How to make a beautiful flower using quilling technique. Quilling paper flowers. Schemes for creating quilling paintings

Today, many do not just seek hobbies, but strive to become real professionals in their field. This technique involves working with paper by twisting it. The combination of multi-colored stripes allows you to create whole pictures with a variety of subjects: landscapes, portraits, images of flowers and animals. Quilling involves working with the imagination. By twisting the hollows in a special way, you can realize the most daring ideas. And you can use ready-made schemes. Quilling: paintings, flowers, bouquets - the creation of works of art that can decorate any room in an unusual way.

The history of quilling is rather confusing. Some sources say that the birthplace of quilling is China, in which paper was invented. Some sources say that the nuns of the Catholic churches in the 14-15th century began to make paintings and postcards from stripes of paper.

Secular representatives had the prerogative to engage in such a hobby, since paper was expensive and inaccessible to commoners.

Products and their types in different countries have their own characteristics and characteristics. This is influenced by the culture and mentality of citizens. For example, Europeans use simple forms and plots, while Chinese masters painstakingly work on every detail of a massive work. A variety of subjects and techniques allows each master to create unique masterpieces.

Tools for translating ideas:

  • Paper strips of different widths.Three, four, six and ten minimeters. Paper quality should be high. Firstly, it will be convenient to work with it, and secondly, it affects the appearance of the work.
  • A device for twisting ribbons.  To do this, you can use a toothpick, needle or needle without an eye, stuck in a wooden stick of a convenient size.
  • Forceps.It is convenient to work with it - fingers do not stick to paper. Better if the tweezers will have flat ends.
  • Scissors.It is important that they are sharp and thin.
  • Glue. It is convenient to use glue with a brush.
  • Cardboard.It is used as the basis for the picture.

The whole secret of successful execution is accuracy. This type of needlework requires painstaking and hard work. It is very important in the creation process not to be nervous and not to worry. Actions should be balanced, confident and calm.

Flower quilling: paintings, flowers and bouquets for beginners

Today, many needlewomen are engaged in quilling. This type of needlework can be used to decorate postcards, books, albums, walls, create paintings. The contractor must work hard to make the work look beautiful, neat and professional.

Quilling paintings of flowers are not only beautiful, but also have a very realistic appearance.

The color panel can be made very different. It can be filled with images of daisies, daisies or forget-me-nots. And they can depict such beautiful flowers as gerberas, lilacs, asters, peonies. You can decorate finished bouquets with the help of beads, sparkles and other decorative elements.

Master class on creating a floral picture:

  • The picture will be composed of 11 colors. For them you need to make the middle. To do this, take paper a centimeter wide, cut it with a fringe. For the core, you can choose pink and pale green.
  • The segments that will make up the flowers are twisted using the free-spiral technique. This will create the flowers of the desired shape.
  • Orange paper elements are squeezed and shaped like a leaflet. All three parts are glued at the base.
  • Pink spirals are shaped like drops and two are glued between the orange “leaves”. And two more drops are glued on top of the orange "leaves".
  • Petals stick together. After each petal is glued with orange stripes.
  • The bud is created by making a roll, which is advanced until a cone appears. The middle of the bud is covered with glue and the petals are glued there.
  • Leaves are created from green stripes, giving the shape of the eye.

Silicone glue is used to collect the entire composition. If desired, the picture is complemented by decorative elements. To do this, use sequins and beads.

Loop technique: quilling paintings

This technique is very popular among needlewomen. The paintings are created using strips, which give the form of loops. To create loops, use pins or a comb - to anyone as you like. This technique is not difficult, but allows you to create real works of art even for beginners.

Using the looped technique, you can create panels with the image of flowers, butterflies, animals and portraits.

To make a picture with flowers, prepare double-sided colored paper from which paper pieces are cut. You can also purchase a ready-made kit. For bonding elements using simple PVA glue. A toothpick or an awl, a scallop, will act as a working tool.

