Congratulations on the New Year for the guy in your own words, in prose. Beautiful congratulations happy new year men in prose wish happy new year man friend a friend

Happy New Year! I wish that the New Year brings only joy and happiness to make everyone's favorite, relatives and close people, so that success would never wait for themselves, and love in your life was only sincere and mutual.

Happy new year to you, dear! Let the festive mood does not leave you for a minute for the next 365 days. I wish you to plunge into the atmosphere of happiness, love and well-being in the atmosphere, and to emerge only on the next New Year's Eve, but only for the next portion of heart wishes!

Happy New Year! I want to wish that this year become something special for you so that you get everything that I dreamed about. I wish to succeed. Knowing you, I have no doubt that you will get to your goal, as befits a real man. Happy holiday!

Congratulations to a wonderful man Happy New Year. Let it bring brave success and prosperity to the house, great happiness and undoubted luck, excellent health and loyalty of friends, bright love and solid decisiveness.

In the new year, let your life be filled with your happiness. Let your actions and solutions be worthy and faithful. I wish you and your loved ones peaceful and beautiful life. I wish you as much as possible to you, good luck and mountain wealth. Let this year become a year of fantastic victories and conquests!

Happy New Year! Let your men's actions fascinate adorable women and together with success with a weak floor in life will reign financial stability and amazing mobility!

Men are often pragmatic, but I am sure that you believe in miracles! Let the new year strengthen this faith and will give all the best to which it is capable!

I want the New Year to begin for you success and hit the prospects for all twelve months!

I wish this new year, so that life caressed you like a favorite woman! Let the income become your best friend, and good luck is a native sister!

On New Year's Eve, I wish you to be full of strength to desire! And what exactly is a personal matter! The main thing is that as a result you were absolutely happy!

Dear (name)! Let this new year be unusual in all respects. Feel with his arrival, how everything changes for the better, the happy star has already settled on the top of your Christmas tree!

Let I be not the only woman in your destiny. In addition to yourself I allow you to drive Shura-Mura with luck, to tell passion and not let go of love! Happy New Year!

On New Year's Eve, it is customary to make something that I want the strongest. Each person has their own hidden desires. So I want, so that under the battle of the chimes you promised to realize all your cherished dreams into reality!

Let in the new year every hour will be devoted to success, night - love, minute - happiness! Remember, I think about you every second, because you are an amazing man and about meeting you can only dream of a rival, living on the planet Earth!

I wish in the new year to surpass past achievements, make the right decisions, be proud of our own actions, choose reliable friends and devotees of girlfriends. Believe that success will notice you and allow you more clearly feel the soil under your feet!

I like you. I understood it so suddenly that was confused. I do not know what to think what to say. I hope that the new year will clarify in our relationship, and we will not have to blush when you meet each other, promise and not fulfill. Be happy!

You are such a confident person, so quickly conquer confidence! It seems that there is nothing in the world anywhere you would know. Let in the new year you will often invite to secular clips, where you will shine with your erudition and hit the surrounding knowledge of your endless knowledge!

Let the ringing of the glasses, the laugh of friends your house will be filled. It is time to take the guest of the main thing that has long been on the threshold. Introduce the new year rather, and it will definitely thank you with strong health, success in work and in life, wealth and joy! Happy New Year with a new happiness!

Allow yourself to fall in love! Be a junior junior, generous jokes and draws, do stupidity, having fun from the soul - this holiday is a new year! Let him remember you as a bright winter event, saturated with meetings and feasts.

You have achieved a lot in life: they made a career, created a family, they raised the children who wish to find an exciting occupation in the new year, which would distract you from the fatigue of life, will help find new interests, make not burdensive acquaintances.

In the new year I wish you have fun. It does not matter how, it does not matter where, the main thing is not to sit idle, but enjoy all the opportunities provided. After all, for this we all live. So congratulations on the holiday, let all your ideas become a reality!

I want to wish you an absolute ignorance in the new year. I wish not to know problems, worries and failures, not to know the fears, anger and hatred, not to know the meanness, cunning and betrayal. However, as often as possible I wish to meet love, joy, luck and happiness in your way. Happy New Year!

