How to choose a wedding day c. Signs for a wedding month by month. Church calendar: when to have a wedding

Every young couple who is going to legalize their relationship is very sensitive to the date on which their marriage will be scheduled. In this article we will try to figure out how successful a marriage entered into in 2018 will be, and for what favorable days and datesit is best to plan your wedding ceremony.

Wedding in the Year of the Dog 2018: will the marriage be successful

The symbol of the upcoming 2018 will be the yellow earthen Dog - a faithful, wise and prudent patron, whose resilience and commitment to life positions can only be envied. She, as the patron of the year, will favor those people who prefer the same goals and guidelines in life, to which she is inclined. Therefore, everyone who puts honesty, responsiveness and loyalty to the fore among their principles will certainly be gifted with a special disposition.

The family for the yellow Dog is especially delicate matter. She understands well that the root of personal happiness grows exclusively from the solidity of the rear, which is provided by people who love and care for each other. Therefore, all weddings played in a year, the patron of which will be the yellow Dog, are doomed to grow into strong and friendly families. Although one should not forget that external forces can only help in building their own destiny.

Auspicious dates and days for a wedding in 2018

Your attention is given a list of the most favorable and successful dates for which the wedding ceremony should be scheduled, according to the lunar calendar for 2018.

January 2018: 1, 18, 19, 21, 22, 25, 26, 28, 29, 30.
February 2018: 9, 17, 18, 21, 25, 26.
March 2018: 4, 9, 19, 23, 25, 30, 31.
April 2018: 17, 20-22, 27-29.
May 2018: 18, 20, 21, 25, 27-29.
June 2018: 15, 17, 22, 24-27.
July 2018: 13, 15, 18-20, 23, 27.
August 2018: 17, 19, 24-26.
September 2018: 11, 14-16, 21-24.
October 2018: 14, 19, 21, 22, 26.
November 2018: 9, 14, 16-19, 21.
December 2018: 7, 9, 13, 14, 17, 19-21.

Bad days for a wedding in 2018

January 2018: 3, 5, 6, 10, 13, 15, 16, 17.
February 2018: 1, 3, 6, 8, 10-15.
March 2018: 3, 6, 7, 10, 12, 13, 17.
April 2018: 2, 4, 5, 7, 11, 12, 14.
May 2018: 1, 3-5, 8, 10, 12, 15, 2, 23, 31.
June 2018: 2, 7, 9, 12, 13, 29.
July 2018: 10-12, 31.
August 2018: 1, 2, 7, 8, 11, 29, 30.
September 2018: 3, 5, 6, 8, 9, 18, 27.
October 2018: 2, 4, 6, 25, 27.
November 2018: 1, 3, 4, 7, 27, 28, 30.
December 2018: 1, 4-6, 25-27.

Beautiful dates for a wedding

There won't be many. Therefore, if you want your wedding anniversaries to fall on beautiful numbers, you should take a queue at the registry office in advance, because there will be enough people who want to sign these days. The most cute combinations of numbers in 2018 will be those formed by one, two and eight. Because the most beautiful dates for weddings in 2018, only four: 02/18/2018, 08/18/2018, 12/18/2018 or 08/20/2018.

When can you get married in 2018 according to the church calendar

Traditionally, weddings peak during the period from April to May and from August to October. It is during these favorable months for weddings that the most beautiful wedding photos and videos are obtained, and there are a lot of treats for the fall, because all the harvests have already been collected by that time. But the church has its own rules, according to which you can get married not on any day, but on a particularly allotted one. The church does not hold weddings during fasting and great holidays (see), as well as on the eve of these days. Thus, getting married in 2018 will not work during the Great, Petrov, Dormition and Nativity Lent, as well as during the periods when Holy Weeks are held. On another day, after agreement with the priest and compliance with all the rules, you can get married.

Also see if it will be successful or not.