Master class on creating a picture of forget-me-nots:

  • It is best to use strips of green, blue and yellow.
  • The blue paper is spun. To do this, you need to pass the paper between the teeth of the comb. This will create loops.
  • It is necessary to connect, then glue the two sides of the paper cut. Loops should form. The tape that remains is wrapped around the petal and fixed with glue. In this way all the elements are created.
  • Yellow strips are wound on toothpicks until a tight spiral is formed. It should be fixed with glue. This will be the core of the flower.
  • Leaves are created according to the principle of creating petals.
  • Flower petals are joined with glue. Then glue the core.

The whole composition is glued to the cardboard base with glue. To do this, glue all the leaves and connect all the finished parts. Creating a picture does not take much time.

Simple quilling: a picture of flowers

The composition for a picture of flowers may be flat, or may have a volume. Beginners are better off using simple patterns (nature, flowers, winter Christmas trees). Accessories and materials can be purchased at specialized stores. If desired, quilling strips can be prepared from colored paper.

Beginners can train to create small paintings from wound ribbons. It's best to create postcards.

As tools and materials you will need glue, a toothpick, tweezers, scissors and a ruler. The advice of professionals will help you easily cope with the first pictures. Many start with the image of flowers.


  • Screw on the tape;
  • Flatten on one side;
  • Make up flowers.

It’s best to stick the figures using a glue brush. It is important to do this carefully. Do not use a large amount of glue.

Quilling: paintings, flowers, bouquets and a master class (video)

Quilling is a technique that not only allows you to create beautiful paintings, decorate your home, but also positively affects the nervous system and develops fine motor skills. It is important for beginners to start working on creating small paintings or even postcards. Ready-made quilling kits can be bought at specialized needlework stores and clerical departments. The most common subjects are images of nature, animals, flowers and portraits of people.

Paper products are very popular with most needlewomen. One type of paper craft creation is quilling. Postcards, pictures, crafts will get their original look. In most schools, quilling classes are already taking place at labor lessons, and teachers write a lesson summary.

The most common quilling technique is a flower. It can be created in various shapes and sizes, made flat, or vice versa, voluminous. It is possible to even create a bouquet with your own hands. But this will require patience and perseverance, as the work is quite painstaking and requires your attention. Below is a small master class on creating flowers using quilling technique.

What materials will be needed to make all kinds of colors:

  1. First of all, this, of course, is a special paper. It can be thin or wide. There are sets with all possible colors, and there are plain colors. You should choose based on the color of your future product. You can make such paper yourself: cut color sheets into strips of not more than 1 cm. This is the optimal size.
  2. Thin rod, which is required for wrapping blanks. As it can be used a gypsy needle, an awl, an empty rod from the handle, a toothpick, etc.
  3. Tweezers, which will be needed to perform painstaking work. For example, such as applying glue to the corners of paper.
  4. Sharp scissors, PVA glue, compasses, pencil and ruler, as well as a small brush.

It is with the help of these materials and tools that we will create future products. Quilling is a fairly small technique, so in order for your work to look neat and beautiful, you must use
  tweezers and a small brush.

Professionals have special machines for creating blanks, cutting strips and fringes. But most do it manually.

Before you start creating serious crafts, you can practice creating a simple postcard. This will help you master the technique, understand its principles and find out what you should not do.

Some useful tips for beginners:

  1. In order for your blanks (rolls) to be the same size, you need to purchase a special blank or ruler.
  2. Do not use too much glue - it can ruin the look of your product. You can apply it using a thin brush or a toothpick.
  3. Do not rush to do everything faster. It is important accuracy and accuracy.

It can take an hour for a beginner to create one flower! But do not rush, make your flower beautiful and neat. You will find small lessons in this article.

The main shapes of the figures:

  • Foot;
  • Arrow;
  • Wing;
  • Spiral;
  • Eye;
  • Triangle;
  • Leaflet;
  • Month;
  • Square;
  • Rhombus;
  • Semicircle;
  • Tulip;
  • Oval.

It is these forms that are used to create flowers using the quilling technique. They can be combined with each other, modified, to show your imagination.