Let others be loved by us, I know that it could not be otherwise - we could not pass by each other! And I wish you in the New Year you did not have anxious thoughts, internal disagreements, and you, like me, threw the firewood in the fire of our fierce love and appreciated what you had!

I sit at the festive table, in my hands a glass with champagne show something on TV, but I don't see it and I don't hear - I think only about you! I dream of our meeting. Happy new year darling! I wish you happiness! And even in those moments when we are not together, know that you are always in my thoughts and dreams!

On my palms, the snowflakes will tell you about my desire - to become the best wife in the world. And I hope your wife. Let the magic of the new year will help us in this. I love you, my good boy, congratulations on the holiday and tightly.

New Year's Eve is often called magic. But I do not believe in miracles, but I believe in you, loved one. I believe that you yourself can do the lives of such as you wish to see it. And I know that our happiness depends only on us. So let's develop it and multiply every day. Happy New Year!

In the new year, you, Favorite, I wish to be the happiest. I know it is pretty trite and ordinary, but I really want this and try to do everything to make your dreams come true, especially those related to me. Happy New Year!

Happy New Year, Favorite! Did you know what's wrong with you, is it a real fairy tale for me? Why am I Grandfather Frost, when you are, and you can give me your love! And I - my own, and even my little, excitedly beating heart be happy, let your dreams come true!

In the New Year's Eve, I wish you, my beloved, so that all the dreams are fulfilled and let me take the main place in them! I know for sure - we will be happy, and in the new year we are waiting for a lot of amazing and interesting! So smile more often, my cute, when you smile - you are especially beautiful!

In a fabulous New Year evening, I want to congratulate my beloved, and wish him to be the happiest man in the world! Let the dreams are fulfilled, let your journey pass the light victories and pleasure! I have it worthy of all the best, so be a pet for fate!

My new year! I am the best of your present, but still it is better for me to be not under the barbed christmas tree, and you have under warm sideways! Let me kiss you a dozen times, for happiness, and wish the fulfillment of all the desires! Be brave, cheerful and very nice!

My favorite man for the new year I wish to believe today in the magic, just like a boy, and make up the most incredible desires! Believe me, there is nothing impossible for love and we will all get together! Be happy, smile and more often kiss me!

We encounter a new year as it should be - with a Christmas tree, a tasty table, champagne but the most important decoration of this holiday is our love! So let my midnight kiss on New Year's Eve, will give you a real, shining like the sun happiness!

Favorite! Happy New Year! I believe, ahead of us is waiting for the best, and the coming year will be the best for us, opening new roads, having fulfilled all the dreams and giving thousands of new opportunities! I wish you always smile and do not be shy more often to talk to me about love!

On this new year, I want to be for you the Snow Maiden! Let my love magic bring for you the only man, happiness in the new year! Let your dreams come true! I want to see you with a winner, a solid man surrounded by faithful friends!

His boyfriend, the most beloved man, I want to wish the wonderful year, great change, great happiness, huge accomplishments, and the subordinates of all vertices. As well as love, well-being, comfort in the house and comfort in the heart. Happy New Year!

Not a male day, not a birthday today, but I want my beloved to congratulate the most hot words - love and light wish, warmth and sun capable of melt, the cash flow of the inexhaustible, the joy of inexhaustible, the love of the endless. Happy new year darling!
Look at what to cook from hot for the new year.

From the bottom of my heart I congratulate you on this wonderful holiday - Happy New Year. I wish you stunning events, magic moments, heroic health and life, as in the most kind fairy tale. Let you survive only sincere and good people, do not give you offense to anyone, give all their care and warmth.

Under the spray of champagne and the battle of the Kurantov, let the most cherished dreams come true and all the conceived plans will come true! Let the good people always have, ready to give the part of their heart, and love and loyalty will be a reward for your kindness and humanity! Happy New Year! With new happiness!

That's the long-awaited New Year! Let your desires come true and hopefully! Let the house joy and happiness be illuminated! Let your friends are success and luck! Love and be loved! New year let it be a symbol of well-being and prosperity!

New Year is a wonderful, unforgettable holiday of a soul celebration! Let the Kuranta fight all the conceived will come true, and the desired - will be fulfilled. I wish that the magic of New Year's Eve touched each of us and made everyone happier! New hopes for you, new aspirations and new life in the new year!