After marriage, the newlyweds begin a new, special period in their lives. Now they are one. Preparation before the wedding excites both the young people themselves and their loved ones.

I wish the day was perfect. Parents dream of a happy family for their children. Children dream of eternal love. Therefore, omens are especially relevant on this day. Even the most unbelieving people try to observe them.

Wedding signs

The choice of the month for the wedding.

People have kept the main signs and will take into account to this day:

  1. Before the day of the celebration, the bride needs to go to bed in a nightie, worn on the wrong side. Put a mirror under the pillow, then she can ward off evil spirits from their family.
  2. The day before the wedding, the bride and groom should not see each other.
  3. The future spouse should not see the bride's wedding dress, and even more so on her.
  4. Until the moment of the official painting in the registry office, the girl cannot look in the mirror in full growth.
  5. Even in hot weather, shoes or boots with a closed toe or heel should be chosen as shoes. It is believed that in this case, happiness will not be able to escape from home, but will remain in the family.
  6. A woman who has lived in a happy marriage for more than 7 years should help to dress the young lady in the morning. Then the family of the newlyweds will be successful.
  7. Both the groom's and the bride's shoes should not be new. It is worth taking a walk in it at least once until the moment of celebration. Old shoes promise stability and good luck in a new life.
  8. Mothers of future spouses wear dresses. You cannot choose costumes so that the life of their children would be without strife and dispute.
  9. A wedding dress should be kept throughout life and not given to anyone, even from close people.
  10. Nobody, except the future wife, especially after the marriage.
  11. A young lady at a solemn event throws a bridal bouquet. The girl who catches him will be the next to marry.
  12. The future spouse keeps the wedding rings. He should not give anyone a fitting.
  13. During the painting in the registry office, it is worth removing all existing rings. After registration, only one piece of jewelry will show off on your finger.
  14. Approaching the wedding ceremony, the wedding procession should beep loudly in order to scare away evil spirits from the future family.

Favorable for 2018 for a wedding

Signs about the wedding day.

It is no coincidence that the spouses are considered the most superstitious. It is quite difficult to decide to take a crucial step and leave the calm father's house. I would like everyone around to talk about the right choice and push to the right decision.

That is why brides most often turn to astrologers in order to find out how successful the next year will be for marriage.

It can be unambiguously answered that year of the Yellow Dog is more harmonious than ever for creating new families, insofar as:

  1. Not a leap year - 365 days means that the year is quite normal, which means there are no possible problems.
  2. The symbol is a faithful and devoted animal. It, like no other, is capable of being the best friend all its life, loving children and protecting its soul mate.
  3. The dog is able to give the family material well-being and prosperity. As a rule, at this time unions of like-minded people are consolidated, supporting each other in endeavors. Often, such starts end with very successful projects in the future.
  4. it will be summer. The lunar calendar claims that this season ideally coincides with the growing phase, respectively, in such families, relations will grow stronger, and marriage will improve.

What month of 2018 to get married

Folk omens represent the wisdom of generations. It is no coincidence that for several centuries in a row, weddings have been organized mainly on Saturdays. This is due to the superstition that portends the most successful and happiest marriage on this day.

There are also customs indicating which month will be the most successful and harmonious:

  • January is a difficult month for building family ties. Initially, a couple can face a lot of difficulties. It is not uncommon for men to become widowers early.
  • February promises a calm and peaceful relationship. Often they can even get bored with their sweetness. But after looking at them from the side, you will want to return to a quiet life again.
  • March - the family will change their place of residence more than once, perhaps even go for permanent residence in another country.
  • April is like the weather, an unstable month. There may be major quarrels during the day, and the next morning warm relations await. If such drastic and constant changes are suitable for young people, then the family can survive for a long time.
  • May has long been considered the most unlucky month. Husband and wife will suffer with each other all their lives. Quarrels and resentments are their normal relationships.
  • June - a month to create the perfect union... The strongest families are at this time.
  • July is a deceiving period. Someone may be lucky, while others will feel unhappy. The secret of relationships this month is simple - be respectful enough to your loved ones and then they will repay you with love and care.
  • August is a passionate and hot time. At this time, the most sexual unions are made, which can hold out on their energy for a long time.
  • September - reliability and stability in relationships. As a rule, the marriage at this time is smooth and reliable.
  • October - frequent quarrels and misunderstandings can become constant companions of family relationships. Misunderstandings can lead to breakups.
  • November is the time to create a financially secure family.
  • December is a union of two loving people who are able to support and help each other all their lives. A large number of children are often born in this marriage.

