good to them
  Health and more laughter to you!

Dear Parents,
  Happy New Year, cheers!
  To bring up children
  I wish you warmth.

And a little patience
  And pleasant victories
  Weasel and inspiration -
  Here's a good luck secret.

More new discoveries.
  Every moment, day and hour,
  Doors to knowledge are open -
  For children and for you!

Happy New Year! Let your life become brighter and better, gifts and surprises from the good grandfather are waiting for you and the children. Let happiness come to the house, and luck is in all matters.

So, here you are presented the most beautiful New Year's greetings to parents in verse and prose - from young children, adult daughters and sons, kindergarten teachers, school teachers. In our collection you will find the best sincere, funny funny words to congratulate mom and dad, grandparents on the upcoming New Year 2019 of the Pig (Boar).

Beloved parents!
May next year
A lot of joyful events
It will bring you in life!

I want to be happy
So that the ardor in the soul does not go out,
Stay healthy you
And happy new year to you!

Dear parents, glorious,
I want to wish you in the New Year
Being healthy is the most important thing.
Forever let the bad go away.

Feel youth in your body
And in the soul - inspiration, flight.
May all that they wanted be fulfilled
And let them get lucky all the time.

I wish to live without knowing anxiety.
I love you, and you are not alone.
I wish you happiness! I heartily congratulate
Happy New Year, my dear.

My dear, beloved, the most wonderful people in the world who have given me life, their great love and their kind hearts! May this year be auspicious in every way. Let it bring abundance, prosperity, prosperity, success, fulfillment of dreams, new victories and a lot of joy. I wish you solid health, incredible luck and boundless love. Happy New Year, my beloved parents!

To my beloved parents
I wish for the New Year
Let it be unique
Good luck the sea will bring.

And may goodness, love and happiness
They will sprinkle on you like snow
Desires instantly come true
And your whole century will be bright!

New Year is a family holiday
And I hasten to congratulate
Both of you, mom and dad
I want to wish you:

Happiness and health are greater
Love, joy, warmth
To keep you as long as possible
Have been together forever!

I want a chime
Wish a big miracle.
Let there be no diamonds
But there will be a lot of happiness!

I want to live together
Do not swear or get angry.
To live soul to soul
And quarreling - reconciled!

I want you two health
Wish there were strength
In order not to grow old soul
For a long time you could!

Happy New Year to you, dear!
A fairy tale will come true.
Be happy, be healthy.
Let no sadness come to the house.

Mom, Dad, I wish
There are many good things in life for you.
Let luck not fail
Let the family be strong.

And remember how many years ago,
We celebrated the New Year under the Christmas tree.
Now we have grown, I want to wish you
Parents - live a very long time.

I wish you every new year,
You shone smiles in the photo,
I wish you happiness, years without worries,
After all, you are alone, and you have so many of us ...

I wish wrinkles to decorate,
Only from smiles only appeared
So that the children never forget
So that all year you just smile.

Mom and Dad, you heartily
Happy New Year!
Let in the soul and in the house be
Only good weather.

You are beautiful as before
Joyful, young.
Know, I love you very much!
Happy New Year, dear!

New Year is a magical time
He collects the whole family.
Dad, mom, not melting happiness
I sincerely congratulate you on New!

You live in peace, without hassle,
No problem, disease and despondency.
May this New Year bring
Only joy in the house for you from now on!

May it be wonderful every day
All your wishes will come true.
Mom, Dad, be as always
A model of kindness and understanding!

Happy New Year, Mom, Dad!
The holiday is already in a hurry for you,
You meet him together
May happiness illuminate you!

Happiness, peace, longevity,
And family beauty
So that you live well
And you did not know grief.

Joy, comfort in the house,
And the golden moments
Forget all the problems
Days to you light and color!


Happy New Year to parents - mom, dad in verse

Happy New Year to parents

Daddy! Wonderful my man!
  On a magical New Year holiday,
  I wish to be successful for a century,
  The routes of happiness knowing ahead!

Let the smile shine on your face
  Bypassing all difficulties, adversities!
  And every day we are uplifted!
  Happy New Year, Dad!

Happy New Year to parents

Happy new year, mommy!
  Happy new year, honey!
  The most beautiful,
  The most favorite!

Happiness to you, mommy!
  New Year's Eve,
  Fireworks crashing,
  Oranges sweets!

They will certainly come true
  Let your desires!
  No long delay,
  No reminder!

New Year to your door
  Quietly picking up
  For you darling
  Mommy, trying!

Happy New Year 2019 to parents

Well, daddy, New Year again,
  What will he be, very long-awaited?
  May he bring hope to the family,
  With a solemn melody of chimes!

To make us feel warmer in it,
  Let it be carefree, more fun
  May our wallet become thicker
  Success will come on a magical night!

New Year's greetings to parents

The most dear people!
  May your coming year be
  Full of light, warmth.
  May your dreams come true
  God's light keeps your home
  And love only rules in him!

Happy new year, year of happiness!
  We have to say goodbye to the past
  And only the best with you
  From it to pick up in another!

New Year's poems to parents

I, mom, wish you in the New Year,
  So that you are happy
  Leaving troubles in the past,
  It’s always wonderful to live.

And if something happens,
  Do not hesitate - I will help!
  I wish every dream come true
  I’ll save you from worries!

Poems to parents happy new year

I congratulate you: mom and dad!
  So the new year has come!
  I wish you love and harmony
  In weekdays less worries!

Happiness to you, dear and dear,
  Good plans, ideas,
  And wonderful, unsurpassed
  Faithful and good friends!

I wish you many years and good luck,
  May the year be joyful
  May he have health, smiles, fun
  In the future will bring you!

Happy New Year to parents from children

Father, today is the New Year!
  You have fun
  And remember that luck awaits
  And do not forget about success!

I wish you health
  After all, without health - nowhere!
  Love you and not know troubles
  And happiness - for many years!