Take from the heart of congratulations on the upcoming New Year! The most sincere and heart wishes of good health, well-being, happiness, love, joy, fulfillment of all your desires. Let the extraordinary, certainly joyful events will occur. More successful and happy days.

And here is the brightest holiday a year already on the nose. He carries so much magic and magic that is simply impossible not to believe in a fairy tale. I want to wish you a good health, wonderful mood, human happiness, positive emotion, inspiration and strength in the new year.

With the arrival of the new year, people give new promises, change. Let changes in the hearts occur only for the better! Let's decorate the world, becoming the best than were in the outgoing year. By changing ourselves, we change the world! I wish positive changes this year!

Let all the achievements of the outgoing year increase in the upcoming new year, and the disappointment and sorrow will forever remain in the past. Let your house be filled with well-being, the freshness of frosty days will cleanse the thoughts, and the Christmas angels will hear all your desires and will certainly implement them!

Simplicity of lines, as well as the opportunity to add your words, without spoiling the structure, makes congratulations on the New Year prose one of the most sought-after forms of wishes for the holidays.

Let in the new year the days are also bright and fun as New Year! Troubles melt themselves like snow on her palms! Suppose that all the kurats molded under the satellular battle will be fulfilled, and Santa Claus, even the winter on the North Pole, has wishes all 365 days a year! Happy New Year!

Happy New Year! We wish to find benefit and joy. Let the enemies help to experience the taste of life, and friends will help overcome all obstacles. Let the trouble gives invaluable experience, and inspiration will help make life better. In the new year, we wish the updates and purity - in everything and always.

Let in the coming year, luck will not leave your threshold, but will invite your friends - love and beauty. Together they will help to overcome any trouble and inspire new affairs. But if this Trinity Zakapariznists - call me. I'll certainly do not let them be checked!

Let your life turn into a magical fairy tale for a crystal ringing of glasses. Let the entire next year reign the peaceful peace, comfort and sparkling joy. Let only sincere smiles be around, and all the problems and adversity will remain in the outgoing year. Happy New Year!

I wish in the coming year to wet under the dollar rain, and let the leisurefall of good luck fall into your hands all the next year. Let them in any season of the year, as if the New Year's snowfall, will be poured on your house. Happiness. I wish to get pleasure from every minute of the upcoming year.

Let the new year be better than the previous one. And next to you will always be sincere, reliable friends, and in personal life - a loving and devotee. Meet this holiday with a smile so that he is full of joyful events and good emotions!

Let in the new year in all matters you would only find benefits and joy, and luck pursued all 365 days and overtake at the most suitable moment! Let all misfortunes bypass, and there will be only sincere smiles and faithful friends around!

I wish you and your loved ones in the new year only good, big love and complete mutual understanding! Because the family for us occupies the most important place in life.

In anticipation of a wonderful holiday, I wish patience. In the new year, success in work, calm in the family, a good holiday in summer and no chagrin and alarms! Only laughter, joy and smiles of loved ones, let them surround you in the new year!

I wish that in the new year there would be so much joyful and good events, how many bubbles in your glass with champagne. Let all the problems decide and the cherished dreams will be fulfilled in the coming year.

From the sky in the New Year there are many snowflakes, and let every magic asterisk, which goes to the roof of this house or on its inhabitants, will bring happiness, wealth and joy!

Very soon, the numbers on the calendar will change. And at the same time, let life be changed for the better! Let the new year there will be many smiles, love, warmth and well-being!

Happy New Year! Let it be special. We wish in the new year not to sit in one place, but move forward and act. Let all plans are implemented, the desires come true and dreams are embodied in reality. We wish good luck in all spheres of life!

We wish that the New Year was better than the former, so that there are fewer difficulties, so that everything is intended to be implemented, and that all the cherished desires are fulfilled!

Happy New Year! Let the mung up for the battle of the chimes, the desire will certainly come true! Let it seem to be happy for magic everything around, let love and well-being in the house!

Let the feathelter will help to establish a personal life, will show where the second half lives, will give money to a chic house, will send a relax on a tropical island and take part of the work on yourself! Happy New Year!