Today we will tell you what will be the beautiful dates for a wedding in 2018, because a wedding is a touching, romantic event. I would like everything to be harmonious in it, including the date. Based on this, the newlyweds choose certain numbers.

The answer is on the surface. Such dates look harmonious, complete and attract attention. Having a symmetrical numerical display, they are easy to remember.

For a wedding in 2018, dates with the number 18 look beautiful. Let's remember: the eight is considered a symbol of infinity. Considering that many people are planning a wedding only once in their entire life, the figure is symbolic. For this reason alone, 2018 was created for weddings. There will be more than two dozen nice, round dates.

If you want your wedding to be harmonious, be careful when choosing a day for the wedding. A symbolic event, a symbolic number. But which one, let's figure it out.

Beautiful wedding dates: what is 2018 rich in?

Beautiful dates in 2018 - all that have the number 18:

  • 01.18;
  • 02.18;
  • 03.18;
  • 04.18;
  • 05.18;
  • 06.18;
  • 07.18;
  • 09.18;
  • 10.18;
  • 11.18;
  • 12.18.

They all look harmonious, but there are special ones. For example, March 18, June 18, September 18, and December 18. The listed numbers are multiples of three, therefore they are also mathematically beautiful. In addition, March 18 is Sunday, which makes the holiday more accessible. And June 18 is Monday. As the people say, the day is not easy.

Another date that stands out from the general list is November 18. It looks complete, symmetrical at both ends: 11/18/18. Falls on Sunday.

The August variant looks no less interesting: 08/18/18. Three eights in the date promise a long and happy life, like infinity in a cube. This Saturday is a winning option from all sides. The date 08.08.'18 looks good: the same three eights, only on Wednesday.

If the number 18 does not work out, go through the eighth: 8.01.18, 8.02.18, 8.03.18, 8.04.18, 8.05.18, 8.06.18, 8.07.18, 8.08.18, 8.09.18, 8.10.18 , 8.11.18, 8.12.18. Here, 8 February and 8 April immediately stand out. The number and number of the month are multiples, so we see mathematical harmony. In addition, the eighth of April is a Sunday. In October, a zero appears in the date, adding roundness, only the eighth of October in 2018 is Monday.

Let's summarize. Anyone including the number 8 or the number 18 will be beautiful dates for a wedding in 2018, good options:

  • March 18, November 18, April 8, February 18, July 8 - in addition to looking harmonious, also Sundays;
  • August 18, September 8, December 8 - Saturdays in 2018.

Remember: the eight is an inverted infinity, which is thematically directly related to the wedding.

What other options are there, or other dates

In 2018, dates from 8 or 18 will go fast. Therefore, we offer other options, not so pretty, but also interesting.

Options that include a unit are suitable, especially the first. These are the first days of the month, of which weekends are: 1.04.18 (Sun), 1.07.18 (Sun), 1.09.18 (Sat), 1.12.18 (Sat). Winning September 1, which marks not only the day of knowledge, but also the day of creating a family. Looks good and 10.08.18, 10.10.18. Zeros and eights have long been considered complete numbers because they are based on a circle.

There are many options for beautiful wedding dates in 2018, so you will be able to stay at an acceptable and convenient for everyone. However, the main thing is the established family life, and the rest is a pleasant addition to mutual happiness. We wish that the concluded marriage will bring moments that will be remembered with warmth.