How to make quilling flowers

Using the quilling technique, you can make a wide variety of flowers: asters, dandelions, white daisies, roses, chrysanthemums, yellow daffodils, sunflowers, spring snowdrops, irises, cornflowers, orchids, various wildflowers, forget-me-nots, lilies, blue pansies, poppies, peonies . Orchid will also be an adornment of any flower arrangement, as well as lotus and mimosa, carnation. A great variety of colors. You can use ready-made schemes with a detailed description.

Making dandelions step by step:

  1. First of all, a yellow strip of paper needs to be cut into a fringe. Do it with manicure straight scissors. Then the fringe will be very thin and give the flower the desired structure.
  2. Prepare a green stripe: cut it with a "fence", the ends pointed up. Glue it very carefully to the end of the yellow stripe. Make sure that the glue does not glue the openwork edge.
  3. We begin to twist a tight roll. As a result, you will get a small yellow bud with green leaves.
  4. Now you need to give dandelion volume. Fluff it well.
  5. Finger, inside the roll, push the cone. Glue the stem inside with the leaves.

Dandelions are ready! They will remind you of spring, delight in a good mood. Do-it-yourself products bring much more positive emotions than bought ones.

Manufacturing technology of daffodils:

  1. It is necessary to purchase or prepare tapes, sizes 3mm.
  2. Prepare a suitable background.
  3. We begin the manufacture of the first flower. It will consist of six petals, the form of manufacture is an eye. To make an eye, we make a spiral, squeeze the opposite edges and give the necessary shape.
  4. The second flower will consist of only two petals. We twist the spiral and give it the shape of an eye. The core of this flower is a triangle. It is done very simply, the spiral of the strip is compressed in three places.
  5. Now you need to make a stamen. It will be a wide ribbon (width about 1 cm), twisted into a tight spiral.
  6. We make the core of the first flower - cut a fringe on a strip and twist it into a roll, fluff it.
  7. Leaflets - paper tapes of different lengths. Lengths can be taken from 8 to 15 cm.
  8. We begin to build crafts.
  9. Leaves - double folded ribbons, with glued curved edges.
  10. On our background we glue the core of the first flower - a spiral with a fringe. Around it, we symmetrically lay three petals. Then between the already pasted petals, we report the remaining three. The first flower is ready.
  11. The second flower is laid out as follows: the core-triangle is glued in the middle, and two petal-eyes are allowed from its edges.
  12. Now the crafts are glued leaflets.

So the flower crafts with daffodils is ready.

Making a flower using quilling technique

Most masters use a comb (looped quilling) to make blanks. A strip is attached to the comb, and then figures are made using special equipment.

Using this technique, you can make a wide variety of flowers. The stages of execution will depend on the shape of the parts.

Using a comb, you can make various fantasy looks and forms, using them in subsequent crafts.

Interesting options for creating crafts with flowers:

  • Riding a bicycle with a basket of flowers. This composition looks very romantic and cute. It's easy to make a bike.
  • Branch with sakura flowers.
  • White winter flower.
  • A vase filled with flowers.
  • Hare with a bouquet of flowers.

Sakura is one of the options for creating a fake. It contains both flowers and a tree trunk. To decorate the composition, you can add additional details to the background.

Quilling workshop: flowers

Gerberas using quilling technique - these voluminous quilling products look very beautiful. Such a complex flower will consist of 64 petals, and their core is a fringe nut. Before starting work, prepare a funnel with a radius of 2-2.5cm.

Production Instruction:

  1. The flower can be made in any colors: red, yellow, light pink. After you have chosen a color, you need to cut the stripes. Their width should be no more than 2 mm.
  2. We twist from them rolls of one diameter. (30 pieces - diameter 14mm, 16 pieces - diameter 9mm, 18 pieces - diameter 7mm). To do this, use a special ruler.
  3. Each roll should be shaped like a drop: with your fingers, hold the edge of the roll, and gradually pull it out with pressing movements.
  4. After you have shaped all the blanks, glue 15 large droplets into a circle between each other.
  5. Glue our first circle onto the funnel.
  6. On the back of the workpiece you need to glue the remaining large droplets. So your flower will gain the necessary volume.
  7. Now from the blanks, with a diameter of 9 mm, glue the circle. We also deal with workpieces of the smallest size.
  8. Let's make the core of the flower. To do this, we need one black strip, 4 mm wide, and three strips, 8 mm wide, cut into a fringe. We twist the black strip into a dense spiral, and then we glue the remaining strips with an openwork edge to it in turn. The core is ready. It remains only to fluff a little fringe;
  9. We collect a flower: we insert a core with a fringe into a circle of the smallest petals, then we also insert into the circle of their middle details. Abundantly lubricate the back of the flower with glue, and insert into the workpiece with a funnel.