Happy New Year! Let the coming year bring well-being and success, will give new forces to achieve the most audacious goals, justify hope, and perseverance and purposefulness will help to carry out dreams. Hardness of the spirit, inexhaustible optimism, good health and good luck in personal life!

Happy New Year. I wish you success, wealth, health, as well as good luck, love and courage. Let the new year leads you to a smooth dear to big fortune, to new dreams. I wish in the new year to keep everything important from the past and acquire everything you need from the present!

Let the new year of your life be more beautiful, happier and gorgeous! I wish to achieve new goals, charge positive and confidently walk through life! Let luck be always on your side! I wish you and your family of love, wealth and good health!

Let me in this new year to wish you bright colors of life, loud successes, multicolored impressions and dawn in the performance of all your desires. Be happy. Let you surround only honest, loyal and reliable people. Let the betrayal goes to you.

Happy New Year. Let him take place in the rhythm of success, let him bring only happiness, peace and comfort. I wish a million chance for victory, I wish a billion opportunity for the incarnation of a dream. Be a strong, strong, persistent, cheerful, dexterous and skillful man. And let the new year there is a lot of luck.

Happy New Year. I wish to adequately take all the gifts of fate, and let these gifts be only kind. I wish in the new year to conquer all the vertices, bring all the dreams, fill in happiness and success all the gaps of life. Be healthy and strong, courageous and fantastic all the coming year!

Happy New Year! In this amazing holiday, when one year is replaced by another, I want to wish you all the most magical, the most amazing, the most beautiful and the most happy! This year will definitely be good as ever. And you will definitely achieve everything I wanted and fulfill all your dreams. Happy New Year!

I want to wish in the New Year: let everything conceived 100%, luck accompanies in all projects, on the soul and in the heart will be joy and peace, and in the house - love and prosperity!

In the new year, let your life be filled with your happiness. Let your actions and solutions be worthy and faithful. I wish you and your loved ones peaceful and beautiful life. I wish you as much as possible to you, good luck and mountain wealth. Let this year become a year of fantastic victories and conquests!

I wish you in the new year of good and peace, tranquility and determination, success and good luck, easy solutions and extraordinary actions. I wish to risk, but not before madness, to achieve planned goals, believe in miracles. Let you remember the coming year as the most saturated with pleasant events. Happy holiday!

But the chimes are already sculpted, the new year will knock on the window, everyone will raise glasses, and ... I want to pick up the words, so that it is to congratulate your man so that he melts that the mood rises, and I wanted to live. Let's see what congratulations on the New Year man in your own words, in prose or verses, will be able to make such an effect. Let's give strength and desire, configure love and heat, give energy and vitality.

So, congratulations on the New Year to your favorite in prose

Raising a glass, I want to congratulate a happy new year in prose, no poems, warm words of my beloved man. When he is near, I live, I dream, I admire when it is not - empty the world, and life does not cute me. I want to wish to always remain so warm, close, native, never giving up for a long time from me. I wish a million smiles to you, a bag of happiness, a bucket of good luck, and the mountain of a good mood!

And even congratulations on the New Year to your favorite man in prose:

Favorite, let them stay in the past sorrow, who defeated you in a remote year, will remain there let failure (there were few them, but still), sadness and bad mood. Catch the coming year, and multiply only joyful minutes, successful moments, funny smiles, good mood. Let the new year entering the right will bring prosperity and comfortable life, let everything in work will be smooth. Let him not be angry, but only pretty praise, the family let him please, and the friends are faithful.

Happy New Year's congratulations to a man in prose, colleague and a friend

The fact that I am happy to go to work, my colleagues are to blame. They are so cute and kind, we have such a friendly team. And so one of them, my colleague and a friend, I want to wish in incredible happiness in the new year, the conquest of all vertices, achieve all success! Coming today, let him please you with your desires, let you meet your half, kind and affectionate, let your parents be healthy, let joy sparkles all year in you!