Wedding day is for many people the most important day in their life. One way or another, this day should really be special. The lunar calendar will help you determine a favorable date for creating a family.

Weddings in January 2018

The first month of 2018 will be rich in good days for weddings. In the first half of the month, the energy of the Moon will be steadily high, which indicates the possibility of holding a wedding on any of the days in the period from January 7 to 19. Try to hold a holiday, wedding or painting January 4, 9, 11, 14, 17 or 25... These days, the combination of lunar energy and the power of the stars will be most harmonious.

Separately, it is worth noting the New Moon in Aquarius on January 17, which will not only be favorable, but the best for the entire 2018. This day is perfect for a wedding, because new beginnings and new emotions on such days help people to become much happier.

On January 4, the waning Moon will be able to curb Leo, so the wedding party will turn out to be calm and very bright. On January 9, the waning Moon in Libra will help you find harmony within yourself, cope with stress if the wedding holiday is too lush and stressful. On the 11th, the Moon in Scorpio will do everything possible to make the day pass without delay. On January 14, Sagittarius and the waning lunar disk will make the day dynamic and filled with vivid emotions. January 25 will be a wonderful day for a wedding.

February weddings according to the lunar calendar

February will begin with the waning moon. 2 numbers she will be in the Sign of the Virgin. This is a good day for painting and a leisurely wedding. The day will be very measured and truly unique.

6 to 8The moon will be in the Sign of Scorpio and will also wane. This means that all three days will be incredibly positive for a wedding, marriage in the registry office, for a magnificent celebration.

February 12-16it will be a very positive period for planning weddings or hosting them. On the 16th, there will be a New Moon in Pisces. If you want to hold a wedding on this day, then you will have to make it as unusual, extraordinary as possible, otherwise you will later be sorry.

February 21 and 22 The moon will grow in Taurus, so these two days for marriage will be very, very good. The energy of the moon will be as favorable and constructive as possible. It is a pleasure to start a family on such days.

March weddings in 2018

March 1 - a beautiful date. This will be the last day before the Full Moon, so the Moon will be strong, but not strong enough to hurt you. A magnificent and bright wedding will be very useful if you want to spend it on this day. The waxing moon and Virgo are a great combination. The first day of spring can be the most important day of this year for you.

March 6-9 you can also safely plan a wedding, and on the 7th, 8th and 9th you can do this without much doubt. March 8 will be the best day of this stretch because the waning moon will pair well with Sagittarius. If you get married on the 8th, then your family life will be filled with special trust.

March 14 and 15The moon will be in the Sign of Aquarius, so a non-standard celebration will be very useful. The spouses who enter into an alliance on such a day will be very happy, and most importantly, calm.

March 20-23 you're also lucky if you can plan your wedding for this period. You can even make it so that the wedding will fall into this segment, and the painting, and the celebration. The first two days will be held under the auspices of Taurus, and on March 22 and 23 - under the watchful eye of Gemini.

Weddings in April 2018

Only on the growing moon in April will it be useful to hold wedding celebrations and murals. 17 april- the day of the growth of the moon in Taurus. The wedding on this day will be very romantic and even in a way more spiritual than on other days.

20 April - the best day of the month for a wedding or wedding. The Universe itself permits swearing on this day. The moon will be in Gemini, therefore, strong love in a couple who will appoint a wedding for this day will persist for a very long time.

April 21 and 22The moon will be in the Sign of Cancer. These days are great for a wedding, because the union made during this time will allow you to become closer and closer to each other throughout life.

April 27 and 28 the rise of the Moon in Libra will allow you to greatly succeed in creating a pleasant atmosphere for the holiday of love that you throw. The 27th will be a special day, because the energetics of the moon and stars will be the most harmonious.

April 29libra will be replaced by Scorpio, so this day for a marriage or a wedding will be very good. The only exceptions are couples who lack the experience of living together.