As a result, you should get a beautiful voluminous gerbera flower.

Craft Quilling: Mimosa

How to make fluffy flowers of silver acacia? Many people associate this flower with the holiday of March 8th.

Materials required for manufacturing:

  • White cardboard;
  • Yellow quilling paper;
  • PVA glue;
  • Special wood rod.

The manufacturing steps are as follows. On the edge of the strip we make fringed cuts. We twist the strips into a tight spiral, fluff the flowers. We make them 10-15 pieces.

Leaves can be made of two types. First view: cut the green strip into fringe, and then twist it with wavy movements so that the spiral comes out.

Second view: Bend the strips, and make small loops on them. We collect our details in one composition. A sprig of mimosa is ready!

Original quilling bouquet

A bouquet of quilling can be made from a wide variety of flowers. All elements of the bouquet should be performed in the same style.

What can I make flowers for a bouquet of:

  1. From corrugated cardboard. Many masters use it to create bouquets, crafts, cards.
  2. From special paper for quilling.
  3. From homemade strips.

As a bouquet, you can make large flower balls standing in a pot or in a basket. But they will require perseverance from you, as you will need to make many small parts. But this product will decorate your home for many years.

Making chamomile quilling

The technique for making daisies is very similar to making daffodils.

How to make daisies in stages:

  1. We will prepare the necessary color stripes: white and yellow.
  2. We cut the yellow stripes into a fringe and twist them into a tight spiral. Fluff it up.
  3. We twist the rolls of white stripes of the same diameter.
  4. We give the blanks a droplet shape.
  5. Our chamomile will have 12 petals. Glue them into a circle, and in the middle we place our core.

Your beautiful and neat daisies are ready! And most importantly - simple.

Quilling flowers (video)

Quilling perfectly develops fine motor skills of students' fingers, this lesson brings pleasure, relaxes, and the result of work pleases for a long time.

The art of paper-rolling, forgotten since the Middle Ages, returns lost popularity. Filigree compositions from many jewelry pieces are fascinating at first sight, leaving no chance to be unnoticed.

But the most demanded were and remain quilling flowers. We will try to make them today.

We make flowers from quilling. Dandelions

Bright and fluffy dandelions are small suns in emerald grass. He will create a spring mood even on the most gloomy day. Whether it is a holiday card or a three-dimensional panel - an air quilling composition will certainly appeal to a young birthday boy, mom or girlfriend. To work!

You will need:

  • yellow paper in two shades,
  • green paper - for leaves,
  • green corrugated paper,
  • glue,
  • scissors,
  • quilling tool (optional).

1. Cut A4 sheets of yellow in length into strips 3.5 cm wide.

2. Fold the three strips together and bend along in half. Make a fringe 0.5 mm long. These are tiny petals. Separate the workpieces.

3. Now, using the quilling tool, twist one yellow strip, securing the tip with PVA glue.

4. On top of the yellow strip, roll two orange ones. But first, do not forget to glue them into one long strip. Fix the dandelion from below with glue. Carefully spread the petals.

5. We turn to the manufacture of leaves. Cut a leaf out of a green rectangle, having previously folded the paper in half.

To make the leaf resemble a real one, squeeze it into an accordion, and then straighten it a little.

6. From a half of an orange strip make a dandelion bud. To do this, tightly twist the workpiece with a fringe and, securing its lower part with glue, wrap it with green corrugated paper. The width of the green strip is 2 cm.

7. Compose the composition of individual flowers, buds and leaves by gluing them on a dense cardboard base.

Hurrah! Fluffy dandelions are ready. No need to wait for spring - you can create a sunny mood today!