Congratulations on the New Year man in your own words

Happy New Year in prose guy

We have recently acquainted, but already extended the invisible thread between us, and tied loose. I want to wish in the coming year to strengthen this thread, and connected us. I wish you incredibly high achievements in business, but - so that you do not forget about me among numbers and cash bills. I wish you inspiration for creativity - but in order for me in it, I wish you a big love for me, and that I am in the first place in it. Successes and well-being!

Congratulation husband happy new year in prose

Favorite my husband, meeting a new year, I want to reveal to you the secret - you are the most beloved, adorable and wanted husband in the world! I wish that in the coming year only happier was the time, with you spent so that your eyes always got into a smile so that your heart worried only from good news, so that the smile did not leave your face. And in the eyes never ran sadness. Happy New Year!

How else to congratulate your loved one happy new year in prose? Several warm words that go ice in the hearts of your men. Before them in front of no guy will not stand.

Happy New Year! Let the coming year bring well-being and success, will give new forces to achieve the most audacious goals, justify hope, and perseverance and purposefulness will help to carry out dreams. Hardness of the spirit, inexhaustible optimism, good health and good luck in personal life!

Congratulations on the New Year holiday. I wish that for you he really was new, new in everything. I wish you to get you a lot of new bright colors, emotions and events, and at the same time - a new portion of invaluable life experience. Let no last day pass for you in vain, approach your goals more and more and even if you all the time will be a reliable rear in the face of your relatives and loved ones.

When such a magical celebration comes as a new year, the task of a man is tuned to new victories, to new achievements. Let one of the main victories be for you a victory in love that will be a guiding star of your life. Let the second accomplishment be the friendship of true friends who will support in any situations. And as a warrior, I wish you to conquer your destination so that you will be victorious about life. Victories are huge in well-being and prosper, so that no obstacle stood on your way in the embodiment of these goals. Well, and the most important conquest, let it be happiness, and happiness for a man, it is to be loved, have real friends, engage in your business and live decent and in prosperity!

I sincerely congratulate you on the New Year! I wish you in the coming year to be surrounded by exceptionally positive and friendly people, worry only a pleasant emotion, rejoice in every lived day, give joy and smiles around. And let this new year be special for you.

Happy New Year! And I want to wish everyone so that in the coming year, the most miracle happened to us, about which we are still so dreaming. Although everyone has its own, but it is necessarily the most necessary and most important. I wish everyone we were alive and healthy to engage in what brings pleasure to us. I wish to achieve new vertices and self-realized. And I want to wish more joyful moments, which will go into pleasant memories, and meetings with devotional friends and favorite households.

Wishes Happy New Year 2019 in prose man

We congratulate you with the most heartfelt, originating from childhood, warm and magical holiday! Let Morozko and Mrs. Meltelitsa will cool too hot heads and will notice traces of the former mistakes and offense. A wonderful Snow Maiden will tighten the soft white bedspreads fragile sprouts of your best ideas so that they can wait for the incarnation! With the most important holiday of the year, with the best wishes - for everyone and everyone! Happy New Year!

Let in the new year in all matters you would only find benefits and joy, and luck pursued all 365 days and overtake at the most suitable moment! Let all misfortunes bypass, and there will be only sincere smiles and faithful friends around!

Happy New Year! Let this year be exceptional and extraordinary, bringing only luck, prospects and new discoveries! I wish you to prevent peace and well-being in your family, the work gave pleasure and was productive, it was always light and sunny in the soul, and any weather brought a good mood!

Congratulations on the New Year and I want to wish cheerfulness, forces, health, confidence and optimism. Let this year be successful and unpredictable for happy events, let all your cases and great ideas will be successful. All year we live in wealth and always believe in your dream.

On the threshold of the new year! Happy holiday! Let ordinary human values \u200b\u200bbe always in priority. Making, personal victories, happiness without borders, all the best, and good - it's easy and near, this is a laughter, a smile of a child, health, love, friendship, a smoking of a loved one, a loved view, a friend's support at a difficult moment. All the best!

With a long-awaited New Year! Punching snowflakes, circling in a light perfect waltz, biting home faith in a bright future, prosperity, well-being, huge and present happiness. I wish that the cheerful Grandfather Frost brought cherished gifts: happiness, comfort and well-being in your home and performed all your cherished dreams. And the drunk smell of Mandarin will cover you with a vesty romance and good mood!