May dates for weddings

Again, only on the growing moon will it be possible to enter into a marriage union, but now in May. 18th - a good day for a wedding, because the Moon will be in the Sign of Cancer. Get creative with planning your celebration so that you are as lucky as possible.

May 20 and 21 Leo will positively affect the general energy of people, which cannot but have a positive effect on the wedding feast and on the ceremony itself. In order not to extinguish this light of happiness, try to focus on the honeymoon, and not on the wedding itself.

May 25the wedding and any celebration should be held in the largest possible company of guests. Do not hesitate to invite everyone who is dear to you, otherwise you risk leaving someone offended and deprived. If everyone is together, the holiday will be grandiose.

May 27 and 28- favorable days for weddings, but the 27th will be more positive. The moon in Scorpio will be during both of these days, so the wedding should be calm and preferably in privacy. You can also spend a modest holiday outside the city, away from the hustle and bustle.

Weddings in June 2018

Only one day on the waning moon for a wedding will be truly auspicious this month - June 6th... Moon in Pisces is a good sign for those looking to get married. The only condition is the presence of genuine love. There should be no calculation in a relationship if you want to get married that day.

June 15th it will be the most favorable day for marriages or weddings. In the family, created on June 15, peace and understanding will reign throughout the entire time.

June 24-27 it will be a great time for the celebration. The holiday of love can begin on June 24, when the waxing Moon will be in the Sign of Scorpio. The 25th is the most powerful day of the month in terms of energy, but the day itself will not be the best - it is better to leave it for a wedding, and in a narrow circle of people. June 26 and 27, like June 25, will be held under the auspices of Sagittarius. These are two good and stable days to be devoted to love. A wedding on such days will be very, very beautiful, kind and pleasant.

Auspicious days for weddings in July

The first auspicious day for a wedding in July is 13th number. This will be the New Moon in the Sign of Cancer. Only alliances based on trust can be taken to the next level. This will help you build on your success and become even happier.

July 15 the night "sun" in the Sign of Leo will cheer up all newlyweds. Any celebration, both small and large, will be very helpful. You can immediately go on a honeymoon, or you can even spend the holiday modestly - at your discretion.

July 18 and 19 - time of activity of the Moon in the Sign of Libra. Try to plan this wedding in advance. If this is not done, then there may be minor problems with the organization. Otherwise, these are great days to get positive emotions from the celebration.

July 20- the best day for a wedding. It is the spiritual side of the wedding that will be important on this day. Make an oath to each other that you will never leave your family. Astrologers claim that alliances made on such days become very strong.

July 23 Sagittarius will reign supreme, so the growing moon will have a positive effect on the wedding feast, on the wedding and on the process of creating a family in general. People who will be at the wedding are likely to communicate well both during and after the celebration.

Weddings in August 2018

Even the growing moon will not be able to create favorable conditions for weddings, although three days out of the whole month will be quite favorable. 17, 24 and 26 August can be used for a wedding, however there are several factors that cannot be ignored.

On the 17th, Scorpio will positively influence the growing moon. On this day, the wedding is best done quickly and without frills. If you want a more magnificent celebration, then it is better to give preference to August 24 or 25, when the Moon is in the Sign of Aquarius.

The 26th will be the Full Moon. It will be held in Pisces, so this day can be considered the best for a wedding. Of course, excessive dynamics and extraordinaryness will not be beneficial, but you will have every chance to make a grand event for all guests.

Weddings in September 2018

On the waning moon, only one day will be positive for a wedding, a painting in a registry office or a wedding - September 7th... The constellation Leo will have a beneficial effect on you on this day. People's feelings will be heightened, and emotions will be felt much better. It will be a very memorable celebration.

14 september- a good day for a wedding, because the growing Moon and Scorpio are an incredibly productive union. Everyone, young and old, can get their dose of positive. Put all your soul and time into the celebration. Plan everything carefully.