Lavender. Quilling flowers with Provence charm

Walking in the endless fields of lavender in France is the dream of every romantic. If one of Your friends is dreaming of the fragrant purple carpet of Provence, give him a piece of France - make a card with quilling lavender. Or decorate a pot with a houseplant with a flower arrangement. There will be joys!

And you can add an original gift.

You will need:

  • purple and green strips of quilling paper,
  • pVA glue,
  • quilling tool (optional)
  • scissors.

The technique for making lavender from quilling is very simple. It is enough to learn the principle of creating the following elements.

Tight spiral.The main element of all crafts from quilling and the basis for the manufacture of the rest. And it is done like this:

Free spiral. It is made by lightly loosening a tight roll.

Eye.   The main component of lavender inflorescences. Loosen the free spiral a little, fix the tip with glue and squeeze on both sides.

Free oval- slightly flattened free spiral. This element is useful for making simple lavender flowers. Actually, the free oval will be this flower. Ideal for beginners.

Leaf.We squeeze a free spiral on both sides with an offset.

Here is a stylish postcard you can get.

And even the most inconspicuous pot for indoor plants with quilling lavender will sparkle with new colors.

Do not put off until tomorrow! Turn your room into a flower greenhouse right now!

Patterns of making roses from quilling

Among all the decorative flowers, the rose is the most recognizable and beloved. Shakespeare in his poems mentioned roses more than 50 times. The tale of the Sleeping Beauty is called by some peoples “Wild Rose”. Let's make small copies of the world famous representative of the Rosehip family and decorate your room with them.

You will need:

  • paper in delicate shades of pink
  • pVA glue,
  • quilling tool (toothpick),
  • scissors.

A luxurious bouquet, a stylish pink panel or a cute postcard - quilling flowers will look spectacular anyway.

1. Take a strip of pink paper, wrap it on a quilling tool (toothpick). After a few turns, bend the paper strip toward yourself 90 degrees.

2. Then make one revolution and bend the strip again in the same way. Twisting the strips in this way, hold the flower with your fingers so that it forms correctly.

3. Having reached the end, fix the rose on the back with glue and remove from the toothpick. Rose is ready.

Roses, as well as become an excellent basis for making such a fun basket.

But if it seems difficult for you to make such quilling roses, I propose a simpler option.

1. Print a template.

2. Cut the paper in a spiral to make such a snail, and twist it with glue. That's all!

Blooming mood!

There are a large number of different types of needlework. Many of them begin their history in countries of the distant past, some of them arose not so long ago, for example, in the last century, and some popular types of needlework originate at this stage of world history, meeting the needs of modern needlewomen and modern fashion. It is also of great importance in the growing popularity of certain types of needlework. Recently, the following needleworks are popular: embroidery (floss and woolen threads, beads, crystals, knot embroidery), quilling, facing (paper work), felting from wool, sewing toys, plastic molding and others. Such an applied hobby will be useful not only for adults who want to spend their free time pleasantly, but also for children with the aim of introducing them to art and developing fine motor skills of their fingers.

Such applied art as quilling is now gaining momentum due to its colorfulness and fascination. It is suitable for both adults and children, provided that adults will help them. Using quilling technique, pictures of various subjects can be created.

This may be a picture whose style reflects the themes:

  • Nature;
  • Season of the year;
  • Animals etc.

To begin with, let's consider what quilling is: this is one of the types of handicraft, which is the creation of paintings from thin strips of paper by twisting and giving paper circles of various shapes.

Many people call quilling paper filigree, because such paintings look no less beautiful than classical filigree in jewelry.

This art is quite a few years old. The first mention of it ranges from the 14th to the 15th century, and it was common in monastic circles at various monasteries. The monks created ornate paper decorations. All this was explained by the fact that ordinary people could not afford such expensive material at that time as paper, which is now available to almost everyone.

Quilling paintings are popular due to their subtle beauty, which is more reminiscent of the finest lace, but has a pleasant volume than the usual classic lace of thread. There are a wide variety of instructional videos. Any such video mater-class will help people who begin to master quilling, get acquainted with all the basic techniques, any subtleties of this manual labor, as well as well-known quilling masters often share their secrets that will help in the subsequent independent work with paper strips.