The brightest and fabulous holiday came on the whole world, responding to beautiful melodies in the hearts of adults and children, generously presented to people gifts: joy, good, laughter and fun, and faith in miracles. Therefore, I want from the soul to wish you in the new year 2019, the magical, stunning mood. So that all the beginnings are inspired by the following, and you received everything that you want. Your life was filled with bright emotions and impressions. Let the fate present you unforgettable meetings and moments with your favorite people. Your home was filled with sufficient and all the benefits necessary for a happy life. Simple human happiness and health! Happy New Year 2019!

Happy New Year! I wish that next year brought us so much joys, how many days a year, and that every day gave us a smile and a piece of good. Let everything we planned, will surely come true: everything that they wanted to start, - will begin, and what they wanted to finish - it will end. Let next year we will all be happier, kinder and more careful to people around us, and the world will open us new doors!

I wish that the New Year brought not only happiness, but also confidence in the future, so that every morning began with the feeling of joy and pleasure! I wish every sphere of life was a complete bowl. Let you overfill the thirst for new achievements, energy and sincere joy from life, which in itself is an invaluable gift!

Happy New Year, my dear friend. I wish you beautiful Snow Maiden in my life, which will always love you, I wish a snowy avalanche of happiness and whirlwind of fun. Friend, let the coming year allow to be a true gentleman, a true friend, an incredibly successful figure. And let Monday on Monday, you are accompanied by luck and a great mood.

New Year's greetings in prose man

The end of the year is always marked by summing up the life of the life and the creation of plans for the coming year. Let only vivid impressions remain in memory, and new horizons will open in the near future and you can start climbing the scheduled vertices. Happy New Year!

Soft snowflakes circling out the ground in a snow-white outfit. So the most long-awaited holiday came - New Year! Congratulations! I wish you career growth, material well-being, peace of mind and peace. Let only positive emotions and dizzying impressions bring the coming year.

Let in the new year the days are also bright and fun as New Year! Troubles melt themselves like snow on her palms! Suppose that all the kurats molded under the satellular battle will be fulfilled, and Santa Claus, even the winter on the North Pole, has wishes all 365 days a year! Happy New Year!

Happy New Year! We wish to find benefit and joy. Let the enemies help to experience the taste of life, and friends will help overcome all obstacles. Let the trouble gives invaluable experience, and inspiration will help make life better. In the new year, we wish the updates and purity - in everything and always. Bulgova Irina

Happy New Year to a gorgeous and wonderful man. I wish you great success, excellent mood, great prospects, good luck and undoubted luck in the new year. Let the soul always warm happiness, and the heart is faithful love.

Happy New Year! In this amazing holiday, when one year is replaced by another, I want to wish you all the most magical, the most amazing, the most beautiful and most happy. This year will definitely be good as ever. And you will definitely achieve everything I wanted and fulfill all your dreams. Happy new year you happy.

With the finest holiday congratulations! We wish you an optimistic look at life, we wish to rejoice even to the trifles, to find a reason for a smile and positive. Let what is not particularly managed - gives invaluable experience, the fact that it is possible - gives joy. Let inspiration, love will make life more beautiful in the new year!

With the finest holiday congratulations! Uring the smell of the New Year tree, crackers, taste champagne! Let everything come true in this fabulous night! Let your home always live happiness! Let luck do not leave your threshold, but will invite your girlfriends - love, joy and beauty!

Happy New Year 2019 - Wishes for a man in prose

We wish you and your loved ones in the new year only good, great love and complete mutual understanding! Because the family for us occupies the most important place in life.

Allow me to congratulate you with this wonderful and magical holiday! After all, 2019 on the Eastern calendar will be the year of pig, and it is a symbol of kindness, care, material wealth and well-being!

Happy new year to you, dear! Let the festive mood does not leave you for a minute for the next 365 days. I wish you to plunge into the atmosphere of happiness, love and well-being in the atmosphere, and to emerge only on the next New Year's Eve, but only for the next portion of heart wishes!

Happy New Year! Let the new calendar days bring success, because it is the beginning of new plans, goals and victories. Good luck, mass of energy, mass of pleasure and many interests. I wish to comprehend something new, unknown and conquered the vertices of my tasks.