16 of September- the best day for a wedding in the first month of autumn. This day will be very positive and suitable for a change of mood. Before the wedding, you may have doubts, but this is normal. Before such important and positive days, it is always a little uncomfortable.

September 21st - Moon in Aquarius. Weddings on such days promise a bright future for newlyweds, mutual understanding and passion. On the 23rd, it is better to have a wedding as unusual as possible. Spend as much time and energy as possible in order to organize a holiday that will be remembered for a lifetime. Do not make a standard party with toastmaster and contests - come up with something extraordinary.

If it is not possible to schedule a wedding on the indicated days, you can use September 11, 15, 22 or 24... These days the Moon will also be creative, but to a lesser extent.

October auspicious wedding days

In the midst of autumn, it won't be easy to celebrate weddings. In October there will be only three truly positive days for a wedding or painting. 5 lunar day in Sagittarius, October 14- this is a good day to connect two people who are not alike in their hobbies. The celebration can be made unique and enchanting.

19 octoberThe moon will be in Aquarius. This means that it is better not to postpone the honeymoon trip for a long time. As soon as the holiday is over, it is better to immediately go away from everyone, somewhere quiet and secluded.

October 21it will also be a great day to tie the knot with your loved one. Listen to the advice of older generations - their instructions will help you avoid problems. Speaking of problems, try to avoid inviting people who don't get along to the wedding on this day. They will ruin everyone's mood.

November weddings according to the lunar calendar

November 11-13 will be the right time for weddings of any scale. The waxing moon in Capricorn is a good time to get married, especially if you have little money. Even a modest celebration will be very warm and pleasant from any point of view.

November 16-19 it will also be possible to plan both a wedding and a simple painting in the registry office. The main thing is that all close people are by your side these days. On November 16, 17 and 18, the Moon will be in Pisces, and on the 19th it will move to the constellation Aries. This suggests that it is better to plan a celebration and parties at the end of this period, because Aries gives strength for this.

November 21will be a mediocre day, but quite calm. If you want to have a “quiet” wedding, you simply cannot find a better day.

Weddings in December 2018

A good day for a measured and calm wedding - December 7. This will be the New Moon in Sagittarius. The calm energy of the Moon and the dynamics of Sagittarius will come together to allow you to do everything right, without any problems.

9th DecemberThe moon will be in the Sign of Capricorn, so it will be useful to create a family for everyone who has been in a relationship for quite a long time. If you did not even have time to live together, it is better not to plan a wedding on the 9th.

December 14- the best day of the month for a holiday and wedding. The spiritual side of the wedding will be more important, so pay attention to the vows you make to each other.

21 December can also be called a very good day for a wedding. The moon will be in the sign of Gemini, which will be very good for creating a pleasant atmosphere for the holiday itself. The least conflicts between guests happen on such days.

Everyone can harvest a wonderful harvest and create unique flower beds. With the recommendations of the lunar calendar for 2020 ...

In the lunar wedding calendar for 2018, you will find the most favorable dates for marriage, in which the chances of creating a strong and happy family are highest.

Choosing a day to get married is a big step. A special day for newlyweds should be perfect in every sense, so that the created family does not fall apart in the coming years. In the lunar calendar, you will find tips thanks to which you can choose a happy date, and adherence to wedding traditions will help you bring happiness and prosperity to life.

Weddings in January 2018

The first month of the new year is a great time for marriage. Our ancestors believed that the lower the temperature on the wedding day, the stronger the union will be. However, the time of strict fasts excludes the possibility of legal marriage, and all solemn ceremonies should be postponed for the duration of the Nativity Fast. The wedding "season" should be opened after the 7th, when the churches begin to marry newlyweds, presenting their union to God.

The most favorable days are when the moon is in the growth phase: from January 18 to 30. According to signs, a snowy day during the celebration is a sign of future prosperity in the family, and a wedding played a couple of days before the Full Moon will give birth to a friendly and happy family.