Quilling paintings: what is needed for work

So, if you decide that quilling is the most interesting type of applied art for you, you can try to create paintings and crafts from paper stripes yourself. To do this, you need to prepare properly.

For work you will need:

  1. Paper strips of special paper. This is double-sided colored paper. It can already be cut into thin strips, or it can be whole sheets and then you need a special device for smooth cutting of paper.
  2. Tools for working with paper: tweezers, scissors, needles. Also, in the modern “market”, you can purchase special devices designed to better give the paper the forms you need, for quickly twisting paper strips, and so on.
  3. And most importantly: a lot of patience and accuracy in the work, which is especially important for beginners.

Pictures made in the technique can be both large and small, it all depends on the imagination and theme, which is displayed on the resulting picture.

After finishing work, finished paintings can, and even need, be framed and hung on the wall or presented to a loved one.

This is a wonderful gift for a birthday or another holiday. In addition, as can be understood from the exhibitions of contemporary talented quilling masters, such voluminous paper lace can be sold. To do this, various resources and exhibitions can serve as assistance to novice masters.

Choosing a picture for beginners: quilling

For beginners, working in the style of quilling in the first couple may seem complicated, but it happens with any art. Therefore, it is best to start with ready-made schemes of paintings for paper filigree. Now there are more than one thousand different schemes for beginners. Best of all, at the beginning of the journey, take small schemes on which all the main types of twists from paper strips are well developed, and you can find quite a lot of them. And before you return for serious colorful work, it is worthwhile to thoroughly work out each kind.

Let's look at why quilling is so popular among residents of the modern world, there are a number of reasons for this:

  1. Availability of materials for your hobby. As we have already said, at this stage of the modern development of the industry, colored paper is not a luxury and it is accessible to almost everyone, even special quilling paper cut into ready-made take-and-do strips. Paper can be made not only in our country, but a foreign country can also produce it. It all depends on your own wishes. A foreign paper producer may be, for example, Chinese, or maybe Japanese. Such paper is considered one of the best for work.
  2. Simplicity in work and assembly of the made picture. One has only to master the basics and the main types of elements. They are available for both adults and children.
  3. Benefit. Quilling makes you be careful, which will help the child develop perseverance and fine motor skills of his hands, and the adult to temporarily get away from daily stressful situations. Some prefer to spend money on psychologists, and many prefer to spend this amount and even less on materials for their work, which, moreover, can then be sold.
  4. Result. What could be nicer than to finish a long creative work and see the result, which will please its beauty?

The beautiful works of beginning masters are appreciated by experienced people who have long been creating voluminous paintings from paper stripes. Also, novice masters can emphasize a lot in the workshops of Larisa Zasadnaya.

DIY quilling patterns

The choice of a scheme for a picture should be approached thoughtfully not only by beginners, but also by experienced people. And depending on the desire, ready-made schemes can be supplemented with elements or assemble several schemes together.

We will analyze the main types of paper elements in the quilling technique:

  • Spiral: only two main types are free and tight;
  • A drop;
  • Triangle;
  • Arrow; It is modeled from a triangle;
  • Leaflet; He is also called the "eye";
  • Rectangle;
  • Semicircle;
  • Crescent; It turns out from an element a semicircle;
  • Horns;
  • Curl;
  • Twig;
  • Heart.

If desired and with special inspiration from these basic elements, combining their manufacture from a tight or free spiral, you can create new types of elements for more complex paintings and voluminous crafts.

To study each of them in the initial stages, you can use a variety of stencils, especially if you need to follow some standardized size.

Further, when a person is gaining experience, he can already create schemes with his own hands for future paintings that match his wishes and fantasies. Thus, everyone can touch not only the art of quilling, but also the very mystery of creating work “from scratch”.

Learning quilling techniques: pattern schemes

If we consider modern patterns for paper work in the style of quilling, you will notice that most of them are accompanied by a step-by-step description of each action, which helps to make the creation of paper lace easier and more enjoyable. It is worth saying that in the manufacture of paintings in the style of quilling can use more than one type of quilling.