So comes to an end. Every year brings a lot of good, but we will not remember about the bad. Let the coming year be successful for you, everything will be as needed. In the new year, I wish the fulfillment of conceived plans, a wonderful solution to complex situations. I wish the ocean of love, health to everyone, ease in the life and lack of problems. We all believe in miracles, and they surround us. Just need to look a little and understand what a miracle happened. Have a good start and successful continuation in the new year!

Congratulations on the most magical, the most long-awaited, the most wonderful holiday - the New Year! I wish that for you the next year has become really wonderful! Let your life be full with optimism, bright events, pleasant meetings, positive impressions. Let all the desires you have come true that you have time to make a midnight, under the battle of the chimes!

I want to congratulate you on the New Year with all my heart. Throughout the year, you showed me what a faithful and wonderful friend, urged that you would never leave me in trouble. I wish you in the new year you covered the waves of happiness, love, health, well-being, good luck, success. Let only good people who give good people meet on the way. Happy New Year!

We are glad to congratulate you on the New Year! We wish you all the plans in the coming year to implement all the plans, to realize all the conceived ideas! And even if not only next year, but also there will always be a favorite woman and a faithful friend!

Happy New Year! Let the next year bring well-being and success, will give new forces to achieve the most audacious goals, justify hope, and perseverance and purposefulness will help to carry out dreams. Hardness of the spirit, inexhaustible optimism, good health and good luck in personal life!

Time flies, having taken with you and good and bad, leaving only memories, a sheet behind the sheet, making up the chronicle of your life. I congratulate you and wish you so that this new year was for you another wonderful leaflet of good luck and accomplishments!

Dear (name). Happy New Year! Your strong shoulders lie a huge burden with which you coped with honor. I wish you the courage, fortresses of the spirit, optimism, perseverance in achieving the goals. Let your most bold plans come true and the highest peaks are conjugated. The road and Ishilit goes away!

There, far, the rhythmic battle of the Kurantov is heard - happy new year, loved one. I whispering you, barely audible, that you are my treasure. Dear, invaluable, resident of my heart, let the festive spirit give you so much success, how much you can stand, let him close your way from grief and evil, protects you from the envious. May God keep you next year, as far as I love, let your health strengthen both steel. And I will become an attractive Gin, who, as far as possible, will perform your New Year's desires.

Congratulations to the most wonderful and strong, most reliable and talented, smart and beautiful, perfect, perfect and attractive man with new, coming and wonderful, year! I wish you only cloudless happiness and carefree work! Let all sorrows and troubles bypass you this year. Joy and fun, love, loyalty and excess will be your faithful satellites. Let even the most mysterious, bold and incredible your dreams and plans and the most intimate desires come true! With a new, fabulous and magical, coming year!

Already quite soon, we will hear the magic battle of the chimes and under these mysterious sounds will make their most secret desires. I wish the New Year to bring you real strength, courage, perseverance and self-confidence! These qualities will necessarily help you in life: both in personal and career. Let horsepower and power do not leave you throughout the year! The strive only forward, conquer all the new vertices. Let this year be significant for you in all spheres of life!

Congratulations to the most wonderful and strong, most reliable and talented, smart and beautiful, most perfect, perfect and charming man with a new, coming and wonderful, year! I wish you only cloudless happiness, only carefree work, and only a strong family! Let all sorrows and troubles bypass you this year. Joy and fun, love and loyalty, wealth and abundance let them be your right satellites. Let even the most mysterious, bold and incredible your dreams and plans and the most intimate desires come true! With a new, fabulous and magical, coming year!

When such a magical celebration comes as a new year, the task of a man is tuned to new victories, to new achievements. Let one of the main victories be for you a victory in love that will be a guiding star of your life. Let the second accomplishment be the friendship of true friends who will support in any situations. And as a warrior, I wish you to conquer your destination so that you will be victorious about life. Victories are huge in well-being and prosper, so that no obstacle stood on your way in the embodiment of these goals. Well, and the most important conquest, let it be happiness, and happiness for a man, it is to be loved, have real friends, engage in your business and live decent and in prosperity!