It is not worth setting wedding dates for the period when the moon is waning. These days, the outflow of energy does not contribute to the creation of strong families. And newlyweds should also remember about church holidays, during which weddings and weddings are often canceled. During the New Moon and Full Moon, weddings are also not celebrated.

February weddings according to the lunar calendar

The second winter month will delight the newlyweds with happy days for marriage from the 17th... Astrologers believe that the most successful day of the month will be February 25... Family relationships will be warm and happy on Sunday under the guidance of the Sun. The constellation of Cancer, in which the Moon will be, will give comfort and warmth to spouses for a long life, relieve the couple from misunderstandings. Families created on the 10th lunar day rarely break up, and newlyweds have tender feelings for each other and are always surrounded by faithful friends who are ready to come to the rescue.

Beware of getting married on February 1, 3, 8, 13... These days, the Moon will endow the space with aggressive energy, which will negatively affect the relationship of partners and may cause an early divorce.

March weddings

In the first month of spring, weddings will be especially successful. The awakening of nature from hibernation will endow the spouses with good energy, and this time is suitable for people of a romantic nature. Dreamers can legitimize relationships on the first day of spring, as well as from 18 to 30 March... It is on these days that the growing Moon will fuel their love and positively influence relationships after the wedding. However, according to Russian traditions, weddings are rarely held in March, because this is the time of Great Lent, and the church is not crowned by married couples, and in Russia weddings without weddings were considered invalid. In 2018, the post will run from February 19 to April 7.

According to the lunar calendar, the most a favorable day for the wedding will be March 23... Under the influence of Gemini, spouses will be able to create a strong union based on mutual understanding. The sociability and energy of partners will not allow them to get bored, and common hobbies will unite the spouses. In such a creative union are often born. Venus, the patroness of Friday, also has a positive effect. She brings complete harmony and understanding to the life of the spouses.

Marriage in April 2018

April is the time for love and romance. The awakening of nature, fresh greenery and warm days enhance feelings of love. In the old days, weddings tried to play on Krasnaya Gorka, which falls on the 15th in April 2018. However, on this day, the energy of the waning moon in the constellation Aries does not contribute to the formation of a strong family. Spouses who are married this Sunday will often argue, defending their opinions, and this will not contribute to a harmonious union. Astrologers believe that such an alliance will not last long and will most likely fall apart due to misunderstandings between partners.

Most favorable days will be the numbers from April 17 to April 29... On the last day of the month, there will be a Full Moon, which affects love unions ambiguously. On the one hand, you can expect complete harmony and mutual understanding, and on the other, conflicts and opposition of interests.

The most successful days in terms of energy will be April 20, 27 and 29... In the first case, the Moon in the constellation Gemini will reward the spouses with a quiet and happy family life in which they can fully enjoy their feelings. On the 27th, the positive influence of the zodiacal Libra will be the most favorable time for entering into unions at a more mature age, when spouses make a conscious choice and are not inclined to youthful maximalism, which can become an obstacle to the formation of long relationships. On April 29, the constellation Scorpio will give a second chance to people who have already had a marriage. The decision to legitimize the union is ambiguous: you may feel jealous of your partner, but on the whole the day will be favorable and filled with positive energy.

April 7 is a bad choice... On this day, the waning Moon in the constellation Capricorn will negatively affect family relationships, and the couple can simply "get rid of" mutual love, putting personal interests and selfishness first.

May weddings in 2018

According to statistics, May has the smallest number of marriages. This is primarily due to the beliefs of our ancestors. They believed that the spouses who started a family this month would only toil with relationships, because it was in May that the main agricultural work began, and the people were not up to noisy fun.