What types can be involved in the work:

  • Quilling based on so-called rolls, i.e. paper rolls;
  • Silhouette quilling; It is contour or graphic;
  • Looped;
  • Quilling Behive;
  • Mixed.

Each master decides for himself which of these types he is going to use in his work, because for each of the patterns of the picture you can use your own. For example, make trees in one style, and, for example, daisies in another. The main thing here is that the types of equipment used are suitable for each other and look harmonious, otherwise the result of your work will not be what you expected in your ideas.

Subject quilling: paintings from paper

The theme for the future picture can be anything, here the wizard’s imagination is not limited to anything, if only he himself could draw up a diagram according to which he will work. By the way, some experienced masters do without schemes, creating voluminous works directly during the process itself, and only when they are finished do they see what came of it in the end.

Ideas on the subject can be completely different: from simple to the most daring, complex and bright.

For example:

  1. Classic winter. Winter works can also be both light and complex, depending on what the author wants to display.
  2. A girl is one of the common motives of quilling works.
  3. Spring motives.
  4. Flower bouquets, for example, you can take gerberas.

For all this, you can use any templates and stencils, but you can only rely on your skill and experience. Also, when working with thin paper strips and creating pictures from them, you can experiment with the background, but it’s better to choose a background that will be in harmony with the work itself, although you should not exclude the fact that some works are fully disclosed only when using radically contrast im background.

Quilling: big pictures of the bikes for inspiration

Behive is a work in the style of quilling from elements similar in their appearance to honeycombs of bee hives.

This style is perfect for creating panels and paintings, the main central link of which are trees.

Due to the honeycomb structure of the elements, such trees will look very voluminous and therefore the most spectacular. Therefore, it is for trees and flowers that the best solution is the best.

The elements of quiving quilling are:

  • Honeycombs;
  • The waves.

Now new schemes are being created for working in this cellular style. The idea of \u200b\u200bworking from bihive quilling, as for any other kind, can be absolutely any, as your heart and soul wish.

Quilling paintings (video)

Despite the appearance of the quiving quilling, the products are beautiful, and the schemes are relatively simple in spite of this.

The article will tell you about the secrets of creating flowers using the quilling technique.

There are no boundaries for creativity. And for creativity from paper - even more so. After all, paper is an easily accessible and cheap material, which, moreover, has excellent decorative properties. The modern industry of creativity has created hundreds of types of paper, different colors and textures. One of the modern forms of paper art is quilling. It originated not so long ago in the west. Quilling is quite simple and anyone can master it.

  • The main advantage of quilling is its simplicity. By learning how to create several basic shapes, you can make shapes of any complexity.
  • Another advantage is the availability of materials. All you need for quilling is special paper cut into thin strips, tools and PVA glue.
  • Quilling paper is sold ready-made. Quilling masters do not even need to spend time on its preparation. This paper has many shades and several sizes.
  • Quilling opens up wide scope for creativity. In order to create in this vein, one does not need to possess super talents
  • With the help of quilling decor you can decorate cards, albums, notebooks, create individual figures
  • Engaged in quilling, each master chooses his favorite motives. The simplest and most beautiful motif is flowers.

How to make beautiful flowers in the style of quilling?

  • You need to start making flowers with thinking over ideas. Sketch and outline the future colors.
  • Think about what type of flowers you will depict. Study the structure of this flower, see the original photo on the Internet. Pay attention to the number of petals, leaves, stem length
  • Prepare the materials. The first is paper. In order not to cut the paper yourself, buy it at a specialty store. As a rule, it is sold in a set of several colors. Choose the one that best suits your colors.
  • Also, prepare PVA tools and glue. Of the tools you need tweezers, with which strips of paper will be twisted. If you are a beginner, purchase a stencil for quilling parts. So you will get smooth figures
  • Prepare the workplace so as not to stain the paper tapes and the base with PVA glue
  • Consider what details the flowers will consist of and how many such details are needed.
  • Details are better prepared in advance and not in a hurry. The main thing is to enjoy the process of creativity.

Quilling: dandelions, photo

Dandelions - a symbol of the onset of summer. It has a bright yellow color that will decorate any composition. Making dandelions is not difficult.



Quilling: carnations, photo

Bright carnations can be made separately or add them to the bouquet to other colors. Carnations look strict and rich at the same time. Combine paper in different colors to make these colors look realistic.



Quilling: daisies, photo

Delicate daisies are perhaps the simplest quilling flowers. Even a beginner can make them. A more experienced master can combine daisies with other colors to make the composition look richer.



Tulips using quilling technique, master class

  • Tulips - bright spring flowers. For them, paper in yellow, red, purple or pink colors is suitable.
  • Tulips made using the quilling technique can decorate a card for March 8 or a notebook. You can also make a separate composition or picture.
  • For tulips you will need paper (for buds, stems and leaves), thin tweezers, scissors, PVA glue and, if possible, a stencil
  • It is necessary to think about what form the bud will be. The simplest form is in the shape of a crescent. However, tulips in this case will turn out only schematic
  • Consider what the background will be for future tulips. It should in no case be brighter than the flower buds themselves


Video: Tulips using quilling technique, master class

Lilies in quilling technique, master class

  • Lilies come in a variety of colors: white, pink, yellow, or orange.
  • Despite the fact that the most suitable color is white, it is better for beginners not to work with it. White paper is very easily soiled. If you have not developed skills in working with materials, the novice master will simply stain white paper
  • If you still decide to work with white paper for quilling, wait until the elements have completely dried. Otherwise, green leaves may stain white petals.
  • Quilling lilies can be flat or bulky. From them you can create a wonderful composition for decorating the interior. Lilies go well with roses


Video: Lilies in quilling technique, master class

Quilling roses

  • Roses are not easy to manufacture. Therefore, it is better for beginners to start by making other colors
  • Most often, roses are not made from a standard roll shape. For a rose, the paper is twisted so that the flat parts come out, simulating the petals of a flower
  • Roses can be made flat or voluminous
  • The best colors for roses are red, pink and white. Experienced craftsmen can combine several shades to make the rose look realistic (darker inside and lighter outside)


Video: Quilling roses, workshop

How to make daffodils using quilling technique? Master Class

  • Pay attention to the structure of daffodils: these flowers have a head that is directed down. Also, they have petals and an inner bell bell
  • To make the daffodil look like itself, it is better to make it voluminous. Then, all the details of the flower will be noticeable
  • Daffodils are of two types: white with a tender yellow middle and yellow with a bright yellow middle
  • Often, to simplify the manufacture of daffodils, they are made not from the side, but from above. That is, it seems that their buds are aimed at the viewer


Video: Quilling daffodils, master class

Quilling: mimosa, master class

  • Mimosa has many small little flower-balls and sharp leaves. To make it, you will need bright yellow and dark green paper.
  • Pay attention to the flowers of mimosa. They are fluffy. This effect can be achieved by finely cutting paper strips before curling. Then, the cut parts are enough to grind
  • Mimosa can be combined with other spring flowers: crocuses and tulips

Video: Mimosa using quilling technique, master class

Quilling bouquet

The best thing about quilling is huge creativity. And the beauties of nature are so immense that they can be embodied forever. Having mastered the skills of creating individual flowers, the master can begin to make bouquets. It will require not only technical skills, but also a sense of style.

How to make beautiful flowers using quilling technique: tips and reviews

  • Quilling is a very painstaking form of creativity. Only after acquiring skills will the figures turn out more or less quickly. Therefore, be patient
  • Accuracy is the main factor for beautiful compositions. No matter how brilliant the idea is, it will be simply impossible to look at it in a dirty or uneven way
  • Paper parts are very small, so prepare your work space in advance.
  • Wait for the part to dry completely before attaching it to the base
  • Do not put a lot of PVA glue. Even a small amount adheres well to paper
  • Don't skimp on quilling tools. This will provide you easier work and even details.
  • Take your time, stretch the pleasure of creating your masterpiece


Do not limit yourself to creating just one motive. Look for the ones you like the most.

Video: Quilling for Beginners Quilling Flower