Prejudice aside, May can be the perfect month for creating a family and a strong social unit. The numbers from 16 to 28 will be good days for the celebration. However It is undesirable to hold a wedding on May 22 and 23... The moon in the constellation Virgo will endow the union with endless everyday problems and obstacles on the path of life. Astrologers do not recommend planning a serious event in your life for these dates, in order to avoid the imminent separation of the couple.

The most successful days in May will be the 20th, 25th and 27th... These days, the energy of the Moon will reach its peak, and the created couples will be able to live hand in hand all their lives without endangering their relationship.

Weddings in June 2018

The beginning of summer, and the entire summer season, is the time for magnificent weddings and merry festivities. Warm weather and lack of cold and slush make June a very tempting month for weddings. For the period from 14 to 27 June, you can safely plan a celebration and do not deny yourself anything.

On June 25, the Moon in the growth phase will be in the constellation Sagittarius, and astrologers call this day the most successful for combining loving hearts into union. The marriage on this day will grow stronger from year to year, and the spouses will trust each other and go through life together, pursuing common interests.

The beginning of the month will be under the influence of the waning moon, and this time is the most dangerous for couples. The most negative days of the month will be June 2, 9 and 13when the threat of an imminent rupture of relations hangs over the newlyweds.

July weddings in 2018

July is a powerful month in terms of energy. Imbued with the energy of the Sun and the smell of wildflowers, it can become the most desirable for couples who have decided to legitimize their relationship. Many of the lovers prefer to celebrate their wedding in the primordial wedding rites and traditions "\u003e Russian traditions with mass celebrations and traditional dresses that are distinguished by bright colors.

Unfavorable days on which couples should abandon the idea of \u200b\u200b\\ u200b \\ u200bthe celebration will be the days from 10 to 12 July... During this period, the weakened energy of the waning moon will not contribute to the formation of strong alliances.

Weddings in August 2018

August is a month of stability. No wonder our ancestors started festive festivities this month. According to legend, dry and sunny weather during the wedding promised the newlyweds financial well-being. The energy of abundance, literally spilled in the air, makes the last summer month the most tempting one.

Favorably in August to be married on the following days: 17, 19, 24, 25, 26.

Neutral days will be: 3-6, 9, 10, 12-16, 18, 20-23, 27, 28, 31.

Dangerous days, for which astrologers do not recommend planning wedding celebrations, will be: 1, 2, 7, 8, 11, 29, 30.

Weddings in September 2018

Harmonious September endows newlyweds with a stable energy of happiness and stability. This month, as in August, there is a peak of those wishing to legitimize their relationship. People return from vacations, and warm weather with the beginning riot of colors of nature has its own magnetism that attracts romantics.

Astrologers advise couples to choose next dates for wedding: 11, 14-16, 21-24.

TO neutral days can be attributed to 10, 12, 13, 17, 19-20, 28-30.

The most negative on energy, days 3 to 6, 8, 9, 18, 27 will perform.

If you are not confident in your partner, you are afraid of the unknown, or you are simply nervous about the responsibility of a future step, avoid periods of the waning moon and give preference to those days when the night star will be at the peak of its positive capabilities.

October weddings in 2018

In the old days, October weddings were very popular. The festivities continued until Christmas, and in the middle of autumn, parents often arranged a bride for their growing daughters. The patronage of the moon this month from the 10th to the 23rd will allow the young to quickly get on their feet and gain material independence from their parents. The most positive days this month will be 14, 19, 21, 22, 26.

It is imperative to beware of making vows of eternal love from 2 to 6, 25, 27 October... These days, couples can bring envy and ill-wishers on their relationship, which in the future can cause scandals and conflicts in the family and even bring the couple to divorce proceedings.

Weddings in November 2018

Despite the weather conditions, the last month of the outgoing autumn is popular with couples. November is an exceptional month and from 6 to 26 marriage will bring good luck to partners. During this period, the growth of the moon is replaced by a decrease, but the energy of the night star will be positive or neutral. A large selection of celebration dates will help you decide on the celebration.